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OXFORD R. Nakata K. Frazier B. Hoskins C. Graham OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD 198 Madison Avenue New York,NY 10016 USA ‘Great Clarendon Steet, Oxford, ox2 607, United Kingdom ‘Oxford University Pres isa department ofthe University of Oxford. Tefurhers the University’s objective af excellence in esearch, hla, and eduction by publishing worldwide. Oxfords registred trade ‘mark of Oxford University Press in the UK andi certain other counties ‘© Oxfon University Press 2012 ‘The moral right ofthe author ave been asserted Bt published in 2012 3016-2015 2014 2033 2012 098765432 No unauthorized photocopying ‘Allright reserved. 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Unit 2 Colors and Shapes Let's Review Units 1 and 2....20 Unit 3 At the Store... Unit 4 People at Home 22 Kate Let’s Review Units 3 and 4...38 Unit 5 Happy Birthday!. Unit 6 Outdoors... Andy Let’s Review Units 5 and 6...56 Unit 7 Jenny Unit 8 Animals ... Let’s Review Units 7 and 8 ... 74 Syllabus Word List Scott Let's Talk Let’s Learn More Phonics © Phonics Let's Read Let's Review d {J Listen, point, and sing. 02 4s eho + Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff ow ave» Gg Hh Ii 2 @2 LI! Mm Na Qq Rr Ss - e »& Vv Ww X Ke Jj Fe Oo am Tt es Yy & Kk C Pp | Uu AN Zz yy Let’s count. 03 one two three four five seven eight nine ten Ask and answer. 04 T can dance. Let's Remember 3 Y Listen and say. 65 Hello. I'm Scott. What's your name? cor What’s your name? What is = What's | ee) My name is Kate. Tam =T'm 4 Unit | Things for School (Listen and sing. 07 “4 Hello, hello, hello! What's your name? Hello, hello, hello! My name is Scott. My name is Scott. Hello, Scott! Hello, Scott! ) Hello! Say and act. Ask a partner. My name is What's your name? My name is —__. vr Sis Unit | Things for School 5 Ss a (EY Learn the words. 08 oa . = Cp a |. a pencil 2.apen 3. a bag 4. a book 5. adesk 6. a chair 7. aruler 8. an era (5) Ask and answer. 09 What's this? | It's a pencil. RG Itis= It's 6 Unit | Things for School a Ask your partner. 11 7 @* Sito N. cor a Listen, point, and chant. ~ What's This? It’s a Book. fe What's this? What's this? Tt's a book. It's a book. What's this? What's this? What's this? Tt's a bag. It's a bag. What's this? What's this? Tt's a book bag. & Unit | Things for School 7 This is a globe. This is a map. | Learn the words. 14 I |. amap 2. a marker 3. aglobe 4. a table i — JexrLone : [ ia | —_ = | 1 5. a board 6. a wastebasket 7. a poster 8. acray 7 7 cot 7 (2) Make sentences. 15 ! I 7 i 1 A , = 8 Unit 1 Things for School i Play a game. Ask your partner. 17 (D) Listen and do. 1s 2. Open your book. 3. Close your book. 4. Put away your book. Unit | Things for School 9 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz ©) Listen, point, and say. (15 Bb & Pp @ - G- peach pencil pink yy © Listen, point, and chant. 30% The B P Phonics Chant Bb ball Bb boy Pp pencil Pp peach Pp pencil Bb ball Pencil ball peach YES! 10 Unit 1 Things for Schoo! Listen and read along. 21 Is this a ball? No, it isn’t. It’s a peach. eee SS Unit 1 Things for School 11 olors; and Shapes Ls al : (J Listen and say. 22 2 4 o 2 . oo” = Hi, Andy. How are you? cor How are you? a I’m . Thank you. 12. Unit 2 Colors and Shapes } b (8) Listen and sing. was Hil How Are You? Hi, how are you? I'm fine. Hi, how are you? I'm fine. Hi, how are you? T'm fine. How are you? Tm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. Unit 2 Colors and Shapes 13 GY Learn the words. 25 “aH ; <=, =. { 1. yellow 6. orange 7. brown 8. pink 9. black 10. white = (Ask and answer. 26 14 Unit 2 Colors and Shapes Make sentences. 23 cor Black Cat Song White clouds, blue sky, Black cat, yellow eyes. Black cat, blue sky, ‘Yellow, yellow eyes. Unit 2 Colors and Shapes 15 wo a een () Learn the words. 3 AnH © *® |. a triangle 2. a square 3. acircle 4. a star & a 5. a diamond 6. a heart 7. an oval 8. a rectangle fea (©) Make sentences. 32 - 16 . Unit 2 Colors and Shapes Play a game. Ask your partner. 34 (Listen and do. 35 |. Pick up your pencil. 3. Pick up a red marker. 4. Draw a picture. Unit 2 Colors and Shapes 17 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkiImnopqrstuvwxyz (J Listen, point, and say. 58 Cow & ® coat Gof mY girl gate ee ©) Listen, point, and chant. The C G Phonics Chant Cc cat Gg gate Cc cow 6g girl rc 7 coat Gqg_ goat Coat goat girl WOW! 18 Unit 2 Colors and Shapes Listen and read along. 32 f On the Farm ee . This is my blue coat. This is a brown cow. This is a green gate. | This is a black cat. Oh, no! Is this my blue coat? i zz a J Unit 2 Colors and Shapes 19 This is a white goat. ©) Play a game. Ts this an orange bag? Yes, it is. |. Say the words. 2. Make sentences. 3. Ask and answer. 4. Sing the songs. 5. Read the story. Units | and 2 Review 21 (Y Listen and say. 40 Hi, Scott. This is my friend, Sarah. Hello, Sarah. Hi, Scott. cor This is my friend, A 4" | Hello, Sarah. 22 Unit 3 At the Store Le i ith < )Listen, point, and sing. 42° This Is My Friend sis my friend, Sarah. This is my friend, Scott. Hello, Sarah! Hi, Scott! This is my friend, Sarah. This is my friend, Sarah. 7 "Hello, Sarah! This is my friend, Scott. This is my friend, Scott. Let's play! Hi, Scott! f Say and act. Introduce your friend. Bp eee Thisiis my friend, __ Unit 3 Atthe Store 23 {J Learn the words. 43. ~ DRS |. acrayon 2. a marker . a notebook 4, a pencil case a 5. crayons 6. markers 7. notebooks 8. pencil cases Dy Ask and answer. #3) How many crayons? How many crayons? One crayon. Three crayons. 24 Unit 3. At the Store Ask your partner. 46 y D) Listen, write, and sing. 43% —, How Many? Crayons, markers, pencil case, pencil case. Crayons, markers, pencil case, pencil case. 2 crayons,___ markers, __ purple pencil case. How many crayons? ____ crayons. How many markers? ___ markers. How many purple pencil cases? ___ purple pencil case. Unit 3 Atthe Store 25 3. acell phone faa @y 5. CDs 6. video games 7. cell phones 8. computers 4. a computer (5) Ask and answer. 50 és What's this? 26 Unit 3 At the Store Play a game. Ask your partner. 52 Re What are these? They're pencil cases. 6 1 3. Count the video games. 4. Count the books. Unit 3 Atthe Store 27 ‘Bhonics) Why ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkiImnopqrstuvwxyz J Listen, point, and say. 54 Da J §G Tt © 2 & iS J Listen, point, and chant. 53% The D T Phonics Chant Bd = duck Dd_ door Tt tiger Tt two Dd = duck Dd_ door Bucks and tigers at the door! 28 Unit 3 At the Store a | Listen and read along. 56 At the Toy Store Unit 3 Atthe Store 29 ! | voit People: at Home (EY Listen and say. 57 J Hi, Mom! This is my friend, Scott. It's nice to meet you, Scott. It's nice to meet you, too. 30. Unit 4 People at Home a S A ©) Listen and sing. 33% The Family Song on" This is my mother. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet a Nice to meet you, too. This is my brother. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Unit 4 People at Home 31 (£) Learn the words. 60 £8 2 |. grandmother 2. grandfather 3. mother 4. father G Py 8 4 boo . 5. sister 6. brother 7. baby sister 8. baby brother | (5) Ask and answer. ¢i Who's she? Who's he? . Who is = Who's. ay tu she Ste 's my grandmother. iShais’= She's Who’s he? He’s my grandfather. He is = He’s 32. Unit 4 People at Home (Q@Ask your partner. 3 d@ °@ ct Who's she? . She's my mother. + () Listen, point, and chant. & 4 Who's She? Who's she? Who's she? She's Marie. She's my good friend, Mary. Who's he? Who's he? He's my brother, Lee. He's my good friend, Harry. Who's he? He's my brother, Lou. Who's she? She's my sister, Sue. Unit 4 People atHome 33 1. tall 2. short 3.young 4. old 5.pretty 6.handsome (2) Make sentences. 6 She's my mother. —__ j She's pretty. CII She’s my mother. She's pretty. 34 Unit 4 People at Home + Listen, circle, and sing. & 2 Is He Short? Is He Tall? Is he short? Yes No Ts he tall? Yes No Is he young? Yes No Ts he old? Yes No Is he your @ ? a 2 a Is she tall? Yes No Is she short? Yes No Is she old? Yes No Is she young? Yes No Is she your g ee ? (@) Listen and do. «9 4 : 1,2,3,4,5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10 Y |. Say the alphabet. 2. Count to ten. 3. Read a book. 4. Write the word. Unit 4 People at Home 35 36 Unit 4 People at Home 2) SS Phonics he ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz Y Listen, ee and say. 70 apple (3 Put the sounds together. +i le] [eo] [1] ¢]/a) |p CE 3 Listen, point, and chant. 72% The A Phonics Chant Aa_ apple Aa_ cat Aa_ tap Aa_ pat Cat apple apple cat Tap an apple. Pat a cat. (D) Listen and read along. 73 Let’s Go to the Park Is this your cat? This is my bag. Yes, it is. This is my cap. -_ 4 . 2 ¥ mr Sa Who’s he? He’s my brother! Unit 4 People at Home 37 1 i Listen and check. 74 } A A B c (5) Listen and number. 75 oor 7) 38. Units 3 and 4 Revie —— ae ee ee Play a game. Ask your partner. He's my brother. { He's tall. Who's he? “Unit 3 Unit 4 |. Say the words. 2. Make sentences. 3. Ask and answer. 4. Sing the songs. 5. Read the story. ee Units 3.and4 Review 39 ( Listen and say. 02 Happy birthday, Jenny! How old are you? I'm years old. 40 Unit 5 Happy Birthday! (8) Listen and sing. 04“ Tt's your birthday today It's my birthday today. Happy birthday, Jenny! " One, two, three, four, five, | i six, seven years old! Now I'm seven years old. (eae you're seven years old < low I'm seven years old. Say and act. Ask your friends. a | How old are you? ‘ae v9 ‘a vy @ a rn = = >> » Ss years old. Unit 5 Happy Birthday! 41 (ZY Learn the words. 05 y What is it? I don’t know. It's 42 Unit 5 Happy Birthday! a (an a E le — -- |. ayo-yo 2.abaseball 3. akite 4. adoll 5. se , re? = rs ~~ 6. a robot 7. abicycle 8.ajumprope 9. a puzzle 10. a bat (Ask and answer. 0% It's a yo-yo! Guess. What is it? I. 2. 3. 4. 8. What is it? GB, this a yo-yo? Tt's a yo-yo. No, no. Tt's a little yellow yo-yo. Is this a yo-yo? ¢ What is it? No, no. : Tt's a yo-yo. Is this a yo-yo? @ Tt's a little yellow yo-yo. Yes, it is. cai Tt's a little yellow yo-yo. Unit 5 Happy Birthday! 43 ae EF 2. little 3. new 4. old J rc Cc Ly @ = 6. short 7. round 8. square — i 44 Unit 5 Happy Birthday! L " d Listen, point, and chant. 12 ds ae Is It a Big Box? | Isitabigbox? Is it alittle box? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. It's big. Is it a round box? Tt's big. No, it isn't. Is it a square box? Is it a big box? Yes, it is. Yes, it is. It's square. Tt's a big a \ 4 It's square. square box. (DP) Listen and do. 13 3. throw a ball 4. catch a ball Unit 5 Happy Birthday! 45 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz EY Listen, point, and say. 14 Eee @ % om egg bed pet peg () Put the sounds together. 15 b] [e][d pl (el [t Pl lel [g o) Listen, point, and chant. 16% The E Phonics Chant -— Ee bed Ee egg Cn Ee pet Ee peg Bed egg pet bed A pet and an egg on the bed! 46 Unit 5 Happy Birthday! ) Listen and read along. 17 Put your coat on a peg. | This is my pet. It’s a cat. | Is this an egg? _ I like eggs! Yes, it is. = : os Unit 5 Happy Birthday! 47 . sunny 2. rainy 3. windy 4. cloudy 5. snowy ? 2 as med 's the weather? It’s sunny. 48 Unit 6 Outdoors ¢ > ©) Listen, point, and sing. 20 How's the weather? It's sunny. How's the weather? Tt's sunny. How's the weather? It's sunny. It's sunny today. Unit 6 Outdoors 49 a Learn coz, Learn the words. i) ee |. a flower 2. a tree 3. acloud 5. flowers 6. trees 7. clouds (Ask and answer. @B) 50 Unit 6 Outdoors | Count. Then make sentences. | a) | There is There are Let’s Learn More % (4) Learn the words. 25 lin 2.on 3. under 4, by (Ask and answer. 26 Where's the bat? . Ge Where’s the bat? | Where are the balls? Where is = Where's 27 onthe table. | The under the table. [reise 52 Unit 6 Outdoors : } Listen, point, and sing. 28% |. Put the baseball on the table. 3. Put the baseball in the bag. Where Are the Bugs? Where are the bugs? They're on the flowers. Where are the flowers? They're by the tree. Where's the tree? It's in the puddle. Where's the puddle? ¢ a ‘ It's under the tree. « 2. Put the bat by the baseball. 4. Put the bag under the tree. Unit 6 Outdoors 53 Phonics Mp’ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkiImnopqrstuvwxyz | (Put the sounds together. $i) b [b] Plli\[y (p] i) (t a Listen, point, and chant. 32% The I Phonics Chant Ti igloo Ti dig Ii igloo Li big Dig big big dig Dig a big pit by the igloo! 54 Unit 6 Outdoors (D) Listen and read along. 33 In the Snow ee x It’s snowy. These are big squares. Let’s make an igloo. This is a big pit. et This is the baby. Let’s play! This is a bib. _ Unit 6 Outdoors 55 oad (\ Listen and check. 34 (3) Play a game. Make sentences. Is it a big robot? Where’s the jump rope? How many flowers are there? How’s the weather? It’s sunny. it 5 | Unit 6 | i | { |. Say the words. 2. Make sentences. 3. Ask and answer. 4. Sing the songs. 5. Read the story. Units 5 and 6 Review 57 I'm hungry. I'm thirsty. I want juice. I want an apple. - . Here you are. Thank you. You're welcome. 58 Unit 7 Food y © Listen, point, and sing. 37% I Want an Apple Apples, apples! Thank you. Where are the apples? Thank you very much. T'm hungry. You're welcome. T want an apple. Thank you very much. Apples, apples! You're welcome. Where are the apples? Thank you, thank you. Here you are. Thank you very much. y a Thank you very much! You're welcome! 4 v —— " Esl 1 "= — Be Unit 7 Food 59 wo Learn | (Y Learn the words. 38 7 te - © =a |. a banana 2. asoda 3. a milkshake 4. a cookie 5. a sandwich 6. a salad 7. an egg 8. an orange (2) Ask and answer. 35 T want a banana. I want an orange. What do you want? What do you want? 1 want a banana. I want an orange. 60 Unit 7 Food Ask your partner. 41 0 es sandwich Maal... es soda e egg BP salad on banana w orange ) we cookie 7 milkshake ay ) D) Listen, circle, and sing. 43 ys : What Do You Want? What do you want? What do you want? twat @ _/ @. Twant \Z~ ws @. What do you want? What do you want? Twort ¥/ @. Iwontt @ w @&. Unit 7 Food 61 ee I. chicken 2. fish i~w 5. tice | ©) Make sentences. 43 I want chicken. I don't want fish. 62 Unit 7 Food Ask and answer. Check (/). 47 Do you want Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 3. drink milk 4. brush my teeth Unit 7 Food 63 nonics Me ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz Listen, point, and say. 50 Oovs « BK octopus (Put the sounds together. Fy ) {d] fo] [t p| [0] [+ t|fo][p y Listen, point, and chant. 52 The O Phonics Chant Oo octopus Oo pot Oo octopus Oo top Pot top dot pot Octopus on top of the pot! 64 Unit 7 Food (D) Listen and read along. 8 On the Beach Where is the pot? Where is the top? I want the pot. | I want the top. What is it? It’s a dot. This is my octopus! | Look at the dots. | | Unit 7 Food 65 Listen and say. 54 oe & What's your favorite color? & x « Red. What about you? What's your favorite color? Red. What about you? T like blue. 66 Unit 8 Animals y ©) Listen, point, and sing. 36% What' What's your favorite color, Ted? ~ My favorite color is red. What's your favorite color, Jean? My favorite color is green. What's your favorite color, Jack? My favorite color is black. What's your favorite color, Sue? My favorite color is blue. @say and act. Ask your friends. ; Semone | Unit 8 Animals 67 Learn the words. 57 hh = AR € |. acat 2. adog 3. a bird 4. a rabbit 5. a frog 6. cats 7. dogs 8. birds 9. rabbits 10. frogs 68 Unit 8 Animals Ask your partner. Check (V). 60 What do you like? You Your Partner T like turtles, too. like turtles. want a turtle. want a turtle, too. Unit 8 Animals 69 é we |.amonkey 2. a lion ey 6. monkeys 7. lions (5) Make sentences. 64 70 Unit 8 Animals 45 ; 7 a —_— | (£ Learn the words. a oe « fF 3. a bear 4. a giraffe 5. an elephant ah hr at 8. bears 9. giraffes 10. elephants T like monkeys. T don't like lions. N \S I like re I don’t like . : y Listen, point, and chant. I Bo You Like Cats? * Do you like cats? Do you like birds? oe Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Do you like dogs? Do you like rabbits? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. = Do you like spiders? Do you like frogs? rs No, I don't. No, I don't. Be T don't like spiders! T don't like frogs! “’ "Vek a BS DP) Listen and do. & |. hear a lion 2. see a rabbit 3. feed a fish 4. pet a goat Unit 8 Animals 71 PEAOVREREEanet ener Beaxez abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz Y Listen, point, and say. 63 Vu ® 7 “®@ umbrella (B) Put the sounds together. «9 t] [ul] [b b] (uj [g e}[u] [p 2 cot) Listen, point, and chant. _ The U Phonics Chant UU umbrella Uu cup Uu umbrella Uu tub Bug cup bug tub Bug on an umbrella in the tub! () Listen and read along. 7 Oh, no! Is it on the umbrella? Where is my bug? No, it isn’t. ; ia —s | Is it under the tub? There it is. It’s on the ] No, it isn’t. | cup. I like bugs! ee Unit 8 Animals 73 I like fish. want ater: bananas. |. Say the words. 2. Make sentences. 3. Ask and answer. 4. Sing the songs. 5. Read the story. Units 7 and 8 Review 75

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