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Amusing and positive

Memorable events with people from other cultures

1 - Your experience
What would you do differently?

Defining culture
Culture and project management
Power distance
Individualism vs collectivism
4 - Your to-do list Hofstede dimensions Masculinity and femininity
Uncertainty avoidance
Long-term orientation

Cross-cultural Universalism versus particularism

collaboration Individualism and communitarianism
Achievement versus ascription
Trompenaars dimensions Neutral versus affective
Specific versus diffuse
3 - Your learning 2 - Book contents
Human-nature relationship
Human-time relationship
Cultural dimensions and Global Project Management
A 360° analysis of the cultural dimensions
on your project team
Real-life experience
Avoiding generalisations
Real-life experience
Building on the richness of a multicultural team
4-step framework for effective
cross-cultural project management

Global Project Management:

Find more on Communication, Collaboration
and Management Across Borders (Jean Binder, 2007)

Cross-cultural-collaboration.mmap - 21/10/2007 - Jean

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