Unit Planning Steps

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LLED 360 – Suggested Steps in Unit Planning

Step 1 – Develop your unit’s vision and purpose.

• What must I teach to fulfill BC Ministry Provincial PLOs?

• What do students already know? What do they need to know? What are their interests?
• What are your goals for student learning?
• What exactly should your students know or be able to do by the end of the unit if they have achieved the
learning goals?

Step 2 - Decide what skills, concepts and terminology will be taught or emphasized.

• Check all IRP’s (Subject specific and English Language Arts) for your specific grade level.

Step 3 - Plan a summative unit assessment.

• What will count as acceptable evidence that students have understood the unit’s learning objectives?
• How will you measure student mastery? Will there be a culminating project, writing assignment, or test?

Step 4 - Translate your learning goals into lesson objectives

• Using the PLO’s from various IRPs’ create a list of the unit goals.
• Develop rigorous, measurable, student-achievement based lesson objectives for the unit
• Group them and then order them in the order in which they will be introduced.
• Decide how much time should be devoted to each.
• Based on the unit goals, decide how many lessons will cover the unit and write specific objectives for
each lesson.

Step 5 - Sequence your content and scaffold your lesson objectives

• Consider level abilities of students.

• An effective sequence is comprised of a series of scaffolded objectives that leads to the achievement of
the big goal and builds on and extends student understanding.
• Begin with simpler, more concrete, lower- level concepts and progress to more complex, abstract, higher-
level ideas.
• Vary instructional strategies to target all learners.

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