India Hybrid and EV Incentives Working Paper ICCT 27122016

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Hybrid and Electric Vehicles in India

Current Scenario and Market Incentives
Authors: Shikha Rokadiya, Anup Bandivadekar
Date: December 2016
Keywords: Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), mild hybrids, battery electric vehicles (BEVs), life cycle emissions, total cost
of ownership (TCO)

Introduction Table 1. Components and Outlay Under FAME Scheme3

Component under FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17

BACKGROUND FAME Scheme Million INR (Million USD) Million INR (Million USD)

Cost concerns have deterred manufac- Technology Platform 700 (10.5) 1,200 (18)
turers from introducing hybrid electric Demand Incentives 1,550 (23.25) 3,400 (51)
vehicle (HEVs) and battery electric Charging Infrastructure 100 (1.5) 200 (3)
vehicle (BEV) technologies in India Pilot Projects 200 (3) 500 (7.5)
until recently, but this seems poised IEC/Operations 50 (0.75) 50 (0.75)
to change following the introduction
Total 2,600 (39) 5,350 (80.25)
of incentives to boost the penetra-
tion of these vehicles. In FY 2015-16,
hybrid and electric passenger vehicles two-year period across FY 2015-16 and STUDY OBJECTIVES
constituted approximately 1.3% of all FY 2016-17. Demand incentives, which
passenger vehicle sales in India, up Considering that the FAME scheme has
are available as a direct subsidy on
from essentially zero in FY 2012-131. been in effect for one year, and that
the retail price of eligible vehicles to
various other incentive mechanisms
consumers, are the most significant
The flagship program to boost hybrid are also available, the objectives of this
component of the scheme.3
and electric technologies in India is the study are:
Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of
(Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles (FAME) 2 1. To examine the utilization of the
scheme from the Central Government, demand incentive allocations
launched in April 2015. As outlined in 3 Distribution of national level incentives in under the FAME scheme for FY
early stage markets of Electrical Vehicle 2015-16, based on vehicle segment
Table 1, the scheme earmarks funds Initiative (EVI) countries across 2008-2012
under several components for a was: consumer incentives ~ 27%; charging
and technology.
infrastructure ~ 7%; and RD&D activities ~
2. To examine the fuel-efficiency
66%. In comparison, the outlay under India’s
FAME scheme is weighted toward consumer benefits of models currently
1 Sales data obtained for FY 2015-16 from incentives instead of RD&D components. registered under the FAME scheme.
Segment Y Automotive Intelligence Pvt. Ltd. This makes sense as India stands to gain
2 Notification S.O. 830(E). of The Gazette of from technological advances already made in 3. To examine additional central- and
India, Ministry of Heavy Industry and Public RD&D globally. However, the relative outlay state-level incentives available
Enterprises, March 13, 2015, http://www. for charging infrastructure deployment is lower under the FAME scheme compared with
for the vehicle segments and
aspx?RowId=5 early stage global programs. technologies that received

Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank Saurabh Rohilla, Preeti Jain, and Chris Cherry for their insights during the research phase, and Anand Gopal and
Ravi Gadepalli for their critical review.



demand incentives from FAME in Table 2. Range of Demand Incentives Available Across Vehicle Segments and
FY 2015-16. For the purpose of Technologies Under FAME Scheme
this study, the NCT of Delhi is
considered a benchmark state. Vehicle Mild Hybrid Strong Hybrid Plug-In Hybrid Electric
4. To examine the relative contribu- Segment INR (USD) INR (USD) INR (USD) INR (USD)
tion of all incentives considered, Two- 1,800 – 6,200 13,000 – 18,000 7,500 – 29,000

Wheelers (27 – 93) (195 – 270) (112.5 – 435)
including demand incentives
from FAME, in making hybrid and Three- 3,300 – 7,800 25,000 – 46,000 11,000 – 61,000

Wheelers (49.5 - 117) (375 – 690) (165 – 915)
electric technologies cost-com-
petitive in the Indian market. Passenger 11,000 – 24,000 59,000 – 71,000 98,000 – 1,18,000 76,000 – 1,38,000
Cars (165 – 360) (885 – 1,065) (1,470 – 1,770) (1,140 – 2,070)
5. To understand policy implications Light-
17,000 – 23,000 52,000 – 62,000 73,000 – 1,25,000 1,02,000 – 1,87,000
going forward, based on the current Commercial
(255 – 345) (780 – 930) (1,095 – 1,875) (1,530 – 2,805)
scenario of available incentives. Vehicles
30,00,000 51,00,000 –
It is important to note that because Buses –41,00,000 66,00,000 — —
consumers do not always make (45,000 – 61,500) (76,500 – 99,000)
purchasing decisions using structured * Demand incentives are also available for retrofitment kits across all vehicle segments and technolo-
cost-comparison methods, the objective gies for up to 15% to 30% of kit price depending on the amount of fuel consumption reduced, as well
of this analysis is not to comment on as price of the kit
what the “correct” level of incentives
should be, but rather to help readers as well as in achieving climate and air- to impact deployment of hybrid and
understand the relative contribution of quality benefits resulting from reduced electric technologies in India.
various incentives in making hybrid and fuel consumption.
electric technologies cost-competitive MARKET INCENTIVES IN PLACE
with conventional options on the market. Further, the scope of incentives The FAME scheme offers a subsidy
Further, because the overall goal of such considered in this analysis is limited to on the retail price of passenger cars.
incentives is to influence the market the direct fiscal benefits available at a These subsidies range as follows: for
in favor of socioeconomic outcomes national and state level. Other incentive mild hybrids, from INR 11,000 (USD
such as domestic energy security and mechanisms and promotional initia- 165) to INR 24,000 (USD 360); for
climate change mitigation, this analysis tives, both fiscal and non-fiscal in nature, strong hybrids, from INR 59,000 (USD
also aims to inform readers on such including at a city and utility level, are 885) to INR 71,000 (USD 1,065); and
contextual benefits available through also known to play an important role for electric vehicles, from INR 60,000
hybrid and electric technologies. For in the promotion of hybrid and electric (USD 900) to INR 1,34,000 (USD
perspective, crude oil imports constitute vehicle deployment6. Examples of such 2,010). Subsidies are also available
more than 30% of India’s primary energy incentive mechanisms and initiatives for two-wheelers, three-wheelers,
supply, 4 and the majority of this oil include state- and city-level technology light-commercial vehicles, buses, and
consumption is from refined petroleum deployment goals and schemes; for retrofit kits. A summary of the
products used in the transport sector5. state- and city-level incentives for available demand incentives across
Since hybrid and electric technologies creation of publicly accessible charging vehicle segments is outlined in Table
are inherently more fuel efficient than infrastructure; city-level workplace 2. The scheme has built-in perfor-
conventional technologies, they play charging programs; state-, city-, and mance criteria in terms of fuel-effi-
an important role in reducing India’s utility-level outreach and consumer ciency improvements for each vehicle
dependence on foreign energy imports awareness programs; and preferen- segment and technology category
tial and off-peak tariffs at utility level. to qualify for these incentives. The
4 The Energy and Resources Institute, “Global Such incentive mechanisms warrant scheme also indicates minimum
Oil Markets and India’s Vulnerability to Oil further investigation for their potential fuel-efficiency improvements over
Shocks,” TERI-NFA Working Paper Series No. a non-hybrid or non-electric base
18 (2014).
model, if a base model exists.
6 Nic Lutsey, Stephanie Searle, Sarah Chambliss,
5 Print Release on All India Study Report to Anup Bandivadekar, Assessment of Leading
Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell on Electric Vehicle Promotion Activities in The subsidy from the FAME scheme
Sale of Diesel and Petrol, Press Information United States Cities (ICCT: Washington DC, is not the only incentive mechanism
Bureau, Government of India (January 28, 2015).
that impacts the market for hybrid and
2014). files/publications/ICCT_EV-promotion-US-
aspx?relid=102799 cities_20150729.pdf electric vehicles in India. In addition



to FAME, the Central Government of in terms of fuel-consumption • Distribution emissions for

India and some state governments, reductions of registered hybrid gasoline or diesel from Indian
such as the Government of National and non-electric models under refineries17
Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT of the FAME scheme, in comparison
• Emissions due to fuel consump-
Delhi), provide tax incentives that treat with their non-hybrid or non-
tion from vehicle operation18,19
hybrid and electric vehicles preferen- electric base models or appro-
tially over conventional technologies. priate reference benchmarks • Incentive analysis: One way to
For example, the Central Government from the segment. Further, for understand the effectiveness of
of India levies an excise duty of up to passenger cars, fuel-consumption the various incentives is in terms
30% on conventional car technologies7 levels of the registered models of a total cost of ownership (TCO)
(determined by vehicle dimensions are also evaluated in perspective analysis of hybrid and electric
and engine capacity) while hybrid and of India’s recently implemented technologies when compared with
electric vehicles are subjected to flat fuel-consumption standards for conventional base models both
duties of 12.5% and 6%, respectively8. passenger cars that are to be with and without incentives. For
In the national FY 2016-17 budget, enforced from FY 2017-18 11 , as the purpose of this analysis, TCO
the Central Government of India also well the proposed passenger car calculations are conducted over a
subjected conventional motor vehicles fuel-efficiency labeling program. five-year period for one example
to an infrastructure cess 9 ranging Life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) across each vehicle segment
from 1% to 4% of the vehicle price emissions are also estimated and technology that received
and exempted hybrid and electric for a five-year use period for all demand incentives under the
vehicles from this cess. On the state passenger cars eligible for subsidy FAME scheme in FY 2015-16. The
government side, the NCT of Delhi under the FAME scheme and TCO calculations are based on the
has reduced its state Value Added Tax their base models. The following retail price of vehicles in the NCT
(VAT) rate from 12.5% for conventional life-cycle stages are included in of Delhi considering the various
vehicles to 5% for hybrid and electric the boundary of the analysis as subsidies and taxes in place,
vehicles in its FY 2016-17 budget 10. applicable for the model under finance costs for vehicle procure-
Manufacturers are passing on some or consideration12: ment, fuel and energy costs, main-
all of these benefits to the consumer, tenance costs, insurance costs,
• Electricity consumption from and loss in value from deprecia-
which should encourage greater sales
Indian grid13 tion. While the Regional Transport
of hybrid and electric vehicles.
• Refinery emissions for Office (RTO) charges have been
gasoline or diesel from Indian included in the TCO analysis, we
APPROACH & KEY refineries14,15,16 have not separated the road tax
ASSUMPTIONS component in this analysis.
• Fuel-efficiency evaluation: Fuel- 11 Notification S.O. 1072(E). of The Gazette of
India, Ministry of Power, April 23, 2015, https://
efficiency benefits are evaluated
7 The Central Excise Tariff 2016-17, Section XVII, 12 Upstream emissions are not included in
Chapter 86-87, Central Board of Excise and this analysis.
Customs, Government of India. http://www. 13 Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of 17 Emission factors estimated based on Power, Government of India, “CO2 Baseline petroleum product distribution emissions from
cxt-2016-17-new/chap86-87.pdf Database for the Indian Power Sector,” User pipeline, road, and rail modes as reported by
8 General Exemption No. 48 to The Central Guide Version 11 (2016). Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited in
Excise Tariff 2016-17, Central Board of Excise reports/others/thermal/tpece/cdm_sco2/ Expert Workshop organized by Petroleum
and Customs, Government of India. http:// user_guide_ver11.pdf Federation of India in October 2015. 14 Indian Oil Corporation Limited, “Sustainability 18 Notification S.O. 1072(E). of The Gazette
excise/cxt-2016-17/cx-gen-exemptn-48-52.pdf Report 2014-15,” of India, Ministry of Power, April 23, 2015,
9 D.O.F. No. 334/8/2016-TRU of The download/Sustainability_Report_2014-15.pdf
Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, 15 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, ctools/Notification%2023.4.2015.pdf
Government of India, February 29, 2016, “Sustainable Development Report 2015-16,” 19 “Expert Workshop on Carbon Emission Management jointly with World Petroleum
cbec/ub1617/do-ltr-jstru1-revised.pdf BPCL_SDR%202015_2016.pdf Council,” Petroleum Federation of India,
10 Budget 2016-17 of The Government of NCT of 16 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, accessed October 3, 2016, http://www.
Delhi, “Sustainability Report 2014-15,” http://www.
DoIT_Planning/planning/budget+of+delhi/ carbon-emission-management-jointly-with-
budget+2016-17 HPCL_SustainabilityReport_2014-15.pdf world-petroleum-council



Utilization of Demand Table 3. Number of Models Currently Eligible under FAME Scheme and Unit Sales for
FY 2015-1620
Incentives under FAME
Scheme for FY 2015-16 Battery-Operated
Mild Hybrid Strong Hybrid Plug-In Hybrid Electric
While the FAME scheme provides Eligible Models Eligible Models Eligible Models Eligible Models
incentives for all market segments, Vehicle Category (Units sold) (Units sold) (Units sold) (Units sold)
presently only passenger car and two- 24
Two-Wheelers — — —
wheeler models appear to be taking (17,836)
advantage of the scheme. A summary Three-Wheelers — — — —
of the registered models under the 2 1 2
Passenger Cars —
FAME scheme is outlined in Table 3.2021 (33,394) (911) (790)
Based on the sales data for the above Commercial — — — —
models for FY 2015-16, the outflow from Vehicles
demand incentives under the FAME Buses — — — —
scheme for FY 2015-16 is presented in Retrofitment kits —
Table 4 and Figure 1, and stands under-
utilized at 47% of the allocated amount.
Total Disbursement of FAME Subsidy basis FY 2015-16 Sales Million INR (Million USD)
Table 4. Utilization of Demand Incentives
Under FAME Scheme 97.96 (1.46) Battery-Operated Electric
500 Strong Hybrid
Total outlay available for 63.77 (0.96)
1,550 400 Mild Hybrid
FY 2015-16 in INR Million
(23.25) Plug-In Hybrid
(USD Million):
Total outflow basis FY 434.12 (6.51)
2015-16 sales in INR Million 733.3 (11) 200
(USD Million): 100
137.40 (2.06)
Total outflow to date in
821.6 (12.32) 0
INR Million (USD Million)21:
Two-Wheelers Three- Passenger Light-Commercial Buses
(including low Wheelers Cars Vehicles
speed exempt
Passenger cars constituted 81.3% of category)
the total demand incentive utilization
in FY 2015-16; two-wheelers were the Figure 1. Utilization of Demand Incentives Under FAME Scheme by Vehicle Segment –
remaining 18.7%. Within the outflow FY 2015-16
to passenger cars, 73% of the funds
were utilized by mild hybrid cars, forward, hybrid buses hold potential Fuel Efficiency and Life-
11% by strong hybrid cars, and 16% to gain significantly under FAME,
Cycle Emissions Evaluation
by battery-operated electric cars. All as the allocations available cover a
the two-wheelers registered under significant portion of the technology
of Vehicles Registered
the scheme are battery-operated costs.22,23 under FAME Scheme
electric models. There are no eligible
models registered under the scheme PASSENGER CARS
across other vehicle segments. Going In the passenger car segment, there
22 Sameer Contractor, “Volvo Delivers India’s
First Hybrid Bus to Navi Mumbai,” NDTV, are two diesel-based mild hybrid
February 15, 2016, models from Maruti Suzuki, one
20 As per The Department of Heavy Industries, volvo-delivers-indias-first-hybrid-bus-to-navi-
Government of India, data shared via press- mumbai-1277618 gasoline-based strong hybrid model
conference (2016). 23 Tata Motors, “Tata Motors Bags for 25 Hybrid from Toyota, and two battery electric
21 “Total Incentive Amount Utilized Under Buses from MMRDA,” Press Release, March vehicle models from Mahindra &
FAME-India,” National Automotive Board, 16, 2016,
Government of India, accessed August 17, tata-motors-bags-order-for-25-hybrid-buses-
Mahindra that are currently eligible
2016, from-mmrda/ to receive demand incentives under



Table 5. Passenger Cars Currently Eligible for Demand Incentives Under FAME Scheme

Gasoline Life-Cycle
Curb Equivalent Fuel CO2e Emissions
Weight Length Displacement Price Range Consumption27 (Tonnes/5
Vehicle Technology Segment25 (kg) (mm) (cc) (INR Lakhs)26 (liter/100 km) years)
Maruti Ciaz Mild Hybrid
Midsize 1,115 4,490 1,248 8 to 10.5 3.98 6.73
SHVS (Diesel)
Maruti Ertiga Mild Hybrid
Vehicle 1,235 4,265 1,248 7.5 to 9.5 4.55 7.71
SHVS (Diesel)
Toyota Camry Strong Hybrid
Premium 1,635 4,850 2,494 28 to 32 5.22 8.12
Hybrid (Gasoline)
Mahindra e2o Operated Mini 830 3,280 NA 4.5 to 7.5 0.86 5.06
Operated Midsize 1,140 4,277 NA 9.5 - 10 1.47 9.94

the FAME scheme 24. A summary of 13

the specifications and fuel consump-
Gasoline Equivalent Fuel Consumption (l/100 km)

1 Star
tion of these models is presented in
Table 5. There are a few imported 11
2 Star
u n i t s s u c h a s t h e Toyo t a P r i u s
(gasoline-based strong hybrid) and
the BMW i8 (gasoline-based plug-in Toyota Camry AT 2.5L AT d 3 Star
hybrid) also available on the Indian -1 8 Sta
2017 4 Star
Maruti Ertiga Vdi
market, however demand incentives dard
7 3 Stan
under the FAME scheme are available Mahindra Verito 2022-2 5 Star

o n l y t o ve h i c l e s m a n u f a c t u re d
(assembled) in India.25 26 27 5
Toyota Camry Hybrid
Maruti Ertiga VDI SHVS
The Maruti Ciaz SHVS and Ertiga SHVS Maruti Ciaz VDI SHVS
Maruti Ciaz VDI
are based on lead-acid batteries, while
the Toyota Camry Hybrid, Mahindra
e2o, and Mahindra eVerito are based Mahindra E Verito D2
on advanced lithium ion battery 1

Curb Weight (kg)
Fuel Efficiency Evaluation
In 2015, the Government of India Figure 2. Fuel Consumption of Hybrid and Electric Models and Their Base Models
announced corporate average weight-
based fuel-consumption standards for passenger cars, with phase-wise also fall under the 5-star fuel efficiency
targets declared for FY 2017-18 to FY label as per the star labeling methodol-
24 “Models Available Under the FAME Scheme,” 20121-22, and FY 2022-23 onward. As ogy proposed by the government’s
National Automotive Board, Government of depicted in Figure 2, the fuel consump- Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).28
India, accessed August 17, 2016, http://fame- Efficiency gains of the registered
tion for the eligible models under the
25 As per classification mechanism adopted by FAME scheme all come well under the hybrid and electric models under the
Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers 2017-18 standard limit of about 5.5
26 Retail price in Delhi (1 INR lakh ~ USD 1,500) gasoline equivalent liters/100 km (or 28 A star label rating of 5 corresponds to being
27 As per fuel economy values under test among the most energy-efficient option on
conditions certified by Automotive Research 130 g/km when expressed in terms of the market for the vehicle weight and a rating
Authority of India CO2 emissions). All of the above models of 1 corresponds to the least energy efficient.



FAME scheme compared with their Table 6. Fuel Consumption Savings of Models Under FAME Scheme Compared with
base models are presented in Table 6. Base Models.

Sales of hybrid and electric passenger Hybrid/Electric Model Non-Hybrid/Non-Electric Gasoline Equivalent Fuel
(BEE Fuel Efficiency Base Model (BEE Fuel Consumption Reduction
cars in India in FY 2015-16 resulted Technology Star Rating) Efficiency Star Rating) over Base Model
in fuel-consumption reductions of
Maruti Ciaz
approximately 2.97 million gasoline Diesel-Based Maruti Ciaz VDI
Mild Hybrid (5-Star)
equivalent liters. This is based on the (5-Star)
assumption that a unit sale of a hybrid Maruti Ertiga
Diesel-Based Maruti Ertiga VDI
or electric model displaced a unit sale VDI SHVS 15%
Mild Hybrid (4-Star)
of a corresponding base model from (5-Star)
the market.29 30 Gasoline-
Toyota Camry Hybrid Toyota Camry AT 2.5 L
Based Strong 32%
(5-Star) (2-Star)
Life-Cycle Emissions Analysis
As can be seen in Figure 3, emissions Mahindra E-Verito D2 Mahindra Verito D2
Operated 68%
(5-Star) (4-Star)
for electric models are due to elec- Electric
tricity consumption from the Indian Battery-
Mahindra e2o
grid (including transmission and dis- Operated — —
tribution efficiencies), while for the Electric

2% 14
12% 15% Vehicle Operation Grid Refining Distribution


Metric Tonne CO2e

Large Hydro Diesel
Coal Nuclear
Gas Renewable

Figure 4. Composition of Indian Grid by 2

Source as of FY 2014-1530

Mahindra Mahindra Toyota Toyota Maruti Maruti Mahindra Maruti Maruti
E Verito E2O T0 Camry AT Camry Ciaz VDI Ciaz VDI Verito 1.5 Ertiga Ertiga VDI
D2 2.5L AT Hybrid SHVS D2 Vdi SHVS


29 As the Mahindra e2o is not based on a
conventional technology base model, the
Figure 3. Total Life Cycle Emissions Over 5-year Use Period of Electric and Hybrid Cars
Maruti 800 Alto, the top-selling model from
e2o’s corresponding market segment (the and Their Base Models
e2o is classified as a “Mini” according to
segment definitions adopted by the Society gasoline- and diesel-based models, power plants forming the majority of
of Indian Automobile manufacturers) is
the majority of the emissions are on the total installed capacity.
considered as a reference benchmark for
estimating fuel consumption savings. account of fuel consumption during
30 Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of vehicle operation. The current electricity mix in India
Power, Government of India, “CO2 Baseline is coal heavy, however India has
Database for the Indian Power Sector,” User As outlined in Figure 4, the current announced its intent to reduce the
Guide Version 11 (2016).
Indian grid is powered by predomi- carbon intensity of its grid by scaling
user_guide_ver11.pdf nantly thermal sources with coal-fired up renewable power generation



capacity from 36 GW in 2015 to 175 Table 7. Electric Two-Wheelers on the Indian Market
GW by 2022,31 as per India’s Intended
Maximum Curb Price Gasoline Equivalent Life-Cycle
Nationally Determined Contribution Speed Weight (INR Fuel Consumption CO2e Emissions
(INDC) under the United Nations Vehicle (kmph) (kg) Thousand) (l/100 km) (tonnes/ 5 years)
Framework Convention on Climate Ajanta J-500
35.00 0.32 1.90
Change This is expected to result in an Plus Available
abatement of an estimated 326 million Ampere V48 25 85 37.27 Not Available No data

tonnes of CO 2e per year. Further, it Ampere V60 25 100 47.92 Not Available No data

is reported that the efficiencies of Avon Escoot Not

24 33.50 Not Available No data
207 Available
power generation32 as well as trans-
mission and distribution 33 in India Avon E Mate 24 45.00 Not Available No data
are significantly lower than global Not Not
Breeze Lite 25 Not Available No data
averages, and improvement of effi- Available Available
ciencies in the power sector have also Yo Electron ER 25 84 30.00 0.23 1.36
been recognized as a priority in the Yo Explor 25 86 34.76 0.27 1.58
INDC34. Thus, the life-cycle emissions Yo Spark 45 114 47.13 0.45 2.66
intensity of electric vehicles in India Yo Exl ER 55 138 51.81 0.70 4.11
are poised for substantial reductions Hero Maxi 25 75 35.49 0.18 1.08
in the near term in alignment with Not Not
Hero Zion 25 Not Available No data
Available Available
India’s post 2020 climate action
Hero Optima
plans. Thus, it is important to build 25 82 40.19 0.18 1.08
up markets for electric mobility in a
Hero E-Sprint 45 106 47.69 Not Available No data
parallel timeframe as the renewable Hero Photon 45 111 48.49 Not Available No data
energy footprint and energy efficiency Hero Cruz 25 75 42.89 0.18 1.08
of India’s power sector undergo trans- Not Not
formational improvements. Hero Wave 25 Not Available No data
Available Available
Hero Wave DX Not
25 48.19 0.19 1.14
Extra Mile Available
TWO-WHEELERS Hero Optima Not Not
25 Not Available No data
There are 24 two-wheeler models, all DX Available Available
battery-operated electric, registered Not
Hero NYX 25 39.19 0.18 1.08
Lohia OMA
31 Print Release on India’s Nationally Determined 25 89 35.50 0.32 1.90
Contribution, Press Information Bureau,
Government of India (October 2, 2015). Lohia OMA Not
25 41.5 0.24 1.42 Star DX Available
aspx?relid=128403 Lohia Genius 25 89 32.5 0.28 1.63
32 Center for Science and Environment, “India’s
first-ever environmental rating of coal-based *All listed models are based on conventional lead-acid batteries.
power plants finds the sector’s performance
to be way below global benchmarks,” CSE
Webnet, February 2015, http://cseindia. to receive demand incentives under yet to be launched in the market 35.
org/content/india%E2%80%99s-first- the FAME scheme. Nineteen of the 24 L i t h i u m - b a s e d b a t te r i e s h ave a
power-plants-finds-sector%E2%80%99s- models are low-speed scooters with higher energy density than lead-acid
performance maximum power output of less than batteries (thus being lighter for a given
33 United States Energy Information 250 watts and maximum speed of 25 capacity and increasing efficiency),
Administration, “India aims to reduce high
kilometers per hour. All but one of the have a longer life cycle (> 2,000
electricity transmission and distribution
system losses,” Today in Energy, October models are based on conventional charges) than lead-acid batteries
22 2015,
lead-acid battery technology, while ( 3 0 0 to 4 0 0 c h a rg e s) , a n d a re
one low-speed electric model (Hero capable of fast charging (up to 80%
34 Print Release on India’s Nationally Determined
Contribution, Press Information Bureau, Optima Dx Li) based on advanced
Government of India (October 2, 2015). 35 “Optima DX Li,” Hero Electric, accessed
l i t h i u m i o n b a t te r y te c h n o l o g y. July 6, 2016,
aspx?relid=128403 However, the Hero Optima Dx Li has dx-li-ion/



charge in 30 minutes) compared with Table 8. Fuel Consumption Limits for Two-Wheelers Under FAME Scheme Compared with
lead-acid batteries (7-8 hours for a full Non-Electric Benchmark
charge). Further, lead-acid batteries
are also associated with higher Maximum Equivalent Fuel Life-Cycle CO2e
environmental risks on account of Maximum Power Output Consumption Emissions
potential lead leakage that may occur Speed (kmph) (W) (l/100 km) (tons/5 years)
in the recycling and disposal process. Low-Speed
25 250 < 0.51 < 3.04
Electric Scooters
However, lithium-based batteries
have a higher upfront purchase cost 45 - 55 1,500 – 1,800 < 0.82 < 4.86
Electric Scooters
than lead-acid batteries. For example,
Honda Activa 3G 82 5,966 1.5 2.33
it is reported that the Hero Optima Dx
Li is likely to be priced upward of INR
scheme. These energy consumption ronmental impacts. As summarized in
60,000 (~ USD 900) in Delhi36, while
limits are used as a perspective for Table 9, the Indian models are more
the average cost of lead-acid-based
comparison against the non-electric comparable in design to compete
low-speed scooters in Delhi is about
reference benchmark. A summary with the performance of bulkier
INR 30,000 (USD 450).
of the maximum fuel consumption g a s o l i n e - p owe re d c o nve n t i o n a l
A summary of the available specifica- for electric two-wheelers under the scooters prevalent in the market. The
tions and fuel consumption data of FAME scheme compared with the widespread penetration of electric
the registered models available on the Honda Activa 3G is presented in two-wheelers in China is attributed
market is presented in Table 7. Table 8. majorly to government restrictions on
gasoline-powered scooters in certain
The above models are part of an all- Electric scooter manufacturers in cities as well as access to a well-
electric two-wheeler series from the India do not disclose energy con- developed bicycling infrastructure
manufacturers, and do not have cor- sumption data. It is reported in the that provides safe driving lanes39.
responding non-electric base models. literature 37 that the average energy
In this case, the top-selling two- consumption of electric scooters in Table 9. Comparison of Electric Scooter
wheeler scooter in the Indian market, India is about 3.3 kWh/100 km, or Design in India and China
the Honda Activa 3G, is considered as 0.34 gasoline equivalent l/100 km.
Parameter India China
a reference benchmark. As electrical
It is interesting to note the differences Weight >85 kg < 60 kg
energy consumption values were not
between electric scooters on the 25 kmph to
available for all the registered two- Speed < 40 kmph
Indian market and electric scooters 55 kmph
wheelers under the FAME scheme,
in China, which is the global leader in 250 W to
it was not possible to compute the Power < 500 W
electric two-wheeler manufacturing 1,500 W
gasoline equivalent fuel consumption
and use 38. While lead-acid batteries Battery
values for all of the models. However, Lead Acid Lead Acid
are still the most prevalent battery Type
the FAME scheme caps the maximum
type in both markets, Chinese regula- ~ 35 million
energy consumption from low- and Annual ~ 17,000 units
tions promote low-weight, low-power, Sales (2015-16)
high-speed electric two-wheelers at (2012)
low-speed design, with a view toward
5 kWh/100 km and 8 kWh/100 km,
passenger safety and reduced envi-
respectively, as eligibility criteria to
receive demand incentives under the
37 Saxena et al. “Electrical consumption of
two-, three- and four-wheel light-duty electric
vehicles in India,” Applied Energy, 2014, 115:
36 Ajinkya Paralinkar, “Pricing of Hero Optima 582-590 doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.10.043 39 The Asian Development Bank, “Electric
DX in Various States,” DriveSpark, July 9, 38 International Energy Agency, “Global EV Two-Wheelers in India and Vietnam, Market
2016, Outlook,” Publications (2016). https://www. Analysis and Environmental Impacts,” (2009).
bike-price-015672.html publication/Global_EV_Outlook_2016.pdf publication/27519/electric-bikes-ind-vie.pdf



Incentive Analysis Table 10. Central Excise Duty Tariffs on Motor Vehicles

To understand the relative contribution Central

of FAME in bringing down the costs of Excise
Vehicle Category Duty
hybrid and electric technologies in the
Indian market, it is important to also Length < 4m, gasoline/LPG/CNG, and engine capacity < 1200 cc 12.5%
consider other incentive mechanisms Length < 4m, diesel, and engine capacity < 1500 cc 12.5%
that significantly impact cost of Length < 4m, gasoline/LPG/CNG, and engine capacity > 1200 cc but < 1500 cc 24%
ownership at a consumer level. Length > 4m and engine capacity < 1500cc 24%
Length > 4m and engine capacity > 1500cc 27%
CENTRAL EXCISE DUTY Length > 4m, engine capacity > 1500cc, and ground clearance >170mm
(SUVs and MUVs)
Central Excise Duty in India is an
Buses 12.5%
indirect tax levied on all goods manu-
Trucks 12.5%
factured in India. The duty is paid by
manufacturers, who pass that cost on Three wheelers 12.5%
to consumers. As outlined in Table 10, Two wheelers 12.5%
hybrid and electric vehicles are Hybrid cars 12.5%
subjected to reduced central excise Electric Cars, Buses, Two Wheelers, Three Wheelers 6%
duty rates compared with the tariffs
for conventional technologies. Table 11. Central Infrastructure Cess on Motor Vehicles


An infrastructure cess was put in Ambulances 0%

place for passenger vehicles in India Taxis 0%
in 2016, as an additional excise duty Battery electric vehicles 0%
to be paid by manufacturers. As Hybrid motor vehicles 0%
outlined in Table 11, hybrid and electric Three-wheeled vehicles 0%
vehicles are exempt from this cess.
Cars for physically handicapped persons 0%
It is expected that manufacturers of
Hydrogen vehicles based on fuel cell technology 0%
non-exempt vehicles will pass on the
incidence of this tax to consumers. Petrol, LPG, CNG vehicles, length < 4000 mm, engine capacity < 1200 cc 1%
Diesel vehicles, length < 4000 mm, engine capacity < 1500 cc 2.5%
All categories other than above 4%



STATE VALUE ADDED TAX (VAT) Table 12. VAT Rates for Electric Vehicles in India

VAT is a type of a state sales tax that VAT on Conventional

is collected by sellers from buyers State VAT on Electric Vehicles Vehicles
at every point of value-addition in Delhi40 5.0% 12.5%
the manufacturing and distribution Haryana41 5.0% 12.5%
supply chain, and ultimately borne Chandigarh 42
0.0% 12.5%
by the end consumer. The tariff for
Punjab43 14.3% 14.3%
VAT differs across states. As outlined
Rajasthan44 0.0% 14.5%
in Table 12, many states in India have
now declared a reduced VAT rate for Uttrakhand45 0.0% 12.5%
electric vehicles, while the NCT of Delhi Uttar Pradesh46 12.5% 12.5%
extends its reduced VAT tariffs to both Bihar47, 48 15% 15%
electric and hybrid vehicles. 40,41,42,43, Jharkhand49 12.5% 12.5%
Odisha50 5.0% 12.5%
West Bengal51 5.0% 14.5%
Gujarat52 5.0% 12.5%
Maharashtra 53
5.5% 12.5%
40 “Budget 2016-17,” Government of NCT of
Delhi, accessed September 16, http://delhi. Goa54 12.5% 12.5%
Madhya Pradesh55 5.0% 12.5%
41 “VAT Schedules,” Excise and Taxation Chhattisgarh56 0.0% 14%
Department, Government of Haryana,
Tamil Nadu57 5.0% 14.5%
accessed September 16, 2016, https:// Kerala58 5.0% 14.5%
Karnataka59 5.5% 14%
book_11#wlp_HaryanaExcise_portal_book_11 Andhra Pradesh 60
5.0% 14.5%
42 “VAT Schedules,” Excise and Taxation
Department, Chandigarh Administration, 49,50,51,52,53 54,55,56,57,58,59,60
accessed September 16, 2016, http://etdut.
43 “Punjab VAT Schedules,” Excise and 49 “VAT Schedule,” Commercial
Taxation Department, Government of Taxes Department, Government of 54 “Tax Rate Schedules,” Department of
Punjab, accessed September 16, 2016, Jharkhand, accessed September 16, Commercial Taxes, Government of Goa, 2016, http://www.jharkhandcomtax. accessed September 19, 2016, http://
nfpb=true&_pageLabel=PunjabExcise_ SCHEDULE+%E2%80%93+II+PART- php?cid=35
portal_page_100#wlp_PunjabExcise_ D/01c7dedd-31f0-4ef8-956b- 55 “VAT Schedule,” Department of Commercial
portal_page_100 b820fefb8e9b?version=1.1 Tax, Government of Madhya Pradesh,
44 “VAT Schedules,” Commercial Taxes 50 “VAT Schedules,” Commercial Tax accessed September 19, 2016, https://mptax.
Department, Government of Rajasthan, Organization, Govern
accessed September 16, 2016, http://rajtax. 50 “VAT Schedules,” Commercial Tax atch=displayVATScheduleDetails Organization, Government of Odisha, 56 “VAT Rate,” Commercial Tax Department,
45 “Tax Rates,” Commercial Tax Department, accessed September 16, 2016, https:// Government of Chattisgarh, accessed
Government of Uttarakhand, accessed September 19, 2016,
September 16, 2016, 51 “Schedules under the West Bengal Value pages/tax_rates.htm
pages/show/1674-tax-rates Added Tax Act,” West Bengal Commercial 57 “VAT Schedules,” Commercial Taxes
46 “VAT Schedule,” Uttar Pradesh Commercial Tax Department, accessed September 16, Department, Government of Tamil Nadu,
Taxes Department, http://comtax.up.nic. 2016, accessed September 19, 2016, http://
in/Vat_Act/UPVAT%20SCHEDULE%20 Schedule_Form/VAT_Schedules_20160113.pdf
Updated%20upto%20dt%2012-03-2015.pdf 52 “VAT Schedule,” Gujarat Commercial Tax SCHEDULE_201516.pdf
47 Press Trust of India, “Bihar Legislative Department, accessed September 16, 58 “Tax Rate,” Commercial Taxes Department,
Council passes VAT Amendment Bill 2016, Government of Kerala, accessed September
2016,” India Today, August 4, 2016, in/vatwebsite/schedules/schedulesMain. 19, 2016, jsp?viewPageNo=1 59 “Tax Rates,” Commercial Taxes Department,
legislative-council-passes-vat-amendment- 53 “VAT Schedule,” Department of Sales Tax, Government of Karnataka, accessed
bill-2016/1/731685.html Government of Maharashtra, accessed September 19, 2016,
48 “VAT Schedule,” Commercial Taxes September 16, 2016, tax_rates/kvat/VAT_RATE%20OF%20TAX.pdf
Department, Government of Bihar, in/Mahavat/MyFold/KNOWLEDGE%20 60 “Tax Rates,” Commercial Taxes Department,
accessed September 16, 2016, https://www. CENTER/RATE%20SCHEDULE/ Government of Andhra Pradesh, accessed KNOW_RATESCHEDULE/S%20C%20H%20 September 19, 2016,
topmenuMain.jsp?viewPageNo=33 E%20D%20U%20L%20E.pdf apportal/index.aspx



ADDITIONAL STATE SUBSIDIES Table 13. Subsidy for Battery Electric Vehicles from the Delhi Pollution Control Committee

The Government of NCT of Delhi Type of Vehicle Vehicle Base Price Subsidy Amount
created an “Air Ambience Fund” Four-Wheeled < INR 5 lakhs (< USD 7,500) INR 30,000 (USD 450)
in 2008, which is funded by a cess Four-Wheeled > INR 5 lakhs (> USD 7,500) INR 150,000 (USD 2,250)
collected on the sale of diesel fuel. The
Two-Wheeled < INR 20,000 (> USD 300) INR 1,000 (USD 15)
cess continues to be in effect and part
> INR 20,000 < INR 25,000
of the proceeds are being utilized to Two-Wheeled INR 2,000 (USD 30)
(> USD 300 < INR 375)
provide cash subsidies to consumers
Two-Wheeled > INR 25,000 (> USD 375) INR 5,500 (USD 82.5)
on purchasing battery electric vehicles
two-, three-, and four-wheeled vehicles. Three-Wheeled
— INR 15,000 (USD 225)
The Delhi Pollution Control Committee
(DPCC) manages the fund. Unlike the
Table 14. Collections and Utilization of Air Ambience Fund for Incentivizing Electric Vehicles62
demand incentive subsidy under the
FAME scheme (available as a direct Cumulative Utilization
discount on the retail price from the Cumulative Fund toward Battery Electric
dealer), the DPCC subsidy is deposited Year Collections Vehicle Subsidy Million INR % Utilization on
(Up to) Million INR (Million USD) (Million USD) Cumulative Basis
into the bank account of the consumer
FY 2008-09 383.2 (5.75) — —
subsequent to an application made
to the DPCC demonstrating proof of FY 2009-10 688.8 (10.33) 41.2 (0.62) 5.98%
purchase. Based on feedback from FY 2010-11 893.5 (13.40) 181.2 (2.72) 20.28%
the market, the subsidy is available to FY 2011-12 1160.4 (17.41) 307.0 (4.61) 26.46%
the consumer three to four months FY 2012-13 1442.0 (21.63) 395.8 (5.94) 27.45%
after vehicle purchase. A summary of FY 2013-14 1754.5(26.32) 428.6 (6.43) 24.43%
the available subsidies by the DPCC is
FY 2014-15 3856.5 (57.85) 495.7 (7.44) 12.86%
presented in Table 13.

While some portions of the Air tions increased by 120% in 2014-15 alone TCO – PASSENGER CARS
Ambience Fund have been used toward compared with cumulative collections
The total cost of ownership is estimated
other environmental projects such in 2013-14. This indicates an increase in
for one representative passenger car
as development of hazardous waste diesel consumption corresponding with
technology that received a subsidy
treatment and disposal facilities in the the fall in crude oil prices starting in
under the FAME scheme, both with
early years of its inception, it is reported 2014-15. A summary of the cumulative
and without applicable central- and
that the majority of the fund utilizations collections and utilizations made under
state-level incentives described earlier.
to date have gone toward subsidizing the Air Ambience Fund is presented in
The TCO is then compared with its
battery electric vehicles. However, as Table 14.62
base non-hybrid or non-electric model.
per the disbursement accounts released
As can be seen from the above table,
by the Government of NCT of Delhi61, Example
fund collections are high and utilizations
utilization rates for such subsidies Technology Considered Base Model
are low. There is significant opportunity
have been low, at an average of 20% Maruti Ciaz Maruti Ciaz
for the Government of NCT of Delhi to Mild Hybrid
of total collections, indicating low
further increase the subsidy allocation
demand and supply for battery electric Toyota Toyota
toward battery electric vehicles on Strong
vehicles. Further, while fund collections Camry Camry 2.5L
the market, including the possibil- Hybrid
Hybrid AT
increased at an average year-on-year
ity of allocating funds for creation of Battery-
rate of about 37% as of 2013-14, collec- Mahindra Mahindra
charging infrastructure across the NCT. Operated
E-Verito D2 Verito D2

61 Government of NCT of Delhi, “Economic 62 Government of NCT of Delhi, “Economic

Survey of Delhi for FY 2014-15,” (2015), Survey of Delhi for FY 2014-15,” The TCO is computed consider- (2015), ing vehicle ownership in the NCT of
connect/DoIT_Planning/planning/ connect/DoIT_Planning/planning/
economic+survey+of+dehli/economic+survey economic+survey+of+dehli/economic+survey Delhi over a five-year period with the
+of+delhi+2014+-+2015 +of+delhi+2014+-+2015 following costs accounted for:



• Purchase costs63 Total Cost of Ownership - 5 Years • The TCO for the strong hybrid is
(INR Lakhs - Delhi) Mild Hybrid Example
approximately 1% lower than its
• Fuel costs 14.00 TCO:
Total Cost Reduction
without base model with incentives, and
• Insurance costs from Incentives
23% higher without any incentives.
10.00 TCO:
• Maintenance costs with • The most significant incentive
• Depreciation 6.00 contributions come from the
reductions in central excise duty
The following figures depict the and VAT tariffs in the NCT of Delhi
TCO comparisons for examples from for strong hybrids compared with
each technology segment to their Maruti Maruti Ciaz conventional technologies.
base models: mild hybrid (Figure 5, Ciaz VDI VDI SHVS
• The demand incentive subsidy
Figure 6); strong hybrid (Figure 7, Retail Price Excise Duty Incentive available from FAME makes up just
Figure 8); and battery electric vehicles Infrastructure FAME Subsidy
Cess Incentive
8% of the total incentives available.
(Figure 9, Figure 10). Delhi VAT Incentive
• With tax incentives in place, the
Mild Hybrids Figure 5. Total Cost of Ownership With strong hybrid is cost-competitive
and Without Incentives – Mild Hybrid with its base model. This is reflected
The Maruti Ciaz SHVS was used for the Compared with Base Model in recent sales: In FY 2015-16, sales
TCO mild hybrid diesel sedan analysis, * One INR Lakh = USD 1,500; Retail price is for the Toyota Camry Hybrid were
which found: inclusive of all subsidies. more than seven times higher than
its base model, albeit both at a
• The TCO for the mild hybrid is
very low level64.
approximately 5% lower than its 7%
base model with incentives, and
14% Total Cost of Ownership - 5 Years
14% higher without any incentives. 41% (INR Lakhs - Delhi) Strong Hybrid Example
45.00 TCO:
• The most significant incentive without
40.00 Total Cost Reduction Incentives
contributions are reductions from Incentives
35.00 TCO:
in central excise duty and VAT with
tariffs in the NCT of Delhi for mild 25.00
hybrids compared with conven- 20.00
tional technologies. 15.00
Excise Duty Incentive 10.00
• The demand incentive subsidy
Delhi VAT Incentive 5.00
available from FAME made up just Infrastructure Cess Incentive
7% of the total incentives available. FAME Subsidy Toyota Camry Toyota Camry
• Maruti has discontinued the base AT 2.5L AT Hybrid
Figure 6. Relative Contribution of Total
models altogether upon launch Incentives – Mild Hybrid Example Retail Price Excise Duty Incentive
of the mild hybrid models and all Infrastructure FAME Subsidy
Cess Incentive Delhi VAT Incentive
diesel versions of the Ciaz are now Strong Hybrids
available only in the SHVS variant. Figure 7. Total Cost of Ownership with and
The Toyota Camry Hybrid was used for without Incentives – Strong Hybrid Example
the strong hybrid gasoline sedan TCO
 ne INR Lakh = USD 1,500; Retail price is
analysis, which found: inclusive of all subsidies.

63 As per standard market practice, it is assumed

that 85% of the retail price of the vehicle is
financed through a five-year loan at an annual 64 Sales data obtained for FY 2015-16 from
interest rate of 10.5%. Segment Y Automotive Intelligence Pvt. Ltd.



• The total sales for battery-oper- TCO – TWO-WHEELERS
ated electric cars in India in FY
The TCO is estimated for one example
12% 2015-16 was very small, with less
each of high-speed and low-speed
45% than 1,000 units sold65.
battery-operated electric two-wheeler
types that received a subsidy under
Total Cost of Ownership - 5 Years
(INR Lakhs - Delhi) Electric Vehicle Example the FAME scheme, both with and
16.00 without applicable central- and state-
level incentives described earlier.
Total Cost Reduction
Incentives Because all the electric two-wheelers
Excise Duty Incentive
from Incentives on the market currently are part of a
Delhi VAT Incentive 10.00
completely electric lineup of models
Infrastructure Cess Incentive
with from their respective manufacturers,
FAME Subsidy there is no base model in this case
Figure 8. Relative Contribution of Total
for comparison. In lieu, the TCO is
Incentives – Strong Hybrid Example
4.00 compared to the top-selling conven-
2.00 tional scooter on the Indian market,
the Honda Activa 3G.
Battery-Operated Electric 0.00
Mahindra Mahindra E
The recently launched battery-oper- Verito 1.5 D2 Verito D2 The TCO is computed consider-
ated electric sedan, the Mahindra Retail Price FAME Subsidy
ing vehicle ownership in the NCT of
E-Verito, was used for the TCO analysis, Infrastructure Delhi VAT Incentive Delhi over a five-year period with the
which found: Cess Incentive DPCC Subsidy following costs accounted for:
Excise Duty Incentive

• The TCO for the battery-operated • Purchase costs66

electric is approximately 1% higher Figure 9. TCO With and Without
Incentives – Battery-Operated Electric • Fuel costs
than its base model with incentives
Compared with Base Model • Insurance costs
(including the additional subsidy
* One INR Lakh = USD 1,500; Retail price
from DPCC), and 51% higher • Maintenance costs
is inclusive of all subsidies except DPCC
without any incentives. subsidy, which is claimed as a rebate from the
• Depreciation
government post-purchase.
• Unlike hybrid cars where the
s u b s i d y f r o m FA M E w a s a The following figures depict the TCO
relatively small percentage of comparisons for examples from each
the total available incentives, all technology segment to the Honda
incentives contribute significantly. 32% Activa 3G: low-speed electric scooters
The subsidy from FAME in this (Figure 11, Figure 12) and high-speed
case makes up 26% of the total electric scooters (Figure 13, Figure 14).
incentive amount.
• In addition to the incentive LOW-SPEED ELECTRIC SCOOTERS
mechanisms for hybrid cars, the 7% 21%
Based on the TCO analysis for the
additional subsidy for battery- low-speed electric scooter, the YO
operated electric cars in the NCT Excise Duty Incentive Explor, compared with the gasoline-
of Delhi from DPCC plays an Delhi VAT Incentive
fueled Honda Activa 3G:
important role in bringing the costs Infrastructure Cess Incentive
FAME Subsidy
to a range more comparable with • I t m ay b e i n a p p ro p r i a t e t o
DPCC Subsidy
the base model. In the absence of compare the low-speed electric
this subsidy, the TCO is 9% higher Figure 10. Relative Contribution of
than the base model. Incentives – Battery-Operated Electric
Example 66 Conventional scooters: As per standard
market practice, it is assumed that 85% of
the retail price of the conventional scooter is
financed through a 3-year loan at an annual
65 Sales data obtained for FY 2015-16 from interest rate of 10.5%. Electric scooters:
Segment Y Automotive Intelligence Pvt. Ltd. Finance for electric scooters is not very
Mahindra e-Verito was launched in the middle widely available from banks, hence, purchase
of FY2015-16. cost is considered as an up-front payment.



scooters to conventional scooters Total Cost of Ownership - 5 Years

due to differences in output char- (INR Thousand - Delhi)
29% 180
acteristics and user base. For the TCO:
160 without
comparison made here, the TCO 20% Total Cost Incentives TCO:
Reduction Conventional
for the low-speed electric scooter 140 from Scooter
Incentives TCO:
is approximately 44% lower than 120 with
the conventional model with the 100
considered incentives (including
t h e a d d i t i o n a l s u b s i d y f ro m 39%
DPCC), and 28% lower without
Excise Duty Incentive 40
any incentives.
Delhi VAT Incentive
• The subsidy from FAME and DPCC FAME Subsidy
in this case are the most sig- DPCC Subsidy 0
Yo Spark Honda
nificant contributors in reducing Figure 12. Relative Contribution of (high speed electric) Activa 3G
costs of this technology, making Incentives – Low-Speed Electric DPCC Subsidy VAT Incentive
up 39% and 28% of the total Scooter Example FAME Subsidy Excise Duty Incentive
incentive amount, respectively.
Figure 13. Total Cost of Ownership of
Total Cost of Ownership - 5 Years
HIGH-SPEED ELECTRIC High-Speed Electric Scooters Compared
(INR Thousand - Delhi) SCOOTERS with Conventional Scooters
TCO: While the maximum speed range
Total Cost 14%
120 Reduction
of the high-speed electric scooters
from Incentives 24%
on the market is still approximately
30% lower than that of conventional
80 Incentives scooters, they are a more comparable 21%
segment to conventional scooters in
Incentives their applications. Based on the TCO
40 analysis for the high-speed electric
scooter, the YO Spark, compared with
the gasoline-fueled Honda Activa 3G:
0 Excise Duty Incentive
Yo Explor Honda • The TCO for the high-speed Delhi VAT Incentive
(low speed electric) Activa 3G FAME Subsidy
electric scooter is approximately
DPCC Subsidy
DPCC Subsidy VAT Incentive 7% higher than the conventional
FAME Subsidy Excise Duty Incentive
m o d e l w i t h t h e c o n s i d e re d Figure 14. Relative Contribution of
Figure 11. Total Cost of Ownership of incentives (including the Incentives – High-Speed Electric Scooters
Low-Speed Electric Scooters Compared additional subsidy from DPCC),
with Conventional Scooters and 26% higher without any
Summary of Observations
• The subsidy from FAME and DPCC PASSENGER CARS
in this case are the most significant
contributors in reducing costs of • Current models available are
this technology, making up 41% limited and include mild hybrid,
and 24% of the total incentive strong hybrid, and battery-oper-
amount, respectively. ated electric technologies. The
majority of sales in FY 2015-16
were mild hybrids (95%). All mild
hybrid models on the market are
based on lead-acid batteries, and
penetration of advanced battery
technologies is low.



• In terms of utilization of FAME 55 kmph) battery-operated electric due to the reduced tariffs is sig-
subsidy funds, mild and strong scooters. nificant and plays a key role in
hybrid cars together constitute keeping costs of such technolo-
• Unlike passenger cars, the subsidy
approximately 68% of the total gies comparable with conven-
from FAME constitutes the major
demand incentives utilized in FY tional models. It is important that
incentive component (~40%) for
2015-16, with mild hybrids taking the existing relative advantage
eligible two-wheelers compared
up the majority share (59%). available to hybrid and electric
with other central and state
te c h n o l o g i e s b e m a i n t a i n e d
• For both mild and strong hybrid incentives.
going forward in other fiscal year
cars, the relative incentive contri- • It may not be appropriate to budgets, particularly considering
bution from the FAME scheme is compare the low-speed scooters that the Indian Indirect Tax Code
small (~7% and ~8%, respectively) to conventional gasoline scooters is expected to undergo complete
when compared with other central as they form a very niche market restructuring with the introduc-
and state tax incentives. Further, segment. With all incentives in tion of a uniform Goods and
central and state tax incentives place and considering battery Services Tax (GST)67,68.
alone seem to be sufficient in life of one year, the TCO for the
keeping the TCO of these tech- high-speed electric scooters is
nologies competitive with their approximately 7% higher than
top-selling conventional gasoline • The NCT of Delhi has a prefer-
base models.
scooters. If battery replacement is ential VAT rate for both electric
• For battery-operated electric cars, required more frequently, the TCO and hybrid vehicles. The benefit is
the relative incentive contribution increases substantially. significant and plays a key role in
from the FAME scheme becomes bringing down costs, along with
• For both the low-speed and
significant (~26%) in comparison tax incentives available from the
high-speed scooters, the key
with other central and state tax Central Government. While many
reason for high TCO is battery
incentives. With all the incentives states have preferential VAT rates
replacement cost. All but one of
in effect, including the additional for electric vehicles, not many
the 24 models currently eligible
cash subsidy available from the states extend such a benefit to
under FAME are based on con-
Government of the NCT of Delhi, hybrid vehicles. Punjab, Uttar
ventional lead-acid batteries.
the TCO for the electric car Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, and
Based on feedback from the
example is comparable with its Goa do not have VAT incentives
market, battery replacement is
base model. in place even for electric vehicles.
required annually or even twice
Such states need to consider
• The state-level incentives available a year depending on usage. The
introduction of preferential taxes
from the Government of NCT for average cost of batteries is INR
or exemptions altogether for
both hybrid cars (reduced VAT) 10,000 (USD 150) and INR 21,000
electric and hybrid vehicles in
and battery-operated electric cars (USD 315) for the low-speed and
order to increase penetration of
(reduced VAT + subsidy) play an high-speed scooters respectively.
these technologies. Further, with
important role in reducing costs • Two-wheelers constituted approx- the likely introduction of a uniform
of these technologies. In states imately 19% of the outflow from GST rate that subsumes all central
that do not have such incentives in FAME in FY 2015-16. and state taxes going forward,
place, the TCO for all technology it is important that the relative
types becomes significantly higher Policy Implications advantage available to hybrid and
compared with base models. electric technologies due to state-
level incentives be maintained.
• The prevailing central excise duty 67
• Current models available include tariffs treat hybrid and electric impact-of-gst-on-auto-industry-402707.aspx
a range of low-speed (maximum technologies preferentially 68
speed 25 kmph) and high-speed compared with conventional car-purchase-maybe-you-shouldnt-buy-
(maximum speed 45 kmph to technologies. The cost reduction one/338906/



• For battery electric vehicles, in positively impacting cost- has gone to mild hybrid passenger
even the combined benefits from competitiveness of both hybrid cars, the relative contribution from
the current central and state tax and electric vehicles. Currently, the scheme is currently playing
incentives along with the subsidy the NCT of Delhi has a prefer- a small role in keeping hybrid
from the FAME scheme are insuf- ential VAT rate for electric and technologies cost-competitive
ficient to bring costs down to a hybrid vehicles, while Haryana with base models. Thus, there is
range comparable with conven- has a preferential VAT rate for potential to realign allocations
tional base models. In the NCT of electric vehicles only. Rajasthan to focus more on electric tech-
Delhi, this gap is bridged by funds completely exempts electric nologies compared with hybrid,
collected through a diesel-linked vehicles from VAT, while Uttar particularly for passenger cars,
cess and offered as a subsidy to Pradesh has no VAT incentives including increased emphasis
consumers. The subsidy amount in place. Thus, Uttar Pradesh in on supporting aspects such as
is substantial and comparable particular should consider imple- creation of public and privately
to the allocation from the FAME menting a preferential VAT rate for owned charging infrastructure.
scheme. However, although this both electric and hybrid vehicles,
• F u r t h e r, i t i s i m p o r t a n t t o
cess has been in place since 2008, while Rajasthan and Haryana
understand that, from a consumer
utilization levels have been low should consider extending VAT
perspective, there is a difference
compared with total collections. benefits to hybrid vehicles as well.
between owning electric (and
Thus, there is significant scope for Further, Uttar Pradesh, Harayana,
plug-in hybrid) and hybrid tech-
the NCT of Delhi to further increase and Rajasthan can consider imple-
nologies. While hybrid ownership
allocations by way of an increased menting cash subsidy schemes for
is similar in experience to owning a
subsidy amount and creation of electric vehicles similar to the die-
conventional internal combustion-
charging infrastructure. This type sel-cess-linked scheme offered by
engine-based technology, electric
of state measure will go a long the NCT of Delhi. Further, while the
technologies call for a significant
way in further incentivizing electric NCT of Delhi, Rajasthan, and Uttar
shift in driving habits. For example,
mobility and cost-competitiveness Pradesh exempt electric vehicles
consumers will have to schedule
of electric vehicles. from state road tax, Haryana
travel routes and distances based
levies a road tax of 6%69. Thus,
• The National Capital Region on vehicle range and availability of
(NCR) of India is the largest Haryana should also consider a charging points. Thus, expecting a
urban agglomeration in India and similar road tax exemption for shift to electric technologies from
consists of the NCT of Delhi as electric vehicles. consumers will likely require sub-
well as urban areas from neigh- stantially greater investments in
boring states of Uttar Pradesh, FAME SCHEME charging infrastructure, including
Haryana, and Rajasthan. As seen • While the majority of the existing subsidies for home-based and
in the TCO analysis, state-level utilization from the FAME scheme workplace charging stations.
tax incentives play a major role

69 “Duty and Tax Structure,” Society of

Manufacturers of Electric Vehicles, accessed
November 16, 2016,


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