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WCC 2012: Epidemiology / prevention of cardiovascular disease

Public health and lifestyle interventions to reduce cardiovascular risk in Macedonia: Evaluation and recommendations
Authors: Vera Simovska 1, 2; Co-author: Mila Vidin 2

1 - Public Health Institutions-Skopje, Nutrition Research Department, Skopje, Macedonia. TTFV, Univ. St. Kliment Ohridski-Bitola. Email: 1, 2 - HEPA Macedonia National organization. Email: Introduction: The greatest disease burden comes from cardiovascular disease(CVD). Its consequence of an interaction between genes and lifestyle, environmental factors and community situation in Macedonia. The main biological factors (RFs) related to unhealthy lifestyle increase the CVD risk. From public health perspective, it is of key importance to prevent CVD through surveillance of cases and to promote lifestyle interventions. Objectives: 1) To analyze and evaluate the results of cross-sectional studies for dietary habits, physical activity levels (PALs) monitoring, smoking and main biological RFs (1991-2011) (; 2) To evaluate the efficiency of a randomized controlled trial at high-risk groups aiming to reduce biological RFs for CVD through lifestyle intervention (; 3) To develop a comprehensive approach with a practical lifestyle intervention model that would be feasible within the primary healthcare and on community level using different settings ( Methods: The results of six cross-sectional studies for dietary habits, PALs monitoring, smoking and main biological RFs conducted among general population (7-65y) were collected from 1991-2011. With aim to estimate the highest research reduction of modifiable biological RF for CVD using lifestyle interventions, four randomized controlled trials were analyzed. Results: The complex results indicate that lifestyle interventions to reduce cardiovascular risk should be focused on younger age groups of girls and adult over 50 years old, especially women. Concerning the changes of dietary habits, the most important is radical food market and food production changes. The highest results against smoking habits was achieved through creating tobacco-free communities ( . Conclusion: To reduce the prevalence of CVD, our practical lifestyle intervention model emphasizes primary care, multisectoral action and community participation on a population level.

References: Simovska V.: EFFECTS OF DIETOTHERAPY AND PROGRAMMED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON OBESITY AND ITS COMPLICATIONS. Ed. ISBN 978-608200-025-1, Menora, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2008.

Image/graph I: A practical lifestyle intervention model

Disclosure of Interest: None Declared

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