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Adams (Massachusetts) memorial, complaining of the inju- | Boston memorial, against rechartering the Bank of the
rious effects of the measures of the Govern- United States, 1712.
ment, 1424. Bouldin, Thomas Tyler, his death announced, and the
Adams county (Pennsylvania) memorial, in relation to the usual resolutions for his funeral, mourning, &c.,
removal of the deposites, 1725. 538.
Addison county (Vermont) resolutions on deposites, 1594. | Bridgeport (Connecticut) memorial, on the subject of the
Adjournment of Congress proposed by the House of Rep- deposites, 1005; referred.
resentatives, 1833; consideration postponed, |Brooklyn memorial, on the distressing state of the cur-
1880; proposition agreed to, 1917; subject rency, 942; referred.
again discussed, and resolution laid on the table, |Buckner, Mr., notice of his decease, and the usual motion
2077. of mourning by Mr. Benton, 11.
Albany memorial, complaining of the removal of the de-| Burlington (Vermont) memorial, on the removal of the
posites, 1177. deposites, 855; referred, 862.
Albany memorial, contra, 1226.
American State Papers, a resolution authorizing the pur-| Centre county (Pennsylvania) memorials, on the present
chase of thirteen cgpies, agreed to, 1725. state of public affairs, 1251, 1585.
Appropriation bill taken up, 331; amended and agro} |Conmbereburis (Pennsylvania) proceedings of a meeting
o | in relation to the distresses of the country, 1107.
a conference on ditto proposed by the House, and | Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Hatch elected, 27.
agreed to, 337; report of the committee, 336, |Cherokee memorial, complaining of the oppressions of
341. | Georgia, 1772.
Appropriation bill for the army, from the House, reported | Chesapeake and Ohio canal, a resolution introduced from
with two amendments, which were agreed to,| the Legislature of Maryland in its favor, 1205.
and the bill passed, 1718. Chittenden (Vermont) memorial, against the removal of
Appropriation, general, bill, taken up, 2021, 2030; or-| the deposites, 1240.
dered to a third reading, and passed, 2076. Claim of Elizabeth Robinson, a bill for the relief of, taken
Appropriations, (See Indian.) up, 1746; passed, 1751. a
Augusta (Georgia) memorial, asking a restoration of the | Claims for lost property in the war with Great Britain, a
deposites, 1167. bill for, laid on the table, 2071.
Augusta (Maine) memorial, against the removal of the de- | Columbia county (Ohio) memorial, sustaining the Execu-
posites, 1838. tive, 1733.
Columbia (Pennsylvania) proceedings of a whig meet-
Bailey, Mountjoy, a bill for the relief of, taken up, 1835; | ing, 1761.
rejected, 1838. | Coins, a memorial from the banks of New York respect-
Baltimore, memorial of sundry merchants of, on embar- | ing gold and silver coin, 1805.
rassments in the money market, referred, 716. | Committees, appointment of, by the Senate, took up; a
proceedings ofa public meeting, 1584. resolution introduced by Mr. Sprague, 20; called
Baltimore and Washington railroad, a bill to aid in the con- | up for consideration, 27, and agreed to; election
struction of, taken up, 1751; bill passed, 1761. | postponed, 41; committees elected, 42.
Bank of the United States, resolution introduced by Mr. |Congress, a bill for an earlier meeting of, introduced, TE

Clay, calling on the Secretary of the Treasury | 1896; laid on the table, 1917. 2 Seaiisnsih3'<
for certain statements, 24; called up for con-| Congress, a bill for rebuilding the frigate of this name ae RIE
sideration, 29; amended and agreed to. taken up and passed, 2127.
resolutions by Mr. Clay, calling on the Secretary | Connecticut, sundry petitions and resolutions in relation
of the Treasury for certain documents in relation | to the distresses of the country, 656.
to the banks, 44; agreed to, 53. banks, the memorial of, on the deranged state of jae

report made by the Seeretary of the Treasury, in| the currency, 808.
answer to the above call, 94; ordered to be |Constitution, Mr. Benton introduced a resolution to ONE
printed. amend it, 20.
a bill for rechartering the bank. Mr. Webster| Mr. Bibb also introduced a resolution to amend it,
asked leave to introduce a bill for this purpose, | 29.
984—the question on granting leave discussed Mr. Kent also introduced a resolution to amend it,
at length. Subject resumed, 1057; motion laid | 58.
on the table, 1145. Mr. Bibb’s amendment taken up, 1813, and refer-
Bank memorials, report showing the number of signers, | red to a committee.
2036. | Mr. Benton’s proposition referred to same com-
Bath (Maine) memorial, complaining of the distresses of mittee, 1879.
country, 1243; referred. |Culpeper (Virginia) memorial, against Executive pro-
Beaver (Pennsylvania) memorial, on the distresses of the| ceedings in relation to the Bank of the United
country, 1171; referred, 1177. }
States, 1188.
Blair, James, (South Carolina,) his death announced, and |
Cumberland road, a bill appropriating money for a con-
orders entered into for his funeral, 1240. tinuation of it, 1142; rejected on motion to en-
Boston memorial, in relation to the removal of the de-| gross, 1239. The vote of rejection being recon-
posites, 978; referred, 983. sidered, the bill was recommitted, 1240; again
report on the above memorial, 2125. considered, 1716; ordered to a third reading,
in relation to gold coin, 1596. 1717; passed, 1718,
Vol. X —1

Delaware, a memorial respecting the public deposites, Gold coins, a bill to regulate the circulation of foreign
7 gold coins in the United States, was passed,
Dennis, Littleton Purnell, a member from Maryland, his 2122.
death announced, and orders taken for his fune- Government deposites, a report from the Secretary of the
ral, 1316. Treasury concerning their removal, 12, (See the
Deposite banks, resolutions submitted by Mr. Southard, Appendix for the report.)
1614; agreed to. report called up for consideration, 25; postponed
resolution instructing the Committee of Finance to Monday next. Again taken up, 45; again
to sit during the recess, to investigate the condi- postponed. Subject resumed, 50.
tion of the banks, agreed to, 2125. resolution, offered by Mr. Clay, calling on the
Deposites, (See Gorernment deposites. ) President to inform the Senate whether a paper
District code. On motion of Mr. Chambers, the report purporting to have been read by him to the
of the joint committee of last session, on a system heads of Departments, respecting the deposites,
of criminal laws, was referred to the Committee be genuine or not, 27; called up for considera-
on the District of Columbia, 96. tion, 30; agreed to, 37.
Door-kceper, assistant, Stephen Haight appointed, 19. resident’s message in answer to the above, (Sce
Duties on lead, a bill concerning, taken up, 2022. President’s Message.)
resolutions declaring that the President, in dis-
Edgecomb county (North Carolina) proceedings of a missing the Secretary of the Treasury because
public meeting, 1538. he declined removing the deposites, and ap-
Election.of President and Vice President, (See President.) pointing his successor to effect that object,
Ellsworth, Chief Justice, a bill to procure a marble bust had exercised a power not granted to him by
of him, to be placed in the Capitol, passed, 825. | the constitution, &c., 58.
Essex county (New Jerscy) memorials, on the deranged memorial presented on the subject, 141.
staté of the currency, 809. report of the Commitgee of Finance on the Secre-
Exiles frorh Poland, a bill granting them certain lands, tary of the Treasury’s report on the removal of
ordered to be engrossed, 1721; passed, 1724. the deposites, 467; made the special order of a
certain day, and six thousand copies ordered to
Faneuil Hall resolutions friendly to the administration, be printed, 485; subject taken up, 892; resolu-
1244. | tions agreed to, 1182.
Fife, James, a Creek Indian, a bill for his relief, passed, joint resolution proposing a restoration of the
2002. deposites, offered by Mr. Clay, 1813, 1817; read
Finances; instructions preposed to be given to the com- first time, and ordered to a second reading; pass-
mittee on this subject, 445; laid on the table,448. ed, 1896.
resolution instructing the committec to inquire into a bill to regulate the public deposites in the State
the effect of the present state of commercial banks, taken up and laid on the table, 2127.
affairs on the revenue, 492.
Florida canals, a bill for making them, taken up, and laid Hallowell, Maine, memorial against the removal of de-
on the table, 1907. posites, 1559.
Force bill; Mr. Calhoun gave notice that he would intro- Hanover, Pennsylvania, proceedings of a meeting against
duce, on a certain day, a bill for the repeal of the removal of the deposites, 1480.
this act, 18. Hanover, Indiana, a bill granting lands to the college,
a bill for repealing the force bill introduced, 20;| laid on the table, 18354.
taken up, 1266; referred to the Judiciary Com-| Harbor bill, a bill for making improvements of certain
mittee, 1287. harbors, and clearing out certain rivers, con-
Foreign presents; a resolution, offered by Mr. Poindex-| sidered, 2081; ordered to be read a third time,
ter, calling on the President for a schedule of| and passed, 2083.
the several articles received by ministers, &c., Hardware, a bill concerning the duties on, the amend-
at foreign courts, 199. ments concurred in, 2124, and passed.
a report from the Department of State in answer| Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, memorial against the Execu-
to the above call, 329, which was referred to the| tive proceedings in relation to the bank, 1860.
Committee on Foreign Relations. | Harrodsburg, Kentucky, memorial, 2019.

Foreign silver coins, a bill to regulate them, 2019; passed,| Hudson river, the bill to appropriate $70,000 for the im-
2020. | provement of the navigation of this river was
Fortifications, a bill making appropriations for, was taken | considered and passed, 2126.
up, amended, and passed, 2124. Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, proceedings ofa public
Frederick county (Maryland) against the removal of| meeting, 1529.
the deposites, 1814.
France, report of commissioners to carry into effect the| Indian appropriations, a bill for making, passed to its third
late treaty with, read, and ordered to be} reading, 2074.
printed. Indian intercourse, a bill to regulate it, amended and
French spoliations prior to 1800; Mr. Webster report-| passed, 2125.
ed the bill on this subject, with sandry amend- Indiana memorials, remonstrating against the measures of
ments, and made the order ofa distant day, 141; | the Executive, 1805.
called up, 2000, 2024, 2033; postponed ull Int erest to States for advances, a bill providing for the
next session, 2040. . final settlement of, 1910; recommitted, 2007.
Fulton (Ohio) memorial, in favor of the Senate’s having|
joint authority with the President in the appoint- | Jefferson county, Virginia, memorial for relief from em-
ment and removal of officers, 1918. barrassments, 1782.
| Johnston, Mr., notice of his death, and the usual motion
Gold and silver currency, a resolution respecting, for the for mourning, by Mr. Clay, 11.
appointment of a joint committee, 1205.
Gold coins, a bill to regulate them, taken up and passed, Kenawha, Virginia, memorial complaining of embarrass-
2123. ments, 219.

Kentucky resolutions, in relation to the removal of the de- Maryland, Union Bank of, a resolution respecting, intro-
posites, 605; referred, 606. duced, 1141; agreed to, 1206.
Kent county, Delaware, memorial praying for the restora- Massachusetts resolutions, in relation to removal of de-
tion of the deposites, 1454. posites, 836.
Rhode Island, memorial on the currency of the Mercer, Pennsylvania, proceedings of a meeting against
country, 2029. the removal of the deposites, &c., 1917.
proceedings of a public meeting, 2069. Michigan, the Territory of, a bill authorizing the people
to form a separate State Government, a motion
Land Bill, (See Peto.) to take it up immediately for consideration; bill
Mr. Clay gave notice that he would, on a certain laid on the table, 1724.
day, introduce a new bill for the distribution of Mobile memorial, complaining of a check given to their
the proceeds of the public lands, 18. prosperity, 1206.
bill for distributing proceeds of land, introduced,
24. Montgomery county (Pennsylvania) memorial, complain-
Land; on motion of Mr. Benton, a graduation of the price ing of the distresses of the country, 1803.
of public lands was ordered to be printed, 39. Muncy (Pennsylvania) memorials, in relation to the public
a resolution, moved by Mr. Poindexter, calling on distress, 1187.
the Commissioner of the General Land Office Muskingum county (Ohio) memorial, praying for the
for sundry particulars in the public abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia,
land, 44, 1260.
sundry resolutions introduced by the same gentle- Navy; Mr. Webster reported a bill making appropriations
man, directing the Land Committee to inquire for the naval service for 1834, without amend-
into alleged fraudulent sales of public lands, 754; ment, 291.
agreed to, 824. New Bedford (Massachusetts) memorial, from the seve-
resolution calling on the Secretary of War for the ral banks, on the distresses of the country, 745,
name of the agent or agents who located the res- 1607; referred.
ervations granted to individual Choctaw Indians, Newcastle county (Delaware) memorial, sustaining the
775; agreed to. administration in the remoyal of the deposites,
report of the Committee on Public Lands on the 1729.
bill to appropriate the proceeds of the lands, New Hampshire memorials, complaining of the distress
and on the reasons assigned by the President for of the country, 1538.
returning the bill, 1599. resolutions, sustaining the Executive, 2057, 2066.
bill to provide for the legal adjudication and| New Jersey resolutions, in relation to the removal of the
settlement of the claims to land therein men- deposites, 526.
tioned, ordered to be engrossed, 1722. memorials, in relation to the existing public dis-
evidence of fraud in the sale of, 2042, 2068. tress, 614.
a resolution giving to the Committee on Public resolutions, and memorial from Cumberland
Lands authority to issue commissions to take county, on the same subject, 679.
testimony during the recess, was taken up and petitions, respecting the currency, 862.
agreed to, 2128. five memorials on ditto, 1049.
Lafayette, General, a resolution providing for a joint i
memorials, 1261, 1726.
committee to determine what token of respect resolutions and memorial, in fayor of adminis-
should be adopted in relation to his decease, tration, 1425.
2054. proceedings of two different meetings, 1434.
Mr. Webster’s report on the subject, 2071; reso-| New Orleans memorial, complaining of the distress of the
lution adopted, 2075. times, 1007; referred, 1619.
Lake Champlain; a resolution proposed by Mr. Swift, for New York resolutions, in relation to the removal of the
the improvement of this lake, agreed to, 356. deposites, 397; after debate, laid on the table,
Lancaster county (Pennsylvania) memorial, complaining 416; referred to the Committee on Finance, wa

of pecuniary distress, 825. 492.

Lead, duties on, (See Duiies.) memorial, on the condition of the finances of the
Lexington (Kentucky) memorial, respecting the dis- country, 464; referred to the Committee on Fi-
tress of the country, 1170. nance, 466.
Licking county (Ohio) memorial, praying for the restora- memorial from the clerks, &c., of New York,
tion of the deposites, 1728. 1048.
Light-houses; a bill reported, making appropriations for memorial from Troy and Schenectady, 1310. ia),

building light-houses, &c., 2122; laid on the Pennsylvania, and Michigan memorials, 1722.
table, 2123; reconsidered, 2125; laid on the ta- memorials, opposed to the measures of the Execu-
ble, 2124; amended and passed, 2127. tive, 1780.
Louisville (Kentucky) memorial, on the distresses of the Nelson county (Kentucky) memorial, opposed to the re-
community, 719. moval of the deposites, 1732.
Lynn (Massachusetts) memorial, on removal a Norfolk memorial, on the embarrassments of the curren-
0. cy, 749; referred.
Lyme (Connecticut) memorial, condemning the removal] North Carolina resolutions, in relation to the removal of
of the deposites, 1992. the deposites, 529.
memorial from thence, on the distressed condition
Maine, petitions in relation to the distress of the — of the country, 681.
16. memorials, from Wilkesborough and Halifax, 1140.
memorials, 942, 1287. another memorial from Wilkes, 1205.
Marine corps, a bill for their better organization, read a
second and third time, and passed, 1833. Ohio memorials, complaining of pecuniary embarrass-
Mariners’ common schools, a memorial praying for aid in ments, 1290.
supperting them, 1812. a bill establishing the northern boundary of, 1781;
Maryland; memorials from four banks of that State, 1056. taken up, 1899; ordered to be engrossed, 1906,

Ohio memorials, approving the course of the Executive, | President’s message, in relation to a refusal of the Bank
2065. of the United States to give up the books, &e., in
‘ Ontario county (New York) memorial, complaining of relation to the pension fund, 462; referred to the
the effects of recent measures of Government, Judiciary Committee, 464.
1475. his protest against. the resolutions of the Senate
Order, questions
of, 13, 14, 29, 485, 525, 970, 1115, in relation to the deposites, 1317.
1387, 1420, 1606, 2066, 2067. his explanatory message, 1393.
, : and Vice President, election of, Mr. Bibb’s reso-
Pennsylvania petitions, in relation to the removal of the lution, 1954.
deposites, G07; laid on the table, 612. resolution moved by Mr. Benton to strike out of
memorials, on the same subject, 717, 1581. the journals the resolution passed on the 20th of
and New York memorials, complaining of the March, relating to the conduct of [the President
measures of the Executive, 1782. in relation to the removal of the deposites, 2128.
and South Carolina memorials, ditto, 1954. Prince George’s county (Maryland) memorial, complain-
and Kentucky memorials, 2027. ing of the removal ofthe eposites, 1365.
Pension fund; see message of the President on this sub-| Printing old journals, a proposition for, 1305.
ject, 462; report of the Judiciary Committee |Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, proceedings of its citizens, 1761.
on the subject, 573; 6,000 copies ordered to be| Privateer Roger, a bill for the relief of the owners and
printed. crew of, negatived, 1906.
bill making appropriations for the payment of rev-
-_(Rhode Island) memorial, in relation to the
olutionary and other pensioners for the year removal of the deposites, 569.
1834; read second and third time, and passed, Public printing; a resolution to repeal one passed in May,
715. 1830, directing the Secretary of the Senate to
agency, report of the Judiciary Committee on the contract with the printer of the House for doc-
subject, taken up, 1729, 1735. uments printed by order of the House, 810.
roll, aresolution respecting the, taken up, 1824; Public distress; Mr. Clay moved that the Committee of
laid on the table, 1833; agreed to, 1899. Finance inquire into the expediency of affording
Pensions to French seamen, a bill for that purpose, 2041; temporary relief to the community, by prolong-
ordered to third reading, and passed, 2075. ing the payment of revenue bonds, 223; after
a resolution offered by Mr. Preston, relative discussion, the resolution and a proposed amend-
to the mode of printing the pension information | ment were laid on the table, 233.
called for by him, passed 2127. Public buildings, a bill making appropriations for, read a
Petersburg memorial, on the removal of the deposites, third time, 2124.
876; referred, 892. officers, (See Removal of.)
memorial, approving ditto, referred, 1112.
Petitioners, an order for ascertaining the number of, for| Report on deposites; Mr. Wilkins moved to print 5,000
or against the removal of the deposites, 1302; | copies of the Secretary of the Treasury’s second
adopted, 1305. report, 199.
Philadelphia resolutions, remonstrating against the re-| Removal of public officers; four resolutions, introduced
moval of the deposites, 802; referred. by Mr. Clay, on the subject, 834; made the
mechanics’ memorial, on the present state of the | order of the day for the first Monday in April,
country, 826; referred, 832. Another memo-!| 856.
rial, 1006; referred. Restoration of deposites, (See Government Deposites.)
memorial, 958; referred, 959. Restriction of Executive power.
memorial from silversmiths, &c., referred, 1141. | Revenue; a resolution to inquire into the expediency of
memorial of young men, 1145; referred, 1156. extending the time for the payment of revenue
Pitts, Seth, memorial of, a soldier of the Revolution, bonds, 492.
1914. statements from the Secretary of the Treasury,
Polish exiles, a bill reported for their relicf, (See Exiles| 2007.
from Poland;) bill taken up, 2124; passed, 2127. | Rhode Island election, contested, 2, 12.
Portsmouth (New Hampshire) memorial, in relation to the committee of reference appointed, 19.
removal of the deposites, 566. report of the committee on the subject, 804.
Post Office; a resolution of Mr. Grundy, calling on the a counter report presented, laid on the table,
Postmaster General for sundry statements, 47. 1230; taken up, 1252; and ordered to be print-
a resolution of the same gentleman, calling on the ed, 1257; again considered, and agreed to, 1813,
Postmaster General for a report of money paid memorials, respecting pecuniary embarrassments,
by that Department since July, 1828, for ser- 1108; referred, 1112.
vices rendered prior to that date, &c., agreed| memorials, respecting pecuniary embarrassments,
to, 807. 1456, referred, 1717.
reports on the, read and discussed, 1914. resolutions, remonstrating against the measures
affairs, 2075; resolution appointing a committee to of the Executive in relation to the Bank of the
act in the recess, passed, 2076. United States, 1910.
Portage county (Ohio) memorial, complaining of the pub-} Robinson, Elizabeth, (See Claim of.)
lic distress, 2063. Ross county (Ohio) memorial, on the subject of the cur-
Potter, Elisha R.,a resolution submitted for his compen- rency, 1597.
sation, 2020; agreed to, 2037. | Rule of the Senate proposed to be amended, 1288.
Potomac bridge, a bill making appropriations for, mod-|
ified, and ordered to be engrossed for a third | Salem memorial, on the state of public affairs, 1258.
reading, passed, 2127. proceedings on ditto, 1315.
President’s annual message received, 12. Schuylkill county, a memorial on the distress of the
message, in answer to a call upon him to state country, 748.
whether a certain document was signed by him, | Scott county (Kentucky) memorial, against the claims
37; ordered to be laid on the table, 39. , recently asserted by the Executive power, 1896.

Secretary of the Senate, Walter Lowrie appointed, 19. Virginia, resolutions of the young men of Richmond and
Senators, list of, 1. Manchester, 1527.
Sergeant-at-arms, J. Shackford appointed, 19. scrip; resolution calling on Treasury Department
Shaler, William, a bill granting to him a pension, 2001; for the amount issued, 2021.
ordered to be engrossed. land warrants; a bill to appropriate land to satisfy
Shenandoah county (Virginia) resolutions, 960. them, considered and laid on the table, 2127.
Shepherd, Moses, a bill for relief of his representatives, Volunteers and militia; a bill granting compensation to
2023; ordered to a third reading. such as had lost horses, &c. in the war with
Slavery in the District of Columbia, petitions presented Black Hawk, 1896.
against it, 198, 1260.
Spencer, Oliver M., a bill for relief of, rejected, 1919. Wake county, North Carolina, proceedings of a public
Steamboat accidents; a resolution offered by Mr. Webster, meeting approving of the removal of the de-
instructing the Committee on Naval Affairs to posites, 1762.
inquire into the expediency of passing a law for Washington city, a bill for the benefit of, taken up, 2078;
preventing, as far as may be, accidents in steam considered and passed, 2079.
vessels employed in commerce, 54; agreed to, Washington county, Ohio, memorial complaining of the
effects produced by the removal of the de-
Stirling’s, Lord, heirs, a bill for the relief of, ordered to posites, 1811.
be engrossed, 2000. Watervliet, New York, memorial in relation to public
distress, 1188; referred.
‘Tarborough (North Carolina) memorial, approving of Westchester resolutions on the subject of removing the
the measures of the administration, 1259. deposites, 803.
Tariff; Mr. Frelinghuysen offered a resolution calling on West Indies, trade with, a resolution introduced by Mr.
the Secretary of the Treasury for the construc- Sprague, calling on the Secretary of the Trea-
tion put on the tariff of last session, 200; agreed sury for the amount of trade between the United
to 201. States and the West Indies, 139; resolution
Secretary of the Treasury’s report on ditto, 202; agreed to, 140. Report was received as a
which was ordered to lie on the table. whole, but Mr. Shepley moved a resolution for
Tolland county (Connecticut) memorial, 2024. the information in detail, 333; agreed to, 336.
Tompkins county (New York) memorial, against the re- report on the call made by the last resolution, 373.
moval of the deposites, 1993. Wheeling, a memorial on the embarrassments of the cur-
Toulon accident, a message from the President, 2035. rency, 749.
(See Pensions to French seamen.) Wilmington, Delaware, proceedings in relation to the
Treasury, Secretary of, his annual report received, 44. protest of the President, 1735.
suits; a bill introduced to repeal the act for the Windham county, Connecticut, memorial complaining of
better organization of the Treasury, passed in stagnation of business, 2065.
1820, 45. Wisconsin, a bill for establishing the Territorial Govern-
Mr. Webster’s resolution calling on the Secretary ment of, taken up and laid on the table, 1906.
for monthly returns of the Bank of the United
States, from August, 1833, to February, 1834, Yeas and nays on committing the subject of the Rhode
747. | Island election to a special committee, 11.
Mr. Poindexter’s call on the Secretary for copy of on excusing the President pro tem. from voting on
any order or Treasury draft for the removal of the question of the Senate’s appointing its own
public money from the Planters’ Bank at Natch- committees, 29.
ez, 747; agreed to, 750. on resolution calling on the President to know whe-
his report, responsive to Mr. Clay’s resolution, in ther a certain document was signed by him, 37.
relation to the Union Bank of Maryland, 1242; on Mr. Benton’s amendment to Mr. Clay’s resolu-
ordered to be printed. tions in relation to the deposites, 143.
call upon him for the names of the agents employ- on printing three thousand copies of the report of
ed to transact the business of the Treasury with the Judiciary Committee in relation to the pen-
the deposite banks, 1260. sion fund and the Bank of the United States, 574.
call for the amount of proceeds of the sale of pub- on postponing a question in relation to the public
lic lands, and the number of acres sold in 1833, printing, 811.
&e., 1538. on an amendment to one of Mr. Poindexter’s reso-
Troy (New York) memorial, from the citizens, on ac- Jutions in relation to public lands, 824.
count of the evils experienced from the removal on receiving the York county memorial, 978.
of the deposites, 681; referred. on laying on the table the motion asking leave to
Union county, Pennsylvania, memorial on the distresses introduce a bill for rechartering Bank United
of the country, 1453. States, 1145.
Utica, New York, memorial on the distresses of the coun- on agreeing to the resolutions of the Committee of
try, 1527. Finance in relation to the removal of the de-
Van Horne, Ralph, his petition as a mail contractor, 1953. posites, 1187.
Vermont resolutions on the removal of the deposites, 958. on engrossing the Cumberland road bill, 1239.
memorial, 1289, 1594. on passage of the bill authorizing the Governors of
Veto on the land bill, the President’s message announcing the several States to transmit certain documents
it, 14, (See Appendix for the Message.) free of postage, 1258.
Vice President, pro fem., Mr. Poindexter elected, 2122; on indefinitely postponing a bill for the relief of
his address. John McCartney, 1288.
Virginia memorial and resolutions in relation to the re- on laying on the table the bili authorizing the re-
moval of the deposites, 604. linquishment of the sixteenth sections of public
resolutions adopted by the Legislature, in relation lands for the use of schools, 1316.
to the deposites, 636. on an appeal from the decision of the Chair on a
memorial, 945. point of order, 1450.

Yeas and nays on motions in relation to the President’s| Yeas and nays on postponing till next session the bill to
protest, 1614, 1661, 1662. provide for French spoliations prior to 1800,
on agreeing to four resolutions against the protest, 2040.
1711, on amendment of the general appropriation bill,
on engrossing the Cumberland road bill, 1717. 2053, 2055.
on the bill providing for the legal adjudication and on New Hampshire resolutions, 2067.
settlement of claims to certain lands, 1722. on resolution for appointing a committee on Post
on the bill grantinga donation of lands to Polish pa- Office affairs, to sit in the recess, 2076.
triots, 1724. on laying on the table a resolution on Indian af-
on laying on the table the bill to authorize the peo- fairs, founded on the petition of John Ross and
ple of the Territories of Michigan and Arkansas others, 2076.
to form themselves into State Governments, on a motion to take up the bill authorizing a re-
1724. linquishment of the sixteenth sections granted
on the resolution for purchasing thirteen copies of for the use of schools, &c., 2078.
American State Papers, 1725. on taking up thebill providing for the admission of
on the bill for the relief of Elizabeth Robinson, the Territory of Arkansas into the Union, 2078.
1751. on the bill for the benefit of the city of Washing-
on the Baltimore and Washington railroad bill, ton, 2079.
1761. on agreeing to the first resolution reported by the
on Cherokee memorial, 1776, 1780. Post Office Committee, 2120.
on pension agency, 1811. on the engrossment of the bill to regulate the gold
on report on Rhode Island election, 1813. coins of the United States, 2122.
on postponing resolutions for restoring the de- on several questions on the light-house bill, and
posites, 1823. finally on laying it on the table, 2123, 2124.
on relief of Mountjoy Bailey, 1833. on a resolution instructing the Committee on{Fi-
on the restoration of the deposites, 1846, 1858, nance to sit during the recess, to investigate the
1879, 1880, 1895. condition of the deposite banks, 2125.
on proposition for adjournment of the session, on the bill for improving Hudson river, 2126.
1880. on the bill appropriating land to satisfy Virginia
on bill for the better regulation of the marine land warrants, 2127.
corps, 1880. on an amendment to a resolution authorizing the
for establishing the northern boundary of Ohio, Committee on Public Lands to sit in the recess,
1905. 2128.
for the final settlement of the claims of States for York county, Pennsylvania, memorial on the deposites,
interest on advances to the United States during 960; receipt of it refused, 978.
the late war, 1910. again presented, 1115; motion not to receive the
for relief of Oliver Spencer, 1919. memorial laid on the table, 1117.
on Post Office reports, 1997. resolutions, 1728.
on recommitting the bill allowing interest to and other places, memorial condemning the course
States for advances, 2007. of the President in relation to the removal of
on resolution compensating E. R. Potter, 2038. the deposites, &c., 2080.



Bell, Mr., New Hampshire, the memorial from his State in| Benton, Mr., on Indiana memorials, 1809.
relation to the removal of the deposites, oan || restoration of deposites, 1819, 1844, 1848, 1858.
568. | 1889.
public lands, 821. amendment to the constitution, 1843, 1955, 1956.
memorials from New Hampshire, 1538. revenue statements, 2007.
relief of Mountjoy Bailey, 1835, 1836, 1857. relief of representatives of Moses Shepherd, 2023.
pension roll, 1899. , French spoliations prior to 1800, 2059.
New Hampshire resolutions, 2062, 2067. general appropriation bill, 2055.
Benton, Mr., on the Rhode Island election, 9. New Hampshire resolutions, 2063, 2066.
the veto on the land bill, 15, 16, 17. harbor bill, 2082.
the Government deposites, 26, 31, 50, 97. Post Office resolutions, 2120.
steam vessel accidents, 56, 57. on striking out of the Journal the resolution cen-
public distress, 229, 259. suring the President for the removal of the de-
North Carolina resolutions, 529. posites.
rechartering Bank United States, 1073. Bibb, Mr., on the Rhode Island election, 8.
Culpeper memorial, 1191. Senate’s appointing its own committees, 21, 23, 24,
Faneuil Hall resolutions, 1244, 1249. amendment to the constitution, 29, 1813, 1843,
Rhode Island Senator, 1257. 1954,
President’s protest, 1347, 1387, 1589, 1690. Government deposites, 35.
memorial from Boston, 1712, 1716. General Post Office, 49.
Pennsylvania and New York memorials, 1795. North Carolina resolutions, 533.

Bibb, Mr., on Kentucky resolutions, 605. Chambers, Mr., on President’s protest, 1433.
Pennsylvania petitions, 610. New Jersey memorials, 1442, 1841.
public printing, 833. Huntingdon county proceedings, 1530, 1533.
Cumberland road, 1235. proceedings of a public meeting at Baltimore,
Faneuil Hall resolutions, 1247. 1584, 1587.
printing old journals of Congress, 1309. proceedings of a public meeting at Wilmington,
President’s protest, 1388, 1488. 1741, 1742, 1743.
President’s explanatory message, 1403. Elizabeth Robinson’s claim, 1746.
Nelson county memorial, 1732. Baltimore and Washington
railroad bill, 1751,
Baltimore and Washington railroad, 1757. 1752, 1753, 1759.
Cherokee memorial, 1773, 1780. Frederick county, Maryland, memorial, 1814.
marine corps, 1833. pension roll, 1824, 1826, 1851, 1833.
relief of the owners of the privateer Roger, 1906. marine corps, 1834.
Post Office reports, 1977. Relief of Mountjoy Bailey, 1835, 1856.
Harrodsburg memorial, 2019. allowing interest to States for advances, 2006.
relief of representatives of Moses Shepherd, 2024. revenue statements, 2015.
French spoliations prior to 1800, 2039. French spoliations prior to 1800, 2058, 2039.
pensions to French seamen, 2042.; pensions to French seamen, 2042.
general appropriation bill, 2052, 2053, 2054. general appropriation bill, 2045, 2050, 2057, 2063,
Black, Mr., on extending the payment of revenue bonds, 2064.
512. Indian appropriation bill, 2074.
the President’s protest, 1434. the bill for the benefit of Washington, 2078, 2079.
public lands, 1601. Pennsylvania memorials, 2080.
relief of Mountjoy Bailey, 1835. harbor bill, 2081.
relief of representatives of Moses Shepherd, 2023. Potomac bridge, 2127.
frauds in sale of lands, 2043. Clay, Mr., on Rhode Island_election, 2, 3, 6, 13, 14, 19,
harbor bill, 2081. 805, 806.
Brown, Mr., on public distress, 224, 229. the veto of the land bill, 14, 15, 17.
removal of deposites, 471, 472. Senate’s appointing its own committees, 22, 27.
North Carolina resolutions 529, 530, 535, 550, 564. Government deposites, 25, 27, 30, 34, 36, 51, 57,
North Carolina memorial, 693, 699. 58, 94, 95, 466, 477, 485, 492, 1172, 1813.
New Jersey petitions, 863, 866. condition of the United States Bank, 29, 37.
Virginia memorial, 946, 948. election of committees, 49, 42.
memorial of young men of Philadelphia, 1150. General Post Office, 47.
Tarborough memorial, 1259. the construction of the new tariff, 205, 204, 205.
Hanover, Pennsylvania, memorial, 1486. public distress, 223, 225, 228.
Baltimore proceedings, 1592. giving instructions to the Committee of Finance,
proceedings of Wake county meeting, 1767. 445, 446, 448.
Raleigh memorial, 1769, 1771. pension fund, 462, 463.
restoration of the deposites, 1834. extending the payment of revenue bonds, 493,
Harrisburg memorial, 1874. 525, 612.
Post Office reports, 1988. North Carolina resolutions, 545, 554, 565.
Calhoun, Mr., on the Senate’s appointing its own commit- Pennsy}vania memorials, 718.
tees, 28. Louisville memorial, 719, 722, 727, 739.
Government deposites, 35, 206, 2977 299, 300. ‘Troy memorial, 746.
repeal of the force bill, 57, 1266. Ihiladelphia resolutions, 802. —
rechartering Bank of the United States, 1057. public lands, 818, 822, 1599, 1602, 1606. a:
President’s explanatory message, 1596, 1403. Philadelphia mechanics’ memorial, 829. ree:

President’s protest, 1420, 1421, 1422, 1454, 1640, public printing, 834.
1650. removal of public officers, 854.
public lands, 1606. Burlington memorial, 860, 862. igen

Elizabeth Robinson’s claim, 1747, 1751. York county memorial, 969, 115, 116. TE

foreign silver coins, 2020. memorial of clerks, &c. of New York, 1048.
duties on lead, 2022, 2024. resolution respecting the Union Bank of Mary-
French spoliations prior to 1800, 2036, 20359. land, 1140.
general appropriation bill, 2053, 2056. Lexington memorial, 1170.
a ag
lost property during the late war, 2071. Cumberland road, 1238. pee

improvement of the Hudson river, 2126. Rhode Island Senator, 1253, 1256.
light-house bill, 2127. repeal of the force bill, 1281.
Chambers, Mr., on Rhode Island election, 4, 11, 806. ascertaining the number of petitioners on the sub-
Senate’s appointing its own committees, 22, 42. ject of removing the deposites, 1502.
District code, 96. Schenectady and ‘Troy memorials, 1310.
Slavery in the District, 198. President’s explanatory message, 1403.
public distress, 229, 716. President’s profest, 1433, 1454, 1564, 1635.
New York resolutions, 410. New Jersey memorials, 1436, 1447, 1450, 1843.
giving instructions to Committee of Finance, 447. Hanover, Pennsylvania, proceedings of a public
removal of deposites, 467, 469, 471. meeting, 1480, 1484.
extending the payment of revenue bonds, 520. Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, proceedings of
Maine petitions, 627, 635, 634, 651, 654, 655. a public meeting, 1550.
North Carolina memorial, 701, 702. call on the Secretary of the Treasury for the
Louisville memorial, 727. amount of salesof public lands in 1833, &e.,
public printing, 810, 811. 1538.
Massachusetts resulutions, 849, 853. memorial from Centre county, Pennsylvania, 1583.

Clay, Mr., on Baltimore proceedings, 1589, 1591. Ewing, Mr., on memorial from Boston, 1714.
Adams county, Pennsylvania, memorial, 1726. memorial from Licking county, Ohio, 1728.
Columbiana county, Pennsylvania, memorial, 1733. memorial from Columbiana county, 1733, 1734.
Wilmington proceedings, 1743, 1744. Ohio memorials, 1781.
Elizabeth Robinson’s claim, 1751. New Jersey memorials, 1842.
Cherokee memorial, 1773. report onthe Post Office, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1935,
Pennsylvania and New York memorials, 1782, 1787, | Fulton memorial, 1918. [1982.
1803.| Van Horne’s petition, 1953.
Montgomery memorial, 1803. granting Wm. Shaler a pension, 2001.
restoration of the deposites, 1813, 1817, 1834, | foreign silver coins, 2020.
1843, 1844, 1848, 1859. general appropriation bill, 2053.
marine corps, 1833. Portage county memorial, 2063.
Harrisburg memorial, 1871, 1872, 1879. Post Office resolutions, 2083, 2086.
Scott county memorial, 1896. | Forsyth, Mr., on the Senate’s appointing its own commit-
relief of Lord Stirling’s heirs, 2000. tees, 28
duties on lead, 2022. Government deposites, 30, 31, 33, 35, 53, 58, 95,
Pennsylvania and Kentucky memorials, 2027. 338, 339, 342, 467, 470, 471, 475, 1156.
Toulon accident, 2035. General Post Office, 49.
the number of signers of bank memorials, 2036. | force bill, 57.
French spoliations prior to 1800, 2039. construction of the new tariff, 203, 204, 205.
general appropriation bill, 2040, 2052. public distress, 225, 227, 228.
frauds in sale of lands, 2044. appropriation bill, 332.
New Hampshire resolutions, 2066. North Carolina resolutions, 539, 543, 559, 565.
harbor bill, 2081, 2083. printing an extra number of the report in relation
Post Office resolutions, 2115. to the pension fund, 573.
striking out of the journal the resolution censuring | Pennsylvania petitions, 608.
* the President for the removal of the deposites. | Maine petitions, 623, 626, 633, 646, 653.
Clayton, Mr., report of the Judiciary Committee in rela-| North Carolina memorial, 700.
tion to the pension fund and the Bank United| Louisville memorial, 737, 743.
States, 573. public printing, 810, 811, 834.
Pennsylvania memorials, 718, 1141. Massachusetts resolutions, 841, 853, 855.
Louisville memorial, 740, 744, 745. New Jersey petitions, 868, 870, 872, 874, 1459,
Delaware memorial. 1440, 1442, 1445, 1447, 1449.
Rhode Island election, 806. Petersburg memorial, 884.
public lands, 813, 815, 816, 820. Virginia memorial, 948, 955.
New Jersey petitions, 865, 868. New Orleans memorial, 1017.
Culpeper memorial, 1196. Petersburg memorial, 1112.
Cumberland road, 1251, 1232. respecting Union Bank of Maryland, 1141.
Centre county memorials, 1252. memorial of young men of Philadelphia, 1152.
Rhode Island Senator, 1254, 1257. Rhode Island Senator, 1256, 1257.
amending a rule of the Senate, 1289. repeal of the force bill, 1284.
President’s protest, 1587, 1389, 1613. President’s explanatory message, 1594, 1596, 1398.
President’s explanatory message, 1396, 1401. President’s protest, 1420, 1421, 1422, 1434, 1650.
Kent county memorial, 1454. Ontario county, (N. Y.) memorial, 1477, 1478,
pension agency, 1729, 1735. Hanover county, (Pa.) memorial, 1480. (1479.
Newcastle county memorial, 1732. }
proceedings at Baltimore, 1593.
Wilmington proceedings, 1742, 1745, 1746. |
public landg, 1599, 1600, 1604.
Elizabeth Robinson’s claim, 1747, 1749, 1750. ~ New Bedford memorial, 1607, 1608.
Baltimore and Washington railroad bill, 1 ‘ 6, | the Wilmington proceedings, 1741, 1742, 1745

1‘ 7
vr fe.
Cherokee memorial, 1772, 1773, 1775, 1778. Cherokee memorial, 1772, 1773, 1775, 1777, 1779.
New Jersey memorials, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843. memorials from Pennsylvania and New York,
restoration of the deposites, 1859. 1788, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1805.
bill for establishing the northern boundary of Ohio, marine corps, 1833.
1899.| New Jersey memorials, 1842.
report on the Post Office, 1942, 1947, 1969, 1985,| Harrisburg memorial, 1866, 1870, 1872, 1877.

2108.| restoration of the deposites, 1880.
compensation to E. R. Potter, 2037. pension roll, 1898, 1899.
general appropriation bill, 2053, 2063, 2064. Post Office report, 1916, 1917, 1949, 1979, 1982,
1984, 1985.

New Hampshire resolutions, 2067.
harbor bill, 2081. relief of representatives of Moses Shepherd, 2023.
Ewing, Mr., on the Rhode fsland election, 8. French spoliations prior to 1800, 2024, 2033.
removal of the deposites, S01. the number of signers of bank memorials, 2036.
Louisville memorial, 728, 735. general appropriation bill, 2041, 2044.
Virginia memorial, 950, 957. frauds in sale of lands, 2043, 2044, 2050, 2052.
Cumberland road, 1142, 1145, 1231, 1232, 1259. death of General Lafayette, 2054.
Culpeper memorial, 1203. Indian appropriations, 2072, 2074.
Albany memorial, 1219. Frelin ghuysen, Mr., on the Rhode Island election, 7.
Ohio memorials, 1290, 1300. | public distress, 339.
| removal of deposites, 448.
President’s explanatory message, 1599.
President’s protest, 1404. Essex county memorials, 809.
memorial from Ross county, 1597. public lands, 816, 818.
memorial from New Bedford, 16v9. New Jersey petitions, 862, 870, 1425.

Frelinghuysen, Mr., on Cumberland road, 1142, 1143, King, Mr., of Alabama, on giving instructions to Commit-
1231. tee of Finance, 446.
the President’s protest, 1345. printing an extra number of the report in relation
New Jersey memorials, 1726 to the pension fund, Vis
York county, Pa. resolutions, 1728 Pennsylvania petitions, 607, 609.
Columbiana county memorial, 1733, 1734 public lands, 816, 820, 824, 1602
Cherokee memorial, 1774, 1776. York county memorial, 976, 1116.
pension roll, 1824, 1826. Cumberland road, 1143, 1238
relief of Mountjoy Bailey, 1836. Rhode Island Senator, 1254.
restoration of the deposites, 1858, 1859. ascertaining the number of the petitioners on the
relief of Lord Stirling’s heirs, 1999. deposite question, 1304.
duties on lead, 2022. President’s protest, 1360, 1613
general appropriation bill, 2046. President’s explanatory message, 1595.
Indian appropriation bill, 2071, 2072, 2073, 2074 his note, explanatory of decision in the chair,
Indian intercourse, 2125, 2127. 1450.
Grundy, Mr., on the Senate’s appointing its own commit- relief of Mountjoy Bailey, 1834.
tees, 20, 27, 28. restoration of the deposi tes, 1881.
call made on the President in relation to the gen- bill for making Florida canals, 1907.
uineness of a certain on 8. frauds in the sale of public land, 2045.
election ef committees, Al, general appropriation bill, 2052.
General Post Office, 47 : 807. lost property during late war, 2071.
New York resolutions, 416. kKinf, Mr., of Georgia, on extending the payment of rey-
removal of deposites, 416, 470 enue bonds, 513.
pension fund, 463. the Massachusetts resolutions, 844
Philadelphia resolutions, 803. Petersburg memorial,889.
public lands, 814, 815, 818, 819. Augusta memorial, og F
Culpeper memorial, 1194, 1195, 1201. printing old journals,1 305.
President's protest, 1547. Baltimore and Washington railroad bill,
Baltimore proceedings, 1586, 1589, 1592. Relief of Lord Stirling’s heirs, 1999.
Baltimore and W ashington railroad bill, 1752, 175 general appropriation bill, 2046, 2052.
Post Office report, 1915, 1916, 1947, 1953 " 1959 4
Knight, Mr., on the Rhode Island election, 19.
Post Office resolutions, 21033. 1996. the report in relation to Narraganset bay, 330.
Hendricks, Mr., on the Cumberland road, 1141, Ma,, West India trade, 335, 375
1143, 123¢ ), 1231, 1233" memorial from Rhode Island, 569, 1717
President’s protest, 1612, 1613. President’s protest, 1615.
Saltimore and Washington railroad bill, 7oDt Post Office reports, 1985.
1753, 1754. Kent county memorial, 2029.
Cherokee memorial, 1776. general appropriation bill, 2044.
Indiana memorials, 1805, 1809, 1810. Post Office resolutions, 2083
Relief of the representatives of Moses Shepherd, Leig h, Mr., on the Petersburg memorial, 876, 886.
2023 Virginia memorial, 946.
gencral appropriation bill, 2044. rechartering the Bank of the United States, 996,
Hill, Mr., on the New Hampshire memorial, 1041.
removal of the deposites, 756. Culpeper memorial, 1188, 1195.
Post Office reports, 1961. President’s protest, 1365, 1373, 1423.
allowing interest to States for advances, 2003 Ontario memorial, 1479.
general appropriation bill, 2046, 2052. Jefferson county memorial, 1 )

New Hampshire resolutions, 2057, 2066, UOl. Pennsylvania and New York memorials, 1801, 1802,
Kane, Mr., on Rhode Island election, 5. 1803.
Government deposites, 36. marine corps, 1834.
the appropriation bill, 33 relief of Mountjoy Bailey, 1837, 1838.
extending the pay ment ofr revenue bonds, 494, bill for establishing the northern boundary of Ohio,
Maine petitions, 655. 1905.
York county memorial, 974. } proposed amendment of the constitution, 1955,
Cumberland road, 1232, 1239. 1957.
Rhode Island Senator, 1254. Post Office reports, 1970,1981.
President’s protest, 1462 Lord Stirling’s heirs, 1999.
Wilmington a 1745, 1744, Kenawha memorial, 2019.
pension agency, 1746, 1811. relief of the representatives of Moses Shepherd,
granting Wm. Shalera pension, 2002. 2023.
Kent, Mr., on resolution to amend the constitution, 58. general appropriation bill, 2053.
on the Maryland memorials, 1056. Linn, Mr., on the harbor bill, 20853.
resolution in favor of Chesapeake and Ohio canal, McKean, Mr., on the remoyal of the deposites, 444,
1205 1187.
the death of Mr. Dennis announced, 1516. public distress, 527.
memorial of Prince George’s, 1365. Pennsylvania petitions, 607, 608.
Baltimore and Washington railroad bill, 1760. Pennsylvania memorials, 717. >
King, Mr., of Alabama, on Rhode Island elections, 2, 4, Philadelphia resolutions, 802, Q

; 5, 13, 806. Westchester resolutions, 804.

Senate’s appointing its own committees, 21, 42. Lancaster county memorial, $25.
Government deposites, 56, 52. Philadelphia memorial, 958, 1581.
public distress, 231. York county memorial, 961
the appropriation bill, 333. Centre county memorial, 1251, 1252.
Vou. X.--2

McKean, Mr., on Hanover county memorial, 1485 Poindexter, Mr., on New Hampshire resolutions, 2066
on the Baltimore proceedings, 1593. bill for the benefit of Washington, 2079.
Harrisburg memorial, 1860. Porter, Mr., on the removal of the deposites, 470.
restoration of the deposites, 1895. North Carolina memorial, 702.
memorials from Pennsylvania and South Carolina,| public lands, 820, 1601.
1954. New Orleans memorial, 1018.
Tolland county memorial, 2024. Huntingdon county proceedings, 1535
Mangum, Mr., on the Rhode Island election, 9 relief of Lord Stirling’s heirs, 1999.
General Post Office, 47, 1986. general appropriation bill, 2031. :
removal of the deposites, 472. frauds in the sale of lands, 2043. a
extending the payment of revenue bonds, 525 | Prentiss, Mr., on the Burlington memorial, 855. c
North Carolina resolutions, 529, 536. Vermont resolutions, 958. :
Pennsylvania petitions, 609. Vermont memorial, 1289, 1594. 4
North Carolina memorial, 681, 697. granting William Shaler a pension, 2001. C
public printing, 810, 855. | Preston, Mr., on slavery inthe District of Columbia, F
memorials from Wilkesborough and Halifax, 1140, } 198, 199
: 1205. j| the construction of the new tariff, 205
Tarborough memorial, 1259. }
public distress, 231.
Ohio memorials, 1300. removal of the deposites, 337, 339.
Wake county meeting, 1767. North Carolina resolutions, 560.
Raleigh memorial, 1768. public lands, 817, 820, 1600, 1605.
general appropriation bill, 2050, 2051. Virginia memorial, 950.
Movre, Mr., on the veto to the land bill, 15, York county memorial, 965, 966, 968, 1116.
removal of the deposites, 1185. Cumberland road, 1142, 1234, 1238.
public lands, 1600. memorial of young men of Philadelphia, 1147, 1154
Eliz. Robinson’s claim, 1750, 1751. death of his colleague (Mr. James Blair) announ
relief of Mountjoy Bailey, 1835. ced, 1240.
Morris, Mr., on public lands, 812, 813, 819, 825 call on the Secretary of the Treasury for names of
the Ohio memorials, 1295, 2065. certain agents, 1260. -
Columbiana county memorial, 1733, 1734. on printing the old journals, 1305.
President’s explanatory message, 1394.
Naudain, Mr., on the Newcastle county memorial, 1729. President’s protest, 1422, 1656.
Wilmington proceedings, 1735. New Jersey memorials, 1440.
Elizabeth Robinson’s claim, 1746. Wilmington proceedings, 1744.
Elizabeth Robinson’s claim, 1748, 1749.
Poindexter, Mr., on Rhode Island election, 2, 9, 10, 19,| Baltimore and Washington Railroad bill, 1754
804, 806 pension roll, 1824, 1831, 1897, 1898, 1899.
the veto of the land bill, 15. memorials from Pennsylvania and South Carolina,
Senate’s appointing its own committees, 24, « 1954. e
Government deposites, 32, 466. allowing interest to States for advances, 2006. %
public distress, 235, 252, 379, 434. duties on lead, 2022. e
West India trade, 335. general appropriation bill, 2030, 2050, 2051, 2054, X
public lands, 342, 754, 811, 9
& 315, 814, 815, |
816, 819, 1600, 1602.| harbor bill, One
2082. s
giving instructions to Committee of Finance, 445, | ae

44146, 447 Rives, Mr., on the remoyal of the deposites, 259, &
extending the payment of revenue bonds, 4 ify S00, 301 %
Pennsylvania petitions, 610. announced the death of Mr. Bouldin, hiscolleague, %
call on the Secretary of the Treasury for copy of| 558
a certain Treasury draft, 747, 749. resolutions of the Virginia Legislature, 636.
York county memorial, 962, 976, 1117. Robbins, Mr., on a report in relation to Narraganset bay,
Cumberland road, 1143, 1231, 1233 |
Rhode Island Senator, 1255, 1256, 1257 memorial from Rhode Island, 570, 1108, 1456.
repeal of the force bill, 1285. bill providing a marble bust of Chief Justice Ells
amending a rule of the Senate, 1289, worth, 825.
ascertaining the number of petitioners on the de-| Rhode Island resolutions, 1910.
posite question, 1505. | general appropriation bill, 2064.
printing old journals, 1305, 1508, 1311. Kent county proceedings, 2069.
*resident’s protest, 1336, 1588, 1420, 1421, 1432,| Robinson, Mr., on granting compensation to volunteers
1452, 1613, 1614, 1655, 1711. on the frontier, 1896.
President’s explanatory message, 1394, 1595. the Post Office resolutions, 2116.
Polish exiles, 1541.
saltimore proceedings, 1593. Shepley, Mr., onslavery in the District
of Columbia, 198 ‘
Columbiana county memorial, 1733, 1734 public distress, 225. ?
Wilmington proceedings, 1744, 174 ). the deposite question, 233, 442, 444 &
Elizabeth Robinson’s claim, 1751. West India trade, 334, 335, 375. fe
marine corps, 1833. Maine petitions, 618, 652. <
New Jersey memorials, 1843. public land, 813, 819, 821, 825, 1606. &
Reliefof the representatives of M. Shepherd, 20‘ Maine memorial, 1287. =
French spoliations prior to 1800, 2038 Elizabeth Robinson’s claim, 1747. f
frauds in the sale of lands, 2042, 2043, 204 Augusta memorial, 1839.
restoration of the deposites, 1851. '
general appro ’priation bill, 2050, O55, relief of the owners of the privateer Roger, 19

Shepley, Mr., on memorial of Seth Pitts, 1913. Tipton, Mr., on General Post Office, 50.
Post Office report, 1988 the bill for authorizing the people of Michigan
relief of the represent ative s of Moses Shepherd, Territory to form a separate State Governnient,
2023 1719.
Silsbee, Mr., on public distress, 226, 297. Cherokee memorial, 1776.
the West India trade,376. compensation of volunteers on the frontier, 1896.
extending the payment ofrevenue bonds, 511, 522. bill establishing the northern boundary of Ohio,
Massachusetts resolutions, 836. 1899.
Salem memorial, 1258. for establishing the Territorial Government of
Salem proceedings, 1315. Wisconsin, 1906.
New Bedford memorial, 1607, 1610. for making Florida canals, 1907.
general appropriation bill, 2031, 2041. >
Indian appr ropriations sz207 >.
harbor bill, 2081. admitting the Territory of Arkansas, 2078.
light-house bill,2027. harbor bill.
Smith, Mr., on the Pennsylvania petitions, 609 Virginia land warrants , 219 6.
petitions and resolutions from Connecticut, 656. Yomlinson, Mr., prese nteda memoris il from Lyme, 1997.
public lands, 820. a bill granting a pension to William Shaler, 2001
Elizabeth Robinson’s claim, 1746. Windham cout ity memorial, 2065.
Baltimore and Washington railroad, 1761. for the benefit of W ashington, 2079.
relief of Mountjoy Bailey, 1837. improvement of Hudson river, 2126.
relief of Lord Stirling’s heirs, 1999. lyler, Mr., on Treasury suits, 45.
Tolland county memorial, 2024, the removal of the deposites, 468, 472, 663.
improvement of the Hudson river, 2126 the Virginia memorial and resolutions, 604, 943, 946
southard, Mr., on the deposite question, 142, 143, 485, | resolutions of the Virginia Legislature, 636.
New Jersey resolutions, 525, [486 memorials from Norfolk and Wheeling, 749.
New Jersey memorials, 614, 1049, 1261, 1426, Shenandoah county resolutions, 960.
1434, 18359, 1840 Culpeper me morial, 1188, 1195.
memorial of young men of Philadel); phia, iL 45 Cumberland road, 1235.
Cumbs rlund road, 1236, 1258 proceedings of a meeting of young men of Rich
Rhode Island es 1255. mond and Manchester, 1527.
printing old journals, 305 Pennsylvania and New York memorials, 1792.
Preside nt’s protest 1356. relief of Mountjoy Bailey, 1837.
marine corps, 183 3, 1854.
relief of the owners of the privateer Roger, 1906.
bill for making certain Florida canals, 1907 proposed amendment of the constitution, 1957.
Post Office report, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1975. relief of the representatives of Moses Shepherd,
reneral appropriation bill, 2040, 2045, ,
2063 20 79
ww Je
pensions to French s¢amen, 2.142. French spoliations prior to 1809, 2038, 2040.
bill for the benefit of Washington, 2079. bill for the benefit of Washington, 2079
“re ointing
a committee to sit inthe recess to inves- Virginia land warrants, 2126.
tigate the condition of the deposite banks, 2135. eS

Sprague, Mr., on the Rhode Island election, 15, 806. Vice President, on the York county memorial, 965, 970,
his resolution to restore to the Senate the appoint- 1115
ment of its committees, 20, 28.
call on the Secretary of the ‘Treasury for informa |} Waggaman, Mr., on the New Orleans memorial, 1007.
tion respecting the West India trade, 139; on | Toulon accident, 2055.
the r ‘port, of , $7 >.
| Webster, Mr., on the Government dk posite +» ID, 35, 166,
on slavery in the District of Col } 167, 474, 482, 485.
public distress, ow. election of committees, 40.
removal of the deposites, 350 accidents in steam vessels, 54, 57.
Pennsylvania petitions, 608. public distress, », 291, 338, 379, 528
petitions from Maine, 616, 62 }, 6235, 627, 632 appropriation bill, S31, 333, 336, 341.
public lands, 820. New York resolutions, 405, 435.
New Jersey petitions, $70, 87 giving instructions to Committee of Finance, 445,
Maine memorials, '9942. 446.
Sath memorials, 1243. New York memorial on the finances of the coun-
Rhode fsland Sanden. 1257. try, 464.
President’s protest, 1540, 1365 extending the payment of revenue bonds, 523.
Hallowell memorial, 1559. North Carolina resolutions, 540, 556.
New Bedford memorial, 1609, 1611. Maine petitions, 636, ¢ 9, 648
Augusta memorial, 1858, 1839 pension bill, 7715.
Post Office report, 1916, 1985, 1992 Louisville memorial, 742
relief of Lord Stirling’s heirs, 2000. New Bedford memorial, 745.
French spoliations nrior to 1800, 2038, 2040. Lancaster county (Pennsylvania — 82
Indian appropriations, 2072, 2073. Philadelphia mechanics’ memorial,
Fe harbor bill, 2083. Massachusetts resolutions, 838, 84 > 833, 855.
37 Swift, Mr., on the navigation of Lake Champlain, 536 Brooklyn memorial, 942.
Burlington memorial, 853. York county memorial, 961, 965, 1116.
New Jersey petitions, 866. Boston memorial, 978.
rechartering the Bank of the United States, 984,
b\» Mr., ’ on New York resolutions, 412 1036, 1144.
the removal of the deposites, 492, 892. proceedings of a ee at Chambet sburg, 1107.
me Louisville memorial, 722, 724, yoy
757. Lynn memorial, 1115
French poliations priot to l JO 0) }
Albany memorial, 117 , 142


Webster, Mr., Muncy memorial, 1187. Wilkins, Mr., on public distress, 576.
President’s explanatory message, 1397, 1400. removal of deposites, 444, 469, 472, 481, 483, 485,
President’s protest, 1421, 1613, 1660, 1663. 86, 574.
Union county (Pennsylvania) memorial, 1453. extending the payment of revenue bonds, 508.
Ontario county (New York) memorial, 1475, 1478, North Carolina resolutions, 565.
1479. resolutions from Pittsburg, 615.
Utica (New York) memorial, 1527. York county memorial, 960, 966.
Huntingdon (New York) memorial, 1533. Cumberland road, 1142, 1145, 1144, 1231, 1 :
Pennsylvania memorial, 1582. Beaver memorial, 1171. ;
Boston memorial on gold coin, 1596. Huntingdon county proceedings, 1529, 1534.
memorial from Ross county, Ohio, 1599. Hanover county proceedings, 1542. z
New Bedford memorial, 1607. Pittsburg proceedings, 1761. E
New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan memorials, Post Office reports, 1996.
1722. general appropriation bill, 2041, 2051, 2065.
“lizabeth Robinson’s claim, 1749, 1750. Wright, Mr., of New York, on Rhode Island election, 7,
Columbia, Pennsylvania, proceedings, 1761. 12, 14, 19, 804, 807, 1918.
Raleigh memorial, 1769. Senate’s appointing ils own commiltees, 22. :
Cherokee memorial, 1778, 1779. New York resolutions, 597. -
New York memorial, 1780. giving instructions to Committee of Finance, 445, ie
New York and Pennsylvania memorials, 1788, 1790, 446 5
1801. pension fund, 463.
gold and silver coins, 1805. New York memorial on the finances of the coun ee
pension roll, 1825. try, 464, 466. ee
Harrisburg memorial, 1860, 1870, 1877. removal of the deposites, 479, 1156. ;
proceedings of Mercer, 1917. extending the payment of revenue bonds,
Rhode Island election, 1918. North Carolina resolutions, 553.
Post Office reports, 1951, 1958. Louisville memorial, 751, 756.
‘Tompkins county memorial, 1998. ‘Troy memorial, 747.
foreign silver coins, 2019, 2020. public lands, 821, 822.
general appropriation bill, 2021, 2030, 2031, 2041, public printing, 832, 833.
2044, 2053, 2064 Burlington memorial, 861.
French spoliations prior to 1800, 2038, 2039, 2050. Brooklyn proceedings, 957.
death of General Lafayette, 2054, 2071, 2074. rechartering the Bank of the United States, 1019
New Hampahire resolutions, 2063. Albany memorial, 1184, 1207, 1228. :
bill for the benefit of Washington, 2079. Rhode Island Senator, 1252, 1256, 1257. é
Post Office resolutions, 2118, 2120. ascertaining the number of petitioners on the de :
Boston memorial, 2125. posite question, 1302. z
improvement of the Hudson river, 2126. President’s protest, 1615. #
deposite bill, 2127. pension agency, 1729. z
White, Mr., on rechartering the Bank of the U. S., 1117. Pennsylvania and New York memorials, 1786, 1 Z
Elizabeth Robinson’s claim, 1746, 1747. gold and silver coins, 1805. §
relief of Mountjoy Bailey, 1836, 1837. pension roll, 1827, 1831. é%
general appropriation bill, 2064. Post Office reports, 1993.
Indian appropriation bill, 2072, 2074. compensation of Mr. Potter, 2020. z


Adams county, Pennsylvania, memorial opposed to the re- | Appropriations; a bill making appropriation, in part, for
charter of the bank, 2532. the Government for 1834; ordered to be en-
New York, memorial respecting the deposites and grossed, 2246, 2494.
currency, 4036. the Speaker’s statement in relation to the bill,
Addison county, Vermont, memorial on the subject of the 2683; passed, 2685.
de posites anc 1 currency, 5948. naval appropriation bill, considered and ordered to
Adjournment of Congress, resolution fixing a day for it, be engrossed, 2365; passed, 2597.
3537; taken up, 5817; and negatived. Indian appropriation bill, considered, 2501, 4067;
resolutions fixing the 16th of June for adjourn-| ordered to be engrossed, 4080; passed.
es 4041; debated, .but no decision; agreed to, general, the bill taken up, 3543, $651; passed,
4079; amended fixing the 50th of June as the day 4024.
of adjournment, 4450. | Armory in Kentucky; a resolution instructing the Com
Alabama and the Executive of the United States; a resolu- | "mittee on Military Affairs to inquire into the ex
tion instructing the Committee on Indian Affairs | pediency of erecting one, 2549.
to inquire into the provisions of treaty of March, | Army comaiaaiiieds a bill to render permanent the ” %
1832, with the Creeks, whether they be incon- | sent mode of supplying the army, &c., 2753 e
sistent with the sovereign right of said State, | A rmy appropriation bill, 2954; passed, 3001. é
2501. | Augusta, Georgia, memorial praying that the forme: 5
Albany, New York, memorial against the course of the relations between the United States and the :
administration, 5526. Bank of the United States may be restored,
Alexandria, a bill for the benefit of, 4794; passed, 4791 2894

Baltimore and Washington railroad, a bill further to con- Clark county, Kentucky, memorial on the subject of the
tinue in force an act to authorize the extension, deposites, 4199.
construction, and use of a lateral branch of, } Clerk, Walter S. Franklin elected, 2137.
2500; passed. Clinton county, Ohio, memorial touching the scarcity of
Baltimore, memorial of the merchants on the Gepesiios, money, 3840.
Committees ofthe House, order for appointing them, 2160.
memorials approving of the course of the adminis-| standing, announced, 2160.
tration, 2840, Commutation pension bill, (See Pensions.)
a bill making appropriations for building a Congress, a bill to provide for rebuilding the frigate of
marine hospital at, 4797; passed. that name, 4795; passed 4796.
Bank of the United States, a memorial from the Govern- Connecticut memorial on the currency, &c., 2724.
ment directors respecting it, 2181. banks, in favor of a recharter of the Bank United
memorial from the president of the bank, 2207. States, 2771.
a history of, a resolution for furnishing each mem- Copy-rights, (See Patents.)
ber with acopy, 2549. Creck Indians in Alabama; a resolution to inquire into the
and pension agency, a message from the President provisions of the treaty of March, 1832, 2707;
on the subject, 2615. laid on the table, 2708.
committee appointed to look into the affairs of the Cumberland road, a bill making appropriations for con-
bank, 3516. tinuing it, 4080; ordered to be engrossed, 4537.
a bill proposed to modify and extend the act incor-| Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, memorial on the de-
porating the bank, 3779. ranged state of the currency, 3128.
report of the committee appointed to examine the}
affairs of the bank, 4240. Decatur, Susan, a bill for the relief of, 2759; taken up,
resolutions proposed asa substitute for those re-| 3684.
ported by a majority of the committee of inves-| Delaware county, Pennsylvania, memorial praying for the
tigation, 4321, 4257; concurred in, and thirty | restoration of deposites, 5538.
thousand copies ordered to be printed, 4274. Delaware, Kent county, memorial complaining of the re-
Banks of deposite, a resolution calling for copies of their moval of public deposites, 5648.
charters, &c., 3271. Dennis, Littleton Purnell, from Maryland, his death an-
Banks of District of Columbia, resolution proposing a nounced, 5630.
committee to investigate their situation, 3749. | Deposite bank bill reported, 3752; passed 4760.
Bangor, Maine, memorial praying that the charter of Deposites, (See Government.)
United States Bank may be renewed, 2762. Doorkeepers, Overton Carr and William Hunter appoint-
Bath, Maine, memorial complaining of stagnation of bu-| ed, 2138.
siness, 3327. Duties on sculpture, a bill for remitting duties on certain
Bell, John, elected Speaker in the place of Mr. Steven- articles of, 5123; rejected.
son, resigned, 4373; his address on the occasion.
Bells; a bill to remit duty on bells presented to the Roman a Debates, a resolution directing three hundred
Catholic Church at St. Louis, Mo.,4801; passed. copies to be procured, 2375; agreed to, 2576
é Bellefonte, Centre county, Pennsylvania, proceedings of | Explosions by steam, a bill authorizing the Secretary of
a public meeting, 3537. | the Treasury to make experiments to prevent,
Berks county, Pennsylvania, memorial praying that the 4797; passed, 4798.
deposites may be restored, 2774.
memorial against rechartering the bank, 3531. Five per cent. stock, (See Sinking Fund.)
and Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, memorials on i Fletcher, Noah, his memorial stating his case to the
pecuniary distress, 3129. House, 2290; laid on the table, 2575.
Blair, General James, from South Carolina, his death an- Florida and Arkausas land claims, a bill for the adjust-
SNR nounced, 3328. ment of, passed, 4793. :
Blair and Pinckney, Messrs., a difference between them Fobes, Abraham, a bill for his relief, 2298; passed.
settled, 5157. Foot, Samuel A., resigns his scat, 4045. AS
Books, a resolution proposing to furnish the new mem- Foreign silver coins, a bill to regulate their value, 2548;
bers with certain books of reference heretofore passed.
furnished to old members, 2561; called up, 3001; Fortifications, a bill making appropriations for certain,
agreed to, 3009. 2755; passed, 4789.
Bouldin, Mr. T. T., from Virginia, notice of his death, &c. | France, claims on; a bill to carry into effect the conven-
2705. | tion with France, 3971.
J., elected in the place of his late brother, took } Franklin county (Pennsylvania) memorial, praying for ae

his seat, 5271. the restoration of the deposites, 2695, 3130.

Brandenburg, Kentucky, memorial against the removal of Franklin county (Massachusetts) memorial, complaining
the deposites, 3839. of the removal of the deposites, 4258.
Burlington, Vermont, memorial on the derangement ol | Frig ate and schooner, a bill to purchase the frames of,
the currency, 3952. 4795; passed, 4796.

Chaplain, Rev. Mr. Stockton elected, 2166. Gardiner (Maine) memorial, complaining of the scarcity
Chester, Pennsylvania, memorial for the restoring of the of money, 3640; discussed, 3715.
deposites, 2783, S532. Garland, Mr., from Louisiana, appeared, was qualified,
Cincinnati, memorial onthe removal of the deposites, 2539. and took his seat, S821.
Chesapeake and Ohio canal, memorial of the Baltimore |Genesce (New York) memorial, praying relicf from
and Qhio railroad, 2701. present embarrassments, 3953.
Claims for buildings burnt bythe enemy during the war; aj Georgia claims, a bill for the payment of, 4789.
resolution instructing the Committee of Claims} Gloucester (Virginia) memorial, on the currency, 4186
to inquire into the expediency of providing for| Gold coin bill, a bill regulating the value of certain gold
such by law, 3081; agreed to. cuins, 4498; passed, 467

Government deposites, on the removal of, 2170. Louisville (Kentucky) memorials, complaining of pecu-
report on the removal of them, 2868. niary distress, 2896, 3838.
resolution directing deposites to be made in the Lowell (Massachusetts) memorial, against the recharter of
Bank of the United States, 3676. the bank, 3638.
bill directing deposites to be made in certain local Lycoming county (Pennsylvania) memorial, against the
banks, 4600; passed, 4760. removal of the deposites, 3531.
in favor of rechartering Bank U. States, 4174.
Hallowell (Maine) memorial, against the unauthorized in-
terference of the Executive with the currency, Madison, (Indiana) proceedings, in relation to the em-
4257. barrassed state of the country, 2896.
Harbor bill, 4081; passed, 4796. Madison county (Kentucky) memorial, in favor of restor
Harrison county (Ohio) memorial, praying for the restora- ing the deposites, 4198.
tion of the deposites, 3535. Maine resolutions in relation to the removal of the de-
Havana and Porto Rico, a bill to equalize the discrimina- posites, 2570.
ting duties on American vessels in, 4798; passed. Marine hospitals, a bill for erecting, 4788; passed.
Hudson river, a bill for the improvement of, 4795; pass- Maryland, proceedings of the 5th congressional district,
ed, 4796. 3642.
Indian appropriation bill, (See Appropriation.) Massachusetts resolutions, leave asked to introduce thei,
2970, 3009.
Indian liabilities, a resolution calling on the Secretary of in

War to report a statement of the liabilities of the memorial of 3d congressional district, 3933.
United States to Indians under existing treaties, Members, list of, 2129. Ssaera
2551. Mifflin county (Pennsylvania) memorial, against the ex
annuity bill, 4068; passed, 4071. periment made on the currency of the country,
affairs; a report, with three bills, viz: to provide for
the organization of the department of Indian af- Military Academy at West Point, a bill making appro RROHS
fairs, to regulate trade and intercourse with priations for, 4483; passed, 4498.
them, and to provide for the establishment of Military land-warrants, a bill to extend the time fo
the Western Territory, for their security and issuing, 4797; passed.
protection, & »., 4200; passed, 4797. Mills, R., a resolution for compensating him for his services
Iron for railroads, a bill to allow it to be imported duty as architect in designing and carrying into eflect
t{ Of.
the alterations in the Hall of Representatives,
Jeflerson, Thomas, a bronze statue of him proposed to
be presented, 3156. National currency; a resolution of Mr. Ewing, directing
a resolution respecting do., 4787; agreed to. the Committee of Ways and Means to inquire
Jones county (Mississippi) memorial, sustaining the cours¢ into the expediency of authorizing a national
of the Executive, 4252. s
currency of 35 millions, 2220.
Judges, Territorial, a bill making increased appropriation a proposition respecting, leave to offer it refused, erat
for their salaries, 4566; passed. OI

Kalb, Baron de, a petition from the heirs of, 4263.

Natchez memorial, condemning the removal of the de
posites, 5309.
Kentucky, 14 instead of 13 members present, 2130.
Navy regulations; a proposition for printing additional
contested election in the 5th congressional district
brought before the House, 2159, copies of rules and regulations for the navy,
4006; agreed to.
resvlutions respecting the removal of the deposites,
report on the bill for equalizing the pay of officers
of the navy, 4138.
election; resolution cn the disputed election of
Naval service; a bill authorizing transfers of appropriation
Letcher and Moore, 3967.
in the naval service, 4795; passed, 4796.
counter report on do., 4007.
Nelson, General, his claim for services during the Revolu- ane
resolutions on the subject, 4200.
tion referred to a select committee, 2377.
Lafaytete, General, his death announced, and a joint New Bedford resolutions on the removal of the deposites,
committee appointed to report what token of
respect will be proper on the occasion, the re- memorial praying for a change in the policy of the
port of the committee, 4760, 4642. Government, 2897.
New York memorial, from merchants, complaining of the Fens
Lands, public, a bill to reduce and graduate the price of,
ast). deranged currency, 2531;
laid on the table 4522, memorials on the present condition of the country,
on the Wabash, a motion to refer the schedule 2690.
of them to the committee on the subject, 2542, | New York and New Jersey boundary line; a bill reported,
a bill making grants of, to disbanded officers and giving the assent of Congress to a treaty entered
others, for services during the late war, 3082. into between the two States, 4336; passed, 479.
a bill relinquishing the reversionary interest of the New ILaven, proceedings of a meeting of the citizens in
United States in an Indian reservation, 3539; favor of rechartering Bank United States, 277
passed. New Jersey and Rhode Island memorials for the restura-
Land claims, (See Florida and Arkansas.) tion of the deposites, 5327.
Lead mines; a bill to authorize the President to cause the proceedings of Hunterdon and Somerset counties,
lead mines in Hlinois and Michigan to be sold, $643.

4388; passed. New Orleans memorial on the shock given to publi

Lexington (Kentucky) memorial, against the removal of credit, $841.
the deposites, 3534. Newcastle (Delaware) memorial, praying that the de
Light-house bill, 4759; passed, 480 posites may be restored, 2836.
Locomotive steam engines imported, eA
duty to be remiuttec, Norfolk (Virginia) memorial, in favor of restoring thie
pas ed, if deposites, 4242.

North Carolina, Burke country, memorial against removal Prince George’s county, Maryland, memorial for restora-
of deposites, 3649. tion of deposite s, 3533.
memorials from the Tarborough district, 3821. Providence, Rhode Island, memorial approving of the
Northumberland county (Pennsylvania) memorial, ap- course of administration, 5641.
proving of the administration, 3531. Public Treasury; resolutions declaring that all moneys not
appropriated are under the order wr direction
Ohio boundary; a bill to settle the northern boundary of of Congress, &c., 3678; agreed to, 4450.
Ohio, 4436; passed. Public buildings, a bill making appropr ei for, 4795;
Oneida county, New York, memorial against the unwise passed, 4796.
interference of the Government with the cur-
rency, 3959. Railroads and canals; a bill to authorize the construction
Onondaga county, New York, memorial on the disturbed of railroads and canals through lands of the
currency, 3955. United States, 3082.
Ontario county, New York, memorial against the remo- Railroad, (See Bdltimore and Washington.)
val of deposites, 4150, Reduction of revenue, a resolution to instruct the Com
Order, questions of, 2494, 2496, 2497, 2498, 2543, 2557 mittee of Ways and Means to inquire into its ex-
583, 2597, 2616, 2617, 2619, 2620, 2728, 273: pediency, 2825; the House refused to consider it.
2784, 2785, 2868, 2976, 3001, 3472, 3517, 3538, Remuneration for lost property in the late war, a bill for
3752, 3753, 3760, 3761,
3 .764, 337 65, 4034, 4055, that purpose, 5602; passed.
4135, 4136, 4139, 4273, 4274, 4276, 4435, 4 146, Resignation of Mr. Speaker Stevenson, 4355; this address

4447, 4455. on leaving the chair, 4368.

Owens, Hardeman, a resolution in relation to the case of, Revolutionary claims, a bill providing for their settlement,
2709; agreed to, 2734. reported, 2551; passed.
Rhode Island memorials, compl: Lining © f the derangement
Patents and copy-rights, a bill respecting, 4793; passed. of the currency, 2717, 3327.
Paterson, New Jersey, memorial in relation to the United resolutions on do., 4504,3
States Bank, 3136. tichmond memorial, from ecanaas and others, 2754
Pennsylvania memorials, in fayor of continuing the United Rochambeau, Marquis of, his petition, 4263
States Bank, 2831 Rockingham and Shenandoah, Virginia, memorials against
Pennsylvania avenue, a bill to complete the improvement the restoration of the deposites, 3535.
of, 4794; passed. tules, the old ones adopted for the present, 2158
Pension list, a resolution proposing to extend the provi- motion to amend the rules, 2161; negatived, 2184. ‘
sions of the act of 1832,2244, 2492; passed,
27702. Salaries of officers, a resolution proposing to equalize the
Pensions, a bill granting pensions to certain persons there- salaries of, 3680; agreed to.
in named, on its third reading, 2538; passed. Salem, Massachusetts, memorial praying for redress of
a bill giving to the Secretary of War all authority grievances, 3645.
in regard to paying pensioners, 2702; passed. Sandy creek, (on Lake Ontario,) a memorial praying for
to French seamen, a bill granting, 47 04; passed. the construction of a harbor, &e., 2295
hiladelphia memorials, from the merchants, &c., for the Sandy and Beaver canal, a proposit tion for a gr ant of land
restoration of the deposites, 2697. to aid in its construction, 2924.
memorial from the cordwainers, 2725. Savannah, Georgia, memorial against the measures of the ;
memorials from working men, 2835. administration, 3650, 3836, 4150. ;
memorials from sundry mechanics, 3132. Sergeant-at-arms, ‘Thomas Beverly Randolph elected,.
memorials from the councils, 3528.
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, memorial praying for restoration Seneca Falls, New York, memorial against the ruinous
of the deposites, 2693. measures of the administration, 3952.
Polish exiles, a memorial for the relief of, 3748. Shelby county, Kentucky, memorial deprecating the re-
Portland resolutions, 3014. mov: al of the deposites, 3532.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, memorial complaining of| Silver coinage, a bill re gulating the value of foreign silver
the distress of the times, 2715. coins, 5846; passed, 4279.
Post Office; a resolution calling on the Postmaster General Singleton, Mr., from South Carolina, his death an
for an account of clerks, &c. employed in his nounced, 2166.
Department, 3845. . Sinking fund; a resolution of Mr. Selden, instructing
gap Potomac bridge, a bill authorizing its construction, 4412; Committee of Ways and Means to report a
passed, 4795. authorizing the Commissioners of the Sinkin
Pre-emption rights, a bill to revive the act of 1830, 4469; Fund to redeem the five per cent. stocks of the
passed, 4480. United States, &c., 2294; taken up, 2566
President’sannual message received, 138, (See Appendiz. ) adopted, 2368
messages from, 2166. Slavery in the District of Columbia, memorials from Con-
message from, 2168. necticut on this subject, 25359.
resolutions on the annual message offered, 2168 Southwark and Moyamensing resolutions praying for res-
message, in relation to presents from foreign Pow- toration of the deposites, 2727.
ers, 2317. Spain and the United States, a bill to carry into effect the
message, respecting
the bridge across the Potomac, convention between, 479 + ps assed, 4796.
2318 Spanish West India trade, a bill ré inaing to the trade of ’

message, respecting foreign coins, 3328. 4522: passed, 4798

message - with a convention with the King of the two Speaker, Andrew Stevenson elected, 2136; his address.
Sicilies, 4071. John Bell elected, after several ballots, 4571.
Specie tender; a bill making certain foreign silver coins a
message with treaty with Emporor
of Russia, 4071.
message with a convention with Spain, 4222. legal tender, 3905; laid over, 5912. maguettll

message with Count Rochambeau’s and the heirs of Springfield, Massachusetts, memorial complaining of the
distressed « tiation of the country,
Barun de Kalb’s petitions, $263.

State banks, a memorial from, on the state of the curren- |Wheeling memorial complaining of the pressure of the
cy, 2246. times, 2894.
Steam engine, a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Navy || Windham, Vermont, memorial on the embarrassments of
to have experiments made on, read third time | the currency, 3943.
and passed, 4798. | Wirt, Mr., his death announced, 2757.
Stevenson, Mr. Speaker’s, resignation, (See Resignation, ) | Woodstock, Vermont, resolutions on the removal of the
4335. | deposites, 3021.
Stevenson, the Hon. Andrew, thanks of the House return-| Worcester, Massachusetts, memorial in relation to the
ed to him as Speaker of the House, 4798. distresses of the country, 3017.

Taunton river, a memorial praying for the removal of ob- |Yeas and nays, on laying on the table the memorial of the
structions in it, 2292. Government, 2182.
Territorial bills, in relation to Michigan, Florida, and| removal of deposites, 2184, 2206.
Arkansas, 4381; passed. case of Noah Fletcher, 2375.
Transylvania University, a petition for land, 2168. appropriation bill, 2500, 2560.
Troy, New York, memorial approving of the course of | West Point Military Academy, 2549.
the adminstration, 3521. referring the memorial of the New York mer-
chants, 2610.
Union county, Pennsylvania, memorial praying Congress referring the memorial on pension agency, fo"
to devise measures to restore prosperity to the the resolution for extending the pension laws,
country, 3642. 2702.
United States ‘Treasury Bank, a proposition for authori- | a resolution respecting the Creek Indians, in Ala-
zing an issue of $15,000,000 in Treasury notes, | bama, 2708.
4481; motion negatived. questions relating to the removal of the deposites,
Vermont memorials remonstrating against removal of de- consideringa resolution for the reduction of the
posites, $517. revenue, 2825.
Virginia resolutions against the removal
ofthe deposites, | the previous question on the deposite resolutions,
2840. 3473
deposite resolutions, 3474 to 3477.
War, remuneration for lost property, (See Remuneration.) general appropriation bill, 5551.
Warehousing system, a memorial from the merchants of suspending the rules of the House, 3679, 3682,
New York, 2713. $683
Warren county, Ohio, memorial praying for the restora- | resolution for equalizing salaries, S681.
tion of the deposites, 3535. amendment to the general appropriation bill, 4007,
Washington and Athens counties, Ohio, memorials
on the 4016, 4021
distressed state of the country, 4249. Oneida county, New York, memorial, 4036.
Washington, a bill for the benefit of the city of, 4397; question fixing the adjournment of the session, -
passed, 47953. 4079, 4334. y
Insurance Company, a bill to incorporate it, 4412; questions on the disputed election between Messrs. 4
passed. Letcher and Moore, 4364, 4365, 4366, 4567,
a bill making appropriations for the public build- | 4368.
ings and grounds, 4413. resolutions in relation to the public treasure, 4450.
Washington’s manuscripts, a bill to enable the Secretary resolutions in relation to the public deposites, 4468,
of State to purchase the books and papers of| 4469.
General Washington, 4781; passed, 4796. | the passage of the deposite bill, 4760.
a portrait of, additional payment for it to Mr. Van- |York, Pennsylvania, resolutions approving the course of
derlyn, 4787. the administration, 3136.
Wayne county, Indiana, memorial for the restoration of| memorial praying fora restoration of the deposites,
the deposites, 4499. 3533, 4186.
West Point Military Institution, a resolution instructing proceedings against the removal of the deposites,
the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire in- &e., 4038.
to the expediency of abolishing it, 2549. Yorktown monument, a memorial in favor of erecting one,
the bill making appropriation for the academy, in conformity with a resolution of Congress in
passed, 4790 1781, 4040,



laws, 2702.
Adams, Mr., (Massachusetts, ) on the rules of the House, | Adams, Mr., on pension
229] the warehousing system, 2713, 2715.

appropriation bill, 2493, 2498, 2543, 2545, 2553 on correcting the Journal, 2733.
extension of the pension laws, 2614 on making an addition to Journal, 2758.
removal of the deposites, 2628, 2736, 2757, 2971. moved for leave to offer a resolution calling on the
3477. Secretary of the Treasury for an account of all

Adams, Mr., (Massachusetts) on the sums denominated] Ashley, Mr., on harbor bill, 4137, 4140, 4143, 4144, 4544,
** unavailable fund,” 2784. 4569, 4694, 4695.
the Massachusetts resolutions, 2970, 2971, 3009. Territorial bills, 4386.
army appropriation bill, 2989, 2993. lead mines bill, 4388, 4389.
resolution for the purchase of books, 3001. pre-emption rights, 4479.
resolution calling for copies of bank charters, ah Indian affairs, 4566, 4763.
3303. Banks, Mr., (Pennsylvania) on the disputed election of
general appropriation bill, 3543, 3546, 3574, 3575, Letcher and Moore, 3967.
3755, 3757, 3758, 3761, 3762, 3771, 3775, 3777, Mifflin county memorial, 4059.
3849, 3871, 3882, 3883, 3904, 3913, $920, 3926, Kentucky election, 4201, 4202, 4335, 4374, 4379,
4021, 4402, 4403, 4406, 4407, 4457, 4459. 4380, 4431, 4432.
Barringer, Mr., (North Carolina) on the appropriation
deposite bank bill, 3752.
convention with France, 3974. bill, 2496.
navy regulations, 4006. Bank United States and pension agency, 2616. wae
Indian annuity bill, 4070. the fortification bill, 2755.
resolutions proposed as a substitute~for those re- resolution for purchasing books, 3003.
ported by a majority of the committee of inves- general appropriation bill, 3574, 5653, 3654, 4002.
tigation, 4320. convention with France, 3972.
adjournment, 4331. printing bank reports, 4266.
New York and New Jersey boundary line, 4536. Kentucky election, 4380.
Kentucky disputed election, 4378, 4380, 4451,|Barnitz, Mr., (Pennsylvania) on the York resolutions and
4456. memorial, 3136, 3533.
lead mines bill, 4389. York proceedings, 4038.
Military Academy, 4483. York memorial, 4186, 4242.
Cumberland road bill, 4520, 4535. Bates, Mr., (Massachusetts) on the general appropria-
harbor bill, 4562, 4563. tion bill, 3598, 3756.
death of General Lafayette, 4642. Springfield memorial, 3637.
gold coin bill, 4673. general appropriation bill, 3994, 4022.
fortification bill, 4706. Indian annuity bill, 4068, 4069.
Indian bills, 4763. adjournment, 4325.
Western Indian Territory bill, 4768. Baylies, Mr., (Massachusetts) on the improvement of
Creek treaty bill, 4779. Taunton river, 2292.
Allan, Mr., (Kentucky) on the disputed election in that memorial of the New York merchants, 2605.
State, 2131, 2139, 2147. ' the deposite question, 2962.
removal of the deposites, 2184, 2960, 3259, 3329. commutation pension bill, 3439.
extending the pension act, 2245, 2702. Beale, Mr., (Virginia) on the Rockingham and Shenan-
Lexington memorial, 3534. doah memorials, 3533.
appropriation bill, 3587, 3670, 3675, 3758. Beaty, Mr., (Kentucky) on the harbor bill, 4138, 4564,
adjournment, 4075. 4682, 4685, 4687, 4693, 4694, 4702.
Clark county memorial, 4199. Kentucky election, 4375.
Kentucky election, 4363, 4375, 4457. public deposites, 4406, 4458.
Allen, Mr., (Virginia) on the pension laws, 2425. Cumberland road bill, 4505.
Allen, Mr., (Vermont) on Vermont memorials, 3517. Beardsley, Mr., (New York) on the contested Kentucky
Burlington memorial, 3951. election, 2147, 2158, 2159.
commutation pension bill, 4049. removal of the deposites, 2189, 2431.
L5Sv Allen, Mr., (Ohio) on the Ohio boundary bill, 4436. pension agency, 2625.
: Anthony, Mr., (Pennsylvania)
memorial, 3531.
on the Northumberland the case of Hardeman Owens, 2712, 2734.
Indian appropriation bill, 2807.
Lycoming memorial, 2551, 4174. general appropriation bill, 3590, 3673, 3675,
adjournment, 4330. District banks, 3750. [3898, 4020.
Kentucky disputed election, 4449, 4457. Oneida memorial, 4025.
Archer, Mr., (Virginia) on the contested Kentucky clec- adjournment, 4332.
tion, 2150. Kentucky election, 4364.
resolutions on President’s message, 2168. Cumberland road bill, 4515, 4515, 4530, 4535,4536.
appropriation bill, 2545. harbor bill, 4554, 4557, 4601, 4681, 4690.
remoyal of deposites, 2628. fortification bill, 4591.
notice of the death of Mr. Bouldin, his colleague, | Bell, Mr., (Tennessee) on the appropriation bill, 2497,
2705. pension agency, 2627. (3850. ee

general appropriation bill, 3563, 3756, 3870, 3875, adjournment, 4070.

3895, 3915, 3920, 3933. New York and New Jersey boundary line, 4336.
convention with France, 3971, 3974, 3975. Binney, Mr., (Pennsylvania) on the removal of the de-
Cumberland road bill, 4506. posites, 2173, 2320.
harbor bill, 4561, 4563. memorial of the president of the bank, 2207.
gold coin bill, 4673. memorial of State banks, 2246.
pensions to French seamen, 4704. memorial of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, 2299,
Western Indian Territory bill, 4775. United States Bank and pension agency, 2621.
bill for purchasing General Washington’s manu- Philadelphia memorials, 2697, 3132, 3528.
scripts, 4781. Berks county memorial, 2775, 2779.
Ashley, Mr., (Missouri) on Berks county memorial, 2782. Pennsylvania memorials, 2832.
the deposite question, 2962. appropriation bill, 3566, 3573, 3580, 3767, 3895.
the military appropriation bill, 2985, 2999, 3000. Union county memorial, 3642.
general appropriation bill, 3849, 3869. deposite bank bill, 3753.
indian appropriation bill, 4068, 4070, 4080. harbor bill, 4145.
Vou. X.—S


Binney, Mr., on Kentucky disputed election, 4240, 4451, |Cambreleng, Mr., on memorial for relief of Polish exiles,
gold coin bill, 4498, 4662, 4673 (4802. specie tender bill, 3906. (3748.
Blair, Mr., (South Carolina) on extending the pension adjournment, 4073, 4076, 4326.
act, ‘2245. Cumberland road bill, 4526.
the army commissariat bill, 2754. Carmichael, Mr., (Maryland) on the Piiape George me-
Boon, Mr., (Indiana) on resolution for an adjournment, morial, 3533.
3537. Carr, Mr., (Indiana) on seneidngn. at Madison, 2896.
general appropriation bill, 3770, 4002. compensation for lost property in the late war,3655,
resolution for adjournment, 4041, 4071, 4074. harbor bill, 4148, 4701.
adjournment, 4321. Chambers, Mr., (Pennsylvania) on the extension of the
harbor bill, 4682. ~ pension laws, 2646.
Bouldin, Mr., (Virginia) on extending the pee act, memorial from Franklin county, 2693,
appropriation bill, 2496. 245° | Potomac bridge bill,2813.
removal of deposites, 2704. Franklin county memorial, 3150.
Briggs, Mr., (Massachusetts) on the general appropria- appropriation bill, 3564.
tion bill, 3771, 3850. 4 | Adams county memorial, 4036,
Kentucky election, 4202, 4378. adjournment, 4323.
printing bank reports, 4264. Cumberland road bill, 4512.
harbor bill, 4602. 'Chilton, Mr., (Kentucky) on the contested election in
Brown, Mr., (New York) on the West Point Military In-| that State, 2141.
stitution, 2549. i removal of the deposites, 2170, 2735, 2736, 2957
fortification bill, 2757. Bank of the United States, 2208.
commutation pension bill, 2918. extending the pension act, 2244,224
army appropriation bill, 2991. case of Noah Fletcher, 2373.
resolution for purchase of books, 5005. United States Bank and pension agency, 2620.
general sed my bill, 3550, 3570, , 4012. bill in favor of Susan oegenl 2762, 3818.
adjournment, 407 Sandy and Beaver canal, 2927
Military Academy, “4496. army appropriation bill, 2955.
Cumberland road bi lH, 4523. resolution for purchasing books, 3005.
Bull, Mr., (Missouri) on the Territorial bills, 4385, 4386. Rhode Island memorials, 3517.
Burd, Mr., (Pennsylvania) on extending the pension act, general appropriation bill, 3547, 3574, 3575, 3599,
2244. 3657, 3755, 3801, 3901, 3998.
the deposite question, 2968. Brandenburg memorial, 3839.
general appropriation bill, 3756, 4002. adjournment, 4075, 4328.
adjournment, 4070, 4325. bill for the benefit of Washington, 4412,
Burges, Mr., (Rhode Island) on extending the pension Kentucky disputed election, 4455.
laws, 2404, Cumberland road bill, 4527.
Y7 90)
the Rhode Island memor ials 7 oF7
« 17,2718,$gi 2h
harbor bill, 4696.
deposite question, 27735, 2737 > 2958, 2965, 3159, deposite bill, 4759.
3517.| Choate, Mr., (Massachusetts) on the public deposgites,3272.
Berks county memorial, 2781. Clark, Mr., (New York) on the Seneca Falls memorial,
New Jersey and Rhode Island memorials, 3327. 3952.
appropriation bill, $543, 3585 Clay, Mr., (Alabama) on resolutions on the President’s
deposite bank bill, 3753, 3754, 4136. | message, 2168, 2169.
specie tender bill, 3905, S907. on reducing the price of public lands, 2245.
convention with France, 3972. | case of Noah Fletcher, 2370.
adjournment, 4074, 4324, 4329. Elliot’s Debates, 2576.
printing bank reports, 4271. appropriation bill, 2500.
Kentucky dispute d election, 4434 Bank United States and pension agency, 2618.
Rhode Island resolutions, 4504, 4676. the case of Hardeman Owens, 2712, 2713, 2734
Cumberland road bill, 4526. | removal of the deposites, 2868, 3138.
harbor bill, 4554, 4557. Sandy and Beaver canal, 2924.
Bynum, Mr., (Nort h Carolina) on the deposite questi on, Territorial bills, 4382.
27 36, 2296 6. pre-emption rights, 4470, 4836.
general appropri iation bill, 3773
997, 4017. public land bill, 4522.
printing bank irepor s, 4274. harbor bill, 4685, 4686.
harbor bi il, 457 2, 4693. |Clayton, Mr., (Georgia) on the removal of the deposites,
Cage, Mr., (Mississippi) on the army appropriation bill, 2177, 2194, 2900.
2981. appropriation bill, 2553, 4009, 4013.
Natchez memorial, 3319. military a]ppropriation bill, 2986.
general appropriation bill, 3 JO. on equalizing salaries of officers, 3680.

Oneida memorial, 4034, 4035. Oneida memorial, 4035.

Cambreleng, Mr., (New Yor k) on Government deposites, | Kentucky disputed election, 4213, 4449, 4453,
91-9 |
4454, 4455, 4456, 4457,
the sinking fund, 2296. i adjournment, 4327.
removal of deposites, 2377,¢ 403. | pre-emption rights, 4476.
on New York memorials, 2690. harbor bill, 4690.
the warehousing system, 2713, 2714,2715. |Clowney, Mr., (South Carolina) on the public cope,
fortification bill, 2784, 4707. gold coin bill, 4644. 2787.
Indian appropriation bill, 2807. ;Connor, Mr., (North Carolina) on the army appropri a-
army appropriation bill, 2991, 2992. tion bill, 2989.
general appropriation bill, 3549, 3574, 3654, 4004,| general appropriation bill, 3586, 3799, 4022, 4024.
4011. ;Corwin, Mr., (Ohio) on the public deposites, 3439, 3602,

Corwin, Mrs, on Warren county memorial, 3535. | Ellsworth, Mr., on the public deposites, 2956, 3259.
se county memorial, 3840. printing bank reports, 4265, 4270.
Coulter,¥ir., (Pennsylvania) on the Indian appropriation, adjournment, 4321,
bill, 2805, 2807. public land bill, 4522.
resolutions from Limebrook, 2835. Cumberland road bill, 4535, 4536.
deposite question, 2978, 4404. fortification bill, 4706, 4707.
silver coinage bill, 3847. Evans, Mr., of Maine, on the Maine resolutions, 2573.
general appropriation bill, 3889, 3904. Bangor memorial, 2767.
specie tender bill, 3909. Gardiner ditto, 3640, 3715.
harbor bill, 4683. general appropriation bill, 3757, 3796, 3892, 3920.
deposite bill, 4710. harbor bill, 4137, 4576, 4602.
Cramer, Mr., (New York) on the commutation pension Hallowell memorial, 4256.
bill, 3443, 3539. bill for the benefit of W ashington, 4412
Crane, Mr., (Ohio) on the bill in favor of Susan Decatur,| Everett, Mr. , of Massachusetts, on the appropriation bill,
2762. 2494, 2495, 2544, 2559.
commutation pension bill, 4043. fortification bill, 2757, 4583, 4705, 4709.
Crockett, Mr., (Tennessee) on the extension of the pen-| army appropriation bill, 2954, 2955, 2991.
sion laws, 2614. general appropriation bill, $545.
Berks county memorial, 2782. compensation for lost property in the late war,
army appropriation bill, 2955. 3632.
general appropriation bill, 3549, 3573 Salem memorial, 3645.
harbor bill, 4138, 4701. printing bank reports, 4268.
adjournment, 4327. public buildings and grounds, 4415
public deposites, 4467. | Everétt, Mr., of Vermont, on extending the pension act,
fortification bill, 4586, 4588. 2244.
Darlington, Mr., (Pe nosylvania) on the Delaware county|
memorial, 3538.
appropriation bill, 2496, 2560.
Davis, Mr., (South Carolina) on the general appropria-|
Berks county memorial, 2781.
tion bill, 3874, 3878, 3892, 3895, 3904, 3933,
Indian appropriations, 2786.
4016.| army appropriation bill, 2981, 2983, 2989, 2998
Indian annuity bill, 4482. the deposite question, 2963.
Woodstock resolutions, 3021.
Cumberiand road bill, 4505, 4513.
fortification bill, 4585. general appropriation bill, $550, 3660, 3775, 3796,
3894, 4017.
Davis, Mr., (Ke ntucky) on the Kentucky election,«4304.|
Davis, Mr., (Massachusetts) on the Kentucky contested | Indian annuity bill, 4070.
election, 2159. adjournment, 4073, 4324, 4325.
removal of the deposites, 2204. report on Indian affairs, 4200.
case of Noah Fletcher, 2290, 2298, 2368. Territorial bills, 4386.
general appropriation bill, 4020.
pre- ee a 4473.
harbor bill, 4567, 468
Denny, Mr., (Pennsylvania) on the removal of the depo-|
sites, 2195,
fortification bill, 47 05.
Western Indian Territory, 4764, 4777.
extension of the pension laws, 2545.
pension agency, 2627. Creek treaty bill, 4779.
memorial froth Pittsburg, 2693. rEswing, Mr., of Indiana, on the expediency of a national
appropriation bill, 3587, 3674. |
currency, 2220.
public lands on the Wabash, 2542

specie tender bill, 3912.

harbor bil, 4140, 4141. Berks county memorial, 2781.
Dickerson, Mr., (New Jersey) on the Paterson memo-}
removal of the deportes, 2870, 4405.
rial, 3156. national currency, 353
Kentucky contested election, 4452. appropriation bill, 355¢ 0,3994, 4017.
Db strict banks, 750.
Cumberland road bill, 4521.
Dickinson, Mr., (Tennessee) on extending the per sion | adjournment, 4075.
laws, 2400. harbor bill, 4148, 4531, 4552, 4569, 4701
Military Academy, 4483,°4497. Pennsylvania avenue bill, 4395.
Indian affairs, 4566. public buildings and grounds, 4413.
harbor bill, 4688. Military Academy, 4485, 4498.
it aoe
Dickson, Mr., (New York) on the public deposites, 2957.
Cumberland road biill, 4512, 4527, 4536, 4561.
appropriation bill, 3552 on the gold coin bill,4667.
Ontario memorial, 4150.
Kentucky election, 4201. Felder, Mr., of South Carolina, on the barbor bill, 4567,
Duncan, Mr., (Illinois) on the army appropriation bill, 4602.
2986. Fillmore, Mr., of New York, on a bill for relief of Abra-
compensation for lost property in late war, 3635. ham Fobes, 2297.
Territorial bills, 4386, 4387 Washington bridge bill, 2843
lead mines bill, 4588, 4389. general appropriation bill, 3658, 3666
pre-emption rights, 4474. specie tender bill, 3906.
Cumberland road bill, 4528. adjournment, 4074.
deposite bill, 4710, 4745. Kentucky election, 4202.
Dunlap, Mr., (Tennessee) on the fortification bill, 4586. | Territorial bills, 4882, 4387.
Ellsworth, Mr., (Connecticut) on the contested Kentuc:| Pennsylvania avenue bill, 4394.
ky electio ns, 2147. public buidings and grounds, 4414.
Elliot’s Debates, 2376. fortification bill, 4594.
slavery in the District, 2539 Western Indian Territory bill, 4779

Foot, Mr., of Connecticut, on the removal of the depos-|Grennell, Mr., on Wayne county (Indiav’) memorial,
ites, 2189, 2202. 4502, 4503.
appropriation bill, 2461, 2494, 2557, 2560. fortification bill, 4584.
memorial from Connecticut, 2724.
proceedings at New Haven in favor of recharter-| Hall, Mr., of Vermont, on the Windbam memorial, 3943.
ing Bank United States,°2773. Hall, Mr., of North Carolina, on reducing the revenue,
Washington bridge bill, 2814. 2825.
general appropriation.bill, 3572, 3757, 3767, 3776, the army appropriation bill, 2990.
3777, 3869, 3870, 3871. | general appropriation bill, 3544.
Foster, Mr., of Georgia, on the appropriation bill, 2497, North Carolina memorials, 3821.
4016, 4020.| Hamer, Mr., of Ohio, on the Kentucky election, 4223,
furnishing new members with certain books of ref- 4336.
erence, 2569. Hannegan, Mr., of Indiana, on the extension of the pen-
pension agency, 2625. sion laws, 2551.
resolution for purchasing books, 3001, 5002. harbor bill, 4687.
Territorial bills, 4884. Hardin, Mr., of Kentucky, on the contested election of
Kentucky disputed election, 4434. that State, 2143, 2159.
deposite bank bill, 4622. j rules of the House, 2221.
Fuller, Mr., of New York, on the Sandy and Beaver |
extending the pension act, 2244, 2245, 2492.
canal, 2926. |
appropriation bill, 2553.
Genesee memorial, 39538.
Potomac bridge bill, 4413. |
memorial of the New York merchants, 2601.
the case of Hardeman Owens, 2734.
Wayne county (Indiana) memorial, 4502.
Galbraith, Mr., of Pennsylvania, on the general appro- |
Mrs. Decatur’s claim, 2831.
the deposite question, 2964, 3328, 3391.
priation bill, 3661. ? general appropriation bill, 3569, 5661, 3673, 3802.
public deposites, 3967, 4081. | remuneration for lost property during the war, :
Gamble, Mr., of Georgia, on the appropriation bill, 2498. | 3628, 3637.
army appropriation bill, 2980. equalizing salaries of officers, 3680.
Savannah memorial, 3650, 5836. District banks, 3751, 3779.
Territorial bills, 4386. disputed election between Letcher and Moore,
lead mine bill, 4389. 3968, 4222, 4363, 4446.
Garland, Mr., of Louisiana, on the harbor bill, 4145, adjournment, 4071, 4079, 4322.
4543, 4559, 4702. Pennsylvania avenue bill, 4395.
Gholson, Mr., of Virginia, on the Virginia resolutions, Cumberland road bill, 4524, 4533.

the harbor bill, 4696.
Cumberland road bill, 4515, 4535, 4536, 4537. Harper, Mr., of Pennsylvania, memorial of the cordwain-
deposite bill, 4759. ers, 2725.
Gillett, Mr., of New York, on resolution calling for in fortification bill, 2757.
formation respecting the deposite banks, 4406. a call for charters of the deposite banks, 3303.
Kentucky disputed election, 4447. general appropriation bill, 3549, 3573, 3664, 4005.
Cumberland road bill, 4516. harbor bill, 4142.
harbor bill, 4546. Pennsylvania avenue bill, 4394.
gold coin bill, 4658. Harper, Mr., of New Hampshire, on the Portsmouth me-
Gilmer, Mr., of Georgia, on the case of Hardeman | morial, 2715.
Owens, 2709. memorial from the city and county of Philadelphia,
commutation pension bill, 2923, 4058. 2835.
army appropriation bill, 2984, 2987. general appropriation bill, 4005.
deposite question, 3115. Hawes, Mr., of Kentucky, on the contested election of
Indian appropriation bill, 4067. that State, 2141.
Kentucky disputed election, 4448. Elliot’s Debates, 2376.
Cumberland road bill, 4537. West Point Academy, 2549.
deposite bank bill, 4632. Indian appropriation bill, 2805.
Western Indian Territory bill, 4772. Mrs. Decatur’s claim, 2826,
Gordon, Mr.,of Virginia, on the Virginia resolutions, 2840. general appropriation bill, 3559, 4023,
deposite bank bill, 4640. Indian annuity bill, 4070, 4481.
Gorham, Mr., of Massachusetts, on removal of deposites, harbor bill, 4138, 4148, 4538, 4679, 4693, 4695,
2191. 4696, 4702, 4703.
the memorial of the New York merchants, 2597. Military Academy, 4483, 4497, 4498.
fortification bill, 2756. Cumberland road bill, 4523.
army appropriation bill, 2987. fortification bill, 4593.
specie tender bill, 5907, 3909. Heath, Mr., of Maryland, memorial from merchants of
general appropriation bill, 4011. Baltimore, 2729.
fortifications, 4483, 4581, 4583. on public deposites, 3676.
gold coin bill, 4650, 4652, 4672, 4673. Henderson, Mr., of Pennsylvania, on the proceedings of
Graham, Mr., of North Carolina, on the Burke county a meeting at Bellefonte, 3537.
memorial, 3649. Hiester, Mr., of Pennsylvania, on the Pennsylvania memo-
North Carolina memorials, 3836. rials, 2831, 3129.
Grayson, Mr., of South Carolina, on the bill in favor of Hubbard, Mr., of New Hampshire, on the contested Vir-
Susan Decatur, 2670. ginia election, 2151, 2159.
Grennel], Mr., of Massachusetts, on the Sandy and Bea- West Point Academy, 2550.
ver canal, 2926. ; appropriation bill, 2557, 2560, 3766.
general appropriation bill, 377 fe the extension of the pension laws, 2561.
Franklin county memorial, 42 38, a
memorial of the New York merchants, 2603.

Hubbard, Mr., on the deposite question, 2962. Lewis, Mr., on pre-emption rights, 4472.
army appropriation bill, 2982, 2984, 2988. Lincoln, Mr. , of Massachusetts, on the Worcester me-
bill for relief of Mrs. Decatur, 3684. morial, 3017.
harbor bill, 4081, 4137, 4138, 4140, 4145, 4538, appropriation bill, 3554, 3561, 3677, 3784, 3816,
4544, 4557, 4679, 4694, 4702. 4022.
Kentucky election, 4201, 4375. ; the General Post Office, 3845.
Creek treaty bill, 4779. }
Kentucky disputed election, 4452.
Huntington, Mr., of Connecticut, on the contested Vir-|Love, Mr., of Kentucky, on the general appropriation bill,
ginia election, 2154. 3656.
removal of the deposites, 2510. on the adjournment, 4074.
the warehousing system, 2714. Madison county memorial, 4198.
resolutions of Connecticut banks, 2771. Cumberland road bill, 4533.
convention with France, 3972. harbor bill, 4569.
general appropriation bill, 4011. | Loyall, Mr., of Virginia, on the Norfolk memorial, 4242.

harbor bill, 4143. Lyon, Mr., of Michigan, on the lead mines bill, 4389,
Jarvis, Mr., of Maine, on the general appropriation bill, 4390.
3554, 4011, 4016. salaries of Territorial judges, 4566.
suspension of bank payments, 3677, 3749. Lytle, Mr., of Ohio, on the Cincinnati memorial, 2539.

Jones, Mr., of Georgia, on the contested Virginia election,| memorial of the New York merchants, 2606.
2157. printing the bank reports, 4277.
the Creek treaty of 1832, 2311. adjournment, 4327.
removal of the deposites, 2397, 2461. McCarty, Mr., of Indiana, on pre-emption rights, 4471,
pension agency, 2625. Wayne county memorial, 4499.
the case of Hardeman Owens, 2712. |McComas, Mr., of Virginia, on extending the pension
army appropriation bill, 2954, 2955, 2980, 2992, j laws, 2397.
2999. McDuffie, Mr., of South Carolina, on resolutions offered
a difference between Messrs. Blair and Pinckney, }
on President’s message, 2170.
3137. |
| removal of deposites, 2171, 2200, 2222, 2967,
specie tender bill, 3911. 3439, 5444.
Letcher and Moore’s contested election, 3967, appropriation bill, 2499.
3971. | fortification bill, 2755, 2756, 2784ip 20 85.
Kentucky election, 4200, 4201, 4212, 4320, 4379. Potomac bridge bill, 2816.
adjournment, 4325, 4327. resolution for purchasing books, 3002, 3003, oe
gold coin bill, 4498, 4652. 300
Cumberland road bill, 4520. announced the death of his colleague, Gen. Blair,
fortification bill, 4599, 4600. VIE
harbor bill, 4602, 4691. McIntire, Mr., of Maine, on the appropriation bill, 257 0.
deposite bill, 4756, 4757. general appropriation ditto, 3572.
Johnson, Mr., of | Kentucky, on the army commissariat| McKay, Mr., of North Carolina, on the army commissariat
bill, 2753 bill, 2753.
general sigrennidiion bill, 3545, 3571. fortification bill, 2785.
adjournment, 4074. Indian appropriations, 2786, 2804, 2806.
lead mines bill, 4388. army appropriation bill, 2954, 2955, 2979.
Military Academy, 4497. general appropriation bill, 3550, 3755, 3756, 3774,
Johnson, W. Cost, of Maryland, on the Cumberland road| 3276, $933, 4022.
bill, 4521. convention with France, 3972.
navy regulations, 4006.
Kavanagh, Mr., of Maine, on the Bath memorial, 3327.
King, Mr., of Pennsylvania, on the silver coinage bill, Indian annuity bill, 4068
3846, 3911. harbor bill, 4081.
Kinnard, Mr., of Indiana, on the harbor bill, 4701. Territorial bills, 4386, 4387.
Lane, Mr., of Indiana, on the removal of the deposites, Pennsylvania avenue bill, 4396.
2205, 2967. Kentucky disputed election, 4448, 4452, 4453.
extension of the pension act, 2244, 2501. pre-emption rights, 4479.
five per cent. stock, 2367. Cumberland road bill, 4505.
pension agency, 2625. salaries of ‘Territorial judges, 4566.
Berks county memorial, 2781. McKim, Mr., of Maryland, on the Washington and Balti-
resolution for purchasing books, 3008. more railroad, 2500.
appropriation bill, 3595, 3601, 3771, 3903, 4017. Baltimore memorials, 2840,
District banks, 3751. proceedings of the 5th congressional district, 3642.
adjournment, 4077, 4330. Cumberland road bill, 4080.
harbor bill, 4138, 4541, 4575, 4680. proposition for issuing Treasury notes, 4481.
printing bank reports, 4264. harbor bill, 4557.
Kentucky election, 4379, 4380. gold coin bill, 4672.
deposite bill, 4716. McKennan, Mr., of Pennsylvania, on Elliot’s Debates,
Lay, Mr., of New York, on the pension laws, 2636. 2375.
Leavitt, Mr., of Ohio, on the Harrison county memorial, appropriation bill, 2495.
3535. Potomac bridge, 2703, 2704, 2815.
general appropriation bill, 3986. on Berks county memorial, 2774, 2775, 277 78.
Letcher, Mr. of Kentucky, on his election, 4335. | the deposite question, 2964, 3851, 4136.
Lewis, Mr., of Alabama, on the Creek treaty of 1832, memorial of councils of Philadelphia, 3529.
2301, 2311, 2707. general appropriation bill, 3543.
army appropriation bill, 2993. Kentycky disputed election, 4455, 4456.
Indian appropriation bill, 4067, 4068, 4080. Cumberland road bill, 4505, 4530, 4535.
McKennan, Mr., on the harbor bill, 4546. | Miller, Mr., on the Cumberland memorialy 3128.
McKinley, Mr., of Alabama, on the removal ofthe denos-| Adams county memorial, 3532.
ites, 9176. general appropriation bill, 3994,
Creek treaty of 1832, 2317, 2707. adjournment, 4075.
memorial of the New York merchants, 2606, printing of repert of the committee on the Bank
pension agency, 2626. of the United States, 4257, 4364, 4269, 4270,
removal of deposites, 2628. 4273.
Indian appropriation bill, 2806. deposite bill, 4758.
a call for the charters of deposite banks, 3306. | Moore, Mr., of Kentucky, on the contested election in
general appropriation bill, 3659, 3770, 3775. that State, 2132.
harbor bill, 4081, 4540, 4545, 4546. removal of deposites, 2404.
Kentucky disputed election, 4363, 4446, 4451. Kentucky disputed election, 4380, 4455, 4337.
Territorial bills, 4394. Moore, Mr., of Virginia, on the Virginia resolutions, 2942.
Pennsylvania avenue bill, 4595, 4396. Muhlenberg, Mr., of Pennsylvania, on General Nelson’s
Cumberland road bill, 4519. claim, 2376.
fortification bill, 4595. Berks county memorial, 2774, 2776, 2780, 3531.
McVean, Mr., of New York, on the deposite bill, 4736. Indian appropriation bill, 2807.
Mann, Mr., of New York, on the appropriation bill, 2499. revolutionary claims, 2889.
Southwark memorial, 2727, 2728. printing bank reports, 4267.
army appropriation bill, 2992. Murphy, Mr., of Alabama, on the harbor bill, 4544.
resolution for purchasing books, 3006, 3007.
a call for the charters of the deposite banks, 3308. Osgood, Mr., of Massachusetts, on the Lowell memorial,
general appropriation bill, 3568, 3590. ,20
adjournment, 4076. Sd congressional district memorial, 3934.
printing bank reports, 4269.
bill for the benefit of Washington, 43 97, 4791, Parker, Mr., of New Jersey, on the bill in favor of Susan
harbor bill, 4552, 4558, 4577, 4702. Decatur, 2762.
Mardis, Mr., of Alabama, on the case of Hardeman Ow- fortification bill, 2785, 4483.
ens, c2734. resolution for purchasing books, 3003.
deposite question, 2740. appropriation bill, 3545, 3585, 3655, 3796, 4003,
Kentucky disputed election, 4201. 4011.
Marshall, Mr., of Kentucky, on the contested election in compensation for losses in the late war, 2637.
that State, 2142, harbor bill, 4138.
revolutionary claims, 2551. New York and New Jersey boundary line, 4337.
commutation pension bill, 2923, 3328, S359, 4066. Kentucky election, 4579.
disputed election between Letcher and Moore, Pennsylvania avenue bill, 4393, 4394, 4395,
0969, 4212, 4213, 4379, 4433, 4454, 4435, bill for the benefit of W ashington, 4407, 4411.
4436, 4447. public buildings and grounds, 4413.
harbor bill, 4580. Parks, Mr., of Maine, on the Maine resolutions, 2570.
Mason, Mr., of Virginia, announced the death Mr. Wirt, Bangor memorial, 2762.
Cumberland road bill, 4529.
on the public deposites, 2959, 3472. Patton, Mr., of Virginia, on the rules of the House, 2161,
reversionary interest in Indian reservations, 3539. 2183.
appropriati on bill, $587 »s 3590. memorial of the New York merchants, 2599.
printing bank reports, 4274. memorial from Richmond, 2734.
Kentucky disput ed e lecction, 4380, 4454. Virginia resolutions, 2846.
Mercer, Mr., of Virginia, on the five per cent. stock, presenting a bronze statue of Mr. Jefferson, 3158
2368, general appropriation bill, 3765, 4920.
. 7
bill for erecting Pot ymac bridge, 2703, 2704, 2811, fortification bill, 4707, 4709.
2818 Creek treaty bill, 4780.
Indian appropriation bill, 2806, 2808. Pearce, Mr., of Rhode Island, on the Rhode Island memo
general appropriation bill, 3547, 3586, 577 rials, 2718, 2722, 3327, 3517.
adjournment, 4073. general appropriation bill, 4022.
harbor bill, 4137, 4140, 4141, 4145, 4560, 4562, Rhode Island resolutions, 4674, 4677.
4564, 4567, 4577, 4682, 4685, 4688, Peyton, Mr., of Tennessee, on the removal of the de-
4604, 4701, 4702, 4705. posites, 2204, 2646, 2654. ‘
a right of way through lands of United States at pension laws, 2428, 2450.
Harper’s Ferry, 4139. resolutions in relation to the public revenue, 3679,
Kentucky election, 4380. 3682,
Territorial bills, 4390, 4391, Gardiner (Maine) memorial, 3743
Pennsylvania avenue bill, 4396. general appropriation bill, 4020.
bill for the benefit of Washington, harbor bill, 4138.
Potomac bridge bill, 4412 pre-emption rights, 4480.
public buildings and grounds, 4413. fortification bill, 4596, 4599.
Cumberland road bill, 4512. | Pierson, Mr. » of New York, on ‘Troy memorial, 3521.
Milligan, Mr., of Delaware, on the Newcastle memorial, | Pierce, Mr., of New Hi: umpshire, on revolutionary claims,
2836. 2812

Kent county aemorial, 3648 |Pinckney, Mr., of South Carolina, announced the death
harbor bill, 4141. of Mr. Singleton, 2166.
Miller, Mr., of Pennsylvania, on the case of Noah Fietch-| Elliot’s Debate s, 237 5.
er, 2373. pension laws, 2452. p|
army commissariat bill, 2754. fortification bill, 227784, 4483. ,
‘A : ap i
deposite quéstion, 2961 » 4V0, Mrs. Decatur’s claim, 2826, }

Pinckney, Mr., on the resolution for purchasing books, Selden, Mr., of New York, on removal of deposites, 2186.
3 3. on the sinking fund, 2294, 2866, 2368.
on the deposite question, 3082. memorial of New York merchants, 2581.
printing bank reports, 4273, 4279 memorials of New York, 2692
Spanish West India trade, 4522. warehousing sy stem, 2715.
Flummer, Mr., of Mississippi, on the Natchez a fortification bill, 2756, 4583.
0 . Troy memorial, 3525.
Oneida memorial, 4028, 4035. Albany, do., 3526.
public deposites, 4136. deposite question, 3754, 4407.
Jones county memorial, 4252. general appropriation bill, 3851, 4011, 4020.
pre-emption rights, 4475. specie tender bill, 5910.
proceedings of the Pike meeting, 4819, 4832. Oneida county memorial, 3959, 4025.
Polk, Mr., of Tennessee, en the contested Kentucky gold coin bill, 4498, 4644, 4652.
election, 2147, 2159. Wayne county (Indiana) memorial, 4503.
removal of the deposites, 2170, 2178, 2193, 2248, | Cumberland road bill, 4512.
2868, 2956, 2960, 2976, 2978.| harbor bill, 4556, 4558.
memorial of State banks, 2247. |Sevier, Mr., of Arkansas, on the Indian appropriation
sinking fund, 2297, 2368. * bill, 2805.
appropriation | bill, 2460, 2495 195, 2496, 2497, army appropriation bill, 2980, 2999.
2498, 2500, 2543, 557, 2558, 3543. || harbor bill, 4141, 4145, 4703.
Maine resolutions, 2580. Territorial bills, 4387.
memorial of the New York merchants, 2596, 2600.| Slade, Mr., of Vermont, on Vermont memorials, 3517
pension laws, 2702. Addison county memorial, $948.
fortification bill, 2755, 2756, 2784,2786, 4149, |Smith, Mr., of Maine, on the Maine resolutions, 2571.
4482, 4581, ae 4705, 4709. | Portland resolutions, 5015.
Indian appropriations, 2786, 2804, 2808, 4068 | Military ae omy, 4496.
army appropriation bill, 2954, 2956, 2981, 2999, | harbor bill, 46778, "4682.
4024, ' et Mr.-» of North Carolina, on extending the pen-
resolution for purchasing books, 5002, 3004. }
sion laws, 2400.
Massacliusetts resolution 3013. West Point Military Academy, 2550.
general appropriation bill, 3543, 5544, 3549, 3564, | supplying new members with certain books of ref-
3573, 3582, 3584, 3587, 3597, 3670, 3673, 3755, | erence, 2561, 2569, 3001, 3002, 3008, 3004.
3757,3763, 3771, 3775, 3776, 3777, 3796, 3869, | a call for copies of the charters of deposite banks,
3877, 5925, 3933, 4007, 4008, 4021, 4024. 3307.
deposite question, 3752, 3753, 4404, 4407, 4461,| general ay /propri ation bill, 3758, 3767, 377
4465.| appropriation, 4327.
Indian annuity bill, 4068, 4069, 4070, 4481, 4482. |s toddert, Mr., of Maryland, on the Baltimore and Wash-
adjournment, 4521. ington railroad, 2501.
pre-emption rights, 44753. Potomac bridge bill, 2814. aa
Cumberland road bill, 4504, 4505, 4512, 4517,| compensation for property lost in the late war,
4534 3635, 3637.
harbor bill, 4538, 4547, 4694, 4696. death of Mr. Dennis, 3650. a

bill regulating the public deposites, 4602. Pennsylvania avenue bill, 4594.
Pope, Mr., of Kentucky, on the extension of the pension bill for the benefit of Washington, 4397, 4409. a
laws, 2610. Potomac bridge bill, 4413.
Louisville memorial, 2896. |Stewart, Mr., of Pennsylvania, on the Creek treaty of item
Shelby memorial, 3537. 1832, 2310.
general appropriation bill, 3794. the sinking fund, 2366, 2368.
Louisville memorial, 3838. Cumberland road bill, 4080, 4504, 4506.
harbor bill, 4187, 4141. public deposites, 4155.
Kentucky contested election, 4296, 4380, 4381,| bill for the benefit of Washington, 4399.
4432, 4433. harbor bill, 4553, 4554, 4678
Potts, Mr., of Pennsylvania, on the Chester memorial, deposite bill, 4749.
a#iOvd. Sutherland, Mr., of Pennsylvania, on the rules of the
Chester resolutions.and memorial, 2833 } House, 2165.
remoyal of the deposites, 2202.
Reed, Mr., of Massachusetts, on the memorial of the New| appropriation bill, 2553.
York merchants, 2600. i Philadelphia memorials, 2700.
Bangor memorial, 2765. Southwark and Moyamensing memorials, 2727.
general appropriation bill, 3655, 3767, 5903, 4025. | Germantown memorials, 2729.
convention with France, 3975. proceedings at Roxbury, 855.
navy regulations, 4006. army appropriation bill, 2992.
harbor bill, 4141. general appropriation bill, 3770, ie 4011, 4013.
fortification bill, 4597, 4600. harbor bill, 4142, 4542, 4560 4703
Rencher, Mr., of North Carolina, on the Potomac bridge| printing the bz nk reports, 4 1278.
bill, 2812. Kentucky disputed election, 4380, 4434, 4453,
Schley, Mr., of Georgia, on the army appropriation bill, 4455, 4456.
2992. bill for the benefit of Washington, 4411.
public deposites, 3236. Cumberland road bill, 4506, 4519.
Washington Insurance Company, 4412.
public buildings and grounds, 4413. | Taylor, Mr., of New York, on the army appropriation
Schenck, Mr., of New Jersey, proceedings of Hunterdon bill, 2991.
and Somerset counties, 3643. Onondaga county memorial, 2955.


Thomas, Mr., of Maryland, on report of the committee on] Watmough, Mr., on Berks county memorial, 2775, 2780.
the affairs of the Bank United States, 4240, 4267, army appropriation bill, 2984, 2987.
4761. general appropriation bill, 3590, 3596, 3755, 3761.
adjournment, 4326, 4332. feport on the bill to equalize the pay of officers of
bill for the benefit of Washington, 4412. the navy, 4138.
Cumberland road bill, 4512, 4517, 4524, 4533. harbor bill, 4143. >

harbor bill, 4545. Pennsylvania avenue bill, 4395.

Thomas, Mr., of Louisiana, on the rules of the House, public buildings and grounds, 4413.
2221. Montgomery memorial, 4840, 4859,
Thomson, Mr., of Ohio, on the army commissariat bill, Wayne, Mr., of Georgia, on the contested Kentucky

Sandy and Beaver canal, 2924, 2925, 2926.

2753. | election, 2131.
rules of the House, 2165,°2182.
Kentucky disputed election, 4456. President’s message, 2169.
Tompkins, Mr., of Kentucky, on resolutions of the House removal of the deposites, 2179, 2958, 2962.
of Representatives, 2733. appropriation bill, 2557, 2558, 2560.
harbor bill, 4696. furnishing new members with certain books of ref-
Turrill, Mr., of New York, on the Berks county memo- erence, 2561.
rial, 2780. pension agency, 2625.
harbor bill, 4545, 4555. fortification bill, 2656, 2785.
Vanderpoel, Mr., of New York, on the removal of the Potomac bridge bill, 2816, 2818.
deposites, 2198. Augusta memorial, 2896.
fortification bill, 2785. vo army appropriation bill, 2992.
revolutionary claims, 2871. resolution for purchasing books, 3004.
general appropriation bill, 3663. acall for copies of the charters of the deposite
commutation pension bill, 4059, 4062. banks, 3304,
Kentucky election, 4280. general appropriation bill, 3546, 3549, 3871, 5876,
Vance, Mr., of Ohio, on the army commissariat bill, 2 7 54, ; $888, 3894, 3932.
97 55. Savannali memorial, 3838.
appropriation bill, 2980. convention with France, 3973.
general appropriation bill, $550, 3551, 3581, 3585, adjournment, 4076.
3586, 3587, 3652, 3849, 3869, 3976, 3994, 4003, Cumberland road bill, 4534.
4004, 4011, 4013. |
harbor bill, 4545, 4687.
Indian appropriation bill, 4480. i Western Indian Verritory bill, 4777.
public deposites, 4136. White, Mr., of New York, onthe bill regulating the value
adjournment, 4326. of silver coins, 3846.
Cumberland road bill, 4512, 4514, 4535. specie tender bill, 3912,
Vinton, Mr., of Ohio, on the Baltimore and Washington gold coin bill, 4643.
railroad, 2500. White, Mr. C. P., of New York, on navy regulations,
Indian appropriation bill, 2806, 2808. 4006, 4007.
deposite question, 2977. foreign silver coins, 2548,
army appropriation bill, 2987. gold coin bill, 4498.
resolution for purchasing books, 3006. White, Mr., of Louisiana, on the New Orleans memorial,
general appropriation bill, 3543, 3761. harbor bill, 4143. (3841.
Indian annuity bill, 4069, 4070. White, Mr., of Florida, on the general appropriation bill,
harbor bill, 4141, 4539, 4542, 4684. 3869, 4008, 4009.
Washington and Athens memorials, 4250 Territorial bills, 4392.
lead mines bill, 4390. pre-emption rights, 4471.
public buildings and grounds, 4413. Whittlesey, Mr., of Ohio, on the rules of the House, 2221,
pre-emption rights, 4469, 4474, 4477. extension of the pension act, 2244.
Cumberland road bill, 4517. General Nelson’s claim, 2577.
public land bill, 4522. furnishing new members with certain books of ref-
erence, 2561.
Ward, Mr., of New York, on the rules of the House 2991
y wei. providing for buildings burnt during the war, 5081,
army commissariat bill, 2754. 3602
appropriation bill, 3561. general appropriation bill, 4022, 99 4025.

remuneration for lost property in the late war, harbor bill, 4081, 4547, 4554, 4558.
Kentucky election, 4380.
adjournment, 4079. Cumberland road bill, 4506.
Military Academy, 4483. Wilde, Mr., of Georgia, on the President’s message, 2169.
Wardwell, Mr., of New York, on improvements of San- rules of the House, 2221.
dy creek, 2293. appropriation bill, 2544, 2557.
Potomac bridge bill, 2816, 2818. memorial of the New York merchants, 2593.
Sandy and Beaver canal, 2927. pension laws, 2682,
general appropriation bill, 3543, 3584, 3585, 3985. case of Hardeman Owens, 2734.
remuneration for lost property during the war, deposite question, 2735, 2870, 2956, 2968, 3020.
5602. army commissariat bill, 2753, 2754.
harbor bill, 4143, 4552. fortification bill, 2784.
Pennsylvania avenue bill, 4395, 4396. Indian appropriation bill, 2807.
Wayne county (Indiana) memorial, 4501, 4503. Augusta memorial, 2894.
for the benefit of Washington city, 4790. call for copies of the charters of deposite banks,
Watmough, Mr., of Pennsylvania, on the Philadelphia specie tender bill, 3908. (3307.
memorials, 2700, 2835, 3134 disputed election between Letcher and Moore,
Southwark memorials, 2728
“Ll aO- 3969, 4448, 4455

Wilde, Mr., on convention with France, 3973. Wilson, Mr., of Virginia, onthe Wheeling memorial, 2894.
general appropriation bill, 4022, 4023. Cumberland road bill, 4505.
adjournment, 4073, 4326, 4327. Wise, Mr., of Virginia, on General Nelson’s claim, 2377.
deposite bank bill, 4632. the removal of the deposites, 2668.
gold coin bill, 4673. remarks on the death of Judge Bouldin, 2706.
bill for purchasing General Washington’s manu- commutation pension bill, 2923, 4059, 4065.
scripts, 4781. Wise, Mr., on the resolution for purchasing books, 3006,
Williams, Mr., of North Carolina, on the extension of the 3007.
pension act, 2244. security of the public deposites, 3678.
Indian appropriation bill, 2806. Gardiner memorial, 3745.
Potomac bridge bill, 2815. general appropriation bill, 4020.
on the general appropriation bill, 3543, 3545, | erecting a monument at Yorktown, 4040.
3575, 3586, 3675, 3761, 3777. Gloucester memorial, 4186.
convention with France, 3973, 3975. in relation to the public treasure, 4415.
navy regulations, 4006. . | Kentucky disputed election, 4448, 4452, 4456. leat

Indian annuity bill, 4068, 4069, 4070, 4481, 4482. harbor bill, 4688, 4692, 4703.
Ferritorial bills, 4390. | Young, Mr., of Connecticut, on the commutation pension
bill, 4057.


Message of the President to both Houses of Congress at |Report of the Committee of Finance in the Senate, on the
the commencement of the Ist session of the 23d removal of the deposites, 146.
Congress, 1. of the Committee of Ways and Means in the sokehibte
Report of the Secretary of War, accompanying ditto, 7. House of Representatives, on the removal of the
Major General of the army, ditto, 10. deposites, 156.
Quartermaster General, ditto, 11. of the minority of the committee, on ditto, 176.
Engineer Department, ditto, 12. Representation of N. Biddle, president of the bank, 187.
Board of Visiters to the Military Academy, do. 32. Report of a committee of the House of Representatives,
Topographical Bureau, ditto, 35. appointed to investigate the affairs of the Bank
Paymaster General, ditto, 36. of the United States, 187.
Commissary General of Subsistence, ditto, 37. of the minority of the committee on ditto, 193.
Ordnance Department, ditto, 37. of a committee of the Senate on the Public Lands,
Commissary General of Purchases, ditto, 39. to which was referred the message of the Presi-
Clothing Bureau, ditto, 40. dent, returning the land bill, with his veto, ore
Commissioner of Indian Affairs, ditto, 40. 205.
of a committee of the House of Representatives,
Commissioner of Pensions, ditto, 46.
Secretary of the Navy, ditto, 49. on reducing the price of the public lands, 213.
Postmaster General, ditto, 57. of a committee of the Senate on the affairs of the
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting| Post Office Department, 215.
a report on the subject of the removal of the| of the minority of the committee on ditto, 230.
public deposites from the Bank of the United| of a committee of the House of Representatives,
States, 59. | on gold and silver coins, 242.
Message from the President of the United States, return- | of the Committee of Finance of the Senate, on the
ing the land bill, 77. | bill for regulating the deposites of the money of
Memorial of Government Directors Bank U. States, 82. the United States in certain banks, 282.
Annual Treasury report, 94. Supplemental appendix, 284.
Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, 98. Reasons of the President, read to the cabinet, in relation
Message from the President, relative to the refusal, by to the removal of the deposites, 284.
the Bank of the United States, to deliver certain Report of a committee of directors of the Bank of the
books, funds, &c., relating to the payment of| United States, 289.
certain pensioners, 101. Mr. Duane’s address to the people of the U. States, 305.
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting Executive proceedings of the Senate on the’ nomination
statements in relation to the condition of the and renomination of certain {directors of the
Bank of the United States and its offices; also, Bank of the United States, 309.
statements of the situation of the banks in the Acts and resolutions, of a public nature, passed at the Ist
different States and the District
of Columbia, 131. session of the 25d Congress, 317.

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