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Independent Task: Question 1

The first question is a straightforward problem with personal

preference: usually one or two sentences. You view the issue,
prepare, and then speak to the microphone directly.

TOEFL Speaking Question Types:

Agree or disagree
Good idea

The independent task is limited to one minute:

preparation time: 15 seconds; response time: 45 seconds

Integrated Task includes question 2, 3, and 4
The next two questions (Question 2 and Question 3) test your
reading and listening skills together. You will read a passage
and then listen to a passage, finally speak out your answer.

Question 2 or Question 3 has 30 seconds preparation time

and 60 seconds response time in addition to reading and
listening to the question.

The last question (Question 4) doesn't have the reading part; you
will answer after listening to some academic stuff.

Question 4 has 20 seconds preparation time and 60 seconds

response time in addition to listening to the question.
TASK 1 - Agree or disagree,
Paired-choice and Good idea

TASK 2 - Campus Announcement

TASK 3 - General to Specific

TASK 4 - Academic Lecture


“Do you agree or disagree with the following

sentence? We can learn a lot from making

Preparation time: 15 seconds;

Response time: 45 seconds.
Some people think life in modern times is
easier than our grandparents, do you agree
with it?

Preparation time: 15 seconds;

Response time: 45 seconds.

Which study method do you prefer, online courses

or traditional classrooms? Include details and
examples to support your explanation.
Preparation time: 15 seconds;
Response time: 45 seconds.
Someone focuses on one job throughout life;
others like to change from one position to another.
Which one do you think is better? Why?

Preparation time: 15 seconds;

Response time: 45 seconds.
“There are many different approaches to academic
studies, and all of them have specific benefits. Do you
prefer to study for tests in a group, or to study alone?
Include details and examples to support your

Preparation time: 15 seconds;

Response time: 45 seconds.
good idea

Some companies have rules that forbid employees from

using personal cell phones during working hours. Do you
think this is a good idea? Why or why not? Use specific
reasons and examples to support your answer.

Preparation time: 15 seconds;

Response time: 45 seconds.
Children who misbehave in elementary schools should
be paddled. Do you think that it is a good idea to
paddle rowdy children? Support your points with
specific examples and details.

Preparation time: 15 seconds;

Response time: 45 seconds.

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