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Taller ingles

Aluminium is widely used, often in alloy forms. An example is duralumin, an alloy used In aircraft
manufacturing, which also contalns copper (4.4%) and magnesium (1.5%). Aluminium can also be
alloyed with titanium to produce very strong, lightweight metals,

Copper is an excellent electrical conductor, which makes it ideal for use In electric wires. Good
ductility also makes ¡t suitable for pipes. Copper is widely used In alloys, notably brass (copper and
zinc) and bronze (copper and tin, and sometimes lead)

Silver is a precious metal - a reference to ¡ts high cost. It is a better electrical conductor than any
other material, so it is often used for electronic connections. Another precious metal - gold - is also
an excellent conductor, and is highly corrosion-resistant.

Adjetivos en el texto:

1. "Widely" (Ampliamente)

2. "Excellent" (Excelente)

3. "Good" (Bueno)

4. "Precious" (Valioso)

5. "High" (Alto)

6. "Strong" (Fuerte)

7. "Lightweight" (Liviano)

8. "Corrosion-resistant" (Resistente a la corrosión)

9. "Suitable" (Adecuado)


1. Why is aluminum considered a metal widely used in various industries and in the form of
2. What are the properties that make copper an excellent material for electrical conductors
and for the manufacture of alloys such as brass and bronze?
3. What is the importance of precious metals such as silver and gold in specific applications,
considering their superior properties in electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance?

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