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ELSEVIER Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382

Crustal structure of the Main Ethiopian Rift from gravity data:

3-dimensional modeling
R. Mahatsente a , G. Jentzsch b,Ł , T. Jahr b
a Formerly at Institut für Geophysik, Technische Universität Clausthal, Arnold-Sommerfeld Straße 1,
D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
b Institut für Geowissenschaften, Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Burgweg 11, D-07749 Jena, Germany

Received 4 September 1998; accepted 9 July 1999


A three-dimensional interpretation of the newly compiled Bouguer anomaly map of the Main Ethiopian Rift is
presented. A high-resolution 3-D model constrained with the seismic results reveals a possible crustal thickness and density
distribution beneath the graben. The Bouguer anomalies along the axial portion of the rift floor, as deduced from the results
of the regional and residual separation, are mainly caused by the deep-seated structures. The inferred zone of intrusion,
which is the main subject of the present study, coincides with the maximum gravity anomaly of the rift floor. The intrusion
is displaced at several sectors along the east–west direction, and the two major displacements coincide with the locations
of the major rift offsets on the surface. Because of the asthenospheric uplift, the crust under the Main Ethiopian Rift is
slightly thinned. The zone of crustal thinning (31 km) coincides with the location of the intrusion beneath the rift floor,
and the maximum of which is attained in the northern and central sectors of the graben. The trend of the crustal thinning
zone, which is from south to north, is the same as the one obtained in the Afar depression. The southeastern and western
plateaus, on the other hand, show by far the largest crustal thickness in the region (38–51 km). In contrast to the Afar
depression, where the crust is partly oceanized, the thickness and density of the crust suggest that the Main Ethiopian Rift
is underlain by a purely continental crust. The deep and relatively large nature of the intrusion leads to the conclusion
that a large-scale asthenospheric upwelling might be responsible for the thinning of the crust and subsequent rifting of the
graben.  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Main Ethiopian Rift; intrusion; Wonji Fault Belt; Bouguer anomaly; 3-dimensional gravity modeling

1. Introduction makes it the main focus of interest for geoscien-

tific researchers. The three major rifts, namely the
The unique geological setting of the Ethiopian rift Ethiopian rift system, the Red Sea rift, and the Gulf
system including the Main Ethiopian Rift and the of Aden rift converge in the northern part of the
Afar depression, where the inception of plate bound- Afar depression (Fig. 1 and inset map of Fig. 2). The
aries within the continental rift is clearly observed, nature of the crust underlying the northern segment
of the East African rift system (the Afar depression)
Ł Correspondingauthor. Fax: C49 3641 630280; E-mail: has been controversial among researchers for the past three decades. Consequently, the crustal struc-

0040-1951/99/$ – see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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364 R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382

Fig. 1. The central sector of the Main Ethiopian Rift and adjacent areas. Thick line segments represent rift margin. The Wonji Fault Belt
(WFB) and Siliti Debrezit Fault Zone (SDZFZ) are shown as tightly defined lines. Pointed stars represent rift-shoulder volcanoes, and
asterisks are Quaternary peralkaline rhyolite centers of the rift axis (from Woldegabriel et al., 1990).

ture of the depression has been well studied and of both magmatic and tectonic processes (Courtillot
documented (Mohr, 1962a,b, 1971, 1992; Berckhe- et al., 1984).
mer et al., 1975; Makris and Ginzburg, 1987). The Similarly, the anomalous nature of the uppermost
crust of Afar was considered to be of essentially mantle (7.5–7.7 km=s) beneath the central segment
oceanic type (Barberi and Varet, 1977). Contrary to of the East African rift system (Kenyan Rift) is well
the oceanic nature of the crust, however, arguments known from the results of the seismic refraction–
based on the results of the seismic refraction experi- wide angle reflection experiments (Mechie et al.,
ments lead to the idea of a thinned continental crust 1994, 1997). The crustal thickness beneath the
(Berckhemer et al., 1975; Makris and Ginzburg, Kenyan Rift, as obtained from the results of the
1987). The thinning of the crust is attributed to the Kenya Rift International Seismic Project (KRISP-85
existence of an anomalous upper mantle (7.4 km=s) and KRISP-90), decreases from south to the northern
and, hence, a large intrusion beneath the depression sector of the graben (Mechie et al., 1994, 1997).
(Makris and Ginzburg, 1987). Mohr (1989, 1992) The results of the teleseismic studies in the south-
proposed a newly generated igneous crust under the ern Kenyan Rift also reveal that the lithosphere is
Afar depression whose physical characteristics re- significantly thinned (Achauer et al., 1994).
flect more the continental than the oceanic nature of In contrast to the Afar depression and the Kenyan
the crust. The thinned crust beneath Afar is the result Rift, the Main Ethiopian Rift, which is the subject of
R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382 365

this study, is relatively less known with respect to its 2. Geological setting
crustal structure. The Main Ethiopian Rift connects
the Afar depression, in the north, and the Kenyan The general geological background of the study
Rift in the south. Despite its tectonic importance area has been incorporated both in the qualita-
along the East African rift system, the nature and tive and quantitative interpretation stage of the ob-
structure of the rift floor are not well established. served Bouguer gravity anomaly. In particular, the
Furthermore, the southward extension of the high- 1 : 2,000,000 scale geological map of Ethiopia, com-
temperature upper mantle material underlying the piled by the Ethiopian Institute of Geological Surveys
Quaternary tensional fault belt is not delineated. (Kazmin, 1975), was used in determining the lateral
The same intrusion, and hence an anomalous up- dimension of the major rock units outcropping on the
per mantle, is supposed to continue southward from surface of the rift floor and the adjoining plateaus.
Afar into the Main Ethiopian Rift (Searle and Gouin, A clear understanding of the regional geology of the
1972). But this has not yet been proved. However, Main Ethiopian Rift and the adjoining region is, there-
the lithological data obtained from the deep bore- fore, necessary for the modeling and interpretation of
hole (LA-1) drilled in the Main Ethiopian Rift floor the gravity data. A short account of the regional geol-
indicate a basaltic intrusion at a depth of 1.3 km sim- ogy of the Main Ethiopian Rift is given below.
ilar to the one found in the Kenyan Rift (Johnstone, The Main Ethiopian Rift forms a part of the
1983). Moreover, the detailed gravity survey, con- largest Tertiary–Quaternary rift system which ex-
ducted in the central part of the Main Ethiopian Rift, tends from Mozambique in the south to Israel, Jordan
revealed the association of the Bouguer anomaly and Syria in the north. The rift, like the rest of the
in the rift floor with the inferred zone of intrusion East African rift system, has undergone a very com-
(Searle and Gouin, 1972). plicated geological evolution and tectonic history.
In the present work an attempt is made to pre- The regional geology of the Ethiopian rift system
pare a high-resolution 3-dimensional gravity model has been extensively described and well documented
of the Main Ethiopian Rift from existing gravity data (Dainelli, 1943; Mohr, 1962b, 1971). A simplified
bases. The results obtained from the 3-dimensional geological sketch map of the Main Ethiopian Rift,
modeling are supposed to fill the gap between the illustrating the major structural trends and locations
Afar depression, in the north, and the Kenyan Rift of the rhyolite centers, is shown in Fig. 2. The rift
in the south. The results of the seismic refraction valley was the site of extensive volcanic activities
experiment in the southern Afar, and the one which during the Tertiary. Volcanic rocks of Pliocene and
crosses the western Ethiopian plateau (Makris and Pleistocene age such as pantelleritic rhyolites, tra-
Ginzburg, 1987), have been used to constrain the ini- chytes and ignimbrites are abundant within the rift
tial 3-dimensional gravity model of the graben. The floor and on the adjoining plateau (Kazmin, 1975).
gravity data were collected by the joint collabora- The pre-Cambrian rocks in the Ethiopian rift system,
tion of the Ethiopian Institute of Geological Surveys except in the northern Afar and at the extreme south
with the Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation of the Main Ethiopian Rift, are mostly covered by
with Developing Countries. The present study in- more recent Tertiary volcanic rocks and Mesozoic
corporates additional gravity data sources from the sediments (Mohr, 1962b). However, an older and ex-
southern part of the rift (Ebinger, 1991). The spacing tensive group of volcanic rocks of early and middle
of the gravity stations along lines, for both gravity Tertiary age, normally called the Trap series, is well
data sets, ranges from 2 to 5 km, and the average exposed on the southeastern and western plateaus
accuracy of the gravity data is in the order of 1 (Mohr, 1971). This group consists predominantly
mGal. The two data sets were reduced using a den- of alkaline basalt with interbedded pyroclastics and
sity value of 2670 kg=m3 . Moreover, the gravity data rare rhyolites erupted from the fissures. The old-
are terrain-corrected up to zone I (160 km) using est sedimentary sequence in Ethiopia is masked by
topographic charts and the Hammer table (Hammer, sediments of middle to Upper Pleistocene age. La-
1939). custrine deposits of Pleistocene to Holocene age are
common within the rift valley.
R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382
Fig. 2. Geological sketch map of the Main Ethiopian Rift. Also shown are the names of the main localities and the area for which the 3-dimensional gravity modeling was
done (the framed area on the map). The letters (A to H) represent the locations of the lakes mentioned in the text (after Kazmin, 1975).
R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382 367

A number of major centers of silicic volcanism forming a patchwork in the north and broadening
and obsidian flows, related to the zone of intense towards the south.
faulting, occur in the rift. The centers have pro- The quite different nature of the Bouguer gravity
duced lava of more variable composition including map on the two opposite facing plateaus is marked
trachytes and andesites (Kazmin, 1975). by a steep gravity gradient along the eastern es-
The main trend of the tectonic structures in the carpment of the rift floor and a relatively moderate
graben is the same as that of the Main Ethiopian gravity gradient along the western escarpment. The
Rift, which is dominantly of NNE–SSW direction Bouguer gravity on the southeastern plateau reaches
(Mohr, 1962b). In the area of Lake Ziway (Fig. 1 and a minimum value of 237 mGal near Kofele.
location A in Fig. 2) and at Asela, however, this gen- Whereas the gravity over the western plateau first
eral trend of the rift changes to a NE–SW direction decreases to a value of 207 mGal near Indibir and
(Meyer et al., 1975). Within the rift floor, two major then gradually attains its maximum value of 150
structural trends are also recognizable. The first, the mGal south of the western plateau. To the south, the
Wonji Fault Belt (WFB), is a Quaternary tensional center of the maximum anomaly in the rift floor is
fault belt and connects the peralkaline silicic centers terminated at two places by NW–SE-trending grav-
(Fig. 2). The fault belt forms the eastern margin of ity gradients. The first gravity gradient coincides
the rift floor (Mohr, 1960). A deep borehole drilled in with the major offset of the Quaternary tensional
the rift floor encountered an intrusion along this Qua- fault belt and the two opposite facing escarpments.
ternary tensional fault belt similar to the one found Mohr (1967) interpreted the rift offset as a transform
in the Kenyan Rift (Johnstone, 1983). The general fault. This weak zone is characterized by strong seis-
trend of the volcano-tectonically active WFB is in micity (Asfaw, 1992). The second gradient marks
the NNE–SSW direction. The second, which runs the termination of the Main Ethiopian Rift trend at
NNE–SSW, is the active western marginal graben or the southern end of Mount Amaro (Fig. 2) and the
the Siliti Debrezit Fault Zone (SDZFZ in Fig. 1). beginning of the Lake Chewbahir Rift (location H
The SDZFZ mostly follows the western escarpment in Fig. 2). The Bouguer anomaly south of Gidole
of the rift (Mohr, 1962a,b; Woldegabriel et al., 1990). (at 37.2ºE and 4.5ºN) is shifted towards the west
and gradually becomes stronger ( 90 mGal) and
open along the eastern shoulder of the Lake Chew-
3. Gravity data analysis bahir Rift (location H in Fig. 2). This indicates that
the intrusion might have been displaced westward,
In order to interpret the gross crustal structure of southwest of Mt. Amaro, and ultimately taken up in
the Main Ethiopian Rift, a Bouguer anomaly map, at Chewbahir Rift. However, more gravity data cover-
a constant contour interval of 5 mGal, has been pre- age is required to delineate the continuation of the
pared (Fig. 3). The newly compiled Bouguer gravity intrusion within the Chewbahir Rift and towards the
map is based mainly on the regional gravity data northern segment of the Kenyan Rift.
collected by the Ethiopian Institute of Geological In an attempt to estimate the depths of the causative
Surveys and partly by Ebinger (1991). The gen- bodies, the observed Bouguer gravity anomaly has
eral trend of the Bouguer gravity anomalies in the been analytically separated using a grid residualizing
rift floor is NE–SW. However, the trend changes to technique (Griffin, 1949). The resulting residual and
NW–SE toward the southern sector of the graben. regional fields depend on the number of points used
The map reveals a broad regional negative Bouguer to average the regional field and the distances from
anomaly over the Ethiopian Dome. The anomaly in- the point whose expected regional value is to be de-
creases in magnitude with a decrease in the relief termined. The choice of the two parameters depends
of the topography and attains its maximum of 157 on the scale of the survey. As the present survey is
mGal along the axis of the rift floor. Closer obser- regional (the spacing of the gravity station along lines
vation of the axis of the maximum anomaly in the ranges from 2 to 5 km), a simple four-value template
rift floor suggests that its general trend follows the with a 3-km grid spacing was used to determine the
inferred zone of intrusion along the Wonji Fault Belt, smooth regional trend in the vicinity of the stations.
368 R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382

Fig. 3. Bouguer anomaly map of the Main Ethiopian Rift. The framed area shows part of the rift for which the 3-dimensional gravity
modeling was done. Also shown are the gravity observation points (dots) and the names of the localities mentioned in the text (contour
interval 5 mGal).
R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382 369

Fig. 4. The residual gravity anomaly map of the Main Ethiopian Rift. The letters (A to G) represent the main residual anomalies of the
rift mentioned in the text (contour interval 3 mGal).

As shown in Fig. 4, there are two distinct features the western and southeastern plateaus. The residual
that can be identified from the residual gravity map: anomalies in the rift floor are the surface manifesta-
the patchy anomalies along the rift axis and the rel- tion of the upper-mantle-derived material (intrusion),
atively uniform residual values characterizing both and are mostly correlated with the main Quaternary
370 R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382

peralkaline rhyolite centers of the rift floor along the tem), developed by Götze and Lahmeyer (1988), was
Wonji Fault Belt and the Siliti Debrezit Fault Zone. used to establish the geometry and density distribu-
Within the rift floor, the anomalies are mainly concen- tion of the graben. The method is based mainly on
trated in the northern and central sectors of the graben. transforming the volume integral involved in the ver-
The patchy anomaly at the northeastern corner of the tical attraction of a homogeneous polyhedron into a
map (anomaly A on the map) is correlated on the sur- sum of line integrals suitable for computer program-
face with Mt. Bora and Gademsa (refer to Figs. 1 and ming. The program requires an input data structure
2 for the locations of the rhyolite centers mentioned in along a definite number of vertical modeling planes
the text). Mt. Bora and Gademsa, which are rhyolite perpendicular to the general geological strike. In
centers of the rift floor, constitute the northern seg- each plane, the vertices of the assumed subsurface
ment of the Wonji Fault Belt. The closed anomaly B, structures are interconnected to form a line separat-
on the residual map, occurs over the Aluto volcanic ing two media with different densities. Lines of the
complex along the Wonji Fault Belt. Farther south- neighboring planes separating identical medium den-
west along the Siliti Debrezit Fault Zone, the residual sities are then joined to form triangles and, hence,
anomaly C on the map is associated with the peralka- layer boundary surfaces. The model so developed
line rhyolite center of Mt. Duguna. The anomaly E, gives a more realistic approximation of the geologic
on the other hand, is attributed to the sediments on structures (Götze, 1976, 1984; Götze and Lahmeyer,
the rift floor. The gravity data coverage on the adjoin- 1988). One of the advantages of this method is its
ing plateaus is relatively minimum. Consequently, the ability to approximate a body with a small number of
interpolation effect resulted in some fictitious anoma- polyhedrons. Consequently, any change in the shape
lies on the plateaus (anomalies F and D on the map). of the body can be achieved with only few data ma-
Although the magnitude of the residual anomaly de- nipulations. Besides the simplicity of approximation
creases towards the south, the surface manifestation in data handling and manipulation pertaining to the
of the intrusion is still remarkable in the southern changes of the shape of the body, the method takes
sector of the rift floor (anomaly G on the map). The care of the earth curvature during the computation
southward decrease of the magnitude of the residual is of the effects of very large structures. The results of
probably attributed to the deep nature of the intrusion the gravity model studies of the deep structure of the
beneath the southern sector of the graben. Alpine and Harz mountains are the best case histo-
The regional gravity field, which is primarily ries (among others) that show the applicability and
ascribed to variation in the deep-seated crustal struc- effectiveness of the method (Götze, 1984; Gabriel et
ture, is shown in Fig. 5. Most of the features ob- al., 1996, 1997).
served on this map, except those caused by the The location and orientation of the vertical mod-
near-surface causative bodies, are similar to those eling planes and site for the deep exploratory wells
of the Bouguer gravity map (Fig. 3). In particular, (star) are shown in Fig. 6. The orientation of the ver-
the gravity gradient along the eastern escarpment of tical planes is perpendicular to the general geological
the rift floor and the two NW–SE-trending gravity strike of the rift. The vertical planes are parallel to
gradients are prominent. each other, and the distances between the planes are
variable along the rift floor depending on the location
of the anomalies, on the Bouguer map, and their cor-
4. Three-dimensional gravity modeling responding causative bodies, on the geological map.
The data distribution (dots) has also been taken into
4.1. Methodology consideration during the selection and orientation of
the modeling planes along the investigated area.
As the general geological strike along the rift floor
is variable, a 3-dimensional modeling, covering an 4.2. Results and discussion
area of 105 ð 103 km2 (360 km ð 290 km), was ap-
plied. The 3-dimensional forward gravity modeling The sources of a-priori information pertaining
package IGAS (Interactive Gravity Analyzing Sys- to the geometry and density of the initial gravity
R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382 371

Fig. 5. The regional gravity map of the Main Ethiopian Rift. Also shown are the names of the localities mentioned in the text (contour
interval 5 mGal).

model are various published and unpublished studies the deep structure of the rift are based on the results
(Kazmin, 1975; Berckhemer et al., 1975; Makris and of the seismic refraction experiments in the south-
Ginzburg, 1987). In particular, the determination of ern Afar and western Ethiopian plateau (Berckhemer
the initial crustal thickness and density values for et al., 1975; Makris and Ginzburg, 1987). Table 1
372 R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382

Fig. 6. Location map of the 3-dimensional gravity modeling planes. Also shown are the gravity observation points (dots) and site for the
deep exploratory wells (star).

shows the P-wave velocities of the structural units fault belt, where the volcanic complexes are visible.
from the southwestern Afar (Makris and Ginzburg, Although the boreholes are too shallow (the maxi-
1987). Also shown are the estimated density values mum depth reached in borehole LA-7 is 2448.5 m)
used for the 3-dimensional gravity modeling of the to furnish density information on the large and deep
Main Ethiopian Rift. The density values were esti- crustal structure of the rift, the measured density
mated from the seismic velocities using the Nafe– values have been used to control the densities of
Drake relation (Nafe and Drake, 1957). the shallow rock units incorporated in the model.
The density measurements from boreholes, drilled Measurements made on samples from the drill-holes
for geothermal investigation, have also been taken in the rift floor between 1.5 and 2.1 km depths
into consideration (Belaineh, 1983). Most of the produced density values of 2850 kg=m3 and 2560
boreholes are located along the Quaternary tensional kg=m3 for basaltic and siliceous rocks, respectively
R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382 373

Table 1 Makris and Ginzburg, 1987). Consequently, the grav-

The P-wave velocities of the geological units from the south- ity anomaly from the Afar depression was interpreted
western Afar (after Makris and Ginzburg, 1987)
in terms of the same intrusion (Makris et al., 1972).
Geological units Velocity VP Density The variability of the density within the intrusion
(km=s) (kg=m3 ) might then be attributed to the different stages of
Sediments 2.8–3.75 2500 differentiation of the hot upper mantle material on its
Upper crust 6.1–6.2 2700–2780 way to the lower crust as well as the upper part of the
Lower crust 6.7 2900 crystalline basement. The intrusive body, as deduced
Low velocity upper mantle 7.4 3200 from the density values (3000 to 3100 kg=m3 ), is
most probably of mantle or crust–mantle origin. The
density of the upper part of the intrusive body (No.
(Belaineh, 1983). Table 2 depicts the different rock 5 of Fig. 8) is not much larger than the lower crust
units used in the 3-dimensional gravity modeling (2900 kg=m3 ). Such a situation, however, could arise
and their respective densities. The geological units as a result of the petrologic differentiation of the
considered in the gravity model are identified with mantle-derived material.
numbers. The depth to the top of the intrusion varies along
A section from the central sector of the Main the rift floor. The shallowest depth to the top of the
Ethiopian Rift is shown in Fig. 7 (refer to Fig. 6 intrusion is under the northern sector of the graben (4
for the locations of the modeling planes). The model km; Fig. 9), and the bottom of the intrusion is located
portrays a possible crustal thickness and density dis- within the upper mantle. The east–west width of the
tribution beneath the graben. The long-wavelength intrusion, on the other hand, ranges from 38 km in
gravity anomaly along the axial portion of the rift the central and northern parts of the rift (Figs. 7
floor is best explained in terms of an intrusion of and 9) to 125 km in the southern sector of the
deep origin (Nos. 5 and 7 of Fig. 7). The intru- graben (Fig. 8). Thus the dimension of the intrusion
sion exhibits two distinct densities at different depths indicates that the material derived from the upper
(3000 to 3100 kg=m3 ). The cause for the existence mantle or crust–mantle is relatively large and deep in
of the intrusion under the rift floor could be partial origin. However, farther south along the East African
melting in the lithosphere. There is also evidence rift system, the density models indicate that the depth
of an anomalous upper mantle material (VP D 7:4 to the top of the low-density mantle material under
km=s), north of the present study area, beneath the the Kenya Rift is below the lower crust (Birt et al.,
southern Afar depression (Berckhemer et al., 1975; 1997; Simiyu and Keller, 1997). This shows that

Table 2
The different rock units used in the 3-dimensional gravity modeling and their respective densities

No. Geological units Description Density

(kg=m3 )
1 Magdala group (upper crystalline basement) Rhyolites, trachytes, rhyolitic and trachytic tuffs, ignimbrites, 2700
agglomerates, basalts
2 Ashangi group Alkali olivine basalt and tuffs, rare rhyolites 2800
3 Undifferntiated Sediments 2500
4 Lower crystalline basement – 2780
5 Solidified intrusion Crust mixed material 3000
6 Lower crust – 2900
7 Solidified intrusion Mantle material 3100
8 Anomalous upper mantle – 3200
9 Siliceous domes and flows Pantellerites, obsidians, complex volcanoes of 2500
andesite–trachyte–rhyolite composition
10 Basaltic flows and related spatter cones Alkaline olivin basalt 2860
374 R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382

Fig. 7. A vertical cross-section of the 3-dimensional model from the central sector of the Main Ethiopian Rift (plane 9). The density
values of the geologic units are given in Table 2. The intrusion (3000 to 3100 kg=m3 ) arises from the deep upper mantle.

the degree of the associated crustal thinning and as obtained from the gravity modeling, is over 6 km
extension decreases towards the southern segment of (Fig. 7). The sediment, though sparsely deposited,
the East African rift system. thickens towards the central part of the graben.
The gravity model also incorporates the sediments The basaltic flows of the rift floor (No. 10 of
of the rift floor (No. 3 of Fig. 7), mostly surrounded Fig. 9), which generally follow the western and east-
by the basalts of the Magdala complex (No. 1 of ern escarpments of the rift, have been modeled here
Fig. 7) and partly by the basaltic flows in the graben with high density (2860 kg=m3 ) compared to the
(No. 10 of Fig. 9). As discussed above, the negative underlying top crystalline basement (No. 1 of Fig. 9)
residual anomaly is attributed to the sediments of the and the siliceous flows of the rift floor (No. 9 of
rift floor. The anomaly is well explained with a den- Fig. 9). The use of large density for the basaltic
sity value of 2500 kg=m3 attached to the Pleistocene flows is based on measurements made on samples
sediments of the graben. So far, there is no infor- from the drill-holes in the rift floor (Belaineh, 1983).
mation pertaining to the thickness of the sediments The relatively high density of this unit compared to
from some other independent geophysical methods. the surrounding implies that the basalt is young and
However, the results of the seismic refraction exper- might have reached the surface as a result of volcanic
iments in the southwestern Afar, which is north of eruptions from the fissures of the rift floor. The cen-
the present study area, indicate a P-wave velocity of tral part of the rift floor, where the basaltic flows are
2.8 km=s for the Pleistocene sediments of the graben observed, is highly dominated by positive gradients
(Makris and Ginzburg, 1987). The total thickness of of the Bouguer anomalies. This is mainly attributed
the Pleistocene sediments in the Main Ethiopian Rift, to the existence of the intrusion. However, the best
R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382 375

Fig. 8. A vertical cross-section of the 3-dimensional model from the southern sector of the Main Ethiopian Rift (plane 3). The density
values of the geologic units are given in Table 2. The intrusion (3000 to 3100 kg=m3 ) arises from the deep upper mantle.

fit has been obtained with the basaltic flows incor- using a density value of 2500 kg=m3 assigned to the
porated in the model. Moreover, the relatively small siliceous flows of the graben (No. 9 of Fig. 9). The
densities of the surrounding sediments (2500 kg=m3 ) use of this density value in the model is based on
and the siliceous flows (2500 kg=m3 ) could not measurements made on samples from the drill-holes
change the general ascending trend of the Bouguer in the rift floor (Belaineh, 1983). The maximum
anomalies in the rift floor (Fig. 9). Although the thickness of the siliceous flows, as derived from the
basaltic flows are small in size, they are, therefore, gravity modeling, is over 8 km (Fig. 9). The centers
significant to explain the observed Bouguer anoma- of the siliceous flows, which are closely associated
lies of the rift floor. However, this interpretation with the major fault belts of the rift floor, might be
is more plausible if one considers a 3-dimensional the surface manifestation of the intrusion.
model rather than a section along the model. The crystalline basement (Nos. 1 and 4 of Fig. 7),
Because of the uncertainty of the depth of the unit, which is considered here between ca. 25 km and the
it was difficult to place a better limit on the thickness bottom of the sedimentary layer, has been modeled
of the basalt in the initial model. However, the present with two density values (2700 and 2780 kg=m3 ). The
gravity model indicates a significant thickness (4 km) use of a density value of 2780 kg=m3 , for the lower
of the basalt in the rift floor (No. 10 of Fig. 9). The part of the crystalline basement (No. 4) between 10
east–west width of the unit is ca. 12 km. and ca. 26 km, is based on the seismic velocity
The best fit for the high-frequency anomalies, determination made for the upper crust of the region
besides the density of the sediments, was achieved (VP D 6:1 km=s; Makris and Ginzburg, 1987). In
376 R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382

Fig. 9. A vertical cross-section of the 3-dimensional model from the northern sector of the Main Ethiopian Rift (plane 16). The density
values of the geologic units are given in Table 2. The intrusion (3000 to 3100 kg=m3 ) arises from the deep upper mantle.

order to accommodate the transition from low to high ment above the intrusive body (No. 1), at the extreme
P-wave velocity within the upper crust, a density south of the rift floor, is ca. 12 km (Fig. 8). However,
value of 2700 kg=m3 has been assigned for the upper the same crystalline basement has a thickness of 8
part of the crystalline basement (No. 1). This value is km in the central sector of the graben (Fig. 7). This
consistent with the borehole determination and close unit attains further its minimum thickness under the
to the density of reduction used in preparing the northern part of the study area (Fig. 9). This implies
Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the study area. that the crust under the northern and central parts
The top interface of the crystalline basement be- of the Main Ethiopian Rift floor is slightly thinned.
neath the rift floor (No. 1) is generally marked by the Compared to the Afar depression, however, the crust
maximum thickness of the sedimentary layer (over 6 beneath the Main Ethiopian Rift floor is relatively
km; Fig. 7). Because of the asthenospheric uplift and, thick. The trend of the crustal thinning under the
hence the intrusion, the crystalline basement under rift floor, which is from south to north, is the same
the Main Ethiopian Rift floor exhibits variable thick- as the one obtained in the Afar depression. Despite
ness along the graben. The minimum thickness has the remarkable crustal thinning and extension in the
been observed beneath the rift floor where the mantle central and northern sectors of the graben, no indi-
or crust–mantle material exists in the form of an in- cation of crustal separation is observed. In contrast
trusion (Fig. 7). The unit generally thickens towards to Afar, where the crust is partly oceanized (Makris
the adjoining plateaus (eastward and westward from et al., 1972), the thickness and density of the unit
the rift floor). The thickness of the crystalline base- overlying the intrusion (No. 1) suggest that the Main
R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382 377

Fig. 10. The horizontal continuity of the intrusion under the rift floor. The horizontal map is taken at a depth of 38 km. The solid lines
show the locations of the offsets of the intrusion and the broken lines represent the 3-dimensional modeling planes. Also shown are the
names of the localities mentioned in the text. Local coordinate system is used.

Ethiopian Rift floor is underlain by a purely conti- Chencha and Derba (Fig. 10). The two lateral dis-
nental crust. Moreover, the crust under the rift floor placements of the intrusion coincide with the major
is still intact. rift offsets observed on the surface (Figs. 1 and 2).
Despite the slight attenuation history of the crustal The regions, where the Quaternary tensional fault
structure of the Main Ethiopian Rift, there are some belt shows lateral offset, are characterized by strong
significant structural features that indicate the on- seismicity (Asfaw, 1992). However, the nature of the
going extensional deformation across the rift floor rift offsets is controversial among researchers (Mohr,
and the escarpments. The extensional deformations, 1967; Gibson, 1969). Presuming that the offsets in
as shown on the horizontal continuity map of the the Main Ethiopian Rift are really transform faults,
3-dimensional gravity model (Fig. 10), are mani- the displacements would have implications for the
fested as offsets of the intrusion under the rift floor. on-going drifting apart of the African and Somalian
The trends of the extensional deformations have also plates and ultimately for the inception of new oceans
been mapped on the structural map of Ethiopia as in the future.
rift offsets (Figs. 1 and 2). The first major offset of The Moho-depth map of the Main Ethiopian Rift
the intrusion, as obtained from the gravity modeling, is shown in Fig. 11. The contour lines represent the
is along the line connecting Irga-Alem with north of crustal thickness distribution beneath the graben. As
Hosaina, and the second one crosses the Lake Abaya expected, the computed depths to the crust–upper
at the northern end of Mt. Amaro between north of mantle interface resemble the general shape of the
378 R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382

Fig. 11. Moho depth map of the Main Ethiopian Rift (the framed area shown in Fig. 3; contour interval 2 km).

Bouguer gravity anomaly (the framed area in Fig. 3). the crust beneath the southeastern plateau, the crust–
The thinnest part of the crust, which is shown as a upper mantle interface under the western plateau
morphological low (31 km) in Fig. 11, separates is relatively shallow (39–43 km), with a minimum
the thickest crust beneath the western and southeast- (39 km) at the extreme west of the investigation
ern plateaus. The morphological low trend of the area.
Moho-depth map coincides with the maximum grav- Closer observation of Fig. 11 shows that the
ity anomaly of the rift floor (Fig. 3) and, hence, with crust–upper mantle interface beneath the two oppo-
the location of the intrusion, whereas the morpho- site facing escarpments steepens towards the graben,
logical high (½39 km) of the Moho-depth map, un- and eventually attains its minimum thickness (31
derlying the two adjoining plateaus, correlates with km) along the rift floor. Within the rift floor, the
the minimum gravity anomaly of the rift (Fig. 3). Moho-depth map exhibits variable crustal thickness.
The two opposite facing plateaus show by far the The closed and elongated morphological anoma-
largest crustal thickness (38–51 km) in the region. lies along the rift floor, by and large, indicate the
The thickest crust is approximately 51 km and is strongest crustal thinning zone (31 km) of the
located under the southeastern plateau. Compared to graben (Fig. 11). The estimated Moho-depth, based
R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382 379

Fig. 12. The computed Bouguer anomaly map of the rift after 3-dimensional forward modeling (the framed area shown in Fig. 3; contour
interval 5 mGal).

on the results of the seismic refraction experiment, where the high-frequency anomalies are prominent,
is 45 km under the western Ethiopian plateau and 30 the discrepancies are in the order of š3 mGal. In
km under the rift floor (Makris and Ginzburg, 1987). particular, in the southern segment of Lake Awasa
This is consistent with the estimate made using the (location A of Fig. 13) and in the southern sector
3-dimensional gravity modeling (31 km under the of Lake Abaya (location B of Fig. 13), the high-dis-
rift floor and 43 km under the western plateau). crepancy zones coincide with the major rift offsets
The computed Bouguer gravity map of the final where the cross-rift faults intersect both the Wonji
model is shown in Fig. 12. The center of the gravity Fault Belt and the two opposite facing escarpments.
anomaly along the axial portion of the rift floor is In such zones, it is difficult to get the best fit be-
clearly resolved. The gravity gradients, marking the tween the observed and the computed gravity. A
two opposite facing escarpments of the rift, are also relatively high discrepancy was also obtained in a
well modeled. The contour map of misfit between zone where the gravity coverage is very low (lo-
the observed and computed Bouguer anomalies of cation C of Fig. 13). However, the data processing
the study area reveals an average modeling discrep- error alone accounts to š1 mGal. Compared to this
ancy of š2 mGal (Fig. 13). However, in the rift floor, error, the achieved residual between the observed and
380 R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382

Fig. 13. The misfit between the observed and computed Bouguer anomaly of the study area (the framed area shown in Fig. 3; contour
interval 1 mGal). Discrepancies in the order of š3 mGal are located in the southern segment of Lake Awasa (A) and in the southern
sector of Lake Abaya (B).

computed Bouguer gravity anomalies for a regional duced from the density values, is possibly of mantle
gravity modeling is acceptable. or crust–mantle origin, and mostly follows the main
Quaternary rhyolite centers of the rift floor along
the Wonji Fault Belt and Siliti Debrezit Fault Zone.
5. Conclusions The association of the intrusion with the Quaternary
tensional fault belts was also reported in the Afar
The newly compiled Bouguer anomaly map of depression (Makris et al., 1972).
the Main Ethiopian Rift enabled us to establish a The Main Ethiopian Rift is not uniformly charac-
possible density model of the graben. The high-res- terized by an extensional stress regime, as is evident
olution 3-dimensional gravity model is constrained from the various widths of the intrusion. The east–
by seismic information from the southern Afar and west width of the intrusion in the southern sector is
western Ethiopian plateau. The model reveals the ex- larger than the one beneath the northern and central
istence of hot upper mantle material, and hence, the parts of the graben. The model is also in favor of a
intrusion beneath the rift floor. The intrusion, as de- deep intrusion in the southern sector of the rift. The
R. Mahatsente et al. / Tectonophysics 313 (1999) 363–382 381

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