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Escola Particular Issac Newton

Nome do Aluno____________________________________Turma______ Classe______

1ACS de Inglês III Trimestre

Hello my name is Carlos Nontho. I am 50 years old. I come from Cabo Delgado, in Mueda
district. I have never left Cabo Delgado. I am going to talk about traditional and modern
medicine in Mueda.

We have hospital which has trained nurses, pharmacists and occasionally doctors. However,
local people like to see tradional healer before going to the hospital to see the doctor. There
are some diseases that if you don’t start by seeing a traditional healer, you will never get

Seeing traditional healer sometimes cures us without any medicine. They just speak to our
ancestors and a minute later you see some differences in your body. I don’t know whether
it is true or not, but I still think that the mind of our beliefs help us more than taking roots,
tablets, injections, etc.

My sister had a strong headache last year. We took her to our traditional healer and he gave
her some roots and prayed for about ten ten minutes. Then he told us that he had spoken to
our ancestors … we went home and my sister recovered…. this year, I had a different
problem. The traditional healer gave me the same roots and prayed. I am fine now. When I
look back I can’t stop thinking what cured me was not the praying but my beliefs.

I believe in modern medicine because it can make miracles, but in our Mozambican
communities traditional medicine still helps. It chases bad spirits and diseases that have no
explanation in modern medicine…

Section 1. Read the text again and answer the questions that follow. (5marks)

1. How old is Mr Nontho?


2. Where is he from?


3. What the text talk about?


4. Why did they take the sister to the traditional healer?


5. Why does he say that in our communities traditional medicine still helps?


Section 2. Read the text again and say whether the statements are true or false. (5 marks)

1. Mr. Nonthos community hasn’t got any hospital? ______________

2. Mr. Nontho lives in the North of Mozambique_____________
3. In Mozambique nobody uses traditional medicine nowadays._____________
4. In Mr Nonthos community people go to hospital before their local traditional

Section 3. Complete the sentences using am/is/are/was/were (5 marks)

1. The weather __________________ very nice yesterday.

2. They dicided to continue their work because they _____________ not tired.
3. These bags ___________________ very heavy.
4. My sister has good marks this year, she ___________student in her class.
5. According to Mr. Nontho, the way a nurse or a doctor assists you helps you to get

Section 4. Turn these sentences to the Present Perfect

1. Felijane __________________________ (marry) Eulalia.

2. ___________________________ (you/receive) a letter from your sister recently/?
3. The children _______________________ (wake/up).
4. I ________________________(do) a lot of aerobics to lose weight
5. Mariana __________________________ (not/take) the parcel to the post office yet.

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