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Materials Today Communications 37 (2023) 107288

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Study on the composition effect upon the microstructure development in

Cu-Fe alloys prepared using Aerodynamic Levitation
Debaraj Sahoo a, *, Manas Paliwal b, Atul Srivastava a, Sushil Mishra a
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Maharashtra 400076, India
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302, India


Keywords: The current study primarily focuses on the development of microstructure in Cu-Fe alloys (with varying Cu
Cu-Fe alloy concentration) solidified using the Aerodynamic Levitation (ADL) method. The solidified microstructure analysis
Undercooling is performed using different characterization techniques such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray
Immiscible alloy
Tomography, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD). In addition,
Aerodynamic Levitation
the total undercooling in the alloys is calculated as a function of Cu composition and is found to increase with Cu
content in the alloys. The surface morphology of the sample changes from planer front in pure Cu and Cu75Fe25
alloy to cellular in Cu50Fe50, Cu25Fe75 and pure Fe. The sample tomography and SEM analysis reveal that pure
Fe and Cu exhibit a single-phase structure and a distinct phase separated microstructure is observed in the case of
Cu75Fe25, Cu50Fe50 and Cu25Fe75 compositions. The grain orientation mapping of the solidified sample using
EBSD reveals a core shell structure of Cu-Fe alloys. In the case of pure Fe and Cu, the grain structure is influenced
by undercooling level. The orientation relationship analysis of the phase separated Cu and Fe in the alloy does
not provides any orientation relationship between the grains of Fe and Cu.

1. Introduction the sample. The sample is cooled by introducing an external gas into the
process chamber [7]. Whereas, in the ADL process, the gas flow used to
The presence of a metastable miscibility gap in Cu-Fe alloy system levitate the sample also functions as a cooling medium, eliminating the
distinguishes it as a one-of-a-kind material for developing electrical need for additional gas flow arrangements to cool the sample. In addi­
contacts [1], electrical switches [2], sensors [3], magnetic recording tion, the use of laser power to heat the sample also enables the ADL to
materials [4], and energy storage materials [5]. The phase separation is melt non-conducting samples, whereas EML is mostly applied for con­
possible when the alloy melt is undercooled below the metastable ducting or semiconducting samples and necessitates additional modifi­
miscibility gap. The container less solidification method has the poten­ cation for non-conducting samples. Therefore, ADL provides easier
tial to facilitate the required undercooling, which is difficult to achieve operational control in comparison to EML.
in the standard solidification process. This solidification technique is The high cooling rate in the ADL method allows the Cu-Fe system to
characterized by the absence of any interaction between the mould and undercool at a desired degree in order to obtain a phase separated
the solidifying sample. Out of several contactless solidification tech­ structure. Ma et al. [11] used Aerodynamic Levitation with changing Cu
niques like Aerodynamic levitation (ADL) [6], Electromagnetic levita­ percentages to develop a core-shell microstructure in the Cu-Fe alloy
tion (EML)[7,8], Electrostatic levitation (ESL) [9], and Acoustic system. According to Luo et al. [12], phase separation of the Fe50Cu50
levitation (AL)[10], ADL and EML are the most widely employed due to alloy in electromagnetic levitation can occur with an undercooling (ΔT)
their simple operational control. Likewise, controlling the cooling rate is of 7 ◦ C. They reported that Fe phase appears to have a finely branched
an essential solidification process parameter. In the EML method, the morphology in low undercool melts, but a coarse grain morphology is
alternate current flowing through the water-cooled levitating coil de­ seen in high undercool melts. As per Huang et al. [13], a Cu-Fe alloy
velops an electromagnetic field. The Lorentz force of the induced eddy core-shell structure can be made via a solid-state reaction technique,
current levitates the electrically conducting sample positioned in the with Fe and Cu forms a core and shell structure respectively. Lu et al.
electromagnetic field, while the induced eddy current heats and melts [14] examined the Cu50Fe50 alloy using both gas fluxing and drop tube

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: debaraj92@iitb.ac.in (D. Sahoo).

Received 18 August 2023; Received in revised form 26 September 2023; Accepted 7 October 2023
Available online 10 October 2023
2352-4928/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Sahoo et al. Materials Today Communications 37 (2023) 107288

solidification techniques. Phase separation was seen during the glass subjected to a compaction force of 30 kN, which resulted in the pro­
fluxing process, producing a phase that was rich in Fe and Cu. The alloy duction of pellets with a diameter of 10 mm and a thickness that ranged
also showed secondary phase separation, with Cu-rich particles from 2 to 3 mm. After that, the pellets were sliced into smaller rectan­
appearing in the Fe-rich phase and vice versa. The drop tube approach gular samples of varying weights, ranging anywhere from 30 to 40 mg
showed a structural change from a fully dendritic to a mixed micro­ each. Following the sample preparation, the solidification experiments
structure, with Fe and Cu phases partially and completely phase sepa­ were performed using the ADL technique which is discussed below.
rated. Chen et al. [15] discovered metastable phase separation in the
Cu70Fe30 composition when the temperature of undercooling surpasses 2.1. Experimental technique
56 ◦ C. The favorable nucleation of the Fe-rich phase is induced through
cyclic superheating and undercooling within a high-frequency induction The solidification study was carried out in an environment that was
boiler. For undercooling temperatures falling within the range of completely non-contact throughout the experiment, and the molten
56–79 ◦ C, coarsening of Fe nuclei takes place as a result of Ostwald sample was levitated using the ADL principle, as can be seen in Fig. 1.
ripening. However, undercooling beyond 79 ◦ C leads to coarsening The ADL system consists of a process chamber that has a conical nozzle
caused by the coagulation effect of Fe droplets. In our previous research, with a cone angle of 60 ◦ and an orifice size of 1 mm housed inside it. The
Sahoo et a. [16] investigated various compositions in Cu-Fe alloy sys­ attainment of a stable levitation state can be accomplished by modifying
tem, solidified using W-wire method and reported an increase in the Ar gas flow rate through the conical nozzle. This adjustment is made
undercooling of the melt with increasing Cu concentration. Although the in response to the size and weight of the sample. As part of the process of
samples are highly undercooled, an incomplete phase separation is solidification testing, a high-power continuous wave CO2 laser (Synrad
observed in most of the samples. A thorough literature analysis reveals i401 400 W) with a beam diameter of 6 mm ± 0.6 mm emits with a
that the composition significantly affects the undercooling and phase wavelength of 10.6 µm was used in the process chamber to convert the
separation in the contactless solidification process. However, there are prepared sample into its molten form.
not many studies that provide a detailed examination of the final Once the sample is levitated, it can be maintained in a condition of
microstructure formed as a function of composition in terms of phase complete non-contact throughout the duration of the solidification
distribution and grain orientation obtained through container less so­ phenomenon. Through careful regulation of the output power of the
lidification techniques. laser, it is possible to exert the necessary degree of control over the level
In this work, various Cu-Fe alloy (with varying Cu concentrations) of undercooling achieve by the non-contact condition. An optical py­
samples are prepared using the ADL method, and the solidification rometer (Chino IR-CAS series) with a working range of 600–3000 ◦ C and
process is examined using a high-speed camera (HSC). In these experi­ operating wavelength of 900 nm is used to monitor the surface tem­
ments, the lack of interaction between the sample and mould enables the perature of the sample in a continuous manner. The pyrometer provides
system to achieve significantly high degree of undercooling. SEM-EDS a temperature-time history that can be used to measure the undercooling
and X-ray tomography was used to determine the microstructural before solidification and the extent of recalescence. The real-time so­
characteristics of the solidified alloys, and EBSD was employed to map lidification phenomenon was captured by a high-speed camera based on
the grain orientation of the sample. In addition, using the experimen­ CMOS that is capable of operating at a maximum frame rate capacity of
tally obtained solidification growth velocity, the undercooling is 40000. The rate at which images are acquired is sufficient to capture the
calculated as a function of composition. important stages of solidification.

2. Experimental details 2.2. Characterization of solidified samples

In this study, high-purity powders of Fe (99.56%) and Cu (99.56%) The SEM analysis was performed using a FEG Zeiss SEM Gemini 300
were utilized. Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrom­ model microscope equipped with EDS, to investigate the internal
etry (ICP-AES) was utilized in order to ascertain the powder composi­ structures, surface morphology, and compositional analysis of solidified
tion. As a part of the sample preparation process, the powders were samples. The samples were dipped in epoxy and polished on silicon
mixed in a planetary ball mill for ten minutes with a composition of Cu x: carbide sheets with grit sizes ranging from 120 to 2500 mesh, followed
Fe 100− x (x: 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 wt%). The combined powder was then by 8 h of vibratory polishing in colloidal silica solution. EBSD analysis

Fig. 1. The aerodynamic levitation with different important components used to capture different parameters during the experiment.

D. Sahoo et al. Materials Today Communications 37 (2023) 107288

was performed utilizing an Oxford HKL attachment integrated with the dimensions are calibrated with the pixel. Subsequently, the average
SEM system. The EBSD data was analyzed and the Inverse Pole growth velocity is determined by dividing the pixel distance traveled by
Figure (IPF) was generated using the TLS OIM software. The EBSD ex­ the solidifying front by the time taken to cover said distance. The
periments were conducted using a 300 mm aperture size, under high thermophysical parameters employed for the undercooling calculations
current conditions, and with a step size of 0.2 mm. The Kikuchi pattern are outlined in Table 1. By utilizing these thermophysical parameters in
was optimized using a Binning mode of 2 × 2 and a gain of 5. The conjunction with the experimentally derived growth velocity, the
voltage used by EBSD and SEM was maintained at 20 KV. TSL software dendrite tip radius (R) can be computed using Eq. (6). The total
was used to measure the Inverse pole figure (IPF), Inverse pole figure undercooling is then evaluated based on Eqs. 1–5, utilizing the calcu­
(IPF) map, Image Quality (IQ) map, and phase map from EBSD data. The lated R-value
sample tomography was performed using a TESCAN UniTOM HR system
with a spatial resolution of 600 nm and voxels between 1.1 and 1.4 mm. 3. Results and discussion

3.1. Cooling curve and phase formation

2.3. Undercooling calculations
The undercooling estimated using the LKT model is superimposed on
The total undercooling during solidification is calculated using the
the Cu-Fe phase diagram and shown in Fig. 2. As seen, the degree of
Lipton-Kurz-Trivedi (LKT) model using the experimentally obtained
undercooling increases with increasing Cu concentration in the alloy.
solidification growth velocity (V) data [17]. The sum of the solutal
The growth velocity used to calculate undercooling is derived from the
undercooling (ΔTc), thermal undercooling (ΔTt), curvature under­
ADL-prepared sample during solidification. In the case of pure Fe, the
cooling (ΔTr) and kinetics undercooling (ΔTk) can be used to define the
calculated undercooling is close to 20 ◦ C, however as the Cu content
total undercooling (ΔT) as:
rises to 25 wt%, the calculated undercooling rises to around 60 ◦ C. The
ΔT = ΔTc + ΔTt + ΔTr + ΔTk (1) calculated undercooling for Cu50Fe50 composition is close to 90 ◦ C.
When the Cu content is increased to 75%, the predicted undercooling is
(1 − k0 )Iv (Pc ) close to 250 ◦ C. The calculated undercooling is close to 230 ◦ C in the
ΔTc = ml c0 (2)
1 − (1 − k0 )Iv (Pc ) case of pure Cu. The authors in their previous work reported the
increasing trend in undercooling with the composition in the samples
ΔTt =
× Iv (Pt ) (3) prepared using W-wire method[16]. The results of the undercooling
Cp obtained using the W-wire method is superimposed in Fig. 2 as well. The
undercooling obtained in this study is 20–30 ◦ C higher than the previ­
ΔTr =

(4) ously obtained values. This is because the ADL method used in the
R current investigation delays the nucleation event, resulting in more
V undercooling than the sample prepared using the W-wire method
ΔTk = (5) employed in the previously reported work [16].
The HSC pictures of the solidifying samples obtained at different
Here ml is liquidus slop, c0 is initial alloy concentration, k0 is the actual time steps are shown in Fig. 3. Pure Cu exhibits a recalescence event at
partition coefficient, Iv (Pc ) is the Ivantsov function of the solutal Peclet about 90 ms. In the Cu75Fe25 composition, the nucleation event occurs
number, Iv (Pt ) is the Ivantsov function of thermal Peclet number, H is around 25 ms, and with further decrease in Cu content in the alloys,
the heat of fusion, Cp is the specific heat of liquid, Г is the Gibbs- nucleation event is found to begin relatively early (Cu50Fe50: 10 ms and
Thompson coefficient and µ is the kinetic coefficient of γFe phase. As Cu25Fe75: 7 ms). Because of the low undercooling, nucleation occurs
ΔTt contribution is very small compared to the other terms, it is instantly in the case of pure Fe. A growth front emanating from the
neglected in the undercooling calculations. The dendritic tip radius is bottom of the sample and ascending towards the top is clearly visible in
related to the undercooling terms using the equation below: the alloy case (Cu75Fe25: 30 ms, Cu50Fe50: 20 ms, and Cu25Fe75:
7 ms). It is noted that nucleation event during the ADL is a clear function
(6) of Cu content and the related undercooling. A high degree of under­
(ΔH/CPL )Pt ξt − {2m′l C0 (1 − kv )Pc /[1 − (1 − kv )Iv (Pc ) ] }ξt cooling in pure Cu and Cu75Fe25 delays the nucleation event compared
to Cu50Fe50 and Cu25Fe75 samples.
In Eqn. 6, Pt and Pc are the thermal and solutal Peclet numbers,
respectively, given by VR/2α and VR/2Dl while σ ∗ is the stability
constant (1/4π2), Dl stands for diffusion coefficient. The liquid thermal 3.2. Surface morphology
gradient at the tip is given by Mullis and Cochrane [18]:
Fig. 4 depicts the surface morphology of the samples shortly after
Gl =
(7) solidification. In the pure Cu example (Fig. 4A), distinct surface
R morphology is evident, indicating a planar solidification front.
The hyper cooling limit known as θ is (H/Cp). Boettinger et al. [19] The high undercooling attained in this sample leads to the devel­
provide a modification in the liquidus slop given by Eq. (8) based on the opment of a planar front during solidification. The surface morphology
impact of the solidus and liquidus line on the solidification velocity. of Cu75Fe25 also shows a planner morphology with facets like structure
{ } in the magnified views of the surface. The undercooling obtained in this
m′l = ml 1 +
k0 − kv [1 − ln(kv /k0 ) ]
(8) composition resulted in the planar faceted like surface morphology
1 − k0 (Fig. 4B). In the case of Cu50Fe50 composition, a cellular growth front
was observed due to decrease in the undercooling. In the case of
Where kv is velocity dependence partition coefficient given by Aziz [20]:
Cu50Fe50 and Cu25Fe75 and pure Fe samples, the appearance of cell-
k0 + aV/Dl like structures on the surface (Fig. 4C and D) suggests a cellular
kv = (9)
1 + aV/Dl growth front morphology. As seen in Fig. 4A1-E1, in the case of the W-
wire sample, the solidification front is dependent upon the degree of
where a denotes the characteristic diffusion length. The sample’s growth undercooling. At higher concentrations of Cu (in both Pure Cu and
velocity, denoted as V, is ascertained through the utilization of a high- Cu75Fe25), a planar solidification front is observed. However, as the
speed camera. Employing the Phantom CV3.5 software, the sample’s concentration of Fe increases, the solidification front transitions to a

D. Sahoo et al. Materials Today Communications 37 (2023) 107288

Table 1
Thermos-physical parameters of Cu-Fe alloy at different compositions.
Parameters Unit Cu Fe Fe25Cu75 Fe50Cu50 Fe75Cu25 Ref.

Specific heat (Cp) Solid J/kg K 420 450 647.2 589.3 641.7 [21]
Specific heat (Cp) Liquid J/kg K 495 795 580.14 655.87 725.47 [21]
Heat of fusion (H) J/Kg 206,000 247,000 232,616 231,673 253,800 [21]
Liquidus Temperature (TL) K 1356 1809 1688 1698 1725 [21]
Prefactor of diffusion co. efficient (D0) m2/s 1.46 × 10− 7
4.3 × 10− 7
2.17 × 10− 7
2.88 × 10− 7
3.59 × 10− 7
Activation energy (Q) J/Kg 637,000 920,000 707,000 778,000 850,000 [22]
Characteristic diffusion length (a) m 2 × 10− 10 3 × 10− 10 5 × 10− 10 4.1 × 10− 10
3.1 × 10− 10

Equilibrium liquidus slop (ml ) K/wt% 0 0 -0.86 -0.61 -1.63

Interface energy (γ) J/m2 0.223 0.381 0.28 0.32 0.36 [12,23]
Actual partition co. efficient (K0) 0 0 0.19 0.28 0.434 [21]
Diffusion Co. efficient (Dl) m2/s 3.9 × 10− 9
5.5 × 10− 9
8.18 × 10− 9
7.23 × 10− 9
5.86 × 10− 9
Velocity (V) m/s 4.5 0.028 2.79 2.46 1.26
Liquid Thermal gradient (Gl) K/m 2.23 × 108 6.19 × 105 1.52 × 107 1.93 × 107 1.72 × 107

Fig. 2. (A) The amount of undercooling superimposed on the phase diagram for various compositions of ADL samples, as represented by (a-e), (B) Comparison of
ADL and W wire [16] sample undercooling by composition.

cellular morphology in the Cu50Fe50 alloy. Furthermore, with a further and Fe. The minute droplets then collide with each other and eventually,
increase in Fe concentration, the solidification front takes a dendritic phase separate. In the meantime, the nucleation of Fe starts from the
structure in both Cu25Fe75 and pure Fe. phase separated liquid Fe. The undercooling in liquid Fe enables the Fe
nuclei to grow at a faster rate by entrapping the Cu droplets within it
before they can be rejected into the bulk separated Cu ruck liquid. This
3.3. X-ray tomography leads to the entrapment of Cu droplets in the Fe rich region, as seen in
the Cu25Fe75, Cu50Fe50 and Cu75Fe25 compositions. Pure Fe has a
The cross-sectional examination of the sample at the positions phase distribution that is equivalent to pure Cu. At the top cross section,
denoted as a-a and b-b are shown in Fig. 5. In the case of pure Cu, a single it reveals a single phase in the center and volumetric contraction in the
phase is seen throughout the sample, with the existence of small voids at shape of a void. (Row-I and III). The microstructure development in
the top cross section signifying volumetric contraction at the end of these alloys is explained in the subsequent section.
solidification (Row-I). In the case of Cu75Fe25, the cross section (a-a) is
composed of a two-phase area with a void at the phase separation
interface. Fe has a higher area proportion in the two-phase region than 3.4. Internal structure and composition analysis
Cu. As Fe has a lower density than Cu, during phase separation, low
density Fe floats on top of liquid Cu, and takes up the top part of the Fig. 6 shows the SEM analysis of the sample at the selected cross
sample. Cu and Fe are placed in a core-shell configuration at the cross section and the corresponding EDS analysis. A single phase is shown in
section (b-b), with Cu at the core and Fe as the shell, as seen in Row III. the case of pure Cu and Fe (Fig. 6 A and E), and the EDS mapping reveals
The small, spherical Cu particles may be seen in the Fe-rich region close that the phase is composed of Cu and Fe, respectively. Cu75Fe25,
to the interface in the enlarged image. However, no Fe particles were Cu50Fe50, and Cu25Fe75 compositions exhibit a two-phase structure in
found in the Cu-rich region (Row II and IV). The cross sections of the the form of a core and shell. The shell is composed of Fe, whereas Cu
Cu50Fe50 and Cu25Fe75 samples show a comparable core shell struc­ phase is formed at the center. The EDS mapping confirms the core shell
ture, and the Cu droplets are entrapped in the Fe rich region of the arrangement, which is in line with the structure observed in tomography
Cu25Fe75, Cu50Fe50 and Cu75Fe25 samples. This is because the analysis. In the above three alloys, Fe rich phase contains spherical Cu
amount of undercooling affects the degree of phase separation in the particles, whereas no such Fe entrapment is observed in Cu rich area of
alloys [24]. When the undercooling of Cu-Fe alloys is compared, the Cu50Fe50 and Cu75Fe25 composition. But, in the Cu25Fe75 composi­
undercooling decreases with decreasing Cu content in the alloys. It is tion, the entrapment of the Fe particles in the Cu rich area is observed
noted that once the alloy is undercooled, Fe and Cu rich liquid phase from the EDS mapping. Meanwhile, a distinct phase separation interface
start to separate because of surface tension difference between liquid Cu is observed in case of the above three alloys.

D. Sahoo et al. Materials Today Communications 37 (2023) 107288

Fig. 3. HSC images of solidifying samples of various compositions taken at various time intervals. It has been found that the time needed for nucleation reduces with
increasing Fe content, ranging from t = 90 ms for pure Cu to t = 7 ms for Cu25Fe75. Due to the low level of undercooling, the nucleation of pure Fe occurs
instantly (t = 0 ms).

The observed microstructure can be explained as follows: The Ar gas seen from Fig. 2 the undercooling of the compositions Cu75Fe25 and
which is used to levitate the sample takes away the extra heat from the Cu50Fe50 is well below the miscibility gap.
samples in addition to the heat loss by radiation, causing it to undercool. Whereas, the undercooling of Cu25Fe75 is close to miscibility gap. In
The high thermal conductivity of Cu helps it to dissipate the thermal Cu75Fe25 and Cu50Fe50 alloys, the nucleation of the Fe phase begins in
heat more quickly resulting in a higher level of undercooling in the case the undercooled Fe-rich liquid phase, and solidification proceeds in a
of Cu rich composition (pure Cu and Cu75Fe25). As the Cu concentra­ planar manner. Due to extremely high solidification velocities, the Cu
tion decreases in the alloys, the undercooling decreases as well. The droplets in the Fe rich phase are unable to merge with the Cu rich bulk
consequence of decreased undercooling can be seen clearly in surface phase and are confined to the Fe rich side of the solidified samples as
morphology, as morphology transforms from planner to cellular (Fig. 4). spherical globules. In the Cu25Fe75 composition, the nucleation of Fe is
When the sample is undercooled, the nucleation process begins by initiated as soon as the liquid phase separation is achieved. The Fe rich
releasing the latent heat, as this is the case in pure Cu and Fe samples. On liquid phase is instantly transformed to solid Fe whereas the Cu rich
the other hand, liquid-liquid phase separation takes place before the liquid phase is still in the undercooled condition. It is to be noted that
nucleation in the Cu75Fe25, Cu50Fe50, and Cu25Fe75 compositions. As during solidification, Cu rich liquid continuously rejects Fe due to high

D. Sahoo et al. Materials Today Communications 37 (2023) 107288

Fig. 4. Different magnifications reveal the surface morphology of solidified materials (A1-E1) of the W- wire sample and (A-E) ADL sample. The distinctive surface
morphology observed in A) pure Cu and B) Cu75Fe25 is attributable to the front of planned solidification. The amount of undercooling in C) Cu50Fe50 D) Cu25Fe75
and E) pure Fe promotes the development of a cellular growth front.

solidification velocity, Fe does not have sufficient time to reach the two- Figure (IPF) map along with the IPF are shown in Fig. 7. As expected,
phase interphase and therefore becomes entrapped within the Cu melt. pure Fe and Cu samples show a single phase as observed from IQ and
This is confirmed by the EDS mapping of the Cu75Fe25 composition, phase maps. The pure Fe sample shows a very large grain compared to
which reveals Fe particles trapped in the Cu rich side. the pure Cu sample. Very few points are observed in the IPF of Fe sample
due to the presence of very few grains in the cross-section, whereas the
Cu sample shows complete distribution of the points in the IPF. The
3.5. Crystallographic texture crystallographic texture of both Fe and Cu samples is mostly random.
Both the samples, pure Fe and Cu, have an area of very small grains, as
The effect of composition on phase separation and microstructure marked by the arrow in the figure. The fine grain size region is the site of
development during the solidification was analyzed using SEM-EDS and nucleation, during the solidification, from which the grains grow to­
X-ray tomography. SEM study on the cross-section (b-b) of the sample wards the opposite side of the sample. The nucleation of grains releases
shows the contrast between the two phases (Fig. 6). Further, an EBSD latent heat, which raises the melt temperature and reduces the under­
study was performed on the same sections to understand the grain cooling level, leading to a drop in growth velocity. The combined effect
structure and its crystallographic orientation. To capture the complete of an increase in melt temperature and a decrease in growth velocity
cross-section, multiple scans were performed and the montage of EBSD causes the increase in grain size of the sample at locations far from the
maps was created. Image quality (IQ) map, phase map and Inverse Pole

D. Sahoo et al. Materials Today Communications 37 (2023) 107288

Fig. 5. X-ray tomography was used to create 3D representations of (A) pure Cu, (B) Cu75Fe25, (C) Cu50Fe50, (D) Cu25Fe75 and (E) pure Fe samples. Rows (I) and
(III) display their cross-sectional views at sample cross-sections (a-a and b-b). The magnified image of a selected cross-section (a-a and b-b) of the sample in Rows (I
and III) is depicted in Rows (II and IV), which reveals the entrapped Cu droplets (light brown color) in the Fe-rich area (light grey color).

nucleation point. The smaller grain size of pure Cu can be attributed to small at b-b section, which constrains the grain growth of Fe phase.
the significant level of undercooling experienced by the liquid melt Unlike the other two systems Cu75Fe25 and Cu50Fe50, the Cu phase
before nucleation (Fig. 2) and the possibility of multiple nucleation sites. shows a smaller grain size in Cu25Fe75 sample.
Similarly, the larger grains in pure Fe samples are the result of low The phenomenon of formation of coarse grain structure of phase
undercooling level which promote grain growth and less nucleation site. separated Cu of Cu75Fe25 and Cu50Fe50 can be attributed to the
Based on the phase map, it is apparent that the outer surface of all exothermic release of latent heat during the nucleation and growth of
alloys consists predominantly of Fe, while the core is primarily solid Fe in the Fe-rich liquid phase and reduction in heat transfer rate
composed of Cu, also confirmed by EDS and X-ray tomography. The due to formation of solid Fe shell. The transfer of released latent heat to
EBSD analysis at b-b section of Cu75Fe25 composition reveals that the the still-liquid Cu decreases its undercooling threshold. At the same
Fe phase is present at the shell and Cu phase in the core. The Cu50Fe50 time, the reduced heat transfer rate of the liquid Cu present at the core
sample shows a very large Cu grain at the core, whereas Fe shell grain due to solidified Fe phase at the shell gets sufficient time for grain
shows a grain size variation. Very small grains are present at the growth. The combined contribution of above factors results in a coarse
nucleation site and large grains are present away from the nucleation grain structure of Cu75Fe25 and Cu50Fe50 samples. In contrast, the
site. It has to be noted that the nucleation point is not present at the b-b phenomenon of fine grain structure formation Cu25Fe75 sample can be
section of Cu75Fe25 sample. The Cu25Fe75 sample shows a slight grain attributed to the presence of Fe dendrites (Fig. 6) in the Cu rich area of
size variation of Fe phase. The cross-section area of Fe phase is very Cu25Fe75 sample. The entrapped Fe dendrites in the Cu liquid phase

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Fig. 6. The internal area of (A) pure Cu, (B) Cu75Fe25, (C) Cu50Fe50, (D) Cu25Fe75 and (E) pure Fe samples at the cross-section (b-b) marked in the 3D sample. Row
(I) shows the overall internal cross section of the sample, Row (II) shows the magnified view of the selected cross-section (b-b), Row (III) represent the composition
mapping of the selected cross-section (b-b) of the sample, and rows (IV and V) depict the distribution of Fe (red color) and Cu (green color) in that area respectively.

provide additional nucleation sites and the probability of growth for not provide any orientation relationship between the grains of Fe and
each Cu nucleus is consistent across all nucleation sites offered by Fe Cu. This observation implies that while the presence of solidified Fe
dendrites. This uniform growth pattern hinders the individual nucleus serves as a nucleation site for Cu to nucleate and grow, it does not exert
growth, leading to a decrease in the grain size of phase-separated Cu. any influence on the crystallographic orientation of the Cu grains.
The IPF of all the samples corroborates the presence of different grain
sizes in Cu and Fe phases. The larger grains in the sample give very few
points in the IPF, whereas smaller grain size fills up the entire IPF. 3.6. Comparison between the sample prepared by ADL and W-wire
It can be argued that a higher degree of undercooling in pure Cu method
leads to the formation of a fine grain structure, while a lower degree of
undercooling in pure Fe results in a coarse grain structure. In all of the Upon comparison of the observed surface morphology of the samples
alloy compositions, the phase map shows a distinct phase separated solidified using ADL technique to that of samples solidified using the W-
interface. The Cu75Fe25 composition results a coarse grain structure for wire method reveals that an increase in Cu content increases the level of
both phases with a higher orientation spread. The observed heteroge­ undercooling in both the solidification techniques [16]. The higher level
neity in grain size within the Fe-rich region of the Cu50Fe50 and of undercooling achieved in the ADL technique allows the sample to
Cu25Fe75 samples can be attributed to the existence of potential form a planner growth front in the high Cu compositions (Pure Cu and
nucleation sites. The Cu50Fe50 compositions exhibit a coarse grain Cu75Fe25), whereas all other compositions exhibit a cellular solidifi­
structure of Cu phase. In contrast, the Cu25Fe75 composition displays Fe cation front. While in the W-wire case, depending on the level of
dendrites in the Cu-rich region, this leads to the formation and growth of undercooling, a planner solidification front is observed at high Cu
multiple Cu grains, resulting in a reduced grain size of the Cu phase. The concentrations (Pure Cu and Cu75Fe25), and as the Fe concentration
orientation relationship analysis of the phase separated Fe and Cu does increases, the solidification front becomes cellular (Cu50Fe50), with
further increase in Fe concentration, the solidification front becomes

D. Sahoo et al. Materials Today Communications 37 (2023) 107288

Fig. 7. The EBSD analysis of pure Cu, Cu75Fe25, Cu50Fe50, Cu25Fe75 and pure Fe samples at the cross-section (b-b). Column (I) displays the image quality (IQ) map
of the selected areas. The phase distribution at the selected area is represented by Column (II). The red color represents Cu, while the blue colour represents Fe. The
IPF map of the selected area of the samples is represented by Column (III), and the varying colors represent the varying orientation of grains in the selected area. In
Columns (IV and V), the orientation spread of individual components (Cu and Fe) is shown.

dendritic (Cu25Fe75 and pure Fe). Thus, depending on the Cu concen­ the Fe-rich and Cu-rich phases. The use of the ADL technique allows the
tration, the solidification front in the ADL process changes from planner sample to create a core shell structure, which is not present in samples
to cellular, but in the W-wire process the solidification front changes prepared using the W-wire method. Upon comparing the EBSD analysis
from planner to cellular and finally to dendritic. of ADL and W-wire samples, it is observed that the W-wire provides
When the internal surface morphology of ADL and W-wire samples is many nucleation sites, resulting in a fine grain structure with random
compared, it is observed that the existence of liquid-liquid phase sepa­ grain orientation. In contrast, the degree of undercooling influences the
ration in the high undercooled melt of the ADL sample creates a distinct grain structure of pure Cu and Fe samples prepared by ADL method. In
phase separated interface between the Fe rich and Cu rich areas. In the case of alloys, the grain structure depends on the undercooling and
contrast, the phase separation in the alloys prepared using W-wire the existence or absence of a nucleation site at the cross section. The
technique varies from a sharp phase separated interface in the Cu75Fe25 nucleation site in Fe rich area gives a significantly varied grain structure.
composition to diffusive in the Cu50Fe50 and Cu25Fe75 compositions. While partial phase separated Cu produces a fine grain structure, the
In the above two alloys, the interface serves as a transition zone between complete phase separated Cu produces a coarse grain structure. No

D. Sahoo et al. Materials Today Communications 37 (2023) 107288

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