Arts-9 LP (Q1)

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St. Anthony’s Academy of Tuburan, Inc.

Tuburan, Cebu


S.Y. 2023-2024

Subject/Level: MAPEH-ARTS 9 Grade 9 –St. Pedro Calungosd

St. Lorenzo Ruiz

Quarter: First Unit: 1 Day: 1

Transfer Goal: Manifest a great sense of awareness in appreciating cultural and modern arts in every facet of our life
and in finding new ways of expressing oneself according to the teachings of God.

Essential Understanding: The student will understand that art leads to self-expression and sense of purpose.

Essential Questions: What is art for you?

How does art influence you as individual?
I. Preliminaries
Pre-Assessment Results:
Directions : Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. This is one of the oldest creations that shows anatomical exaggeration of breasts and hips or body parts
associated with fertility.
a. Hall of Bulls c. The Woman of Willendorf
b. Doryphoros d. Winged Victory of Samothrace
2. It is the simplest of the orders, characterized by short, faceted, heavy columns with plain, round capitals
(tops) and no base.
a. Doric order c. Roman order
b. Ionic order d. Corinthian order
3. It is distinguished by slender, fluted pillars with a large base and two opposed volutes (also called scrolls)
in the echinus of the capital.
a. Doric order c. Column
b. Ionic order d. Corinthian order
4. In architecture, it is a vertical element rounded shaft with a capital and a base that serves as a support.
a. Doric order c. Column
b. Ionic order d. Corinthian order
5. Paleolithic period is also known as:
a. Renaissance Period c. Old Stone Age
b. Classical Period d. Medieval Period

Focus: Prehistoric Art to Paleolithic Art

 The unit is introduced

 EU and EQ are presented to students
 Performance Task is discussed

Activating Prior Knowledge:

Invite your sibling or a parent or anyone available in your house to work with you. Identify at least five
wonders of the world cited by UNESCO and places where they can be found. Write these on a table.
Lesson Development
 Presentation of Concepts
Students will know the noticeable art elements and principles in the production of work following the style of
western and classical art
Students will be able to analyze art elements and principles in the production of work following the style of a western
 Discussion
 Differentiated Tasks
A. Broadening of Concept
If this picture were a work of art, what will be the meaning of this picture for you? Answer in 3 or more
What feeling is evoked in you while looking at the right? Write three feelings below.
What insights did you realize from the 3 activities that you just did?
If you will be given the chance to express your feeling right now through a drawing, what will you draw?

B. Integration
a) Ignacian Core/Related Values
Related Value: Discipline
b) Social Orientation: The Freedom of Choice Amidst Covid-19
c) ]Faith/Biblical Reflection
1 Corinthians 16: 12
"Everything is permissible for me - but not everything is beneficial.”
II. Evaluation / Assessment
Directions: Provide a sample picture and write a short description of the following art forms on a short bondpaper.

Art Form Prehistoric Classic Art



III. Summary / Action
 Write a reflection on the things that you learned from this lesson and their relevance to you. In 3-5
sentences, tell how you can apply what you learned in your daily life
IV. Purposive Assignment
References / Instructional Materials
Book Reference:
• Living with Music, Art, Physical Education, and Health 9 – Sumera, Boquiren, Grecia, Contreras, Camiling
Online References:
Prepared by: Checked by:

MR. JASPER J. MOMO, LPT S. Mary Grace B. Sebigan, RVM

Teacher Principal

Status of Implementation Modifications:

____ Implemented
____ Partially Implemented
____ Not Implemented
Date Observed: Remarks:
Observed by:
St. Anthony’s Academy of Tuburan, Inc.
Tuburan, Cebu


S.Y. 2023-2024

Subject/Level: MAPEH-ARTS 9 Grade 9 –St. Pedro Calungosd

St. Lorenzo Ruiz

Quarter: First Unit: 1 Day: 2

Transfer Goal: Manifest a great sense of awareness in appreciating cultural and modern arts in every facet of our life
and in finding new ways of expressing oneself according to the teachings of God.

Essential Understanding: The student will understand that art leads to self-expression and sense of purpose.

Essential Questions: What is art for you?

How does art influence you as individual?
Review: Where did the Woman of Willendorf and the Cave paintings discovered?

Focus: Classical Art

Activating Prior Knowledge:

Recall the last time you went out to stroll in your Province or town. Looking around you can see the Church
and Municipal Hall. Notice its architectural designs. Take a photo of it from the internet and paste it here.
You can also draw it.

Lesson Development
 Presentation of Concepts
Students will know the unique characteristics of arts in Classical period
Students will be able to distinguish distinct characteristics of arts during the different art periods

 Review
 Discussion
 Identifying Progression
 Watch and Learn
 Sing it
 Differentiated Task
C. Broadening of Concept
If this picture were a work of art, what will be the meaning of this picture for you? Answer in 3 or more
What feeling is evoked in you while looking at the right? Write three feelings below.
What insights did you realize from the 3 activities that you just did?
If you will be given the chance to express your feeling right now through a drawing, what will you draw?

D. Integration
d) Ignacian Core/Related Values
Related Value: Discipline
e) Social Orientation: The Freedom of Choice Amidst Covid-19
f) ]Faith/Biblical Reflection
1 Corinthians 16: 12
"Everything is permissible for me - but not everything is beneficial.”
VI. Evaluation / Assessment
Directions: Provide a sample picture and write a short description of the following art forms on a short bondpaper.

Art Form Prehistoric Classic Art



VII. Summary / Action
 Use trident in summarizing your learnings in this lesson.
VIII. Purposive Assignment
References / Instructional Materials
Book Reference:
• Living with Music, Art, Physical Education, and Health 9 – Sumera, Boquiren, Grecia, Contreras, Camiling
Online References:
Prepared by: Checked by:

MR. JASPER J. MOMO, LPT S. Mary Grace B. Sebigan, RVM

Teacher Principal

Status of Implementation Modifications:

____ Implemented
____ Partially Implemented
____ Not Implemented
Date Observed: Remarks:
Observed by:

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