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Formulating a Digital Position Framework


Generic Strategy Fee-for-Product Model Network Economies
What is your generic strategy? Traditional model where a fee Lever network externalities to
Do you aspire to be the cost is paid for discrete product or offer a unique product or service
leader, a quality differentiator, a service. while building a defensible
niche player, or an integrator? position.

Switch Costs
Attempt to lock-in customers to
a desired technology or platform
Value Chain Position Subscription Model by creating switch costs to
Where in the value chain do A model where a subscription alternatives.
you play? Upstream B2B or is paid. Software-as-a-service is
downstream B2C? Both? How one example.
vertically integrated are you in Counter Positioning
the value chain? Who are you
Outmaneuver rivals by offering
partners in the value chain?
new products, services, or
business models that rivals are
unlikely to match.
Targeted Customers Advertising Model
Who are your target customers? A model where users do not pay Scale Economies
What demographic segments, ge- a fee but are exposed to adver-
Aim for early and quick growth
ographies, etc. are your products tisements.
to capture economies of scale
and services designed?
that discourages competition.

Cornered Resources
Value Proposition Freemium Model Aim to secure scarce resources,
such as patents, to establish a
What value do you desire to A model where basic services
valuable defensible position.
create for your targeted custom- are free, while premium services
ers? What unique attributes will require a fee.
attract customers/partners to
your products and services?
Lever marketing and a distinct
identity to increase customer
willingness to pay for your prod-
Data Value Partnering Model ucts and services.
How can you leverage data to A model where a partner, such
enhance the value proposition? as a platform provider, charges
When should offerings be auto- a percentage fee on every trans-
Processing Power
mated to create more data? How action. Lever learning-curves and
can data be used to create long- inter-dependencies to create
term continuous relationships? advantages that are difficult for
others to copy.

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