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True or False: The Bible is the most popular book ever written.

(by copies

What is the first book in the Bible


How many days did God take to create the world?


Who were the three sons listed in the Bible

-Cain, Abel, Seth

Who did God tell to build an ark


How did Moses’ mother save him from the Egyptian soldiers?
-Put him in a basket in the river

What did Jacob give Joseph that sparked jealousy form his siblings?
-A coat of many colors

What did Moses say God commanded the Pharaoh to do?

-Let his people go

How many plagues did God send on Egypt?


What was the final plague that convinced Pharaoh to let the slaves go?
-The firstborn son of all Egyptian families died

When Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army after the slaves, where did
they meet at?
-By the Red Sea

Through what did God speak to Moses in the desert?

-A burning bush
Who ran to Jesus’ empty tomb along with John?

How many people were in Noah’s Ark?


Where did God give Moses the Ten Commandments?

-Mt. Sinai

Who was the first king of Israel?


Who baptized Jesus?

-John the Baptist

Before Jesus started preaching, what was his job?


What is the shortest verse in the Bible?

-John 11:35

List down the 12 Apostles

1. Peter
2. James
3. John
4. Andrew
5. Bartholomew
6. James, the lesser
7. Judas
8. Thaddeus
9. Matthew
10. Philip
11. Simon
12. Thomas
Give what is asked
1st Commandment:

2nd Commandment:

3rd Commandment:

4th Commandment:

5th Commandment:

6th Commandment:

7th Commandment:

8th Commandment:

9th Commandment:

10th Commandment:

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