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Magnetic and Dielectric Losses of a Nanocomposites

Polymer Matrix Reinforced with Ferromagnetic


Vlad – Andrei Scarlatache, Marius Olariu, Stefan Massimo Pasquale

Ursache, Romeo Cristian Ciobanu Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica
Department of Electrical Measurements and Materials Torino, Italy
The “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Iasi, Romania

Abstract—This paper illustrates the effects of ferromagnetic adhesive. Sometimes when the temperature increase, the
nanoparticles on dielectric and magnetic properties of a magnetic or dielectric resonance is shifting to different
polyolefinic adhesive polymer. The dielectric characteristics frequency.
analyzed were the real and imaginary part of complex
permittivity and dielectric losses of adhesive samples containing Melting temperature of this kind of thermoplastic adhesives
iron oxide nanoparticles. The analyzed magnetic parameters is around of 150 ºC, sow if this kind of material is supposed to
analyzed are the real and imaginary part of permeability and electromagnetic field it’s possible to melt for a given power
magnetic losses. The measurements were performed in a when inside of thermoplastic adhesive are inserted
frequency range between 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz for dielectric ferromagnetic particles.
parameters and 1 MHz to 3 GHz in case of magnetic
permeability. Temperature was also varied between 30 ºC to 100 II. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS AND MEASUREMENT
ºC, with 10 ºC increment.
Keywords – permeability; permittivity; dielectric and magnetic The samples were prepared by inserting iron oxide
losses; nanoparticles into a thermoplastic polyolefin polymer in order
to observe their dielectric and magnetic behavior as while
I. INTRODUCTION varying the frequency and temperature as well.
Joining of thermoplastics by electromagnetic implant The production method of samples is based on a thermal
welding is a mature process. Presently, little information is mixing on the teflon films, therefore major differences appear
found in the literature to describe the relationship between the in thickness, and for leveling a thermal press was used.
properties of magnetic susceptor particles and the plastic
matrix materials into which they are dispersed, and their
N type nanoparticles 4-6 nm
interaction with high frequency electromagnetic fields [1]. N 10%
20 N 20% C powder
Magnetic implant welding uses susceptors that couple, due
N 30%
to ferromagnetic hysteresis, with high frequency C type nanoparticles20-30nm
electromagnetic radiation to generate controllable heat in the
FMR freq (GHz)

C 10%
plastic. In this paper we analyze the effect of temperature on C 30%
magnetic and dielectric properties of a thermoplastic matrix
with insertion of susceptors based on iron oxide nanoparticles.
Previously another study on this type of matrix was performed
at ambient temperature [2].
After performing the measurements it was concluded that
the small nanoparticles with diameter 4 ÷ 6 nm (Type N) have 0
a lower frequency of ferromagnetic response than nanoparticles 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
with diameter of 20 ÷ 30 nm (Type C). This behavior is Applied field (G)
illustrated in Fig. 1.
The possibility to analyses the magnetic and dielectric Figure 1. The FMR peak positions as a function of the applied magnetic
field for different MNPs powders (solid squares) and with MNPs dispersed in
losses will provide us an idea about the optimization of a Polyolefine matrix with different concentration. The solid lines are the linear
electromagnetic welding for this type of thermoplastic fit of the pure powder responses. frequencies [2].

EURODOC “Doctoral Scholarships for research performance at

European level”

Fixture Small Large

Holder A B C D
≥φ ≥φ ≥φ ≥φ
b 3.1 3.1 6 5
mm mm mm mm
≥φ ≥φ ≥φ ≥φ
c 8 6 20 20
mm mm mm mm
≥φ ≥φ ≥φ ≥φ
h 3 3 8.5 8.5
mm mm mm mm
Figure 3. The measurement system of magnetic characteristics at high
frequencies [4].

The results were analyzed with WinDeta software from

Novocontrol and saved in ASCII format. Diagrams and plots
were realized in Origin.


The frequency was varied between 0.1 Hz ÷ 106 Hz, with a
logarithmic scale and a number of 43 measurement points. The
temperature was increased from 30 ºC up to 100 ºC, with a step
of 10 ºC.
From Fig. 4, it is observed that while increasing
temperature, polar character of the samples is more
pronounced, exhibiting strong interfacial polarization while
Figure 2. The measurement system of dielectric characteristics at low increasing temperature, polarization which is specific for this
frequencies [4].
type of materials [5]. Dielectric constant decreases when the
frequency is increasing. Comparing the real and imaginary
For dielectric measurements the sample was prepared with
permittivity one can observe a resonance phenomenon at
circle disk geometry of 20 mm in diameter. As describe in the
frequency around 10 kHz, which is attributed to the orientation
Table 1, for magnetic analysis is necessary to make more types
of nanoparticles in the field. This polarization is shifting
of ring samples with different diameters[3].
towards higher frequencies while increasing temperature, as it
Two samples were prepared, one with inner diameter of 4 can be observed from Fig. 5 and 6. Dielectric losses are
mm and outer of 6 mm, for small holders, and another one with strongly influenced by temperature and frequency on these
inner diameter of 7 mm and outer of 19 mm, for large holders. materials.
The measurement system used to analyze the dielectric
properties in the frequency and temperature variation is Eps' 30 (°C)
Eps' 40 (°C)
composed of an impedance analyzer Alpha - A from Eps' 50 (°C)
Novocontrol, a ZGS cell and a temperature control system 5 Eps' 60 (°C)
Quatro Cryosistem, Fig. 2. Eps' 70 (°C)
Eps' 80 (°C)
Alpha – A impedance analyzer have a band of frequency Eps' 90 (°C)
from 0.001 Hz to 10 MHz, high phase accuracy (2.10-3 °) and Eps' 100 (°C)

loss factor tan(δ) absolute accuracy (3.10-5) for low loss

dielectric materials and isolators broadband characterization.
Quatro Cryosystem have a range of temperature between -160
ºC to + 400 ºC, with a ramps from 0.01 °C / min to 20 °C / min
and a stability of 0.01 °C.
For magnetic measurements an impedance analyzer was
employed (Agilent E4991A with magnetic material test fixture
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 1E7
Agilent 16454A), Fig.3. This system has a band of frequency
Frequency (Hz)
from 1 MHz to 3 GHz. For variation of temperature will use a
compressor CP5050N Black&Decker.
Figure 4. The real permittivity of thermoplastic adhesive samples with
insertion of 10% iron oxide particles type C.
Eps" 30 (°C)
Eps" 40 (°C) 1.4
Eps" 50 (°C)
Eps" 60 (°C) 1.3
Eps" 70 (°C)
Eps" 80 (°C) 1.2
Eps" 90 (°C)

Eps" 100 (°C)


u' S-A
u' S-B
0.01 0.9 u' L-C
u' L-D
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 1E7
Frequency (Hz) 1E7 1E8 1E9
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 5. The imaginary permittivity of thermoplastic adhesive samples with
insertion of 10% iron oxide particles type C.

1 u'' S-A
u'' S-B
u'' L-C
Tan(Delta) 30 (°C) u'' L-D
Tan(Delta) 40 (°C)
Tan(Delta) 50 (°C) 0.1
Tan(Delta) 60 (°C)
Tan(Delta) 70 (°C)

Tan(Delta) 80 (°C)

Tan(Delta) 90 (°C)
Tan(Delta) 100 (°C)


1E7 1E8 1E9

0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 1E7 Frequency [Hz]
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 7. Real and imaginary permittivity of the sample N10% in the

Figure 6. The dielectric losses of thermoplastic adhesive samples with frequency range 1 MHz ÷ 3 GHz.
insertion of 10% iron oxide particles type C.
For studying the magnetic measurement accuracy of the
four types of holders was chosen to analyze the polymer u' 30 (°C)
sample with a volume of 10% nanoparticles N-type. As shown u' 40 (°C)
in Fig. 7 and as shown in the cell’s technical data sheet, type C u' 50 (°C)
u' 60 (°C)
and D holders have permeability values closely and linear.
u' 70 (°C)
Measuring scale is logarithmic with a total of 48 points in u' 80 (°C)
u' 90 (°C)
the frequency range from 1 MHz to 3 GHz.

u' 100 (°C)

Nonlinear evolution of permeability values is primarily due
to low viscosity of material.
Analyzing the permeability for ambient temperature, one
can notice a slight decrease of values at frequencies lower than
100 MHz. Above this value a peak around the frequency of 500 1
MHz can be observed. 1E7 1E8
Frequency (Hz)
Analyzing the at imaginary permeability, which decreases
while increasing frequency up to 200 MHz. After this
frequency the imaginary permeability increasing substantially. Figure 8. Real permeability of the sample N10% in the frequency band 10
MHz ÷ 0.7 GHz to temperature variation from 30 to 100 °C.
Magnetic resonance can be noticed at a frequency around of
Analyzing the imaginary permeability and magnetic losses
u" 30 (°C) in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10, a decrease of both parameters while
10 u" 40 (°C)
u" 50 (°C)
increasing frequency, can be noticed.
u" 60 (°C)
1 u" 70 (°C) IV. CONCLUSIONS
u" 80 (°C)
u" 90 (°C) For ring samples with higher diameter we have a good
0.1 u" 100 (°C) accuracy of measurements.
Sample C10% presents an orientational polarization at

frequency around 10kHz and the sample N10% has a magnetic
resonance around the frequency of 300 MHz.
With temperature increasing both dielectric and magnetic
losses increase.

1E7 1E8
Frequency (Hz) This paper was realized with the support of:
• EURODOC “Doctoral Scholarships for research
Figure 9. Imaginary permeability of the sample N10% in the frequency band
10 MHz ÷ 0.7 GHz to temperature variation from 30 to 100 °C.
performance at European level” project, financed by
the European Social Found and Romanian
0.1 • PERFORM-ERA “Postdoctoral Performance for
Integration in the European Research Area” (ID-
57649), financed by the European Social Fund and the
Romanian Government.


Tan(Delta) 30 (°C) funded by the European Social Found and Romanian
Tan(Delta) 40 (°C)
Tan(Delta) 50 (°C)
Tan(Delta) 60 (°C) Also a contribution for development of this paper, it have
Tan(Delta) 70 (°C)
Tan(Delta) 80 (°C)
the Polimag project as a source of the polymer samples:
Tan(Delta) 90 (°C)
• Regione Piemonte POR-FESR Asse I Innovazione e
Tan(Delta) 100 (°C)
1E-5 transizione produttiva I.1.3 Innovazione e P.M.I.
1E7 1E8
Frequency (Hz) • Partners POLIMAG: Coord MECT, CRF, INRIM,
Figure 10. Magnetic losses of the sample N10% in the frequency band 10
MHz ÷ 0.7 GHz to temperature variation from 30 to 100 °C. REFERENCES
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Due to low accuracy of results which appears at the materials in high frequency magnetic fields,” Ashland Specialty
beginning and the end of the frequency band, for temperature Chemical Co., 2006.
variation was chosen frequency range 10 MHz ÷ 0.7 GHz. [2] A. Caprile, M. Coïsson, F. Fiorillo, P. Kabos, O. M. Manu, E. S.
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In Fig. 8 it can be observed that the real part of behaviour of polymer bonded Iron oxide nanoparticles,” International
permeability, is strongly dependent on temperature, and Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG, 2012.
increasing with temperature. At low temperatures, permeability [3] Agilent 16454A Magnetic Material Test Fixture, Operation and Service
does not have a high dependence of frequency when increasing Manual, Agilent Technologies, Part No. 16454-90020, 2008.
temperature but it has a downward trend with frequency. As for [4]
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