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Card 1
A.Hi. I'm Tony. Nice to meet you.
B: Hi. I'm Natalie. Nice to meet you, too.
A: I'm an environmental engineer. What is your job, Natalie?
B: I'm a nutritionist in Remote Medical International
company. Where do you work, Tony?
A: I'm working at GSI Environmental Inc. As a nutritionist,
what do you have to do at work?
B: Well, I am in charge of developing nutrition or diet plans
for multiple clients. I also have to do research on nutrition.
What about you, Tony?
A: I am responsible for assessing the impact on air, water,
soil and noise levels. Moreover, I have to identify what may
cause problems for the environment in the long term.
B: Oh yeah? So, what skills should an environmental
engineer have
A: Well, an environmental engineer should have analytical
skills, planning and organizational skills and problem-solving
skills. And you? What skills should you have when you are a
B: It is necessary for a nutrition to have communication skills
and teamwork skills. Oh, we also need analytical skills.
A: Great. Oh, it's time to get back to the conference. Let's
B: Ok, let's go.
II. Card 2

A: Hello, nice to miss you.

B: Hi nice to miss you too
A: can we exchange about the Mitsubishi company
B: yes of course.
A: When was the company founded?
B: It was founded in 1933.
Where is the company’s headquarter located?
A: It is located in Tokyo in Japan.
How many subsidiaries does the company have?
B: It has 295 subsidiaries.
What does your company specialize in?
(What is your company’s operation field?)
A: It specializes in supply a diverse range of goods, from
materials to functional products.
What is your average salary?
B: It’s 6600/month.
How much is the annual bonus?
A: It’s depend on performance.
How many hours do you work a day?
(How long do you work a day?)
B: From Monday to Friday with 8 hours from 8 a.m to 5
What benefit does the company offer?
A: It offers private healthcare, paid holiday and company
III. Card 3
A: Do you see the equation in the picture?
B: Yes, I see.
A: Do you know what type of chemical reaction it is?
B: It’s synthesis reaction.
A: Can you tell me the definition of synthesis reaction?
B: This reaction occurs when two or more substances react
to produce a single new substance
A: What are the reactant?
B: They are Sodium (Na) and Chloride (Cl).
A: What happens in this chemical reaction?
B: In this reaction, Na occurs combustion in Cl2.
A: What are the products?
B: A white solid compound named Sodium chloride (NaCl).
A: Do you know any examples of this type of chemical
reaction in real life?
B: In real life, synthesis reaction also occurs in the case of
the forming water and carbon dioxide.

IV. Card 4
A: Hello
B: Hi
A: I want to buy some milk.
B: What type of milk do you want to buy?
A: I love to buy nonfat milk. How about you?
B: I prefer reduced-fat milk.
A: A serving of nonfat milk contains 80 calories. How many
calories are there in reduced-fat milk?
B: It provides more than 40 calories than nonfat milk, it has
120 calories.
A: How much saturated fat is there in reduced-fat milk?
B: There are 3 grams of saturated fat in reduced-fat milk.
What is the amount of %DV for total fat in nonfat milk?
A: It has no saturated fat.
B: How much Calcium does a serving of nonfat milk have?
A: In nonfat milk, it takes 30%
B: Both types of milk have the same calcium amount.
A: So, which one would you prefer to buy?
B: I think I would like to buy reduced-fat milk because it
provides more energy. What about you?
A: I still choose nonfat milk.

V. Card 5
A: hello can we discuss about fungi
B: yes of course
A: How many cells do they have?
B: Fungi are multicellular.
How about the shape?
A: They are vary from super small to bigger.
What is the mode of nutrition in fungi?
B: Fungi have a heterotrophic mode of nutrition.
Where do they live?
A: They live in other bodies or in soil or leaves, stones and
( Do you know whether they are useful or not? Can
people use them?)
What is the function of fungi?
B: It makes bread rice and creates Earth’s oxygen.

VI. Card 6 (1,2,3,4 hỏi – 5,6,7,8 TL)

B: Good afternoon, sir. I want to report an incident which
has just happened in our laboratory.
A: Good afternoon. Alright, take a seat, please.
B: Thank you.
1. When did this incident happen?
It happened at 8.45 am, Thursday, June 2nd
2. Who was involved in this incident?
It is Sheri Sangji, a research assistant.
3. Was she injured?
Sheri suffered second-and third- degree burns over 43%
of her body.
4. What might be the causes for this incident?
Due to lack of supervision and improper method.

5. Where did it happen?

It happened in Laboratory No 5.
6. What did it happen?
Sheri used a plastic syringe to extract a small quantity of
t-butyl lithium from a sealed container for her
experiment. As she withdrew the liquid, the syringe came
apart in her hand. A flash fire set her clothing ablaze
7. Was there any damage?
It has no mentioned.
8. What action has been taken?
Sheri was taken to hospital.

A: When did this incident happen?

B: It happened at 8.45 am, Thursday, June 2nd
Where did it happen?
A: It happened in Laboratory No 5.
Who was involved in this incident?
B: It is Sheri Sangji, a research assistant.
What did it happen?
A: Sheri used a plastic syringe to extract a small quantity
of t-butyl lithium from a sealed container for her
experiment. As she withdrew the liquid, the syringe came
apart in her hand. A flash fire set her clothing ablaze.
Was she injured?
B: Sheri suffered second-and third-degree burns over 43%
of her body.
Was there any damage?
A: It has not been mentioned.
What might be the causes for this incident?
B: Due to lack of supervision and improper method.
What action has been taken?
A: Sheri was taken to hospital.
VII. Card 7
A: Good morning sir. I’m A, a technician from LG electronics.
Nice to meet you.
B: Good morning sir. I’m B, a supervisor from AB company.
Nice to meet you.
A: I have just maintained freezers after the three months of
first use. Now I want to report what had happened to you.
B: Thank a lot for your help. Our company bought 20
freezers 3 months ago. And we are satisfied with them.
When you maintained freezers, what did happen?
A: Firstly, I have check the freezer’s thermostat but it had a
problem so I cleaned all freezers.
B: When using, we found that one thermostat caused noise
because the freezer has not been cleaned for 3 months.
A: Don’t worry I have replace a new one.
B: Was there any other problem?
A: The gasket worn off.
B: Did the door gasket need to be replaced?
A: Yes, I have finished the maintenance procedures.
B: What is the maintenance cost?
A: It’s free because freezers are guaranteed.
B: When will be the next maintenance?
A: Next 3 months.
B: Please inform before coming.
A: Ok
B: Goodbye.

VIII. Card 8 (1,2,3,4 hỏi – 5,6,7,8 TL)

A: Hello, can we exchange information about the meeting
B: yes of couse.
1. What time is the meeting going to start?
It starts at 10 a.m on Monday, February 8th
2. Who is going to chair the meeting?
It’s Bill Hanks, CEO
3. Who is going to take the minutes of the meeting?
It’s Anna Potts, secretary.
4. What is the second agenda item?
It’s temporary solution for soi pollution.
5. What is the topic of the meeting?
It’s solutions for agricultural soil pollution by chemicals in
6. Where is the meeting going to take place?
It takes in Conference room 3.
7. Who is going to attend the meeting?
All environmental chemical engineers.
8. Who is going to present the first agenda item?
It’s Jennifer Carter.

B: What is the topic of the meeting?

A: It’s solutions for agricultural soil pollution by chemicals
in Vietnam.
What time is the meeting going to start?
B: At 10 a.m, on Monday, February 8th
Where is the meeting going to take place?
A: It takes in Conference room 3.
Who is going to chair the meeting?
B: It’s Bill Hanks, CEO
Who is going to attend the meeting?
A: All environmental chemical engineers.
Who is going to take the minutes of the meeting?
B: It’s Anna Potts, secretary.
What is the second agenda item?
A: It’s temporary solution for soi pollution.
Who is going to present the first agenda item?
B: It’s Jennifer Carter.
A: What is the second agenda item?
B: It’s temporaty solution for soi pollution.

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