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Section -A

Section consists of 20
questions of 1 mark
If sin - cos 6 0.
then the value of (sinb- cosie is

Lowest value of t+ 4z+2 is

(c) 2 6) -2
(a) 4
(zh equation
Equal 2t+ 2(p +1)+ p=0, where p is Teal. alwavs has roots that are
Irational Dypt4>o (b) Equal in magnitude but opposite in sign
cor.centric circles are of radii 10crn and S cm. then the
the smaller circle is lengh ofthe chord of the larger
(a) 6 Cm circle which touches
(c) 18 Cm o) 12 cm
(d) 9 cn

The sumof first 16 tems of the AP

10. 6. 2. ... is
(b) 320
c) -352
(d) 400
Sanple Paper 21 Mathematics STD Class 10
stat.ement. is false? M) I quadrilateral are xinilar.
lollowing, similar.
Wiich ofiosccles triangles are (d) None of .he anbove
(n) are similar,
Al circles
The value of EC is
figure, DEI| BC.
Inthegiven 1 .C5n 27e:

Icm )


3 c I n

(b) 3cm
(a) 1.5 cm (d) 1 cm
Ac) 2 Cm
and 503 m respect.jvely. he
inner and outer circumíercnce arc 437 m
A TRce (rack 1s in the form of a ring whosc
area of 1the track is 4935 sg. cm.
(a) 66 sq. Cm. (d) None of these
(c) 9870 sq. cm

then its perimeter is

If a regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle of radius r, 6) 6r
(a) 37
(d) 12r

alphabet, then the probability that it is a letter of the

11 a letter is chosen at random from the letter of English
Word DELHIis
(a) 5 (b) 8
26 (d) 2621
psec and y = gtan0, hen
(b) 'g - p = pq

The pai of
(a) cquations
One solution
y 0 and y= 7 has
(b)Awo solutions
(c) infinitely many solutios no solution

with level
The Jength of à sting stmg makes at angle 0
between a
ground such that tan ) 15 henkite ad a Doint o) Whe ground is 85 n
he height of ite is
Aa) 75 m
(d) o ne
Cc) 22 Gon (b)78 05 m
Page 3
If the Sample Paper 21
tower isangle
of YO
Mathematics STD Class 10
depression of an
object from a 75 m high
tower is 30°, then the distanct of
25/3 m the object from the
75/3 m (b) 50/3 m
(d) 150 m
Xi. Ratio of volumes of two
(a) hy: ha cones with same radii is
(c) 7] :72 (b) S, : 82
(d) None of thcse

16. The median of a set of 9

2. heu t lhe n e d i ) of the
ist inct
obsCrvations is 20.5 1f clCh of t h l°gest 1 olierIt.ioII of Lhe Net iN
)ew set 111Crcasod by
(u) Is i1creased by 2

(b) ls decreased by 2
(c) Is two times the original median
(d) Remains the same as that of the original set

17. Mode of the following grouped frequency distribution is

6-9 5

9-12 10

12-15 23
15-18 21
18-21 12
21-24 03

(a) J3.6 (b) 15.6

(c) 14.6 (d) 16.6

Afair die is thrown once. The probability of getting a composite number less than 5is
(a) 3

(c) (d) o
Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R), Choose the
In the question number 19 and 20, a statement of
correction option.

value of k is +8
Assertion : The eguation 8 +3kz+2=0 has equal roots then the
equal roots if D== b-4ac= 0
Reason: The equation at +bz+ c= 0 has assertion (A).
true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of
Wa) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are (A).
assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason
(R) is not the correct explanation of assertion
(b) Both
is false.
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R)
(R) is true.
Assertion (A) is false but reason
Sample Paper 21 Mathemntien STD Cl 0
20. Assertion : II in a circle, the radis of he circle is 3 em nnd dintIneo of u pont Iion tho (outre on clelu n be.
then length of the tangent will be 4cm.
Reason : (hypotenuse)? = (base) ? + (height)
corect explunnlon of ethon (A).
a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are tue aud reason (R) is the
not the coreet eNplanation of assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are truc but reason (R) is
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.

Section -B

Section B consists of 5 questions of 2 marks cach.

thut te un of ilu rnt

h1. If the sum of first m terms of an AP is the same ns tlhe sun of ita irst n lonns, thow
(72 + n) 1erms is zero.

I0 Cm
5Cm, hen ind he urth of BC

23. Find a rclation between z and y such that the point P( u) is cquidistant from te points A-b.3) nd B(7,2).

24 Explain whether 3 x 12x 101+ 4 is a prime mumber or a composite uumber. 24


Show that 5/6 is an irrational number.

28. Is 184 a term of the sequence 3,7, 11,.....? 3


The ninth term of an AP is - 32 and the sum of its cleventh and thirtcenth term is -94. Find the common
difference of the AP

Section -C
SectionC consists of 6 questions of 3 marks each.

26. Solve graphically :

21-3y +13 = 0; 3z-2y +12 =0

Solve the following equation:-3 =3, T#0,2

Sample Paper 21 Mathematics STD Class 10
\l LnnLA PA d PB dravwn foI) an (xternal point. P t.o a circle with centre O
are incined to each other at
In ih iven igure, O is cqual to tho diuneter of n cicle with centre O and PA and PB are taIgents. Prove
lhnt ABD s al cquilateral riungle.

he l ol clevt ion of he l0p ofr a buil,liue frou uhe foot. of a tower is 30° and the angle ofelevation of the
JO (owCr iom tlhe foot. of uhe buildine is G0° It Uhe tower is 5O m high, then find the height of the building

TOn Solhd cylinder whosO heiglht is l5 eu and the diameter is 16 cm, a conical cavity of the sane height and
Sie lanlCleT is holowed out, Find the tot al surface arca of remaining Solid. (Given your answer in terns of T).
\ i i « t i : r e u l a r cou of lacight G0 c 1 nucd radius 3O c u is droppe in a right-circular
cylinder fuli
of water of
olul1he of wntor left in the cylinder

hosen between 7O and 100. Find the probability that it is

(1) (ii) divisible by 7

Section - D
SeioI1 D c o r n s i s t s of marks cach.
value of p a n d q.
is exactly divisible by + 7c+ 12, then ffnd the
olynomial P(*) = 3+2r+ 1, find the polynomial whose zerocs
If a ud 3 are the Zeroes of

i+3 \ S C ) =
Square and BAC 9O°. Show that r G = BG K FO.
Im he giCn figure, DEFG is a

Page 6
Sample Paper 21
If sin + cos =
/3,then prove that.,tan 0+ Mathematics STD Class 10
cot 9= 1.

Evaluate: 2nOR
tan 30° sin 30° + cos 60° sin'90°
tan'60- 2tan 45cas0Gi96
A5. Four equal circles are described at the
t 0-6
area enclosed betwcen the circle is ? cm'. corners of a square so that each touches two of the others. The shaded
Find the radius of each circle.
Section -E Y
Case study based questions are
OKI 36.
Air Quality Iindex: AQI is an index for
reporting air quality on a daily basis. The purpose of the AQI is to
people know how the local air quality impacts their health. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) help
the AQI for five major air calculates
1 pollutants :
Ground-level ozone
Particle pollution/particulate matter (PM2.5/pm 10)
Carbon Monoxide
4 Sulfur dioxide
5 Nitrogen dioxide = Ur
The higher the AQI value, the greater the level of air
pollution and the greater the health cOneens.


Following frequency distribution shows the Air Quality Index of different localities of Delhi on 27th December 2020
reported by Times of India Newspaper on 28th December 2020.
AIQ Number of weeks f
290-300 14

300-310 20 ure
310-320 24
Total 80

Continue on next page.....

Page 7
Sample Paper 21 Mathematics STD Class 10
Based on the above information, answer the
() Estimate the mean AQI. 24 following questions.
(ii) In which class does the median of
(iü) In which class does the mode of distribution ?
distribution lie ?
What is the median AQI?

37. Resident Welfare Association (RWA) of a Gulmoh:ar Socicty in Delhi have

C in a society's common park. Despite these thrce poles, some prts of t.he park rothrce clectrie
ntill in dark poleN A, R md
So, RWA decides to have one more clectric pole D in the park.

The park can be mnodelled as a coordinate systems given below.



2 3 6 7 9 10

On the basis of the above information, answer any four of the following questions:
(6) What is the position of the pole C?
(ii) What is the distance of the pole B from the corner 0 of the park ?
(ii) Find the position of the fourth pole D so that our points A, B C and D fom a parallelo:ram
What is Lhe distance between poles A and C ?
'age S
Sample P'aper > Mathematies STD CnNN I0
38. Box : For t he bN (o satistY cortnin requireulents, it.s lonl mM8t be three unit grenter han he wilth, md itN
height must be WO uuit lss than the width.

1f width is taken as a, find the polynomial that represent volume of box.

Fìnd the polynomial that represent the area of paper sheet used to make box.
(ji) lf it must have a volume of 18 unit, what must be its length and height ?
is Rs 100 per square unit., what is the cost of
lf box is made of a paper sheet. which cost

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