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Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Brawijaya
Academic Year of 2019/2020

Each student is required to independently read and understand the contents of
the Academic Guidance carefully, including
the evaluation conducted at the end of each semester / every year and sanctions
for academic violations, without a necessary warning as deemed
by the Faculty / Department

All praise is due to Allah SWT for His grace and guidance, upon the completion
of a 2019/2020 Academic Guidance of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas

This book is organized as a reference for the implementation of Teaching and Learning
Process (PBM) in the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya (FEB
UB), directed to fulfill the main principles contained in the New Paradigm for the
Arrangement of Higher Education in Indonesia, consisting of five principles, such as:
quality, autonomy, responsibility, accreditation and evaluation. In addition, aspects of
effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity are also inherent in all PBM support activities.
As PBM’s success is engaged to several aspects, a standardized reference is required.
This academic guidance is expected as one of the references in PBM activities, which
include evaluation of study success, practical work lectures (KPK), final project, lecture
administration (registration, KRS, KHS, transcripts), and curriculum.

This academic guidance was prepared by involving all elements related to the
implementation of PBM. Therefore, with the enactment of this Guidance, it is hoped that
all related parties such as lecturers, students, and education staff have a commitment to
implement the rules.

To all parties involved in the preparation of this academic Guidance, the Faculty
expresses its highest gratitude and appreciation.

Malang, August 2019


Nurkholis SE.,
SE M.Bus.(Acc).,
M Bus (Acc) Ak.,
A Ph.D
NIP. 19660706 199103 1 001

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya iii


Nurkholis, SE., M.Bus.(Acc)., Ak., Ph.D., Ak., CA.

Abdul Ghofar, SE., M.Si., M.Acc., DBA., Ak., CA.

Ainur Rofiq, S.Kom., SE., MM., Ph.D., CFA.


Dr. Moh. Khusaini, SE., M.Si., MA.

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

iv Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya





Considering : a. that to further improve the effectiveness, efficiency and

productivity in the implementation of the Tri Dharma of
BUSINESS in Universitas Brawijaya, it is considered
necessary to establish an Academic Guidance as a
reference for academic implementation in FACULTY OF
ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, Universitas Brawijaya;
b. that based on the considerations as referred to letter a
above, it is necessary to stipulate the Dean Regulation on
the Education Guidance for the Undergraduate Degree
Universitas Brawijaya for Academic year of 2019/2020;

Reckoning : 1. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003

concerning the National Education System (State Gazette of
the Republic of Indonesia of 2003 Number 78, Supplement
to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number
2. Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education
(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2012 Number
158, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 5336);
3. Government Regulation Number 4 of 2014 concerning the
Implementation of Higher Education and Management of
Higher Education (State Gazette of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 16 of 2014, Supplement to the State
Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5500);

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya v
4. Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 73 of 2013 concerning
Implementation of the Framework for National
Qualifications in Higher Education Sector (State Gazette of
the Republic of Indonesia of 2013 Number 831);
5. Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and
Higher Education Number 44 Year 2015 concerning
National Standards of Higher Education (State Gazette of
the Republic of Indonesia Year 2015 Number 1952);
6. Regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 080 /
O / 2002 concerning the Status of Universitas Brawijaya;
7. Regulation of the Minister of National Education Number
232 / U / 2000 concerning Guidance for the Preparation of
Higher Education Curriculum and Assessment of Student
Learning Outcomes;
8. Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and
Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of
2016 concerning Organization and Work Procedures of
Universitas Brawijaya (State Gazette of the Republic of
Indonesia of 2016 Number 130) as amended by Regulation
of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher
Education Number 34 of 2016 concerning Amendment to
the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and
Higher Education Number 4 Year 2016 concerning
Organization and Work Procedure of Universitas Brawijaya
(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2016
Number 781)
9. Universitas Brawijaya Regulation Number 1 Year 2017
concerning Quality Standards (Universitas Brawijaya Sheet
2017 Number 97);
10. Rector's Regulation Number 70 of 2017 concerning
Academic Guidance for Universitas Brawijaya Academic
Year 2017/2018 (Universitas Brawijaya Gazette for Year
2017 Number 70);



ACADEMIC YEAR 2019/2020.

Article 1
Academic Guidance for Undergraduate Degree Program of FACULTY OF
ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS in Universitas Brawijaya for Academic Year of
2019/2020 is as listed in the Annexes which is an integral part of this Dean's

Article 2
Academic Guidance for Undergraduate Degree Program of FACULTY OF
ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS in Universitas Brawijaya for Academic Year of

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

vi Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
2019/2020 is utilized as a reference for all academic units implementing the
Undergraduate Degree Program in FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS in
Universitas Brawijaya.

Article 3
Academic Guidance for Undergraduate Degree Program of FACULTY OF
ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS in Universitas Brawijaya for Academic Year of
2019/2020 is intended for students of the class of 2019; whereas, for students of
the previous academic years refer to the Education Guidance in accordance with
the academic year of the relevant entry or when registered as a student in
FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS in Universitas Brawijaya, unless
stated otherwise in the transitional rules as contained in this regulation or other
Dean's regulations.

Article 4
Matters that are not listed in this Education Guidance are regulated in Universitas
Brawijaya Education Guidance.

Article 5
This Dean's Regulations come into force on the date of promulgation.

Assigned in Malang
on 1 August 2019



Copy in accordance with the original

Head of Administration
Faculty of Economic and Business
Universitas Brawijaya,

Drs. Kadri, MM.

NIP 196209141981031001

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya vii

Faculty Senate
Vice Dean for General
Vice Dean for Academic Vice Dean for Students
Administrative and Financial
Affairs Affairs

Board of Research and

System and Public Journal Publishing Quality Assurance
Community Service
Relation Center Board Board

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Management Economics Accounting
JURUSAN General Administrative
Department Department Department Unit
Quality Assurance

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

Quality Assurance Quality Assurance
Unit Unit Unit
Academic Affair Sub Section
Undergraduate Program in Undergraduate Program in
Management Undergraduate Program in Accounting
General Affair and State
Economic Development Assets Sub Section
Undergraduate Program in Accounting Profession Study
Entrepreneurship Program
Undergraduate Program in
Master Program in Islamic Economics Master Program in Finance and Personnel Sub
Management Accounting Section
Undergraduate Program in
Doctorate Program in Economics, Finance and Doctorate Program in
Management Banking Student and Alumni Affair Sub
Doctorate Program in
Management Master Program in Economics Faculty Member Group
(Jakarta Campus) Based on Functional
Doctorate Program in Position
Faculty Member Group Economics
Based on Functional
Position Faculty Member Group
Based on Functional

1. Dean : Nurkholis, Ph.D.2. Wakil Dekan
2. Vice Dean
Vice Dean for Academic Affairs : Abdul Ghofar, DBA., Ak., CA
Ex`pert Staff : Aji Purba Trapsila, ME.I.
Vice Dean for Administration & : Ainur Rofiq, Ph.D., CFP.
Finance Affairs
Expert Staff : Rahaditya Yunianto, MM.
Student and Alumni Affair : Dr. Moh. Khusaini
Expert Staff : Moh. Athoillah, ME.

3. Quality Assurance Board

Head : Prof. Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, Ph.D.
4. Management of Information Systems, IT Infrastructure, and Public Relations
Head : Yuki Firmanto, MSA., Ak.
5. Research and Community Service Deliberation Board (BP3M)
Head : Prof. Dr. Khusnul Ashar
6. Guidance and Counseling Management Board
Head : Dr. Iswan Noor
7. Bulletin and Web Management Board
Head : Risca Fitri Ayuni, MBA., MM.
8. Learning Development Center Management Board (LDC)
Head : Adri Putra Nugraha, MPA., Ak.
9. Department and Study Program
9.1. Economics Department
Head : Dr. rer.pol Wildan Syafitri
Secretary : Dr. Nurul Badriyah
Head of Undegraduate : Arif Hoetoro, Ph.D.
Program in Islamic Economics
Head of Undergraduate : Setyo Tri Wahyudi, Ph.D.
Program in Economics, Finance
and Banking
Head of Undegraduate : Marlina Ekawaty, Ph.D.
Program in Economic Development

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya ix
Head of International : Dias Satria, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Program
Head of Master Program : Devanto Shasta Pratomo, Ph.D.
in Economics
Head of Doctorate Program : Dr. Asfi Manzilati
in Economics
Staffs of Department : 1. Al Muizzuddin F., ME.
2. Ajeng Kartika Galuh, ME.
3. Yenny Kornitasari, ME.
4. Aminullah Achmad, M.Sc.Fin.
5. Atu Bagus Wiguna, ME.
Head of Laboratory
Statistics : Putu Mahardika Adi Saputra, Ph.D.
Islamic Economics : Yenny Kornitasari, ME.
Finance and Banking : David Kaluge, Ph.D.
Quality Assurance Unit
Head : Dr. Sri Muljaningsih
Secretary : Ajeng Kartika Galuh, ME.
Members : 1. Anas Budiharjo, MA.
2. Puspitasari Wahyu A., M.Ec.Dev.
3. Head of Student Board

9.2. Management Department

Head : Dr. Sumiati, CSRS., CFP.
Secretary : Risna Wijayanti, Ph.D., CFP.
Head of Undergraduate : Dr. Siti Aisjah, CSRS., CFP.
Program in Management
Head of Undergraduate : Ananda Sabil Hussein, Ph.D.
Program in Entrepreneurship
Head of International : Dr. Andarwati, CSRS., CFP.
Undergraduate Program
Head of Master Program : Dr. Kusuma Ratnawati, CFP.
in Management
Head of Doctorate : Prof. Dr. Noermijati.
Program in Management
Head of Doctorate : Dr. Fatchur Rohman, CSM.
Program in Management
Jakarta Campus

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

x Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Department Staffs : 1. Taufiq Ismail, MM .
2. M. Abdi Dzil Ikhram W, MM.
3. Dian Ari Nugroho, MM .
4. Nadiyah Hirfiyana Rosita, MM.
5. Risca Fitri Ayuni, MM., MBA.
6. M. Erfan Arif, MM.
Quality Assurance Unit
Head : Sri Palupi Prabandari, MM.
Secretary : Rila Anggraeni, MM.
Members : 1. Satriya Candra Bondan Prabowo, MM.
2. Bayu Ilham Pradana, MM.
3. Agung Nugroho Adi, MM, HRM
4. Head of Student Board
Head of Management Lab. : Dr. Christin Susilowati
Head of Entrepreneurship Lab.: Sigit Pramono, MM

9.3. Accounting Department

Head : Dr. Roekhudin, Ak., CSRS., CA.
Secretary : Yeney W. Prihatiningtias, DBA., Ak., CA.
Head of Undergraduate : Dr. Endang Mardiati, Ak., CA.
Program in Accounting
Head of International : Imam Subekti, Ph.D., Ak., CA.
Undergraduate Program
Head of Master Program : Dr. Erwin S, Ak., CPMA., CSRA., CA.
in Accounting
Head of Doctorate : Aulia Fuad Rahman, DBA., Ak. CA.
Program in Accounting
Department Staffs : 1. Putu Wulandari, MSA., Ak.
2. Kristin Rosalina, MSA., Ak., CMA.
3. Nurlita Novianti, MSA., Ak.
4. Ayu Fury Puspita, MSA.,Ak
Quality Assurance Unit
Head : Dr. Wuryan Andayani
Secretary : Komaruddin Achmad, M.Si
Members : 1. Nasikin, MM
2. Head of Student Board
Head of Accounting Lab. : Noval Adib, Ph.D., Ak., CA.
Investment and Capital Market
Head of Accounting Profession: Dr. Zaki Baridwan, Ak., CA.

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya xi
10. Center of Study
10.1. Center for State and Regional Financial Study
Head : Dr. Susilo
10.2. Center for Accounting and Business Development Study
Head : Dr. Bambang Hariadi
10.3. Center for Management Development Study
Head : Dr. Kusuma Ratnawati, CFP.
Secretary : Raditha Dwi Vata Hapsari, Ph.D.
10.4. Center for Public Sector Empowerment and Management Study
Head : Dr. Rofiaty
10.5. Center for Development System Dynamics
Head : Prof. Dr. Maryunani
10.6. Center for Research and Economic Study
Head : Prof. Candra Fajri A.
10.7. Center for Development Economics and Citizenship Study
Head : Dwi Budi Santosa, Ph.D.
10.8. Business Clinic of MSME (UMKM)
Head : Dr. Achmad Helmy Djawahir
10.9. Center for Economics and Islamic Business
Head : Arif Hoetoro, Ph.D.

1. Chair Person of : Kadri, MM.
General Administrative Unit
2. Sub Section of Academic Affairs
Head of Academic Affair : Emmy Julyningrum, MM.
2.1. Head of Recording : Agus Arianto, A.Md.
Staffs : 1. Maya Restu Sheila P, A.Md.
2. Azaria Redyaning Hapsari, A.Md.
4. Riawan
5. Riried Sih Panganthi, MM.
2.2. Head of Lecture :-
Staffs : 1. Sunyoto
2. Turiyono
3. Agus Irwanto
4. Karyono
5. Ridwan
6. Sugianto
7. Heru Revolusiadi
8. Moch. Atim
9. Slamet Riadi, SE
10. Syaiful Mujab

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

xii Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
2.3. Administration Head of : Catrine Ana Prastyari, MM.
Quality Assurance Board
Staff : Dinar Widhiwasa, MM.
Staff of BP3M : Anorti Ika Wijaya, MM.
2.4. Administration Head : Sasmito, A.Md.
of Library
Staffs : 1. Mariono
2. Nurrahman
3. Decilia Wahyu Dewanti
4. Elisa Rachmaliansari, SE.
2.4. Administration Head of : Djoko Widodo, SE.
Master and Doctorate
Academic Affairs
Accounting Staffs : 1. Elly Ratnawati
2. Ida Triastuti, SAB.
3. Gigih Eko Wahyu P.
Management Staffs : 1. Fitrianingsih
2. Pudji Harnowo
3. Yeti Rachma Purwandari
4. Putri Perdananingtyas, SAB. (UBJ)
Economics Staffs : 1. Agus Widodo
2. Anjar Prasetya
3. Slamet Sutrisno
2.5. Administration Head of : Pamungkas
Management Department
Staffs : 1. Yusuf Bakhrudin, A.Md
2. Hanafi
3. Dimyati
4. Andy Anto Agus Zunaedy
2.6. Administration Head of : Hari Wijayanto, MM.
Economics Departement
Staffs : 1. Erham
2. Abdul Rohman
3. Djumari (A)
4. Arif Igom
2.7. Administration Head of : Sri Wuryani
Accounting Departement
Staffs : 1. Arif Khoirudin
2. Yudi Purwanto
3. Luthfi Syamsiar

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya xiii
2.8. Administration Head : Ainun Nikmah, MM.
of International Program
Staff : Rahma Ayu Puspita, A.Md.
2.9. Administration Head : Saiful Munir, SE.
of Accounting Profession Program
Staff : Widianto
3. Sub. Section of Finance and Personnel Affairs
Head of Finance and : Drs. Adi Joni
Personnel Affair
3.1. Administration Head of PNBP/
Treasurer of Expenditure : Zulfa Ikhsania, SE.
Staffs : 1. Dimas Putera Pedana
2. Nindya Gitaya, SE.
3. Siti Nurcholifah, SE.
(Economics Department Accountancy)
4. Sukriyah
(Accounting Department Accountancy)
5. End Syarifah, A.Md.
(Management Department Accountancy)
6. Ajeng Fitriani, A.Md.
(Treasurer of Jakarta Campus)
7. Nur Aeny
(Treasurer of Master and Doctoral Program)
3.2. Administration Head of Revenue Treasurer Affair: --
Staff : Asri Indika Sari, SE.
3.3. Administration Head of : Kusmintarsih
State Budget (APBN) affair
Staff : Riska Rinanda, A.Md.
3.3. Administration Head of : Yudhistira Arie Jatmika, ST.
Personnel Affair
Staff : Taufiqur Rahman Hamid, A.Md.

4. Sub. Section of Student and Alumni Affairs

Acting Head of Student and Alumni Affair : Rr. Ririen Tjahjaningdyah, A.Md.
Staffs : 1. Ninik Suwarginingsih
2. Puji Raharjo
3. Ratna Syifaun Nadliroh, A.Md. (IT)

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

xiv Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
5. Sub. Section of General Affairs and State Assets
Head of General Affairs and State Assets: Setu, MMA.
5.1. Administration Head of General Adm., Correspondence, and Archive :
Staffs : 1. Wino Gagas Nusantara
2. Misbakhul Munir
3. Supriadi
4. Dian Junaedi (Master & Doctoral Program)
5.2. Administration Head of : Soleh Suharsono
Asset and Inventory
Staffs : 1. Anjik Fahrur Huda
2. Avian Achadi
5.3. Administration Head of Infrastructure : Surata,SE.
and Security (KRT)
Staffs : 1. Eko Hadi Purwanto
2. Edi Susanto
3. Mesiyanto
4. Heri Santoso
5. M. Agus Suhadak
6. Djumadi (Master & Doctoral Program)
Security Staffs : 1. Nawang Indratmoko
2. Agus Prianto
3. Mustofa
4. Felix Adi Pratama
5. M. Frisma Taufix W.
5.5. Administration Head of Energy: Tjatur Djulyanto
and Telecommunication
Staffs : 1. Eko Prasetyo
2. Wisnu Adi P.
3. Iwan Asrofi
5.6. Administration Head of : Tri Rusmiyati
Dean’s Secretary
Staffs : 1. Ari Kusuma Wardani, SS.
2. Erwin Tri Ardianto, S.Pd.
3. Yuli Agus Arfianto
5.7. Administration Head of : Mahendra Dwicahya Putra, A.Md.
Information System & IT Infrastructure
Staff : M. Zamroni, A.Md.

5.8. Administration Head of : Agus Widyatama, S. Kom.

Public Relation
Staff : Yusuf Afandi

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya xv

PRELIMINARY ................................................................................................................... iii

DEANSHIP FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ..................................... iv



ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE ..................................................................................... viii

PERSONNEL STRUCTURE .............................................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................................... xvi

ACADEMIC CALENDAR ................................................................................................. xx

PRELIMINARY .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS IN GLANCE................................... 1
1.2 MISSION STATEMENT ................................................................................................. 12
BUSINESS......................................................................................................................... 13
1.4 VALUE SYSTEM ............................................................................................................. 15

EDUCATION SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 17
2.1 IMPLEMENTATION BASIS .......................................................................................... 17
2.2 SEMESTER CREDIT SYSTEM (SKS) ............................................................................ 17
2.3 CREDIT VALUE, STUDY LOAD AND ABSOLUTE VALUE ................................... 18
2.3.1 CREDIT VALUE OF SEMESTER LECTURE .................................................... 18
2.3.2 CREDIT VALUE OF SEMINAR ......................................................................... 19
TEMATIK/ KKN KARYA SISWA) AND MINOR THESIS ............................. 19
2.3.4 STUDY LOAD AND DURATION ..................................................................... 19
2.4 EVALUATION OF STUDY ............................................................................................ 21
2.5 GRADUATE PREDICATE ............................................................................................. 22
2.6 SUMMER PROGRAM .................................................................................................... 23

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

xvi Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
IMPLEMENTATION OF EDUCATION SYSTEM ............................................................ 25
3.1 ACADEMIC SUPERVISOR ........................................................................................... 25
3.2 ACADEMIC GUIDANCE .............................................................................................. 25
3.3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR ............................................................................................. 25
3.4 CURRICULUM AND SYLLABUS ................................................................................ 26
3.5 PER SEMESTER ACTIVITY........................................................................................... 26
3.6 PAYMENT TERMS.......................................................................................................... 27
3.7 LECTURE ......................................................................................................................... 28
3.7.1 CHANGE OF STUDENT PROGRAM FORM .................................................. 28
3.7.2 EXAMINATION .................................................................................................. 28
3.7.3 MAKE-UP EXAMINATION ............................................................................... 29
3.7.4 SPECIFIC EXAM .................................................................................................. 29
3.7.5 ANNOUNCEMENT OF FINAL EXAM RESULT............................................ 29
3.7.6 STUDY PROGRESS REPORT (KHS) ................................................................. 30
3.8 INTERNSHIP PROGRAM (KKN) ................................................................................ 30
3.9 OVERSEAS ACADEMIC PROGRAM (OAP) ............................................................. 30
3.9.1 OAP ACTIVITY .................................................................................................... 31
3.9.2 OAP TYPE ............................................................................................................. 31
3.9.3 CREDIT TRANSFER ............................................................................................ 32
3.9.4 INTERNSHIP CONVERSION ............................................................................ 32
3.9.5 GENERAL REQUIREMENT OF OAP............................................................... 32
3.9.6 PERIOD OF OAP .................................................................................................. 33
3.9.7 PARTNER UNIVERSITIES.................................................................................. 33
3.10 STUDENT ACADEMIC STATUS ............................................................................... 34

FINAL PROJECT .................................................................................................................. 39
4.1 APPLICATION REQUIREMENT ................................................................................. 39
4.2 PREPARATION PROCEDURE ..................................................................................... 39
4.3 ACADEMIC SUPERVISOR REQUIREMENT............................................................. 40
4.4 COMPLETION PROCEDURE ...................................................................................... 40
4.5 WRITING SYSTEM ......................................................................................................... 40

FINAL EXAM ........................................................................................................................ 43
5.1 APPLICATION PROCEDURE ...................................................................................... 43
5.2 EXAMINER TEAM ........................................................................................................ 44
5.3 IMPLEMENTATION ..................................................................................................... 44
5.4 EXAMINATION MATERIAL ........................................................................................ 45
5.5 ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................................. 45

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya xvii
5.6 GRADUATE STATUS OF FINAL EXAM (MINOR THESIS) .................................. 45
5.7 REMEDIAL FINAL EXAM ............................................................................................ 46
5.8 FINAL EXAM ANNOUNCEMENT............................................................................. 46
5.9 GRADUATION ............................................................................................................... 47

STUDENT SERVICE AND FACILITY ............................................................................ 49
6.1 STUDENT SERVICE ..................................................................................................... 49
6.2 FACILITY ......................................................................................................................... 52

ETHIC AND CODE OF CONDUCT ................................................................................ 55
7.1 STUDENT ETHIC ........................................................................................................... 55
7.1.1 ACADEMIC ETHIC ............................................................................................. 55
7.1.2 GENERAL PROVISION ...................................................................................... 55
7.1.3 OBJECTIVES.......................................................................................................... 56
7.1.4 SIGNIFICANCE.................................................................................................... 56
7.1.5 BEHAVIORAL STANDARD ............................................................................... 56
7.1.6 ETHIC ENFORCEMENT .................................................................................... 62
7.2 CODE OF CONDUCT .................................................................................................... 63
7.2.1 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS ........................................................................... 63
7.2.2 SOCIALIZATION MANNERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................ 63
7.2.3 CODE OF CONDUCT ......................................................................................... 63
7.3 VIOLATION..................................................................................................................... 65
7.4 VIOLATION CATEGORY.............................................................................................. 66
7.5 SANCTION ...................................................................................................................... 66
7.6 OTHER PROVISIONS .................................................................................................... 68
7.7 CLOSING ........................................................................................................................ 68

CURRICULUM .................................................................................................................... 71
8.1 ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT...................................................................................... 71
8.1.1 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ........ 71 MISSION STATEMENT .............................................................................. 71 GRADUATE PROFILE ............................................................................... 71 LEARNING OUTCOMES .......................................................................... 72 CURRICULUM STRUCTURE ................................................................... 74 COURSE OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN ECONOMIC
DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................ 75 COURSE AND LEARNING OUTCOME................................................. 78

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

xviii Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya COURSE MAP OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN ECONOMIC
DEVELOPMENT – RESOURCE ............................................................... 85

8.1.2 ISLAMIC ECONOMICS STUDY PROGRAM .................................................. 86 MISSION STATEMENT .............................................................................. 86 GRADUATE PROFILE ............................................................................... 86 LEARNING OUTCOMES .......................................................................... 86 CURRICULUM STRUCTURE ................................................................... 89 COURSE OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN ISLAMIC
ECONOMICS ............................................................................................... 89 COURSE AND LEARNING OUTCOME................................................. 92 COURSE MAP OF ISLAMIC ECONOMICS ........................................... 95

8.1.3 ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND BANKING STUDY PROGRAM ................ 96 MISSION STATEMENT .............................................................................. 96 GRADUATE STUDY PROGRAM ............................................................. 96 LEARNING OUTCOMES .......................................................................... 96 CURRICULUM STRUCTURE ................................................................... 99 COURSE OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN ECONOMICS,
FINANCE AND BANKING ...................................................................... 99 COURSE AND LEARNING OUTCOME ................................................ 102 COURSE MAP OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN
ECONOMICS, FINANCE, AND BANKING .......................................... 105

8.2 MANAGEMENT DEPARTEMENT ............................................................................. 106

8.2.1 UNDERGRADUTAE PROGRAM IN MANAGEMENT ................................ 106 MISSION STATEMENT .............................................................................. 106 GRADUATE PROFILE ............................................................................... 106 LEARNING OUTCOMES .......................................................................... 106 CURRICULUM STRUCTURE ................................................................... 109 COURSE IN MANAGEMENT STUDY PROGRAM .............................. 110 COURSE AND LEARNING OUTCOME ................................................ 114 COURSE MAP OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN
MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................... 119

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya xix
8.2.2 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP ..................... 120 MISSION STATEMENT .............................................................................. 120 GRADUATE STUDY PROGRAM PROFILE ........................................... 120 LEARNING OUTCOMES .......................................................................... 120 CURRICULUM STRUCTURE ................................................................... 122 COURSES IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP STUDY PROGRAM ................. 124 COURSE AND LEARNING OUTCOME ................................................ 127 COURSE MAP OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN
ENTREPRENEURSHIP ............................................................................... 129

8.3 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT .................................................................................. 130

8.3.1 ACCOUNTING UNDERGRADUATE STUDY PROGRAM .......................... 130 MISSION STATEMENT .............................................................................. 130 GRADUATE PROFILE AND COMPETENCE ........................................ 130 LEARNING OUTCOMES .......................................................................... 130 COURSE COMPLETION ........................................................................... 134 COMPETENCE TEST ................................................................................. 134 CURRICULUM STRUCTURE ................................................................... 135 CONCENTRATION .................................................................................... 135 COURSE IN ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT........................................ 137 COURSE AND LEARNING OUTCOME............................................... 140 COURSE MAP OF ACCOUNTING........................................................ 145

APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................... 147

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

xx Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
2019 / 2020
1. Registration (online tuition payment) for current student 29 July – 9 August 2019
2. Academic Registration (study plan fulfillment) for current 29 July – 9 August 2019
3. Welcoming ceremony for freshman 13 August 2019
4. Student Orientation Program 13 – 15 August 2019
5. FIRST SEMESTER LECTURE 19 August – 6 December 2019
6. PDPT 2018/2 Reporting 16 September – 5 October 2019
7. Due date of course annulment According to Faculty policy
8. Mid-Semester Exam ( UTS ) 7 – 18 October 2019
9. Due date of Final Exam Announcement in first semester 29 November 2019
10. Final Exam ( UAS ) in first semester 9 – 20 December 2019
11. Due date of Exam Result Announcement and Study Result 27 December 2019
12. Due date of Student Achievement Evaluation 3 January 2020
13. Due date of first semester 10 January 2020


1. Registration (online tuition payment) 6 – 17 January 2020
2. Academic Registration (study plan fulfillment) 6 – 17 January 2020
3. SECOND SEMESTER LECTURE 27 January – 15 May 2020
4. PDPT 2020/1 Reporting 24 February – 14 March 2020
5. Due date of course annulment According to Faculty policy
6. Mid Semester Exam ( UTS ) 16 – 27 March 2020
7. Due date of Final Exam Announcement in second 9 May 2020
8. Final Exam ( UAS ) in Second semester 8 – 19 June 2020
9. Due date of Exam Result Announcement and Study Result 22 June 2020
10. Inter-semester implementation 22 June 2020 – 17 July 2020
11. Due date of Exam Result Announcement and Study Result 20 July 2020
Fulfillment in Inter-semester
12. Due date of Student Achievement Evaluation 24 July 2020
13. Due date of second semester 30 July 2020


1. The 56 Dies Natalis Ceremony of UB
5 January 2020

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya xxi


The embryo of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya (FEB
UB) was Malang Economic University (PTEM). PTEM was established by Malang
Economic Higher Education Foundation on June 27, 1957 with Notary Decree No. 26
dated on August 15 1957.
PTEM was established with the aim of science advancement and development
in general, and particularly in economics; as well as forming capable and responsible
human beings and preparing generation to be the devoted and dedicated economists to
the homeland and the nation.
PTEM Foundation was led by Major Polak serving as the Head of the Department
at Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP) of Airlangga University (Unair) in Malang.
The teaching lecturers were from APDN and FKIP Airlangga University. At that time,
the campus were sca ered on Jl. Ijen , Jl. Guntur, Tugu High School, Malang City Hall,
SPMA Tanjung, PAAKRI Building (Jln. Pahlawan Trip), and so on. Most of the lecturers
and students were of Chinese descent. Only a few lecturers and 10 students were native
Since October 3, 1961, PTEM merged into a part of Universitas Brawijaya
and was called as Faculty of Economics, Universitas Brawijaya (FEUB). The name
of Universitas Brawijaya was given by President Soekarno through the Decree of
President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 258 / K / 1961 dated on 11 July 1961. Before
the President’s decree, Universitas Brawijaya was named as Municipal University of
Malang. On January 5, 1963 with the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 1 of 1963, was
Universitas Brawijaya inaugurated as one of the state universities in Indonesia.
It was on January 14, 2011 an institutional transformation was created from Faculty
of Economics to Faculty of Economics and Business. This institutional transformation
becomes one of the cornerstones of fundamental change. The transformation from FE
organization into FEB is a necessity due to internal developments as well as changes
in the organization’s external demands, which include changes in the organization’s
environment, scientific development and demands for international accreditation
towards the World Class Faculty. The institutional transformation from FE UB to FEB
UB is in accordance with the Rector’s Decree Number UB 018/SK/2011.

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 1
To date, FEB with almost 58 years of age has been led by 15 deans. Some
important aspects during the leadership of 15 deans are:
1. Drs. JBAF Major Polak (January 1961 – March 1963)
The main problem faced in this period besides the low interest
in becoming students, especially among the natives, was
the scarcity of experts who are willing and able to become
lecturers. Therefore, this period was marked by a very small
number of students as well as outstanding lecturers, despite
from the majority of students having dual status; as a student
at FKIP Airlangga University in Malang and registered as a
student at PTEM (embryo of FEUB).
Lecturers during Major Polak leadership period consisted of APDN and
Airlangga lecturers. Most of the lecturers are of Chinese descent. Meanwhile,
the lecture hall leased and relocated around, including on Jl. Ijen, Jl. Guntur,
Tugu High School, Malang City Hall, SPMA Tanjung, and PAAKRI Building.

2. Drs. Abdul Madjid Notoatmojo (1963 – 1966)

In this second period, the problem of completeness of learning
facilities was still very far from perfect, for example the building
for college had not been integrated with the administration
office. Therefore, students studied in various places which of
course when compared with current conditions is considered
less effective.
The secretary of faculty in this period was Dra. O.S. Hastoeti
Harsono. In 1965, FEUB for the first time produced a complete degree. There
was no change in the lecture hall, similar to that in the Major Polak period;
however, administrative ma ers of the faculties were conducted in Kotalama.
The lecturers at that time were Dra. O.S. Hastoeti Harsono, Drs. Rustam
Effendy, Dra. S.M. Kiptiyah, Drs. Mohammad Saleh, Dra. Muryati, and Drs. M.
Saleh Sjafradji.

3. Drs. Daniel EOH (April 1966 – October 1966)

This very short period served as a very critical period in terms
of the survival of FEUB organization, due to the turbulent
domestic political situation, especially with the polarization
of students into various political groups that conflict with one
another; even for lecture activities, it was often difficult for
lecturers to find students. The climax of the political upheaval
was event of G30S/PKI.

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2 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
4. Drs. Robertus Suharno (1966 – 1970)
This period coincided with the start of the New Order.
Unlike the previous period, the new Indonesian government
under Suharto’s leadership placed political stability as a
top priority. As a result of political conditions that began to
stabilize, FEUB managed to unite its lecture activities with
administrative activities. This was marked by the transfer
of lecture and administration locations from Kotalama (now
Jl. Laks. Martadinata Malang) to Dinoyo (now Jl. MT. Haryono 165 Malang).
In this new location, FEUB had three lecture halls, a library room, and a hall
shared with Faculty of Engineering.
In this period, PD (Vice Dean) I was held by Drs. Baharuddin Tamin, PD (Vice
Dean) II concurrently Secretary held by Dra. O.S. Hastoeti Harsono, and PD
(Vice Dean) III held by Drs. Kasmiran Wuryo (permanent lecturer of IKIP

5. Drs. Harsono (1970 – 1976)

This period coincided with the beginning of REPELITA I,
emphasizing on economic development, while domestic
political stability began to be relatively stable affecting the
progress in various fields including higher education. One
of the development steps taken was to form Department
of General Economics and Corporate Economics. In a
more limited scope, this period was begun to introduce
Econometrics, Linear Programming and Project Evaluation courses. This period
was also marked by the increasing activities of research, community service,
and training as a result of collaboration with third parties. With the increasing
number of students, FEUB began to give freedom to its students to choose
majors of interest.
During this period, the faculty Secretary was Drs. Rustam Effendi, PD I was
Dra. Berlian Gani, PD II was Dra. Muryati and PD III was Drs. Moh. Saleh.
During Drs. Harsono leadership, all served for two terms. Since 1973, FEUB
with the number of Bachelor’s degree (I) 202 people, Bachelor’s degree (II and
III) 200 people and Complete Bachelor’s level (Doctorate or Level IV and V)
as many as 189 people, began to be directed to the field of General Economics
(now Economic Science Department with a concentration in Economic Theory
(Economics) and field of Company (now Department of Management) with a

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 3
concentration in Marketing, Production, Finance, and Personnel. The whole
place of study has been moved to buildings in Jl. Mayjen Haryono 165 Malang,
consisting of three lecture halls, one library room and a hall that is used
interchangeably with Faculty of Engineering (FTUB), which is located next to
FEUB. With the limited classrooms and large number of students, the lectures
were started at 6:00 to 20:00.

6. Dra. O.S. Hastoeti Harsono (1976-1982)

In period I (1976-1979) the Secretary of the Faculty was
served by Drs. Moh. Saleh, PD I was Dra. Berlian Gani, PD
II was Dra. Muryati, PD III was Drs. Moh. Saleh, and PD IV
(Research & Community Service) was Dra. Djumilah Zain. In
1978, Director General of Higher Education Decree No. 835
/ DJ / 77 initiated S-1 Accounting Program. At that time, the
permanent lecturers in the Accounting Department included
Drs. Mostopha, Ak; Drs. Wiyoko Suwandi, Ak; and Drs. Bambang Subroto,
Ak. Meanwhile, the extraordinary lecturers from the Accounting Department
included Drs. Tony Suryanto, Ak., Drs. Zaenal Sudjais, Ak., Drs. Paul Capele,
Ak., and Drs. M. Tuanako a, Ak. Then in 1979, a non-degree program was also
opened, which was Corporate Administrative Education Program (PAAP). In
its journey, PAAP experienced a passing-out period (dismissed), but later it was
changed to Diploma III in Accounting. In 1978, part of the lecture was held in
the back building (now known as Lecture Building A). The library was also
on the top floor of the building. Meanwhile, administrative ma ers were still
conducted in the front building (Jl. Mayjen Haryono 165).
This period was also marked by the increasing cooperation with overseas
education institutions, especially Australia and United States along with
domestic institutions such as Department of Cooperatives. As a result, there
was much training either conducted at FEUB or abroad which were guided by
lecturers from overseas universities signified by the formation of Cooperative
Study Center and Diploma III in Cooperative Program.
In the second period (1979-1982), PD I was served by Drs. Moh. Saleh, PD II was
Drs. Soeradi Putrodirdjo and PD III was Drs. Sukarno. In the last year of Dra.
Hastoeti Harsono era, dean’s room and office had been relocated to the office
that is now occupied and the lecture buildings on Jl. Mayjen. Haryono 165 was
submi ed to FT UB.

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4 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
7. Drs. Mohammad Saleh (1982 – 1988)
Drs. Mohammad Saleh served as Dean for two periods of
Period I (1982-1985) and Period II (1985-1988). In period I, in
line with the increasing importance of population problems
in New Order government programs, such as the Family
Planning Program, FE UB responded to these conditions
by establishing a Population Institution. As a result of the
establishment, numerous research in the field of population
was conducted by FE UB in collaboration with both BKKBN and Minister of
Population, and sending lecturers to pursue the Postgraduate program in the
field of demography (population).
In period I (1982-1985), PD I was served by Dra. S.M. Kiptiyah, MSc, PD II was
held by Drs. Soeradi Putrodirdjo and PD III was held by Drs. Abidin Lating.
During this period, before PAAP was closed, Dirjen Dikti No. 052 / DJ / Kep
/ 1982 regarding the Implementation of Diploma Program Education at State
Universities / Institutions, dated on November 17, 1982 regulated PAAP
which is now changed into D3 Accounting Program. In 1982, FEUB’s lecture
building was marked as Lecture Building B. Additionalyin 1984; FE UB had
another building which is now known as PPA. Another building being built
was Musholla next to FE UB canteen which is now utilized not only by FEUB
residents but also by students from other faculties. In period II (1985-1988), PD
I was held by Drs. Suradi Martawijaya, MS, PD II was held by Drs. Bambang
Subroto, Ak, and PD III was held by Drs. M. Pudjihardjo, MS.

8. Drs. Ubud Salim MA (1988 – 1992)

In this period, PD I was held by MS Idrus, SE, MEc, PhD;
PD II was held by Drs. Soemarsono; PD III was held by
Drs. Soedamar HW. During this period, IKOMA (Family
Association of Parents and Alumni) was formed. Another
thing that was very prominent in this period was the a ention
of Dean in an effort to improve discipline both among lecturers
and administrative staff, as well as the development of the
administrative system.
This period was also marked by an increase in collaborative programs with
other parties, including Telkom Corporation, Perum Pegadaian, PT. Semen
Gresik and BPPT and the establishment of PPA (Accounting Development
Programs organized by PPA include sending Accounting Department lecturers to
study in the United States and Australia to conduct short accounting courses in the
United States, upgrading accounting for IKIP lecturers and computing laboratories.

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9. Abidin Lating, MS (1992 – 1998)
In period I (1992-1995) PD I was held by Drs. M. Umar Burhan,
MS; PD II was held by Drs. Djumahir; and PD III was held by
Drs. Soedamar HW. In 1993, a new PPA Building was built.
During this period, Diploma III in taxation was established;
two years later, Diploma III in banking program was initiated.
The establishment of the two Diploma III programs received
a positive response from Faculty of Economics considering
the fact that availability of skilled workers in taxation and
banking was limited.
In period II (1995-1998), PD I was served by Drs. Bambang Subroto, Ak, MM;
PDII was Drs. Djumahir; and PD III was Drs. Djasly By, MS. In 1995, a 3-storey
building was built, known as Lecture D building, which was completed in 1997.
In 1996, the Undergraduate Extension Program in Accounting was opened
through the Director General of Higher Education Decree No. 366 / Dikti / Kep
/ 1996 dated 17 July 1996 concerning the Opening of Extension Programs in
the FEUB Accounting Study Program. Within similar year the Management
Graduate Program was opened through the Director General of Higher
Education Decree No: 493 / Dikti / Kep / 1996 dated October 16, 1996 concerning
the Establishment of a Master of Management Study Program at Universitas
A year later, the Director General of Higher Education Decree No. : 443 / Dikti
/ Kep / 1997 dated on November 24, 1997, legitimized the implementation of
D3 Program in Taxation that had been running in previous years. The decree
of the Director General of Higher Education Decree was immediately pursued
by pioneering cooperation between Faculty of Economics UB and Directorate
General of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. In the same
year, the development of a Computer Laboratory with a network system was
also performed. In 1997, Directorate General of Higher Education also began
introducing department development programs through competition projects
funded by the World Bank, for example the Quality for Undergraduate
Education (QUE) Project. For the first QUE Project, Accounting and Management
Department began to take part in this competition. In the following year, a
proposal was created to change the name of Diploma III Cooperative to Diploma
III in Cooperative Management and Entrepreneurship.

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6 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
10. M. Umar Burhan, MS (1998 – 2001)
The beginning of this period was marked by the acquisition
of Accreditation status for each department in FE UB from the
National Accreditation Board (BAN), which was as follows:
Accounting Department gets an A **** Accreditation (A four-
star / coach) with Decree of the Higher Education National
Accreditation Agency No. 01102 / Ak-1.1 / UBGAkt / VIII /
IESP Department with A *** Accreditation (A three star) with Decree No. 01103/
Ak-1.1/ UBGIEP/VIII/1998.
Management Department with A *** Accreditation (A three star) with Decree
No. 01105 / Ak-1.1 / UBGMXX / VIII / 1998.
On 17 March 1998, it was agreed to open a Bachelor of Management Extension
program under Decree No. 61 / Dikti / Kep / 1999. At the end of 1998, efforts
were made to improve the computer-based Academic Information System
(SISKA) which had been initiated in the previous periods.
Furthermore in 1999, Decree No. 113 / Dikti / Kep / 1998 dated on March 5,
1999 approved the proposed change in name of Diploma III Cooperative to
Diploma III in Cooperative Management and Entrepreneurship. Additionaly in
1999, Diploma III in Banking Finance in collaboration with Bank Niaga Malang
formed a mini bank laboratory. With the development of computer network
technology, FE UB completes Computer Laboratory facilities with the Internet.
Further in 2000, Decree No. 50 / Dikti / Kep / 2000 dated on March 6, 2000
initiated Doctorate Program (S-3) Economics.
In this period, the demand for quality improvement in various fields is
increasingly apparent, including in the field of higher education. Therefore,
departments at FEUB were equipped with more active participation
in department development projects such as QUE. At the faculty level,
benchmarking in administration had been conducted through visits to several
other public universities, such as the University of Indonesia (UI) and Gadjah
Mada University (UGM). As for the development of physical facilities, FEUB
canteen was built in 2000; renovation of lecture building B had been conducted
by upgrading previous four rooms to eight rooms; renovation of the student
building was executed under the garage which was originally utilized entirely
for student activities.
During this period, there was a change in Vice Dean’s tenure from three years
to four years. PD I was served by Drs. Bambang Subroto, Ak, MM, PD II served
by Drs. Djumahir, and PD III served by Drs. Djasly By, MS. Subsequently,
the position of Vice Dean was replaced by Prof. Dr. MS. Idrus, SE, M.Ec; Dra.
Multifiah, MS as PD II, and Drs. M. Affandi, SU as PD III.
Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 7
11. Prof. DR. Mas Harry Susanto (2001 – 2005)
For Dean’s leadership in this period, there were two
different deans. For the first two years, PD I was held by Ali
Djamhuri, SE, Ak., M.Com, PDII was held by Dra. Multifiah,
MS and PD III was held by Drs. M. Affandi, SU. Whereas,
in the following two years until the end of Dean’s position,
PD I was held by Dr. Munawar, SE, DEA, PD II was held
by Bambang Hariadi, SE, MSc, Ak, and PD III was held by
Agung Yuniarinto, SE, MS.
During the leadership at that time, with reasons for the development of
institutions in the future, Dean and his staff had played several important
policies, including:
Firstly, the commencement of Masters Program in Faculties for all three
Departments at the same time (Economics and Development Studies,
Management, and Accounting) was initiated. This policy was taken as an initial
step to welcome transfer of Postgraduate Program from UB Postgraduate
Program to Management Postgraduate Program under the control of the
Department / Faculty.
Secondly, Diploma programs were commenced including Diploma III in
Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship, Diploma III in Banking Finance and
Diploma III in Taxation. The reason for this policy was due to the increasing
demands for developing Postgraduate Programs; while on the other hand, the
number of academic staff was relatively limited; thus, for the effectiveness of
human resource availability, priority steps were required. Staff academics in the
faculty at that time did not have sufficient competence to produce professional
staff. Since this passing-out policy was adopted, Faculty of Economics has only
one Diploma Program, which was Diploma III in Accounting.
Thirdly, the development for lectures with 4 floors (Building E) was performed,
which was necessary upon considering the increasing number of students in
Faculty of Economics in each new academic year, both for Undergraduate
Regular A and B.
Lasty, commencement of sending academic staff abroad was continued at
the expense of the faculty. During this time, due to financial reasons, efforts
to send academic staff to study abroad was highly dependent on funding and
on fields of study offered by sponsors from outside parties. In many cases,
such development programs were not always parallel to the department’s
development plan. With the financing policy of the faculty, it was expected to
create good relationship for staff and academic development.

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8 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
12. Prof. Dr. Bambang Subroto, Ak (2005 – 2009)
Prof. Bambang Subroto was one of the pioneers and
founders of the FEUB in Accounting Department in
1978, and was the first Professor and FE UB Dean from
Accounting Department. During his leadership period since
May 2007, a few programs have not been actualized. The
implementation of department autonomy to manage the
entire study program from Undergraduate (S1) / Diploma
to S3 became the first at the beginning of his leadership.
The implementation and actualization of various programs, includes: (1)
merging lectures for undergraduate students for Regular Program A and B in
the academic year of 2005/2006; (2) managing Postgraduate Program at FEUB,
originally managed by UB Postgraduate Program; ( 3) sending teaching staff to
undertake further studies (S2 and S3) both in-breeding and abroad; (4) winning
the A3 Competition Grant program for all majors at FEUB, (5) upgrading and
developing Management Laboratory, Accounting and Computing Laboratory
facilities , developing the Investment and Capital Market Gallery, as well as
multimedia teaching and learning facilities; (6) improvement of academic
information system facilities to be web-based; (7) development of internet / hot
spot facilities and increased bandwidth, (8) incentives for writing textbooks, ( 9)
establishment of Job Placement Center and training for prospective alumni; (10)
increased cooperation with outside parties such as with PT Salt, BPK, Ministry
of Finance, University of Kentucky, etc; (11) improvement of welfare for all
staff, and (12) development of a quality assurance system at the faculty through
the establishment of Quality Assurance Board (GJM) and Quality Assurance
Unit (UJM). The phenomenal program was the construction of the seven-floor
Postgraduate Building in 2007.
Dean’s Vices in the early days of Prof. Bambang Subroto consisted of Dr.
Munawar, SE, DEA (PD I), Bambang Hariadi, SE, M.Ec, Ak (PD II) and Agung
Yuniarinto, SE, MS (PD III). There was a change of Vice Dean in 2007, where new
Dean Vices included: Gugus Irianto, SE, MSA, PhD, Ak (PD I), Prof. Armanu
Thoyib, SE, M.Sc, Ph.D, (PD II) and Dr. Khusnul Azhar, SE, MA (PD III).

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 9
13. Prof. Gugus Irianto, Ph.D., Ak (2009 - 2013)
Gugus Irianto, PhD. Ak was appointed as Dean of FE UB on
May 15, 2009, after previously serving as Vice Dean of FE UB
UB in 2007-2009. Apparently, he was the 13th Dean and the last
Dean of FE UB, and the First Dean of Faculty of Economics
and Business Universitas Brawijaya (hereinafter abbreviated
as FEB UB); because since January 14, 2011 the institutional
transformation has been performed from FE to FEB. This
institutional transformation becomes one of the milestones in fundamental
changes that have been achieved during his leadership.
The achievement that should be appreciated by all stakeholders of FEB UB is
the achievement in the form of International Accreditation from ABEST21 for
Master of Accounting and Master of Management study programs. Besides,
FEB UB also won an award from ABEST21 (The Alliance on Business Education
and Scholarship for Tomorrow, a 21st Century Organization) - an international
accreditation agency based in Tokyo, Japan - in the form of Excellence in Practice
Awards for Interactive Teaching and Learning . The accreditation and award is
the first in Indonesia, surpassing the achievements of FEB and / or other FE
universities in Indonesia.
During the 3 (three) years of his leadership, Dean of FEB UB has several Vices,
including Vice Dean I who was served by Prof. Ahmad Erani Yustika, PhD
(2009-2010), and Dr. Khusnul Azhar (2010-2013). Vice Dean II was served by
Didied P. Affandy, MBA (2009-2013), and Vice Dean III was served by Nanang
Suryadi, MM (2009-2013).

14. Prof. Candra Fajri Ananda, SE., MSc., Ph.D. (2013 - 2017)
In the Dean manuscript, it was conveyed that in order to achieve
vision and mission, organizational values and development
governance were announced during the 2013-2017 period.
Furthermore, Dean of FEB UB believes that to realize the
development priorities, organizational values are required
which include: harmony, transforming lives and creating
future; and governance principles such as: transparency,
participation and accountability. The future direction of FEB UB development
is to become an international standard of educational institution in the fields
of economics and business with an entrepreneurial spirit, humanitarian and
environmental awareness. The purposes of FEB are to: 1) produce graduates who
are entrepreneurial and have divinity, humanity, and environment awareness;
2) discover and develop economics and business (discipline) economics and
entrepreneurship models based on local and universal values; 3) discover and
develop innovative economic and business systems and techniques; 4) provide
Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program
10 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
the community through education, training, assistance, and consultation. In
this period, FEB UB has gained various achievements, including: 1) all existing
study programs have been accredited A; 2) obtaining ABEST21 international
accreditation for all S2 study programs; 3) obtaining AUN QA certification for
Economic Science Department (IE); 4) opening of new study programs such as:
Economic, Finance and Banking Study Programs and Entrepreneurship. Vice
Dean (PD) in this period (2013-present) includes: (PD I) Prof. Dr. Ghozali Maski
(PD II) Aulia Fuad Rahman, DBA, Ak., and (PD III) Dr. Fatchur Rohman.

15. Nurkholis, SE., M.Bus.(Acc)., Ak., Ph.D. (2017 - present)

Drs. Nurkholis, M.Bus. (Acc), Ak., Ph.D was inaugurated as
Dean of FEB UB on Monday 6 June 2017 for the 2017-2021
leadership period. It also marks the official change of FEB
UB’s leadership relay which was previously held by Prof.
Candra Fajri Ananda., SE., M.Sc., Ph.D. His previous position
was Head of Accounting Department for the period of 2013-
At the beginning of his leadership, FEB UB has had a proud achievement, both at
national and international levels. For example, all study programs at FEB UB, in
Undergraduate degree (S1) and Postgraduate degree (S2/Master and S3/Doctor)
levels have received A Accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for
Higher Education (BAN-PT). Meanwhile, at the international level, ABEST-21
Accreditation has also been obtained by the three FEB UB masters programs
(Master in Economics, Master in Management, and Master in Accounting),
and AUN-QA Accreditation for Development Economics study program. In
addition, various academic and non-academic collaborations have also been
carried out by FEB UB, highlighting the competence of Dean’s leadership to
maintain and improve various achievements as obtained by FEB UB.
Referring to vision and mission of FEB UB and the Strategic Plan of FEB UB for
the period of 2011-2021 as materials and Guidances for faculty development,
aspects of quality assurance and internationalization programs which have
become the determination of FEB-UB presents a challenge for Dean’s leadership.
The grand strategy of internationalization that has been established in vision,
mission, and goal (2018-2021) needs to be formulated immediately and planned
carefully. Moreover, FEB-UB has participated in the AACSB international
accreditation process and has obtained ABEST-21 and AUN-QA accreditation.
In addition, other challenges that need a ention include: (i) accelerating the
implementation of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI),
(ii) accelerating the increase in the number of Professors, (iii) developing human

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 11
resources through various qualifications / certifications, (iv) completing spatial
use in Main Building as a center of activity at FEB UB, and (v) structuring
various study centers at FEB UB to provide benefits for all academicians.
One of the efforts actualized by Dean as the implementation of the 2018-
2021 Strategic Plan is to follow the ABEST-21 academic-unit (faculty level)
international accreditation process, expected that all study programs under
FEB-UB will be internationally accredited in 2019. In addition, as an effort
to improve the competitiveness position of FEB-UB at the Asia Pacific and
world level, FEB-UB is also a member of the European Foundation for
Management Development (EFMD), a world-class accreditation organization
that has members of more than 90 countries. It is expected that FEB-UB will
also be immediately accredited by the institute, thereby increasing international
reputation FEB-UB.
The vice deans continued the previous period of 2013-December 2017, served
by: Prof. Dr. Ghozali Maski, SE, MS. (Vice Dean for Academic Affairs); Aulia
Fuad Rahman, SE, MSi, DBA, Ak. (Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance);
and Dr. Fatchur Rohman, SE, MSi. (Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni).
Then the leadership was continued by Abdul Ghofar, DBA., Ak., CA. as Vice
Dean for Academic Affairs, Ainur Rofiq, PhD. as Vice Dean for General Affairs
and Finance, and Dr. Khusaeni as Vice Dean for Student Affairs for the period
of 2017-2021.


Becoming an internationally reputable higher education institution in economics

and business which produces graduates who have entrepreneurial spirit, humanity,
environment, and spirituality awareness, and developing knowledge and technology
in order to serve society through education and research based on local and universal

1. Producing graduates who have entrepreneurial spirit, spirituality, humanity,
and environment awareness
2. Discovering and developing economic and business science (discipline) and
entrepreneurship model based on local and universal values
3. Discovering and developing economic and business innovative teaching
learning technique and system
4. Providing and serving the society through education, training, assistance, and

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

12 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

Based on Decree Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, the

educational program at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
consists of academic education and professional education.
1. Economics Department
a. Undergraduate Degree (Regular dan International)
− Undergraduate Program in Economics, with concentrations of:
• Development Plan
• State and Regional Budget
• Resource
− Undergraduate Degree in Islamic Economics
− Undergraduate Degree in Economics, Finance and Banking
b. Master Degree (Regular, International, and Joint Degree)
− Master Program in Economics, with concentrations of:
• Development Economics
• Economics, Finance and Banking
• Islamic Economics
• Development Plan and Regional Budget
c. Doctorate Degree (Regular dan International)
− Doctorate Program in Economics, with concentrations of:
• Development Economics
• Economics, Finance and Banking
• Islamic Economics

2. Management Department
a. Undergraduate Degree (Regular and International Undergraduate)
− Undergraduate Program in Management, with concentrations of:
• Marketing Management
• Financial management
• Human Resource Management
• Strategic Management
• Operations Management
− Undergraduate Program in Entrepreneurship

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b. Master Degree (Regular and International Master)
− Master Program in Management, with concentrations of:
• Marketing Management
• Financial management
• Human Resource Management
• Strategic Management
• Operations Management
c. Doctorate Degree (Regular and International Doctor)
− Doctorate Program in Management, with concentrations of:
• Marketing Management
• Financial management
• Human Resource Management
• Strategic Management
• Operations Management

3. Accounting Department
a. Undergraduate Degree (Regular and International Undergraduate)
− Undergraduate Program in Accounting, with concentrations of:
• Islamic Finance
• Management Accounting and Information Systems
• Public Sector
• Taxation
b. Accounting Professional Program (PPAk)
c. Master Degree (Regular and International Masters)
− Master Program in Accounting, with concentrations of:
• Financial Accounting • Tax Accounting
• Sharia Accounting • Management Accounting
• Public Sector Accounting • Information Systems
d. Doctorate Degree (Regular and International Doctors)
− Doctorate Program in Accounting, with concentrations of:
• Financial Accounting • Management Accounting
• Sharia Accounting • Auditing
• Public Sector Accounting • Sustainability Accounting
• Accounting information system

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14 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
FEB UB highly embraces values as a foundation and a direction to actualize and achieve
the vision, mission, and goals, which are:
1. Hope
2. Inspiring
3. Empowering
4. Enlightening
5. Wisdom


1. Divinity
2. Humanity Awareness
3. Environmental awareness


1. Honesty
2. Trust
3. Affection
4. Sincerity
5. Progressiveness
6. Fair
7. Participatory
8. Responsiveness
9. Empathy
10. Reliability
11. Familyhood

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 15


Education system at Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya utilizes

a Semester Credit System (SKS) based on:
1. Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning National Education System.
2. Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education
3. Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Decree No. 44 of 2015
concerning National Standards of Higher Education.
4. Brawijaya University Regulation No. 1 of 2017 regarding Quality Standards
5. Rector of Brawijaya University Regulation No. 70 of 2017 concerning Universitas
Brawijaya Education Guidance for Academic Year of 2017/2018



1. Credit system is a system of rewards for student study loads, lecturer workloads
and educational program implementation expressed in credit
2. Credit is a unit that states a quantitative course load.
3. Semester is the smallest unit of time to state the length of an educational activity
in a study program. One semester is equivalent to 16 weeks of effective lectures
including final exams, or up to 19 effective weeks including re-evaluation time
and silent weeks
4. Semester Credit System, hereinafter referred to SKS, is a credit system that is
held in semester units
5. Semester Credit Unit, hereinafter abbreviated to SKS, is a time measurement of
learning activities which is charged to students per week for per semester in the
learning process through various forms of learning or the amount of recognition
of student efforts in participating curricular activities within a study program.

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Semester credit system enables students to determine courses according to their abilities
and interests, by:
1. Assisting student to complete studies in a relatively short time.
2. Providing the possibility for an education system with multiple inputs and
outputs to be implemented
3. Facilitating curriculum adjustment in accordance with the development of
science and technology.
4. Providing the possibility of the implementation of an evaluation system for
student learning progress.
5. Providing the possibility of credit transfer between programs and faculties
within one university or between universities



Based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 of 2015 concerning National Standards of Higher
Education, it is stated that the value of one semester credit unit (1 credit) for lecture is
equivalent to 170 (one hundred seventy) minutes of learning activities per week per
semester, as follows:
1. Students are equivalent to:
a. Fifty (50) minutes of scheduled face-to-face activities with the lecturer, in the
form of lectures.
b. Sixty (60) minutes of structured assignment activities, including study activities
that are not scheduled but planned by the lecturer, in the form of homework
or completing questions.
c. Sixty (60) minutes of independent learning activities, including activities to
explore and prepare other objectives of an academic assignment, in the form
of book / reference reading.
2. The lecturer is equivalent to:
a. Fifty (50) minutes of scheduled face-to-face activities with students.
b. Sixty (60) minutes of structured academic activity planning and evaluation
c. Sixty (60) minutes of lecture material development activities.

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The value of one semester credit unit (1 credit) per week for the Seminar is equivalent
to the value of one semester credit for lectures, which includes scheduled face-to-face
activities, and independent activities. The value for seminar activities in a week is as
1. Students are equivalent to:
a. One hundred (100) minutes of scheduled face-to-face meetings with lecturers
in the form of paper presentations, and planned independent structured
activities, such as searching and collecting references.
b. Seventy (70) minutes for independent activities, in the form of paper
2. The lecturer is equivalent to:
a. One hundred (100) minutes of scheduled face-to-face activities with students,
and evaluation of seminar activities and paper corrections.
b. b. Seventy (70) minutes for a paper-making guidance (report).


1. Semester credit on internship program (KKNP / KKN Tematik/ KKN Karya
A value of 1 (one) semester credit unit is an activity load in the field of 170
(one hundred seventy) minutes per week for one semester or equivalent to
a minimum activity load in the field for 28 effective working days (or can be
adjusted to the type of internship program and the institution where internship
program is conducted ).
2. Minor Thesis Credit Value
A value of 1 (one) semester credit unit is a research task with load of 6 x 170
minutes per week for one semester or equivalent to a research task with load of
2 (two) to 3 (three) hours a day for one month (equivalent to 25 working days).


Minimum undergraduate study load of 144 (one hundred forty four) credits, which
can be taken for a minimum of 7 (seven) semesters and a maximum of 14 (fourteen)
In the first semester, the study load of students is determined as many as 21 credits in
accordance with the curriculum in each study program on the basis of the student’s
ability achievements shown by the previous grade point. Study load for the following
semester is based on the conditions such as:

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 19
Table 2.1
Provisions for Study Load
Semester GPA Total Credits (Credits)
≥ 3,00 22 - 24 Credits
2,50 - 2,99 19 - 21 Credits
2,00 - 2,49 16 - 18 Credits
1,50 - 1,99 12 - 15 Credits
< 1,50 < 12 Credits

Grade Point Average (IPS) is calculated by the following formula:

IPS = Graduate Point Semester
∑ = Total of i = 1 to n course
i =1
Ki = credits for course i
BNHi = alphabetical score for course i
Social studies calculations are based on the value of each course. Absolute Value
(NAb) of a course consists of the value of participation / contribution in class (P), quiz
(Q), structured assignment (TS), midterm (UTS), and final semester exam (UAS), by
Table 2.2
Scoring of Assessment Component*
Component Score
Participation/ Class contribution 15%
Quiz 15%
Structured Assignment 20%
Mid Semester Exam 25%
Final Exam 25%

Note: *) Assessment Components is adjusted to the learning outcome and assessment

methods in each study program.
Based on the value components, the absolute value calculation is as follows:
NAb = 0,15 P + 0,15 Q + 0,20 TS + 0,25 UTS + 0,25 UAS

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20 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Conversion of Absolute Score (NAb) into Alphabetical Value and Numerical Value are
presented in the following Table 3.2:
Tabel 2.3
Conversion of Absolute Value, Alphabetical Value and Numerical Value
Absolute Score Alphabetic Grade Grade Point
>80 – 100 A 4,0
> 75 – 80 B+ 3,5
> 69 – 75 B 3,0
> 60 – 69 C+ 2,5
> 55 – 60 C 2,0
> 50 – 55 D+ 1,5
> 44 – 50 D 1,0
0 – 44 E 0,0

The courses taken by students are stated:

1. Pass (L) if a student gets a minimum grade of C.
2. Have Taken (PM) if a student gets a minimum grade of D.


The success of student studies is stated by the Grade Point Average (GPA). An evaluation
of the success of student studies is conducted by:
1. Evaluation of the first year study
At the end of the first year, an evaluation is held to determine whether the
student may continue study. Students are allowed to continue their studies if
they meet the following requirements:
a. Collecting a minimum of 20 credits, and
b. Achieving a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.00 which is calculated
on the basis of 20 credits of the best courses.
2. Evaluation of the second year study
Students are still allowed to continue their studies after the second year, if they
meet the following requirements:
a. Collecting a minimum of 48 credits, and
b. Achieving a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.00 which is calculated
on the basis of 48 credits of the best courses.

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3. Evaluation of the third year study
Students are still allowed to continue their studies after the third year, if they
meet the following requirements:
a. Collecting a minimum of 72 credits, and
b. Achieving a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.00 which is calculated
on the basis of 72 credits of the best courses.
4. Evaluation of the fourth year study
Students are still allowed to continue their studies after the fourth year, if they
meet the following requirements:
a. Collecting a minimum of 96 credits, and
b. Achieving a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.00 which is calculated
on the basis of 96 credits of the best courses.
5. Evaluation of the final year of study
This evaluation is carried out at the end of the student’s study period. The
maximum study period for undegraduate students is 14 semesters (7 years).
Students are declared successful (pass) in this evaluation stage if they meet the
following criteria:
a. Collecting a minimum of 144 credits in accordance with the curriculum
specified by each study program.
b. Achieving minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.00
c. Presenting no final grade E
d. The maximum D + / D value is 10% of the total credits that must be taken as a
graduation requirement. The permi ed courses worth of D + / D are elective
courses in each study program.


The predicate of student graduation refers to UB Academic Guidance. Graduation

predicate consists of Satisfactory, Very Satisfactory, and with Praise (Cumlaude)
which is stated in an academic transcript. Grade Point Average (GPA) as the basis for
determining the title of graduation is as follows:
Table 2.4
Provisions on Grade Point Average (GPA)
GPA (IPK) Predicate
2,00 - 2,75 -
2,76 - 3,00 Satisfactory
3,01 - 3.50 Highly Satisfactory
> 3,50 Cum Laude*

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22 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
*) Graduation with honors is determined by observing:
1. Maximum study period of 4 years,
2. Minimum grade of B for all courses,
3. Final Minor Thesis examination score of A
4. Never be disciplined from campus.


Summer Program is a lecture program held during the interim period between Second
semester and First semester. Explanations regarding the summer program are as
1. Summer Program aims to provide opportunities for students to improve the
value of courses that have been taken and / or new courses set by the Study
Program in order to improve the Grade Point Average (GPA), and avoid
dropping out (resignation and Drop-Out).
2. Summer Program Lectures are held for 16 times face-to-face including Midterm
Examinations (UTS) and Final Semester Exams (UAS).
3. Courses offered in Summer Program are courses that are determined based on
the policies of each study program. In certain cases, the study program can open
or cancel a course offered in the Summer Program.
4. Courses that can be retaken have as low as D and maximum C +.
5. The maximum numbers of credits that can be taken by students participating in
the Summer Program are 6 credits.
6. The final grade of the course retaken is maximum B + and the accepted grade is
the best score.
7. To participate in the Summer Program, students are charged a fee the amount
of which is determined by the Faculty.
8. If a student violates the provisions of the Summer Program in this Academic
Guidance, then all courses taken in the Summer Program are aborted.

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 23

Education System in the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya is

implemented based on faculty learning outcome which is equipped with:


Academic Advisor (PA) is a lecturer who gives academic advice to students to improve
academic abilities and manage the study within the expected duration (4 years).
Academic Advisor (PA) is tasked by the faculty since students begin their studies.
Students will be given a control book / logbook that will be filled out when students
consult with the PA, thus the history of student consultation will be recorded. Students
are required to conduct at least 3 (three) consultations with the PA in 1 (one) semester
and at the end of each semester the control book must be submi ed to their respective
department. PA is on duty for:
1. Providing information about the utilization of academic and non-academic
facilities and infrastructure.
2. Assisting students in overcoming academic problems.
3. Assisting students in developing good a itudes and study habits to increase
learning independence and study success.
4. Providing recommendations related to the level of student learning success for
certain purposes.
5. Assisting students in developing their personality towards the actualization
of Indonesian people who are fully insightful, religious, and various positive


The Academic Guidance summarizes the rules relating to the administration of teaching
and learning processes at the faculty / department / study program level.


Academic calendar contains information on academic activities in the year concerned,

including the time span of activities related to the implementation of the semester credit
system, such as registration / her-registration, conducting lectures, examinations, and
announcements of exam results in first and second semester.

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 25

The curriculum describes the list of course names, codes, types, load of credits, and
prerequisite courses, course completion, and strategies for achieving instructional goals
in each study program. The curriculum of Faculty of Economics and Business UB is
based on learning outcome referring to the regulation of the President of RI No. 8 of
2012 concerning the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI). In detail,
the curriculum is presented in Chapter VIII. The Learning Outcome for each course is
described in syllabus (RPS), which contains:
1. Name of study program, course name and code, semester, credits, and name of
2. Achievement of graduate learning and course learning outcomes.
3. The final result at each stage of learning to meet the learning outcomes of
4. Teaching material for each meeting.
5. Learning methods with the Student Centered Learning (SCL) method, such as
by cooperative learning and collaborative learning.
6. Allocation of time to achieve skills at each stage of learning.
7. Student learning experience that is manifested in the description of the tasks
that must be accomplished by students for one semester.
8. Criteria, indicators and rating and,
9. List of references used.
RPS is given to students at the beginning of lectures for each course.


Administrative registration is a series of activities aimed at obtaining registered status
as a student at FEB UB, conducted by all students at the beginning of each semester in
accordance with the provisions of the academic calendar.
The registration requirements are announced on the UB website at the end of each
semester which includes activities such as:
1. Tuition payment
2. Obtaining an active status for students who have just finished their study leave
(terminal) or students who are not registered in the previous semester which is
not more than two semesters cumulatively.
3. Instruction to fulfil administrative registration form to obtain a Student Identity
Card (KTM).

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26 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Academic registration is registration conducted by students to obtain the rights to
participate in academic activities in a particular semester. Academic registration
includes the following activities, such as:
1. Consultation of Study Program Form with academic advisor as outlined in the
control card (logbook).
2. Fulfillment of Study Program Form (KRS) in the Student Academic Information
System (SIAM) is performed online at h p://
3. Approval of Study Program Form by Academic Advisors.
4. Fulfillment of Study Program Form approved by the Academic Advisor.
5. Cancellation of courses approved by the Academic Advisor.
6. For certain cases, Study Program Form fulfillment must obtain approval from
the Head / Secretary of the Department or Vice Dean for Academic Affairs.
7. No extra time provided for administrative registration.

If a student does not carry out the registration process in accordance with the above
provisions, the following sanctions will be given:
1. Declared as not registered as a student for the semester and still regarded within
certain period of study.
2. It is stated that dropping out of study as a student if not registered for more
than two cumulative or consecutive semesters.
Students whose status is not registered can apply for academic leave to the Rector/
Rector no later than 1 (one) month since the closing of administrative registration.


Every new student who is accepted at UB is required to pay tuition / education fees
according to the provisions stipulated by the Rector’s Decree. Payment of these fees is
made at the time of administrative registration.

1. Every student who does administrative registration is required to pay tuition
fees that can be paid at once in one year or two stages at the beginning of each
first and second semester.
2. Students who do not re-register without the Rector permission are still required
to pay tuition fees as long as they are not active. Payments are made at the time
of registration by submi ing an active request again.

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 27
3. If the student obtains permission from the Rector for academic leave, he will be
exempt from the obligation to pay tuition fees. After the academic leave permit
expires, students are required to pay tuition fees. This provision also applies to
new students.
4. Tuition / education fee is in accordance with the Rector’s Decree.


Lecturing activities are normally carried out for 16 times in face to face mode. Evaluation
of student success is conducted through quizzes, assignments, and examinations.
Students are not permi ed to a end lectures if they do not meet the lecture rules set out
in the Academic Guidance. Students are allowed to take courses in cross departments
if the code of courses is similar.
Changing the student program form can be managed in the period determined by FEB
UB, with the following requirements:
1. Cancellation can be done with the approval of the Head / Secretary of the
Department / Head of Study Program, maximum at the end of the first week of
2. Substitution, can be done if: (1) the faculty changes the course schedule which
results in the same course schedule, (2) the semester scores have not yet come
out during the course, and (3) obtaining approval from the Head of Department
/ Study Program.

The test is conducted in the form of a wri en and / or oral test consisting of the Midterm
Examination (UTS), Final Examination (UAS), and other examinations according to
Course Outline (RPS). The requirement to take the final semester exams (UAS) is at
least 80% of the total 16 times face to face for the relevant course.
If the teaching a endance of lecturers is less than 12 meetings (including UTS), then the
rule of percentage of student a endance (80%) does not apply and all students enrolled
in the course are allowed to take the final semester examination.
Final exam results are announced through the Student Academic Information System

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28 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Supplementary exams are performed if approved by the lecturer after considering the
reasons for the absence of students in UTS / UAS, such as due to illness (as evidenced
by a doctor’s le er) or other emergency reasons. Implementation of the supplementary
exam is determined by the lecturer in no later than 3 (three) days after UTS / UAS
period ends.


Specific exams are performed for final semester students who have collected 144 credits
and have completed their Minor Thesis but have a D / D +> 10%. Specific exams cover
a maximum of 9 credits and only 1 time during the study period. The maximum value
of special exams is C.


Announcement of final semester scores is carried out by the faculty online through
SIAM which can be accessed by students using the faculty specified login. Student
grades can only be known after the concerned student has completed all applicable
administrative obligations including filling out a course evaluation questionnaire.
End of semester grades are announced by online 5 (five) days after UAS of the
relevant course is completed or in no later than 5 (five) days after UAS week ends.
If until the deadline specified the lecturer has not submi ed the grades, the grades
will be determined by each department with a temporary grade C for students with a
minimum a endance rate of 80%. If up to 2 (two) weeks after the exam ends the grades
of the lecturers have not been submi ed, then all students are given the final grades by
referring to the following table 4.1 (furthermore, the grades from the lecturers are no
longer usefull).
Table 3.1
Final Result If the Lecturer Does Not Submit the Score/Result
Student Attendance Grade

≥ 80% B+

70% - 79,9% B

60% - 69,9% C+

50% - 59,9% C

40% - 49,9% D+

30% - 39,9% D

< 30% E

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 29
KHS is an academic document that informs all recordings of student learning process
activities in a particular semester which includes:
1. Number of courses taken,
2. Number of credits.
3. The value of each course.
4. Grade Point Semester (IPS).
5. Grade Point Average (GPA).
6. Number of credits that can be taken in the following semester.
7. Other information relating to the study of the student.
KHS is issued no later than 2 (two) weeks after the end of UAS. Students are advised to
check by online through SIAM.


Internship Program is in the form of KKN-P (Professional Community Service),

Thematic KKN, and Student Work KKN. Community service should not be carried out
in conjunction with the class schedule being pursued. Each student who goes through
and prepares a KKN report will be guided by one KKN supervisor as assigned by the
department. Technical implementation of KKN is regulated by each Department.


FEB UB provides an opportunity for Undergraduate students to have broad insight

and experience at the international level, through the Overseas Academic Program
(OAP). By joining this program, students are expected to have academic experience,
understand and appreciate the culture and traditions of trans-national business at
overseas institutions / companies / universities. The experience and insights gained
during participating in OAP activities are expected to be a provision for students after
graduating from FEB UB.
This OAP activity can be carried out by both regular and international class students.
However, specifically for international class students, this OAP activity is a compulsory
activity as a condition before students take Minor Thesis. Students taking OAP are
required to prepare and submit OAP reports. Provisions regarding the obligation to
prepare OAP reports apply to both regular and international class students.

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30 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
OAP activities that can be taken by students include:
1. Lectures (courses and or case studies)
2. Cross-cultural meetings
3. Libary access
4. Visit and access to Information Technology Laboratory
5. Business practice visits (around partner universities)
6. Indonesian Student Association with Partner University (if any)

3.9.2. OAP TYPE

1. Joint Degree
The Joint Degree Program is a program specifically designed for students who
intend to get two bachelor degrees at the same time by studying in UB and at
UB’s partner universities abroad simultaneously. Thus, students can complete
two degrees in a relatively shorter time compared to when students study to get
the degree separately. Two degrees can be taken in the same or different majors.
The study period for the Joint Degree program is 1-2 years.
2. Exchange Student
The student exchange program is an activity specifically designed for students
who intend to gain experience and knowledge at UB’s partner universities
abroad. Student exchange programs provide opportunities for students to take
lectures at partner universities abroad for one semester. Through this activity
it is hoped that it can broaden the horizons of knowledge possessed, provide a
global perspective on the field of science being studied, as well as learning and
respecting the cultures of other countries.
3. Summer School
Summer School is a short program sponsored by UB partner universities or
companies / agencies of UB partners abroad that provide learning and activities
during summer holidays. Summer School is conducted prior to the internship
program which aims to distribute the study load of students during each
semester. This program is recommended for second semester breaks with
duration of 3-4 weeks. It is intended that this activity does not interfere with the
teaching and learning process of students. The Summer School is recommended
to be taken at the end of the 2nd or 4th semester by considering that the study load
in the semester is not as much as at the end of the 6th semester where students
must prepare an internship report and Minor Thesis writing (minor thesis).

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4. Internship
Internships are activities carried out by students in companies or institutions
abroad to understand and gain experience about the world of work, as well
as a form of practice for the knowledge they have acquired. Internships can be
performed in companies / institutions that already have cooperation with UB.
However, it does not rule out the possibility that students can have internships
in overseas companies / institutions that are not UB partners. This can be done
with a note that students have proposed and requested permission from the
Head of the relevant Study Program. The time of the internship / internship
abroad is determined based on the agreement between UB and the partner
institutions / companies, or it can also refer to the regulations of the company /
institution where the student does the internship. The duration of the Internship
/ Internship abroad can take 3-6 months.


Joint Degree programs and overseas student exchange programs offered by FEB UB
for regular and international students provide an opportunity for students to be able
to transfer credits that they have taken while a ending a Joint Degree or exchange
students abroad; upon returning to FEB UB, students no longer take similar courses
taken during the program at partner universities. The mechanism for applying for
credit transfer must obtain approval from the Head of the Study Program.


Internships are courses that must be taken by students who have undertaken Joint Degree,
Student Exchange, and Internship programs at universities / agencies / companies that
partner with UB abroad can use the apprenticeship conversion mechanism to fulfill
the obligation to a end internship courses. However, an internship conversion can be
carried out as long as the student prepares an OAP report. The results of the report will
later be converted into internship courses.
Further provisions regarding apprenticeship conversions and credits conversion are set
separately from this Academic Guidance.


General requirements for OAP are as follows:
1. GPA above 3.00
2. IELTS above 6
3. Have an active passport at least 1 (one) year before the OAP ends
4. Specific requirements depend on the regulations of each partner university
which will be explained in separate regulations.

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32 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Table 3.2 Period of OAP
Joint Degree (1-2 years) University of Southern Queensland Australia
University of Wollonggong Australia
University of New Castle Australia
Exchange Student (1 semester) Middle Tennessee State University USA
University of Southern Queensland Australia
University of Wollonggong Australia
University of New Castle Australia
University Sains Malaysia Malaysia
The Hague University of Applied Science Netherlands
Tohoku University Japan
Lincoln University New Zealand
National Central University Taiwan
University of Canberra Australia
Summer School Program Pukyong National University Korea
The Hague University Netherlands
Flinders University Australia
Overseas Internship Program (6 Huazhong University of Science and Technology China


Table 3.3 Partner Universities
1 Middle Tennessee State University USA
2 University of Southern Queensland Australia
3 University of Wollonggong Australia
4 University of New Castle Australia
5 University of Canberra Australia
6 University Sains Malaysia Malaysia
7 The Hague University of Applied Science Netherlands
8 Pukyong National University Korea
9 Lincoln University New Zealand
10 Tohoku University Japan
11 Huazhong University of Science and Technology China
12 National Central University Taiwan

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Types of academic status of students include:

Table 3.4
Type of Student Status
No. Academic Status Details
1. Unregistered Students have not yet completed financial administration.
2. Registered Students have completed financial administration.
3. Active Students have completed financial administration and academic administration /
KRS programming.
4. Academic Leave/ Terminal Students postpone administrative registration within one semester with the Rector’s
permission, thus it is not counted as a period of study, and can be carried out starting
in semester 1.

Academic leave must be submitted no later than 1 (one) month after the end of the
re-registration period and there is no tuition fee for the proposed semester.

The tuition terminals are submitted for more than 1 (one) month after the end of the
re-registration period and are course to tuition fees in the proposed semester.
5. Study Evaluation Students do not meet the study success evaluation requirements to continue their
studies in the following semester (see Chapter 2).
6. Study Failure/Drop Out Students do not fulfill one of the following:

Requirements for evaluating study success.

Not registered because they have not registered for more than 2 (two)
cumulative / consecutive semesters.
7. Resigning / Moving to Other Students apply for resignation / transfer to other tertiary institutions.
8. Mortality The student has passed away.

Furthermore, what is meant by a change in student status is a change in academic and

administrative status with the following procedures:
1. Academic Leave/ Terminal
a. Academic leave is submi ed online through SIAM.
b. The lecture terminal is submi ed via le er / offline to the Rector known by
Dean and parents / guardians / agencies by a aching the required supporting
c. A student can apply for academic leave and / or terminals for a maximum of
2 (two) semesters.
d. Submission of academic leave and / or lecture terminals is done per semester,
so academic leave and / or lecture terminals that are carried out in succession
must renew the proposal every semester.

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34 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
e. Academic leave and / or lecture terminals can be taken by students with status
of: Active, Registered, Academic Leave, and Lecture Terminal (in the previous
semester) and do not expire in the study period.
f. The lecture terminal can be submi ed for the following reasons:
− Health problems / illness for a long time.
− Maternity leave.
− Residing / working in a place that is not possible to carry out the learning
− Other acceptable reasons.
g. Academic leave and / or terminals of the previous semester (withdrawal) are
not permi ed.
h. Students who do not re-register without the Rector’s permission are still
counted as study periods.
2. Moving to another College / Resign
a. Submit a request to the Rector with a copy to Dean, accompanied by the reason
for his transfer / resignation.
b. Students who have moved to other universities / resigned cannot be re-accepted
as UB students.
3. Drop out of Study / Drop Out
a. The number of students dropping out of study each semester was reported
by Dean to the Rector.
b. The Rector issued a Decree regarding the dropout of study for the student
4. Dismissal as UB Student
Students can be terminated permanently or temporarily if they violate the
Rector’s Decree Number: 044 / SK / 1985 concerning the Rules of Conduct of
Universitas Brawijaya and other provisions applicable in UB.
5. Mortality
Dean will report to the Rector if a student dies while studying.


Displacement of students between study programs in UB can be done by considering
the following conditions:
1. Students come from study programs with accreditation scores that are at least
the same as the study program objectives.
2. Students have a ended education continuously for at least 2 semesters and a
maximum of 4 semesters, and have collected:
a. for 2 semesters, 24 credits with a minimum GPA of 3.25.
b. for 4 semesters, 48 credits with a minimum GPA of 3.25.
3. Not dropped out of study due to not meeting academic requirements.

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4. Never violated the rules of the original study program.
5. Obtaining approval to move from the original study program and study
program to be addressed.
6. Head of the intended Department stated in writing his willingness to accept.
7. Dean approved the transfer of the student.
8. Transferring students between majors can only be performed for 1 (one) time as
long as holding UB student status.
9. This requirement does not apply to the transfer of International Program
students to the Regular Program. International Program students may not
apply for a transfer to a regular program.
10. Displacement of students is determined through the Rector’s Decree.

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Final Project is a scientific paper wri en by students based on the results of research,
literature review, apprenticeship, and / or practice / innovation of independent /
entrepreneurial production, and or other forms of activity that are commensurated
according to the applicable provisions in Universitas Brawijaya. Final Project is in the
form of a Minor Thesis in accordance with the Minor Thesis Writing Guidance in each
department / study program. Completion of the Final Project is a pre-requisite for
students to complete their studies at the Undergraduate level (Bachelor Degree/ S1).


Final Project programming requirements as follows:

1. Completing of at least 129 credits,
2. Passing the Research Methodology course and compulsory course / prerequisite
majors / study programs with a minimum grade of C,
3. Programming the Minor Thesis at the concerned Study Program Form,
4. Filling out the Minor Thesis Plan Submission form completed with the draft of
Thesis Plan Proposal, submi ed to the Department / Study Program,
Students are allowed to take the Minor Thesis along with the programming of 2 courses
and Internship Program.


The procedure for preparing the Final Project is described as follows:

1. Students meet the Supervisor to discuss the minor Thesis Plan Proposed Draft
in order to obtain approval.
2. Students carry out research activities, including data collection (primary /
secondary), data analysis and Minor Thesis drafting.
3. Students conduct consultation activities on minor Thesis Draft with Supervisor.
4. Students record the Minor Thesis guidance process on the minor Thesis
Guidance Logbook and are signed by the Supervisor.
5. Students carry out Proposal Seminar and Result Seminar with the approval of
the supervisor (or adjusted to the stages in each department / study program).

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6. Minor Thesis Draft that has been declared its feasibility by the Supervising
Lecturer can be submi ed for the Comprehensive Examination.
7. Students carry out the Comprehensive Examination according to the schedule
determined by the department / study program.


The requirements for the student Final Project supervisor are as follows:
1. Supervising lecturer is active.
2. The Supervisor has at least a Assistant Professor academic position and holds
a Masters / equivalent degree or an Lecturer academic position and holds a
Doctor / equivalent degree.


Final Project completion provisions are as follows:

1. Final Project in the form of a Minor Thesis can be completed within 1 (one)
2. The Department / Study Program monitors and evaluates the progress of
completing the Final Project of each student who is programming. If within 1
year, the Final Project has not been completed, the Department / Study Program
can call on students and supervisors to identify problems and alternative
solutions such as replacement of supervisors.


Systematics and writing format of Final Project are regulated separately in the Minor
Thesis Writing Guidance.

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Final Examination is the final stage for students completing their studies at the
Undergraduate level in the form of a comprehensive examination consisting of a Minor
Thesis Examination and Theory Examination and conducted orally in front of the
Examining Team.


The procedure for applying for the Final Examination includes:

1. Meeting administrative requirements:
a. Registered as active students in the semester as evidenced by the Academic
Transcript and original Student ID Card (KTM).
b. Submi ed a Minor Thesis Guidance Logbook signed and approved by the
Supervising Lecturer.
c. Enrolled in each study program.
d. Submi ed certificates of no financial dependents issued and authorized by
faculty finance unit.
e. Submi ed biodata and recent photograph in accordance with the provisions
of the University.
f. Submi ed a certificate of passing the plagiarism test on MInor Thesis Draft
from an authorized institution with a maximum similarity level of 20%.
g. Submi ed proof of evidence has carried out research from the institution
of research (for students who conduct research in certain institutions) or a
statement from the researcher approved by the supervisor.
h. Submi ed a legalized high school diploma / equivalent.
i. Completed a minimum of 100 points credit achievement unit (SKP) with proof
of certificate or other evidence that was approved by the Vice Dean for Student
Affairs. Regulations related to SKP are regulated in separate rules.
j. Passed the Competency Test and have a Competency Certification that is
regulated by the department / study program, as well as other requirements
determined by the department / study program.

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2. Meeting the academic requirements:
a. Submi ed a Minor Thesis Draft that has been approved by the supervisor.
b. Compulsory course majors / study programs at least C.
c. It is permi ed to have a D / D + value of maximum 10% of the total credits
that must be taken at the Undergraduate level (D + / D grades only apply to
elective courses in each study program).
d. There must not be an E score and may not delete a course that has already
been taken.
e. Submi ed a photocopy of KRS as proof of the Minor Thesis program.


Requirements for the Final Assignment Examination Team include:

1. Status as an active lecturer.
2. Having an academic position of Lecturer and hold a Masters / equivalent degree.
3. Set by the Head of Study Program.
4. Consisting of supervisor and two examiners.
5. One of examiner members can come from different Departments / Study
Programs within the FEB UB that are relevant to the topic of the student’s Minor
6. The role of the supervisor in the final examination of the study is as companion
to give guidance.
7. If one of the examiners is unable to a end the Final Examination, the Final
Examination can still be carried out after the replacement of the Examiner is
determined by the Head of the Study Program.
8. If the supervisor does not a end, the Final Examination can only be held
with the approval of the supervisor and approved by the Head / Secretary of
the Department / Study Program. Furthermore, department leaders / study
programs must a end the Final Examination event.


1. The maximum duration of a Final Examination time consists of opening, exam

presentations (maximum 15 minutes), question and answer with the Examining
Team, and the results determination session by the Examining Team.
2. The examination is held at least within 1 week after administrative and academic
requirements are met. In certain cases and considerations, the Head / Secretary
of the Department / Study Program may set different times for the examination.
3. Examiners are prohibited from conducting examinations outside the specified
time and place.
4. Participants in the Final Examination are required to wear a white shirt, black
skirt/trousers (for female underlings at least below the knee), alma mater suits,
and tie.
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Final Examination Study Materials consist of:

1. Minor Thesis
2. Theories relevant to the discipline of each study program.
3. Ma ers related to the topic and current issues.


1. Final Examination Assessment is carried out by taking into account various

components (adjusted to the policies of each department / study program),
a. Quality of Minor Thesis Draft
b. Ability to explain and defend the minor thesis
c. Mastery of theories relevant to the discipline of each department / study
d. Student’s behavior / a itude during the exam
e. The guidance process
2. Final Exam scores are determined by deliberation by the Examining Team and
are stated in le ers A, B +, B, C +, C, D +, D or E.
3. Students are declared to pass the Final Examination if they have at least obtained
a grade of C.
4. Students who are declared not to have passed are required to repeat the exam
with a schedule determined by the department / program of study adjusted to
the period of their studies.


1. There are three graduation statuses: Passing, Passing with Revision and Not
2. Students who have passed the revision status must complete the revision within
a maximum of 1 month from the date of the implementation of the results of the
Final Examination. If it exceeds the time period, the test scores are canceled and
students are required to carry out repeat exams, with the time determined by
the department / study program.
3. The revision points suggested by the Examining Team must be wri en clearly
on the Minutes of the Final Examination provided.

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Final Examination Examination Exams are conducted for students who have not passed
the previous exams or for students whose revision process exceeds one month, by
following the following rules:
1. Students are required to improve the Minor Thesis draft in accordance with the
advice given at the final examination of previous studies,
2. Re-register to the Department / Study Program to take the final exam of repeat
studies with the approval of the Supervisor,
3. The test is carried out with the Examining Team which is the same as the
previous exam, or determined by the Head / Secretary of the Department /
Study Program.
4. The opportunity to repeat is given at a maximum of 2 (two) times throughout
the study period.
5. If the student has taken 2 (two) times the Final Examination and has not yet
been declared to have passed, he / she must be given a special assignment
determined by the Examining Team in the form of making a resume / summary
of one or several courses deemed to be lacking. The time given for making a
resume / summary is a maximum of 1 (one) month from the time the assignment
is given throughout the study period. After the results of the resume / summary
are approved by the Examining Team, the concerned student can be declared
graduated with a grade of C.


1. Announcement of exam results is carried out through the Judisium process,

where the grades will be announced by the Head / Secretary of the Department
/ Study Program after the completion of the revision of the final exam and
other administrative obligations. Completion of the revision is evidenced
by the signature of the approval of each Examining Team in the Final Study
Examination Minutes file.
2. Head / Secretary of the Department / Study Program after consulting with
the Team or Examining Team, has the right to postpone the announcement
of the results of the Final Study Examination of a student with academic or
administrative considerations.
3. Students are required to wear the same clothes as the Final Examination Study
when a ending Judisium.
4. Students who do not a end the Judisium procession are required to carry out
re-registration for the next period of Judisium procession.

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1. For students who have participated in the Judisium procession are entitled to
obtain a Certificate of Graduation, according to the Judicial date. Diplomas and
academic transcripts are given at the time of graduation.
2. Students who are allowed to register for graduation if they have followed the
Judisium procession and have completed the administration of graduation
3. If the student does not a end the graduation, then the diploma and academic
transcript must be taken by the person concerned with the provisions of having
completed the administration of graduation registration.
4. Academic Diplomas and Transcripts for Students who do not a end graduation
and have not been taken within one year after the graduation date, if the
diploma is lost, damaged, or burned is not the responsibility of the University
of Brawijaya.
5. A diploma that has been received if it is later lost, damaged, or burned, cannot be
duplicated or replaced or made a new diploma, but a certificate of replacement
will be made.

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To support the services provided to students, FEB UB has provided various forms of
services as follows:
1. Reaserches, interests, and talents
FEB UB students can be active in the fields of researches, interests, and talents
at the faculty and university level. At the faculty level, FEB UB gives freedom to
all FEB UB students to be active in activities in the field of reasoning and talent
interests. In order to fulfill these objectives, FEB UB provides Student Association
consisting of various student organizations, such as: Student Executive Board,
Student Advisory Board, Student Press Institute: Indicators, Student Association
(Accounting, Economics, and Management), Postgraduate Student Association,
Autonomous Institution and Semi Autonomous Institution.
At the University level, the institutions that accommodate the fields of reasoning,
interests and talents in an institutional structure are almost similar to those
in the faculty; which consists of Student Executives, Student Representative
Council, Autonomous Institutions and Semi-Autonomous Institutions. In
university student organizations, FEB UB students can interact more broadly
with students from other faculties at UB.
2. Career guidance and entrepreneurship
UB already has a special institution that serves career and entrepreneurship
guidance that can be used by all students in UB, including FEB students. The
institution is UB’s Career and Entrepreneurship Development Unit (UPKK),
with missions of: (1) Preparing UB students and alumni to have abilities with
competency standards required by the business and industry world; (2) Creating
the broadest network of cooperation with government institutions, the business
world and the industrial world; (3) Providing information on job vacancies and
internships, conducting training on the world of work and entrepreneurship,
and organizing the recruitment process of workers; and (4) Conducting a census
tracer study of UB alumni.

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In addition to UPKK, university also provides UB Entrepreneurship Incubator
(BIW) Agency whose main goal is to create and increase the number of new
entrepreneurs based on technology and professional services that come from
the academic community or the general public. Meanwhile, in FEB UB itself
has an Entrepreneurship Laboratory whose main purpose is as a vehicle for
incubating the business of FEB UB students.
3. Welfare
To ensure the welfare of students at FEB UB, students can get guidance and
counseling while being a UB student. UB already has a special institution
that provides counseling services to all UB students, which are: the Academic
and Professional Education Development Center unit that provides online
counseling guidance services, via h ps:// Meanwhile,
students also get the opportunity to conduct guidance starting from the first
time students enter college up to the students graduating from college. There
are several mentoring processes carried out by lecturers, including: Academic
Advisor (PA) lecturer; Supervising Lecturers of Community Service and Minor
Thesis lecturers.
4. Scholarship Services
UB provides various types of scholarships for outstanding students and
underprivileged students from government agencies and non-government
institutions. Management, registration, and selection of UB scholarships are
held online or manually by the UB Student Affairs. Information about the
availability of scholarships can be accessed through the page h p://beasiswa., and can apply using SIAM access. Students can apply for
scholarships if they meet the requirements set by the scholarship provider.
In order to equalize education, the Government provides scholarships for
Undergraduate level, such as:
a. Higher Education Affirmation Scholarships for students from Papua and West
Papua Provinces
b. Mission Aim Scholarship
c. Learning Assistance Scholarships (BBM)
d. Academic Achievement Scholarship (PPA)
e. There are also scholarships that come from collaboration between the Ministry
and companies, including:
− CIMB Featured Scholarship (BU-CIMB)
− Nusantara Pintar Scholarship (BNC-BRI)
− OSI Scholarship (International Science Olympiad)

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50 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
In addition to scholarships provided by the government, UB also provides other
scholarships which are in the form of cooperation among UB and institutions /
companies, including:
a. Djarum Scholarship
b. Pertamina Scholarship
c. Bank Indonesia Scholarship
d. Supersemar Scholarship
e. Alumni Scholarship
5. Health services
UB provides health services for the entire academic community through the
UB Polyclinic and UB Academic Hospital. UB Polyclinic has occupied a new
building located in JL Mayjend Panjaitan within similar complex to UB. UB
Polyclinic is a non-academic institution implementing element of the university
that organizes health services at the academic community and their families, as
well as the general public who are under and directly responsible to the Rector.
In accordance with the main mandate of the UB Polyclinic, the program is
focused on: a) Improving services in the health sector, b) Increasing cooperation
with users of health services and health insurance; c) Increasing community
service. UB Polyclinic, receiving BPJS services since 2010 on behalf of individual
doctors who have been upgraded as of January 1, 2018 with the status of being a
first-level health facility on behalf of Universitas Brawijaya clinic.
Meanwhile, UB Academic Hospital (RSA UB) is located on Jl. Soekarno Ha a
based on a le er of recommendation for the establishment of the Hospital
from Malang City Health Service No. 445/2491 / 35.73.306 / 2012 concerning
recommendations for permission to establish UB Hospital. UB Hospital as a
hospital owned by Universitas Brawijaya organizes health services, education,
research and community service with the aim of being a practical health service
In addition, UB also has several other health facilities, including UB Dental
Hospital and UB Animal Education Hospital.

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UB provides several facilities to support and guarantee that the learning process and
the development of student talent interests in UB can run optimally. Facilities that
support the smooth learning activities are a library, a library owned by UB that provides
Electronic Books (E-Books), International Journals, and various other learning support
books that can be accessed by all UB students. UB also has several sports facilities
including Pertamina GOR which can be used as a Basketball Court, Badminton Field,
and Volleyball Field; Sport Centers that can be used for fitness, aerobics, yoga, and
there are also Futsal Courts, Badminton Courts, and Tennis Courts; The head office
field can also be used to do some sports activities such as karate / pencak silat, baseball,
and other outdoor activities. UB also has public facilities that can also be accessed by
stakeholders such as ATMs, UB Guest House, UB Griya Lodging, KPRI UB, and Raden
Patah Mosque. These facilities are resource sharing, so that all faculties in UB can utilize
the available facilities. UB also provides wi-fi facilities for 24-hour internet access for UB
Meanwhile, as part of UB, FEB UB provides facilities to support the learning process,
including Reading Room which provides a collection of books specifically Economics,
Management, Accounting and other related sciences; Classrooms equipped with LCDs
to support smooth learning; Laboratory; SAC; IDX Corner; and Discussion Room. As
for coordination activities or meeting activities, FEB also provides a meeting room
located in the former Dean Building, including the Main Meeting Room and the
Professor Meeting Room. FEB completes facilities by providing prayer rooms and
canteens for students. In addition, other meeting rooms are the hall located in Building
F, multipurpose meeting room located in the Main Building on the 3rd floor, and the
Meeting Room located in the Main Building on the 8th floor and 9.

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52 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya



FEB students who are part of the community are bound to the Academic Ethics that
applies universally. Academic Ethics consist of:
1. Honesty;
2. Openness;
3. Objectivity;
4. Willingness to learn and develop;
5. Mutual respect;
6. Do not convict discriminatory.
All components of the academic community should understand correctly and feel
a ached to the Academic Ethics. A achment to Academic Ethics is reflected in every
aspect of academic activities, such as in lectures, research, writing and publication, use
of academic degrees, and so on. Thus it is deemed necessary to explain the specific
application of Academic Ethics in various academic activities and other campus


In this Regulation, what is meant by:
1. Academic Community is a unit consisting of lecturers, education staff, and
students at FEB UB.
2. Lecturers are teaching staff at FEB UB who are specially appointed with the
main task of teaching, researching, and carrying out community service.
3. Educational Staff are Administrative Staff, Management Staff, Development
Staff, Supervision and Technical Services at FEB UB to support the academic
4. Students are scholars of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas
Brawijaya (UB). FEB UB students are scholars who are legally registered in one
of the academic programs and foreign students.
5. Student Ethics are wri en Guidances about values and moral principles based
on norms that must be practiced in daily life by FEB UB students in the campus
environment and life in society.

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6. Norms are rules or regulations that bind as Guidances, arrangements and
controls that are appropriate and acceptable.
7. Lecture is a process that occurs in the planning and presentation of teaching and
learning materials at FEB UB, and an evaluation of these processes along with
the products and elements involved.
8. The exam is a form of assessment of learning outcomes that can be held through
quizzes, midterm exams, final semester exams, final study program exams, and
comprehensive exams.
9. Extra-curricular activities are a set of activities outside the curriculum in order
to improve students’ abilities in academics and professionalism based on noble

1. Ethical Guidances are prepared with a view in providing guidances for all FEB
UB students to behave well in carrying out activities in the FEB UB environment
and in the community at large.
2. The objectives to be achieved through the preparation and implementation of
ethical Guidances are as a joint commitment of FEB UB students to actualize
vision, mission and FEB UB goals; the formation of students who are pious,
knowledgeable and virtuous; creating an orderly, regular educational process
in a conducive academic climate; and forming students who are disciplined,
ethical, and obedient to legal norms and other norms that live in the community.

The benefits of ethical Guidances are:
1. Creating a supportive academic climate that facilitates the achievement of
vision, mission and FEB UB goals;
2. Increasing the satisfaction of students, teaching staff and other supporting staff
and stakeholders of FEB UB including the families of FEB UB students; and
3. Preparing qualified human resources with competence and noble character.


Good standards of behavior reflect the height of morals and adherence to ethical norms
that live in society, which include:
1. Devotion to God Almighty in accordance with the religion and beliefs
2. Appreciate science, technology, literature, and art
3. Upholding national culture
4. Loyalty towards the authority and goodwill of FEB UB
5. Active participation in maintaining the facilities and infrastructure of FEB UB
and maintaining campus cleanliness, order and security

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56 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
6. Maintaining personal integrity as a citizen of the University
7. Adhering the rules and regulations that apply in the Faculties and Universities
8. In polite and neat appearance (do not wear sandals, T-shirts, and tight and / or
open clothing)
9. Being friendly, by maintaining good manners towards others, and maintain
relationships with the opposite sex in accordance with religious norms
10. Do not smoke in any room except in the space provided
11. Respecting others regardless of ethnicity, religion, race and social status
12. Obeying the legal norms and other norms that live in the community
13. Respecting the opinions of others
14. Holding responsibility in his actions
15. Avoiding acts that are not useful and / or contrary to legal norms or other norms
that live in the community.

Standards of behavior in lecture rooms and / or laboratories are:

1. Presenting on time or before the lecturer enters the lecture room or laboratory;
2. Dressing neatly, cleanly, politely, and do not deviate from the principles of
3. Respecting other students by not doing actions that can interfere with lectures,
for example using mobile phones or other electronic devices during lectures,
si ing positions that interfere with other students, and other activities that
disturb the peace of other students
4. Not smoking in lectures, laboratories or other spaces that are inappropriate or
prohibited to carry out these actions
5. Acting politely in issuing opinions or refuting opinions
6. Not u ering inappropriate words or hurt other people’s feelings
7. Acting honestly, by not signing a endance a endance of other students who
are not present in lectures
8. Maintaining inventory of lecture rooms or laboratories
9. Not taking actions that can cause danger while in the laboratory without the
guidance of lecturers or laboratory personnel
10. Not polluting the room and inventory of FEB UB such as li ering, crossing out
tables, chairs and walls of the room.

Student ethics in assignments, KKNP reports and Minor Thesis research are as
1. Submi ing academic assignments / reports on time
2. Behaving honestly, in the sense of not doing plagiarism or using other students’
academic assignments / reports
3. Not a empting to influence the lecturer so that the person concerned does not
submit academic assignments / reports with the promise of rewards in any form
or name
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4. Complying with scientific ethics in Minor Thesis writing, for example, obeying
the rules and procedures for writing, following guidance, not copying other
people’s work
5. Not promising or providing a sum of money or other facilities to lecturers
or other parties with the aim to influence the process of guidance of tasks /
academic reports, Minor Thesis.

Ethics in taking the exam is as follows:

1. Comply with the examination rules set by FEB UB
2. Honest and in good faith, do not see books or other sources that are not justified,
except for exams that expressly justify such things;
3. Do not disturb other students who are taking the exam
4. Do not cross out FEB UB’s inventory such as tables, chairs, walls in bad faith for
the purpose of facilitating answering exam questions;
5. Do not promise or give an amount of money or other facilities to lecturers or
other parties with the aim to influence the process and results of the exam
6. Believe in one’s own abilities, in the sense of not using the influence of others for
the purpose of influencing the exam process and results.

In the relationship between students and lecturers, the following ethics apply:
1. Respect all lecturers regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, and not based on
feelings of like or dislike
2. Behave politely to all lecturers in interactions both within and outside the FEB
3. Maintain the good name of the lecturer and his family
4. Do not disseminate information that is not good and not necessarily true about
a lecturer to lecturers or other parties, except for violations of law and ethics
that are required based on legal and regulatory provisions in the FEB UB
5. Behave politely in expressing opinions or expressing disagreement about
scientific opinions accompanied by rational arguments
6. Hold honesty with lecturers in all aspects
7. Do not promise or give a certain amount of money or other facilities to the
lecturer or other parties with the aim to influence the lecturer’s assessment
8. Believe in one’s own abilities, in the sense of not using the influence of others for
the purpose of influencing the assessment of lecturers
9. Do not issue threats to lecturers either directly or indirectly, or by using other
10. Collaborate with lecturers in achieving learning objectives, including preparing
themselves before interacting with lecturers in the lecture room
11. Maintain good manners when submi ing objections to the a itude of the
lecturer towards the leadership accompanied by sufficient evidence

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58 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
12. Avoiding the a itude of hating lecturers or other dishonorable a itudes due to
the value given by the lecturer
13. Obey the commands and instructions of the lecturer as long as the instructions
and instructions do not conflict with legal norms and other norms that live in
the community
14. Dare to be responsible for all actions related to interaction with lecturers.

Ethics in relationships between fellow students:

1. Respecting all students regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, social status and
not based on feelings of like or dislike
2. Showing friendly and polite a itude to all students in interactions within and
outside the FEB UB environment
3. Collaborating with other students in seeking knowledge;
4. Having strong solidarity and help one another for a good purpose and not
conflict with legal norms or other norms that live in society
5. Behaving fairly towards fellow students
6. Avoiding words that can hurt the feelings of other students.
7. Not doing threats or acts of violence against fellow students both inside and
outside the FEB UB
8. Mutual counsel for the purpose of goodness
9. Helping other students who lack understanding of lecture material and are less
economically capable
10. Maintaining the goodwill of FEB UB together and do not commit disgraceful
actions that damage the image of FEB UB
11. Respecting differences of opinion or views with other students;
12. Not disturbing the peace of other students who are following the learning
13. Not inviting or influencing other students to take dishonest actions that are
contrary to legal norms and other norms in society.

Ethics in the relationship between students and education personnel:

1. Respect all education personnel regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, social
status and feelings of like or dislike
2. Behave friendly and politely towards all education staff in interactions inside
and outside the FEB UB environment
3. Do not promise or give an amount of money or other facilities to education
staff to get special treatment or to take actions that are contrary to the laws and
regulations within the FEB UB
4. Do not issue threats either directly or through others to education staff.
5. Not inviting or influencing education personnel to carry out dishonest actions
that are contrary to legal norms and other norms in society.

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 59
Ethics in the relationship between students and society:
1. Doing actions that elevate the good image of FEB UB in the community
2. Helping the community according to their knowledge
3. Avoiding acts that violate the norms that live in the community, both legal
norms, religious norms, norms of decency, and propriety norms
4. Inviting people to do well and not invite to dishonorable actions
5. Giving examples of good behavior to the community.

Ethics in Religious Activities:

1. Respect other people’s religion
2. Avoide acts that can insult the religion and beliefs of others
3. Refrain from actions that are anarchic, destructive and disturbing order
4. Try as much as possible to obey and obey the values of religious teachings that
are adhered to
5. Maintain the good name and image of FEB UB and avoid the actions that can
damage the good name and image of FEB UB in religious activities
6. Perform actions that are not contrary to law and other norms in society,
especially those related to religious ma ers
7. Do not impose religion and beliefs held on others
8. Do not interfere or obstruct the opportunity to worship others.
9. Behave fairly to all people without discriminating religion and beliefs
10. Comply with the rules of FEB UB in religious activities.

Ethics in activities of interest and reaserching:

1. Appreciating science, technology, literature and art
2. Upholding honesty values
3. Upholding national culture
4. Maintaining good manners in speech and actions in every activity;
5. Cooperating in obtaining achievements in commendable ways
6. Maintaining the good name and image of FEB UB and avoid the actions that can
damage the good name and good image of FEB UB
7. Refraining from acts that are anarchic, damaging and disturbing order
8. Respecting the opinions and thoughts of others
9. Willing to spread knowledge and truth
10. Not taking actions that are contrary to the law and other norms that live in the

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60 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Ethics in organizational development activities:
1. Appreciating science, technology, literature and art
2. Upholding honesty values
3. Upholding national culture
4. Maintaining good manners in speech and actions in every activity;
5. Prioritizing wisdom and wisdom in acting
6. Appreciating differences of opinion and responding wisely and wisely;
7. Taking responsible for all regulations and actions
8. Being sensitive to social problems and like to contribute in good ways
9. Maintaining the good name and image of FEB UB and avoid the actions that can
damage the good name and good image of FEB UB
10. Refraining from actions that are anarchic, destructive and disturbing order
11. Obeying the law, regulations in FEB UB and other norms living in the community

Ethics in expressing opinions outside the learning process:

1. Orderly, in the sense that it is not carried out with anarchist actions
2. Maintain politeness by not saying words that demean someone’s dignity
3. Do not damage the objects of learning interest or other public interests contained
within the FEB UB and outside the FEB UB environment
4. Comply with applicable laws and regulations, especially for the expression of
opinions outside the environment of FEB UB
5. Prepare rational arguments that reflect the self-image of an educated individual
6. Based on the purpose and for the sake of truth
7. Maintain the good name and image of FEB UB
8. Avoid other interests outside the interests of truth
9. Not coercion or threat to other parties while submi ing an opinion
10. Does not cause significant disruption to the learning process
11. Dare to be responsible for the truth of the facts and opinions expressed.

Ethics in art activities:

1. Appreciating science, technology, literature and art
2. Upholding national culture
3. Upholding the value of honesty in every art activity
4. Avoiding plagiarism (plagiarizing against the law) the work of other people’s
5. Refraining from actions that are anarchic, damaging and disturbing order
6. Cooperating in producing good achievements and works of art in ways that are
commendable and do not conflict with religious norms
7. Maintaining the good name and image of FEB UB and avoid the actions that can
damage the good name and good image of FEB UB

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 61
8. Not taking actions that are contrary to the law and other norms that live in the
9. Not promising or giving an amount of money or other facilities to the parties
taking the Regulations in every art activity
10. Taking responsible for the artwork produced
11. Respecting the work of others
12. Not taking actions that can demean the dignity and self and others.

Ethics in the field of sports:

1. Uphold honesty and sportsmanship in every sporting activity;
2. Maintain good manners in speech and deeds in every sports activity
3. Refrain from actions that are anarchic, destructive, and disturbing order
4. Cooperate in obtaining achievements in commendable ways
5. Maintain the good name, image of FEB UB, and avoid the actions that can
damage the good name and image of FEB UB;
6. Not taking actions that are against the law in sports activities such as consuming
illegal drugs and other illegal actions
7. Do not promise or give a sum of money or other facilities to the law enforcement
parties in any sports activities
8. Avoid acts that harm or harm others intentionally or unintentionally
9. Comply with the rules required in the field of sports.


1. Ethical Guidances must be disseminated to all new students in each school year.
2. Socialization can be done through the activities of the New Student Development
Program, Campus Life Introduction Program, through the FEB UB Website,
and through other media that are considered effective.
3. The obligation to socialize ethics lays with the faculty leaders.
4. Each member of the academic community has an obligation to report any ethical
5. The Head of the Faculty is obliged to protect the identity of the reporter in point
6. Each member of the academic community is obliged to prevent ethical violations
by anyone in the FEB UB environment.

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62 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya


1. Student Rights
a. Obtain education and teaching in accordance with the study program that is
b. Participate in any student activities held and approved by the Faculty and the
c. Obtain and use every available facility according to the methods and conditions
in force.
d. Convey suggestions and opinions constructively in accordance with applicable
regulations based on the norms of decency, politeness, personality, and
philosophy of the Indonesian nation.
2. Student Obligations
a. Together with other academicians, they develop a life order as a scientific
society that is cultured, moral, Pancasila, and has an Indonesian personality.
b. Assist and actively participate in the implementation of curricular, co-curricular
and extra-curricular programs.
c. Maintain integrity as a candidate for bachelor, obedient, and loyal to every
rule that applies at FEB UB.
d. Being a knight, polite and full of responsibility towards fellow academicians
of FEB UB and the wider community.


1. Social manners within the FEB UB are based on the principles of kinship and
uphold harmony and balance in accordance with the Pancasila outlook on life.
2. FEB UB students have the responsibility to maintain the good name of the
alma mater and to participate in maintaining a conducive atmosphere for
the implementation of a broad teaching and learning process is a shared


In Administration Room/ Office
Students who take care of administration are required to:
1. Dress politely and neatly (do not wear T-shirts and / or sandals).
2. Bring the applicable Student ID Card.
3. Do not smoke, eat and drink in the administration / office.
4. Students who violate the above rules will not be served by their administrative
5. Act politely to administrative officers

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Students are allowed to a end classes, by conditions such as:
1. Dressing politely and neatly (do not wear T-shirts and / or sandals).
2. Not smoking, eating and drinking.
3. Not interfering with lectures (including using mobile phones, pagers, and the
4. Not creating a scene.
5. Not li ering the lecture room (doodles, taking out the trash, etc.).
6. Ensuring to be listed in an official presence.
7. Students who violate the above rules are not permi ed to a end lectures.

During Exam
During the Midterm Examination (UTS) and Final Study Examination (UAS), students:
1. Must present 10 (ten) minutes before, and no later than 30 minutes after the
exam begins.
2. It is prohibited to borrow from each other the exam equipment such as tip ex
(correction pen), calculators, rulers, and the like).
3. It is forbidden to bring bags, books and other notes to the examination room,
except for exams that are OPEN BOOK.
4. Questions in wri en examinations that do not include the nature of the exam
(open book or close book), then the nature of the exam concerned is considered
to be a close book.
5. Must bring KRS and KTM that are still valid.
6. Prohibited from using mobile phones / smartphones and other electronic
devices during the test.
7. Prohibited from exiting the examination room during the exam, unless there is
permission from the supervisor.
8. It is forbidden to ask fellow examinees when facing unclear / wrong exam
9. Do not cheat during the test (cheating).
10. Must comply with all lectures in accordance with the rules above and other
rules set by the Faculty / University.

Students who violate the above rules are course to sanctions in the form of:
1. Not allowed to take the exam, for violation of point 1.
2. Expelled from the examination room, for violations of points 2 and 3.
3. Show permission to take the exam from the exam commi ee, for violation of
point 4.

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64 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
4. Prohibited from continuing the exam, for violations of points 5 and 6.
5. Aborted all courses taken in the semester concerned, for violation of point 9.
6. Other sanctions may be imposed on academic violations as stipulated in the
Academic Ethics Sub-sub-Sanction.

Final Examination Study and Judisium

During the Final Examination Study and Judisium, students:
1. Must wear the official a ire of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas
2. Must comply with all lectures in accordance with the rules above.
3. Students who violate the above rules are not permi ed to take the Final
Examination Study and Judisium.


Violations of the Code of Conduct can be in the form of:

1. Behaving that can undermine and bring down the good name of FEB UB.
2. Acting disturbing the authority of FEB UB officials in carrying out their duties
and positions.
3. Acting abusing and exceeding the authority he has.
4. Acting arbitrarily and unfairly against both subordinates and fellow officials.
5. Leaking secret positions and or state secrets.
6. Conducting illegal charges in any form for personal or group interests.
7. Obstructing, complicating the implementation of academic and non-academic
activities that have been determined by the university / faculty.
8. Interfering in administrative affairs of education and others without legal
authority from the university / faculty.
9. Doing destruction, cheating, and violence.
10. Falsifying authorized signatures and / or le ers / documents.
11. Doing destruction / disruption of IT systems developed at FEB UB.
12. Commi ing acts of decency both in a itudes, words, writing and pictures.
13. Misusing the name, symbol and mark of FEB UB.
14. Unauthorized use of rooms, buildings and other facilities owned by FEB UB
without permission.
15. Extorting, gambling, fighting, carrying and abusing illegal drugs in FEB UB.
16. Disseminating writings and understandings that are prohibited by the
17. Inciting inter-academics of FEB UB.
18. And others which are prohibited by the applicable laws and regulations.

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Actions that violate Ethics are unethical actions and / or academic violations. Academic
violations are divided into three categories namely:
1. Minor violations are violations that can result in the issuance of minor sanctions
in the form of verbal and or wri en reprimands.
2. Moderate violations are violations that can result in the imposition of moderate
sanctions in the form of academic and / or non-academic sanctions. Moderate
violations are also an accumulation of three minor violations that are not
3. Serious violations are violations that can result in severe sanctions in the form
of academic and / or non-academic sanctions. Serious violations are also an
accumulation of three medium violations which are not heeded. Sanctions for
these violations can result in heavy sanctions in the form of:
a. academic and / or non-academic sanctions.
b. dismissal as a student.
c. reporting to the police.
d. obligation to pay compensation.


FEB UB students who commit violations may be course to sanctions.

Academic Violations and Sanctions
Academic violations and sanctions are imposed on students who commit academic
violations. Form of academic violations in the form:
1. Students who cancel a course outside of the specified time are given an E value
for the course.
2. Students who cheat in examinations, are course to sanctions in the form of E
Value on the Course / course listed in the minutes of the exam, and cancellation
of all semester Student Program Forms concerned.
3. Students who take other student examinations will be course to sanctions for
cancellation of the examination of all courses in the semester concerned.
4. Students who make changes to KRS illegally will be course to sanctions for
canceling KRS for all courses in the semester concerned.
5. Students who commit acts of violence and fighting, are course to sanctions in
the form of cancellation of all courses taken during the semester, and other
sanctions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
6. Students who make changes in grades illegally will be course to a suspension of
at least 2 (two) semesters and not count as terminals.

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66 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
7. Students who commit these violations if accompanied by threats of violence or
giving something, or promises or guile will be course to sanctions expelled from
Brawijaya University.
8. Students who are known to commit cheating / plagiarism in the making of the
Minor Thesis, the Minor Thesis and its examination scores are canceled.
9. Students who are proven to have commi ed a crime (forgery, cheating, fraud,
etc.) are course to academic sanctions in the form of:
a. A minimum suspension of 2 (two) semesters.
b. Dismissed as a UB student.

Ethic Sanction
1. Any violation of Ethics will be sanctioned by the leadership of the faculty,
through the Student Ethics and Discipline Consideration Team (TPEDM).
2. TPEDM can consider giving heavier sanctions to violations of Ethics after
obtaining input from parties who know of violations of Ethics.
3. Sanctions for violators of Ethics can be in the form of: reprimands, stern
warnings, suspension within a certain period of time; and expelled from the
4. Every violator of Ethics is given the right to self-defense, no later than one week
after notification of violations is delivered to the concerned.
5. Ethics Breakers receive wri en notice from TPEDM.
6. Students who commit a crime and are sentenced to a court that has permanent
legal force, a minimum of 2 (two) years in prison are expelled from the status of
FEB UB students based on a Decree of the leadership of FEB UB.

Code of Sanction Conduct

In the forms of:
1. Warning.
2. Compensation for losses due to damage caused and / or payment of fines.
3. Suspension.
4. Prohibition of participating in academic activities in whole or in part in a certain
time or forever.
5. Revocation of rights as a student of FEB UB

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 67

1. This ethic is applied to not reduce the normative rights of students, but to be er
direct the potential of students to things that are be er. Ethics Preparation is
basically part of a series of transformation actions that are considered relevant
to vivion, mision and the objectives of FEB UB.
2. It is expected that Ethics can support the formation of a conducive academic
climate based on good ethics or morals from FEB UB students.
3. By considering the development of time in the behavior of FEB UB students,
Ethics can be adjusted. For this reason, all students are expected to be able to
provide input for the formation of FEB UB students who are ethical and of good
moral standards.


1. With the enactment of this Regulation, Decree of Universitas Brawijaya Rector

Number 0021A / SK / 2004 concerning Student Ethics, is declared invalid;
2. This regulation shall come into force as from the date of stipulation, with the
provisions that if there are any errors in this regulation in the future there will
be an appropriate improvement.

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68 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

The renewal / development of the curriculum at the Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Brawijaya is based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology
and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia Number 44 // 2015 regarding the National
Standards of Higher Education, and input from stakeholders. The curriculum developed
is an outcome-based curriculum / outcome-based education whose implementation is
carried out gradually and continuously.


To become a qualified educational and research institution with a commitment to the
development of Applied Economics in accordance with the interests of the society.
In its implementation, the Department of Economics has 3 Undergraduate Study
Programs, consisting of:
1. Undergraduate Program in Economic Develepoment;
2. Undergraduate Program in Islamic Economics;
3. Undergraduate Program in Economics, Finance, and Banking.


Becoming an internationally reputable undergraduate program in applied economics. GRADUATE PROFILE:

Graduate profiles of Undergraduate Program in Economic Development are:
1. Economic Lecturer
2. Researchers in Development Economics
3. Government Institutions Employees in the Economy
4. Economic Analyst
5. Consultant in the field of Economics
6. Entrepreneurs
7. Expert Staff / Members of Parliament

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 71 LEARNING OUTCOMES
After graduating from Undergraduate Program in Economic Developmet, graduates
have 4 (four) competencies which include competencies in the aspects of a itude,
general skills, special skills, and mastery of knowledge. This is seen through Learning
Outcomes which are described in detail as follows:
1. Devoted to God Almighty and able to show religious a itudes (S1)
2. Upholding the value of humanity in carrying out duties based on religion,
morals and ethics (S2)
3. Contributing to improve the quality of life of society, nation, state and civilization
based on Pancasila (S3)
4. Acting as a proud and loving citizen of the country, having nationalism and a
sense of responsibility to the country and nation (S4)
5. Respecting the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the
opinions or original findings of others (S5)
6. Working together and have social sensitivity and care for the community and
the environment (S6)
7. Obeying the law and discipline in social and state life (S7)
8. Internalizing academic values, norms and ethics (S8)
9. Demonstrating responsibility towards work in the field of expertise
independently (S9)
10. Internalizing the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship. (S10)


1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context
of developing or implementing science and / or technology in accordance with
their area of expertise (KU1)
2. Able to show independent, quality and measurable performance (KU2)
3. Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of
science, technology or art in accordance with their expertise based on rules,
procedures and scientific ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs or
art criticisms, compile scientific descriptions of the results of studies in the form
of thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college page (KU3)
4. Able to compile a scientific description of the results of the study above in the
form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college page (KU4)
5. Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving in their
areas of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis (KU5)
6. Able to maintain and develop networks with mentors, colleagues, colleagues
both inside and outside the institution (KU6)

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72 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
7. Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work and to supervise
and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers who are under its
responsibility (KU7)
8. Able to carry out a process of self-evaluation of work groups under its
responsibility, and be able to manage learning independently (KU8)
9. Able to document, store, secure, and rediscover data to ensure validity and
prevent plagiarism (KU9)


1. Having the ability to demonstrate good and right economic thinking. (KK1)
2. Having the ability to apply basic economic principles to analyze contemporary
economic development issues and policies, both at regional, national and global
levels. (KK2)
3. Having the ability to operate analytical tools (software) in the field of
development planning, resources, or state and regional finances. (KK3)
4. Having the ability to draw up a business plan. (KK4)
5. Having the ability to apply the theory of development planning, resources, or
state and regional finance to analyze economic development issues and policies
at the regional, national and global levels. (KK5)
6. Having the ability to identify effective and efficient resource management.
7. Having the ability to identify local, spiritual, and humanism values in the
management of state and regional finances that are used in developing
development policies. (KK7)
8. Having the ability to demonstrate ability in data collection, processing, and
analysis, as well as the preparation and presentation of scientific reports. (KK8)
9. Having the ability to apply quantitative and qualitative research methods.


1. Able to understand terms, basic concepts, definitions and economic theories in
an integrated manner both orally and in writing (P1)
2. Able to understand economic theory, both at the micro and macro level (P2)
3. Able to explain the mechanism of the economic system and its role in economic
policy making (P3)
4. Able to explain the behavior of economic actors both individually, households,
companies, and government in making decisions about the use of economic
resources to overcome the problems faced (P4)
5. Able to understand economic models or analyzes in describing the phenomenon
of contemporary economic development (P5)

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 73
6. Able to understand the concepts of information and communication technology
in the fields of development planning, resource economics, or state and regional
finance (P6)
7. Able to master the basic concepts of monetary, public and international
economics, (P7)
8. Able to master the basic concepts of institutional and political economy (P8)
9. Able to understand the basic concepts of the history of economic thought,
economic sociology, demography, and cooperatives (P9)

a. Knowledge Mastery for Development Plan Concentration

− Mastering the concept of economic development planning,
− Mastering the concept of:
− regional economy
− industrial economy
− urban economy
b. Knowledge Mastery for Resource Concentration
− Mastering the economic concept of natural resources and the environment
− Mastering the economic concepts of human resources and employment
− Mastering the concept of rural economy
c. Knowledge Mastery for Central and Regional Finance Concentration
− Mastering the theoretical concepts of regional finance,
− Mastering the theoretical concepts of regional financing and investment,
− Mastering theoretical concepts about:
• Intergovermental transfers
• Regional development planning

Curriculum Structure of Undergraduate Program in Economic Development are as
1. General Compulsory Course : 11 credits
2. University Compulsory Course : 15 credits
3. Faculty Compulsory Course : 18 credits
4. Compulsory Course Courses : 38 credits
5. Compulsory Courses in Study Programs : 30 credits
6. Compulsory Interest Courses PP : 21 credits
7. ESD Concentration Compulsory Courses : 21 credits
8. Required Courses for KND Interest : 21 credits
9. Elective Courses : 12 credits
Total : 145 credits

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

74 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya COURSES OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN ECONOMIC

COURSE Type Offered in

NO COURSE CREDITS Prerequisite Course
General COMPULSORY Courses (11 credits)
1 MPK4001 Religion (Islam) 3 W •
MPK4002 Religion (Catholic) 3 W •
MPK4003 Religion (Christian) 3 W •
MPK4004 Religion (Hindu) 3 W •
MPK4005 Religion (Budihist) 3 W •
Indonesian Values and
2 MPK4007 3 W •
3 MPK4006 Pancasila 2 W •
4 MPK4008 Indonesian Language 3 W • •
1 MKK4001 English 3 W •
2 MKB4002 Selecta Entrepreneurship 3 W •
3 MBB4001 Internship 3 W • • ≥ 130 CREDITS
4 MKB4001 MINOR THESIS 6 W • • See chapter 5
1 EKF1212 Introduction to Economics 3 W • •
2 EKF1210 Introduction to Accounting 3 W • •
3 EKF1213 Introduction to Management 3 W •
Mathematics for Economics &
4 EKF1218 3 W •
5 EKF1215 Statistics 3 W • •
6 EKF1203 Law Commercial 3 W •
1 EKU1206 Macroeconomics I 3 W • • EKF1212 (L)
2 EKU1207 Microeconomics I 3 W • • EKF1212 (L)
3 EKU1208 Macroeconomics II 3 W • EKU1206(L)
4 EKU1209 Microeconomics II 3 W • EKU1207 (L)
5 EKU1308 Public Economics I 3 W • • EKU1206 (L), EKU1207(L)
6 EKU1302 International Economics I 3 W • EKU1206(L), EKU1207(L)
7 EKU1305 Monetary EconomicsI 3 W • EKU1206 (L), EKU1207(L)
8 EKU1307 Development Economics 3 W • EKU1206(L), EKU1207(L)
9 EKU1203 Econometrics I 3 W • • EKU1201(L), EKF1215(PM)
10 EKU1312 Econometrics II 3 W • • EKU1203 (L)
11 EKF1501 Economy of Indonesia 3 W • EKF1212 (L)
12 EKK1813 Research Method 3 W • • EKU1203 (PM)
13 EKU1503 Character Building 2 W •

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 75
COURSE Type Offered in
NO COURSE CREDITS Prerequisite Course
COMPULSORY COURSE Program Studi (30 Credits)
1 EKU1306 Monetary EconomicsII 3 W • EKU1305(L)
2 EKU303 International EconomicsII 3 W • EKU1302(L)
3 EKU1309 Public EconomicsII 3 W • EKU1308(L)
Cooperative Economics /
4 EKU1304 3 W • EKF1212 (L)
Ekonomi Koperasi
5 EKU1202 Politic Economics 3 W • EKU1310(L)
6 EKU1502 Institutional Economics 3 W •
7 EKU1443 Demographic Economics 3 W •
8 EKU1501 Sosiology Economics 3 W •
9 EKU1310 History of Economic Thought 3 W • EKU1206(L), EKU1207(L)
Advanced Economic
10 EKU1205 3 W • EKU1201 (L)
1 EKU1404 Public Policy Analysis 3 P •
2 EKU1413 Finance and Bank Economics 3 P • EKF1212 (L)
3 EKU1408 Agriculture Economics 3 P • EKU1207 (L)
Computer Application in
4 EKF1401 3 P • EKF1215 (PM)
5 EKU1419 Investment Management 3 P •
6 EKU1456 Regional Income Economics 3 P • EKU1417 (PM)
Regional Expenditure
7 EKU1459 3 P • EKU1417 (PM)
8 EKU1303 International Finance 3 P • EKU1305 (L)
9 EKU1204 Project Evaluation 3 P •
Banking and Development
10 EKP1502 3 P • •
11 EKU9999 Digital Economics 3 P • •


1 EKU1444 Development PlanningI 3 W • EKU1409 (L)
2 EKU212 Development PlanningII 3 W • EKU1444(L)
3 EKU1412 Urban Economics 3 W • EKU1209 (PM)
4 EKU1409 Regional Economics 3 W • EKU1207(L)
5 EKU1406 (Industry Economics 3 W • EKU1207(L)
6 EKU1436 Public Economy Seminar 3 W • EKU1309(L), EKU1203(PM)
EKU1409 (L),
7 EKU1437 Regional Economy Seminar 3 W •
Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program
76 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
CONCENTRATING ON Central and Regional Finance
COMPULSORY COURSE ON Central and Regional Finance (21 Credits)
Regional Development
1 EKU1428 3 W • EKU1207 (L)
2 EKU1417 Regional Financial 3 W • • EKU1308 (L)
Financing and Investment
3 EKU1424 3 W • EKU1428 (L)
4 EKU1457 Intergovernmental Transfer 3 W • EKU1417 (L)
5 EKU1458 Public Budgetting 3 W • EKU1417 (L)
EKU1457 (L), EKU1458(L),
6 EKU1433 Regional Financial Seminar 3 W •
EKU1203 (PM)
Financing and Investment EKU1424 (L), EKU1203
7 EKU1434 3 W •
Regional Seminar (PM)



COMPULSORY COURSE Konsentrasi Keuangan Negara dan Daerah (21 Credits)

1 EKU1410 3 W • EKU1207 (L)
2 EKU1414 HR ECONOMICS (ESDM) 3 W • • EKU1207 (L)
3 EKU1411 Environment Economics 3 W • EKU1410 (L)
4 EKU1405 Labour Economics 3 W • EKU1207 (L)
Regional Economics (Rural EKU1206 (L),
5 EKU61032 3 W •
Economics) EKU1207(L)
Specific Issue in Nat.Resource
EKU1411 (L), EKU1203
6 EKU1439 Economics and Environment 3 W •
(ESDA & Environmental Seminar)
Specific Issue in HR Economics
EKU1414 (L), EKU1405
7 EKU1438 and Employment (ESDM & Labor 3 W •
(L), EKU1203 (PM)

1. This curriculum is applied to all students starting in the year 2018 including the
previous generation of students.
2. Students are allowed to take courses from other study programs in the
Department of Economics as Elective Courses.
3. Elective Courses in Undergraduate Study Program of Development Economics
will only be offered in accordance with the policies of the study program and
the availability of the Lecturerar

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 77 COURSE MAP OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 83 COURSE MAP OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

84 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya COURSE OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 85

Becoming an internationally reputable undergraduate program that can develop
Islamic Economics science and applications GRADUATE PROFILE:

1. Islamic Economics Lecturer
2. Researchers in Islamic Economics and Finance
3. Government Agency Employees
4. Islamic Economic Analyst
5. Members of the Sharia Supervisory Board
6. Consultant in the field of Islamic Economics
7. Entrepreneurs
8. Expert Staff / Members of Parliament LEARNING OUTCOMES

Learning outcomes of Undergraduate Program in Islamic Economic consists of four
competencies, namely:

1. Devotion to God Almighty and able to show religious a itude. (S1)
2. Uphold the value of humanity in carrying out duties based on religion, morals
and ethics. (S2)
3. Contribute to improving the quality of life in a society, nation, state and
civilization based on Pancasila. (S3)
4. Act as a proud and loving citizen of the country, having nationalism and a sense
of responsibility to the country and nation. (S4)
5. Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as other
people’s original opinions or findings. (S5)
6. Work together and have social sensitivity and care for the community and the
environment. (S6)
7. Obey the law and discipline in social and state life (S7)
8. Internalize academic values, norms and ethics. (S8)
9. Showing responsibility for work in the field of expertise independently. (S9)
10. Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship. (S0)
11. Have a moral merit in social, economic and business activities. (S11)

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

86 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context
of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays
a ention to and applies humanities in accordance with their fields of expertise.
2. Able to show independent, quality and measurable performance. (KU2)
3. Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of science
and technology that pay a ention to and apply the value of humanities in
accordance with their fields of expertise based on scientific rules, procedures
and ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs or art criticism, compile
a scientific Minor Thesis the results of their studies in the form of Minor Thesis
or final project report, and upload it on the college page. (KU3)
4. Able to compile the scientific Minor Thesis the results of the study above in the
form of Minor Thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college page.
5. Able to take appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving in the field
of expertise based on the results of information and data analysis. (KU5)
6. Able to maintain and develop a network of supervisors, colleagues, colleagues
both inside and outside the institution. (KU6)
7. Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work results and conduct
supervision and evaluation of the completion of work assigned to workers
under his responsibility. (KU7)
8. Able to carry out a process of self-evaluation of work groups under its
responsibility, and be able to manage learning independently. (KU8)
9. Able to document, store, secure, and rediscover data to ensure validity and
prevent plagiarism. (KU9)


1. Having the ability to apply basic economic principles to analyze contemporary
economic development issues and policies, both at regional, national and global
levels. (KK1)
2. Demonstrating ways of thinking in the fields of economics, finance and business
that are consistent with Islamic principles. (KK2)
3. Applying Islamic economic, financial and business theory to analyze economic
development issues and policies, both at regional, national and global levels.
4. Implementing financial information on Islamic financial systems and institutions
in accordance with Islamic principles and governance standards determined by
the regulator. (KK4)
5. Demonstrating ability in data collection, processing, and analysis, as well as the
preparation and presentation of scientific reports. (KK5)

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6. Implementing zakat, infaq, alms and endowment (ZISWAF) management for
community economic empowerment. (KK6)
7. Implementing Islamic business models for community economic empowerment.
8. Having the ability to operate analytical tools (software) in the fields of economics,
finance and Islamic business. (KK8)
9. Demonstrating abilities in career development or further studies in the field of
economics. (KK9)


1. Able to understand terms, basic concepts, definitions and economic theories in
an integrated manner both orally and in writing. (P1)
2. Able to understand basic economic principles, both at the micro and macro
level. (P2)
3. Able to explain the mechanism of the economic system and its role in economic
policy making. (P3)
4. Able to explain the economic behavior of individuals, households, companies
and governments in making decisions about the use of economic resources to
overcome the problems faced. (P4)
5. Able to understand economic models or analyzes in describing the phenomenon
of contemporary economic development. (P5)
6. Able to master Islamic macro, micro economic theory, and basic concepts of
Islamic economics, finance and business. (P6)
7. Able to master the concepts of information and communication technology in
the fields of economics, finance and Islamic business. (P7)
8. Able to master the basic knowledge of Islamic management, ZISWAF fiqh
(zakat, infaq, alms and endowments) as well as the concept of economic and
social empowerment of ZISWAF. (P8)
9. Able to master the business concept of Islamic financial institutions, the
principles of Islamic financial analysis and investment, and governance of
Islamic financial institutions. (P9)
10. Able to master the basic concepts of Islamic business and entrepreneurship,
basic techniques of modeling and planning of Islamic business, the basic
concepts of developing Islamic business strategies, and the basics of business
ethics in Islam. (P10)
11. Able to master the concept of research methodology in Islamic economics,
finance and business. (P11)

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

88 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya CURRICULUM STRUCTURE
Curriculum Structures are as follows:
1. General Compulsory Course : 11 Credits
2. University Compulsory Course : 15 Credits
3. Faculty Compulsory Course : 18 Credits
4. Department Compulsory Course : 38 Credits
5. Compulsory Courses of Study Programs : 54 Credits
6. Elective Courses of Study Programs : 9 Credits

1 MPK4001 Religion (Islam) 3 W •
2 MPK4007 Indonesian Values and Ideology 3 W •
3 MPK4008 Indonesian Language 3 W •
4 MPK4006 Pancasila 2 W •
1 MKK4001 English 3 W •
2 MKB4002 Entrepreneurship 3 W •
3 MBB4001 Internship 3 W • • ≥130 CREDITS
4 MKB4001 MINOR THESIS 6 W • • See Chapter 5
1 EKF1210 Introduction to Accounting 3 W • •
2 EKF1212 Introduction to Economics 3 W • •
3 EKF1213 Introduction to Management 3 W •
Mathematics for Economics &
4 EKF1218 3 W • •
5 EKF1215 Statistics 3 W • •
6 EKF1203 Comercial Law 3 W •
1 EKU1207 MicroeconomicsI 3 W • • EKF1212 (L)
2 EKU1206 MacroeconomicsI 3 W • • EKF1212 (L)
3 EKU1209 MicroeconomicsII 3 W • EKU1207 (L)
4 EKU1208 MacroeconomicsII 3 W • EKU1206 (L)
5 EKU1302 International EconomicsI 3 W • EKU1206 (L), EKU1207 (L)
6 EKU1305 Monetary EconomicsI 3 W • EKU1206 (L), EKU1207 (L)
7 EKU1307 Development Economics 3 W • EKU1206 (L), EKU1207 (L)
8 EKU1308 Public EconomicsI 3 W • EKU1206 (L), EKU1207 (L)

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EKU1201 (L), EKF1215
9 EKU1203 Econometrics I 3 W • •
10 EKU1312 Econometrics II 3 W • • EKU1203 (L)
11 EKU1501 Indonesia Economy 3 W • EKF1212 (L)
12 EKK1813 Economics Research Method 3 W • •
13 EKU1503 Character Building 2 W •
1 EKI1501 Philosophy of Islamic Economics 3 W •
2 EKI1502 Fiqh Muamalat I 3 W • •
3 EKI1503 Arabic 3 W •
4 EKI1515 Islamic EconomicThoughts 3 W •
5 EKI1504 Introduction to Ushul Fiqh 3 W • •
6 EKU1310 History of Economic 3 W • EKU1206 (L), EKU1207 (L)
7 EKI1510 Fiqh Muamalat II 3 W • EKI1502 (L)
8 EKI1505 Ushul Fiqh 3 W • EKI1504 (L)
9 EKI1507 Islamic Microeconomics 3 W • EKU1207 (L)
10 EKI1519 Islamic Macroeconomics 3 W • EKU1206 (L)
Islamic Financial Institutions
11 EKI1517 3 W • EKF1210 (L)
12 EKI1506 ZISWAF Economics 3 W •
13 EKI1514 Al- Qawaid Al Fiqhiyah 3 W • EKI1505 (L)
(Managing Islamic Bank and
EKF1213 (PM), EKI1510
14 EKI61015 Financial 3 W •
15 EKI61013 Financial Management 3 W • EKF1213 (L)
16 EKI62011 Multivariate Statistics 3 W • EKF1215 (L)
17 EKI61014 Seminar on ZISWAF Institution 3 W • EKI1506 (PM)
Seminar on Finance and Islamic
18 EKI1520 3 W • EKI61015 (PM)
1 EKI62018 Islamic Politic Economics 3 P •
2 EKI62019 Islamic Cooperative 3 P •
3 EKI62020 Islamic Public Finance 3 P •
Computer Financial & Islamic
4 EKI62021 3 P •
Banking Applications
5 EKU62017 International Finance 3 P •
6 EKU62018 Investment Management 3 P •

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

90 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
1. This curriculum is applied to all students starting in the year 2018 including the
previous generation of students.
2. Prerequisite courses are courses that are required to take prerequisite courses.
3. Elective Courses (P), CREDITS load that must be taken is 12 CREDITS or
equivalent to 4 MK.
4. Elective Courses in the UNDERGRADUATE Program in Islamic Economics
will only be offered in accordance with the policies of the study program and
the availability of the Lecturers.
5. Students are allowed to take courses from other study programs in the
Department of Economics as Elective Courses.
6. All courses have CREDITS = 3 except for general courses (2 CREDITS) and
Minor Thesis (6 CREDITS).
7. KKN-P can be taken after students collect or take 130 CREDITS.

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 91 COURSE MAP OF ISLAMIC ECONOMICS

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 95
The education program of Undergraduate degree in Economics, Finance and Banking
Study Program (S1 EKP) is designed with the Semester Credit System (SKS) which
includes a curriculum with a total credit of 145 Credits, including a 3-credits of
Internship program and the preparation of a Minor Thesis 6 Credits credit weight.
The competencies of graduates of Undergraduate degree in Economics, Finance
and Banking Study Programs are expected to be demonstrated through the mission
statement formulation as follows: MISSION STATEMENT

Becoming an internationally reputable undergraduate program in economics, finance,

Graduates of the Undergraduate Study Program in Economics, Finance and Banking
are expected to have 4 (four) basic knowledge and skills as follows:
1. Mastering the basic principles of economic theory both in macro and micro
2. Mastering the theory of finance and banking in an integrated manner.
3. Utilizing information technology in the economic, financial and banking fields.
4. Applying financial theory and banking to pursue a career in the world of work
or continue studies in finance and banking and other related fields of work. LEARNING OUTCOMES

Learning Outcomes (Learning Outcome) UNDERGRADUATE Program in Economics,
Finance, and Banking consists of 4 (four) competencies which include competencies in
the aspects of a itude, general skills, special skills, and mastery of knowledge. In detail,
each competency can be explained as follows:
1. Devoted to God Almighty and able to show religious a itudes (S1)
2. Upholding the value of humanity in carrying out duties based on religion,
morals, and ethics (S2)
3. Contribute to improving the quality of life of society, nation, state and civilization
based on Pancasila (S3)
4. Acting as a proud and loving citizen of the country, having nationalism and a
sense of responsibility to the country and nation (S4)
5. Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the
opinions or original findings of others (S5)

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

96 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
6. Work together and have social sensitivity and care for the community and the
environment (S6)
7. Obey the law and discipline in social and state life (S7)
8. Internalize academic values, norms and ethics (S8)
9. Showing responsibility for work in the field of expertise independently (S9)
10. Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship (S0)
11. Fostering communication, cooperation and good relations with parties related
to the implementation of duties and fulfillment of their rights (S11)


1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context
of the development or implementation of science and technology that takes into
account and applies the value of humanities (KU1)
2. Able to show independent, quality and measurable performance (KU2)
3. Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of science
and technology that pay a ention to and apply humanities values based on
rules, procedures and scientific ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas,
designs or criticisms (KU3)
4. Able to compile Minor Thesis results of the study above in the form of Minor
Thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college page (KU4)
5. Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving based on
the results of information and data analysis (KU5)
6. Able to maintain and develop a network of supervisors, colleagues, colleagues
both inside and outside the study program (KU6)
7. Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work and conduct
supervision and evaluation of the completion of work assigned to workers
under his responsibility (KU7)
8. Able to carry out a process of self-evaluation of work groups under its
responsibility, and be able to manage learning independently (KU8)
9. Able to document, store, secure, and rediscover data to ensure validity and
prevent plagiarism (KU9)
10. Able to combine theoretical and technical competencies in professional expertise
to complete work assignments (KU10)
11. Able to translate information and express ideas clearly, both verbally and in
writing to stakeholders. (KU11)

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 97
1. Able to to demonstrate good and right economic thinking. (KK1)
2. Able to apply basic economic principles to analyze contemporary economic
development issues and policies, both at regional, national and global levels.
3. Able to to operate analytical tools (software) in the fields of Economics, Finance
and Banking. (KK3)
4. Able to develop managerial skills. (KK4)
5. Able to draw up a business plan. (KK5)
6. Able to identify, analyze and participate in solving economic problems in
financial institutions in the community. (KK6)
7. Able to demonstrate ability in the collection, processing and analysis of data, as
well as the preparation and presentation of scientific reports. (KK7)
8. Able to apply quantitative and qualitative research methods. (KK8)


1. Able to understand terms, basic concepts, definitions, economic theories in an
integrated manner both orally and in writing (P1)
2. Able to understand economic theory, both at the micro level and macro level
3. Able to explain the mechanism of the economic system and its role in economic
policy making (P3)
4. Able to explain the behavior of economic actors both individually, households,
companies, and government in making decisions about the use of economic
resources to overcome the problems faced (P4)
5. Able to understand economic models or analyzes in describing financial and
banking dynamics (P5)
6. Able to understand the concepts of information and communication technology
in the field of financial and banking economics (P6)
7. Able to understand the concept of managing bank financial liquidity (treasury)
and capital markets and mutual funds (P7)
8. Able to understand institutional theory regarding the evaluation and supervision
systems of financial and banking institutions (P8)
9. Able to understand theoretical concepts regarding risk analysis in finance and
banking (P9)
10. Able to understand the concepts and principles of bank financial statements.
11. Able to understand the concepts and principles of payment systems. (P11)

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

98 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya CURRICULUM STRUCTURE

Curriculum structure of the S1 Economics, Finance and Banking Study Programs is as

1. General Compulsory Course : 11 Credits
2. University Compulsory Course : 15 Credits
3. Faculty Compulsory Course (CODE EKF) : 18 Credits
4. Department Compulsory Course : 41 Credits
5. Compulsory Study Program Course (EKP Code) : 57 Credits
6. Elective Course of Study Program (EKP Code) : 3 Credits



1 MPK4001 Religion (Islam) 3 W •

MPK4002 Religion Catholic 3 W •

MPK4003 Religion Christian 3 W •
MPK4004 Religion Hindu 3 W •
MPK4005 Religion Buddhist 3 W •
Indonesian Values and
2 MPK4007 3 W •
3 MPK4006 Pancasila 2 W •
Indonesian Language and
4 MPK4008 3 W • •
1 MKK4001 English 3 W •
2 MKB4002 Entrepreneurship 3 W •
3 MBB4001 Internship 3 W • • ≥ 130 CREDITS
4 MKB4001 MINOR THESIS 6 W • • Lihat Bab 5
1 EKF1212 Introduction to Economics 3 W • •
2 EKF1210 Introduction to Accounting 3 W • •
Introduction to
3 EKF1213 3 W •
Mathematics for Economics
4 EKF1218 3 W •
& Business
5 EKF1215 Statistics 3 W • •
6 EKF1203 Comercial Law 3 W •

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 99


1 EKU1206 MacroeconomicsI 3 W • • EKF1212 (L)
2 EKU1207 MicroeconomicsI 3 W • • EKF1212 (L)
3 EKU1208 MacroeconomicsII 3 W • EKU1206(L)
4 EKU1209 MicroeconomicsII 3 W • EKU1207 (L)
EKU1206 (L),
5 EKU1308 Public EconomicsI 3 W • •
6 EKU1302 International EconomicsI 3 W •
EKU1206 (L),
7 EKU1305 Monetary EconomicsI 3 W •
8 EKU1307 Development Economics 3 W •
9 EKU1203 Econometrics I 3 W • •
10 EKU1312 Econometrics II 3 W • • EKU1203 (L)
11 EKU1501 Indonesia Economy 3 W • EKF1212 (L)
12 EKK1813 Research Method 3 W • • EKU1203 (PM)
Advanced Mathematics for
13 EKU1205 3 W • EKF1201 (L)
14 EKU1503 Character Building 2 W •
Corporate Financial
1 EKP1508 3 W • EKF1213 (L)
Banking Financial
2 EKP1802 3 W • EKF1213 (L)
EKU1206 (L),
Capital Market Economics
3 EKP1527 3 W •
and Mutual Fund EKU1207 (L)
4 EKP1801 Monetary Policy 3 W • EKU1305 (L)
EKU1305 (L), EKP1527
5 EKP1803 Payment System 3 W •
(L), EKP1508 (PM)
6 EKP1340 Financial Report Analysis 3 W • EKF1210 (L)
Fundamental and Technical
7 EKP1442 3 W • EKP1508 (L)
Risk Analysis and EKP1527 (L),
8 EKP1511 3 W •
Investment EKP1508(PM)
9 EKP1536 Central Banking 3 W • EKU1305(PM)
EKU1305 (L),
10 EKP1804 International Finance 3 W •
EKU1302 (L)
Advanced Financial Report
11 EKP1807 3 W • EKP1380 (L)
Capital Market Simulation EKP1442 (L), EKP1527
12 EKP1515 3 W •
and Online Trading (PM)

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

100 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

Banking Risk and Capital

13 EKP1805 3 W • EKU1441 (L)
Market Management
EKP1511 (L), EKU1441
14 EKP1806 Treasury Management 3 W •
EKP1527 (L), EKU1203
15 EKP1512 Capital Market Seminar 3 W •
EKU1441 (L),
16 EKP1533 Banking Seminar 3 W •
EKU1203 (PM)
Economy of Financial EKU1305 (L), EKP1536
17 EKP1808 3 W •
Institution (PM)
18 EKP1809 Contract Law 3 W • EKF1203 (L)
Monitoring and Evaluation
EKP1536 (L), EKP1511
19 EKP1810 of Banking and 3 W
Financial Institution •
Banking and Economic
1 EKP1811 3 P •
Financial Monetary
2 EKP1812 3 P • EKU1203 (PM)
3 EKP1813 Micro Finance 3 P • • EKU1207 (PM)
Computer Application for
4 EKP1814 3 P • • EKF1215 (PM)
Finance and Banking
5 EKP1815 Investment Management 3 P • •
6 EKP1816 Banking Accounting 3 P • EKF1210 (PM)
EKP1340 (L), EKP1807
7 EKP1817 Banking Audit 3 P •
EKP1340 (L), EKP1807
8 EKP1818 Credit analysis and lending 3 P •

Business Ethics for

9 EKP1819 3 P •
Bankers •

Regulatory Framework of
10 EKP1820 3 P •
Finance and Banking

11 EKP1821 Marketing Banking 3 P • •

1. This curriculum is applied to all students starting in 2018 including the previous
generation of students.
2. Students are allowed to take courses from other study programs in the
Department of Economics as Elective Courses.
3. Elective Courses in undergraduate degree in Economics, Finance and Banking
Study Programs will only be offered in accordance with the policies of the study
program and the availability of lecturers

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 101 COURSE MAP OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM IN ECONOMICS, FINANCE AND BANKING

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 105

The Department of Management has two undergraduate study programs, which are:
1. Management
2. Entrepreneurship

Becoming an internationally reputable undergraduate program in management
producing graduates who possess ethics, entrepreneurial spirit and leadership. GRADUATE PROFILE:

1. Professional workers in business and non-profit organizations
2. Assistant lecturer / instructor at an academic institution
3. Entrepreneurs
4. Analysts at business and non-business consulting agencies
5. Research Assistant at the Research Institute LEARNING OUTCOMES

Learning outcomes of undergraduate program in management include aspects of
a itudes, general skills, special skills, and knowledge which are described as follows:
1. Devotion to God Almighty and able to show a religious a itude (S-1)
2. Uphold the value of humanity in carrying out duties based on religion, morals
and ethics (S-2)
3. Contribute to improving the quality of life of society, nation, state and civilization
based on Pancasila (environmental contribution) (S-3)
4. Act as a proud and loving citizen of the country, having nationalism and a sense
of responsibility to the country and nation (S-4)
5. Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as other
people’s original opinions or findings (S-5)
6. Cooperate and have social sensitivity as well as caring and contributing to
society and the environment (social contribution) (S-6)
7. Obey the law and discipline in social and state life (S-7)
8. Internalize academic values, norms and ethics (S-8)
9. Hold responsibility towards work in the field of expertise independently (S-9)
10. Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship that is
owned (entrepreneurial spirit) (S-10)
11. Commitment and professional to the profession undertaken (S-11)
12. Has a high level of achievement culture (S-12)

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

106 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
13. Have an open and Visioner view by prioritizing ethical aspects and local values
as well as ethical and sustainable management practices (S-13)
14. Respect for differences and realize the importance of finding common ground
for mutual progress (S-14).


1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context
of developing or implementing science and / or technology in accordance with
their area of expertise in managerial ma ers (core competency in management)
2. Able to independent, quality and measurable performance (KU-2)
3. Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of
science, technology or art in accordance with their expertise based on the rules,
procedures and scientific ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs
or art criticism, compile scientific Minor Thesis results of studies in the form
of Minor Thesis or task report end, and upload it on the college (creative and
innovative research) website (KU-3)
4. Able to compile Minor Thesis results of the study above in the form of Minor
Thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college website (KU-4)
5. Able to take appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving in their
area of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis; (KU-5)
6. Able to maintain and develop networks with mentors, colleagues, colleagues
both inside and outside the institution (KU-6)
7. Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work and to carry out
supervision and evaluation of the completion of work assigned to workers
under his responsibility (KU-7)
8. Able to carry out a process of self-evaluation of work groups under its
responsibility, and be able to manage learning independently (KU-8)
9. Able to document, store, secure, and rediscover data to ensure validity and
prevent plagiarism (KU-9)


1. Able to carry out management functions in managing an organization based on
their core competencies (core competence in management) (KK-1)
2. Able to manage organizational functions (operational, marketing, financial, HR,
and Information Systems) (KK-2)
3. Able to provide alternative creative and responsible solutions to organizational
problems based on the results of identification and analysis of sustainable
environments (sustainable management practice) (KK-3)
4. Able to use assistive tools (management tools) in management decision making

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5. Able to optimize the use of information technology to support managerial
decision making (KK-5)
6. Able to conduct a comprehensive analysis of managerial issues based on the
latest management principles (KK-6).

a. Specific Skills in Marketing Management Concentration

− Able to prepare research proposals in the ield of marketing management
− Able to conduct research in the ield of marketing management (KMP-2)
− Able to compile, implement, and evaluate marketing programs (KMP-3)
b. Specific Skills in Financial Management Concentration
− Able to prepare research proposals in inancial management (KMU-1)
− Able to conduct research in the ield of inancial management (KMU-2)
− Able to develop inancial planning, implement and evaluate it (KMU-3)
c. Specific Skills in HR Management Concentration
− Able to prepare research proposals in the HR ield (KMM-1)
− Able to conduct research in the ield of HRM (KMM-2)
− Able to develop HR planning implementing and evaluating it (KMM-3).
d. Specific Skills in Operational Management Concentration
− Able to prepare research proposals in the ield of Operations Management
− Able to conduct research in the ield of operational management (KMO-2)
− Able to draw up operational planning, implement and evaluate it (KMO-3).
e. Specific Skills in Strategic Management Concentration
− Able to prepare research proposals in the ield of strategy management
− Able to conduct research in the ield of strategy management (KMS-2)
− Able to draw up operational planning, implement and evaluate it (KMS-3).


1. Mastering basic concepts and management practices (core competence in
management) (P-1)
2. Mastering various management decision making methods (P-2)
3. Mastering basic knowledge for character development (P-3)
4. Mastering the principles of good corporate governance (P-4)
5. Mastering the principles of effective decision making (P-5)

a. Mastery of Knowledge Management Marketing Concentration

− Mastering local and global marketing management concepts (PP-1)
− Mastering the concepts of effective marketing communication (PP-2)

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b. Mastery of Knowledge Financial Management Concentration
− Mastering the concepts of financial management of business and non-
business organizations (PK-1)
− Mastering investment concepts and derivative instruments (PK-2)
c. Mastery of Knowledge HR Management Concentration
− Mastering the concepts of Human Resource Management (HRM) (PM-1)
− Mastering HR performance evaluation concepts (PM-2)
d. Mastery of Knowledge Strategic Management Concentration
− Mastering the concepts of organization / company strategy formulation
− Mastering the concepts of implementation and evaluation of the success
of the organization / company strategy (PS-2)
e. Mastery of Knowledge in Operational Management Concentration
− Mastering operational management concepts (PO-1)
− Mastering the concepts of operational success evaluation (PO-2) CURRICULUM STRUCTURE

Curriculum Structure of Undergraduate Program in Maanagement is as follows:
1. General Compulsory Course : 11 Credits
2. University Compulsory Course : 15 Credits
3. Faculty Compulsory Course : 18 Credits
4. Compulsory Courses of Study Program : 71 Credits
5. Compulsory Courses in Concentration Course : 15 Credits
6. Elective Courses in Concentration Course : 9 Credits
7. Elective Courses: 6-18 Credits
Total : 145 Credits
Major Concentration (Major) Courses
Each student must choose one major concentration by taking 5 (five) courses offered
at that concentration.

Minor Concentration Courses (Additional)

In addition to choosing a major concentration, students are required to choose
a minor concentration. Students may choose one or two minor concentrations
provided that a total of one or two additional concentration courses are 3 (three)

Elective courses
Elective courses are taken at least 2 (two) courses and a maximum of 6 (six) courses.
Elective courses are adapted to the relevance of the main concentration so that it
serves as a complement to increase student competency.

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Prerequisite Courses
Prerequisite courses will be offered every semester unless there are certain
conditions. Each prerequisite course must pass with a minimum grade of C.

Additional Provisions
For graduation, the maximum number of D grades is 10% of 145 Credits with a GPA
≥ 2.0. Courses that may be valuable at the end of study D are only elective courses. COURSES IN MANAGEMENT STUDY PROGRAM

1 PDC 4001 Religion (Islam) 3 •
PDC 4002 Religion (Catholic) 3 •
PDC 4003 Religion (Protestant) 3 •
PDC 4004 Religion (Hindu) 3 •

PDC 4005 Religion (Buddha) 3 •

2 PDC 4006 Pancasila 2 •
3 PDC 4007 Indonesian Value and 3 • •
4 PDC 4008 Indonesian Language and 3 •
1 PSC 4001 Minor Thesis 6 • • Research Proposal Seminar,
according to concentration, CPs
taken ≥ 129
2 SOC 4001 Internship 3 • • 129 Credits Lulus
3 PSC 4002 Entrepreneurship 3 • • Introduction to Management
4 BKC 4001 English 3 •
1 ECF 1212 Introduction to Economics 3 •
2 ECF 1213 Introduction to Management 3 • •
3 ECF 1210 Introduction to Accounting 3 • •
4 ECF 1218 Mathematics for Economics 3 • •
& Business
5 1CF 1203 Commercial Law 3 • •
6 ECF 1215 Statistics 3 • •

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1 ECM1210 Statistics Computer 3 • • Statistics (P)
2 ECM 1204 Financial Management 3 • • Introduction to Management (P),
Introduction to Accounting (P)
3 ECM 1205 Operation Management 3 • • Introduction to Management (P)
4 ECM 1206 Marketing Management 3 • • Introduction to Management (P)
5 ECM 1207 Human Resource 3 • • Introduction to Management (P)
6 ECM 1208 Operation Research 3 • • Mathematics Economy and Business
7 ECM 1211 Organizational Behaviour 3 • Human Resource Management (P)
8 ECM 1212 Taxation (Theory and 3 • • Introduction to Accounting (P)
9 ECM 1213 Management Information 3 • • Marketing Management, Financial
System Management, Human Resource
Management, Operation Management
10 ECM 1214 Total Quality Management 3 • • Introduction to Business, Introduction
to Management (P)
11 ECM1216 Business Research Method 3 • • Statistics Computer Application (P)

12 ECM 1306 Introduction to Business 3 • •

13 ECM 1314 Managerial Economics 3 • • Introduction to Economics,
Mathematics for Economics and
Business (P)
14 ECM 1319 Strategic Management 3 • • Marketing Management, Financial
Management, Human Resource
Management, Operation Management
15 ECM 1340 Feasibility Study for 3 • • Marketing Management, Financial
Business Management, Human Resource
Management, Operation Management
16 ECM 1347 Cost Accounting 3 • • Introduction to Accounting (P)
17 ECM 1348 Corporate Budgeting 3 • • Financial Management (P)
18 ECM 1349 Management Accounting 3 • • Cost Accounting (P)
19 ECM 1350 International Business 3 • Introduction to Business and
Introduction to Management (P)
20 ECM 1402 Leadership 3 • • Organization Behaviour (P)
21 ECM 1404 Entrepreneurship Lab. 3 • Entrepreneurship (P)
22 ECM 1501 Business Communication 3 • Introduction to Management (P)
23 ECM 1502 Business Ethics 3 • • Introduction to Management (P)
24 ECM 1440 Digital Business 2 • Introduction to Management (P)

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1 ECM1323 Strategic Marketing Planning 3 • • Marketing Management (P)
2 ECM1326 International Marketing 3 • • Marketing Management (P)
3 EKM1329 Consumer Behaviour 3 • • Marketing Management (P)
4 ECM1334 Marketing Management 3 • • Business Research Method (P)
Research Proposal Seminar
5 ECM1343 Marketing Lab. 3 • • Marketing Management (P)
1 ECM1304 Personal Financial Planning 3 • • Financial Management (P)
2 ECM1308 Advance Financial 3 • • Financial Management (P)
3 ECM 1310 Investment Management 3 • • Financial Management (P)
and Financial Derivative
4 ECM1332 Financial Management 3 • • Business Research Method (P)
Research Proposal
5 ECM 1344 Analysis Financial Report- 3 • • Financial Management (P)
1 ECM 1305 Organizational Development 3 • • Organizational Behaviour (P)
2 ECM 1307 Human Resources Planning 3 • • HRM Management (P)
3 ECM 1328 Performance Appraisal 3 • • HRM Management (P)
4 ECM 1336 Human Resource 3 • • Business Research Method (P)
Management Proposal
5 ECM 1345 Human Resource 3 • • HRM Management (P)
Management Lab
1 ECM 1365 Public Sector Strategic 3 • • Strategic Management (P)
2 ECM 1366 Strategic Business Planning 3 • • Strategic Management (P)
3 ECM 1367 Performance Management 3 • • Strategic Management (P)
4 ECM 1335 Strategic Management 3 • • Business Research Method (P)
Proposal Seminar
5 ECM 1368 Management Strategic Lab 3 • • Strategic Management (P)

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1 ECM1330 Production Planning 3 • • Operation Management (P)
2 ECM1351 Product Development 3 • • Operation Management (P)
3 ECM1341 Supply Chain Management 3 • • Operation Management (P)
and Logistic
4 ECM1333 Operation Management 3 • • Business Research Method (P)
Proposal Seminar
5 ECM1353 Service Operations 3 • • Operation Management (P)
1 ECM1501 Economy of Indonesia 3 • Introduction to Economics (P)
2 ECM1303 E-Commerce 3 • Management Information System (P)
3 ECM1306 Industrial Relation and 3 • HRM Management (P)
Labour Law
4 ECM1309 Knowledge Management 3 • Strategic Management (P)
5 ECM1312 International Financial 3 • • Financial Management (P)

6 ECM1313 Training and Development 3 • HRM Management (P)

7 ECM1318 Risk Management 3 • Strategic Management; Financial
Management (P)
8 ECM1322 Marketing Communication 3 • Marketing Management (P)
9 ECM1324 Micro Finance 3 • Financial Management (P)
10 ECM1327 Service Marketing 3 • • Marketing Management (P)
11 ECM1331 Retailing 3 • Marketing Management (P)
12 ECM1337 Compensation Management 3 • HRM Management (P)
13 ECM1356 Bank and Financial 3 • Financial Management (P)
14 ECM1360 Financial Management Sharí 3 • Financial Management (P)
15 EKM1362 Harbor Management 3 • Marketing Management, HRM
Management, Financial Management,
Operation Management (P)
16 ECM1363 Export Import Management 3 • Strategic Management (P)
17 ECM1315 Banking Management 3 •


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Undergraduate Program in Entrepreneurship is a study program designed to produce

graduates who are able to understand and apply entrepreneurship science. Graduates’
competencies expected from this study program are independent entrepreneurs who
will be achieved with a curriculum that is in accordance with the vision and mission
of the study program. The curriculum of this study program is designed with the
Semester Credit System which includes learning programs with a total credit of 144 CPs
including an internship program (3 CPs) and the preparation of a Minor Thesis 6 (CPs).
To achieve the expected graduate competencies, the study program establishes Mission
Statement as follows: MISSION STATEMENT

To become an internationally reputable center of entrepreneurship education for
producing ethical, science-based, creative and innovative entrepreneurs. GRADUATE STUDY PROGRAM PROFILE:

The organization of teaching and learning process (PBM) in the entrepreneurship study
program is intended to achieve the following graduate profile:
1. Independent entrepreneur: founder and / or independent business developer.
2. Social entrepreneur: founder and / or manager of social-based business.
3. Business designer / developer / assistant: a business consultant who is able to
design and develop business models.
4. Investors: investors in business entities.
5. Academics: researchers and lecturers in the field of entrepreneurship. LEARNING OUTCOMES

The learning achievement of PSKWU FEB UB are as follows:
1. Devoted to God Almighty and able to show religious a itudes (S1)
2. Uphold the value of humanity in carrying out duties based on religion, morals
and ethics (S2)
3. Contribute to improving the quality of life of society, nation, state and civilization
based on Pancasila (S3)
4. Act as a proud and loving citizen of the country, having nationalism and a sense
of responsibility to the country and nation (S4)
5. Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the
opinions or original findings of others (S5)
6. Work mutually and have social sensitivity and care for the community and the
environment in the form of business ideas that have been developed. (S6)

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7. Obey the law and discipline in social and state life (S7)
8. Internalize academic values, norms and ethics (S8)
9. Hold responsibility towards work in the field of expertise independently (S9)
10. Hold independence, struggle, in entrepreneurship as well as commitment
and professionalism to the profession they live in, have a high culture of
achievement, and have an open and visionary outlook by prioritizing ethical
aspects, local values, and sustainability. (S10);
11. Commitment and professional to the profession undertaken (S1)
12. Has a culture of high achievement (S12)
13. Have an open and visioner view by prioritizing ethical aspects and local values
14. Respect for differences and realize the importance of finding common ground
for mutual progress. (S14)


1. Able to apply business science in a logical, critical, systematic and innovative
manner in the context of developing or implementing science and / or technology
in accordance with their area of expertise. (KU1)
2. Able to create value in business (business value creation). (KU2)
3. Able to show independent, quality and measurable performance (KU3)
4. Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of
science, technology or art in accordance with their expertise based on the rules,
procedures and scientific ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas / designs,
designs or criticisms that are innovative, and arranged scientifically in the form
of Minor Thesis or final project report, and upload it in the college repository.
5. Able to take appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving in their
area of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis; (KU5)
6. Able to maintain and develop networks with mentors, colleagues, colleagues
both inside and outside the institution (KU6)
7. Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work and to supervise
and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers who are under its
responsibility (KU7)
8. Able to carry out a process of self-evaluation of work groups under its
responsibility, and be able to manage learning independently (KU8)
9. Able to document, store, secure, and rediscover data to ensure validity and
prevent plagiarism (KU9)

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1. Able to create creative business ideas. (KK1)
2. Able to apply and demonstrate the principles of entrepreneurship in running a
business. (KK2)
3. Able to determine alternative business solutions. (KK3)
4. Able to demonstrate decision making based on decision making tools. (KK4)


1. Mastering the theoretical concepts of designing a business idea. (P1)
2. Mastering theoretical concepts of business innovation. (P2)
3. Mastering in depth the theoretical concepts of business management (P3);
4. Mastering the scientific decision making. (P4) CURRICULUM STRUCTURE

According to Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning tertiary institutions, the curriculum is a
set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content and teaching materials
as well as the methods used as Guidances for organizing learning activities to achieve
higher education goals. This study program has the following curriculum structure:
No. Type Load Total Load


The curriculum structure of the entrepreneurship study program requires students
to study theories and practices that are interrelated between one course and
another. Special courses of study are practical courses that require students to work
on a practice-based assignment with the ultimate goal of an independent business
formed from semester one to six.

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Special courses are designed to be interrelated between semesters with different
learning achievements each semester. Students must complete (pass) special courses
in each semester to take special courses in the following semester.

Entrepreneurship Study Program Courses

In the curriculum structure of the entrepreneurship study program there are
prerequisite and elective courses in accordance with the following provisions:

Prerequisite Course
Prerequisite courses are courses that must be taken to take related courses in the
following semester. Students can take courses with a minimum grade of C. Students
who score below C, must repeat the course, and follow the intermediate semester
mechanism or related policies.

Elective Course
Elective courses are taken at least 4 (four) courses with a load of 12 credits and a
maximum of 6 (six) courses with a load of 16 credits. Taking elective courses is done
in the fifth and sixth semesters and each of the two courses each semester.

Additional Provision
Conditions for taking prerequisite courses and effective electives apply to students
enrolled in the 2016/2017 academic year. Whereas, for students who are enrolled
in the academic year, policies will be applied in the relevant year based on the
necessary policies.

Provisions for Final Study Graduation

For graduation, the maximum number of D grades is 10% of 144 - 160 credits with
a GPA greater than or equal to 2.00. Courses that may have a D value at the end of
the study period are only elective courses.

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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 123 COURSES IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP STUDY PROGRAM

1 MPK4001 Religion (Islam) 3 •
MPK4002 Religion (Catholic) 3 •
MPK4003 Religion (Christian) 3 •
MPK4004 Religion (Hindu) 3 •
MPK4005 Religion (Buddhist) 3 •
2 MPK4007 Civics 3 •
3 MPK4008 Indonesian 3 •
4 MPK4006 Pancasila 2 •
1 MBB4001 Internship 3 • • CREDITS completed > 129
2 MKB4001 Minor Thesis 6 • • Proposal Seminar (L); CREDITS completed
> 129 K6: Entrepreneurship Lab-2 (L)
3 MKK4001 English 3 •
1 EKF1203 Comercial Law 3 •
2 EKF1210 Introduction to Accounting 3 •
3 EKF1218 Economics and Business Math 3 •
4 EKF1212 Introduction to Economics 3 •
5 EKF1213 Introduction to Management 3 •
6 EKF1215 Statistics 3 •
1 EKK1801 K1: Intro to Business and Entrepreneurship 3 •
2 EKK1807 Business Marketing Management 3 • Introduction to Management (PM)
3 EKK1808 Business Management Finance 3 • Introduction to Management (PM) Introduction
to Accounting (PM)
4 EKK1809 HR Business Management 3 • Introduction to Management (PM)
5 EKK1810 Operational Business Management 3 • Introduction to Management (PM)
6 EKM1502 Business Ethic 3 • Introduction to Management (L)
7 EKK1802 K2: Business Creativity 3 • K1: Intro to Business and Entrepreneurship
8 EKK1821 Business Information System 3 • Bus.Fin.Management (L); Bus.
HR.Management (L); Bus.Operational

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9 EKK1811 Business Operation Research 3 • Economics and Business Math (L)
10 EKK1831 Cost Accounting 3 • Introduction to Accounting (L); Business
Management Finance (L)
11 EKK1812 Feasibility study and Business Plan 3 • Bus.Fin.Management (L); Bus.
HR.Management (L); Bus.Operational
12 EKK1813 Business Communication & Negotiation 3 • K1: Intro to Business and Entrepreneurship
(L); Business Ethic (L)
13 EKM1212 Taxation (theory and practice) 3 • Introduction to Accounting (L);
14 EKK1803 K3: Entrepreneurship Lab-1 3 • K2: Business Creativity (L)
15 EKM1348 Corporate Budgetting 3 • Business Management Finance (L) atau
Finance Management (L)
16 EKM1329 Consumer Behaviour 3 • Business Marketing Management (L) atau
Marketing Management (L)
17 EKM1211 Organization Behaviour 3 • HR Business Management (L) atau
Management SDM (L)
18 EKK1832 Knowledge Management 3 • Introduction to Management (L)
19 EKK1814 Research Method in Business 4 • Statistics (L)
20 EKK1815 Business Experience 3 • Feasibility Study and Business Plan (L)
21 EKK1804 K4: Business Innovation 3 • K3: Entrepreneurship Lab-1 (L)
22 EKK1823 Electronic Commerce 3 • Business Information System (L)
23 EKK1817 Brand and Selling Management 3 • Business Marketing Management (L);
Business Communication & Negotiation (L)
24 EKK1822 Supply Chain Management 3 • Operational Business Management (L)
25 EKK1833 Intl.Business 3 • Business Experience (L)
26 EKK1805 K5Business Strategy 3 • K4: Businsess Innovation (L)
27 EKK1818 Research Proposal Seminar 3 • Research Method in Business (L)
28 EKK1819 Social Enctrepreneurship 3 • Business Experience (L); Knowledge
Management (L)
29 EKK1820 Entrepreneurial Marketing 3 • Consumer Behaviour (L)
30 EKK1806 K6: Entrepreneurship Lab-2 3 • K5: Business Strategy (L)

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1 EKK1827 Family Business 3 • • K1: Intro to Business and Entrepreneurship
(L) Introduction to Management (L)
2 EKK1828 Franchise Bus.Management 3 • • K1: Intro to Business and Entrepreneurship
(L); Introduction to Management (L)
3 EKK1829 Technopreneurship 3 • • K1: Intro to Business and Entrepreneurship
(L); Business Information System (L)
4 EKM1327 Service Marketing 3 • • Business Marketing Management (L);
Marketing Management (L)
5 EKK1824 Bus.Manag.Simulation 3 • • K4: Business Innovation (L); Business
Information System (L)
6 EKK1825 SECONDt Management 3 • • K1: Intro to Business and Entrepreneurship
(L); Introduction to Management (L)
7 EKM1337 Compensation Management 3 • • HR Business Management (L) atau
Management SDM (L)
8 EKK1830 Product Development Management 3 • • K4: Business Innovation (L)
9 EKK1826 Creative Team Management 3 • • K2: Business Creativity (L)
10 EKM1363 Export Import Management 3 • • Business Experience (L); Intl.Business

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Becoming an internationally reputable accounting program that assimilates the spirit of
entrepreneurship and the awareness of spirituality, humanity and environment. GRADUATE PROFILE AND COMPETENCE

To be a junior external auditor, internal auditor, management accountant in private
and public sectors, tax consultants, management consultants, researchers in accounting. LEARNING OUTCOMES

Learning outcomes of Undergraduate program in Accounting consist of several
components including:

1. Devoted to God Almighty and able to show religious a itudes (S1)
2. Uphold the value of humanity in carrying out duties based on religion, morals
and ethics (S2)
3. Hold national identity (S3)
4. Contribute to improving the quality of community, nation, state and civilization
life based on Pancasila (S4)
5. Act as a proud and loving citizen of the country, having nationalism and a sense
of responsibility to the country and nation (S5)
6. Respect for cultural diversity, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as other
people’s original opinions or findings (S6)
7. Work mutually and have social sensitivity and care for the community and the
environment (S7)
8. Obey the law and discipline in social and state life (S8)
9. Internalize academic values, norms and ethics (S9)
10. Hold responsibility for work in the field of expertise independently (S10)
11. Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship (S11)
12. Apply the principles of business ethics and the accounting profession (S12)


1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context
of the development or implementation of science and technology that takes into
account and applies the value of humanities (KU1)
2. Able to show independent, quality and measurable performance (KU2)

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3. Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of science
and technology that pay a ention to and apply humanities values based on
rules, procedures and scientific ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas,
designs or criticisms (KU3)
4. Able to compile Minor Thesis results of the study above in the form of Minor
Thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college page (KU4)
5. Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving based on
the results of information and data analysis (KU5)
6. Able to maintain and develop a network of supervisors, colleagues, colleagues
both inside and outside the study program (KU6)
7. Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work and conduct
supervision and evaluation of the completion of work assigned to workers
under his responsibility (KU7)
8. Able to carry out a process of self-evaluation of work groups under its
responsibility, and be able to manage learning independently (KU8)
9. Able to document, store, secure, and rediscover data to ensure validity and
prevent plagiarism (KU9)
10. Able to combine technical competence and professional expertise to complete
work assignments (KU10)
11. Able to present information and express ideas clearly, both verbally and in
writing, to stakeholders (KU11)


1. Mastering theoretical concepts in depth about planning, procedures, and audit
reporting (PP1)
2. Mastering in depth theoretical concepts about (PP2):
a. The basic framework for the presentation and preparation of financial
statements (PP2.1)
b. Accounting policies and principles (PP2.2)
c. Accounting Cycle (PP2.3)
d. Recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of elements of financial
statements (PP2.4)
e. Analysis of financial statements (PP2.5)
3. Mastering theoretical concepts in depth about (PP3):
a. Calculation and control of product and service costs (PP3.1)
b. Planning and budgeting (PP3.2)
c. Activity-based management (PP3.3)
d. Performance measurement and control (PP3.4)
4. Mastering the theoretical concepts in general quality management (PP4)
5. Understanding business ethics and the ethical code of the accounting profession

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6. Mastering the concepts, principles and techniques of financial management
which include (PP6):
a. Financial decisions (PP6.1)
b. Time value of money (PP6.2)
c. Capital budgeting (PP6.3)
d. Capital structure, capital costs, and financing (PP6.4)
e. Working capital requirements (PP6.5)
f. Cash flow analysis (PP6.6)
g. Fundamentals of risk management (PP6.7)
h. Financial restructuring (PP6.8)
i. Securities valuation (PP6.9)
7. Mastering the principles of investment in financial assets (PP7)
8. Mastering theoretical concepts in depth about the information needs for decision
making (PP8)
9. Mastering techniques, principles, and procedural knowledge about the use of
information technology, information technology applications, and database
management (PP9)
10. Mastering the concepts and regulations of taxation and business law (PP10)
11. Mastering the basic concepts of tax management (PP11)
12. Mastering the concepts and principles of economics (PP12)
13. Mastering the theoretical concepts of management in general, Marketing
Management, operational management and strategic business management
14. Mastering the concepts and principles regarding (PP14):
a. Organization (PP14.1)
b. Governance (PP14.2)
c. Risk management (PP14.3)
d. Strategy management (PP14.4)
e. Internal control (PP14.5)
f. business environment (PP14.6)


1. Able to independently prepare audit working papers through the collection
and summarizing of audit evidence on the financial statements of commercial
entities in accordance with audit standards and statutory provisions applicable
in the audit of financial statements (KK1)
2. Able to supervise, assess the risk of material errors in the financial statements
and consider their impact on the audit strategy (KK2)
3. Able to supervise evaluating audit evidence on the financial statements of
commercial entities in accordance with audit standards and statutory provisions
that apply in the audit of financial statements (KK3)

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4. Able to independently compile, analyze and interpret the financial statements
of a separate entity by applying accounting principles to transactions in
accordance with general financial accounting standards, sharia financial
accounting standards, government accounting standards and applicable ETAP
financial accounting standards (KK4)
5. Able to prepare, analyze, and interpret the consolidated financial statements of
an entity by applying accounting principles to transactions in accordance with
general financial accounting standards, sharia financial accounting standards,
government accounting standards and applicable ETAP financial accounting
standards (KK5)
6. Able to independently prepare reports on the results of analysis of financial
and non-financial information and relevant and reliable related disclosures
for managerial decision making by applying accounting and financial analysis
techniques and methods (KK6)
7. Able to supervise compiling investment and funding reports, which include
reports on cash and working capital requirements, proforma financial reports,
capital budgeting reports, which are relevant for financial and investment
decision making by applying financial and investment management techniques
8. Able to independently compile and analyze management accounting reports,
covering production costs, planning and budgeting, cost management,
quality control, performance measurement, and benchmarking, which are
relevant and reliable in supporting operational and strategic decision making
and management control by applying techniques management accounting
techniques (KK8)
9. Able to independently design business processes in an accounting information
system that supports the provision of information technology-based information
to support management control and organizational decision making by utilizing
System Development Life Cycle/SDLC (KK9)
10. Able to independently prepare a report to meet tax obligations for both individual
and corporate taxpayers by calculating and carrying out tax reconciliation in
accordance with applicable tax laws in Indonesia (KK10)
11. Able to independently operate and utilize software in the framework of
preparing financial and management reports, budgets, tax administration,
auditing, and research (KK11)
12. Able to create innovative business strategies and concepts based on market
opportunities and capability of owned resources (KK12)
13. Able to express ideas clearly, both verbally and in writing in a foreign language
14. Able to execute business ideas with a spirit of independence, struggle and
entrepreneurship (KK14)

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 133
15. Able to develop concepts and Research Methods in Business both quantitative
and qualitative (KK15)
16. Able to compile Minor Thesis of the results of the study above in the form of a
Minor Thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college website (KK16)
17. Able to analyze accounting information for business accounting decision

Compulsory Courses of 136 credits and
Elective Elective Courses a minimum of 9 credits and a maximum of 12 credits. COMPETENCE TEST

The Competency Examination is a test that is carried out as a condition for taking the
Final Study Examination (Minor Thesis Examination). Detailed explanations related to
Competency Exams are:
1. To take the Minor Thesis Examination students must pass the Competency Test.
2. Competency Examination replaces Comprehensive Examination material that
contains theories that are relevant to the discipline of Accounting at the Final
Study Examination.
3. Requirements to take the Competency Examination are for students with the
requirement to pass all compulsory courses except KKNP and Minor Thesis.
4. The material tested on the Competency Test is:
a. Financial Accounting, Financial Management, Information Systems, Business
Ethics and Professionals (Day one).
b. Management Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
(second day).
5. For students who have passed the Tax Brevet, there is no need to work on
Taxation questions at the time of the Competency Examination.
6. For students who have passed other accounting certification tests (for example
from ACCA, ICAEW, CPA, CPMA, CFA, etc.), there is no need to work on the
course ma er related to the Competency Examination.
7. For points 5 and 6, students must submit proof of graduation certificates.
8. Students are declared to pass the Competency Examination if the student is able
to do correctly 60% of the total questions tested.
9. The results of passing the Competency Examination are valid for a maximum of
2 years from the date of graduation.

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

134 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya CURRICULUM STRUCTURE

Concentration is a recommended course based on concentration that is tailored to the
needs of stakeholders. Concentration courses consist of:
1. Sharia Finance
2. Management Accounting and Information Systems
3. Public Sector
4. Taxation

The detailed explanation of each concentration is as follows:

1. Sharia Finance
This concentration is intended to equip students to have self and social
competence in financial and accounting management based on sharia values.
Students will be equipped with business studies and Islamic economics along
with the underlying fiqh, sharia-based accounting concepts and practices,
sharia financial management, and the philosophy and methods of developing
sharia accounting
2. Management Accounting and Information Systems
This concentration is aimed at equipping students to have accounting
competence in general business management and understanding of the use of
information systems for the business world. Students will be equipped with
business management in a global / international environment, risk management
in companies, the development of accounting and financial reporting, the
development of technology for the business world of financial statement
analysis and asset valuation, and techniques for detecting financial fraud.

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 135
3. Public Sector
This concentration is intended to equip students to have competence as
accountants working in the government sector and non-profit organizations.
Students will be equipped with financial management capabilities, internal and
external audits, implementation and development of accounting information
systems, planning and control of spending, decision making, and performance
evaluation systems on public sector entities.
4. Taxation
This concentration is intended to equip students to have accountant competencies
that have added value in the field of taxation. This concentration builds the
basic framework needed to understand tax laws, the impact of taxation and
the integration of tax planning in business decisions. Students are given a
provision of courses aimed at understanding and responding to tax rules in a
comprehensive manner both regional, national and international rules.


Name of Course Conversion
Table 1
Updated Courses
1 Management Control System Strategic Management Accounting ECA1313
2 Research Method Research Methodology ECF1208
3 Assurance and Atestation Auditing I ECA1309
Practicum in Assurance and ECA1409
4 Auditing II


Table 2
Updated Pre-requisite Courses
1 Cost Accounting ECF1310 (P) ECF1311 (HT)
2 Entrepreneurship >= 63 CREDITS ECA1307 (HT), ECA1315 (HT), & ECA1317 (HT)
3 Accounting Information System ECF1311 (P) ECA1211 (HT), ECA1211(HT)

Details of concentration courses are a ached in Table 3 on the next page.

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

136 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya COURSES IN ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT



1 PDC4001 Islam Religion 3 •
PDC4002 Catholic Religion •
PDC4003 Protestant Religion •
PDC4004 Hindu Religion •
PDC4005 Budha Religion •
2 PDC4007 Indonesian Value and Ideology 3 • •
3 PDC4006 Indonesian Language 3 •
4 PDC4008 Pancasila 2 •
1 SOC4001 Internship 3 • • Remaining max. 6 credits are not
included Minor Thesis
2 PSC4001 Minor Thesis 6 • • ECA1208 (L); Remaining max. 6
credits excluding Internship
3 BKC4001 English 3 •
4 PSC4002 Entrepreneurship 3 • • ECA1307 (PM)
ECA1315 (PM)
ECA1317 (PM)
1 ECF1203 Comercial Law 3 • •
2 ECF1210 Introduction to Accounting 3 • •
3 ECF1218 Mathematics for Economics & 3 • •
4 ECF1212 Introduction to Economics 3 • •
5 ECF1213 Introduction to Management 3 • •
6 ECF1215 Statistics 3 • • ECF1218 (HT)
1 ECA1101 Business and Profession 3 • • ECA 1307 (HT), ECA 1315 (HT),
Ethics ECA 1309, ECA 1317 (HT)
2 ECA1206 Organizational Behavior 3 • • ECF1213(HT)
3 ECA1207 Financial Accounting Theory 3 • • ECA 1301(P), ECA 1302(P),
4 ECA1208 Research Methodology 3 • • ECF1215(P)
5 ECA1211 Intermediate Financial 3 • • ECF1210(HT)
Accounting I
6 ECA1216 Microeconomics 3 • • ECF1212(HT)
7 ECA1217 Macroeconomics 3 • • ECF1212(HT)

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 137
8 ECA1301 Intermediate Financial 3 • • ECF1210(P), ECA1211(P)
Accounting II
9 ECA1302 Intermediate Financial 3 • • ECA1301(HT)
Accounting III
10 ECA1303 Advanced Financial 3 • • ECA1302(HT)
Accounting I
11 ECA1304 Accounting Information 3 • • ECA1211(HT)
12 ECA1305 Management Information 3 • • ECA1304(HT)
13 ECA1306 Cost Accounting 3 • • ECA1211(HT)
14 ECA1307 Management Accounting 3 • • ECA1306(HT)
15 ECA1309 Auditing I 3 • • ECA1301(P), ECA1302(P),
16 ECA1311 Internal Auditing 3 • • ECA1309(HT), ECA1307(HT)
17 ECA1312 Public Sector Accounting 3 • • ECA1211(HT)
18 ECA1313 Strategic Management 3 • • ECA1307(HT)
19 ECA1315 Financial Management 3 • • ECF1213(P), ECF1210(P),
20 ECA1316 Investment Management 3 • • ECA1315(HT)
21 ECA1317 Taxation 3 • • ECF1210(P), ECA1211(HT),
22 ECA1320 Strategic Management 3 • • ECF1213(HT)
23 ECA1325 Marketing Management 3 • • ECF1213(P)
24 ECA1327 3 • • ECA1315(P), ECA1302(HT)

Financial Report Analysis and

Asset Valuation
25 ECA1328 Sharia Financial Accounting 3 • • ECA1211(P)
26 ECA1338 Advanced Taxation 3 • ECA1317(HT)
27 ECA1401 Statistics Computer 3 • • ECF1215(P)
28 ECA1407 Advanced Financial 3 • • ECA1303(HT)
Accounting II
29 ECA1409 Auditing II 3 • • ECA1309(P), ECA1304(P)
30 ECA1406 Spreadsheet 3 • • ECA1307(HT), ECA1302(HT),
31 ECA1440 Digital Business 2 • • ECF1210 (HT), ECF1213 (HT),
ECA1305 (HT)

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

138 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
1 ECF1402 Islamic Economics 3 • ECF1212(P)
2 ECA1102 Theory of Sharia Accounting 3 • • ECA1301(P), ECA1302(HT),
ECA1328 (HT)
3 ECA1331 Fiqih Muamalah 3 •
4 ECA1332 Sharia Financial Management 3 • ECA1315(HT)
1 ECA1321 International Business 3 • • ECF1213(HT)
2 ECA1324 Risk Management 3 • ECA1315(P)
3 ECA1504 Database Management 3 • • ECA 1305 (HT)
4 ECA1505 Information System Audit 3 • • ECA 1305 (HT)
5 ECA1319 Operational Management 3 • • ECF1213(P)
6 ECA1501 Social Responsibility 3 • ECA1307(HT), ECA1211(HT)
1 ECA1314 Public Sector Audit 3 • • EKA1312(P)
2 ECA1334 Public Sector Budgeting and 3 • EKA1312(P)
Performance Evaluation
3 ECA1201 Indonesia Economy 3 • • EKF1212(HT)
4 ECA1322 Forensic Accounting & Fraud 3 • • EKA1302(P)
5 ECA1507 Contemporary Issue on Public 3 • EKA1312(P)
1 ECA1335 Taxation Accounting 3 • ECA1338(HT), ECA1317(P)
2 ECA1318 Taxation Planning 3 • ECA1338(HT), ECA1317(P)
3 ECA1336 International Taxation 3 • ECA1317(P), ECA1337(HT)
4 ECA1337 Taxation Administration 3 • ECA 1317 (P)
5 ECA1201 Indonesia Economy 3 • • ECF1212(P)

* Of the four (4) concentration courses offered, students are required to take three (3)
concentration courses and a maximum of four (4) concentration courses in the third (3),
four (4) and five semesters (5).

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 139 COURSE MAP OF ACCOUNTING

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya 145
1. Economics Department

NO Name of Faculty Members NIP Position Education

1 Prof. Dr. M. Pudjihardjo 19520415 197412 1 001 Professor S3 Universitas Brawijaya
S3 Institut Pertanian
2 Prof. Dr. Maryunani 19550322 198103 1 002 Professor
S3 Universite de Nice,
3 Prof. Munawar, DEA., Ph.D. 19570212 198403 1 003 Professor
S3 Universite Pierre
4 Prof. Agus Suman, DEA., Ph.D. 19600615 198701 1 001 Professor
Menders, Prancis
S3 University of
5 Prof. Ahmad Erani Yustika, Ph.D. 19730322 199702 1 001 Professor
Goentingen, Jerman
S3 University of
6 Prof. Candra Fajri Ananda, Ph.D. 19641029 198903 1 001 Professor
Goentingen, Jerman
7 Prof. Dr. Khusnul Ashar 19550815 198403 1 002 Professor S3 Universitas Brawijaya
8 Prof. Dr. Ghozali Maski 19580927 198601 1 002 Professor S3 Universitas Brawijaya
9 Dr. Multifiah 19550527 198103 2 001 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
10 Dr. Iswan Noor, 19590710 198303 1 004 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
Associate S3 University of Canberra,
11 David Kaluge, Ph.D. 19601225 198701 1 001
Professor Australia
12 Dr. Moh. Khusaini 19710111 199802 1 001 Professor S3 Universitas Brawijaya
13 Dr. Susilo 19601030 198601 1 001 S3 Universitas Airlangga
Associate S3 University of New
14 Dwi Budi Santoso, Ph.D. 19620315 198701 1 001
Professor England, Australia
Associate S3 University of
15 Devanto Shasta Pratomo, Ph.D. 19761003 200112 1 003
Professor Lancaster, Inggris
16 Dr. Asfi Manzilati 19680911 199103 2 003 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
Associate S3 International Islamic
17 Arif Hoetoro, Ph.D. 19700922 199512 1 002
Professor University of Malaysia
Associate S3 University of Rome,
18 Putu Mahardika Adi S., Ph.D. 19760910 200212 1 003
Professor Italy
19 Dr. Sri Mulianingsih 19610411 198601 2 001 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
Associate S3 Universiti Utara
20 Setyo Tri Wahyudi, Ph.D. 19810702 200501 1 002
Professor Malaysia
Assistant S3 University Sains
21 Marlina Ekawaty, Ph.D. 19650311 198903 2 001
Professor Malaysia
22 Dr. Rachmad Kresna Sakti 19631116 199002 1 001 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
Assistant S3 University of Kassel,
23 Dr. Wildan Syafitri 19691210 199703 1 003
Professor Jerman
24 Eddy Suprapto, ME. 19580709 198603 1 002 S2 Universitas Brawijaya
Assistant Sedang S3 Universiti
25 Bahtiar Fitanto, MT. 19741018 199903 1 001
Professor Utara Malaysia

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
NO Name of Faculty Members NIP Position Education
Assistant S3 University of Adelaide,
26 Dias Satria, Ph.D. 19820807 200501 1 002
Professor Australia
Assistant S2 Universitas Gadjah
27 Shofwan, M.Si. 19730517 200312 1 002
Professor Mada
Assistant S3 University of Kassel
28 Ferry Prasetyia, Ph.D. 19801228 200501 1 002
Professor Jerman
Sedang S3 University of
29 Nurman Setiawan Fadjar, M.Sc. 19730210 200112 1 001 Lecturer
Kentucky, USA
30 Tyas Danarti Hascaryani, ME. 19750514 199903 2 001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
S3 University of
31 Farah Wulandari Pangestuty, Ph.D. 19820423 200502 2 001 Lecturer
Gottingen, Jerman
32 Dr. Nurul Badriyah 19740302 200501 2 001 Lecturer S3 Universitas Brawijaya
33 Faishal Fadli, ME. 2014048702201001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
34 Yenny Kornitasari, ME. 2015078810012001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
35 Al Muizzuddin F., ME. 19860403 201504 1 002 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
36 Vietha Devia SS., ME. 2012048712072001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
S2 Universitas Gadjah
37 Puspitasari Wahyu Anggraeni, M.Ec.DEV. 2014058707032001 Lecturer
38 Ajeng Kartika Galuh, ME. 2012018512212001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
S2 Universitas Gadjah
39 Ajeng Wahyu Puspitasari, MA. 2013048605212001 Lecturer
40 Anas Budiharjo, MA. 2016078505091001 Lecturer
S2 Institut Agama Islam
41 Aji Purba Trapsila, ME.I. 19840123 201504 1 002 Lecturer Negeri (IAIN) Sunan
Kalijaga, Yogyakarta
Sedang S3 Huazhong
42 Nugroho Suryo Bintoro, Ph.D. 19860801 201504 1 004 Others University of Science and
Technology (Hust), China
43 Moh. Athoilah, ME. 198411212019031004 Others S2 Universitas Brawijaya
44 Atu Bagus Wiguna, ME. 2016079101181001 Others
45 Aminnullah Achmad Muttaqin, M.Sc. Fin. 2016078711241001 Others
S2 Universitas Gadjah
46 Dwi Retno Widiyanti, M.Sc. 2013048303052001 Others
47 Laila Masruro Pimada, M.SEI. 199301162019032015 Others

148 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
2. Management Department

No Name of Faculty Members NIP Position Education

1 Prof. Dr. H. Moeljadi, CFP. 19530727 197903 1 005 Professor S3 Universitas Airlangga
2 Prof. Dr. Surachman 19501208 198103 1 003 Professor S3 Universitas Airlangga
S3 Central Luzon State
3 Prof. Armanu, Ph.D. 19540818 198303 1 004 Professor
University, Philipina
4 Prof. Dr. Margono 19521024 198103 1 003 Professor S3 Universitas Brawijaya
5 Prof. Dr. Achmad Sudiro, CPHR. 19580529 198403 1 002 Professor S3 Universitas Brawijaya
6 Prof. Dr. Noermijati, CPHR 19611108 198601 2 002 Professor S3 Universitas Brawijaya
Associate S3 Universiti Sains
7 Sunaryo, Ph.D. 19580223 198403 1 003
Professor Malaysia
8 Dr. Sudjatno 19560810 198503 1 002 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
9 Dr. Rofiaty 19600516 198503 2 002 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
10 Dr. Sumiati, CSRS., CFP. 19590731 198601 2 001 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
11 Dr. Fatchur Rohman, CSM. 19610121 198601 1 005 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
12 Dr. Siti Aisjah, CSRS., CFP. 19601111 198601 2 001 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
13 Dr. Nur Khusniyah I., CSRS., CFP. 19630622 198802 2 001 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
14 Dr. Astrid Puspaningrum 19590710 198601 2 001 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
15 Dr. Mugiono 19580318 198503 1 003 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
Associate Sedang S3 Universiti
16 Ananto Basuki, MM. 19581105 198601 1 001
Professor Sains Malaysia
17 Dr. Wahdiyat Moko, CPHR. 19590726 198601 1 001 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
Associate S3 Universiti Sains
18 Risna Wijayanti, Ph.D., CFP. 19620510 198601 2 001
Professor Malaysia
19 Toto Rahardjo, MM. 19620607 198701 1 001 S2 Universitas Indonesia
Associate S3 Massey University,
20 Dodi Wirawan Irawanto, Ph.D., CPHR. 19761210 200312 1 002
Professor New Zealand
21 Dr. Atim Djazuli, CFP. 19600801 198603 1 005 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
22 Dr. Kusuma Ratnawati, CFP. 19610923 200604 2 001 S3 Universitas Airlangga
23 Dr. Mintarti Rahayu, CSRS. 19551014 198601 2 001 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
24 Dr. Himmiyatul Amanah J. J, CFP. 19611220 198601 2 001 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
25 Dr. Agung Yuniarinto 19580620 198303 1 001 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
26 Lily Hendrasti Novadjaja, MM., CFP. 19551117 198403 2 001 S2 Universitas Brawijaya

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
No Name of Faculty Members NIP Position Education
Assistant Sedang S3 Universitas
27 Nanang Suryadi, MM. 19730708 199702 1 001
Professor Padjadjaran
Assistant S3 Lincoln University,
28 Ananda Sabil Hussein, Ph.D. 19830319 200801 1 003
Professor New Zealand
39 Dr. Andarwati, CSRS., CFP. 19610129 199802 2 001 S3 Universitas Airlangga
Assistant S3 University of Southern
28 Ainur Rofiq, Ph.D., CFP. 19710623 200212 1 002
Professor Queensland, Australia
29 Dimas Hendrawan, MM. 19820825 200812 1 003 S2 Universitas Brawijaya
30 Misbahudin Azzuhri, MM., CPHR., CSRS. 19820309 200801 1 008 S2 Universitas Brawijaya
31 Dr. Nur Prima Waluyowati 19641010 199802 2 001 Lecturer S3 Universitas Brawijaya
32 Rahaditya Yunianto, MM. 2013048406211001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
Sedang S3 Huazhong
33 Sri Palupi Prabandari, MM. 19820820 200801 2 009 Lecturer University of Science and
Technology (Hust), China
34 Dr. Desi Tri Kurniawati, CPHR. 19811205 200812 2 004 Lecturer S3 Universitas Brawijaya
Sedang S3 Universitas
35 Mychelia Champaca, MM., Ak. 19800511 200812 2 002 Lecturer
Gadjah Mada
36 Nadiyah Hirfiyana Rosita, MM. 2012018609292001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
37 Dr. Christin Susilowati, CSRS. 19741208 200003 2 001 Lecturer S3 Universitas Brawijaya
38 Satriya Candra Bondan Prabowo, MM. 198503032014041001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
39 Bayu Ilham Pradana, MM. 198606242015041001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
40 Dian Ari Nugroho, MM. 2011068401091001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
S2 Universitas Brawijaya,
41 Agung Nugroho Adi, MM.HRM. 2013048409291001 Lecturer S2 Burapha University,
42 M. Abdi Dzil Ikhram W, MM. 2016079111051001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
S3 Lincoln University,
43 Raditha Dwi Vata Hapsari, Ph.D. 2016078404122001 Lecturer
New Zealand
44 Rila Anggraeni, MM. 2016078109192001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
S2 Universitas Brawijaya,
45 Risca Fitri Ayuni, MBA., MM. 198706012019032009 Others S2 National Chiayi
University, Taiwan
Sedang S3 Universitas
46 Ikhtiara Kaideni Isharina, MM. 19810918 200812 2 002 Others
Sedang S3 Lincoln
47 Ida Yulianti, MBA., MM. 2012018707212001 Others
University, New Zealand
Sedang S3 Ghent
48 Radityo Putro Handrito, MM. 2012018509031001 Others
University, Belgium
49 Yusuf Risanto, MM. 2012017811261001 Others S2 Universitas Brawijaya
S2 Universitas Gadjah
50 Sigit Pramono, M.Sc. 2013048507301001 Others
51 Taufiq Ismail, MM. 2013048305101001 Others S2 Universitas Brawijaya
52 Moh. Erfan Arif, MM. 2016078406041001 Others S2 Universitas Brawijaya
53 Pusvita Yuana, M.Sc. 199304172019032030 Others

150 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

No Name of Faculty Members NIP Position Education

S3 Universitas Gadjah
1 Prof. Dr. Bambang Subroto, MM., Ak. 19521231 197803 1 012 Professor
2 Prof. Dr. Made Sudarma, CPA., Ak., CA. 19570709 198303 1 001 Professor S3 Universitas Brawijaya
S3 Universitas Gadjah
3 Prof. Dr. Sutrisno T., Ak., CA. 19560403 198503 1 003 Professor
S3 University of
4 Prof. Iwan Triyuwono, Ph.D., Ak. 19610630 198802 1 001 Professor
Wollongong, Australia
Prof. Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, Ph.D., Ak., S3 University of
5 19641203 200312 1 001 Professor
CSRS., CSRA. Wollongong, Australia
S3 University of
6 Prof. Gugus Irianto, Ph.D. Ak. 19620110 198701 1 001 Professor
Wollongong, Australia
Associate S3 University Sains
7 Imam Subekti, Ph.D., Ak., CA. 19651102 199203 1 002
Professor Malaysia
8 Dr. Bambang Hariadi, Ak, CPA. 19570813 198303 1 004 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
9 Dr. Bambang Purnomosidhi, Ak. 19550926 198303 1 002 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
Associate S3 University Sains
10 Ali Djamhuri, Ph.D., CPA., Ak. 19580820 198503 1 002
Professor Malaysia
11 Dr. Erwin Saraswati, Ak., CPMA., CSRA., CA. 19600124 198601 2 001 S3 Universitas Indonesia
Associate S3 International Islamic
12 Nurkholis, Ph.D., Ak., CA. 19660706 199103 1 001
Professor University of Malaysia
13 Dr. Dra. Lilik Purwanti, M.Si., Ak., CA. 19640709 199103 2 007 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
Associate S3 University Sains
14 Aulia Fuad Rahman, DBA., Ak., SAS. 19740910 200212 1 001
Professor Malaysia
Associate S3 Universitas Gadjah
15 Dr. Wuryan Andayani, Ak. 19681029 199903 2 001
Professor Mada
16 Nasikin, MM., CPA., Ak. 19571022 198403 1 001 S2 UNIWITRA
Assistant S2 Macquarie University,
17 M. Jusuf Wibisana, M.Ec., CPA., Ak., CA. 19591025 198503 1 003
Professor Australia
18 Dr. Roekhudin, Ak., CSRS., CA. 19621127 198802 1 001 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
19 Dr. Zaki Baridwan, Ak., CA. 19660525 199103 1 002 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
Assistant S2 California State
20 Grace Widijoko, MSA., Ak. 19580511 198303 2 002
Professor University, USA
21 Syaefullah, MM., Ak. 19580829 198503 1 002 S2 UNIWITRA
22 Dr. Endang Mardiati, Ak. 19590902 198601 2 001 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
Assistant Sedang S3 Universitas
23 Wiwik Hidajah Ekowati, M.Si., Ak. 19590204 198601 2 001
Professor Brawijaya
24 Dr. M. Achsin, CPA., Ak. 19580511 198601 1 002 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
Assistant S3 Universitas Gadjah
25 Dr. Bogat Agus Riyono, Ak. 19650813 199002 1 001
Professor Mada
Sedang S3 Huazhong
Didied Poernawan Affandy, MBA.,CPA, Ak., Assistant
26 19651230 199103 1 003 University of Science and
CA. Professor
Technology (Hust), China

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
No Name of Faculty Members NIP Position Education
Assistant S2 Universitas Gadjah
27 Komarudin Achmad, M.Si., Ak. 19650728 199203 1 002
Professor Mada
Assistant S3 Universitas Gadjah
28 Dr. Sari Atmini, Ak., CA. 19720611 199702 2 001
Professor Mada
Assistant Sedang S3 Universitas
29 Dr. Arum Prastiwi, Ak. 19670714 200501 2 001
Professor Brawijaya
Assistant Sedang S3 Universitas
30 Dr. Syaiful Iqbal, CPMA., Ak. 19750405 200312 1 001
Professor Gadjah Mada
Assistant Sedang S3 Universitas
31 Dr. Mohamad Khoiru Rusydi, BKP., Ak., CA. 19780415 200502 1 001
Professor Indonesia
32 Dr. Aji Dedi Mulawarman 19691231 200912 1 002 S3 Universitas Brawijaya
33 Tubandrijah Herawati, MM., Ak. 19681007 199203 2 001 S2 Universitas Brawijaya
34 Lutfi Harris, M.Ak., Ak., CA. 19780621 200501 1 003 S2 Universitas Brawijaya
35 Helmy Adam, MSA., CPMA., Ak. 19790403 200501 1 002 S2 Universitas Brawijaya
36 Abdul Ghofar, DBA.,CPMA., Ak., CA. 19760628 200212 1 002 S3 Victoria University
Assistant S3 University of Canberra,
37 Yeney W. Prihatiningtias, DBA., Ak., CA. 19800116 200502 2 001
Professor Australia
Assistant S3 University Sains
38 Noval Adib, Ph.D., Ak., CA. 19721005 200003 1 001
Professor Malaysia
Sedang S2 Universitas
39 Dra. Linda Ariamtiksna, Ak. 19571005 198303 2 001 Lecturer
Sedang S3 Universitas
40 M. Tojibussabirin, MBA., Ak. 19650918 199002 1 001 Lecturer
41 Nurul Fachriyah, MSA., Ak. 19690609 199303 2 004 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
42 Devi Pusposari, M.Si., Ak. 19751105 200312 2 001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Indonesia
43 Jimmy Andrianus, MM., Ak. 19550428 198601 1 001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
44 Akie Rusaktiva Rustam, MSA., Ak. 19780518 200812 1 003 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
45 Anita Wijayanti, MSA., Ak. 19791217 200812 2 002 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
S2 University of
46 Adri Putra Nugraha, MPA.. 19791207 200812 1 001 Lecturer
Wollongong, Australia
47 Rizka Fitriasari, MSA., Ak., CA. 19790826 200812 2 002 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
48 Achmad Zaky, M.SA., Ak., SAS., CMA., CA. 19841024 201012 1 003 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
49 Mirna Amirya, MSA., Ak., AAP-A 19841220 201404 2 002 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
50 Ayu Fury Puspita, MSA., Ak. 2013128812142001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
51 Kristin Rosalina, MSA., Ak., CMA. 198604022015042002 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
52 Putu Prima Wulandari, MSA., Ak. 2011068702152001 Lecturer S2 Universitas Brawijaya
53 Yuki Firmanto, MSA., Ak. 2011068506121001 Others S2 Universitas Brawijaya
54 Nurlita Novianti, MSA., Ak. 198711132019032009 Others S2 Universitas Brawijaya
55 Hendi Subandi, MA., Ak. 2012018106201001 Others S2 Universitas Airlangga
56 Virginia Nur Rahmanti, MSA., Ak. 2013018809022001 Others S2 Universitas Brawijaya

152 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

Name : Prof. Agus Suman, Ph.D.

NIP : 19600615 198701 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Ahmad Erani Yustika, Ph.D.

NIP : 19730322 199702 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Ajeng Kartika Galuh, ME.

NIP : 2012018512212001
E-mail :

Name : Ajeng Wahyu Puspitasari, MA.

NIP : 2013048605212001
E-mail :

Name : Aji Purba Trapsila, ME.I.

NIP : 198401232015041002
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Al Muizzudin F., ME.
NIP : 198604032015041002
E-mail :

Name : Aminnullah Achmad Mu aqin, M.Sc. Fin.

NIP : 2016078711241001
E-mail :

Name : Anas Budiharjo, SHI., MA.

NIP : 2016078505091001
E-mail :

Name : Arif Hoetoro, Ph.D.

NIP : 19700920 199512 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Asfi Manzilati

NIP : 19680911 199103 2 003
E-mail :

Name : Atu Bagus Wiguna, ME.

NIP : 2016079101181001
E-mail :

154 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Bahtiar Fitanto, MT.
NIP : 19741018 199903 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Candra Fajri Ananda, Ph.D.

NIP : 19641029 198903 1 001
E-mail :

Name : David Kaluge, Ph.D.

NIP : 19601225 198701 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Devanto Shasta Pratomo, Ph.D.

NIP : 19761003 200112 1 003
E-mail :

Name : Dias Satria, Ph.D.

NIP : 19820807 200501 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Dwi Budi Santoso, Ph.D.

NIP : 19620315 198701 1 001
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Dwi Retno Widiyanti, M.Sc.
NIP : 2013048303052001
E-mail :

Name : Eddy Suprapto, ME.

NIP : 19580709 198603 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Faisal Fadli, ME.

NIP : 2014048702201001
E-mail :

Name : Farah Wulandari Pangestuty, ME.

NIP : 19820423 200502 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Ferry Prasetiya, MApp. Ec.

NIP : 19801228 200501 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Dr. Ghozali Maski

NIP : 19580927 198601 1 002
E-mail :

156 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Dr. Iswan Noor
NIP : 19590710 198303 1 004
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Dr. Khusnul Ashar

NIP : 19550815 198403 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Laila Masruro Pimada, M.SEI

NIP : 199301162019032015
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Dr. M. Pudjihardjo

NIP : 19520415 197412 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Marlina Ekawaty, Ph.D.

NIP : 19650311 198903 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Dr. Maryunani

NIP : 19550322 198103 1 002
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Moh. Athoilah, ME.
NIP : 198411212019031004
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Moh. Khusaini

NIP : 19710111 199802 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Multifiah

NIP : 19550527 198103 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Munawar, Ph.D.

NIP : 19570212 198403 1 003
E-mail :

Name : Nugroho Suryo Bintoro, Ph.D.

NIP : 198608012015041004
E-mail :

Name : Nurman Setiawan Fadjar, M.Sc.

NIP : 19730210 200112 1 001
E-mail :

158 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Dr. Nurul Badriyah
NIP : 19740302 200501 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Puspitasari Wahyu Anggraeni, M.Ec.Dev

NIP : 2014058707032001
E-mail :

Name : Putu Mahardika Adi Saputra, Ph.D.

NIP : 19760910 200212 1 003
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Rachmad Kresna Sakti

NIP : 19631116 199002 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Setyo Tri Wahyudi, Ph.D.

NIP : 19810702 200501 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Shofwan, M.Si.

NIP : 19730517 200312 1 002
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Dr. Sri Muljaningsih
NIP : 19610411 198601 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Susilo

NIP : 19601030 198601 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Tyas Danarti Hascaryani, ME.

NIP : 19750514 199903 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Wildan Syafitri, Ph.D.

NIP : 19691210 199703 1 003
E-mail :

Name : Vietha Devia, ME.

NIP : 2012048712072001
E-mail :

Name : Yenny Kornitasari, ME.

NIP : 201507881001201
E-mail :


160 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

Name : Prof. Dr. Achmad Sudiro, CPHR.

NIP : 19580529 198403 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Agung Nugroho Adi, MM., MM.HRM.

NIP : 2013048409291001
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Agung Yuniarinto

NIP : 19580620 198303 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Ainur Rofiq, Ph.D., CFP.

NIP : 19710623 200212 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Ananda Sabil Hussein, Ph.D.

NIP : 19830319 200801 1 003
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Ananto Basuki, MM.
NIP : 19581105 198601 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Andarwati, CSRS., CFP.

NIP : 19610129 199802 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Armanu, Ph.D.

NIP : 19540818 198303 1 004
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Astrid Puspaningrum

NIP : 19590710 198601 2 001
Email :

Name : Dr. Atim Djazuli, CFP.

NIP : 19600801 198603 1 005
E-mail :

Name : Bayu Ilham Pradana, MM.

NIP : 198606242015041001
E-mail :

162 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Dr. Christin Susilowati, CSRS.
NIP : 19741208 200003 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Desi Tri Kurniawati, MM., CPHR.

NIP : 19811205 200812 2 004
E-mail :

Name : Dian Ari Nugroho, MM.

NIP : 2011078401091001
E-mail :

Name : Dimas Hendrawan, MM.

NIP : 19820825 200812 1 003
E-mail :

Name : Dodi Wirawan Irawanto, Ph.D., CPHR.

NIP : 19761210 200312 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Fatchur Rohman, CSM.

NIP : 19610121 198601 1 005
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Dr. Himmiyatul Amanah J.J, CFP.
NIP : 19611220 198601 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Ida Yulianti, MM., MBA.

NIP : 2012018707212001
E-mail :

Name : Ikhtiara Kaideni Isharina, MM.

NIP : 19810918200812 2 002
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Kusuma Ratnawati, CFP.

NIP : 19610923 200604 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Lily Hendrasti Novadjaja, MM., CPHR.

NIP : 19551117 198403 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Dr. Margono

NIP : 19521024 198103 1 003
E-mail :

164 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Misbahudin Azzuhri, MM., CPHR., CSRS.
NIP : 19820309 200801 1 008
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Mintarti Rahayu, CSRS.

NIP : 19551014 198601 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Dr. Moeljadi P., CFP.

NIP : 19530727 197903 1 005
E-mail :

Name : M. Abdi Dzil Ikhram W, MM.

NIP : 2016079111051001
E-mail :

Name : Moh. Erfan Arif, MM.

NIP : 2017028406041001
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Mugiono

NIP : 19580318 198503 1 003
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Mychelia Champaca, MM., Ak.
NIP : 19800511 200812 2 002
E-mail :

Name : Nadiyah Hirfiyana Rosita, MM.

NIP : 2012018609292001
E-mail :

Name : Nanang Suryadi, MM.

NIP : 19730708 199702 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Dr. Noermijati, CPHR.

NIP : 19611108 198601 2 002
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Nur Khusniyah Indrawati, CSRS., CFP.

NIP : 19630622 198802 2 002
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Nur Prima Waluyowati

NIP : 19641010 199802 2 001
E-mail :

166 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Pusvita Yuana, SE., M.Sc.
NIP : 19641010 199802 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Raditha Dwi Vata Hapsari, Ph.D.

NIP : 2016078404122001
E-mail :

Name : Radityo Putro Handrito, MM.

NIP : 2012018509031001
E-mail :

Name : Rahaditya Yunianto, MM.

NIP : 2013048406211001
E-mail :

Name : Rila Anggraeni, MM.

NIP : 2016078109192001
E-mail :

Name : Risca Fitri Ayuni, MM., MBA.

NIP : 2012018706012001
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Risna Wijayanti, Ph.D., CFP.
NIP : 196205101986012001
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Rofiaty

NIP : 19600516 198503 2 002
E-mail :

Name : Satriya Candra Bondan Prabowo, MM.

NIP : 1985030320 114041 001
E-mail :

Name : Sigit Pramono, M.Sc.

NIP : 2013048507301001
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Siti Aisjah, CSRS., CFP.

NIP : 19601111 198601 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Sri Palupi Prabandari, MM.

NIP : 19820820 200801 2 009
E-mail :

168 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Dr. Sudjatno
NIP : 19560810 198503 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Sumiati, CSRS., CFP.

NIP : 19590731 198601 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Sunaryo, Ph.D.

NIP : 19580223 198403 1 003
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Dr. Surachman

NIP : 19501208 198103 1 003
E-mail :

Name : Taufiq Ismail, MM.

NIP : 2013048305101001
E-mail :

Name : Toto Rahardjo, MM.

NIP : 19620607 198701 1 001
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Dr. Wahdiyat Moko, CPHR.
NIP : 19590726 198601 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Yusuf Risanto, MM.

NIP : 2012017811261001
E-mail :

170 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

Name : Abdul Ghofar, DBA., CPMA., Ak., CA.

NIP : 19760628 200212 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Achmad Zaky, M.SA., Ak., SAS., CMA., CA.

NIP : 19841024 201012 1 003
E-mail :

Name : Adri Putra Nugraha, MPA.

NIP : 19791207 200812 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Aji Dedi Mulawarman

NIP : 19691231 200912 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Akie Rusaktiva Rustam, MSA., Ak.

NIP : 19780518 200812 1 003
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Ali Djamhuri, Ph.D., CPA., Ak.
NIP : 19580820 198503 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Anita Wijayanti, MSA., Ak.

NIP : 19791217 200812 2 002
E-mail :

Name : Arum Prastiwi, M.Si., Ak.

NIP : 196707142005012001
E-mail :

Name : Aulia Fuad Rahman, DBA., Ak., SAS.

NIP : 19740910 200212 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Ayu Fury Puspita, MSA., Ak.

NIP : 2013128812142001
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Bambang Hariadi, Ak, CPA.

NIP : 19570813 198303 1 004
E-mail :

172 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Dr. Bambang Purnomosidhi, Ak.
NIP : 19550926 198303 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Dr. Bambang Subroto, Ak.

NIP : 19521231 197803 1 012
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Bogat Agus Riyono, Ak.

NIP : 19650813 199002 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Devi Pusposari, M.Si., Ak.

NIP : 19751105 200312 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Didied Poernawan Affandy, MBA.,CPA, Ak., CA.

NIP : 19651230 199103 1 003
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Eko Ganis Sukoharsono, Ph.D., CSRS., CSRA.

NIP : 19641203 200312 1 001
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Dr. Endang Mardiati, Ak.
NIP : 19590902 198601 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Erwin Saraswati, Ak., CPMA., CSRA

NIP : 19600124 198601 2 001
Email :

Name : Grace Widijoko, MSA., Ak.

NIP : 19580511 198303 2 002
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Gugus Irianto, Ph.D. Ak.

NIP : 19620110 198701 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Helmy Adam, MSA., CPMA., Ak.

NIP : 19790403 200501 1 002
Email :

Name : Hendi Subandi, MA., Ak., CA.

NIP : 2012018106201001
E-mail :

174 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Imam Subekti, Ph.D., Ak., CA.
NIP : 19651102 199203 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Iwan Triyuwono, Ph.D., Ak.

NIP : 19610630 198802 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Jimmy Andrianus, MM., Ak.

NIP : 19550428 198601 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Komarudin Achmad, M.Si., Ak.

NIP : 19650728 199203 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Kristin Rosalina, MSA., Ak., CMA.

NIP : 198604022015042002
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Lilik Purwanti, Ak., CSRS., CA

NIP : 19640709 199103 2 007
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Linda Ariamtiksna, SE., Ak.
NIP : 19571005 198303 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Lutfi Harris, MAk., Ak., CA.

NIP : 19780621 200501 1 003
E-mail :

Name : Mirna Amirya, MSA., Ak., AAP-A

NIP : 198412202014042002
E-mail :

Name : Dr. M. Achsin, CPA., Ak.

NIP : 19580511 198601 1 002
E-mail :

Name : M. Jusuf Wibisana, M.Ec., CPA., Ak., CA.

NIP : 19591025 198503 1 003
E-mail :

Name : M. Tojibussabirin, MBA., Ak.

NIP : 19650918 199002 1 001
E-mail :

176 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Prof. Dr. Made Sudarma, CPA., Ak., CA.
NIP : 19570709 198303 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Mohamad Khoiru Rusydi, M.Ak., BKP., Ak., CA.

NIP : 19780415 200502 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Nasikin, MM., CPA., Ak.

NIP : 19571022 198403 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Noval Adib, Ph.D., Ak., CA.

NIP : 19721005 200003 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Nurkholis, Ph.D., Ak., CA.

NIP : 19660706 199103 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Nurlita Novianti, MSA., Ak.

NIP : 2011078711132001
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Nurul Fachriyah, MSA., Ak.
NIP : 19690609 199303 2 004
E-mail :

Name : Putu Prima Wulandari, MSA., Ak.

NIP : 2011068702152001
E-mail :

Name : Rizka Fitriasari, MSA., Ak., CA.

NIP : 19790826 200812 2 002
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Roekhudin, Ak., CSRS., CA.

NIP : 19621127 198802 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Sari Atmini, M.Si., Ak., CA.

NIP : 19720611 199702 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Prof. Dr. Sutrisno T., Ak., CA.

NIP : 19560403 198503 1 003
E-mail :

178 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Syaefullah, MM., Ak.
NIP : 19580829 198503 1 002
E-mail :

Name : Syaiful Iqbal, M.Si., CPMA., Ak.

NIP : 19750405 200312 1 001
E-mail :

Name : Tubandrijah Herawati, MM., Ak.

NIP : 19681007 199203 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Virginia Nur Rahmanti, MSA., Ak.

NIP : 2013018809022001
E-mail :

Name : Wiwik Hidajah Ekowati, M.Si., Ak.

NIP : 19590204 198601 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Wuryan Andayani, Ak.

NIP : 19681029 199903 2 001
E-mail :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Yeney W. Prihatiningtias, DBA., Ak., CA.
NIP : 19800116 200502 2 001
E-mail :

Name : Yuki Firmanto, MSA., Ak.

NIP : 2011068506121001
E-mail :

Name : Dr. Zaki Baridwan, Ak., CA.

NIP : 19660525 199103 1 002
E-mail :

180 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

Name : Abdul Rohman

NIP : 19700914 200701 1 002
Email :

Name : Drs. Adi joni

NIP : 196209291981031001
Email : -

Name : Agus Irwanto

NIP : 19630816 200701 1 022
Email :

Name : Andy Anto Agus Zunaedy

NIP : 196412202014091001
Email :

Name : Arif Khoirudin

NIP : 19690719 200701 1 001
Email :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Dimyati
NIP : 19670714 200701 1 001
Email :

Name : Djoko Widodo, SE

NIP : 19660218 200012 1 001
Email :

Name : Djumadi
NIP : 19651105 200910 1 001
Email :

Name : Djumari
NIP : 19620115 200604 1 002
Email :

Name : Eko Hadi Purwanto

NIP : 19710522 200810 1 002
Email :

Name : Elisa Rachmaliansari, SE.

NIP : 19621224 200604 2 001
Email :

182 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Elly Ratnawati, SE.
NIP : 19621224 200604 2 001
Email :

Name : Emmy Juliningrum, SE., MM.

NIP : 19670724 200501 2 001
Email :

Name : Erham
NIP : 19710729 200701 1 001
Email :

Name : Fitrianingsih
NIP : 19770514 200701 2 001
Email :

Name : Hanafi
NIP : 19641210 200701 1 003
Email :

Name : Hari Wijayanto, S.Sos.

NIP : 19761023 200710 1 001
Email :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Heri Santoso
NIP : 19810211 200910 1 002
Email :

Name : Heru Revolusiadi

NIP : 19670930 200701 1 001
Email :

Name : Iwan Asrofi

NIP : 197905232009101002
Email : -

Name : Drs. Kadri, MM

NIP : 19620914 4198103 1 001
Email :

Name : Karyono
NIP : 19630318 200701 1 001
Email :

Name : Kusmintarsih
NIP : 19630812 200212 2 002
Email :

184 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Mariono
NIP : 19660113 198703 1 001
Email :

Name : Mesiyanto
NIP : 196502112014091001
Email :

Name : Moch. Atim

NIP : 19620506 200604 1 001
Email :

Name : Ninik Suwarginingsih

NIP : 19730405 200910 2 001
Email :

Name : Nurrahman
NIP : 19660313 200701 1 001
Email :

Name : Pamungkas
NIP : 19611007 200604 1 001
Email :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Pudji Harnowo
NIP : 19610924 200604 1 002
Email :

Name : Puji Raharjo

NIP : 19691114 200701 1 001
Email :

Name : Riawan
NIP : 19721101 200701 1 001
Email :

Name : Ridwan
NIP : 19660612 200701 1 003
Email :

Name : Rr. Ririen Tjahjaningdyah Poerwandini, A.Md.

NIP : 19631017 200003 2 001
Email :

Name : Saiful Munir, SE.

NIP : 19681116 200501 1 001
Email :

186 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Sasmito, A.Md.
NIP : 19800414 200501 1 001
Email :

Name : Setu, SE., M.MA.

NIP : 196402151989031001
Email :

Name : Slamet Riadi, SE.

NIP : 19710322 200701 1 002
Email :

Name : Slamet Sutrisno

NIP : 19700612 200910 1 001
Email :

Name : Sri Wuryani

NIP : 19670716 200501 2 001
Email :

Name : Sugianto
NIP : 19670507 200701 1 001
Email :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Sukriyah
NIP : 196904162014092001
Email :

Name : Sunyoto
NIP : 19650505 200701 1 004
Email :

Name : Supriadi
NIP : 1970061 5200910 1 001
Email :

Name : Surata, SE, MM.

NIP : 19640710 200701 1 001
Email :

Name : Syaiful Mujab

NIP : 19700128 200701 1 002
Email :

Name : Tjatur Djulijanto

NIP : 19620724 200604 1 001
Email :

188 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Tri Rusmiyati
NIP : 19730302 200701 2 002
Email :

Name : Turiyono
NIP : 19690315 200701 1 002
Email :

Name : Widianto
NIP : 19691212 200701 1 002
Email :

Name : Yudi Purwanto

NIP : 19750606 200701 1 001
Email :

Name : Yunus Rozikin, SE.

NIP : 1979101 8200910 1 001
Email :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

Name : Agus Arianto, A.Md

NIP : 2011058404111001
Email :

Name : Agus Prianto

NIP : 2017067708311001
Email :

Name : Agus Widodo

NIP : 2005078308191001
Email :

Name : Agus Widyatama, A.Md

NIP : 2009088608171001
Email :

Name : Ainun Nikmah, S.Pd.

NIP : 2007058105142001
Email :

190 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Ajeng Fitriani, A.Md.
NIP : 2014018906062001
Email :

Name : Anjar Prasetya Yulianto

NIP : 20140184071721001
Email :

Name : Anjik Fahrur Huda, A.Md.

NIP : 20130490050521001
Email : anjik

Name : Anorti Ika Wijaya, SE

NIP : 8301140222001
Email :

Name : Ari Kusuma Wardani, SS.

NIP : 20110187021422001
Email :

Name : Arif Igom Wibowo

NIP : 2017068509121001
Email :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Asri Indika Sari
NIP : 9208010222001
Email :

Name : Avian Achadi

NIP : 2014058501081001
Email :

Name : Catrine Ana Prastyari, SS.

NIP : 2008038502272001
Email :

Name : Decilia Wahyu Dewanti

NIP : 2014018712112001
Email :

Name : Dian Junaidi

NIP : 2014018101231001
Email :

Name : Dimas Putera Perdana

NIP : 2014018606041001
Email :

192 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Dinar Widhiwasa, SE.
NIP : 2012058809251001
Email :

Name : Edi Santoso

NIP : 2017067801231001
Email :

Name : End Sarifah Agustiningrum, A.Md.

NIP : 2013048908082001
Email :

Name : Eko Prasetyo

NIP : 2009077906081001
Email :

Name : Erwin Tri Ardianto, S.pd.

NIP : 201405 820324 1 001
Email :

Name : Felix Adi Pratama

NIP : 2017068512211001
Email :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Ida Triastuti, SAB.
NIP : 2010018209282001
Email :

Name : Gigih Eko Wahyu P., A.Md.

NIP : 2013048910211001
Email :

Name : Luthfi Syamsiar

NIP : 2005127610111001
Email :

Name : Mahendra Dwicahya Putra, A.Md.

NIP : 2012058806281001
Email :

Name : Maya Restu Sheila P., A.Md.

NIP : 2013049003282001
Email :

Name : Mochammad Frisma Taufiq W.

NIP : 20170689003091001
Email :

194 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Moh. Misbakhul Munir
NIP : 2014017709071001
Email :

Name : Muhammad Agus Suhadak

NIP : 2017067608211001
Email :

Name : Muchammad Zamroni, A.Md.

NIP : 2013048308161001
Email :

Name : Mustofa
NIP : 2017067204121001
Email :

Name : Nawang Indratmoko

NIP : 2017069110101001
Email :

Name : Nur Aeny

NIP : 2009099101042001
Email :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Rahma Ayu Puspita, A.Md.
NIP : 2010068510292001
Email :

Name : Ratna Syifaun Nadliroh, A.Md.

NIP : 2010018411012001
Email :

Name : Riried Sih Panganthi, SE.

NIP : 2009098608042001
Email :

Name : Rizka Rinanda, A.Md.

NIP : 2011058908202001
Email :

Name : Soleh Suharsono

NIP : 2008057606121001
Email :

Name : Taufiqur Rahman Hamid, A.Md.

NIP : 2011118403061001
Email :

196 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Yeti Rachma Purwandari
NIP : 2011019303192001
Email :

Name : Yudhistira Arie Jatmika, ST.

NIP : 2011128610051001
Email :

Name : Yuli Agus Arfianto

NIP : 2014018407301001
Email :

Name : Yusuf Afandi

NIP : 2011119009131001
Email :

Name : Yusuf Bakhrudin, A.Md.

NIP : 2007107811271001
Email :

Name : Wino Gagas Nusantara

NIP : 201706785051001
Email :

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
Name : Wisnu Adi Pradana
NIP : 2017068307271001
Email :

Name : Zulfa Ikhsania, SE.

NIP : 20071079100722001
Email :

Name : Siti Nurcholifah, SE

NIP : 9103040222001
Email :

Name : Nindya Gitaya, SE

NIP : 9110050222001
Email :

Name : Azaria Redyaning Hapsari, A.Md

NIP : 9503120222001
Email :

Name : Putri Perdananingtyas, SAB.

NIP : 8609270222001
Email :

198 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya
The complete appendix can be downloaded in website (

1. Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the

Republic of Indonesia No 44 Year 2015 Concerning National Higher Education
2. Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No 8 Year 2012 concerning the
Indonesian National Qualification Framework
3. Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Brawijaya Number: 09 /
SK / 2007 Concerning Performance Ethics in Campus
4. Surat Keputusan Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Brawijaya Nomor : 09 /
SK/2007 Tentang Etika Berbusana di Dalam Kampus

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

200 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

201 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

202 Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

Academic Guidance Undergraduate Program

204 Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya

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