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Third term test Group B

Reading Comprehension
Read the text and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) or DS(doesn’t say).
A history of money
9000 BC: Cattle and Crops
The earliest appearance of money came in the form of cattle and crops. In a society where food
and animals were the only means of survival it was natural that they were used as means of
exchange. One commodity was traded for another, so there was no need for money as we know it
1200 BC: Cowrie shells
These were the shells of clams and were first used as money in China. Cowrie shells lay in the
shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian Ocean. This form of currency was used for hundreds of
years even as recently as the 17th Century. Naïve Americans used a string of beads called wampum
made from clam shells to trade their goods.
1000BC-700BC:Non-precious and precious metals
Crude coins made from non-precious metals had no real value. They began circulating in China as
early as 1000BC. Unlike gold or silver, they were worthless, so it was difficult to use them as
payment for expensive goods. Several centuries later, coins made from precious metals such as
gold and silver emerged from Lydia and Turkey in 700BC. It was then that the figures of gods and
emperors were stamped on the coins.
Because China was running out of copper, the Chinese emperor had to issue paper notes. In 1455,
two centuries late, paper notes first circulated in Europe and America. Now, we use paper bills,
coins, digital money and credit cards. There will come a day when we will not use money at all
and all our transactions will be made electronically or online. Who knows what the future for
money holds….

1. Farmers sold animals and grew crops to support their families 8000 years ago. ……..
2 Native Americans used clams to trade goods. ……..
3 Crude coins were not as valuable as gold and silver in 1000BC. ……
4 In the future we will run out of both paper bills and coins ……..
5 Europe, China and America began printing paper money at approximately the same time. …

VOCABULARY Marks: 5x5-5

Ex.2.Complete the sentence with the words: loan, account, expenses, struggling, debt

1.Daniel had to take out a………… buy his new car.

2. My salary goes into my bank………………….. .

3. The Jones got into ……………...because they kept borrowing money.

4. The prize included $500 in travel …………………….. .

5. They are ……………….. to adjust their spending habits. Marks: 5 x 1 -5/

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Ex.3 .Complete the sentences with the words: endorse, coat, represent, potential, name, hard bargain,
publicity .

1. The advertising campaign generated a lot of good…………………

2.The famous singer agreed to ………………………... the sportswear.

3. Professional websites have their own domain ……………………………….

4. It’s more than I planned to pay, but you drive a ……………………………..

5. What does the leaf on the Canadian flag ……………………….?

6. The new advertisement aimed to tempt young people’s ………………………… make them buy the new

7. The teacher made sure that all the students were able to fulfill their……………………….

8.He was born to an English family who had their own ………………………….. of arms.

Marks: 8 x 1/8

Ex.4. Rewrite in reported speech

1. “We’re doing a technology project this week,” Jake said.


2. “ Don’t spend money on sweets,” said Mum.


3. “Have you given Joe back his notes?” she asked.


4. “What time does the lecture start?” Tom asked.


5. “ I bought some hand-made crafts yesterday,” said Henry.


6. “Give me your credit card please,” he said to me.

……………………………………………………………………………………………. Marks: 6 x 2/12

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GRAMMAR Ex.5. Fill in with who, whose, when, which, where

1. Is that the shop ………………………… you bought your trainers?

2. This is the DVD…………………….first came out in 2012.

3. Mr Graham,…………………………son is in my class,was promoted to advertising manager.

4. That was the day…………………………I bought my first computer.

5. The man ………………………………is standing over there is my accounting professor. Marks: 5 x 1- 5/.

EVERYDAY ENGLISH Ex.6 Fill in: Don’t mention it, I’m not sure what’s best for me, That sounds
interesting, Congratulations, You have been a great help.

A: So, Heather, have you decided what you’d like to study at university?
B: Well, 1)…………………………………………………………………………..
A: What kind of job might you be happy doing?
B: Well, I’m very creative, but I don’t want to be an artist.
A: I see. How are you doing in Geometry?
B: Great. I usually get top marks!
A: 2)…………………………………………………………………………………..!
Have you thought about studying to be an architect?
B: 3)……………………………………………………………………… .
A: Why don’t you think about it and we’ll talk again next week.
B: OK! Thank you.4)………………..………………………………………………..
A:5)…………………………………………………………………………… . That’s what I’m here for. Marks: 5 x 1-5/
WRITING.Ex.7.Read the advertisement and write a letter of application for the job(120-150
words). Follow the plan.
Bookworm Stores seeks young assistants for part-time work in their bookshop during June and July. No
previous sales experiences needed, but a good command of English is essential. Send email with CV to

Paragraph 1: Opening remarks and reason for writing: Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for the position of…which was advertised in …. On…

Paragraph 2: Age-Qualifications: I am a ….. I have … It is my ambition to become a …. Therefore,

working at … would…Paragraph 3: Experience: Over the past… I have been working-volunteering
as a … I consider myself to be …. I am also …. I enjoy…Paragraph 4:Availability for an interview: I
would be grateful if… Please find enclosed… I am available for an interview at your
convenience… I can be contacted…..Closing remarks: I look forward to hearing from you. Yours

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Mark 5 6 7 8 9 10
Points 12-19 20-26 27-33 34-39 40-45 46-50
Marks: 10/

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