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''Stay Happy, Stay Healthy, Stay Beautiful - mission possible''

I believe that all this can be achieved if the pursuit of it is filled with a strong desire, if
the notions of happiness, health and beauty are built precisely and clearly.
But what does happiness mean and what is its role in life?
Happiness is an emotional state in which a person experiences feelings ranging from
contentment to complete bliss and excessive joy. It gives meaning to our lives and gives them
reality. Without it, everything is without essence. According to one sentence, to be happy
means to be touched and guided by God. Therefore, happiness is related to the meaning of
life. It has different dimensions and manifestations. Some young people are happy if they
have the latest models of phones, cars, luxury yachts, expensive clothes and accessories. They
would be happy if they had the lives of celebrities on social media.
I am really happy if I meet a stray dog or cat and feed them. Good books make me
happy with content that makes me think and ask questions for a long time. It is a real pleasure
when I manage to play a difficult song. The happy person spirit is strong and makes his body
The most important thing in everyone's life is health. To be truly healthy, one must not
only eat properly and exercise, but also avoid any stress. It is no coincidence that Arthur
Schopenhauer said: "Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing."
Health and beauty are connected and cannot exist separately. Beauty is physical and
moral. Not all people are born beautiful. In my opinion, the beauty of the soul beautifies the
not so beautiful person. To remain beautiful we must have a rich world of thoughts and
feelings, moral dignity, self-confidence, understanding and respect for others.
Each of us wants to be happy, healthy and beautiful. Life does not make us like that,
but it gives us the opportunity to become. And if we succeed, we must evaluate and preserve
what has been achieved, because the mission is possible.

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