Assignment C Language

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Assignment on

Computer Fundamental and Programming Concepts

Using C

Date of Assignment: 2-12-2023 BCA AI & DS

Date of Submission: 9-12-2023 Semester: I

1. Mention the steps involved in software development method.

2. What is an algorithm? Explain with suitable example.
3. What is pointer to a pointer? What is a void pointer? Explain with example.
4. Explain Different String Handling functions with examples.
5. How to use pointers as arguments in a function? Explain through an
6. What is recursion? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
7. Explain Different Dynamic Memory Allocation functions.
8. What are the pointer operations. Explain with examples.
9. Discuss following terms with examples:
a. Nested structures.
b. Array of structures.
c. Self-referential structure.

10. Explain command Line arguments with examples.

11.Explain the following file operations:
12.fseek(). (b) ftell(). (c) rewind(). (d) fgets() (e) fread(). (f) fwrite()
13.Write a program to display the contents of the file in reverse.
14.Explain Different pre-processor directives with examples.

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