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Frontiers of Architectural Research 11 (2022) 846e864

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Investigating the influential post-disaster

factors in determining the optimal location
of shelters: A case study, Sarpol-e Zahab,
Kermanshah province, Iran
Ali Moghri*, Ahmadreza Khalili

Department of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Received 21 November 2021; received in revised form 28 January 2022; accepted 17 February 2022

KEYWORDS Abstract A proper location is one of the most influential factors in shelter performance.
Locating; Although considerable research focuses on finding a suitable site for temporary shelters, only
Temporary shelter; a few address the effect of post-disaster circumstances on discovering the optimal location.
Crisis areas; This study primarily aims to investigate the influential factors in determining a suitable place
Computing; for temporary shelters after a crisis. Therefore, an algorithm is proposed. This algorithm is
Photogrammetric achieved by analyzing and computing the post-crisis urban route and facility accessibility
photos based on photogrammetric photographs taken by an unmanned aerial vehicle/satellite.
ª 2022 Higher Education Press Limited Company. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf
of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction dynamics, i.e., changes in the size and structure of human

populations, has been chiefly disregarded within the
At present, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban context of risk management and research on natural haz-
areas, and this proportion is projected to grow by 68% in ards (Clar et al., 2020; Sukmaningsih et al., 2019). Growing
2050. Additional 2.5 billion people are expected to live in urban populations present many challenges to various
urban areas by 2050 because of urbanization or migration countries. These challenges include those that are related
from rural to urban areas. A large proportion of these to transportation and housing, energy, infrastructure, ed-
people are in Asia and Africa. The notion of population ucation, employment, health care, and decent work (UN,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Moghri), (A. Khalili).
Peer review under responsibility of Southeast University.
2095-2635/ª 2022 Higher Education Press Limited Company. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co. Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Frontiers of Architectural Research 11 (2022) 846e864

2018). The notion of population dynamics also includes the 2016). Given the issues mentioned above, one of the most
spatial patterns of population change. These spatial pat- basic post-disaster measures is establishing a suitable
terns oppose the importance of spatiotemporal risk dy- shelter. Its provision has been described as one of the most
namics because urban and metropolitan areas undergo challenging areas of international humanitarian response.
population growth. By contrast, peripheral, rural, or post- In 2018, the Sphere Handbook of Minimum Standards in
industrial regions, such as mountain communities, experi- Disaster Response, fourth edition, stated that the shelter is
ence long-term population declines (European Committee the essential principle on which those affected by disasters
of the Regions, 2016). In most cases, population density is or conflicts have a right to live with dignity (Sphere
concentrated in cities. Consequently, disasters that occur Association, 2018). The facility’s layout in a supply chain
in urban areas with such a large population can result in the network must be designed based on disaster criteria to
deaths of many people and the destruction of property (Rao optimize post-disaster relief operations once the location
et al., 2019). Another aspect that can be considered is has been selected.
mental health. The more traumatic a disaster is, the Profit-making bodies often place facilities to minimise
greater the mental health risks are for the victims. Some cost or maximize revenue, whereas public and emergency
victims are more resilient than others. Older adults are services usually place facilities to maximize accessibility
more at risk than younger adults (Gu et al., 2016; Pollack and response time (Shavarani, 2019). Shelter location-
et al., 2016). Children are more likely to struggle than allocation problems have been solved by simplifying the
adults (di Gregorio and Soares, 2017; Lieberman and Knorr, parameters of many single-objective, multiobjective, hi-
2007). However, adolescents have fewer depressive and/or erarchical, and bi-level location models. Considerable
PTSD symptoms than adults (Jacobs and Harville, 2015). research used facility location models to solve the location
Homeowners generally have a strong desire to return, problem of emergency shelters.
whereas renters are slightly inclined and often prevented Numerous studies investigated the optimal locations for
by their landlords to return to damaged properties (Mitchell a humanitarian relief system (Maharjan and Hanaoka, 2018;
et al., 2012; Peacock et al., 2018; Quarantelli, 1982). Timperio et al., 2017). Some scholars used stochastic dis-
Extreme fatalities were reported in 2020, which was the tribution to estimate fluctuations in demand during a post-
costliest disaster year in the 21st century. Approximately disaster period (Tayal and Singh, 2017). Moreover, a typical
8100 deaths were caused by natural disasters worldwide bi-level model based on a Stackelberg leader-follower,
(Fig. 1). Statistics from the U.S. Geological Survey state noncooperation gameetype model, which consists of two
that the Haitian earthquake of 2010 killed 316,000 people, levels, was used to determine emergency shelter location
injured 300,000 individuals, displaced 1.3 million residents, and allocation. As part of the model, the planning authority
destroyed 97,294 homes, and damaged 188,000 other determines the number and the place of shelters (upper-
structures. Moreover, 60% of the hospitals and 88% of the level problem), whereas the evacuees decide which shel-
schools in the country were destroyed (Jaganmohan, 2021). ters and routes to use during evacuation (lower-level
A disaster is divided into a pre-disaster or proactive problem) (Karoonsoontawong and Waller, 2006;
stage (preparation and mitigation) and a post-disaster or Kongsomsaksakul et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2006). Several
reactive stage (responding and recovering). Disaster man- evacuation routing problems in transportation networks
agement (DM) includes three stages of activities: prepara- were addressed by Stepanov and Smith (2009). The plan’s
tion, response, and recovery. Humanitarian Logistics (HL) is effectiveness was evaluated based on measures of clear-
included in one of these stages. HL involves evacuating ance time, total distance traveled, and blocking probabil-
people from disaster-stricken areas to safe places, plan- ity. All evacuation steps and evacuee behaviors were
ning, implementing, and controlling the efficient and cost- considered in the developed model. Thus, their research is
effective flow and storage of goods and materials from their comprehensively considered. A hierarchical capacitated-
point of origin into their point of use to relieve the suffering median model was developed by Widener and Horner
of vulnerable people (Habib et al., 2016; Sauer et al.,

Fig. 1 The number of deaths from natural disaster events Fig. 2 Damaged structure and related density map of Sarpol-
globally from 2000 to 2020. e Zahab.

A. Moghri and A. Khalili

disaster risk management plans (Isma’il and Saanyol, 2013).

Risk mapping visualizes the results of risk assessments on a
map, showing the amount of loss that can be expected in
specific areas for a period due to disaster hazards. Many
publicly funded organizations, nongovernmental organiza-
tions, and companies use vulnerability maps nowadays to
track, analyze, and manage the risks to which they are
exposed (Vargas-Florez et al., 2019). The mapping and
assessment of disasters improve our ability to provide
timely and accurate support for activities, such as evacu-
ation, sheltering, and distribution (Rodrı́guez-Espı́ndola
et al., 2016). They demonstrate how geographical infor-
mation systems can provide information to a model of
location and distribution in disaster situations and DM.

Fig. 3 Shelter and people gathering sites in Sarpol-e Zahab.

2. Study area and datasets

This project was conducted in Kermanshah Province, Iran.

(2011). This model was applied to hurricane relief points in
Satellites equipped with optical sensors and/or SAR
Leon County, Florida, USA. The model is also applicable to
observed the Sarpol-e Zahab area before and after the Iran-
hierarchical location problems in China. XU et al. (2007)
Iraq earthquake. A 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck Ker-
developed a set covering location model for earthquake
manshah Province on the evening of November 12, 2017
disasters using a single objective to minimise the con-
(IRNA, 2017).
struction cost within the limits of the population during day
and night. In a mixed-integer linear programming model,
Barzinpour and Esmaeili (2013) achieved humanitarian and 2.1. Case study
financial goals with a virtual-zoning approach. They devel-
oped an optimal algorithm to achieve both goals. Tayal and Sarpol-e Zahab is a county in Kermanshah Province in
Singh (2017) studied facility location problems toward western Iran. The studied region lies between 34 260 and
disaster relief. A facility location project identifies the 34 280 N and 45 500 to 45 520 E. The imagery from satellite
most appropriate location in a set of candidates. A multi- data 1 on November 16, 2017, with a resolution of 50 cm,
objective hierarchical extension of the maximum coverage and the imagery from satellite data 2 on July 24, 2017,
location problem was developed by Paul et al. (2017). It were used to demonstrate the destruction area. The anal-
maximizes population coverage and minimizes changes to ysis was accomplished by the United Nations Office for
existing facilities. the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Fig. 2) (UNITAR,
In the facility location and allocation problem, the ulti- 2017).
mate goal is to maximize profits at the lowest possible cost. As reported, Sarpol-e Zahab was the most badly
Shelters built for disaster victims should have the shortest affected. Thus far, statistics have indicated that 114 af-
evacuation route and the lowest building cost (Zhao et al., tershocks have been registered in the cities and villages of
2015). This work applies the theory in multicriteria deci- northwestern Iran. More than 400 people succumbed to the
sion making (MCDM) to find answers to the issues because tragedy, and 6600 were injured (ACAPS, 2017). The reports
this method involves multiple attributes and objectives. The indicated that approximately 70,000 people needed emer-
MCDM method involves decision-making when numerous and gency shelter. The refugee camps after the displacement
conflicting criteria, attributes, or objectives are present. are illustrated in Fig. 3 (UNITAR, 2017a).
Hazard risk vulnerability mapping is considered one of The European Center for Medium-Range Weather Fore-
the essential steps in disaster risk reduction because it casts (ECMWF) operates (8 km resolution) a 10-day forecast
identifies vulnerable areas that must be considered in of air temperature for Sarpol-e Zahab (Fig. 4). As indicated

Fig. 4 Ten days forecast and monthly air temperature average of Sarpol-e Zahab.

Frontiers of Architectural Research 11 (2022) 846e864

Table 1 Different types of shelter and the pros and cons of each.
Type No. Shelter Pros Cons
Type 1 Family Traditional, Lightweight, Inflexible, Unstable in High winds
Tents Good Headroom, or heavy snow, difficult to heat
Production Capacities.
Type 2 Plastic An essential component Shelters’ support frames, Stick
Sheeting in many relief skeletons can considerably harm
Operations, UV- the environment
resistant, Flexible, Large
production capacities
Type 3 Pre-fabricated Shelter Permanent or Semi- High unit cost; Long shipping time,
and Containers permanent Structures, Long Production time, Inflexibility;
Long lasting.

in the charts, the 0  C threshold line signifies the transition (2017) allow shelter construction for victims, linking shel-
to high-impact freezing conditions. The 10  C threshold line ter and medical and psychological care.
signifies the transition to considerable low-temperature Utilizing locally available, sustainably sourced materials
(cold) conditions affecting humans exposed to weather el- and construction methods to meet emergency shelter re-
ements (ECMWF, 2017). quirements is best because these materials and construc-
tion methods would be utilized by disaster victims in
3. Methodology everyday situations.
Emergency shelters have advantages and disadvantages
depending on the context in which they are used (Table 1).
An earthquake-prone city must evaluate the possible im-
The following factors must be considered in any emergency
pacts of an earthquake on its buildings and infrastructure
response when selecting an emergency shelter or a com-
during the preparation phase. The damage to residential
bination of shelters (Sphere Association, 2018).
buildings during an earthquake must be determined to
Developing emergency shelters has been proved to be
identify the size and location of shelters. Thus, estimating
one of the most effective methods of reducing casualties,
the damage before the earthquake is vital. Evacuation dis-
whereby evacuees can find shelter before, during, and
tance and shelter capacity are critical in ensuring urban
after a disaster (Zhao et al., 2015). This study focuses on
resilience; thus, many studies consider these factors as re-
the factors influencing the selection of a suitable location
quirements that must be met or objectives that should be
for each temporary shelter type and reviews the existing
optimized. A hybrid bi-level model by Ng et al. (2010) min-
solutions to facilitate and expedite this process. A funda-
imizes the total and the particular evacuation times. More-
mental goal of the proposed decision model is to select
over, Saadatseresht et al. (2009) proposed minimizing the
shelter sites based on their suitability in terms of qualita-
maximum travel distance while preventing the overloading
tive criteria. Given the importance of this topic, investi-
of the shelter’s capacity. Huang et al. (2006) developed a
gating the following lists is vital.
fuzzy multiobjective model with travel distance constraints
to maximize coverage. Kilci et al. (2015) formulated a model
that incorporates both a shelter’s capacity and distance re- 3.1. Criteria for selecting the appropriate location
strictions. Their model calculates shelter area locations for temporary shelters
while considering shelter area utilization. The optimization
approach and algorithm developed by Pérez-Galarce et al. One of the primary measures of deploying a temporary
shelter is choosing the optimal location. This issue is

Table 2 The optimal distance between centers and population density at different levels in the crisis zone.
Layer Appropriate Relatively Average Relatively Inappropriate
appropriate inappropriate
Distance from fire station (m) 0e300 300e500 500e700 700e1000 Upper 1000
Distance from the communication 0e100 100e200 200e300 300e400 Upper 400
network (m)
population density (People per hectare) 0e30 30e60 60e90 90e120 Upper 120
Distance from health centers (m) 0e150 150e300 300e500 500e700 Upper 700
The distance from security and 0e150 150e300 300e500 500e700 Upper 700
military centers (m)
Weight 9 7 5 3 1

A. Moghri and A. Khalili

Fig. 5 Using SfM and DEM photos for creating three-dimensional (3-D) model generation of the Kujankallio. (a) Photo alignment in
a reference mode. Using the SfM process, the PhotoScan automatically detects camera positions and orientations by displaying blue
squares with nadir (center) lines. Light blue squares show oblique images. (b) Digital elevation model (DEM) showing elevation
gradient from blue to red of the open pit. Blue flags indicate the location of GCPs. (c) The orthorectified image shows the length of
the warehouse and the location of the surface profile sections. Virtual structural analysis is carried out using the thick yellow line
showing the location of the northern face. (d) Two profile sections (AB and CD) highlight the surface geometry of the open pit.

important because the extent of suitable and inappropriate radius of 2 kme2.7 km by considering a 1 min allowance
location would seriously affect other measures. Therefore, for receiving the warning alarm at the fire station and
considering the following points in deployment is highly consequently the departure of fire trucks in the
recommended: remaining 4 min. However, according to the traffic and
the lack of sufficient urban standards, which disrupts
 Establishing a temporary shelter should be feasible in pace and routes, the mentioned radius decreases to
the desired location. 1.7 km. An innovative multidisciplinary methodology,
 The vastness of the selected area should allow the considering road conditions and distance between home
proper distribution of the facilities and equipment. and shelter, must be developed to estimate shelter
 Harmony of the shape, construction, and installation of needs and evacuation scenarios when a disaster hap-
the equipment should comply with the environment to pens. Moreover, a shelter can be deployed in the vicinity
achieve balance and allow adjustment according to the of roads that provide access to several parts of the
environmental complication (rural, desert, mountain, district; the probability of damage and blockage of these
forest, and urban) (Saidpour and Kashefidust, 2018). passages should be minimal to prevent the risk of access
cut from stopping the relief and rescue operation
Choosing the optimal location according to circum- (Saidpour and Kashefidust, 2018; Tamima and Chouinard,
stances is sometimes conflicting or different when allo- 2016).
cating proper urban facilities and using them, particularly  The function of health centers, particularly emergency
during the initial crisis. Several factors, such as fire sta- department, which is a dynamic and potentially haz-
tions, population density, communication networks, health ardous patient care environment, is crucial in critical
centers, and military and police centers, are critical in situations (Hicks et al., 2012). Most of the literature
these conditions. relating to humanitarian medical services mentions the
The global standards require a fire station within an 8 km specific locations of hospitals or medical facilities and
radius and consider 3e5 min travel time to reach the fire the sheer fact that casualty transportation is mainly
site (“Evaluating Fire Station Locations,” 2020). The accu- performed by ambulance (Na and Banerjee, 2015; Sheu
rate radius access of the fire station can be calculated as and Pan, 2014; Wilson et al., 2013). Therefore, one of
follows: the main criteria in determining the most suitable place
for constructing temporary shelters is proximity to
 Given that the speed of fire trucks is between 30 and health centers and hospitals. The travel time to treat-
40 km per hour, the relief cars travel approximately ment is the main factor restricting people’s accessibility
500 me670 m per minute. The firefighters can cover a to hospitals (Cheng et al., 2016). According to the world

Frontiers of Architectural Research 11 (2022) 846e864

Fig. 6 Pivotal nodes lie on every shortest path between two nodes (A, B).

standard, an emergency car must arrive at an accident among the elements result in proper network structures
scene within at least 8 min. The radius of reachable under different real-world conditions. ANPs are widely
health centers should be considered on foot in critical used for prioritization, performance evaluation, and
situations to reach the indicated time. Given that each other purposes. They can also detect feedback and
person travels approximately 55 m per minute to locate interdependence.
the shelter, a maximum distance of 440 m to the medical Table 2 summarizes the statistics of distances and pop-
centers must be considered (Jodaki et al., 2012; Zheng ulation density in different qualitative layers.
et al., 2019). In sudden-onset disasters, multiple un-
manned aerial vehicles (UAVs) may be used simulta- 3.2. Dimensions and size of a shelter
neously to establish communication and emergency
systems for search and rescue and reporting secondary Living in a family shelter rather than communal accom-
disasters (Sandvik and Lohne, 2014). modation is always preferable because the former provides
 Shelters are constructed to provide service to homeless privacy, psychological comfort, and emotional safety. It
and wounded people. Some criteria are essential to also provides safety and security for people and their pos-
planning evacuation, for example, the relationship be- sessions and helps preserve or restore family unity.
tween population capacity and service area (spatial Relief agencies should aim to provide refugees with
coverage) of shelters and candidate site selection. In sufficient materials to build their shelter while meeting at
crisis-stricken areas, the probability of damage in high- least the minimum standards, according to the UNHER
density areas is greater than that in low-density areas. emergency handbook, fourth edition (a digital version
 Another important indicator is access to the military generated from the emergency handbook system). The
department and police station. The protection of lives following items are based on the mentioned reference:
and property of the wounded, particularly women and
children, against looting and pillaging by the invaders is  The living area required in tropical climates or warm
obligatory. The support services provided to the afflicted climates per person must be at least 3.5 m2 (excluding
people and the identification of suspected persons in- cooking facilities or kitchens; cooking is assumed to take
crease the importance of security forces (Huang et al., place outside).
2019; Saidpour and Kashefidust, 2018).  At the highest point, the shelter must have a minimum
height of 2 m.
In the MCDM environment, the application of the Ana-  Cold climates require 4.5 m2 to 5.5 m2 per person of
lytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has become increasingly covered living space, including a kitchen, to allow
widespread since Saaty invented it in the 1970s (Pecchia considerable time inside the shelter (cooking, eating,
et al., 2011; Schmidt et al., 2015). Analytic network pro- and establishing livelihoods).
cess (ANP) is a generalized form of the AHP. It can be
applied as an efficient tool whenever the interactions

Fig. 7 Basic concepts for calculating betweenness centrality in node (D) among other nodes (A, B, C, E).

A. Moghri and A. Khalili

Fig. 8 The proposed algorithm.

3.3. Investigating the effect of photogrammetric utilizing information to mitigate and reduce the impact of
photos on locating the temporary shelters disasters on communities (Vargas-Florez et al., 2019). UAV
integration into emergency and DM should begin at the
According to the pre-determined aerial maps, the highest level with a review of the mission and goals to be
geographical analysis of the routes and the deployment achieved because executive support is required to imple-
area makes the quick transfer of the shelter to the crisis- ment this program. A comprehensive UAV programmatic
stricken area possible to some extent. Providing aerial overview may help the officials make informed decisions
photogrammetric photos for the preparation of the three- about the program. A comprehensive view includes the
dimensional (3D) model of the region is obligatory. Some following: knowledge of information needs, historical
notable successes in satellite-based damage mapping were perspective of conventional methods of aerial missions in
reported, particularly in cases where radar data have an disaster response, awareness of comparative programs,
advantage and interferometry is used (Lu et al., 2018). potential uses of UAVs in disaster response, and barriers to
Unmanned aerial systems can remarkably improve moni- formal integration of UAVs into the national airspace sys-
toring. UAVs offer a unique opportunity to bridge the tem (Glantz et al., 2020). Thus, early studies have focused
existing gap between field observations and traditional on scene imaging, which aids disaster responders by sup-
airborne and space-borne remote sensing by providing plying a relatively low-cost aerial perspective. Erdelj et al.
spatial detail over relatively large areas in a cost-effective (2017) offered a detailed overview of related research ef-
manner and by enhancing time retrieval capabilities (Lin forts combining DM and UAV use. The use of the increasingly
et al., 2016; Manfreda et al., 2018; Tanzi et al., 2014). efficient structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry
The use of drones has evolved into detecting potential (Whang et al., 2007) and the 3D reconstruction concepts
problems, such as the structural stability of buildings emerging at the time (Pollefeys et al., 2004) was maxi-
following Hurricane Katrina, and early intervention, such as mized. Moreover, some studies indicated that data are
the detection of forest fires and drowning victims (Lopez- already processed to derive georeferenced images (Suzuki
Fuentes et al., 2017). Drone-produced vulnerability maps et al., 2008), terrain information, digital elevation
can assist in reducing the vulnerability of communities by models, orthophotos, or orthomosaic (i.e., see Fig. 5)

Fig. 9 Visual coding of the proposed algorithm in Rhino/Grasshopper 3 d. (Colourful).

Frontiers of Architectural Research 11 (2022) 846e864

development of small, lightweight, civilian UAVs (Carrivick

et al., 2016). In low-altitude operating conditions (for
example, 120 m above ground level), modern UAVs can be
pretty effective in obtaining precise images of relatively
large, low-to high-relief topographic surfaces and bedrock.
Compared with satellites, UAVs have a small footprint on
the ground; however, the SfM approach can accommodate
large areas at high resolution (Bemis et al., 2014; Westoby
et al., 2012).

3.4. Urban network analysis

Algorithms are well-defined, computer-implementable

sequences of instructions used to solve problems or
compute. Algorithms are always unambiguous and are
Fig. 10 Total Possible Number of shelter. used as specifications for performing calculations, data
processing, automated reasoning, and other tasks.
(Bendea et al., 2008; Lewis, 2007; Nakanishi and Inoue, Different building damage types can be detected with
2005). Multiple UAVs may be used simultaneously to radar data using increasingly sophisticated machine
establish communication and emergency systems for search learning algorithms, including convolutional neural net-
and rescue and reporting secondary disasters in sudden- works (Bai et al., 2018). The rapid advancement of com-
onset disasters (Sandvik and Lohne, 2014). High precision puter technology has led to the development of many
is needed to investigate post-disaster terrains in the region powerful algorithms to solve multiobjective optimization
to ensure shelter deployment. The main advantages of problems, including particle swarm optimization algorithm
aerial photogrammetry include the capability to cover a and genetic algorithm (GA) (Zhang et al., 2020). Using
vast area. The accuracy of this tool in qualified software heuristic algorithms as a computational solver is consid-
has even surpassed other mapping counterparts because of ered reliable. Boonmee et al. (2017) used an exact and
the rapid development in science. heuristic algorithm to address emergency-initiated logistic
The analysis of the post-disaster 3D model and over- problems based on data modeling and problem types uti-
lapping with the pre-determined urban access map lizing a survey.
considerably impact the search for a suitable shelter In computer science, graphs serve as an abstract rep-
location. The workflow combining SfM and multiview resentation that helps explain the organizing principles of
stereopsis allows the construction of high-resolution, 3D transportation systems, human interactions, and telecom-
models of rock faces; these models can be used for virtual munication networks. The number of different structures
structural analysis of planar structures (Cawood et al., that can be modeled with a single formalism is incredible
2017; Vollgger and Cruden, 2016). SfM is built on the (Needham and Hodler, 2019). Euler (1741) solved the Seven
principle of generating a 3D spatial point cloud from a set Bridges of Königsberg problem in 1736, giving rise to the
of unconstrained overlapping two-dimensional (2D) im- graph solution finder. Modeling and analyzing data with
ages that have been taken from different viewpoints. graphs based on mathematics is a practical and highly ad-
Camera parameters, camera positions, and camera ori- missible effort. Nodes and vertices, along with their re-
entations are automatically solved for each image lationships, links, or edges, are graph elements. Graphs are
(Snavely et al., 2008). Many types of works on designing used to incorporate other graphs into the machine learning
software for UAV image processing, such as PhotoMod tasks. Graph patterns are often used as a querying method
(Russia), Pix4d mapper (Switzer), and Photo Scanner in local data analysis, whereas graph computation can be
(Russia), were conducted. Software design and engineer- used worldwide.
ing play a vital role in the life cycle of training simulators.
Electronic, information engineering, and aeronautic sci-
ences develop and create new mathematical models and
software for photogrammetry purposes (AbdElHamid and Table 3 Fitness objectives.
Zong, 2015; Cai et al., 2008; Dong et al., 2012; Zhang Abbreviation Objective Definition
et al., 2009).
NSH Maximize Number Open spaces,
Parts of the city with sufficient open spaces have a
of Shelter Parks, streets
relatively high potential for accommodating the wounded
DF Minimise Distance Optimal radius
and displaced persons. The highest priority for temporary
of Fire Station of 1.7 km.
accommodation is allocated to green spaces, schools, and
DH Minimise Distance Maximum distance
nonresidential lands to prevent dangerous developments.
of Hospital of 440 m
Incorrect shelter location can lead to a catastrophe far
DP Minimise Distance As Possible
worse than the initial disaster.
of Police Station
High-resolution, close-range digital photogrammetry has
DM Minimise Distance to As Possible
become a widely used technique for geoscience mapping
Main Roads
and applications because of the discovery and rapid

A. Moghri and A. Khalili

shortest. Based on the directions of the relationships in the

Table 4 Algorithm settings.
graph, the shortest path between two nodes is the path
Settings Simulation 1 Simulation 2 between nodes.
Generation Size 50 10 The simulation of an urban evacuation consists of
Generation Count 100 100 several steps, including the preparation of a spatial data-
Population Size 5000 1000 base (urban network, evacuation buildings, and safe
Crossover probability 0.9 0.9 points), establishment of an evacuation network, minimi-
Crossover Distribution Index 10 20 zation of total evacuation time, and feasibility of the
Mutation Distribution index 10 20 evacuation plan (Alaeddine et al., 2015).
Simulation runtime 7 h:04 m:53s 1 h:27 m:11s The k-shortest path is computed at each iteration by
finding the kth shortest path whose axiomatically higher
cost (time or distance) is greater or equal to the ðk  1Þth
path. Calculating the second (third, fourth, etc.) shortest
3.4.1. Pathfinding path is vital for various reasons. Escaping in an emergency
This study introduces specific algorithm examples based on via only the first shortest path between an origin and a
paths critical to graph analytics and algorithms. In graph destination is impossible for all people (Alaeddine et al.,
algorithms, finding the shortest paths is the most commonly 2019). Many works have been conducted in computer sci-
performed task, a precursor for several different types of ence, operations research, and engineering to compute the
analysis. The shortest paths are those with the fewest hops k-shortest paths in a graph for a given pair of nodes.
or the least weight. If the graph is directed, it is the path Hershberger and Suri (2001) used them in applications such
between two nodes that take the shortest amount of time as network and electrical routing, evacuation, and trans-
according to the directions of the relationships (Needham portation. According to Sabri et al. (2015), Dijkstra’s algo-
and Hodler, 2019). rithm assists evacuation routes in high and distant
buildings. Evacuees need to find an exit and a safe route to
3.4.2. Shortest path escape without being hurt as quickly as possible. Three
As part of this research, specific algorithms are discussed steps are required to implement the method in MATLAB: (1)
based on paths, one of the essential components of graph generating the layout plan of the selected building, (2)
analytics. Graph algorithms can find the shortest paths, creating a graph in which nodes represent doors and weight
which is the first step to several different types of analysis. represents the distance between nodes, and (3) computing
The paths with the fewest hops or the least weight are the

Fig. 11 Simulation 1, graph charts.

Frontiers of Architectural Research 11 (2022) 846e864

Fig. 12 Simulation 2, graph charts.

the shortest path between the evacuee’s current location this formula is calculated. We can determine the fraction of
and the safe place. nodes that can be reached and the distance between them
by using a ratio. (Wassermann and Faust, 1994).
3.4.3. Closeness centrality variation: wasserman and The formula is as follows:
Stanley Wasserman and Katherine Faust devised a formula !
to calculate the closeness between graphs that contain n1 n1
CWFðuÞ Z  
multiple subgraphs without connecting them. Social N  1 Pn1 d u; v
Network Analysis: Methods and Applications explains how

Fig. 13 Simulation 1, 3 d cluster charst. Fig. 14 Simulation 2, 3 d cluster chart.

A. Moghri and A. Khalili

Table 5 Simulation 1- cluster analysis. (B) indicates the Best and (W) indicates the Worst in the table.
Cluster No. Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Cluster 6 Cluster 7 Cluster 8 Cluster 9 Cluster 10
Generation and Gen. 34, Gen. 13, Gen. 31, Gen. 11, Gen. 38, Gen. 17, Gen. 50, Gen. 9, Gen. 15, Gen. 61,
Individual No. Ind. 37 Ind. 12 Ind. 48 Ind. 39 Ind. 46 Ind. 46 Ind. 23 Ind. 31 Ind. 32 Ind. 10
Abbreviation NSH 124 48 160 100 80 60 204 44 368 (B) 12(W)
DF 1012.090 (B) 1276.168 3245.877 2605.985 2262.892 1821.960 3246.351 3764.754 1771.006 4077.212 (W)
DH 2922.295 4999.361 (W) 762.614 (B) 1367.791 1366.290 1843.099 1250.321 2197.741 2612.812 3979.897
DP 1232.348 3309.414 2877.866 2537.037 2193.944 1753.012 1323.518 3695.806 355.044 (B) 4008.264 (W)
DM 13.709 (B) 21.022 189.515 54.123 226.557 58.784 181.513 153.289 82.386 779.060 (W)
Average of 1295.110 2401.491 1768.968 1641.234 1512.421 1369.214 1500.426 2452.897 1205.312 (B) 3211.108 (W)

where u is a node, N is the total node count, n is X

Nd½i;j ½K
Betweenness ½Kr Z
the number of nodes in the same component as u, and Nd½i;j
isjsk d½i;jri
d (u,v) is the shortest path distance between another node
v and u. The first procedure for each node is to find the shortest
paths that go through it. For each shortest path in step 1,
3.4.4. Betweenness centrality the percentage of that pair’s total possible shortest paths is
The betweenness centrality of a graph measures the influ- calculated. The next step is to add all the values in step 2 to
ence of the nodes on the information flow. It is calculated find a node’s betweenness centrality score. The table in
by determining which nodes function as links between Fig. 7 illustrates steps 2 and 3 for node D. The process for
different parts of the graph (i.e., see Fig. 6). The shortest each node is repeated continuously.
node-to-node path (weighted) between two nodes in a
graph is calculated first. Each node is scored depending 3.5. Optimization and analysis
on how many shortest paths pass through it. Nodes
typically score best on the shortest paths (Needham and
The evaluation and optimization are developed by a simu-
Hodler, 2019).
lation process in Rhino/Grasshopper, with plug-ins of Wal-
lacei and Numeric Network Analysis (NNA) for the proposed
3.4.5. Betweenness
method (Fig. 8). In this experiment, the evolutionary al-
In the 1977 paper, “A Set of Measures of Centrality Based on
gorithm used is the NSGA-2 algorithm. The NSGA-2 algo-
Betweenness” (Freeman, 1977), betweenness centrality is
rithm originated from the GA; Deb et al. (2002) improved
described as one of the “three distinct intuitive concep-
GA to form the NSGA-2 algorithm (Deb et al., 2002). Gu
tions of centrality.” The betweenness index is the total
et al. (2016) used the NSGA-2 algorithm to solve the mul-
number of the shortest paths (N) at the target location (K)
tiobjective optimization problem. Muhammad Makki, Milad
divided by the total number of shortest paths that exist
Showkatbakhsh, and Yutao Song developed Wallacei, a free
between two nodes (i and j) of a given radius (r). The target
plug-in that runs on Grasshopper 3D based on NSGA-2
node (k) has a high betweenness centrality if it appears in
(Randall et al., 2020). NJ Namju Lee and Jung Hyun Woo
many shortest paths to the node that estimates realistic
developed the NNA for Rhino Grasshopper. Distances can be
pedestrian flows in the network. u is a node; p is the total
measured easily using NNA, and various accessibility and
number of shortest paths between nodes s and t; p(u) is the
centrality concepts can be explored with spatial networks.
number of shortest paths between nodes s and t that pass
In addition, some new features and functionalities
through node u.

Fig. 15 Route path visualisation of simulation 1, cluster analysis.

Frontiers of Architectural Research 11 (2022) 846e864

Table 6 Simulation 1- Parallel Plot Analysis (PPA). (B) indicates the Best in the table.
PPA Types Relative Difference Average of Fitness Rank
Between Fitness Ranks
Generation and individual No. Gen. 2, Ind. 49 Gen. 18, Ind. 23
Abbreviation NSH 152.000 96.000
DF 1271.928 (B) 1034.988 (B)
DH 2892.926 2709.047 (B)
DP 1127.814 1019.101 (B)
DM 220.831 10.421 (B)
Average of Distances 1378.375 1193.389 (B)

Fig. 16 Route path visualisation of Simulation 1. Parallel plot analysis.

allow users to measure the value of spatial networks, lo- types for each selected location. After the analysis of the
cations, buildings, and travel cost/time (Namju Lee and existing conditions, the designer completes the final prod-
Hyun Woo, 2020). uct by focusing on algorithms and codes and using them in
the project. The function of these algorithms is tied to
3.5.1. Primary simulation geometric production and follows the rules of digital or
This experiment determines the shortest distance to each computer spatial geometry (Gramazio et al., 2019).
urban facility, the main routes, and the optimization be-
tween these distances in different locations. The foundation 3.5.2. Fitness objectives (FOs) and genes
data of this research include site boundary, primary roads/ The models for allocating disaster shelters can be catego-
streets, facility location, and destruction area given by rized according to their objectives: single-objective and
UNOSAT-UNITAR. These data are inputted and processed in multiobjective models. Single-objective models are simpler
Grasshopper Canvas according to the proposed algorithm, as to formulate and more developed than multiobjective
illustrated in Fig. 9. According to the most important index
of crisis management (i.e., human health) and the infor-
mation given in Section 3.1, the survey area for the number Table 7 Simulation 1-Mean Solution Rank of all analysis
of shelters is considered 440 m in diameter. Based on Sec- (MSR).
tion 3.2, the shelter size for a family of four is 18 m2. MSR Mean Fitness Rank per Solution
Furthermore, the whole area has mesh; this area is sub-
Generation and Gen. 67, Ind. 0
tracted from the destruction area (Fig. 10). Consequently,
Individual No.
the remaining area is analyzed. The center of each square is
counted as one shelter, and its distances to the city’s fa- Abbreviation NSH 8
cilities via various route paths as numbers are listed sepa- DF 4169.055205
rately. Finally, the shelter’s location is tested by all possible DH 2017.86604
route paths among all existing locations (center of squares) DP 411.107254
and analyzed via Wallacei plug-in. The results of different DM 255.785579
methods are indicated in tables and compared. In the end, Average of Distances 1713.45352
the most repeated solutions are chosen according to shelter

A. Moghri and A. Khalili

models (e.g., minimizing travel distance or construction generations as the simulation progresses. With regard to the
costs). A single-objective model cannot effectively address objective (NSH), the mean values across generations began
the location-allocation problem for earthquake emergency to appear slightly consistent throughout the simulation. This
shelters because it typically ignores essential objectives. In scenario is similar to the observations made in the SDT.
comparison, multiobjective models can consider multiple Moreover, the mean value of fitness decreased at the same
objectives (Liu et al., 2006) when dealing with complex, stage at which the variation across generations showed signs
high-dimensional problems. Multiobjective models also of convergence. The charts showed that the simulation was
tend to find local optimum solutions, which are time- optimized for specific objectives, which are better than
consuming and hard to determine. Li et al. (2012) noticed others. However, the “weak” objectives showed signs of
that the current optimization algorithms cannot solve this convergence and fitness toward the end of the simulation.
problem. Furthermore, the simplicity of single-objective Moreover, the entire population solution set must be
models in the actual situation for the shelter location analyzed because it displays nonuniform characteristics to
problem makes the development of multiobjective models the algorithmic run over the entire simulation. Therefore,
necessary. The objectives of the proposition are to mini- selecting the most appropriate solution becomes imperative.
mise the distance to specified urban facilities and maximize
the number of shelters based on qualitative factors while 4.1. Selection process
considering demand, capacity, utilization, and budgetary
providence. Choosing the results of simulation 01 is crucial because they
In Table 3, the evolutionary simulation shows the FOs must be compared with the results of simulation 2. A Wal-
that this simulation optimized and the variables (genes) lacei plug-in applied a K-means clustering algorithm to the
that it modified to determine the distance of shelter to the Pareto front (the set of nondominated or optimal solutions)
city’s facilities and where it should be located. of the population, in which the Pareto front was divided
into 10 clusters (Fig. 13). The selected solution(s) repre-
3.5.3. Algorithmic setup sented each cluster. Consequently, simulation 02 was taken
The settings shown in Table 4 were applied for the NSGA-2 as 20 (Fig. 14).
evolutionary algorithm. A consumer-grade laptop was used
for the simulation. The laptop was equipped with an i7- 4.1.1. Simulation 1
8750H/4 GHz processor, 32 GB of RAM, and RTX-2060 GPU In this simulation, the population size based on generation
with 6 GB memory. count, generation size, and the mutation distribution index
reached 5000 with 10 crossovers. Table 5 indicates that the
4. Selection process and experiment results best result in cluster analysis for the minimum distance to
the fire station was found in (Cluster 1 Generation 34, In-
The Wallacei charts in simulation 1 (Fig. 11) and simulation dividual 37) and that for minimum distance to the hospital
2 (Fig. 12) demonstrate that each FO follows its destination was found in (Cluster 3, Generation 31, Individual 48). The
individually and makes a record as a graph. The mean value minimum result for the distance to the police department
of each FO is highlighted in yellow in the fitness value showed up in (Cluster 9, Generation 15, Individual 32),
graph. The analysis of the standard deviation graph in which has the maximum number of shelters and the mini-
conjunction with the standard deviation trendline (SDT) mum average of total distances. (Cluster 10, Generation 61,
indicated that the variation across the objectives reached a Individual 10) has the worst result except in the minimum
plateau or mostly increased throughout the simulation’s distance to the hospital. All of the generations are illus-
runtime. However, the convergence in the last generations trated in Fig. 15.
showed that the algorithm is established toward an Consequently, the best result of parallel plot analysis in
optimum. Table 6 emerged in the average fitness ranks (Generation
A high fitness value is the sign of improved individual so- 18, Individual 23), except in the number of shelters
lutions compared with previous generations when applied to (Fig. 16). Table 7 represents the mean solution of all ranks
the mean value trendline (MVT). A similar pattern can be in (Generation 67, Individual 0).
observed across other objectives, where the MVT reflects fit

Table 8 Simulation 2-cluster analysis. (B) indicates the Best and (W) indicates the Worst in the table.
Cluster No. Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Cluster 6 Cluster 7 Cluster 8 Cluster 9 Cluster 10
Generation and Gen. 8, Gen.24, Gen.15, Gen. 4, Gen. 14, Gen. 12, Gen. 0, Gen. 31, Gen. 92, Gen. 43,
Individual No. Ind.3 Ind.9 Ind.2 Ind. 0 Ind. 9 Ind. 2 Ind. 2 Ind. 9 Ind. 9 Ind. 9
Abbreviation NSH 140.000 160.000 40.000 32.000 (W) 56.000 260.000 196.000 112.000 64.000 104.000
DF 3424.664 2913.162 3694.211 3918.778 (W) 3595.391 892.112 (B) 1179.619 1438.780 1371.000 1706.293
DH 291.161 1207.175 209.118 (B) 3450.116 3498.076 3207.497 3097.489 3356.649 3686.576 (W) 3529.359
DP 2406.412 2844.214 2501.000 3849.830 (W) 3526.443 1517.550 1407.542 1666.703 1996.630 2331.731
DM 20.379 305.191 (W) 251.643 298.673 41.710 93.228 16.763 39.206 13.189 4.466
Average of 1535.654 1817.435 1663.993 2879.349 2665.405 1427.597 1425.353 1625.335 1766.849 1892.962

Frontiers of Architectural Research 11 (2022) 846e864

Table 9 Simulation 2-cluster analysis. (B) indicates the Best and (W) indicates the Worst in the table.
Cluster No. Cluster 11 Cluster 12 Cluster 13 Cluster 14 Cluster 15 Cluster 16 Cluster 17 Cluster 18 Cluster 19 Cluster 20
Generation and Gen. 11, Gen. 4, Gen. 0, Gen. 54, Gen. 47, Gen. 19, Gen. 88, Gen. 15, Gen. 41, Gen. 1,
Individual No. Ind.2 Ind. 6 Ind.3 Ind. 9 Ind.2 Ind.3 Ind. 2 Ind. 8 Ind. 9 Ind. 9
Abbreviation NSH 60.000 32.000 140.000 200.000 188.000 164.000 168.000 240.000 264.000 428.000 (B)
DF 1880.196 1359.209 1506.834 1747.564 1888.206 2064.668 2040.766 2991.425 2480.309 2543.257
DH 1786.745 5082.402 3204.451 3102.209 3196.523 3372.986 3349.084 1914.405 1917.594 2096.726
DP 1811.248 3392.456 1514.504 777.500 871.813 1048.276 1024.374 1061.340 557.476 544.597 (B)
DM 2.430 (B) 104.000 280.111 314.385 449.567 626.029 602.127 468.845 53.444 232.577
Average of 1370.155 2484.517 (W) 1626.475 1485.415 1601.527 1777.990 1754.088 1609.004 1252.206 (B) 1354.289

4.1.2. Simulation 2 solution is indicated in Table 11. The result emerged in

Based on the mutation distribution index, simulation 2 has a (Generation 5, Individual 7).
population size of 1000 with 20 crossovers. Tables 8 and 9
show 20 cluster analysis results. The best result of each 4.2. Result
cluster is formatted in bold in the row. The best average of
distances to city facilities belongs to (Cluster 19, Genera- In light of the weather information in Section 2.1, the first
tion 41, Individual 9). Moreover, the maximum number of type of shelter is ineligible as an accommodation because
shelters and the minimum distance to the police depart- of its nonadaptability to climate. However, it can store
ment were found in (Cluster 20, Generation 1, Individual 9). medicine, supplies, and other necessities of daily life. The
All generations are illustrated in Fig. 17. achieved results in simulations 1 and 2 and the most
Given the similar plot analysis result (Table 10), the best repeated results are indicated in Table 12.
average of the distances belongs to (Generation 8, Indi- The results generated by different calculation methods
vidual 4). Compared with (Generation 8, Individual 4), an have various advantages and disadvantages. Therefore,
adequate number of shelters is calculated in (Generation each method must be examined individually to improve DM.
42, Individual 2). However, both of these two results seem An area in DM with a high population density raises concerns
suitable (Fig. 18). In addition, the mean fitness rank per about the evacuation and resettlement of wounded and

Fig. 17 Route path visualisation of Simulation 2, Cluster analysis.

A. Moghri and A. Khalili

Table 10 Simulation 2- Parallel Plot Analysis (PPA). (B) indicates the Best in the table.
Cluster No. Relative Difference Between Average of Fitness Rank
Fitness Ranks
Generation and Individual No. Gen.42, Ind. 2 Gen. 8, Ind.4
Abbreviation NSH 216 (B) 60
DF 3153.549 1880.196 (B)
DH 1761.632 (B) 1786.745
DP 1214.113 (B) 1811.248
DM 316.072 2.430 (B)
Average of Distances 1611.341 1370.155 (B)

Fig. 18 Route path visualisation of Simulation 2, Parallel plot analysis.

Table 11 Simulation 2-Mean Solution Rank of all analysis (MSR).

MSR Mean Fitness Rank per Solution
Generation and Individual No. Gen. 5, Ind. 7
Abbreviation NSH 180.000
DF 3424.664
DH 291.161
DP 2406.412
DM 20.379
Average of Distances 1535.654

displaced people. Thus, many suitable shelters must be indicated that for the permanent or semipermanent struc-
established as quickly as possible, thereby requiring suffi- tures, (Generation 18, Individual 23) solution has the
cient space for their establishment. Based on the infor- shortest distance to the fire station. Shelter 3 is highly
mation shown in Table 13, (Generation 15, Individual 32) appropriate to provide quick relief in facing probable
and (Generation 1, Individual 9) solutions provide accom- crises.
modation for immediate occupancy. The data also show Victims who sustained the most critical physical injuries
that (Generation 67, Individual 0) solution has the slightest and those who need intensive care are recommended to
possibility of setting up a shelter and the most significant stay near medical centers because of the limited resources
average distance from urban facilities, which can only be at the hospital and the sheer size of the disaster. The
used to store food, medicine, and a relief group’s equip- number of accommodations required for these people var-
ment. Hence, Shelter type 1 is the best and most ies, and the shelters must be set up quickly. Thus, Shelter
economical type for this solution. type 2 is a good option. The most convenient way to
The most repeated solutions in Table 12 and the criteria accommodate patients and wounded people is using the
mentioned in Table 1 were evaluated. This evaluation (Generation 5, Individual 7) solution.

Frontiers of Architectural Research 11 (2022) 846e864

Table 12 The optimum results of each simulation and analysis.

Simulations Fitness Objectives
Simulation No. Analysis Method NSH DF DH DP DM Average Most
Maximum Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum of Distances Repeated
Simulation 1 Cluster Analysis Gen. 15, Gen. 34, Gen. 31, Gen. 15, Gen. 34, Gen. 15, Gen. 15,
Ind. 32 Ind. 37 Ind. 48 Ind. 32 Ind. 37 Ind. 32 Ind. 32
Parallel Plot Gen. 2, Gen. 18, Gen. 18, Gen. 18, Gen. 18, Gen. 18, Gen. 18,
Ind. 49 Ind. 23 Ind. 23 Ind. 23 Ind. 23 Ind. 23 Ind. 23
Mean Solution Gen. 67, Gen. 67, Gen. 67, Gen. 67, Gen. 67, Gen. 67, Gen. 67,
Rank Ind. 0 Ind. 0 Ind. 0 Ind. 0 Ind. 0 Ind. 0 Ind. 0
Simulation 2 Cluster Analysis Gen. 1, Gen. 12, Gen.15, Gen. 1, Gen. 11, Gen. 41, Gen. 1,
Ind. 9 Ind. 2 Ind. 2 Ind. 9 Ind. 2 Ind. 9 Ind. 9
Parallel Plot Gen. 42, Gen. 8, Gen. 42, Gen. 42, Gen. 8, Gen. 8, EQ
Ind. 2 Ind. 4 Ind. 2 Ind. 2 Ind. 4 Ind. 4
Mean Solution Gen. 5, Gen. 5, Gen. 5, Gen. 5, Gen. 5, Gen. 5, Gen. 5,
Rank Ind. 7 Ind. 7 Ind. 7 Ind. 7 Ind. 7 Ind. 7 Ind. 7

Table 13 Suitable types of shelter for each elected solution. (B) indicates the Best and (W) indicates the Worst in the table.
Simulation NO. Most Repeated Abbreviation Average of Suitable
Solutions NSH DF DH DP DM Distances Shelter type

Simulation 1 Gen. 15, Ind. 32 368 1771.006 2612.812 355.044 (B) 82.386 1205.312 Types 2 and 3
Gen. 18, Ind. 23 96 1034.988 (B) 2709.047 1019.101 10.421 1193.389 (B) Type 3
Gen. 67, Ind. 0 8 (W) 4169.055 (W) 2017.866 411.107 255.786 1713.454 (W) Type 1
Simulation 2 Gen. 1, Ind. 9 428 (B) 2543.257 2096.726 544.597 232.577 1354.289 Type 2
Gen. 8, Ind. 4 60 1880.196 1786.745 1811.248 2.430 (B) 1370.155 Type 2
Gen. 42, Ind. 2 216 3153.549 1761.632 1214.113 316.072 (W) 1611.341 Type 1
Gen. 5, Ind. 7 180 3424.664 291.161 (B) 2406.412 (W) 20.379 1535.654 Type 2

Most people displaced by a disaster have possessions to communication lines and a relatively high average distance
fall back on and tend to stay close to where they were to urban facilities. It can be used for storage.
previously residing. Property owners need to be close to
security centers and police departments for peace of mind 5. Conclusion
and property security. Moreover, maintaining the structure
of the building induces protection and security. Shelter
DM broadly consists of pre-disaster and post-disaster pha-
type 3 in the location of (Generation 15, Individual 32) so-
ses. Cities have high population density and properties.
lution allows this scenario by having the closest distance to
Thus, they are highly exposed to risk factors. Relying on
the police department. However, they also have the right
safety, durability of buildings, and engineering principles is
to choose type 2 depending on the situation and their de-
not enough to decrease the vulnerability of cities to natural
cision. The solution also contains various establishment
hazards. Therefore, the construction of an urban shelter is
possibilities for shelters.
necessary to protect the lives of citizens and reduce casu-
DM relies heavily on communication. In general,
alties after the crisis by computing the post-disaster data,
communication lines are the most important determinant
which lead to the discovery of the optimal location for
of post-disaster DM response and recovery phases. As indi-
temporary shelters.
cated in Table 13, all results have acceptable distances.
Since the emergence of the modern MCDM in the early
However, with only a slight difference in the average dis-
1960s, several remarkable advances, including new ap-
tances in (Generation 42, Individual 2) solution, it has
proaches, advanced computational algorithms, and inno-
reached the permissible threshold, which may be ignored.
vative methods, have been made. However, most of the
Finally, the (Generation 8, Individual 4) solution can be
shelter location models were focused on scenarios. Hence,
used to help the emergency evacuation because it has the
shelter selection may not be robust across the natural range
shortest distance to the communication lines and a rela-
of potential hazards. Moreover, post-disaster criteria have
tively good shelter capacity. By contrast, the (Generation
not considered the influential factors in the constraints
42, Individual 2) solution has the longest distance to
arising after a disaster. Most studies on facility location

A. Moghri and A. Khalili

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