Facile and Low Cost Temperature Compensated Humidity Sensor and Signal Conditioning System

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13, JULY 1, 2021

Facile and Low Cost Temperature Compensated

Humidity Sensor and Signal
Conditioning System
Mazhar Javed, Memoon Sajid , Hafiz M. Zeeshan Yousaf, Gul Hassan, and Hasan Mahmood

Abstract —Most relative humidity sensors are resistive or

capacitive sensors. It’s a fact that the resistance and capac-
itance of a vast majority of such sensors also depend on
the surrounding temperature and a change of temperature
can cause significant errors in the final reading of relative
humidity. This fact of temperature dependence is scarcely
investigated in development of humidity sensors. In this work,
a very simple temperature compensation method has been
developed that automatically eliminates the effect of change
in temperature from the final output without requiring sep-
arate measurement of temperature or any data processing.
Amorphous polyethylene oxide (PEO) was used as the active
material for humidity sensor owing to its high sensitivity and
almost linear response. Interdigitated type sensor electrodes (IDE) were fabricated using reverse offset printing on glass
substrate and the active layer was deposited through spin coating. An identical twin sensor was fabricated with the same
parameters and was additionally encapsulated form the open environment. The dummy sensor was used as opposing
pair with the active sensor in a bridge configuration to achieve temperature compensation. The bridge sensitivity was
recorded to be ∼2.9 mV/%RH that was further improved to 100 mV/%RH using a differential instrumentation amplifier
based signal conditioning circuit. The sensor system was deployed in a real-life relative humidity measurement with
changing temperature that returned a remarkable accuracy of 98.76%. The error due to temperature dependence reduced
from 22.4% to just 1.24%. The transient response time of the sensor was found to be ∼2.4 s.
Index Terms — Temperature compensation, relative humidity, signal conditioning system, high sensitivity.

I. I NTRODUCTION that can be present in air at that temperature resulting in

saturation. It is important to monitor and control the relative
P ERCENTAGE relative humidity can be defined as the
percentage of amount of water vapors present in air at a
certain temperature, of the maximum amount of water vapors
humidity of manufacturing environments in food, medicine,
chemical, and electronics industries. Information of relative
humidity of certain geological areas is crucial in prediction of
Manuscript received March 10, 2021; accepted April 13, 2021. Date floods/storms, optimizing the agricultural conditions for differ-
of publication April 19, 2021; date of current version June 30, 2021. The
associate editor coordinating the review of this article and approving it ent crops, weather telemetry, and so on [1]–[4]. For accurate
for publication was Prof. Yu-Te Liao. (Mazhar Javed and Memoon Sajid monitoring and control of humidity, it is first required to be
contributed equally to this work.) (Corresponding author: Memoon Sajid.) precisely measured and quantified. Different types of humidity
Mazhar Javed is with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ghu-
lam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, sensors are available in the market and have been devel-
Topi 23640, Pakistan, and also with the Department of Electronics, oped in research based on their sensing mechanism, range,
Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Islamabad 15320, Pakistan. structure, category of active materials, and so on [5]–[8].
Memoon Sajid is with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ghulam
Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi The aim behind development of so many different types is
23640, Pakistan (e-mail: memoonsajid@gmail.com). to improve the performance parameters of the sensors that
Hafiz M. Zeeshan Yousaf is with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, include sensitivity, specificity, range, linearity, response and
Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology,
Topi 23640, Pakistan, and also with the Department of Electrical and recovery time, long term stability, hysteresis, etc. [9]–[11]. It is
Computer Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad at Sahiwal, impossible to optimize and improve all the parameters together
Sahiwal 57000, Pakistan. in a single device as these parameters are inter-dependent
Gul Hassan is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Interna-
tional Islamic University, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan. and improvement in one may result in degradation of the
Hasan Mahmood is with the Department of Electronics, Quaid-i-Azam other. Most of the current research works thus focus on
University Islamabad, Islamabad 15320, Pakistan. the development of application specific devices where only
This article has supplementary downloadable material available at
https://doi.org/10.1109/JSEN.2021.3073957, provided by the authors. few parameters are of key importance while the rest can be
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3073957 compromised [2], [12]–[14].
1558-1748 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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All categories of humidity sensors have an active mate- II. E XPERIMENTAL

rial that responds to the changing humidity resulting in A. Materials and Methods
a change in its resistance, capacitance, optical properties, Polyethylene oxide (PEO) with molecular weight (MW) of
weight, resonant frequency, mobility, etc. Different types 200,000 purchased from Sigma Aldrich was used to fabricate
of materials are employed for this purpose including poly- the active layer of humidity sensor. The polymer powder was
mers, metal oxides, 2D materials, transition metals, bio- dissolved in DI water by 5 wt%/vol to prepare a solution. The
materials, crystals, ceramics, carbon and its derivatives, solution was magnetically stirred at 40◦C overnight to achieve
etc [3], [5], [15]–[20]. homogeneity. Silver nanoparticles (Ag-NP) ink by PARU was
Ideally, physical parameters of the humidity sensors should used to fabricate the electrodes using reverse offset printing
not be affected by the change in any other physical quantity, as described in our previous works [1]–[3], [18], [30], [31].
especially temperature as it cannot be physically isolated by Further details on printing and dimensions of electrodes are
encapsulation. But, in reality, the physical properties of such provided in supplementary information section-I. The samples
materials are in fact very much dependent on change in were then treated again with UV and the active layer was
temperature in addition to the change in humidity. This fact deposited in the form of thin film using spin coating at
is often ignored in most of the research works carried out 1500 rpm. The fabricated sensors were cured at 100◦C for
on the development of humidity sensors. This dependence on 90 minutes to evaporate all residue of the solvent. Detailed
temperature is considered as the non-specificity for humidity schematic of fabrication process is presented in supplementary
sensors and can result in enormous errors in the calculation of information Figure-1.
relative humidity in certain cases [21] and can be catastrophic Multiple identical sensing devices were fabricated through
in food, health, and pharmaceutical industries. There has the same process by selecting the same fabrication parameters.
been relatively lower focus towards eliminating the effect of One of the sensors was then encapsulated using a Cellophane
temperature on the physical properties of relative humidity tape (off-the-shelf ∼80 μm) with a plastic spacer (∼500
sensors and majority of the methods investigated so far involve μm in height) to protect the active humidity sensing area
very complex and high cost solutions that are not practically from any damage through physical contact of the tape. The
feasible for low cost humidity sensors. For instance, most encapsulation isolated the active area of the sensor from the
attempts by researchers have been made using artificial neural physical environment, thus blocking any water molecules to
networks (ANN) for temperature compensation in humidity pass through; but at the same time, allowing the heat to
sensors [22]–[25] but the issue is requirement of high end reach the active layer via conduction from the back side
computers to implement those algorithms. Another approach and convection from the front side. Images of the fabricated
of normalization of curves and calculating the change in devices and the height profile of electrodes are presented in
constants of curve fitting equations at different temperatures supplementary information Figure-2.
has also been investigated [26], [27]. This is a relatively better
approach in terms of realization but requires accurate measure-
ment of temperature as well as a microprocessor to implement
and solve the complex mathematical equations. Then, few of B. Sensor Characterizations
them involve micro-machining of complex MEMS structures The sensors were characterized for their morphological,
that are not ideal for long term stability and are also quite chemical, and electrical properties for in-depth investigation
difficult and expensive to fabricate [28]. of their response, working principle, and performance para-
A facile, integrated, and low cost approach is much meters. The surface morphology of the active thin film was
needed to seamlessly compensate the effect of temperature investigated using Carl Zeiss Supra 55VP operating at 20 kV
in relative humidity sensors. This research work focuses field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and the
exactly on that by developing a complete integrated solu- chemical characteristics of the sensing material were investi-
tion for temperature compensation in relative humidity sen- gated using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
sors. The work covers material selection, device fabrication, (BruklerIFS666/S-Germany).
optimization and enhancement of performance parameters, The electrical response of sensors was explored in detail
and design and implementation of temperature compensa- using in-house developed controlled environmental chamber
tion signal conditioning circuit. A resistive humidity sen- with real-time data logging and plotting. The setup includes
sor based on PEO in its amorphous form was developed. a dry Nitrogen cylinder with flow control valves as the dehu-
A bridge based signal conditioning circuit was used for tem- midifier, a variable controlled desktop humidifier, an HTU-
perature compensation with an identical encapsulated sensor 21D high accuracy MEMS based integrated temperature and
as the dummy cell. Sensitivity was improved by designing relative humidity sensor as the reference, Applent AT-825 dig-
an instrumentation amplifier based circuit to amplify the ital LCR with USB interface, GwInstek AFG-2125 arbitrary
differential output of the bridge. This approach is widely function generator, GwInstek GDM-8342 dual measurement
used for temperature compensation in strain and pressure bench-top multi-meter with USB interface, and an in-house
sensor systems and have been proven to exhibit excellent developed central control and interface module with LCD
results [29]. The results achieved in this work are also remark- display and central data-logging to the computer via USB
able given the simplistic and low cost design and fabrication interface. Detailed schematic of the characterization setup is
approach. presented in Fig. 1.

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14908 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 21, NO. 13, JULY 1, 2021

Fig. 1. Detailed schematic design of controlled environmental setup for electrical characterizations.

Fig. 2. Physical and chemical characteristics of sensing material with (a) showing surface SEM and (b) showing the FTIR of PEO thin film.

To investigate the effect of temperature, the chamber was created in the gel like thin film of the amorphous PEO due to
heated using an in-built convection heating filament. Transient trapped air.
response of the sensor was recorded by quickly switching The micro-pores result in substantially improving overall
between one stream of air saturated with water vapor and one porosity of the active layer, thus increasing the surface area
stream of dry Nitrogen. Further details on the characterization to volume ratio that is ideal for humidity and gas sensors
setup can be found in our previous works [2], [18]. as it allows maximum sites for the adsorption of water and
gas molecules [30]. The amorphous behavior of PEO is also
clearly visible from the FTIR results presented in III-B(b). The
III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION three characteristic triplet absorption bands of C-O-C at 1060,
A. Morphological and Chemical Characterizations 1105, and 1144 cm−1 representing crystallinity of the material
SEM results presented in III-B(a) show micro-level cracks are missing from the results [32]. The remaining bands,
formed in the surface due to melting of the material during however, confirm the material to be PEO with the absorption
curing at high temperature (PEO melting point 74◦C) and then bands in the region with wavenumber lower than 1000 cm−1
re-solidification when the temperature was returned to normal. representing CH2 rocking, the band at 1290 cm−1 represent-
The phase of PEO was also changed from semi-crystalline to ing CH2 twisting mode, and the sharp peak at 2871 cm−1
amorphous during curing as the glass transition temperature of corresponding to C-H stretching mode. The wide absorption
PEO is 69◦ C [32]. This effect is visible from the micro-pores in the band around 3400 cm−1 represents the presence of

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Fig. 3. Impedance response of the devices at various temperatures showing (a) output curve of open sensor and (b) output curve of encapsulated

OH (hydroxyl) group due to physical adsorption while the humidity if the temperature changes by even 1◦ C (1◦ C change
band near 1643 cm−1 represents hydrogen bonded hydroxyl in temperature will result in an error of 2% RH). In terms
ions with the polymer [32]. The attachment of hydroxyl ions of real life scenario, the environmental temperature of most
with the polymer through hydrogen bonding results in higher areas around the globe roughly change on average by around
sensitivity of the material towards lower humidity levels. 10◦C in a 24 hours duration. This means an error of 20% in
It facilitates the flow of electronic and ionic current through the relative humidity readings over the course of a day which is
random paths in amorphous polymer matrix, thus decreasing unacceptable. The magnitude of change in sensor resistance
the resistance when the humidity levels increase [32]. due to change in temperature will be different for different
materials but some effect is there nevertheless for the majority
of devices.
B. Electrical Response and Behavior Specificity of a sensor is its ability to respond to only
Two identical devices were fabricated and one of them was the targeted parameter and reject the effect of anything else
encapsulated to isolate it from the effect of humidity while the (noise). This means that a humidity sensor responding to
other one was left open. Impedance response of both devices temperature variations is a non-specific sensor that is highly
was investigated towards increasing relative humidity and the undesirable. To address the issue of temperature dependence
results are presented in Fig. 3(a). Initially, the temperature was and improve the specificity of humidity sensors, an extremely
kept constant at room temperature and the relative humidity affective and simple approach has been developed in this work.
was changed from 0% RH to 80% RH. Results show that the The sensors were connected in a bridge configuration with the
impedance of non-encapsulated device (black) decreases with open sensor connected in one potential divider branch of the
increasing temperature with a slope of ∼15 k/%RH while bridge, while the identical but encapsulated sensor connected
the impedance of encapsulated device (green) is not affected in the opposing potential divider branch of the same bridge.
by the changing relative humidity and remains constant for a The bridge was excited with an AC waveform of 1 kHz having
fixed temperature. This confirms that the encapsulated sensor an RMS value of 1 V. AC excitation source was used instead of
was successfully isolated from the humid environment. The DC to prevent possible polarization of hydroxyl ions and water
dependence of device impedance (Z) on temperature (T) molecules under a fixed applied electric field. Also, a low volt-
was investigated by taking the Z vs RH curves at various age excitation source was used to avoid damage to the active
temperatures for the open sensor, while Z vs T curves for layer and keep the power consumption low at the same time.
the encapsulated sensor. The results presented in Fig. 3(a) As per the results presented in Fig. 3, it is expected that the
show that the impedance of open sensor is highly dependent output voltage of the branch with open sensor would change
on the surrounding temperature. The impedance decreases for both changing temperature and relative humidity but the
with increasing temperature shifting the whole curves (red output voltage of the encapsulated branch will respond only
& blue) of Z vs RH to a different level. This is due to to changes in temperature. Results of the bridge configuration
the change in conductivity of amorphous PEO with chang- with outputs of individual divider branches are presented in
ing temperature [32]. Similarly, the Z vs T plot (black) of Fig. 4. As theorized, Fig. 4(a) shows that voltage of open
encapsulated sensor presented in Fig. 3(b) shows that the sensor branch (red) is dependent on both the temperature and
impedance decreases with increasing temperature with a slope relative humidity while the voltage of encapsulated sensor
of about 29.5 k/◦ C and is independent of the change in branch (blue) is only dependent on changes in temperature.
relative humidity. This dependence of device impedance on Results at constant temperature presented in Fig. 4(b) show
temperature will result in a huge error in the reading of relative that the voltage of encapsulated sensor branch (blue) remains

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14910 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 21, NO. 13, JULY 1, 2021

Fig. 4. Output response of open and encapsulated devices connected in a bridge configuration showing (a) temperature dependence of open
and encapsulated sensors, (b) output of both branches and the overall bridge versus humidity, (c) temperature compensation using bridge, and
(d) comparison of normalized compensated and uncompensated outputs with the standard.

constant for changing humidity while the voltage of open of bridge; thus automatically cancelling each other out and
sensor branch (red) decreases almost linearly with increasing resulting in temperature compensation.
humidity. Relatively lower sensitivity of the sensor towards The compensation effect can be better visualized from
lower humidity levels was resulting in a non-linear Z vs RH Fig. 4(d) where the three curves are normalized and plot-
curve as presented in Fig. 3. But, as potential divider itself has ted together. The uncompensated curve (blue) shows huge
non-linear response for linear changes in resistance, the non- deviation from the standard (black) due to slight change in
linearity in resistance was cancelled out by the opposing temperature while the compensated curve (red) remains fairly
non-linearity of divider; thus, resulting in a fairly linear voltage close to the standard curve. Relative percentage error of the
output. Though, it would not be a universal case and is uncompensated curve (blue) with the standard curve (black)
only true for this particular device. Differential output of the was calculated to be 20.8% (absolute error of 5.61) for ∼6.3◦ C
bridge (green) in Fig. 4(b) will be considered as the standard variation in temperature. The percentage error was reduced
output of humidity sensor system at a constant temperature to just 5.4% (absolute error of 1.97) for the compensated
from this point onwards. Compensation performance of the curve (red) that shows a huge improvement. It is worth noting
developed signal conditioning system was then evaluated for here that the reference sensor used in this work (HTU-21D)
varying temperatures while recording its response towards also had a rated maximum error of up to 3% [33] while
change in humidity. Fig. 4(c) presents multiple curves includ- linear approximation of the standard curve (green) of Fig. 4(c)
ing open sensor branch output (red), encapsulated sensor also resulted in a standard error of 1.1%. This means that if
branch output (blue), differential compensated output (green), the linear approximations are not made and the actual curves
and change in temperature (black) for better visualization. are considered, the error will be further reduced. Also, this
It can be observed from the results that the open sensor branch configuration of bridge based compensation will work for
output (red) no longer remains linear when the surrounding sensors with any form of output, whether linear or non-linear,
temperature changes. But, the encapsulated sensor branch out- resistive or capacitive, and increasing or decreasing. This
put (blue) no longer remains constant as well. The differential makes out proposed solution to be close to a universal solution
compensated output (green) however remains fairly linear even for temperature compensation in humidity sensor chips.
with continuously varying surrounding temperature. This is To improve the sensitivity of the system, the differential
due to an equal effect of temperature on the opposing branches output of bridge was amplified using an instrumentation

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Fig. 5. Detailed signal conditioning circuit design for the temperature compensated humidity measurement system.

Fig. 6. Real-life parameters of the developed humidity sensing system showing (a) response and recovery time curve, (b) long term stability and
reproducibility, and (c) real-time measurement of relative humidity in open environment.

amplifier based signal conditioning circuit that has an added was selected to be in the same order of magnitude that is
advantage of automatically rejecting any common mode noise 3 M. Slightly higher value of fixed resistors was selected to
from the output signal. The detailed signal conditioning circuit compensate for the non-linear effects of a bridge circuit and
diagram/schematic is presented in Fig. 5. The circuit was keep the voltage output approximately linear in a short defined
designed based on actual parameters of sensor resistance, range. This will no doubt affect the maximum sensitivity of
signal amplitude, and desired output. Maximum value for differential bridge output but will let us operate the system in a
the intrinsic impedance of both sensors was recorded to be linear range that is of higher importance in this kind of signal
∼1.25 M at 0% RH. As the sensors were used in potential conditioning circuits. Sensitivity of the overall system was
divider based bridge configuration, the value of fixed resistors later improved by signal amplification as described above. The

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14912 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 21, NO. 13, JULY 1, 2021


gains and reference voltage were selected to directly obtain a (recover to 10% of maximum output starting from 90%) was
voltage reading roughly corresponding to the actual % relative recorded to be ∼2.88 s. Long term stability and reproducibility
humidity with 0.1 V representing 1% RH (0.0 V for 00% RH of the sensors was investigated by recording the full range
and 8.0 V for 80% RH). AD620 instrumentation amplifier output response curve with an interval of 100 days between
was used for signal amplification while LM741 was used for two readings. During that time, to ensure real-life applicability,
offset correction at 0% RH. Both are readily available and cost the devices were stored in nominal open environment without
a fraction of a dollar. Furthermore, the effect of mismatch in any special precautions other than avoiding physical damage
resistance of both sensors was investigated to verify the system or contamination of the active layer. The results presented
robustness in various conditions. The effect was investigated in Fig. 6(b) indicate the maximum absolute error of around
through simulations by changing the value of encapsulated 5.8% between the two curves showing outstanding stability of
sensor. It was observed that the overall system equation the devices making the developed system an ideal candidate
changes but the compensation effect remains intact because for weather monitoring. The real-life weather monitoring
as presented in Fig. 4(a), the voltage output of encapsulated capabilities of the developed system were tested by deploying
sensor changes linearly with temperature. it for real-time monitoring of relative humidity in an open
This means that the change in voltage (V) for a change environment with varying temperature and humidity. The data
in temperature (T) will remain same regardless of the initial was recorded for both the bridge output and the overall
value of encapsulated sensor resistance. So, a mismatch in system output. Temperature of the environment (red) was
the sensor pair resistances is not a cause of concern here. varied intentionally between 31.7◦C and 43.7◦C using a room
The only affect will be observed on the intercept of the linear heater installed near the setup for a measurement time of
relationship that can be easily tuned by changing the offset 1 hour. Temperature was changed forcefully to maximize the
voltage at the last stage. Further details and simulation results induced error in the system and check its robustness and
are presented in supplementary information section-II. effectiveness in compensation for more challenging condi-
As the final evaluation measurement, transient response, tions. The results presented in Fig. 6(c) show that relative
long term stability & repeatability, and real-life output results humidity (green) of the environment changed from 47.5%
were recorded for the developed sensor solution. Results of RH to 33.8% RH during the same time. The dependence of
the transient response presented in Fig. 6(a) show that the various sensor parameters towards the changing environmen-
response time (to achieve 90% of maximum output starting tal conditions show that the voltage output of encapsulated
from 10%) of the sensors was ∼1.88 s while the recovery time sensor branch (light green) is only dependent on the changing

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temperature as expected; the voltage output of the open sensor mode noise. Cost of the overall system was estimated to
branch (grey) is dependent on both temperature and humidity; be less than a dollar for mass production. The developed
while the differential output of bridge (pink) is dependent only sensor system was capable to measure relative humidity with
on humidity. Continuous output of the overall system after a bridge sensitivity of 2.9 mV/%RH while the final output
temperature compensation, that is voltage represented as a sensitivity of 100 mV/%RH in a wide range of 0% to 75% RH.
function of relative humidity (orange) is almost overlapping Temperature compensation results show that the error due to
the reference relative humidity (dark green). The absolute temperature changes was successfully reduced from 22.4% to
error or difference between the two curves is just 1.24%. 1.24%. The system had a transient response time of ∼2.4 s and
For comparison, the uncompensated output of the open sen- a long term accuracy of ∼95%. The output response was linear
sor branch (grey) and the calculated uncompensated relative and can be directly read as relative humidity being represented
humidity as a result (blue) are also plotted on the same graph. in terms of voltage output. The system would be valid for
The uncompensated humidity value exhibits an enormous error non-linear devices as well. Only the voltage output will not
of 22.4% when compared to the reference humidity curve directly represent humidity that is not an issue and can be
(dark green). This means that a change in temperature of just tackled by solving the non-linear equation of response curve.
12◦ C results in huge errors in calculation of relative humidity The same system can be further used to measure temperature
that have been successfully eliminated using the proposed if required with an additional circuit connected only to the
approach making the developed sensor system an ideal and compensation branch of the bridge.
complete solution for real-life humidity sensing applications.
Various performance parameters of the fabricated sensor C ONFLICT OF I NTEREST
solution in this work were compared with the state-of-the-
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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amplifier to improve the sensitivity and eliminate the common Assoc. Thailand-Conf., May 2011, pp. 34–37.

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14914 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 21, NO. 13, JULY 1, 2021

[13] D. Zhang, Y. Sun, P. Li, and Y. Zhang, “Facile fabrication of MoS2 - [31] M. Sajid, A. Osman, G. Uddin, G. Bum, and S. Wan, “All-printed highly
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[19] M. Morsy, M. Ibrahim, Z. Yuan, and F. Meng, “Graphene foam
Mazhar Javed has been a Research Associate with the GIK Institute
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with integrated temperature compensation mechanism,” Sens. Actuators the supervision of Dr. Khasan Karimov and Dr. Memoon Sajid. His
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[27] H. M. Z. Yousaf, S. W. Kim, G. Hassan, K. Karimov, K. H. Choi, techniques.
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vol. 308, Apr. 2020, Art. no. 127680.
[28] C. Y. Lee and G. Bin Lee, “MEMS-based humidity sensors with Gul Hassan is serving as an Assistant Professor with the Center
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IEEE Sensors, Oct. 2003, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 384–388. Islamic University, Islamabad. His areas of interest includes MEMS
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[30] H. B. Kim, M. Sajid, K. T. Kim, K. H. Na, and K. H. Choi, “Linear
humidity sensor fabrication using bi-layered active region of transition Hasan Mahmood received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in
metal carbide and polymer thin films,” Sens. Actuators B, Chem., USA, in 2007. His research interests include communication systems,
vol. 252, pp. 725–734, Nov. 2017. Ad hoc networks, channel coding, and computer architecture.

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