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Phoebe: Hello, Mariana! We haven't seen each (ейч) other in a long time.

What have you

been doing lately (литли)?
Me: Hello, Phoebe! I have just been busy helping the computer club is holding (холди) a
social media advertising (адвертайзинг) competition (компетишън). Do you want to
Phoebe: Oh, I didn't know you were a volunteer (волънтиър). Thank you very much for
the invite (инвайт)! With pleasure (плежър), I will come. When would it be?
Me: It will be on June 22 (Friday) and will start at 4 p.m. So, what did you decide? Will you
Phoebe: Thank you for the invite (инвайт), but I won't be able to come. I'm going out with
Rachel and Monica on Friday afternoon.
Me: You can come all three. What would you say?
Phoebe: With pleasure (плежър), we will come. That would be very nice. How much is the
entry (ентри) fee (фий)?
Me: Tickets are only £ (паунд) 1.50 each (ейч). The computer club will provide (провайт)
lots of food and refreshments (рефрешъментс) for all present (презън). With the girls you
can join the game to create (криейт) advertising (адвертайзинг) on social media. All you
need to do is bring your smartphones. The best participant (партиципан) will receive
(ресийв) a prize (прайз) for winning (уининг) participation (партиципейшън).
Phoebe: That sounds (саундс) great! We will definitely (дефенли) join the game. Thank
you very much, Mariana!
Me: For nothing. I will be very glad (глаад) to come. I'll see you on Friday at 4 p.m. Bye!

3 дорс даун

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