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Culture Differences –

 Solution - So, to overcome this challenge of international expansion, you must consider the
culture of the new markets. Create your strategy to align with the culture of the new
international markets. Taking help from local experts is highly beneficial for making this
transition (
 It’s also critical to consider the languages spoken by your company’s team members based in
international offices. Once again, investing in interpreters can help ensure your business
continues to operate smoothly.
 Just as each country has its own makeup of languages, each also has its own specific culture
or blend of cultures. Culture consists of the holidays, arts, traditions, foods, and social norms
followed by a specific group of people. It’s important and enriching to learn about the cultures
of countries where you’ll be doing business. When managing teams in offices abroad, selling
products to an international retailer or potential client, or running an overseas production
facility, demonstrating that you’ve taken the time to understand their cultures can project the
respect and emotional intelligence necessary to conduct business successfully. One example
of a cultural difference between the United States and Spain is the hours of a typical workday.
In the United States, working hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., often extending earlier or later. In
Spain, however, working hours are typically 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 to 8 p.m. The break
in the middle of the workday allows for a siesta, which is a rest taken after lunch in many
Mediterranean and European countries.
 Another challenge of entering a new market is appealing to new cultures. Different regions
have different cultural values, attitudes, and norms. You may discover features of the region’s
culture that require you to adapt your marketing tactics and sales approaches.Different
languages are a factor too. Customer engagement can be difficult if your website and
communications don’t serve the languages in your key regions or are badly translated or don’t
account for local dialects. This can lead to disengagement and loss of revenue. The same goes
for payments and the route to purchase. What makes sense for one market, doesn’t necessarily
align with the expectation in another market.
 Research is key, but we recommend having someone on board with experience in these
markets and their cultural differences to advise you on the dos and don’ts and how to frame
your messaging for marketing, sales and customer engagement. For instance, some cultures
will accept more direct and explicit forms of marketing and sales communications than
others. This also applies to things like attitudes towards money, nature, personal well-being,
 Ensure your brand messaging, marketing and communication approach is tuned into the
culture of your new audience before entering a new market. In an age where bad reviews and
negative social media reactions can really cause companies problems, you want to avoid
reputational damage.
 It should go without saying that if you don’t speak the same language as your customers,
communication is going to be a challenge. It’s certainly possible to run your product
descriptions through Google Translate – which is a great tool in certain circumstances, but we
would not recommend solely relying upon it to represent any company in a new country. We
recommend you need at least one person on your team who speaks the local language.
Obviously, this makes expanding into Anglophone countries like the US, UK, and Canada
more appealing for Australian and New Zealand companies.
Political Instability –
 To overcome this challenge of international expansion, ensure that you are updated with the
current political scenario. Understand the key issues such as complexity and corruption levels
within the foreign market. This will help you to mitigate the political risks.
 The decisions made by political leaders can impact taxes, labor laws, raw material costs,
transportation infrastructure, educational systems, and more. Stay informed and make
strategic decisions as new information arises. (

Hall (1990) distinguishes three main foundations that constitute so many keys to understanding and
deciphering the behavior of the foreigner: time, space and context Communication.
Arab is the most used language

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