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quarantine 1 2. (time, place) Hygiene Prva 7. 7 2 vd. fama x. quarterly Saree quartz enfes m. quaternary ala question 34 7. quicklime sia-wie m. quicksand (deep mass of loose sand mixed with water...) arets m. quicksilver = hydrargyrum URE m1. quinary Waa7. 7 quindecagon Geom. Taqargs m1. quinine fasat f. quinquevalent Ohem. tags’ quire (of paper) e@% m: (cf. Urdu am, frotn Persion =; which itself is from Skt. ey quit 1 (to set free) saa x. 2 (to meet and - satisfy a debt) Frana 7. aes quotient ofa f, untae n. “R Ra (radium) @ (asta) rabbit aaI% m. rabies (from wa) =hydrop- hobia Med., Vet, wet f, wet 1. - race Waa m. 2. (tuning) racecourse AAT 72, raceme (having one growing + axis). Bot. amqeha 4 racemic (Lat. racemus a - bunch of grapes or berries): Chem, aor 154 racemic acid aRan a th -- racemose “Bot: “RR, UR aera cL rachilla Bot. (axis of a spikelet) are mm. rachis Bot. (main:axis of a leaf) seq mz, (geta+3ra) -- rack-(for placing things in) fer m. radar aaiFay m. (cf. Japanese dempa tanchiki electric search) radial arta radial artery Anat. araxfta- aft Ff. radial fibres = radiating fibres Aca m. radially (along the radius) ar-az radial symmetry Biol. apta- . Stata f. radian 2. Math. an (from aR radius) radian adj. Math.. ants (from aN radian 2.) '" radian daa m. (@ equalt+ "aM arct3R radius, an angle subtended by an arc of « circle equal in length to the radius of the circle) radian measure ata am ‘m. radiant dae (-2q ); PRT radiant, radiating fae * radiant energy Phys. eee oat f. radiant flux ‘Photom. ‘(rate of energy radiation) . fafamr- art mM, oo aes radiate (to expose to radiation of ultraviolet rays) qWerarfia- fafa 1, radiation fafaxr mn. radiation of energy wai-fafaet 7. radiation of heat ana-fafae7 1. radiation of light serar-fafaeT nn. radiator ffeen mt. radical 1 Chem. We n. 2 Bot. qe m., (rootleaf yeaa 2, 3 Bot. (one of the ultimate divisions of a growing root) Fey m. radical axis Geom. years m. radical centre Geom. 4% n. radical sign Math. awit-Frg x. radicel Bot. afeat f. (rootlet ae) tadicle Bot. (that part of the embryo which goes to make the root) Fey 2. radicle leaves Yaa 1. radicle pocket qwum ite om. radioactinium Chem. aang m- rodioactivate vb. (to make radioactive) @HaRT 1. radioactive 3x radioactive transformation aaaeaftad om. radioactivity Phys., Chem. QalRVT radio-chemistry @s-

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