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Acrostic Poem:

Earth is really big!

Amazing in its nature!
Right now, it’s spinning!
That’s pretty cool!
Home is Earth and Earth is home!

1. Acrostic poems are written with a topic word.

2. The topic word is described in the horizontal lines.

3. The topic word is spelled out in the first letter of the lines

 Bestseller
 Kindergarten or First Grade: This book provides a very simple explanation of how our

solar system works. Me and My Place in Space follows a journey of a child that goes

through our solar system. This book answers simple questions about how our solar

system works and provides great visuals for children to look at.

 Job 26:7 “He stretches out the north over empty space; he suspends the earth on nothing.”
 Non-fiction
 First-Third Grade: This book deals with what might be considered more complex topics

that might be harder for younger children to understand. This book goes beyond the solar

system and discusses things like other stars, constellations, and astronauts. This book also

provides a good illustration.

 Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his

 Multicultural

 Third or Fourth Grade This book follows Hedgie who wants to be an astronaut. Hedgie

saves the day for a bunch of disappointed alien tourists. This book focuses more on the

storytelling aspect of space. The story might be difficult for younger children to


 Psalm 147:4 “He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names.”

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