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Resistance Training for Health

People of all ages and abilities who regularly participate in resistance exercise reduce
risk of numerous diseases, improve quality of life and reduce mortality.

Key Physiological Resistance Exercise Training can be

Benefits of Can Help time efficient
Resistance Exercise Manage and and effective
Treat Many for health benefits:
Conditions For health benefits, muscles need to be
Including: challenged with a combination of weight lifted,
• Arthritis repetitions and speed of lifting. The addition
• Cancers of resistance training to aerobic programs can
• Cardiovascular disease also enhance other health gains throughout the
Muscle • Dementia life span from childhood to old age.
strength, • Depression
endurance Bone, muscle Exercise Plan:
and connective • Diabetes
and power •Free weights, machines and/or bands
tissue growth • Fall risk
• Frailty can be used
and durability
• Hypertension •Perform 8-10 multi-joint exercises that
Communication • Insomnia stress the major muscle groups
between brain •Perform 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions
• Low back pain
and muscle with good form
• Mental health
Growth •Lift and lower the weight in a controlled manner
• Movement disorders
hormones (2 seconds each up and down)
• Obesity •The last repetition should be difficult
Blood glucose • Osteoarthritis to complete
regulation • Osteoporosis •Perform exercise 2-3 times per week
Aerobic • Pulmonary disorders •Progress weight lifted over time so that it feels
fitness • Peripheral vascular disease like an 8 out of 10 difficulty (where 0 = no
• Stroke effort, 10 = hardest effort you can give)

Authors: Fiataraone Singh, Maria; Hackett, Daniel; Schoenfeld, Brad;

Vincent, Heather K.; Wescott, Wayne. 2019

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