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1. Inventory management system to track stock levels continuously to identify low 1. FG - 4 days stock at company premises
1 Stock Less stock inventory High
stock situations early and allow timely restocking. 2. Child part - 20 days stock at company premises/Warehouse

1.Flood risk assessment to identify vulnerable areas and implement necessary

Flooding inside shop floor High
precautions. 1.Emergency response team formed to mitigate risk
2.Storm water drain are cleaned to ensure free flow of water 2.200 nos of Sandbags available to prevent water getting inside
2 Flood 3.Mouth of the drains are cleaned to ensure free flow of water 3.Dewatering pumps in low-lying areas to pump out water
Flooding in DG area High
4.DG stored at elevated platform from ground level 4.protocols available for drying out flooded equipment to minimize
5.Store critical items and equipment in elevated areas to protect them from downtime.
Flooding in FG storage area High floodwaters.

1.100% Backup generators in place to maintain essential operations during prolonged

Electricity Line stoppage due to electricity 1.50% more Sufficient capacity of DG available
3 Medium power outages.
Outage outage 2. Service person readily available nearby
2.Every month Regular maintenance and inspections of electrical systems

1. Will the move out the materials to safest place and cover with tarupalin
Damage to Finished Goods due to 1. Perodic roof inspection carried out
Medium sheet
leaking roof 2. Identifeid roof leaks are repaired & arrested
2. Shutter will be closed and bracing will be done to with stand heavy wind

Damage to Machines in shop floor Ensure no water entry if so extra taruplin sheet are in place to cover over the
4 Roof damage High Roof top louver window are closed to avoid rain water leakage
due to leaking roof machine

1.Shop floor Roof sheet clamps provided to withstand heavy wind as recommended by
Damage to roof due to heavy wind High FM Global Area will be barriced and Evacuated
2, Ulitiy building roof sheets are fatened as per FM Global recommendation

No access to reach HMI Medium Alternate route identified to reach HMI Ensure & track the safe access route to HMI
5 Road Damage
No access for employee
Medium Alternate route identified to reach employee Near by hotels are rented for the stay of crtical operation employees

Manpower Manpower not able to reach due to

6 Medium To identify near by other employees who is located in near by safe location Near by hotels are rented for the stay of crtical operation employees
Shortage flood

7 Food Shortage Food shortage for manpower Medium Canteen area are very near to factory premises Biscuits & snacks are kept as minimum 2 days stock
Electrocution due to non insulated
High Identified all non insulated cables and ensure cables are well insulated Water stagnant area power will be put off

8 Employee safety Electrocution during DG operation High Earthing provided incase any leaks it will be automatically get trip Water stagnant area power will be put off

Identify the heavy water flow , stagnant and slippery floor slip area and it will be
Slip , trip and fall during rain High Not to allow any man movement in the barricaded area
Will do the monsoon peparedness audit and enforce them to take action against the
Less supply from T2 Medium Ensure and monitor the production& supply timingly happening
9 non complaince point
T2 Vendor
No access for T2 to T1 Medium Alternate route identified to reach T1 from T2 Ensure & track the safe access route to T1 from T2
Building collapse due to crack
High Damaged & crack structure are identified and repaired Evacuate all employees & materials out of that specific area
Structure Compound wall collapse due to crack ,
10 High Damaged & crack observed compound wall are identified and repaired Area will be barricade and monitor to avoid unnecessary movement
Damage damages

Structure damage due to heavy wind High Damaged & crack structure are identified and repaired Area will be barricade and monitor to avoid unnecessary movement

1. Tieup with near by Petrol bunk

11 Diesel Shortage DG stoppage due to low diesel Medium Minimum stock 10 KL Maintained at every day
2. Open PO issued to HPCLChennai

Prepared by Reviewed By Approved by

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