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Parenting generation
Parenting, nowadays espeacilly hold an important port to raise genaration to the
best of their ability to be leaders of this Ummah, to teach them how to live as a
For example
Muslim in all aspects of their lives-in school, in playground, with parents, siblings,
and friends and in all other avenues of life as they grow up. It is important for a
Muslim to understand the significance of the parenting role, the importance of
preparing children for the hereafter and also this world. parenting efforts should start
with supplications to God and teaches us to pray for pure and righteous offspring.
Parents must focus on preparing their children for thefuturelife tolifecome more immensely
than just nurturing and protecting them in this life. It is vital for a parent to understand
the fundamental concepts that children are a test, which hold them accountable on
the Day of Judgment. Besides, children are an amanah from Allah swt. There is a
accountable ways to rise a child according to quran and our prophet Muhammad
S.A.W. It is even details and good to know.

For instance, at the first seven years of the child (0-7), this is the time when
parent should take the oppurtunity to build a strong connection with their child. At this
free doing something for example
rate, let child be child with let them playing and exploring but with a guidance from
their parent because these are the formation years when a child is constantly
influenced by the surroundings and learns by observing. To be exact, at this age
Children imitate their parents more than anyone. Next, at the ages between 7 and
14, they are ready for logical reasoning and Islamic ethics. This is the time when
children are sponges, ready to soak up anything and everything parent show, teach,
and tell them. This is the stage of upbringing them with secular and religious
knowledge, halal and haram, also all the things they need to know. It is parents duty
to provide the best education and strive their knowledge us much as they can
especially about islamic lessons. Other than that, parents responsibility is to teach
the child how to behave, how to choose his environment and decide which type of
people to fill that environment with. It as is also parents duty to provide the best
education and strive their knowledge us much as they can about the world especially
islamic lessons. While at the range ages between 14 and 21, some children might
achieve independence and they develop their beown personalityas
friend with this is the age when
they hit puberty. During these critical years, befriend them, advise them, and do what
you can. Understand that they are now full adults according to Islam, and the
choices are theirs to make, right or wrong. It is parents responsibility to advice them
and always look after them. This is great tips for us on how we raise our children.
There’s an another tips give them a Fair Treatment to all of them, have a great bond
with them than other people like always communicate or talk to them nicely because
Children who received good treatment are expected to love and respect their parents
and elders when they grow up. All this amazing thing will finally lead to character
building of the children to be a good muslim. Developing the good manner is very
crucial in the life of Muslim. It is through the manner, that the esteemed and noble
scholars have come into this world and left an impact not only in their societies, but
also in the history of the world.
To conclude, Parenting is the most important responsibility one faces during a
lifetime. Parenting is all about preparing our children for facing the challenges of life
and enlightening them with education in all branches of knowledge so long. Parents
must realize that raising children on Islamic principles can be a source of their
salvation in the hereafter for their own good.

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