The Imbalanced Expression of Adenosine Receptors in An Epilepsy Model Corrected Using Targeted Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation

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Mol Neurobiol (2013) 48:921–930

DOI 10.1007/s12035-013-8480-0

The Imbalanced Expression of Adenosine Receptors

in an Epilepsy Model Corrected Using Targeted
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation
Kang Huicong & Xue Zheng & Wang Furong & Tang Zhouping &
Xu Feng & Hu Qi & Liu Xiaoyan & Huang Xiaojiang & Zhang Na &
Xu Ke & Zeng Zheng & Zhu Suiqiang

Received: 14 April 2013 / Accepted: 30 May 2013 / Published online: 20 June 2013
# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Abstract Adenosine inhibits epileptic episodes by interacting Keywords Adenosine receptors . Adenosine kinase .
with G-protein-coupled receptors. This study examined the Mesenchymal stem cells . Epilepsy . Transplantation
mechanism by which the inhibitory effect of adenosine be-
comes impaired during epileptogenesis. Dynamic changes in
adenosine A1 receptors (A1Rs) and A2a receptors (A2aRs) Introduction
were investigated in a kindling model of epilepsy. RT-PCR,
Western blotting, and immunofluorescence results indicated The adenosine system plays an important role in neural
that expression of A1Rs was increased in the hippocampus inhibition and has been shown to have anti-convulsant ac-
24 h after kindling, but progressively decreased 1 and 6 months tivity in several epilepsy models [1–3]. The anti-epileptic
after kindling. Opposite changes were seen in the expression effects of adenosine are mainly mediated through two kinds
of A2aRs. This bidirectional change resulted in an imbalance of high-affinity receptors: adenosine A1 receptors (A1Rs)
between A1Rs and A2aRs and dysregulation of the adenosine and A2a receptors (A2aRs) A2aRs [4]. Activation of A1Rs
system. Autologous mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transplan- inhibits voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and K+ channels, and
tation was used to correct this disorder and avoid side effects thereby blocks the release of glutamate and prevents neuro-
of systematic adenosine therapy. Paramagnetic iron oxide nal depolarization [5]. A2aRs are predominantly expressed
particles were used to mark and track the MSCs in vivo using in the thalamus where it facilitates excitatory synaptic trans-
MRI. The results indicated that the transplanted cells migrated mission by counteracting A1R-mediated inhibition of gluta-
along the callosum and settled at the ependymal layer. The mate release [6]. The adenosine system is therefore regarded
MSCs displayed a relatively long survival time, at least as an “endogenous anti-epileptic system” [1]. Since seizures
3 months. The improved AR expression and EEG findings and ARs are intimately related, researchers have tried to
suggested that MSC transplantation was a potentially ef- reduce seizures by activating or blocking the adenosine
fective means of treating refractory epilepsy. system [7, 8]. However, if the AR system is abnormal, drugs
that act on ARs will be unable to reduce seizures. Affected
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article patients may, therefore, continue to suffer with refractory
(doi:10.1007/s12035-013-8480-0) contains supplementary material, epilepsy or even develop status epilepticus. Dynamic obser-
which is available to authorized users. vation of changes in ARs may therefore assist in understand-
K. Huicong : X. Zheng : W. Furong : T. Zhouping : X. Feng : ing the mechanism of refractory epilepsy. In the first part of
H. Qi : L. Xiaoyan : H. Xiaojiang : Z. Na : X. Ke : Z. Zheng : this study, we dynamically examined the change of ARs in a
Z. Suiqiang (*) kindling model of chronic epilepsy.
Department of Neurology, Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji
Stem cell transplantation is emerging as a new therapeutic
Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Jiefang Blvd., No.1095, Wuhan 430030, China approach for treating epilepsy and is the subject of a number
e-mail: of ongoing studies. It is thought that transplanted stem cells
922 Mol Neurobiol (2013) 48:921–930

survive, migrate, and differentiate into the functional neural (Invitrogen Co., Carlsbad, CA, USA). Complementary DNA
cells, and thus correct AR abnormalities. Mesenchymal stem was synthesized from total RNA using a reverse transcrip-
cells (MSCs) have shown particular promise as autologous tion kit (Fermentas Co.) according to the manufacturer's
implants. In this study, MSCs were transplanted into rats instructions.
with experimentally induced chronic epilepsy and their ef- mRNA was detected by a reverse transcription-polymerase
fect on AR expression and abnormal discharges were ob- primer chain reaction (RT-PCR) performed on a PTC-
served. Our objective was to provide an experimental basis 100 programmable thermal controller (MJ Research, Inc.,
for the application of stem cell transplantation in the treat- Watertown, MA, USA). All primers were designed using pub-
ment of chronic epilepsy. lished sequences and primer design software package (Primer
3). The following sequences were used for A1R (630 bp): 5′-
Materials and Methods GATCAGAATGC-3′. The sequences for A2aR (540 bp) were:
Animals TGTAGGCGTAGA TGAAGG-3′. The thermal cycle profile
was as follows: 95 °C for 5 min, 95 °C for 30 s, 58 °C for 45 s,
Specific pathogen-free male Wistar rats (weighing 220 to 72 °C for 1 min, repeated for 38 cycles, followed by 72 °C for
250 g) were obtained from the Animal Center of Tongji 10 min to terminate the reaction. PCR products were separated
Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and on 1.5 % agarose gels and visualized with ethidium bromide.
Technology, Wuhan, China. The animals were kept under The density of each band was determined by using Image Quart
controlled conditions at 22±2 °C and 50–60 % humidity, in a Software. Expression levels were indicated by the density
12-h dark/light cycle. The animals had free access to tap relative to that of β-actin which was an internal control.
water and standard feed. The rats were divided into three
groups of eight, comprising a kindled group, control group, Western Blotting
and normal group. Rats in the kindling group received intra-
peritoneal injection of lithium chloride–pilocarpine, those in Protein was extracted from the tissue using lysate. After dilu-
the control received normal saline and animals in the normal tion in SDS-PAGE sample buffer, protein and pre-stained
group received no treatment. molecular weight markers were separated by SDS-PAGE at
The study protocol was approved by the Animal Care and voltages reducing from 80 to 120 V. The products were electro-
Use Committee of Hubei Province, China (Y20081342). transferred to a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane using a
Throughout the study, international standards of animal current of 200 mA for 60 min. The blots were washed and
welfare were strictly followed in terms of care and use of incubated in TBS-T+5 % non-fat dried milk for 60 min. They
animals. were then re-incubated with primary antibodies (1:1,000 rab-
bit purified IgG anti adenosine; A1R, Abcam Co. and 1:100
Establishment of the Epilepsy Model mouse purified IgG anti adenosine A2aR, Upstate Co).
Thereafter, the blots were incubated overnight washed and
Kindling was induced in accordance with previously de- incubated for 1 h with secondary antibody labeled with horse-
scribed methods [9]. In brief, animals were administered radish peroxidase (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santacruz, CA,
intraperitoneal pilocarpine (50 mg/kg) 18 to 24 h after the USA). After three 10-min washes with Tris-buffered saline
intraperitoneal injection of lithium chloride (3 mmol/kg). and Tween the membrane was stained using a DAB kit
Following this procedure, most animals developed limbic (Zhongshan Co., Beijing, China). Image density was ana-
status epilepticus, which was terminated by administration lyzed using Image Quart Software. For each sample, the
of diazepam (10 mg/kg, i.p.) 40 min after onset. optical density was normalized using β-actin as an internal
The seizures were recorded on a five-point Racine Scale. control.
Grades IV and V represented full kindling. After a seizure-free
(latent) period, animals developed spontaneous recurrent seizures Immunofluorescence
during the subsequent chronic period [10]. The animals were
video-taped to observe these seizures. Frozen sections (10-mm thick) were prepared to detect
AR expression by immunofluorescence. Antibodies of
RT-PCR Analysis A1R and A2aR were diluted 1:100 and those of Cy3
and FITC were diluted 1:300. Positively stained cells
Rats were decapitated 24 h, 1 month, and 6 months after the were identified by green or red membrane fluorescence.
induction of epilepsy. The hippocampus was isolated and Two slices were selected from each animal and 10 fields
harvested on ice for RNA extraction, using TRIzol reagent were observed at a high magnification.
Mol Neurobiol (2013) 48:921–930 923

Fig. 1 Expression of A1Rs and

A2aRs in the hippocampus after
kindling detected by RT-PCR
and Western blotting. The upper
panels show the RT-PCR
electrophoretogram for A1Rs
and A2aRs. A1R expression
was up-regulated at 24 h and
down-regulated progressively at
1 and 6 months after kindling.
Changes in A2aRs were in the
opposite direction. The lower
panel shows Western blotting
results. The dynamic changes in
A1R and A2aR protein were
consistent with RT-PCR

Culture, Labeling and Identification of MSCs P-S, 1 % glutamate, EGF) and cultured at 37 °C and in 5 %
CO2 and 95 % humidity.
Wistar rats 4 to 5 weeks old were sacrificed by decapitation MSCs were labeled with paramagnetic iron oxide parti-
and dipped into 75 % alcohol for 8 min. Whole tibial and cles (PIOPs) provided by Prof. Zhu Wenzhen (Department of
fibular bones were aseptically isolated and separated from Radiology, Tongji Hospital). PIOPs (50 μg Fe/mL) were
muscle and bone membranes in iced phosphate buffer solu- added to the complete medium. Poly-L-lysine (PLL; Sigma,
tion (PBS). The epiphyses were removed and the marrow USA) was added at a ratio of Fe/PLL of 1:0.03, and the
cavity was washed three times in PBS. The flushing fluid samples were incubated at 37°C for 1 h. Half of the MSC
was centrifuged at 1000 r/min for 10 min. The resulting cells medium (1.5 mL containing fifth-generation MSCs) was
were suspended in a complete medium (containing 80 % replaced medium containing PIOP and the resultant samples
DMEM low glucose medium, 18 % fetal calf serum, 1 % were incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. Complete medium was

Table 1 Quantitative RT-PCR data for hippocampal AR expression (A/Aβ-actin)

Group N A1R A2aR

24 h 1 months 6 months F value 24 h 1 months 6 months F value

KG 8 1.1483±0.1182 0.7749±0.0262 0.5682±0.0443 311.987 0.8338±0.0572 1.1581±0.0447 1.2169±0.0332 289.735

CG 8 0.8997±0.0170 0.8846±0.0354 0.8943±0.0281 0.221 1.0016±0.0045 0.9983±0.0165 0.9760±0.0229 0.519
NG 8 0.9973±0.0194 1.0061±0.0372 1.0175±0.0143 0.953 0.9842±0.0782 1.0037±0.0358 0.9953±0.0147 0.348

Data are shown as mean±SD

N number of animals in each group, KG kindling group, CG control group, NG normal group
924 Mol Neurobiol (2013) 48:921–930

Table 2 Quantitative Western Blot data for hippocampal ARs expression (A/Aβ-actin)

Group N A1R A2aR

24 h 1 month 6 months F value 24 h 1 month 6 months F value

KG 8 0.7872±0.0621 0.4532±0.0380 0.2633±0.0609 269.782 0.2098±0.0257 0.5108±0.03210 0.7080±0.0371 329.691

CG 8 0.5829±0.0237 0.5417±0.0573 0.5782±0.018 2.643 0.3428±0.0304 0.3643±0.05190 3316±0.0413 1.927
NG 8 0.6271±0.0592 0.5913±0.0620 0.5748±0.047 2.041 0.2975±0.0469 0.3214±0.03520 3195±0.0583 1.538

Data are shown as mean±SD

N number of animals in each group, KG kindling group, CG control group, NG normal group

then added and the MSCs were incubated at 37 °C and in 5 % cell suspension was injected at a rate of 0.2 μL/min. After
CO2 for 2 days. injection, the microinjector remain in situ for 10 to 15 min to
Fourth- and fifth-generation MSCs were washed with PBS avoid cell reflux.
containing 1 % bovine serum albumin and incubated with Seven days, 1, and 3 month(s) after transplantation, the
CD45, CD90, CD105 antibodies for 15 min at 4 °C. After labeled MSCs were tracked in vivo by 1.5 T MRI. The rats
incubation, the cells were washed twice with PBS and analyzed were anesthetized and placed into a specially designed receiv-
on a FACSAria system with built-in FACS DIVA 6.2 Software er MR-coil. Fast spin echo T2-weighted images were obtained
(BD Immunocytometry Systems, Heidelberg, Germany). using the following parameters: repetition time/echo time
Six-well plates were cover-slipped and coated with PLL. 4,400/80 ms, echo train 6, slice thickness 1.5 mm, matrix
Then, cells were digested using 0.5 % trypsin and the 64×64, and four excitations.
suspended cells were seeded into six-well plates. Cells were Three months after transplantation, frozen sections (10 mm
fixed with 4 % paraformaldehyde for 20 min, washed three thick) were made for Prussian blue staining using previously
times, and incubated with 2 % potassium ferrocyanide (Perl’s reported methods.
reagent) in 6 % hydrochloric acid for 30 min. After another
wash, the cells were counterstained with 0.5 % eosin for EEG Detection
3 min. Cells that had not been subjected to PIOPs labeling
were used as controls. EEG recording was carried out on day 15 after kindling and
was repeated 3 months after transplantation. Two electrodes
MSCs Transplantation, MRI Tracking and In Vivo were separately placed on the frontal lobe (2.0 mm in front
Histological Identification of the anterior fontanelle, 2.0 mm away from the midline
and 0.5 mm deep) and hippocampus (2.0 mm behind the
Cells were harvested and re-suspended at a concentration of anterior fontanelle, 3.2 mm away from the midline and
2×106/mL in PBS. One month after kindling, the rats were 3.5 mm deep). The other electrodes served as a ground-
anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of 6 % chloral hy- wire and reference electrode respectively. The recording
drate (at 0.5 mL/100 g). The rats were placed in a stereotaxic trace was set at a speed of 15 mm/s with 2 mm displacement
instrument (SR-5, Narishige, Japan). The right hippocampus representing 50 V. Each recording lasted 15 min. The aver-
was located (3.8 mm behind the frontal fontanelle, 3.2 mm age frequency of spike waves (total number of the spike
from the midline, and 3.5 mm deep) and the labeled MSCs waves divided by recording time) was calculated and am-
were transplanted using a microinjector. A total of 2 μL of plitude was measured.

Table 3 Positive fluorescence cell count for hippocampal ARs (A/Aβ-actin)

Group N A1R A2aR

24 h 1 month 6 months F value 24 h 1 month 6 months F value

KG 8 76.17±4.62 49.83±4.36 38.50±4.81 166.619 43.83±5.12 90.33±5.43 114.50±4.04 179.852

CG 8 62.67±5.57 64.39±3.78 65.81±4.39 1.674 1.674 64.17±4.17 66.82±4.29 64.98±5.61 1.42
NG 8 59.73±4.16 57.20±5.24 61.53±3.92 2.68 66.72±3.26 63.23±5.08 65.37±4.90 1.97

Data are shown as mean±SD

N number of animals in each group, KG kindling group, CG control group, NG normal group
Mol Neurobiol (2013) 48:921–930 925

Fig. 2 Immunofluorescence of
hippocampal ARs in after
kindling. a A1R expression in
normal group. b A1R
expression 24 h after kindling. c
A1R expression 1 month after
kindling. d A1R expression
6 months after kindling. e A2aR
expression in normal group. f
A2aR expression 24 h after
kindling. g A2aR expression
1 month after kindling. h A2aR
expression at 6 months after
926 Mol Neurobiol (2013) 48:921–930

Statistical Analysis Fig. 3 Prussian blue MSC staining and tracking by MRI and histology.„
The upper panels show Prussian blue staining with numerous blue-
stained iron particles in the cytoplasm of all cells (right). Notably,
The data were analyzed using the SPSS 12.0 Software. 87.4 % of cells remained labeled after five culture transfers (middle).
Numerical data were expressed as means and standard de- The left panel shows the absence of staining in control cells. The middle
viations (±SD). Between group differences were evaluated panels show T2-weighted MRI images displaying dark cell clusters at
using one-way ANOVA analysis. Values of P<0.05 were 7 days (left), 1 month (middle) and 3 months (right) after labeled MSCs
transplantation. Labeled cells migrated towards the midline of brain.
considered statistically significant. The lower panels show histology of brain tissue slices after PIOP-
labeled MSCs transplantation. a Transplanted cells migrated towards
the callosum and round cell clusters became fusiform. b A blue-stained
Results cell zone was distributed along the endyma

Bidirectional Change of ARs in Hippocampus Improved A1Rs/A2aRs Ratio After MSCs Transplantation
After Kindling
Three months post transplantation, A1Rs expression in the
The expression of A1Rs in the hippocampus increased tran- kindling group was up-regulated and A2aR expression was
siently 24 h after kindling, and thereafter decreased progres- down-regulated relative to the control group. This resulted in
sively 1 and 6 months after kindling. A2aR expression an improved A1R/A2aR ratio in the kindling group (Fig. 4).
decreased 24 h after kindling and then increased at 1 and
6 months Adenosine receptor expression remained Post Transplantation Epileptic-Form Discharge
unchanged in the hippocampus in the control and normal
group. The results are shown in full in Fig. 1 and Table 1. The pre transplantation frequency of sharp waves was
There were statistically significant differences in post- 19.65±2.18 times per sheet and the amplitude was
kindling A2aR and A1R expression between kindling and 297.43±25.37 mV. Post transplantation, the frequency de-
control groups (P<0.05 or P<0.01). There was also a statis- creased to 7.48±0.91 times per sheet and the amplitude to
tically significant difference in AR expression between the 1 86.27±7.72 mV (both P<0.0001; Fig. 4). No statistically
and 6 month assessments (P<0.0001). significant changes were seen in the control group.
Western blotting and immunofluorescence detection at
different time points also exhibited significant bidirectional
changes ARs expression after kindling (Figs. 1 and 2 and Discussion
Tables 2 and 3).
A reduced density of A1Rs has been reported in patients with
MSC Identification and Labeled by PIOPs chronic epilepsy [11] and in animal models [12]. By contrast,
expression of A2aRs has been found to increased sharply in
Primary cultured MSCs which were spindle-shaped and patients with epilepsy [13]. In this study, we examined dy-
proliferated rapidly and became fibroblast-like in shape after namic changes in ARs expression in a rat kindling model,
5 to 7 days. They were positive for CD90 and CD105, but from the time of acute insult until the development of chronic
negative for CD45 (S1). epileptogenesis. Our finding that A1R expression was signif-
Prussian blue staining revealed the presence of blue par- icantly up-regulated 24 h after kindling was consistent with
ticles in the cytoplasm of virtually all MSCs that had been previous studies reporting upregulation of AIRs between 1
cultured in the presence of PIOPs. PIOP-labeled cells were and 24 h after kindling with pentetrazole [14, 15]. Some
all positively stained and non-labeled cells (control cells) researchers believe that this is an adaptive reaction to acute
were all negatively stained. The PIOPs were transferrable seizures [16]. Other studies have concluded that the decreased
to daughter cells such that positive PIOP-labeling in the fifth A1R density reflected the degeneration of neural cells [12].
generation was estimated at 87.4 % (Fig. 3). Based on these observations, it has been proposed that an
acute increase in extracellular adenosine level and expression
Post Transplantation Survival and Immigration of MSCs of A1Rs may enhance the inhibitory action of adenosine
system until the point where the seizure is terminated.
PIOP-labeled MSCs showed low signals on T2-weighted In the present study, we found that A1R expression was
images at all time points after transplantation and scan indi- progressively reduced 1 and 6 months after the experimental
cated that the cells migrated towards the midline of brain onset of seizure. Other workers have described this progres-
(Fig. 3). Prussian blue staining showed that the transplanted sively reduced sensitivity of A1Rs to extracellular adenosine
cells had migrated to the callosum and were distributed along in terms of a “desensitization” response [17]. This reduction in
the endyma at 3 months post transplantation (Fig. 3). A1R-mediated inhibition may be an important mechanism
Mol Neurobiol (2013) 48:921–930 927

responsible for refractory epilepsy. There is evidence to indicate nerve fibers and alter neuronal plasticity. The reduced inhibito-
that adenosine, ATP, and activation of A1Rs inhibit regrowth of ry action over time may, therefore, promote neuronal regrowth
928 Mol Neurobiol (2013) 48:921–930

Fig. 4 Effect of MSCs

transplantation on the expression
of ARs and EEG recording. a–b
A1R expression in the
hippocampus. c–d A1R
expression in the temporal lobe.
e–f A2aR expression in the
thalamencephalon (left sham,
right transplantation group).
Middle panel/Bar chart *P<0.05
and Δ P<0.01compared with
control group. Lower panel EEG
recordings indicated that the
amplitude and frequency of
spike waves was reduced after
transplantation (150 mV/cm).
Cor temporal cortical electrode,
Hip hippocampal electrode
Mol Neurobiol (2013) 48:921–930 929

resulting in overactivity of the neural loop until neural plastic- seizure occurrence for at least 8 weeks following stem cell
ity is changed [18]. Our results demonstrate a bidirectional transplantation [25]. Some of the transplanted cells died over
change in A1R expression as seizures progressed from the this period of time and as a consequence, adenosine secretion
acute to the chronic phase, suggesting that the adenosine was gradually decreased and seizure episodes increased [25].
system failed to maintain an adaptive response to the seizures, In our study, both the frequency and the amplitude of
ultimately resulting in pathological damage. We also showed epileptic-form discharges were reduced over a period of
that A2aR expression was down-regulated during the acute 3 months indicating that the anti-epileptic function can be
phase of epilepsy, possibly reflecting the known antagonistic maintained for relatively long time post transplantation.
action of A2aRs against A1Rs [19]. Thus, downregulation of Other workers have shown that the density of ARs only
A2aRs and upregulation of A1Rs appear to work in tandem to changed when they were stimulated by at least, millimole
rapidly terminate seizures. levels of adenosine [26]. Their explanation was that adeno-
In the healthy brain, the ratio of A1Rs and A2aRs is in sine A3 receptors play a regulatory role in controlling the
balance to maintain the inhibitory action of adenosine sys- adenosine system, and consequently the nanomole levels of
tem. However, in chronic epilepsy, A1R expression in brain adenosine secreted by transplanted cells was not sufficient to
tissue appears to be reduced and A2aRs appears to be in- change AR density. Other workers have shown that low
creased, which results in a weaker inhibitory effect of A1Rs. levels of adenosine act as a tonic ARs inhibitory mechanism
Targeting ARs may, therefore, provide a new approach for [27] and thereby protect ARs from losing sensitivity and
the treatment of epilepsy. density which is a potential advantage of cell transplantation
Cell transplantation techniques have been developed ex- over other alternatives.
perimentally to avoid the peripheral side effects of systemic
adenosine, its antagonists, and agonists. It has been shown that
very low doses of adenosine (20 to 50 ng/day) substantially Conclusions
inhibit epileptic-form discharge in experimental models [20].
The level of adenosine secreted by the transplanted MSCs is The present study was undertaken to attempt to restore the
low, and does not promote internal secretion of adenosine as normal function of adenosine system using MSCs transplan-
MSCs have no effect on adenosine transporters on the pre- tation. We successfully reduced the amplitude and frequency
synaptic membrane [21]. Furthermore, recovery of the inhib- of EEG spike waves and improved the dysregulated ARs
itory effects of adenosine and its receptors post transplantation expression that accompanied experimentally induced epilep-
is accompanied by increase adenosine levels and improve sy in rats. Our results indicate that with further development,
adenosine receptor function. MSCs transplantation might provide a promising new form
MSCs have become a popular source of adult stem cells as of therapy for refractory epilepsy.
they are readily available, suitable for autologous transplan-
tation and can be induced to differentiate into neural cells. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (81201006), Natural Science Foundation
Stable genetic modification of MSCs can also readily be
of Hubei Province (2011CDB201) and Science and Technology Re-
achieved [21]. search Plan Project of Wuhan City (201161038339-02).
Although the present did not examine adenosine secretion
by MSCs, previous workers have shown that MSCs produce Conflict of Interest The authors declare that there were no conflicts
of interest for any of the participating authors.
adenosine at a rate of 8.5 ng/h·105 [22]. In our study, the
transplanted MSCs remained alive 3 months post transplanta-
tion, indicating prolonged survival and proliferative capacity. References
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