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North Sea

Ocean Europe


Red Sea
A. Discuss the social and political structure of the Roman Republic - include the
citizens and their roles, the decision makers and how to guard against abuse of

- A sophisticated social and political structure known as the Roman Republic existed
for many years before becoming the Roman Empire. The patricians and plebeians
were the two principal classes in ancient Roman society. Plebeians were regular
people, while Patricians were the aristocratic class. These distinctions became less
distinct with time, but they were still important in the early Republic. At first, only the
patricians were allowed to be citizens of Rome. Plebeians, however, gradually
increased their rights and eventually attained full citizenship. Voting in elections,
joining the military, and paying taxes were just a few of the rights and duties that
citizens possessed. Furthermore, the equestrians were a class above the plebeians but
beneath the patricians. They were frequently affluent persons who held prominent
positions in Roman society, such as those of businessmen, judges, or administrators.
Slaves had no political rights and slavery was pervasive in ancient Rome. They were
utilized for many types of work and regarded as property.

In terms of people in position, a council of senior statesmen, the Roman Senate was
initially made up entirely of patricians but subsequently included plebeians as well.
Roman magistrates were elected officials in charge of running the Republic on a daily
basis. The Senate was crucial in advising magistrates, approving legislation, and
making crucial choices about foreign policy and government. The consuls, who acted
as top executives and military commanders, were the highest-ranking magistrates.
Praetors, aediles, and quaestors were additional magistrates, each of whom had a
particular duty. There were also a number of populous assemblies where people could
cast ballots for legislation and choose representatives. The Tribal Assembly and the
Centuriate Assembly were the most significant ones. While the Tribal Assembly
chose less significant magistrates and approved local laws, the Centuriate Assembly
chose consuls and praetors and approved major legislation.

A system of checks and balances was used in the Roman Republic to avoid the
consolidation of power. For instance, consuls had term restrictions and had veto
power over one another. Furthermore, the authority of the magistrates was separated,
and each had distinct duties. Roman citizens also had legal protections, tribunals, and
judges to assure justice. Roman law was renowned for its impartiality and respect for
due process. The Senate, which was made up of seasoned and respected figures, had
considerable power and served as a check on the conduct of magistrates and other
government officials.

Above all those protection for abuse of powers, the Roman Republic eventually fell
victim to internal strife, corruption, and power struggles, which caused it to change
into the Roman Empire under the control of emperors.

B. What factors led to the decline of the Roman empire?

- Political unrest, such as the frequent change of emperors brought on by
assassinations, coups, and civil wars, undermined the administration and made it
difficult to implement consistent policies. The imperial bureaucracy was rife with
corruption, and poor administration made it difficult to deal with urgent problems.
Additionally, societal discontent was fostered by social and cultural factors including
the widening wealth disparity between the wealthy elite and the poor masses, and over
time, the old Roman ideals of civic responsibility and patriotism began to disintegrate.
Finally, the short or unsuccessful reigns of several emperors throughout this time
period contributed to instability and numerous power clashes.
Emperors were frequently chosen without following a clear and consistent process,
which frequently produced unfit rulers.

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