Snow Activity Lesson Plan Portfolio

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Toddler Emergent Curriculum Partner Plan

Lead: Information from previous session(s): Check-in/out, handwashing:
Seira and Jaxson: In most labs, he likes to play with cars and trucks. He is very energetic and looked having a Kalena and Seira
Kalena fun time during the gathering time. He talks to himself often, but it is sometimes hard to understand his Snack: Lauren
Date: English. If teachers catch any of his words, teachers can expand his words by adding more words. He Closing Activities Set Up: Seira
Thursday, is working on building trust between teachers and overcoming separation anxiety. It was hard to Gibbons
February leave his mom at first, but he’s been dealing with separation anxiety well. I noticed that he spends a Observation Booth: N/A
16, 2023 lot of time at the sensory table and block area. He sometimes looks like he doesn't know what to do,
so teachers can scaffold his play so that he can engage in an area for a longer time. Jaxon also
seems more reserved and may need more scaffolding and modeling as well as encouragement.
Even though he is quiet he may have emotions he needs to express.

Sophia: She is good at pretend play. She likes when teachers make scenarios and react to what she
is doing. When she was standing by the cash register, she counted numbers very well. She is creative
when she plays with a playdough. I realized that she likes mimicking teachers and animals’ voices.
When teachers step in and model the play, she can experience deeper learning. She is eager to
play at preschool and usually happy throughout the lab. She loves taking care of babies and
animals, and I noticed that she is good at reading someone’s feelings and having empathy. Sophia
usually sits at the very front during gathering time. It’s important for teachers to watch her so that
other children can see the teacher's materials and participate in the activity.

Kaenan: He loves art and the cause and effect that he experiences there. He loves the easel and
many of the art activities we have had. The droppers and stamps were a big hit for him. Helping him
work on his pincer grasp will help him to expand his ability to create. We will have stamps to expand
upon this. There will be small stamps and big stamps. He knows his colors well and could benefit from
learning about how colors mix. At the art table we have shaving cream and watercolor to give
Kaenan and other children an opportunity to mix colors and add upon their knowledge of color.
Teacher could say “oh, you put red and blue together. What color does that make?” He has also
built trust and knows that mom will come back. Kaenan has shown emotional growth, with our lesson
plan we want to build on that and continue to talk about emotions. In dramatic play we will have
‘house’ set up. This will be a wonderful time to talk about emotions when teachers see an
opportunity. Teachers could say

Keilani: Recently Keilani has had a lot of new changes at home. She is overwhelmed by this. In Sister
Olsen class we talked about this a bit. Helping her to pacing out these emotions or even rage if that is
what she needs. At the ball pit on Tuesday she threw some balls in the bucket, which could help her
release some pent up energy from the overwhelming emotion she is feeling. After she calmed down
a bit she pushed Joey around in a stroller. This may have helped her. These activities may help when
she is calmer, rather than when she is worked up. Joey, her transitional object, is very helpful for her.
In my resilience class with Sister Olsen we talked about how we can model play with a transitional
object or that a self object can help children safely express themselves and their emotions. An
example of this would be if we ask Keilani and Joey a question, Joey’s response would more
accurately represent how Keilani feels rather than her own response. This may look different due to
age and how Keilani expresses herself. I also found out that Keiklani likes horses. The book I was
reading with her had horses and that is part of what helped her to calm down.
In general, what do all the children in the class need to continue their learning and development? The children in our class are in a crucial time to
learn how to read social cues and express their feelings properly. Some children are still trying to deal with separation anxiety and trying to learn
other people’s feelings. Learning different feelings enables children to understand their own feelings and feel empathy for other people.
We have seen how the children are learning about feelings. Kaenan knows now that mom will come back and that he doesn’t have to be sad.
Keilani has big emotions she is trying to work through. Jaxson seems reserved and quiet, talking about emotions may help him to open up. Sophia
has younger siblings and loves to play with babies. Talking about how the baby feels can extend her play and her knowledge of emotions.

Based on these needs and the children’s interests, what are you going to teach?
Based on the needs of these children, there will be some activities that allow children to deepen their understanding about emotions. Teachers can
accomplish this by using language that expresses feelings. For example, teachers can ask children, “what do you think this cat is feeling right now?”
Teachers also can narrate what they are doing. For example, “Your baby looks happy because you gave her milk!” “This dog feels sad because
he’s been cold all day”. In this way, children can learn to be sensitive to other people’s feelings. Children can also learn how people feel certain
emotions in specific situations.
We can talk about how some emotions feel big and others small. Each of the children have either had or have seen big emotions in the classroom.
They have expressed concern and curiosity as well as tried to help their friends. We want to build on this and continue the conversations about
emotions. We can talk about how “oh Keilani is sad right now. What makes you feel better when you are sad?” or “crying can be overwhelming,
but did you know you can cry when you are happy too?”

Opportunities for self-directed learning, discovery, and play throughout the day (in general and for specific children):
Today’s lab is prepared so that children can learn different emotions by themselves. We learn different emotions through interaction with other
people. Dramatic area is where children can pretend to live together and nurture friendships. Children in our lab, especially Luna and Sophia, have
a deep love for babies and animals. Children think about babies and animals’ feelings as they try to meet babies and animal’s needs. Books in
classrooms are chosen because they teach different emotions. When Keilani came to our lab on Thursday, she sat down on a couch and started
reading by herself. Books are effective for Keilani to calm down and foster her language. Children have many opportunities to use their hands and
explore new materials today. Scissors and glue require children to carefully manage their fine motor skills.

How I expect to:

● Develop relationships with individual children: Children need help from teachers so that they can learn more about emotions. We see some
children who are struggling with leaving their parents. We have children who are still learning to understand other people’s feelings. When
teachers come across those moments, it is a good time to practice emotion coaching. So, the first step is to be aware of emotions, and teachers
can help children recognize their motions. Even though the child is not struggling, teachers can tell the child what he or she is feeling. Teacher
can tell the child what animals and babies feel. It is important for us to tell children what we feel too. Keilani might feel sad today, and teachers
can help children understand her feelings. There are many ways to talk about emotions, but it is important for children to know that they feel
teachers are close to them when they talk about emotions.
● Support children in developing relationships with others: Children have been building good relationships with each other. There are many times
we see children staying in the same area. Children might not talk to each other a lot, but If teachers see some children playing in the same area,
teachers can help children communicate. For example, teachers can ask the same questions to multiple children. “What is your favorite color?”,
“What is your favorite animal?” so children can get to know each other. Children are still learning to share things with other friends. It is important
for teachers to set boundaries so that children can have turns and prevent fighting. If a child hits someone, teachers can talk about feelings like
“Are you okay? I’m sorry that he hit you. You must be sad”.
● Establish a safe community of learning: Trampoline is what teachers should keep their eyes on today. Teachers should teach and help so that not
too many children use the trampoline at the same time. We will use snow for the first time today. Children might try to throw a snowball at other
people. Teachers should set boundaries so that some children don’t have to feel uncomfortable. Gloves are prepared for children, so teachers
should ask children if they want to use gloves. At the content table, there are scissors to cut things. The scissors are not for playdough, and they
have real knives. Because some children such as Keanen and Rebecca are still learning to control the muscle of their hands, teachers might
need to help those children.

● Establish/manage group expectations: With the house built and the washing table set up next to the dramatic play area, the classroom has
changed a bit and will probably feel different to the children and could be overwhelming. We need to be aware of this. There will be familiar
items in the dramatic play area to keep it feeling familiar and safe. The children may be really excited about the change and want to explore
what is new.
● At gathering time we will need clear boundaries. Each child will hold on to a loop of a parachute. We will need teachers to model and help the
children. We need to help the children take turns as they get a chance to go under the parachute. We need strong and calm guidance as we
wave the parachute. The song we will be playing might feel too intense for the children and we will have a slower and soft slow to play after to
calm down.
● Provide opportunities for holistic development: The children will increase in their emotional-social development as they learn about emotions, how
they feel and understanding that better and how others can feel different than we do. Gathering time will help them with their physical
development and help them understand how their bodies feel with different emotions. In dramatic play and the washing babies station they can
act out real life situations as they play house. They can go to bed and wake up in the morning. They can bake and make soup. They can use
their fine motor skills to cut vegetables.
Activities and Assignments: Materials and Locations:
Books (Seira) Book shelf
Pets (T M-20), The Very Hungry caterpillar (T C-27), Dinosaures, Dinosaures (T B-5)
Let It Snow (T C-39), Baby animals (T P-11), Sheep in a Jeep (T S-4), Five little penguins Slipping
on the ice (T M-11), Belly Breathe (T K-13) TM23 I love you stinky face,

With Instruments
TW8 wheels on the bus, TS5&6 twinkle twinkle star & Polly put the kettle on

Block area
Trucks (T B-31), The Wheels on the Bus (T S-10), Sheep in a Jeep (T S-4), TR6 Jorge el curioso,
TS12 can you see what I see, TS13 gallop!

Dramatic area
Babies (T C-30), My heart fills with happiness (T S-21), Watch Me Grow (T S-26)
Kiss, Kiss Good Night (T N-2), I love you the moon and back (T M-24), TJ1 Mama, Do you love
me?, TB14-17 Everybody feels…, TM8 I can help

Sensory Table 2
TD5 Baby faces, TL12 bebe, vamos a comer, TS23 splash splash

TS25 Beautiful Oops, TT21 MIX IT UP!, TS17-19 circle, square, triangle

Content table
Happy, Mad Silly, Sad (T A-3), Baby faces (T D-5)
Creative Art On the floor we will have big paper and baskets of stamps. There will be big stamp pads the R2 cabinet 23
(Kalena): children can use to ink their hands and then put on the paper. We can talk about fingerprints Drawer 1
Stamps and the children can draw with their fingers and the ink. There will also be small stamps to Big Stamp pads, Roll on stamp
build fine motor skills as well as larger stamps and stamp rolling pins. There will be letter, shape, ink, Big stamps
and animal stamps for Lakelyn who loved to talk about the different stamps last time. Small stamps and shapes,
Stamp rolling pins
At the art table we will have shaving cream, mixing bowls and utensils, and watercolor for the Shelf 7
children to mix colors. There will be different types of mixing utensils, spatulas and whisks as well Small bottles
as hand turning whisks. There will be small bottles of watercolor that the children can squeeze Kitchen
themselves. They can also use the shaving cream to fingerpaint at the easel. Bowls, Stirring utensils
Shaving Cream
Easel On one side of the easel we will have a mirror and paint sticks and window markers to help Mirror (R2, by the Big Books)
(Kalena): the children work on their fine motor skills and pinch grasp. As we all know we have been R2
Paint Sticks asked to help Truman work on his pinch grasp, we can encourage him at the easel to work on Cabinet 23
and Crayons this. Drawer 2
On the other side of the easel we will have some crayons and markers of different sizes, and Paint markers, Window markers
colored pencils tied to string to continue to build their pincer grasp. We can have more and Crayons
conversions about colors and talk about the different sizes of the crayons. Shelf 12
Shelf 8
Crayons and Markers
Shelf 7
Small bottles

Sensory Table Sophia and Kaenan like to play with animal toys and mimic animal sounds very well. Trucks are Snow (Outside)
(Seira): Jaxson, Grant, and Truman’s interest, and this table helps children calm down and engage in Medium Farm Animals (R2, 177)
Snow, play when they come into the lab. This sensory table reflects Rexburg’s winter. Fluffy white Forest Animal Collection (R2, 172)
animals and balls that look like snow are placed on beans that look like ground. All animals that I put are Trucks (R2, 186)
trucks actually seen in Idaho. Small trees make children think about woods. Trucks can be used as People (R2, 175)
snow-plows trucks. This sensory table invites children to be more aware of their environment mini shovel (Toddler closet)
and see their environment objectively. Teachers can model how we can take care of our Trees (R2, 181)
environment by planting trees, removing snow, and teaching animals’ names. This area gives Gloves (conference room)
teachers and children opportunities to talk about the environment around their houses and Pine Cones (R1 82)
teach words that are related to their lives such as “snowblower”, “grove”, “timber”. Because
today’s topic is emotion, teachers can encourage children to talk about animals and
people’s feelings by asking things like “How do you think this cat is feeling?”
Sensory Table At the second sensory table we have a full sequence for washing babies. The water will be a R2
2 (Kalena): little sudsy with soap. We will have shampoo, bars of soap, and loofahs to wash the babies, Baby accessories 220
Washing towels to dry them. There is lotion. They can diaper and clothe the babies too. There are Bibs, Towels, Bath tubs, Bulb
Babies blankets to swaddle. The highchair will be out wil bibs and food as well as the baby bed. We syringe
can talk about emotions here as we ask “how is the baby feeling?” or “what does the baby Toddler closet 202
need?” This is perfect for Sophia, Lakelyn, and Luna as they expand their dramatic play with babies, clothes, blankets
babies. There is even a little bulb syringe. I’m curious to know if they know what to do with it. Shelf 4
Shelf 4
Sister Meacham's bin
Lotion & Shampoo
Soap IWP

Blocks (Seira): Blocks are used to build houses and buildings today. Children get to put miniature furniture Miniature furniture (R2 185)
Building and people in the houses to play pretend play. Luna liked to play with the miniature house in People (W2 175)
houses a dramatic area. In the previous lab, children showed their ability to stock boxes. Building Schools, Police office(R2, 186)
houses with blocks might be a challenging task for children, but children can also make a Garage (toddler closet)
room with blocks and put furniture in the space. It is important for teachers to model how to Horses (W2 177)
build things with blocks so that children can get some ideas and promote their autonomy. Wooden doors and windows (W2
Blocks can be a good place to learn other people’s feelings. When a child builds a house, 180)
other children might push the house down. If the child gets sad, teachers can explain the Alphabet Blocks (W2 179)
feelings for the child who pushed the house down and tell him or her expectations.
Dramatic Play We will have a full house setup. We have built a cardboard house for the children to go in. We Gross Garage - House
(Kalena): will have items that we typically see at home. We have a lamp and alarm clock in the house R1
House as well as a bed set up. In the kitchen we have baking and soup set up. There are aprons, ties, Home 1&2 251
hats, and sunglasses the children can put on. We have cutting fruit and play-dough at the Hot pads, Watches, Aprons,
table. Then it leads into baby washing and the house at the block area. We have vacuums Iron, Sunglasses, Ties, Hats, Pillows,
and mops for cleaning. This area is set up for all the children to expand and build on what Washcloths, Curtain, toaster
they see mom and dad do at home. 248
Here we can have conversations about what we do at home. We will have stuffed animals as Mixer, Chef hat, Bread pans,
well to continue the talk about emotions and empathy. We want these conversations about Measuring cups, Baking utensils
emotions to be natural. We have plenty of phones, cameras and purses as well for all the Baby clothes 225
children to have something. We have books that talk about love and how we can help that Pacifiers
can add to the conversation as well. Cameras & Phones, 227
As the children play house in dramatic play teachers can encourage conversions about Purses, 216
emotions as well. We can talk about empathy and how others feel, “how does your baby feel Toddler closet
when she is all wet after bathing?” “how do you feel when you wake up? or “baking makes 202
me feel calm and accomplished.” food bin, Cut up food
Sister Meacham's bin
white Hangers
Content Area Face and face parts(I will provide)
(Seira): Crayon (W1 Cabinet2)
Name of Glue (W1 Art Supplies12)
Activity Buttons (W1Art Supplies )
Cotton balls (W1 Art supplies)
Scissors (W1 Art Supplies16)
Metallic & Neon Temera Sticks(W1
Today’s content area is based on a Japanese traditional play called “Fukuwarai”. Children will
Stickers (W1 14)
make a face using face parts. Children put face parts on the face. If any child completed
Pipe Cleaners (W1 13)
their face, teachers can encourage children to write their names on the paper. Children
Sorting Emotions (W2 146)
might need support as they use glues and write their names. Children can draw anything such
as hair and beards with crayon if they want to. This content table allows children to talk about
different face parts and face expressions. Extra materials are provided so that children can be
creative and make a unique face. We might not have enough faces for children to try
another face more than three times (So a child can make up to two faces). Children might
not understand what they do without any instruction, so teachers can explain the activity and
show what kind of materials they have to make faces. Books at the content table give
children some ideas for their faces. Children might be more willing when teachers invite
children to make their own faces. But, this is the opportunity that children can make anything
they want.
Alternatives Last time we had this mat, children, especially Tyce and Keanan, enjoyed jumping on the Trampolines
Activities trampoline. Trampoline allowed children to learn to take turns and to count numbers. We
(Seira): have two trampolines today so that two children can jump facing each other.
Alternatives Set out in front of the shelves in baskets we will have instruments for the children: drums, rain R2, Cabinet 6 -Musical bells
Activities sticks, and tambourines. There are also a few books that are songs as well. R2, Cabinet 3 - Rain sticks
(Kalena): Toddler Closet, Column 2, Shelf 2-
Name of Tambourine & Maracas
Activity toddler Closet, 202 - drums

Snack Strawberry slices (2-3 per child); water Kitchen, fridge - Strawberries
(Lauren): 4 Toddler Pitchers (water)
2 White Clothes
1 Snack Bin
Clean Up: We will play the clean up song twice. We can encourage the children to help by handing them toys to put in the baskets. We can put
the lids on the sensory bins.
Transition: We will play the ants go marching song and have bells for the children to shake as they march their way over to gathering time.

Gathering Time: Music and its changes Gross Garage, Beam Hanging-
1. Attention Getter: As the Parachute
2. For gathering time will be listening to “In the Hall of the Mountain King” and have a parachute. As we Toddler Closet, Column 1, Shelf 3 -
listen the children can shake the parachute fast and slow along with the flow of the music. Children will colorful Balls
be learning about rhythm and how songs can be soft and slow or fast and intense. We can talk about
how the music makes us feel and how that changes with the music. They will also be using their motor
skills as they hold the parachute and as they jump and wave it. We can let the children take turns
going under the parachute.We also have balls that the children can bounce in the parachute. We will
see how it goes first before we bring them out. This will take a lot of guidance and support for the other
teachers, but I believe it will be great!

To end I will say “when I count to 3, everybody let go. 123!”and then I will wrap it up real quick and we will
go right into our transition for closing activities.

Train with the song “Down At the Station”. We use the box train in Workroom 2 in Beautiful junk.
I play a song on Youtube. A teacher goes ahead to lead a train of children. Children get on the box train. Other teachers encourage children to
join the train. If children don’t want to join the train. Teachers and children can sing and move their arms like wheels. A teacher who leads the train
should go around the classroom one time (maybe two times if we have time) and come back to the reading area with children.
Here is verse one of the song.
“Down at the station early in the morning. See the little puffer trains all in a row
Here comes the driver to start up the engine. Puff, puff. Peep peep. Off we go.”

Closing Activities: Identifying someone’s emotions (R2, Big Book, B G-9)

Book and Activity: The Three Bears Three bears (R2, cabinet5)
Description: After children arrive at the reading area, we sit down and read a book. The Three Bears is a
perfect book that children get to find different emotions. This book is a little bit long if I read the entire book, so I
skip some sentences, but I want to add some sentences that describe their feelings. I sometimes ask children,
“How do you feel in nature?” “How are these bears feeling right now?” I use facial expressions as I tell children
different emotions. I want teachers to encourage children to answer my questions and mimic my facial
expression and gestures. We don’t have enough bears for all children so teachers can have a toy in their
pockets if any child needs something to hold. Please make sure that children who make a face get their faces
when they go home.

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