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Data > 15.1 Bar charts, dot plots, waffle diagrams and pie charts How many of the people represented by this pie chart chose ‘mountains’ as their favourite place? Pie chart showing the favourite places of a group of 20 people A quarter of the pie chart is labelled Can you identify the fraction of the ‘mountains’, so 3 of the people chose the pie chart for mountains? mountains as their favourite place. i = 25%. 25% of the people chose the Can you identify the percentages of mountains. the pie chart for mountains? 25% of 20 is 5. There are 20 people represented in the pie chart. 5 people chose mountains as their 25% of the people chose mountains. fomiaiep loc, Work out 25% of 20. 196 > 15.1 Bar charts, dot plots, waffle diagrams and pie charts Exercise 15.1 Focus 1 This is a table of how many umbrellas a shop sold in one week. Mla atleast see | Ole sal Led ees [fo [a 2 Draw a dot plot of the data. Remember to add a title and to label the horizontal axis and the vertical axis. Title: t ~ b On which day were the most umbrellas sold? ¢ How many umbrellas were sold in total during the week? = This is a table of how many umbrellas the shop sold later in the year in one week. = 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 6 6 = 5 197. > 15 Data > 198 > d Draw a dot plot of the data. Remember to add a title and label the horizontal axis and the vertical axis. Title: 4 Write two sentences to describe how the umbrella sales were different in the two weeks represented by your dot plots. 1 In the first week but in the second week 2 In the first week. but in the second week. Why do you think there might be differences in the umbrella sales in the two weeks? 15.1 Bar charts, dot plots, waffle diagrams and pie charts 2. Four groups of children were asked to say their favourite flavour of ice cream. The frequency tables and the pie charts show the data. Draw lines to match the frequency tables to the correct pie charts. Vanilla Belele 1 BBOS Chocolate Lemon 2b Vanilla Chocolate Lemon 2 Vanilla oO Strawberry 3B. Chocolate A. Lemon oO Vanilla Strawberry Chocolate ofojota Lemon 199 > 15 Data Practice 3. This table shows the number of children in each household along a street. a Complete the table with the percentages of households in each category. O if 2 3 4 3 2 3 1 1 b Complete the pie chart and waffle diagrams to represent the data. Use the same colours or patterns for the categories in the pie chart and waffle diagram and draw a key for both. Title: a a c What percentage of the households had ctitérene| | Y 4 Isiteasier to see the percentage of households that have children from the table, the pie chart or the waffle diagram? Explain your answer. 200 > 15.1 Bar charts, dot plots, waffle diagrams and pie charts 4 20 people were asked to respond to this statement: The school holidays are too short. This is the pie chart made from the data collected. Apie chart showing whether people think the school holidays are too short Mostly disagree Mostly agree Strongly disagree 55% 10% Don't know 5% Strongly agree 10% Convert the data from the pie chart into a bar graph. Use this space for your working. Label the vertical axis as frequency of people, not percentages. r T Sr f | Cage ol ebb r ala ee | Use the data from the pie chart or your bar graph to write three true statements. 1 2 3 201 > 15 Data > 5 You are going to investigate your own question by collecting data. Think about something that you would like to find out about your home, local area, class or school. The topic should be something that you can collect data about by counting rather than measuring. What do you want to find out? What do you predict you will find out? Why? What data will you collect? How will you collect your data? (If you will ask people a question, who and how many people will you ask?) Now collect your data and record it here. 202 > Now represent your data in a graph or chart. 15.1 Bar charts, dot plots, waffle diagrams and pie charts What type of graph or chart did you use to represent your data? Why? Write what you found out from your data. Compare what you found out to your prediction. What other questions could you ask and what data could you collect to find out more about your topic? 15 Data > Challenge 6 Juma surveyed people outside a swimming pool and outside a cinema about their favourite activities. These waffle diagrams represent her data. Wattle diagram A Key | fea G watching TV Wy [ ctoving computer games | [| swimming FE ring Waffle diagram B Key & reading swimming FEB] rns 204 > 15.1- Bar charts, dot plots, waffle diagrams and pie charts Which waffle diagram do you think represents the survey taken outside the swimming pool? Why? What percentage of people in waffle diagram B prefer playing computer games? What percentage of people in waffle diagram A do not prefer watching TV? If 50 people are represented in waffle diagram A. How many of those people prefer watching TV? Describe one thing that is similar between the two sets of data represented in the wattle diagrams. If you carried out the same survey with people in your class what do you predict the data would look like in a waffle diagram? Why? Predict how it might be similar or different to another class in your school. Describe how you would conduct an investigation to find out the favourite activities of two classes in your school to check your predictions. 205 > 15 Data > a 206 > The Tornadoes and the Hurricanes football teams played in a tournament. The mode of the Tornadoes goals scored was 1. The range of the goals scored by the Hurricanes was 4. Sort the following 6 different graphs and charts. There are 3 representations of the games won and goals scored by each of the two different teams. Write the 3 letters of the representations that match each team. rine | TE] teal ia A Bar chart of goals scored Number of games orNWaua 0.1 263-4 5 Number of goals B_ Waffle diagram of goals scored 15.1 Bar charts, dot plots, waffle diagrams and pie charts C Dotplot of goals sco iit Number of games Ornnunan 012345 NamBererauels D_ Pie chart of the outcomes of the games a Won Lost mw Drew E Tally chart of the outcomes of the games than 1 goal 4 207 > 15 Data > > 15.2 Frequency diagrams, line graphs and scatter graphs This scatter graph shows how many hours 10 people play sport in a week and how quickly they run 10 km. A scatter graph showing the relationship between how many hours 10 people play sport in a week and how quickly they run 10km We can see by the position of the points plotted on the graph that there seems to be a relationship between the hours playing sport and the time to run 10 km. It looks like the more hours playing sport in a week, the faster the person runs 10 km. There appears to be a relationship so a line of best fit is drawn on the graph. If we cannot see a relationship then a line of = best fit should not be drawn. 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Time to run 10km (min) Use the line of best fit to estimate how many hours of sport someone does if they run 10 km in 55 minutes. 20: 18. Hours playing sport Time to run 10 km is on the horizontal axis. Find 55 minutes on the horizontal axis and follow the line up. SES Hours playing sport Ss NR RO@ 35 40 45 50 60 Time to run 10km (min) wo S$ 208 > 15.2 Frequency diagrams, line graphs and scatter graphs Where the line from 55 minutes meets the line of best fit, look horizontally across to find how high it is on the vertical axis. It is at 5 hours on the vertical axis. Hours playing sport 60 Time to run 10km (min) We can estimate that someone who runs 10 km in 55 minutes plays sport for 5 hours a week. 15 Data Exercise 15.2 Focus 1 210 > These are the heights of a group of children in centimetres. 129 145 «#135 «#4146 «#6128 «#6151 140 136 141 142 125 134 147 150 144 131 152 133 136 146 141 147 137 148 153 145 128 149 150 147 Complete the table below. Tally the heights of the children and write the totals. 125 -less than 130 130 - less than 135 135 -less than 140 140 - less than 145 145 —less than 150 150 - less than 155 Draw a frequency diagram on the squared paper to show the children’s heights. Remember to add a title and label the horizontal axis and the vertical axis. EEE ee Pre | 15.2 Frequency diagrams, line graphs and scatter graphs Sofia’s height was measured every year from when she was born until she was 12 years old. This line graph represents the data collected. Aline graph showing Sofia’s height Height (cm) 2 8 20 t + li alll - ——— Serene ere oe 6 7 6 8 ee Age (years) How tall was Sofia when she was 4 years old? [eS] b What age was Sofia when she was 130 cm wan Use the line graph to estimate Sofia's height when she was 5S years old. d_ What happened to Sofia’s height between the ages of 10 and 11 years? How do you know? 2u > 15 Data »: “Y_ 3 Look at the lines of best fit on these scatter graphs. Are they correct? Write wrong direction, too high, too low, too steep, not steep enough, or just right to describe the line. a T b 212 > 15.2 Frequency diagrams, line graphs and scatter graphs Practice 4 These two frequency diagrams show the masses of a group of boys and a group of girls. A frequency diagram showing the masses of a group of boys Frequency ornwaaa 25 300 3540 AB SO 55 Mass (kg) ‘A frequency diagram showing the masses of a group of girls Re | | ] { | Frequency 25) 35-40, 45D BS Mass (kg) How many boys have a mass of 45 kg or greater, but less than 50 kg? (e] b How many girls have a mass 40kg or greater? 213 > 15 Data > af ¢ Tom says: ‘The child with the greatest mass is a boy.’ Circle your reply. © Tomis correct. Tom is not correct. * Tom could be correct, but we cannot tell from the graphs. Explain your reply. 5 Imagine you investigate the mass of fruit and vegetables and put the data into two frequency diagrams. a What equipment would you need to conduct the investigation? 214 > 15.2 Frequency diagrams, line graphs and scatter graphs b Draw a table that you could use to collect the data. ¢ What do you predict that the data would show? Why? 2158 15 Data > 6 The ages and heights of 24 palm trees are recorded in this table. 10 35 17 6 9 = 21 9 z 05 21 85 15 5 2 05 3 1 8 6 3 17 x 5 2 14 6 5 15 12 3 17 5 24 95 9 35 13 a 22 ¥. 15 45 25 11 15 = a To find out if there is a relationship between the ages of the trees and their heights, complete the scatter graph to represent the data. Remember to label the axes. 15.2 Frequency diagrams, line graphs and scatter graphs A scatter graph showing the heights and ages of 24 palm trees b Draw a ine of best fit on the scatter graph. ¢ Use your line of best fit to estimate the height of a tree that is 11 years old. d_ Use your line of best fit to estimate the age of a tree that is 8 m tall. 15 Data > 7 You are going to investigate your own question by collecting data. 218 > Think about something that you would like to find out about your home, local area, class or school. The topic should be something that you can collect data about by measuring rather than counting. What do you want to find out? What do you predict you will find out? Why? What data will you collect? How will you collect your data? (if you will ask people a question, who and how many people will you ask?) Now collect your data and record it here. 15.2 Frequency diagrams, graphs and scatter graphs Now represent your data in a graph or chart. [Dohtsh okt a bal I joy J To pat [ 1 Aaa pe ce | | pele] | | i t { { | | BEBE et { ze] elit + t I + [ | I | EL et i What type of graph or chart did you use to represent your data? Why? Write what you found out from your data. Compare what you found out to your prediction. What other questions could you ask and what data could you collect to find out more about your topic? 219 > 15 | Data > Challenge 8 This line graph shows temperatures recorded every two hours over a 24 hour period. A line graph showing the temperature over 24 hours rer Temperature (°C) Khoneao 1 I 1 12.2 4 6 8 1012 2 4 6 8 10 12 midnight noon midnight Time a What happened to the temperature between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m? b__ Use the line graph to estimate the temperatures at these times. besos Redon iii 9am. ¢ Why can we only use the graph to estimate the temperature at 3 p.m., ‘and not know the temperature precisely? d_ This table also shows temperatures recorded every two hours over a 24 hour period. [4] 4] 5] 36 [8] 20[ 21 [22 [20] 38 [36 [35 24] 220 > 15.2 Frequency diagrams, line graphs and scatter graphs Represent the data in a line graph. Title: Toy T OT sila | Iq | i j | | t / meet ft | | | | att - | | oe 1k | | ra Lace EONS eee 122 4 6 8 1012 2 4 6 8 10 12 midnight noon midnight Time Describe what is similar and what is different about the two line graphs. Give two possible explanations for the difference between the graphs. 1 2 If you recorded the temperatures outside where you live every ‘two hours for 24 hours what do you predict would be similar and different about your line graph to the line graphs in this question. Why? 221 > 15 Data > 9 Some people attended a course. At the end of the course there was an exam. This table shows how many days of the course a person did not attend and the percentage of correct marks they scored on the exam. b Use your line of best fit to estimate the percentage that would be scored by someone who was absent for 6 days of the course.

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