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Journal title & Code : Boosting Bilingual Metalinguistic Awareness Under Dual Language Activation:

Some Implications for Bilingual Education

Abstract number : LL03
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-2
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 3-4

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 5-6
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 7-8
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous 1

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting 2

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Doing L2 Speech Research Online: Why and How to Collect Online Ratings
Abstract number : SSLA08
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-3
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 4
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 5-6

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 7
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 8
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous 2-3

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the 1
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Assessing the Development of L2 Speaking Skills in Inside-School and
Outside-School Settings Through Growth Modelling
Abstract number : AL05
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 1
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 2-3

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 4-7
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 8
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Measuring Foreign Language Students’ Self-Determination: A Rasch Validation
Abstract number : LL04
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-2
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 3-5

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 6-7
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 2
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the 1
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Science Dissemination Videos as Multimodal Supporting Resources for ESP
Teaching in Higher Education
Abstract number : ESP01
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-2
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 3
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 4-6

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 7
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever 2
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 2
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Conceptualizing L2 Vocabulary Knowledge
Abstract number : SSLA04
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-2
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 3
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 4-5

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 6
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 7
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting 2

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the 1
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : The Relative Contribution of Language Complexity to Second Language Video
Lectures Difficulty Assessment
Abstract number : MLJ05
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 2
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 3

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 4
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 5
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 1
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Individual differences in L1 attainment and language aptitude predict L2
achievement in instructed language learners
Abstract number : MLJ02
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-3
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 4-5

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 6
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 7
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting 2-3

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the 2-3
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Incidental Acquisition of Multiword Expressions through Audiovisual
Materials: The Role of Repetition and Typographic Enhancement
Abstract number : SSLA07
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 2-3
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 4-6

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 7-8
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 1
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Insights into emergency remote teaching in EFL
Abstract number : ELTJ06
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-2
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 3
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 4

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 5
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 6
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 2
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : ‘Something new and different’: student perceptions of content and language
integrated learning
Abstract number : ELTJ09
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 2
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 3

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 4-6
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 7
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 1
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Development of Noun Phrase Complexity Across Genres in Children’s Writing
Abstract number : AL03
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-5
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 6

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 6-9
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 10
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 3
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous 4

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting 5

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Navigating the Challenges of L2 Reading: Self-Efficacy, Self-Regulatory
Reading Strategies, and Learner Profiles
Abstract number : MLJ08
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-4
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 5-6
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 5

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 7-8
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 4
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Cultivating a new ecosystem in English language teaching: A focus on
researchers in a textbook development project
Abstract number : MLJ03
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 2
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 3

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 4-6
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 7
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the 1
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023

Independent coder, Researcher,

( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Generalizing Knowledge of Second Language Collocations: The Roles of
Within- and Cross-Language Similarity on Acceptability and Event-Related
Abstract number : LL02
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-2
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 3
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 4

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 5-6
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 2
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous 1

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the 1
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023
Independent coder, Researcher,
( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : A Genre-Based Analysis of Questions and Comments in Q&A Sessions after
Conference Paper Presentations in Computer Science
Abstract number : ESP05
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-4
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 5
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 5

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 6-9
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 10
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 4
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023
Independent coder, Researcher,
( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : How Do Thesis Writers Evaluate Their Own and Others’ Findings? An
Appraisal Analysis and a Pedagogical Intervention
Abstract number : ESP09
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-2
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 3
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design,

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 4-5
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous 2

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023
Independent coder, Researcher,
( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Text reading in English as a second language: Evidence from the Multilingual
Eye-Movements Corpus
Abstract number : SSLA03
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-2
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 3
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 3-7

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 8
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 9
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous 2

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the 1
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023
Independent coder, Researcher,
( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Science Dissemination Videos as Multimodal Supporting Resources for ESP
Teaching in Higher Education
Abstract number : ESP01
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-2
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 3
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 4-6

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 7
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 2
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023
Independent coder, Researcher,
( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Self-Regulation and Student Engagement with Feedback: The Case of Chinese
EFL Student Writers
Abstract number : JEAP01
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-2
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 3
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 4

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 5-6
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 7
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous 2

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the 1
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023
Independent coder, Researcher,
( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Effect of strategy instruction on EFL students’ video-mediated integrated
writing performance
Abstract number : JSLW10
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-3
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 4
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 5

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 6
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 7-8
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 3
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the 1
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023
Independent coder, Researcher,
( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : The acquisition of formulaic sequences in EFL email writing
Abstract number : ESP02
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 2-3

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 4-6
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 1
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023
Independent coder, Researcher,
( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : Authorial stance in citations: Variation by writer expertise and research article
Abstract number : ESP03
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-2
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 3
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 3

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 4-6
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 7
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous 2

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the 1
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023
Independent coder, Researcher,
( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : The effects of three different storytelling approaches on the vocabulary
acquisition and response patterns of young EFL students
Abstract number : LTR03
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-2
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 3
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 4-7

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 8-10
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 11
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 2
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023
Independent coder, Researcher,
( ) ( )
Journal title & Code : ICT-enabled informal learning in EFL writing
Abstract number : JSLW05
Check-list for Move Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Move-1 (Introduction) Establishes the context of the paper and 1-2
motivates the research.
2 Move-2 (Purpose/s) Indicates the purpose and outlines the aim 3
behind the paper.

3 Move-3 (Method) Provides information on design, 4

procedures, data analysis, etc.
4 Move-4 Indicates the results and the argument. 4-7
5 Move-5 (Conclusion) Points to applications or wider implications 8
and interpretation scope of the paper.

Check-list for Research Gap Strategy Analysis

No. Rhetorical Moves Description Sentence Number

1 Absence Authors claim there is no research ever
conducted on a specific topic or that the
proposed topic has not been conducted by
previous researchers.
2 Insufficient Authors claim insufficient studies on a 2
specific aspect or a limited number of
studies (e.g., prediction of absenteeism).

3 Limitation/s Authors claim limitation/s in previous

research or identify shortcomings from
previous research, such as in classification,
methodology, etc.

4 Contrasting evidence Authors address contrasting/ conflicting

previous research findings or find
similarities and differences among
previous research findings.
5 Continuing previous Authors claim that their study adds to the
studies available knowledge from the results of
previous studies or continuing previous
research projects.

Makassar, 2023
Independent coder, Researcher,
( ) ( )

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