A Graph Degeneracy-Based Approach To Keyword Extraction: This Research Is Supported in Part by The Openpaas::Ng Project

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A Graph Degeneracy-based Approach to Keyword Extraction ∗

Antoine J.-P. Tixier1 , Fragkiskos D. Malliaros1,2 , Michalis Vazirgiannis1

Computer Science Laboratory, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
 of Computer Science and Engineering, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
anti5662,fmalliaros,mvazirg @lix.polytechnique.fr

Abstract of the network. In other words, this switches the

objective from capturing the quality and quantity of
We operate a change of paradigm and hy- single node connections, to taking into account the
pothesize that keywords are more likely to be density and cohesiveness of groups of nodes. To op-
found among influential nodes of a graph-of-
erate this change of paradigm, we propose several
words rather than among its nodes high on
eigenvector-related centrality measures. To algorithms that leverage the concept of graph degen-
test this hypothesis, we introduce unsuper- eracy (Malliaros et al., 2016a).
vised techniques that capitalize on graph de- Our contributions are threefold: (1) we propose
generacy. Our methods strongly and sig- new unsupervised keyword extraction techniques
nificantly outperform all baselines on two that reach state-of-the art performance, (2) we ap-
datasets (short and medium size documents), ply the K-truss algorithm to the task of keyword ex-
and reach best performance on the third one
traction for the first time, and (3) we report new in-
(long documents).
sights on the interplay between window size, graph-
of-words structure, and performance.
1 Introduction
2 Graph-of-Words Representation
Keyword extraction is a central task in NLP. It finds
applications from information retrieval (notably web Many ways of encoding text as a graph have been
search) to text classification, summarization, and vi- explored in order to escape the very limiting term-
sualization. In this study, we focus on the task of independence assumption made by the traditional
unsupervised single-document keyword extraction. vector space model. In this study, we adopt the sem-
Following (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004), we concen- inal Graph-of-Words representation (GoW) of (Mi-
trate on keywords only, letting the task of keyphrase halcea and Tarau, 2004), for its simplicity, high his-
reconstruction as a post-processing step. torical success, and above all because it was recently
More precisely, while we capitalize on a graph used in several approaches that reached very good
representation of text like several previous ap- performance on various tasks such as information
proaches, we deviate from them by making the as- retrieval (Rousseau and Vazirgiannis, 2013), doc-
sumption that keywords are not found among pres- ument classification (Malliaros and Skianis, 2015;
tigious nodes (or more generally, nodes high on Rousseau et al., 2015), event detection (Meladianos
eigenvector-related centrality metrics), but rather et al., 2015), and keyword extraction (Rousseau and
among influential nodes. Those nodes may not have Vazirgiannis, 2015).
many important connections (like their prestigious While sophisticated variants of the GoW model
counterparts), but they are ideally placed at the core would be worth exploring (edge weights based on

mutual information or word embeddings, adaptive
This research is supported in part by the OpenPaaS::NG
window size, etc.), we aim here at making a bet-
(a) model (b) Core numbers TR scores CR scores
characterist ●
P R F1 P R F1 P R F1
problem price
● MAIN 0.86 0.55 0.67 ELB 1 0.18 0.31 ELB 0.90 0.82 0.86
Core numbers
● ● 8
INF 0.83 0.91 0.87
9 DENS 0.88 0.64 0.74 PER 1 0.45 0.63 PER 1 0.45 0.63
mathemat 11 price .1359 mathemat 128
Edge weights
price 11 share ELB .0948 price 120
● 2 probabilist 11 probabilist .0906 analysi 119
probabilist method 3
● ● 4
characterist 11 characterist .0870 share 118
analysi 5

● seri 11 seri PER .0860 probabilist PER 112

● method 11 mathemat .0812 characterist 112
● mathemat model MAIN 11 analysi .0633 statist 108
share DENS 10 statist .0595 trade 97
● trade 9 method .0569 problem 97
● problem 9 problem .0560 seri ELB 94
● Mathematical aspects of computer-aided share
trading. We consider problems of statistical statist 9 trade .0525 method 85
share analysis of share prices and propose probabilistic
characteristics to describe the price series. We
analysi INF 9 model .0493 computer-aid 76
● aspect discuss three methods of mathematical modelling aspect 8 computer-aid .0453 model 66
of price series with given probabilistic
computer-aid 8 aspect .0417 aspect 65
(c) characteristics.
dens inf TR CR


● ● ● ●
elbow elbow

difference in shell sizes


● ●
top 33% ● top 33%

● ●

CR scores
TR scores

● ● ●
0.08 ● ●
−6 −4 −2

● ●


● ●
● ●




● ● ● ● ●

11 10 9 8 (10 − 11) (9 − 10) (8 − 9) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

k−cores shells nodes nodes

Figure 1: (a) Graph-of-words (W = 8) for document #1512 of Hulth2003 decomposed with k-core (non-(nouns and
adjectives) in italic). (b) Keywords extracted by each proposed and baseline method (human assigned keywords in
bold). (c) Selection criterion of each method except main (does not apply).

ter use of an existing representation of text, not at 3 Graph Degeneracy

proposing a new one. This is why, to demonstrate
The concept of graph degeneracy was introduced
the additional skill brought by our proposed meth-
by (Seidman, 1983) with the k-core decomposition
ods, we stick to the basic GoW framework.
technique and was first applied to the study of cohe-
As shown in Figure 1 (a), the GoW representation
sion in social networks. Here, we consider it as an
of (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004) encodes a piece of
umbrella term also encompassing the K-truss algo-
text as an undirected graph where nodes are unique
rithm (Cohen, 2008). In what follows, G(V, E) is a
nouns and adjectives in the document, and where
graph with |V | nodes and |E| edges. Note that for
there is an edge between two nodes if the terms they
graphs-of-words, the nodes V are labeled according
represent co-occur within a window of predeter-
to the unique terms they represent.
mined size W that is slided over the entire document
from start to finish, overspanning sentences. Fur- 3.1 k-core subgraph
thermore, edges are assigned integer weights match-
A core of order k (or k-core) of G is a maximal con-
ing co-occurrence counts. This fully statistical ap-
nected subgraph of G in which every vertex v has
proach is based on the Distributional Hypothesis
at least degree k (Seidman, 1983). If the edges are
(Harris, 1954), that is, on the premise that the re-
unweighted, the degree of v is simply equal to the
lationship between words can be determined by the
count of its neighbors, while in the weighted case,
frequency with which they share local contexts of
the degree of v is the sum of the weights of its in-
cident edges. Note that with the definition of GoW
previously given, node degrees (and thus, k) are in-
tegers in both cases since edge weights are integers.
As shown in Figure 2 (a), the k-core decomposi- individuals (i.e., the hubs), but rather those located
tion of G is the set of all its cores from 0 (G itself) to at the core of the network (i.e., forming dense and
kmax (its main core). It forms a hierarchy of nested cohesive subgraphs with other central nodes), as in-
subgraphs whose cohesiveness and size respectively dicated by graph degeneracy algorithms (Kitsak et
increase and decrease with k (Seidman, 1983). The al., 2010). Put differently, the spreading influence
main core of G is a coarse approximation of its dens- of a node is related to its structural position within
est subgraph (Wang and Cheng, 2012), and should the graph (density and cohesiveness) rather than to
be seen as a seedbed within which it is possible to its prestige (random walk-based degree). More re-
find more cohesive subgraphs (Seidman, 1983). Fi- cently, (Malliaros et al., 2016b) found that the truss
nally, the core number of a node is the highest order number is an even better indicator of spreading in-
of a k-core subgraph that contains this node. fluence than the core number. Motivated by these
findings, we posit that taking cohesiveness into ac-
3.2 K-truss subgraph count with the core and truss decomposition of a
K-truss is a triangle-based extension of k-core in- graph-of-words could improve keyword extraction
troduced by (Cohen, 2008). More precisely, the K- performance. That way, by analogy with the notion
truss subgraph of G is its largest subgraph where ev- of influential spreaders in social networks, we hy-
ery edge belongs to at least K − 2 triangles. In other pothesize that influential words in graphs-of-words
words, every edge in the K-truss joins two vertices will act as representative keywords.
that have at least K − 2 common neighbors. Com-
pared to k-core, K-truss thus does not iteratively 3.5 Complexity
prune nodes out based on the number of their direct (Batagelj and Zaveršnik, 2002) proposed O(|V | +
links, but also based on the number of their shared |E|) and O(|E| log |V |) time algorithms for k-core
connections. This more accurately captures cohe- decomposition in the unweighted (resp. weighted)
siveness. case. These algorithms are both O(|V |) in space.
As a result, the K-trusses are smaller and denser Computing the K-truss decomposition is more ex-
subgraphs than the k-cores, and the maximal K- pensive, and requires O(|E|1.5 ) time and O(|V | +
truss of G better approximates its densest subgraph. |E|) space (Wang and Cheng, 2012). Finally, build-
In essence, and as illustrated in Figure 2 (b), the ing a graph-of-words is linear in time and space:
K-trusses can be viewed as the essential parts of O(|V | W ) and O(|V | + |E|), respectively.
the k-cores, i.e., what is left after the less cohesive
elements have been filtered out (Wang and Cheng, 4 Related Work and Point of Departure
2012). By analogy with k-core, the K-truss de- TextRank. One of the most popular approaches to
composition of G is the set of all its K-trusses from the task of unsupervised single-document keyword
K = 2 to Kmax , and the truss number of an edge extraction is TextRank (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004),
is the highest order of a truss the edge belongs to. or TR in what follows. In TR, the nodes of graphs-
By extension, we define the truss number of a node of-words are ranked based on a modified version of
as the maximum truss number of its incident edges. the PageRank algorithm taking edge weights into ac-
3.3 k-shell count, and the top p% vertices are kept as keywords.
Limitations. TR has proven successful and has
Depending on context, we will refer to the k-shell as been widely used and adapted. However, PageR-
the part of the k-core (or truss) that is not included ank, which is based on the concept of random walks
in the (k + 1)-core (or truss). and is also related to eigenvector centrality, tends
3.4 Graph degeneracy and spreading influence to favor nodes with many important connections
regardless of any cohesiveness consideration. For
In social networks, it has been shown that the best
undirected graphs, it was even shown that PageR-
spreaders (i.e., the nodes able to propagate informa-
ank values are proportional to node degrees (Grol-
tion to a large portion of the network at minimal time
musz, 2015). While well suited to the task of
and cost) are not necessarily the highly connected
a) b)



Main k-core subgraph

Core number c = 1 Core number c = 2 Core number c = 3 Main K-truss subgraph

Figure 2: (a) k-core decomposition illustrative example. Note that while nodes * and ** have same degree (3), node
** makes a more influential spreader as it lies in a higher core than node *. (b) k-core versus K-truss. The main
K-truss subgraph can be considered as the core of the main core.

prestige-based ranking in the Web and social net- weighted k-core decomposition on graphs-of-words
works (among other things), PageRank may thus and retained the members of the main cores as key-
not be ideal for keyword extraction. Indeed, a fun- words. Best results were obtained in the weighted
damental difference when dealing with text is the case, with small main cores yielding good precision
paramount importance of cohesiveness: keywords but low recall, and significantly outperforming TR.
need not only to have many important connections As expected, (Rousseau and Vazirgiannis, 2015) ob-
but also to form dense substructures with these con- served that cores exhibited the desirable property of
nections. Actually, most of the time, keywords are containing “long-distance n-grams”.
n-grams (Rousseau and Vazirgiannis, 2015). There- In addition to superior quantitative performance,
fore, we hypothesize that keywords are more likely another advantage of degeneracy-based techniques
to be found among the influential spreaders of a (compared to TR, which extracts a constant percent-
graph-of-words – as extracted by degeneracy-based age of nodes) is adaptability. Indeed, the size of
methods – rather than among the nodes high on the main core (and more generally, of every level in
eigenvector-related centrality measures. the hierarchy) depends on the structure of the graph-
of-words, which by nature is uniquely tailored to
Topical vs. network coherence. Note that, un-
the document at hand. Consequently, the distribu-
like a body of work that tackled the task of key-
tion of the number of extracted keywords matches
word extraction and document summarization from
more closely that of the human assigned keywords
a topical coherence perspective (Celikyilmaz and
(Rousseau and Vazirgiannis, 2015).
Hakkani-Tür, 2011; Chen et al., 2012; Christensen
Limitations. Nevertheless, while (Rousseau and
et al., 2013), we deal here with network coherence,
Vazirgiannis, 2015) made great strides, it suffers the
a purely graph theoretic notion orthogonal to topical
following limitations: (1) k-core is good but not
best in capturing cohesiveness; (2) retaining only
Graph degeneracy. The aforementioned limita- the main core (or truss) is suboptimal, as one cannot
tion of TR motivated the use of graph degeneracy to expect all the gold standard keywords to be found
not only extract central nodes, but also nodes form- within a unique subgraph – actually, many valu-
ing dense subgraphs. More precisely, (Rousseau and able keywords live in lower levels of the hierarchy
Vazirgiannis, 2015) applied both unweighted and (see Figure 1); and (3) the coarseness of the k-core
decomposition implies to work at a high granular- Algorithm 1: dens method
ity level (selecting or discarding a large group of Input : core (or truss) decomposition of G
words at a time), which diminishes the flexibility of Output: set of keywords
the extraction process and negatively impacts perfor- 1 D ← empty vector of length nlevels
mance. 2 for n ← 1 to nlevels do

Research objectives. To address the aforemen- 3 D[n] ← density(levels[n]-core (or truss))

4 end
tioned limitations, we investigate in this study (1)
5 kbest ← levels[elbow(n, D[n])]
the use of K-truss to get a finer-grained hierarchy of
6 return kbest -core (or truss) of G as keywords
more cohesive subgraphs, in order to filter unwanted
words out of the upper levels and improve flexibil-
ity; (2) the automated selection of the best level in Algorithm 2: elbow
the core (or truss) hierarchy to increase recall while
Input : set of|S| ≥ 2 points
preserving most of the precision; and (3) the conver-
S = (x0 , y0 ), ..., (x|S| , y|S| )
sion of node core (or truss) numbers into ranks, to
decrease granularity from the subgraph to the node
1 line ← (x0 , y0 ); (x|S| , y|S| )
level, while still leveraging the valuable cohesive-
2 if |S| > 2 then
ness information captured by degeneracy.
3 distance ← empty vector of length |S|
5 Proposed Methods 4 s←1
5 for (x, y) in S do
In what follows, we introduce the strategies we de- 6 distance[s] ← distance from (x, y) to
vised to implement our research objectives. line
7 s←s+1
5.1 Density
8 end
With the underlying assumption that keywords are 9 if ∃!s | distance[s] = max(distance) then
found in cohesive subgraphs-of-words and are not 10 xelbow ← x | (x, y) is most distant from
all contained in the main core (or truss), an intu- line
itive, straightforward stopping criterion when going 11 else
down the core (or truss) hierarchy is a density-based 12 xelbow ← x0
one. More precisely, it may be advantageous to go 13 end
down the hierarchy as long as the desirable cohesive- 14 else
ness properties of the main core or truss are main- 15 xelbow ← x | y is maximum
tained, and to stop when these properties are lost. 16 end
This strategy is more formally detailed in Algorithm 17 return xelbow
1, where G(V, E) is a graph-of-words, levels corre-
sponds to the vector of the nlevels unique k-core (or
truss) numbers of V sorted in decreasing order, and 5.2 Inflexion
the density of G is defined as:
The Inflexion method (inf in what follows) is an
|E| empirically-grounded heuristic that relies on detect-
density(G) = (1) ing changes in the variation of shell sizes (where size
|V | (|V | − 1)
denotes the number of nodes). Recall from subsec-
As can be seen in Figure 1 (c) and as detailed in tion 3.3 than the k-shell is the part of the k-core
Algorithm 2, the elbow is determined as the most (or truss) that does not survive in the (k + 1)-core
distant point from the line joining the first and last (or truss), that is, the subgraph of G induced by the
point of the curve. When all points are aligned, the nodes with core (or truss) number exactly equal to
top level is retained (i.e., main core or truss). When k. In simple terms, the inf rule-of-thumb consists
there are only two levels, the one giving the highest in going down the hierarchy as long as the shells in-
density is returned.
crease in size, and stopping otherwise. More pre- level. However, to avoid going back to the lim-
cisely, inf is implemented as shown in Algorithm itations of TR (absence of cohesiveness consider-
3, by computing the consecutive differences in size ations), it is crucial to decrease granularity while
across the shells and selecting the first positive point retaining as much of the desirable information en-
before the drop into the negative half (see Figure 1c). coded by degeneracy as possible. To accomplish this
If no point satisfies this requirement, the main core task, we followed (Bae and Kim, 2014) and assigned
(or truss) is extracted. to each node the sum of the core (or truss) numbers
of its neighbors.
Algorithm 3: inf method Our CRE method is outlined in Algorithm 4,
Input : core (or truss) decomposition of G where N (v) denotes the set of neighbors of vertex
Output: set of keywords v, and number(v) is the core (or truss) number of
1 CD ← empty vector of length n − 1 v. CRP implements the exact same strategy, the only
2 for n ← 1 to (nlevels − 1) do difference being nbest ← round(|V | ∗ percentage)
3 kl ← levels[n + 1]; ku← levels[n]  at step 8 (where percentage is a real number be-
4 CD[n] ←size kl −shell −size ku −shell tween 0 and 1).
5 end
6 if ∃n | (CD[n + 1] < 0 ∧ CD[n] > 0) then Algorithm 4: CRE method
7 nbest ← n Input : core (or truss) decomposition of G
8 else Output: set of keywords
9 nbest ← 1 1 CR ← empty vector of length |V |
10 end 2 for n ← 1 to |V | do
11 kbest ← levels[nbest ] 3 v ← V [n] P
12 return kbest -core (or truss) as keywords 4 CR[n] ← u∈N (v) number(u)
5 name(CR[n]) ← label(v)
6 end
Note that both dens and inf enjoy the same
7 sort CR in decreasing order
adaptability as the main core retention method of
8 nbest ← elbow(n, CR[n])
(Rousseau and Vazirgiannis, 2015) explained in Sec-
9 return names(CR[1 : nbest ]) as keywords
tion 4, since the sizes of all the subgraphs in the hi-
erarchy suit the structure of the graph-of-words.

5.3 CoreRank 6 Experimental Setup

Techniques based on retaining the kbest -core (or
6.1 Baseline methods
truss), such as dens and inf previously described, are
better than retaining only the top level but lack flex- TextRank (TR). We used as our first benchmark the
ibility, in that they can only select an entire batch system of (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004) discussed in
of nodes at a time. This is suboptimal, because of Section 4. For the sake of fair comparison with our
course not all the nodes in a given group are equally CRE and CRP methods, we considered two variants
good. To address this issue, our proposed CoreRank of TR that respectively retain nodes based on both
method (CR in what follows) converts nodes core the elbow (TRE) and percentage criteria (TRP).
(or truss) numbers into scores, ranks nodes in de- Main. Our second baseline is the main core re-
creasing order of their scores, and selects the top p% tention technique of (Rousseau and Vazirgiannis,
nodes (CRP) or the nodes before the elbow in the 2015), also described in Section 4. This method is
scores curve (CRE). Note that for simplicity, we still referred to as main in the remainder of this paper.
refer to the technique as CR even when dealing with
6.2 Datasets
truss numbers.
Flexibility is obviously improved by decreasing To evaluate performance, we used three standard,
granularity from the subgraph level to the node publicly available datasets featuring documents of
various types and sizes. Figure 3 shows the distribu- document size (in words)
number of manually
assigned keywords

tions of document size and manually assigned key-

words for each dataset.

80 100
The Hulth20031 (Hulth, 2003) dataset contains

abstracts drawn from the Inspec database of physics

and engineering papers. Following our baselines, we

used the 500 documents in the validation set and the

“uncontrolled” keywords assigned by human anno-

Hulth2003 Marujo2012 Semeval Hulth2003 Marujo2012 Semeval
tators. The mean document size is 120 words and Figure 3: Basic dataset statistics.
on average, 21 keywords (in terms of unigrams) are
available for each document.
We also used the training set of Marujo20121 , SMART information retrieval system3 were dis-
containing 450 web news stories of about 440 words carded.
on average, covering 10 different topics from art and Part-of-Speech tagging and screening using the
culture to business, sport, and technology (Marujo et openNLP (Hornik, 2015) R (R Core Team, 2015)
al., 2012). For each story, the keyphrases assigned implementation of the Apache OpenNLP Maxent
by at least 9 out of 10 Amazon Mechanical Turk- POS tagger. Then, following (Mihalcea and Tarau,
ers are provided as gold standard. After splitting the 2004), only nouns and adjectives were kept. For
keyphrases into unigrams, this makes for an aver- Marujo2012, as many gold standard keywords are
age of 68 keywords per document, which is much verbs, this step was skipped (note that we did exper-
higher than for the two other datasets, even the one iment with and without POS-based screening but got
comprising long documents (Semeval, see next). better results in the second case).
The Semeval2 dataset (Kim et al., 2010) offers Stemming with the R SnowballC package
parsed scientific papers collected from the ACM (Bouchet-Valat, 2014) (Porter’s stemmer). Gold
Digital Library. More precisely, we used the 100 standard keywords were also stemmed.
articles in the test set and the corresponding author- After pre-processing, graphs-of-words (as de-
and-reader-assigned keyphrases. Each document is scribed in Section 2) were constructed for each doc-
approximately 1,860 words in length and is associ- ument and various window sizes (from 3, increasing
ated with about 24 keywords. by 1, until a plateau in scores was reached). We used
the R igraph package (Csardi and Nepusz, 2006)
Notes. In Marujo2012, the keywords were as- to write graph building and weighted k-core imple-
signed in an extractive manner, but many of them mentation code. For K-truss, we used the C++ im-
are verbs. In the two other datasets, keywords were plementation offered by (Wang and Cheng, 2012).
freely chosen by human coders in an abstractive way Finally, for TRP and CRP, we retained the
and as such, some of them are not present in the orig- top 33% keywords on Hulth2003 and Marujo2012
inal text. On these datasets, reaching perfect recall is (short and medium size documents), whereas on Se-
therefore impossible for our methods (and the base- meval (long documents), we retained the top 15 key-
lines), which by definition all are extractive. words. This is consistent with our baselines. In-
6.3 Implementation deed, the number of manually assigned keywords in-
creases with document size up to a certain point, and
Before constructing the graphs-of-words and pass-
stabilizes afterwards.
ing them to the keyword extraction methods, we per-
The code of the implementation and the datasets
formed the following pre-processing steps:
can be found here4 .
Stopwords removal. Stopwords from the
https://github.com/snkim/ lewis04a/a11-smart-stop-list/english.stop
AutomaticKeyphraseExtraction 4
Truss num
8 11 12
● precision recall F1-score

● dens 48.79 72.78 56.09*
inf 48.96 72.19 55.98*

● ●

CRP 61.53 38.73 45.75

● ● ●

● ●

● CRE 65.33 37.90 44.11

main† 51.95 54.99 50.49

● ●
● ●

TRP† 65.43 41.37 48.79

● ●


TRE† 71.34 36.44 45.77

Table 1: Hulth2003, K-truss, W = 11.
*statistical significance at p < 0.001 with respect to all baselines.

† baseline systems.
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Figure 4: Triangle count versus window size

(Hulth2003). precision recall F1-score
dens 47.62 71.46 52.94*
inf 53.88 57.54 49.10*
CRP 54.88 36.01 40.75
7 Experimental Results CRE 63.17 25.77 34.41
main† 64.05 34.02 36.44
7.1 Evaluation TRP† 55.96 36.48 41.44
TRE† 65.50 21.32 30.68
We computed the standard precision, recall, and F-1
Table 2: Marujo2012, k-core, W = 13.
measures for each document and averaged them at *statistical significance at p < 0.001 with respect to all baselines.
the dataset level (macro-averaging). † baseline systems.

7.2 Precision/Recall trade-off

a surprising “cold start” behavior and only begins
As shown in Figure 5, our methods dens and inf
to kick-in for sizes greater than 4-5. A possible
outperform the baselines by a wide margin on the
explanation is that the ability of K-truss (which
datasets containing small and medium size docu-
is triangle-based) to extract meaningful information
ments (Hulth2003 and Marujo2012). As expected,
from a graph depends, up to a certain point, on
this superiority is gained from a drastic improve-
the amount of triangles in the graph. In the case
ment in recall, for a comparatively lower precision
of graph-of-words, the number of triangles is pos-
loss. TR and main exhibit higher precision than
itively correlated with window size (see Figure 4).
recall, which is in accordance with (Rousseau and
It also appears that document size (i.e., graph-of-
Vazirgiannis, 2015). The same observation can be
words structure) is responsible for a lot of perfor-
made for our CR method. For TR, the unbalance
mance variability. Specifically, on longer docu-
is more severe on the Hulth2003 and Marujo2012
ments, performance plateaus at higher window sizes.
datasets (short/medium documents) when the elbow
method is used (TRE), probably because it tends to 7.4 Best models comparison
retain only a few nodes. However, on Semeval (long
For each dataset, we retained the degeneracy tech-
documents), using the elbow method (TRE) gives
nique and window size giving the absolute best per-
the best trade-off between precision and recall. For
formance in F1-score, and compared all methods un-
CR, still on Semeval, using the elbow method (CRE)
der these settings (see Tables 1–3). We tested for
even gives better recall than precision.
statistical significance in macro-averaged F1 scores
Overall, compared to the baselines, the unbalance
using the non-parametric version of the t-test, the
between precision and recall for our methods is less
Mann-Whitney U test5 .
extreme or equivalent. On the Marujo2012 dataset
On Hulth2003 and Marujo2012 (short and
for instance, our proposed inf method is almost per-
medium size documents), our methods dens and inf
fectly balanced and ranks second (significantly bet-
strongly and significantly outperform all baselines,
ter than all baselines).
with respective absolute improvements of more than
7.3 Impact of window size 5.5% with respect to the best performing baseline
The performance of k-core does not dramatically 5
increase with window size, while K-truss exhibits devel/library/stats/html/wilcox.test.html
dens inf CRP CRE TRP ● TRE main

Hulth 2003 k−core
Marujo 2012 k−truss k−core
k−truss k−truss




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4 6 8 10 12 14 4 6 8 10 12 14 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
window size window size window size window size window size window size

Figure 5: Impact of window size on performance.

precision recall F1-score the graphs-of-words, and thus the subgraphs corre-
dens 8.44 79.45 15.06
inf 17.70 65.53 26.68 sponding to the k-core (or truss) hierarchy levels, are
CRP 49.67 32.88 38.98* very large. This analysis is consistent with the ob-
CRE 25.82 58.80 34.86 servation that conversely, approaches that work at a
main† 25.73 49.61 32.83
TRP† 47.93 31.74 37.64 finer granularity level (node level) prove superior on
TRE† 33.87 46.08 37.55 long documents, such as our proposed CRP method
Table 3: Semeval, K-truss, W = 20. which reaches best performance on Semeval.
*statistical significance at p < 0.001 w.r.t. main. † baseline systems.
8 Conclusion and Future Work
(main). On Semeval, which features larger pieces Our results provide empirical evidence that spread-
of text, our CRP technique improves on TRP, the ing influence may be a better “keywordness” met-
best performing baseline, by more than 1 %, altough ric than eigenvector (or random walk)-based crite-
the difference is not statistically significant. How- ria. Our CRP method is currently very basic and
ever, CRP is head and shoulders above main, with an leveraging edge weights/direction or combining it
absolute gain of 6%. This suggests that converting with other scores could yield better results. Also,
the cohesiveness information captured by degener- more meaningful edge weights could be obtained
acy into ranks may be valuable for large documents. by merging local co-occurrence statistics with exter-
Finally, the poor performance of the dens and inf nal semantic knowledge offered by pre-trained word
methods on Semeval (Table 3) might be explained embeddings (Wang et al., 2014). The direct use of
by the fact that these methods are only capable of density-based objective functions could also prove
selecting an entire batch of nodes (i.e., subgraph- valuable.
of-words) at a time. This lack of flexibility seems
to become a handicap on long documents for which
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