Case-Written-Analysis-CASE 1

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Supplementary Course Materials III

Cases on Human Behavior with Template

on Written Analysis of Cases

Written Analysis of Cases (WAC)


I. Point of View: Bro. Matthew, the president of St. Joseph

II. Statement of the Problem:

Bro. Matthew, the president of St. Joseph College, studied and planned the
reconstruction of their college organizational chart due to numerous reasons such as
the increasing student population, unequal distribution of work load to school
administrators, assignment of unrelated work load to some school administrators, need
to reclassify positions into line and staff functions, and finally need to prepare for the
expanding population in the capital town where St. Joseph College is located.
Furthermore, the president expresses his expectations to the consultant he hired so
that they will know what to do.


1. The new organization chart must clearly show the lines of communication and
coordination as well as the line and staff positions.
2. Workloads must be equitably distributed and those which are to be assigned to
one person must be related.
3. The new organization chart must be constructed for the long term use as well as
ready for the expanding population.

IV. Areas of Consideration:

1. Well-coordinated and specified task

2. Professionally related job
3. Flexibility and efficiency

IV. Alternative Courses of Action:

1. Must undergo a screening for the position they're must to fill.

1. Can assign a capable and fit staff to the position
2. Completely do the job well


1. . It can be under estimated

2. Favoritism can be exist

2. Assigned based on their college degree, such as an associate bachelor's,

master's, or doctorate.


1. Confident to their ability to think differently

2. Their work ethics


1. Attitudes
2. High standards

V. Decision: (select which of the alternatives is best)

Alternative Course of Action No. 2: Assigned based on their college degree, such as
an associate bachelor's, master's, or doctorate.

VII. Plan of Action on the Decision:

1. Choose the right person for the position

2. Provide the right direction and communication
3. Give the right assignment

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