Case-Written-Analysis-CASE 2

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Supplementary Course Materials III

Cases on Human Behavior with Template

on Written Analysis of Cases

Written Analysis of Cases (WAC)


I. Point of View: The President

II. Statement of the Problem:

The President had a problem about George, the Director of Students

Affairs which was having a hard time dealing with his subordinates in terms of
efficiency in work tasks. They did not give importance to deadlines thus, many
reports were not submitted on time. Moreover, reports were not regularly
submitted and were oftentimes incomplete. Because of this, a report which was
expected to be submitted on a particular date was delayed because George was
collecting information on his own and could not rely on his subordinates.


1. Improve the efficiency of work in the department like on-time submission of

2. Motivate employees to do their jobs well.

IV. Areas of Consideration:

1. Specification of the delegated work tasks

2. Schedule meetings to track accomplishments
3. Schedule of Report Deadlines

IV. Alternative Courses of Action:

1. Issue memos for the work tasks to be done and the respective schedule.
1. Awareness of works tasks’ schedule
2. Organization and prioritization of works/reports


1. Cause fear/threat among employees toward employer

2. Conduct weekly and/or monthly meetings


1. Increase engagement and collaboration among employees.

2. Give opportunities for professional growth.


1. Conflict in time schedule

V. Decision: (select which of the alternatives is best)

Alternative Course of Action No. 2: Conduct weekly and/or monthly meetings

VII. Plan of Action on the Decision:

1. Check the time availability (persons involved, venue)

2. Release memo for the conduct of the meeting

3. Prepare the needed documents for the meeting

4. Conduct meetings

5. Monitor work progress

6. Recognize the accomplishment and performance of employees

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