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Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

National Standards

for English as

a Foreign Language

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Team Members
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Zeinab Ali El- Naggar

Members in alphabetical order:

Mr. Abdel-Hamid Mohamed Dabo MOE

Dr. Abdel-Latif El-Shazli Youssif FOE/Zagazig University
Dr. Asmaa Abdel-Moneim Mostafa FOE/Mansoura University
Mr. Atef Ramzy Attallah MOE
*Dr. EL-Baz Abdel-Rahman El-Baz MOE
Ms. Heba Ahmed Abdel-Galil FOE/Alex. University

Ms. Heba Sayed El-Toukhy FOE/ Tanta University

Dr. Maha Fathi El-Saeed FOA/ Cairo University
Dr. Mahmoud Mohamed Mohasseb FOE/ Suez Canal
Dr. Mervat Abu Baker El-Deeb FOE/Zagazig University
Dr. Mona Salim Zaza FOE/Zagazig University
Dr. Nadia Ahmed Touba FOE/Alex. University
Dr. Safaa Abdallah Eissa NCEEE
Ms. Samira Mohamed Bakr CCIMD

Technical Office

Ms. Amira Ibrahim El-Shafie

Mr. Farouk Shabban Zein El-Din
Mr. Saad Gouda Maghraby

*Dedication to the late Dr. El-Baz Abdel-Rahaman El-Baz

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language


The standards which follow in this document have been grouped under four
domains. The domains reflect the overarching areas in which learners need
to develop competence in order to achieve proficiency in English as a foreign
language. Each domain consists of standards, which state more
specifically, what learners should know and be able to do as a result of
instruction. The indicators are a reflection of what Learners do in the
classroom to show their progress towards meeting a particular standard.

Why Standards?

Standards are important and effective as a tool for good learning because
they express clear expectations for what all students should know and be
able to do. They address the different needs of the following stakeholders:

Students. Standards set clear performance expectations for students,

helping them understand what they need to do to meet the standard.
Standards improve students' performance and promote more challenging,
equitable, and rewarding experiences for all learning.

Teachers. Standards guide teachers to design curriculum, instruction, and

assessment around what is important to learn. When teachers design
standards-based curriculum and assessment, language learning is
intentional and more purposeful than in most other curricula.

Schools. For schools, standards provide a focus for developing new ways to
organize curriculum content, instructional-delivery systems, and assessment

Parents, Community Leaders and Business People. Standards

communicate shared expectations for learning and provide a common
language for talking about the processes of learning and teaching. as a
result, parents, community leaders and business people become more
effective partners in , and monitors of, young people education. Standards
allow people other than just the students to know and understand good
learning and how the students are progressing in their education.

Nationwide. Standards are a common reference tool for insuring quality

education and that the components of the educational system work together
effectively. Standards make good learning evident from one place to place
and from one school to another ( Harris and Carr, 1996).

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language


Team members met on regular basis and the following steps were

1. Reviewing standards documents developed in various parts of the

world including Egypt.
2. Deciding on the following four domains and their definitions
(communication, language systems, learning to learn and
learning values).
3. Developing standards under each domain.
4. Developing sample indicators for each standard.
5. Clustering the indicators according to the following stages: 1-3
Primary, 4-6 Primary, 1-3 Preparatory, 1-3 Secondary.

Rationale for choosing the four domains:

A) Communication. Language and communication are at the heart of the

human experience. Students must use English for social purposes. They
need to socialize with peers and teachers and use English for their own
enjoyment. They need to be explicitly taught the social and cultural norms
associated with using English, such as when to use formal or informal
language, what gestures are appropriate, and when humor is acceptable.
The focus of the language instruction is on functional, communicative
English and all four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing
are emphasized.

B) Language Systems. As students progress through the school years,

they become active and involved listeners and readers. They develop a full
command of the English language, evidenced by their use of Standard
English and their rich speaking and writing vocabularies. Students learn to
participate in classroom discussion. Students study the structure of words
and language throughout all grades. Reading allows the mind access to all
previously recorded human thought. Writing, allows us to communicate with
the future. Listening and speaking allow us to connect with people
throughout the world.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

C) Learning to Learn. Language learning strategies: metacognitive,

cognitive or social/ affective are used by learners to aid learning and make it
easier, faster and more enjoyable. Incorporating learning strategies into
course books informs learners of the value and purpose of learning
strategies and helps learners to use, identify and develop learning strategies
in a systematic way as they learn the target language (O'Malley & Chamot,
1995, p.153).

Students 'learn better', if instruction focuses systematically (Oxford, 1990, p.

170) on raising students awareness of language learning strategies, to
highlight the relationship between strategy use and language learning tasks,
and to methodically increase students' existing repertoire of language
learning strategies. Therefore, it is the belief of this committee that language
course books can be ideal resources for integrating strategy instruction into
ESL/EFL classrooms.

D) Learning Values. Values awareness, acceptance and appreciation of

native and foreign cultures encourage activities and opportunities which
support these attitudes. The learning environment in the language learning
program is one in which students feel safe, take risks, learn independently,
and work cooperatively with others. The ultimate goal for our students is to
prepare them to be active participants in the regular education system and to
be able to meet the unprecedented civic, economic, and technological
challenges of the twenty-first century; they must be more than merely literate
citizens in the society.

Next Steps

The team has developed the standards and sample indicators. Inn addition
to the there is provided an indication of levels of performance for indicators
that run through all the stages of education. The levels are considered highly
associated with rubrics for the standards and this will be completed during
Phase Two of the development of National Standards. The following will be
completed during this phase:

1. Rubrics for the standards: This is the development of an

established set of parameters for scoring or rating the teachers’
performance on tasks. The developed rubrics should consist of a
fixed measurement scale, a set of clear criteria, performance
descriptions for criterion at each point on the scale, and sample
responses, or anchors, which illustrate various levels of performance.
It must be determined how the rubrics tie directly to existing
standards and policies. Rubrics used in supervision and evaluation
should be tied directly to existing policies and standards. The rubrics
should be developed and critiqued by the teachers and
administrators who will use them. Together with the standards,

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

rubrics should define what the standards-based classroom is

expected to look like. Rubrics that list criteria and define levels of
performance within each criterion are one means of making
expectations for quality known.

2. Vignettes/exemplars (benchmarks): provide instructional

sequences drawn from the real-life experiences of teachers.
Vignettes or exemplars provide a clear and stable reference point for
giving feedback to teachers, educators, and the general public in
relation to standards. Exemplars, give teachers a clear picture of the
targets they are aiming for; and they define levels of performance in
concrete, meaningful, and public ways. The exemplars are a drawn
from teachers in the field and will facilitate the process of
implementing the standards into the system because teachers will be
clear on what is expected from them.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Domain 1: Learning to Communicate in English

Learners use English to express themselves, orally and in

writing, to share information, ideas and feelings.

Standard 1: Learners use English to interact inside

the classroom

Primary 1- 3
Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Describe themselves and others in terms of gender, age, ...etc.

▪ Give and respond to simple directions and commands.

▪ Use classroom language.

▪ Greet and respond to introductions and greetings.

▪ Take leave of people.

▪ Respond in interpersonal situations.

▪ Express likes, dislikes, and personal preferences.

▪ Describe objects.

▪ Understand and use non-verbal forms of communications.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Primary 4- 6
Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Describe themselves and others in terms of gender, age, ...etc.

▪ Give and respond to directions and commands.

▪ Use classroom language.

▪ Greet and respond to introductions and greetings.

▪ Take leave of people.

▪ Respond in interpersonal situations.

▪ Express likes, dislikes, and personal preferences.

▪ Describe objects.

▪ Understand and use non-verbal forms of communications.

▪ Use basic subject area terms for a wide range of topics.

Preparatory 1- 3
Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Give and respond to directions and commands.

▪ Use classroom language.

▪ Respond in interpersonal situations.

▪ Express likes, dislikes, and personal preferences.

▪ Describe objects.

▪ Understand and use non-verbal forms of communications.

▪ Use basic subject area terms for a wide range of topics.

▪ Use and respond to culturally appropriate nonverbal cues and body


▪ Negotiate solutions to problems, interpersonal misunderstanding, and

▪ Use appropriate vocabulary to acquire goods and services in the target

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

language for personal needs and leisure.

▪ Use culturally appropriate responses in diverse exchanges.

Secondary 1-3
Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Give and respond to complex directions and commands.

▪ Respond in interpersonal situations.

▪ Express likes, dislikes, and personal preferences.

▪ Describe objects.

▪ Understand and use non-verbal forms of communications.

▪ Use basic subject area terms for a wide range of topics.

▪ Use and respond to culturally appropriate nonverbal cues and body


▪ Negotiate solutions to problems, interpersonal misunderstanding, and


▪ Use appropriate vocabulary to acquire goods and services in the target

language for personal needs and leisure.

▪ Use culturally appropriate responses in diverse exchanges.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Standard 2: Learners share and elicit personal

information from others

Primary 1- 3
Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Demonstrate ability to introduce self and others.

Primary 4- 6
Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Demonstrate ability to introduce self and others.

▪ Write short messages.

▪ Respond to oral messages.

▪ Interview classmates and others.

▪ Use verbal and written exchanges to share personal data, information,

and preferences.

▪ Use the target language to plan events and activities.

▪ Present information about personal topics, orally and in writing, using

basic organization skills.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Preparatory 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Demonstrate ability to introduce self and others.

▪ Write short messages.

▪ Respond to oral messages.

▪ Interview classmates and others.

▪ Use verbal and written exchanges to share personal data, information,
and preferences.
▪ Use the target language to plan events and activities.

▪ Present information about personal topics, orally and in writing, using

basic organization skills.

▪ Use vocabulary to acquire goods and services through basic negotiation

of procedures and exchange of monies.

▪ Exchange information about current or past events and aspirations in

one's personal life and in those of family, friends, and community.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Secondary 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Respond to oral messages.
▪ Interview classmates and others.

▪ Use verbal and written exchanges to share personal data, information,

and preferences.

▪ Use the target language to plan events and activities.

▪ Present information about personal topics, orally and in writing, using
basic organization skills.
▪ Use vocabulary to acquire goods and services through basic negotiation
of procedures and exchange of monies.
▪ Exchange information about current or past events and aspirations in
one's personal life and in those of family, friends, and community.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Standard 3: Learners express facts, opinions and

emotions in English.

Primary 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Use simple vocabulary to exchange information about personal topics.

▪ Express facts about oneself, family, and friends.

▪ Express points of view about personal life.

▪ Participate in simple guided conversation.

▪ Express agreement and disagreement.

▪ Provide simple descriptions of people, places, and objects.

Primary 4- 6
Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Use modern technology in communications.
▪ Use vocabulary to exchange information about personal topics.
▪ Express facts about oneself, family and friends.
▪ Express points of view about personal topics and social life. .
▪ Participate in guided conversations.
▪ Express agreement and disagreement.
▪ Provide descriptions of people, places, and objects

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Preparatory 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Use modern technology in communications.

▪ Use vocabulary to exchange information about national and international


▪ Express facts about neighboring community.

▪ Express points of view about national topics.

▪ Participate in conversations spontaneously

▪ Express agreement and disagreement giving reasons.

▪ Provide descriptions of people, places, and objects.

▪ Express personal reactions and feelings about literary texts.

▪ Discuss topics of current interests.

▪ Exchange opinions and perspectives on issues of contemporary and

historical interest related to target and native cultures.

Secondary 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The pupils:
▪ Use modern technology in communications.
▪ Use vocabulary to exchange information about national and international
▪ Express facts about society, rules and regulation.
▪ Express points of view about global topics.
▪ Participate in spontaneous conversations.
▪ Express agreement and disagreement giving reasons and justification.

▪ Provide descriptions of people, places, and objects.

▪ Express personal reactions and feelings about literary texts.
▪ Discuss topics of current interests.
▪ Exchange opinions and perspectives on issues of contemporary and historical
interest related to target and native cultures.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Domain 2: Learning Language System

Language systems include the syntactic, morphological,

phonological, graphological and lexical systems of

Standard 1: learners are aware of the differences

between Arabic and English language systems

Primary 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Recognize individual sounds in English: consonants and vowels.

▪ Know and use rhythm/sentence stress pattern accurately.

▪ Identify contrastive sounds between Arabic and English.

▪ Identify different hand movement in writing English.

Primary 4- 6

Sample Indicators

The learners
▪ Recognize English word types and their function.

▪ Identify English sentence patterns and their transformations.

▪ Become familiar with word-order in English sentence.

▪ Use basic rhythm/sentence stress pattern accurately.

▪ Know and use discourse/connected speech tones/intonation.

▪ Recognize the mismatch between English letters and sounds.

▪ Identify contrastive sounds between Arabic and English.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Preparatory 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Identify English sentence patterns and their transformations.

▪ Become familiar with word-order in English sentence.

▪ Know and use rhythm/sentence stress pattern accurately.

▪ Know and use discourse/connected speech tones/intonation.

▪ Recognize the mismatch between English letters and sounds.

Secondary 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners
▪ Recognize English word types and their function.

▪ Identify English sentence patterns and their transformations.

▪ Become familiar with word-order in English sentence.

▪ Identify syllable as a meaningful unit of a word in English.

▪ Know and use word stress.

▪ Know and use rhythm/sentence stress pattern accurately.

▪ Know and use discourse/connected speech tones/intonation.

▪ Recognize the mismatch between English letters and sounds.

▪ Identify contrastive sounds between Arabic and English.

▪ Recognize different writing conventions of English.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Standard 2: Pupils use their knowledge of the

phonological system to interpret and communicate
messages to others.

Primary 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Understand and respond to simple questions in English.

▪ Understand the meaning of a short dialogue.

Primary 4- 6

Sample Indicators

The learners
▪ Understand and respond to simple questions in English.

▪ Understand the meaning of a short dialogue.

Preparatory 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Fully grasp the meaning and participate in conversations.

▪ Use English to interact with classmates on academic topics.

▪ Use English to socially interact with others outside class.

▪ Respond to/ participate in social interactions.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Secondary 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Fully grasp the meaning and participate in conversations.

▪ Use English to interact with classmates on academic topics.

▪ Use English to socially interact with others outside class.

▪ Respond to/ participate in social interactions.

Standard 3: Pupils use their knowledge of morphology

and syntax to communicate meaning accurately and

Primary 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Express their ideas, opinions, attitudes in simple sentences.

Primary 4- 6

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Express their ideas, opinions, attitudes in simple sentences.

▪ Use sentence patterns effectively to convey their meanings.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Preparatory 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Express their ideas, opinions, attitudes in simple sentences.

▪ Use functional vocabulary to communicate their meanings.

▪ Use sentence patterns effectively to convey their meanings.

▪ Vary their sentence structures according to the context/situation.

Secondary 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners
▪ Express their ideas, opinions, attitudes in simple sentences.

▪ Use functional vocabulary to communicate their meanings.

▪ Use sentence patterns effectively to convey their meanings.

▪ Vary their sentence structures according to the context/situation.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Standard 4: Pupils progressively become readers

who are able to construct meaning from increasingly
complex messages.

Primary 1- 3
Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Identify and use written/spoken words, phrases.

▪ Respond orally and in writing to content presented.

▪ Use visual clues to predict meaning.

▪ Sequence parts of a story.

Primary 4- 6
Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Identify and use written/spoken words, phrases.

▪ Understand and recognize words in context.

▪ Respond orally and in writing to simple content represented.

▪ List/give experiences related to content presented.

▪ Use pictures to predict meaning.

▪ Use context clues to identify the meaning of the words.

▪ Sequence parts of a story.

▪ Engage in silent reading.

▪ Demonstrate independent reading for pleasure.

▪ Draw conclusions about context, events, characters and setting.

▪ Search, predict and confirm while reading.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Preparatory 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learner:

▪ Identify and use complex structures.

▪ Understand and recognize words in context.

▪ Respond orally and in different forms of writing to content


▪ List/give experiences related to content presented.

▪ Use visual clues to predict and infer meaning.

▪ Express personal reactions to reading materials.

▪ Use context clues to identify the meaning of the words.

▪ Engage in silent reading.

▪ Demonstrate independent reading for pleasure.

▪ Draw conclusions about context, events, characters and setting.

▪ Search, predict and confirm while reading.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Secondary 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners:

▪ Identify and use complex structures.

▪ Understand and recognize words in context.

▪ Respond orally and in different forms of writing to content


▪ List/give experiences related to content presented.

▪ Use visual clues to predict and infer meaning.

▪ Express personal reactions to reading materials.

▪ Use context clues to identify the meaning of the words.

▪ Analyze and critique a variety of reading texts.

▪ Engage in silent reading.

▪ Demonstrate independent reading for pleasure.

▪ Demonstrate a developing academic vocabulary.

▪ Draw conclusions about context, events, characters and setting.

▪ Search, predict and confirm while reading.

▪ Recognize figurative and literal language.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Standard 5: Pupils progressively become readers

who are able to construct meaning from increasingly
complex messages.

Primary 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Recognize words and phrase.

▪ Label classroom objects.

Primary 4- 6
Sample Indicators

The learners
▪ Recognize words and phrase.

▪ Recognize grammatical structure.

▪ Write and use complete sentences, using the right format and

▪ Use the writing process to compose a paragraph.

▪ Write descriptions and narratives.

▪ Produce a variety of types of writing for different purposes.

▪ Label classroom objects.

▪ Begin to develop personal vocabulary dictionaries.

Preparatory 1- 3

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Sample Indicators

The learners:

▪ Recognize grammatical structure.

▪ Write and use complete sentences, using the right format and

▪ Fill in forms and applications.

▪ Use the writing process to compose a paragraph.

▪ Write descriptions and narratives.

▪ Produce a variety of types of writing for different purposes.

▪ Use knowledge of morphological system.

▪ Write reactions, critiques and reflections.

▪ Label classroom objects.

▪ Begin to develop personal vocabulary dictionaries.

▪ Summarize and paraphrase.

▪ Show variety in the choice of vocabulary, sentence types and


Secondary 1- 3

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Recognize grammatical structure.

▪ Write and use complete sentences, using the right format and

▪ Fill in forms and applications.

▪ Use the writing process to compose an essay.

▪ Write descriptions and narratives.

▪ Produce a variety of types of writing for different purposes.

▪ Use knowledge of morphological system.

▪ Write reactions, critiques and reflections.

▪ Begin to develop personal vocabulary dictionaries.

▪ Summarize and paraphrase.

▪ Analyze a subject using supporting facts and details from various

sources to produce a well-organized report.

▪ Show variety in the choice of vocabulary, sentence types and


Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Domain 3: Learning to Learn English

Learners use appropriate strategies to aid them in the

acquisition of English as a foreign language. These
strategies include self-motivation, learning strategies,
organizational skills, study skills, higher order thinking
skills, and information retrieval skills from oral, printed
and electronic sources.

Standard 1: Learners exhibit positive attitudes towards the

learning of English and display an enthusiasm for and
enjoyment of English language learning.

Primary 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Identify the importance of the English language.
▪ Participate actively in the English language learning tasks such as singing
songs, playing games, acting, etc.
▪ Regularly do their English language homework
▪ Use English to perform extra curricular activities such as collecting and
classifying pictures of learned vocabulary, preparing a wall or a picture
dictionary, etc..

Primary 4- 6
Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Identify the importance of the English language.
▪ Participate actively in the English language learning tasks such as
role playing.
▪ Regularly do their English language homework
▪ Use English to perform extra curricular activities such as preparing
semantic maps, drawing or preparing masks for the characters in the
textbook, etc.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Preparatory 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Discuss the importance of the English language.
▪ Participate actively in the English language learning tasks.
▪ Regularly do their English language homework.

▪ Use English to perform extra curricular activities such as participating in

the English club, school magazine, or broadcasting, writing to pen-pals,

Secondary 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Argue for learning the English language.

▪ Participate actively in the English language learning tasks.

▪ Regularly do their English language homework.

▪ Use English to perform extra curricular activities such sending and

receiving e-mails, searching the internet, etc.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Standard 2: Learners develop and use cognitive

strategies to aid them in their language learning.

Primary 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Repeat the English language sounds and words to aid their storage.

▪ Make predictions about upcoming letters or words in written texts.

Primary 4- 6

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Repeat words and sentences to aid memorization.

▪ Use word picture association to facilitate storage and retrieval of new


▪ Use semantic mapping to facilitate storage and retrieval of new vocabulary

▪ Clues to facilitate storage and retrieval of new vocabulary.

▪ Make predictions about upcoming information in oral or written texts

▪ Deduce meaning from existing knowledge

▪ Skim and scan written texts.

▪ Visualize oral and written texts

▪ Use a variety of dictionary skills.

▪ Use available classroom or outside the classroom learning resources.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Preparatory 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Demonstrate knowledge of language structures while using the language.
▪ Repeat information to aid their storage and retrieval.
▪ Use word picture association to facilitate storage and retrieval of new
▪ Use semantic mapping to facilitate storage and retrieval of new vocabulary
▪ Clues to facilitate storage and retrieval of new vocabulary.
▪ Recombine and substitute language items.
▪ Make predictions about upcoming information in oral or written texts
▪ Deduce meaning from existing knowledge
▪ Induce meaning and rules from context
▪ Skim and scan written texts.
▪ Take notes from oral and written texts.
▪ Make reports based on oral and written information.
▪ Summarize oral and written texts.
▪ Draw conclusions from oral and written texts.
▪ Paraphrase and outline oral and written texts.
▪ Visualize oral and written texts
▪ Ask display and referential questions
▪ Render ideas from English to Arabic
▪ Generate ideas before writing.
▪ Revise and edit written texts.
▪ Use a variety of dictionary skills.
▪ Use available classroom or outside the classroom learning resources.

Secondary 1- 3

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Repeat information to aid their storage and retrieval.
▪ Demonstrate knowledge of language structures while using the language.
▪ Use word picture association to facilitate storage and retrieval of new
▪ Use semantic mapping to facilitate storage and retrieval of new vocabulary
▪ Clues to facilitate storage and retrieval of new vocabulary.
▪ Recombine and substitute language items.
▪ Make predictions about upcoming information in oral or written texts
▪ Deduce meaning from existing knowledge.
▪ Induce meaning and rules from context
▪ Skim and scan written texts.
▪ Take notes from oral and written texts.
▪ Make reports based on oral and written information.
▪ Summarize oral and written texts.
▪ Draw conclusions from oral and written texts.
▪ Paraphrase and outline oral and written texts.
▪ Visualize oral and written texts
▪ Ask display and referential questions
▪ Render ideas from English to Arabic
▪ Generate ideas before writing.
▪ Revise and edit written texts.
▪ Use a variety of dictionary skills.
▪ Use available classroom or outside the classroom learning resources.

Standard 3: Learners develop and use metacognitive

strategies, which facilitate language learning.
Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Primary 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Seek help or support from peers.

Primary 4- 6

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Identify the purpose of learning tasks
▪ Assess success during completing a learning task.
▪ Assess success after completing a learning task.
▪ Relate what they listen to or read to their previous knowledge best.
▪ Ask for correction, clarification or verification of information.
▪ Seek help or support from peers.
▪ Seek help or support from peers

Preparatory 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Identify the purpose of learning tasks
▪ Plan the parts, sequence and main ideas, to be used in handling a task
▪ Assess success during completing a learning task.
▪ Assess success after completing a learning task.
▪ Selectively listen to and read texts of varying length and difficulty.
▪ Relate what they listen to or read to their previous knowledge best.
▪ Ask for correction, clarification or verification of information.
▪ Seek help or support from peers.
▪ Write language-learning diaries.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Secondary 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Identify the purpose of learning tasks.

▪ Plan the parts, sequence and main ideas, to be used in handling a task

▪ Assess success during completing a learning task.

▪ Assess success after completing a learning task.

▪ Selectively listen to and read texts of varying length and difficulty.

▪ Relate what they listen to or read to their previous knowledge best.

▪ Ask for correction, clarification or verification of information.

▪ Seek help or support from peers.

▪ Write language-learning diaries.

Standard 4: Learners develop and use social strategies

to aid them in their language learning.

Primary 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The Learners:
▪ Practice the English language in pairs and groups.

▪ Work co-operatively in pairs and groups.

▪ Listen to and interact with the teacher and peers in simple classroom situations.

▪ Seek and share knowledge of the English language with teacher, peers.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Primary 4- 6

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Participate as group members and leaders.

▪ Work co-operatively in pairs and groups.

▪ Listen to and interact with the teacher and peers in formal and informal

▪ Observe and model how others speak and behave in specific social

▪ Use acceptable tone, volume stress and intonation in various social situations

▪ Seek and share knowledge of the English language with teacher, peers.

▪ Seek and share knowledge with other members of the community through face-to-
face interaction, the phone and e-mail.

Preparatory 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The Learners:
▪ Participate as group members and leaders.

▪ Work co-operatively in pairs and groups.

▪ Listen to and interact with the teacher and peers in formal and informal settings

▪ Observe and model how others speak and behave in specific social situations.

▪ Use acceptable tone, volume stress and intonation in various social situations

▪ Seek and share knowledge of the English language with teacher, peers.

▪ Seek and share knowledge with other members of the community through face

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Secondary 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The Learners:
▪ Participate as group members and leaders.

▪ Work co-operatively in pairs and groups.

▪ Listen to and interact with the teacher and peers in different formal and informal

▪ Observe and model how others speak and behave in specific social situations.

▪ Use acceptable tone, volume stress and intonation in various social situations

▪ Seek and share knowledge of the English language with teacher, peers.

▪ Seek and share knowledge with other members of the community through face-to-
face interaction, the phone and e-mail.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Domain 4: Learning Values

Learners use English to participate in the society as

literate citizens who are aware of their social responsibility,
in areas such as: environmental awareness, cooperation,
teamwork, safety, tolerance, health and personal/ group
decision-making. They are familiar with the values of
Egyptian and Arab society and appreciate the similarities
and differences between the cultures of Egypt and the
English-speaking world.

Standard 1: Pupils work cooperatively with peers to

achieve common learning goals and help others in the
process of learning.

Primary 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Engage in simple and small cooperative projects.

▪ Work cooperatively with classmates to offer and obtain feedback on a simple


▪ Help and support classmates carry out simple classroom language activities.

▪ Make simple decisions within a group.

Primary 4- 6

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Engage in age appropriate cooperative short term projects.
▪ Work cooperatively with classmates to offer and obtain feedback on a
language task.
▪ Help and support classmates carry out language learning tasks.
▪ Plan and make decisions within a group.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Preparatory 1 - 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Plan and engage in age appropriate cooperative long term projects.

▪ Work cooperatively with classmates to offer and obtain feedback on language

learning tasks...

▪ Help and support classmates carry out language learning tasks.

▪ Plan, discuss and make decisions related to certain language tasks within a

Secondary 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Plan and collaborate with colleagues in long term projects.

▪ Work cooperatively with classmates to offer and obtain feedback on

advanced language learning tasks and reflect on them.

▪ Help and support classmates carry out language learning tasks.

▪ Plan, discuss and make decisions related to certain language tasks within a
group and reflect upon them.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Standard 2: Pupils interact politely with others taking

into account the cultural norms of both Egyptian and
English speaking society.

Primary 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learner:
▪ Observe and identify simple patterns of behavior or interaction in various
local cultural settings such as the school, family and community

▪ Use appropriate gestures and oral expressions for greetings, leave takings
and common classroom interactions

▪ Participate in age-appropriate cultural activities such as songs, games, story

telling and dramatization

▪ Recognize that there are other cultures that are similar to or different from
their own culture.

▪ Recognize that there are other people who speak different languages and
live in different societies.

Primary 4- 6

Sample Indicators

The learner:
▪ Observe and describe patterns of behavior or interaction in various local and
national cultural settings.

▪ Use appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior for daily activities among
peers and adults

▪ Learn about and participate in age-appropriate cultural practices such as

games, story telling and dramatization

▪ Appreciate and reflect on other cultures that are similar to or different from
their own culture

▪ Appreciate other people who speak different languages and live in different

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Preparatory 1- 3

Sample Indicators

The learners:
▪ Observe and describe patterns of behavior or interaction in various national
and international cultural settings.

▪ Use appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior for daily activities among
peers and adults.

▪ Use appropriate courtesy expressions

▪ Learn about and participate in age-appropriate cultural practices such as

games, story telling, dramatization and celebrations.

▪ Appreciate and reflect on other cultures that are similar to or different from
their own culture.

▪ Appreciate other points of views different from their own.

Secondary 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Observe, describe, analyze, discuss and reflect on patterns of behavior or
interaction typical of the cultures studied.

▪ Use and monitor appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior for daily
activities among peers and adults.

▪ Use appropriate courtesy expressions

▪ Learn about and participate in age-appropriate cultural practices such as

role play, discussions and debates.

▪ Appreciate and reflect on other cultures that are similar to or different from
their own culture.

▪ Appreciate other different points of views.

Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Standard 3: Pupils use English to reinforce values

relating to good citizenship

Primary 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Recognize and identify certain basic values such as traffic signs.

▪ Demonstrate awareness of personal an environmental cleanliness.

▪ Demonstrate awareness of appropriate social behavior.

▪ Realize the value of perfecting one’s own job.

▪ Develop a sense of belongingness and commitment to family, school and


▪ Recognize social responsibility including rights and duties..

▪ Recognize and avoid bad habits.

Primary 4- 6

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Practice certain basic values such as following traffic signs.
▪ Demonstrate awareness of public sanitary and personal hygiene.

▪ Demonstrate awareness of appropriate social behavior.

▪ Realize the value of perfecting one’s own job.

▪ Demonstrate a sense of belongingness and commitment to family, school

and society,

▪ Demonstrate awareness of social responsibility including rights and duties..

▪ Take an active part in recognizing and fighting bad habits.

▪ Recognize that they should take an active part to protect and safeguard
environment against pollution and contamination.

‫النظام‬ Egyptian National Standards for English as a Foreign Language

Preparatory 1- 3
Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Recognize and identify certain basic values such as traffic signs.
▪ Demonstrate awareness of public sanitary and personal hygiene.

▪ Practice appropriate social behavior.

▪ Realize the value of perfecting one’s own job.

▪ Maintain the developed sense of belongingness and commitment to

family, school and society,

▪ Practice of social responsibility including rights and duties.

▪ Take an active part in recognizing and fighting and changing bad habits.

▪ Take an active part to protect and safeguard environment against pollution

and contamination.

Secondary 1- 3

Sample Indicators
The learners:
▪ Practice and take an active part in maintaining certain basic values such as
following traffic signs.
▪ Practice and take an active part in maintaining public sanitary and personal

▪ Practice appropriate social behavior.

▪ Realize the value of perfecting one’s own job.

▪ Demonstrate a sense of belongingness and commitment to family, school ,

society and country,

▪ Practice of social responsibility including rights and duties.

▪ Take an active part in recognizing, fighting and changing bad habits.

▪ Take an active part to protect and safeguard environment against pollution

and contamination.


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