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The Legend of the Christmas tree

Once in a deep forest, there was a poor

woodcutter and his family. On Christmas Eve, as
they shared a small dinner, they heard a knock at
the door. A pale and hungry child stood there in
torn clothes. Even though they didn't have much,
the kind woodcutter invited the child in for a meal
and a bed.
That night, the woodcutter and his family thanked
God for their warm and safe home. In the morning,
they were surprised by beautiful singing. Looking
out the window, they saw the once ragged child
now surrounded by angels, singing a lovely
Christmas carol. The child, now dressed in a
gorgeous robe and glowing with light, revealed, "I
am the Christ Child. Your kindness is my gift to
The Christ Child then broke a branch from a small
Christmas tree, planted it, and said, "From this day
on, this tree shall bear fruit at Christmas, bringing
you a lot of food even in the cold winter." As they
watched, the tree grew into a beautiful tree
covered with golden apples and silver nuts. From
that day forward, the once-poor family never
starved again.
Though we know this isn't a real story, The main
thing to say is : helping a child in need is like
helping Jesus himself.

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