Digital Technology: by Keji Giwa

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Digital Technology


© Digital Bananas Technology

Module 2: Agenda
} Digital Technology
} 3rd Platform
} Social
} Mobile
} Cloud
} Big Data

© Digital Bananas Technology

Keji Giwa
Digital technology strategist

Digital Business Transformation Solutions Architect

BSc (Hons) Computer Science

Masters Digital Marketing

Founder & CEO Digital Bananas Technology

Currently leading an innovative tech team in the development &
deployment of integrated lifestyle mobile apps, customer loyalty
and referral mobile apps and integrated multichannel marketing
& automation. Pioneer of the eWorkexperience platform.

Short listed for the 2012 Customer Innovations Awards.

Category: Innovation in Customer & User Experience

© Digital Bananas Technology

Digital Transformation & Digital Technology
} Digital Transformation (DX) is enterprises' use of 3rd
Platform technologies to create value and competitive
advantage through new offerings, new business models,
and new relationships. The IT market will become
dominated by 3rd Platform tools that need to be
connected to digital transformation initiatives in order to
be relevant. - IDC

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3rd Platform Technology

© Digital Bananas Technology

The 3rd Platform is an information technology (IT) term coined by IDC
that distinguishes the current IT environment of mobile,
social, cloud and Big Data from earlier eras of computing.

© Digital Bananas Technology

What is the 3rd Platform
} The 3rd Platform is the next-generation compute
platform characterized by a proliferation of always-
connected smart mobile devices, coupled with the
widespread usage of social networking, and layered over a
cloud-based server infrastructure. The new platform
makes possible a broad proliferation of two important,
value-generating overlays on top of this foundation: big
data analytics and social technologies.

© Digital Bananas Technology

How is it disrupting IT & Business
} The evolution of the Third Platform has
led hardware and software firms to adjust their business
models to align more closely with the needs and demands
of consumers first, with enhancements
for enterprises following.

} This is in contrast to earlier eras of computing, where

development and innovation focused first on the needs of
enterprises rather than consumers.

© Digital Bananas Technology

How IT has evolved
} The First Platform began in the 1950s and revolved
around mainframe computers. In the 1980s the Second
Platform took the fore as the client/server
architecture and PC computers gained prominence,
primarily for their lower cost of ownership and ease of
deployment and use.

© Digital Bananas Technology

The 3rd Platform
} The International Data
Corporation (IDC) first
applied the Third
Platform label to the IT
sector in 2007, and the
market intelligence firm
states the 3rd Platform
is built on the four pillars
of mobile devices, cloud
computing, social
networking and Big Data
and associated analytics.
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© Digital Bananas Technology
Big Data and Analytics
} Organizations will have to
understand and know how
to unlock the value of Big
Data to accelerate
innovation, drive
optimization, and improve

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} We are looking at a global view of
the cloud opportunities that
come with invaluable capabilities
like powering the processing of
unparalleled granularity (sizing
and forecasting) across market
categories and geographies, plus
identifying new of opportunities
using Big Data / Analytics

© Digital Bananas Technology

} New trends in mobility will
drive growth in the
integration of lifestyle
applications to help people
stay connected and carry
on with their every day
lives. This will penetrate
the entire enterprise and
consumer markets. This is
why your digital business
transformation must have a
mobile first strategy.
© Digital Bananas Technology
Social Business
} Customer experience (CX)
will drive innovation in social
technologies as people seek to
stay more connected on the
move, increasingly impatient,
and their insatiable thirst for
speed and the need to be lazy
grows. Businesses will need to
not just engage and interact
but also collaborate with their
customers, partners, and
© Digital Bananas Technology
How IT has evolved with the 3rd Platform
} This "3rd Platform" has cloud as its core, and 3rd
Platform solutions will offer anyplace, anytime access to
application functionality. Lightweight mobile apps running
on ever-changing classes of mobile devices will be critical
access points for these cloud services and solutions,
leveraging 4G+ networks and WiFi rather than MPLS
networks for connectivity.
} . The new platform makes possible a broad proliferation
of two important, value-generating overlays on top of this
foundation: big data analytics and social technologies.
© Digital Bananas Technology
} The 3rd Platform has
massive scale, reaching
trillions of IP-addressable
"things" — devices,
monitors, and sensors —
and billions of users
through millions of new
applications and services
with a potentially global
user base and unlimited
hardware resources.
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© Digital Bananas Technology
© Digital Bananas Technology
Driven by & driving an ever increasing
demand for customer experience
} The 3rd Platform is not just a
technology revolution; it's also a
customer revolution. As a result,
another key tenet of the 3rd
Platform is the rise of new
business models that align more
closely with business outcomes
and customers' experiences.

© Digital Bananas Technology

} Most net-new commercial
applications — as much as
82%, according to IDC —
are being built specifically
for cloud delivery in 2013.
By 2016, nearly $1 of every
$6 spent on packaged
software and $1 of every
$5 spent on applications
will be consumed via the
(SaaS) model.
© Digital Bananas Technology
Anytime, anywhere access
} Applications, content, and
services residing within the 3rd
Platform will be accessed by
billions of users. The 3rd
Platform is more than just end-
user access; just as important is
the bidirectional value-add that
end-user interaction via smart
devices brings to the market. In
addition to being data
consumers, these devices also
serve as the hub for social
networking, transactions, task
executions, collaboration and
decision making.

© Digital Bananas Technology

Businesses are
} How they engage with
} The speed at which they
deliver products and
} How they innovate
} The reliability of their
} Their overall resiliency
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Innovation Accelerators
} We are at the
"Innovation Stage"
which is defined by
an explosion of
innovation and value
creation on top of
the 3rd Platform's
Cloud, Mobile, Social
and Big Data and
Analytics foundation.
© Digital Bananas Technology
A new wave of core technologies
} As the 3rd Platform evolves, IDC is seeing the emergence
of a first wave of Innovation Accelerators that depend on
the 3rd Platform, and radically expand its capabilities and
applications. They are:
} Robotics
} Internet of Things (IoT)
} Natural Interfaces
} Cognitive Systems
} 3D Printing
} Next Generation Security
© Digital Bananas Technology
IoT is a Game Changer
} IDC defines the Internet
of Things (IoT) as a
network of networks of
uniquely identifiable end
points (or things) that
communicate without
human interaction using
IP connectivity - be it
locally or globally.

© Digital Bananas Technology

Cognitive Systems
} Accelerate Competitive Advantage
} IDC defines cognitive
technologies as those that analyze,
organize, access, and provide advisory
services based on a range of
unstructured information.
} IDC’s coverage of cognitive
systems examines:
} Digital assistants
} Automated advisors
} Artificial intelligence, deep learning
and machine learning
} Automated recommendation systems

© Digital Bananas Technology

Next Gen Data Security
} Combats New Threats
} IDC defines Next Generation Data
Security as the recognition of the direct link
between mastery of data and the ability to
protect it.
} We will be looking at technologies that will
disrupt traditional data security models and
the transformation of existing data-centric
security solutions for both structured and
unstructured content. This includes:
} Encryption technologies
} Data loss prevention (DLP)
} User behavioral analytics (UBA)
} Supervision and monitoring
} Data tokenization and masking
© Digital Bananas Technology
3D Printing
} IDC defines 3D printers as those
which enable the creation of objects
and shapes made through material
that is laid down successively upon
itself from a digital model or file.
} IDC’s 3D printing research
analyses the explosive market
opportunity around 3D printing and
provides insight on the potential
disruption to traditional
© Digital Bananas Technology
Augmented & Virtual Reality
} This will change the way we work and
} IDC defines Augmented Reality
(AR) as purpose-built devices, worn on
the head and over the eyes, which allow
the wearer to see their surroundings
while being served data or feedback. The
device may overlay digital objects in the
real world, or simply generate actionable
feedback in the form of a heads up
display (HUD).
} IDC defines Virtual Reality (VR) as
purpose-built devices, worn on the head
and over the eyes, which completely
obscures the wearer’s vision of the
outside world, creating an all-inclusive
virtual reality.

© Digital Bananas Technology

Augmented & Virtual Reality
} IDC is analyzing and
forecasting the future
of Augmented and Virtual
Reality hardware via:
} Holiday Consumer Survey
} Augmented and Virtual
Reality Devices Forecast
} Augmented and Virtual
Reality Enabling Technologies
} Augmented and Virtual
Reality Forecast
} Emerging Commercial Use
Cases / Applications for
Augmented Reality
© Digital Bananas Technology
Advancements in Robotics Drive
} Create and drive Digital Business
} IDC defines Robots as machines that
can perform tasks based on current
state and sensing, without human
} We will see developments in software
technology supporting robotics,
particularly the use of cognitive
approaches to improve learning
} The integration of robotics into
existing corporate processes
} The use of service robots in industry

© Digital Bananas Technology

Important IDC Predictions
} Customer experience and
social technologies will help
drive an era of cognitive
} 60% of mobile device
interactions are passive as
users accept information
surfaced from intelligent
systems and machine
© Digital Bananas Technology
What’s driving adoption
} Ease of access
} Cost
} Sales Channels
} Self-service/self-provisioning
} Hubs and value-added application mash-ups

© Digital Bananas Technology

A Focus on Business Model
} The 3rd Platform is not just a technology revolution; it's
also a customer revolution. As a result, another key tenet
of the 3rd Platform is the rise of new business models
that align more closely with customers' experiences.
Customers no longer want access to positive
experiences, they demand it.

© Digital Bananas Technology

© Digital Bananas Technology

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