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Thant Htut Aung ID 6508000008


Strategy Systems

Empower cultural
differences with
ethic and lifelong
learning skills

Skills Styles


Change management Framework for leadership and

organizational culture.
Thant Htut Aung ID 6508000008

Higher education institutions must adapt and modify their traditional
models to satisfy the ever-changing demands of students and
stakeholders in an era of rapid advances in technology, expanding
educational convention, and increasing globalization. Siam University
International College, like many other institutions around the world,
acknowledges the importance of adapting to change and modifying its
higher education model. This transformation journey is dependent on
the interaction of leadership and organizational culture, both of which
are critical in charting a path toward a more innovative, relevant, and
competitive educational environment.

According to framework, it will be split into two distinct levels hard vs

soft elements. Hard elements are structure, strategy and systems and
skills, staffs, styles are soft elements. Each element plays a crucial role
to build up changing to redesign higher education model (Mary larson ,
Kevin Joy, 2023).

Strategy refers to the plans and actions formulated by leadership to
achieve the institution's goals and objectives, particularly in the context
of redesigning the higher education model. In a rapidly changing
educational environment, leadership should be prepared to adapt the
strategy as needed. This involves ongoing evaluation and adjustment to
ensure that the strategy remains relevant and aligned with the
institution's goals.
Thant Htut Aung ID 6508000008

By conducting an analysis of the existing organizational structure of
the university, identify how the current structure may support or hinder
the desired changes in the higher education model. Communicate and
clarity clear roles and responsibilities within the new structure. Ensure
that leaders and teams understand their functions and how they
contribute to the redesign effort. Furthermore, establish clear
communication channels within the organizational structure to ensure
that information flows efficiently, allowing employees to stay informed
about the changes.

Leadership should work in concert with the existing systems and
processes to adapt them to support the redesign efforts. This may
involve changes in how decisions are made, how resources are
allocated, and how information flows within the institution. Identify and
review the key processes within the university, particularly those
related to academic planning, curriculum development, student support
services, and faculty recruitment and development. Evaluate these
processes to ensure they are efficient and aligned with the new
education model. Evaluate the current information and technology
systems in place and determine whether they support the new
educational model by investing in new systems or modifying existing
ones to enhance data management, communication, and collaboration.
Thant Htut Aung ID 6508000008

Foster a culture of adaptability and innovation within the organization.
Leaders should encourage the development of skills related to
adaptability, creativity, and problem-solving, as these are essential in an
ever-changing educational landscape. Moreover, provide training and
development opportunities for faculty and staff to acquire the skills and
competencies needed to support the redesigned education model with
using training on new teaching methods, technologies, or
administrative processes.

The behaviors and leadership styles that are demonstrated inside a
firm. Effective leadership is critical to the effective execution of the new
approach and the management of the change management process.
Encourage and promote prominent individuals inside the organization
to embrace transformational leadership concepts. Transformational
leaders inspire and motivate others to generate and welcome change.
Developing current leaders is the best way to ensure that Siam culture
is positively influenced by Siam's leadership culture.
Individuals who work for an institution are referred to as staff. Examine
the current set of skills and abilities of the staff to evaluate if they fulfill
the requirements of the updated higher education model. Determine
any gaps and provide opportunities for training and development to fill
them. Maintain staff engagement and motivation in the change process.
Maintaining motivation includes recognition, rewards, and a clear
Thant Htut Aung ID 6508000008

understanding of how one's actions affect others (Abbas, Role of

Leadership in Change Management, 2022).
Siam University International College's effective transformation of its
higher education model is highly based on the interaction between
organizational culture and leadership. An accurate and long-term
change management process needs a combination of seven related
components as shown in Framework.


Abbas, T. (2022, September 18). Retrieved from Role of Leadership in Change Management:

Mary larson , Kevin Joy. (2023, February 3). The role of organizational culture in change management.
Retrieved from

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