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Daily Current Affairs

24 March 2022
सभी परी�ा के िलए महत्वपणू र्
1) Recently in which day is observed as Shaheed Diwas or
Martyrs’ Day?
हाल ही में िकस िदन को शहीद िदवस या शहीद िदवस के �प में मनाया जाता है?
Ans: 23 March
» The day was observed to pay tribute to the death anniversary of the
freedom fighters Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev Thapar and Shivaram
Rajguru, who laid their lives for the freedom of India.
यह िदन स्वतत्रं ता सेनािनयों भगत िसहं , सखु देव थापर और िशवराम राजग�ु क� पण्ु यितिथ पर
श्रद्धांजिल देने के िलए मनाया गया, िजन्होंने भारत क� स्वतत्रं ता के िलए अपना जीवन लगा िदया
» Also 30 January is observed as Martyr’s Day or Shahid Diwas in the
memory of Mahatma Gandhi.
2) Recently Indian Army and which country’s army has recently
conducted Exercise DUSTLINK?
हाल ही में भारतीय सेना और िकस देश क� सेना ने DUSTLINK अभ्यास का आयोजन
िकया है ?
Ans: Uzbekistan
» This is the 3rd edition of the joint training exercise named EX
-DUSTLINK begins at Yangiarik, Uzbekistan from 22 March to 31
March 2022.
» The Indian contingent will be represented by the Grenadiers
» Capital- Tashkent » President- Shavkat Mirziyoyev
3) Who has recently been selected for the 31st GD Birla Award
for Scientific Research?
हाल ही में वै�ािनक अनसु धं ान के िलए 31वें जीडी िबड़ला परु स्कार के िलए िकसे
चनु ा गया है?
Ans: Prof. Narayan Pradhan
» He will be awarded for his outstanding contribution in the field of
material sciences.
उन्हें भौितक िव�ान के �ेत्र में उनके उत्कृ� योगदान के िलए सम्मािनत िकया जाएगा
» He also awarded the DST Nanoscience Young Career award.

4) Which state Government has recently announced the
‘Mukhyamantri Cha Shrami Kalyan Prakalpa’?
हाल ही में िकस राज्य सरकार ने 'मख्ु यमत्रं ी चा श्रिमक कल्याण प्रकल्प' क� घोषणा
क� है?
Ans: Tripura
» Under this scheme, the state and central govt will provide
housing, ration and financial assistance to the tea garden
इस योजना के तहत, राज्य और कें द्र सरकार चाय बागान श्रिमकों को आवास, राशन
और िव�ीय सहायता प्रदान करे गी
5) Which country’s former president Soumeylou Boubeye
Maiga has recently passed away?
हाल ही में िकस देश के पवू र् राष्ट्रपित सौमेलो बौबे माईगा का िनधन हो गया है?
Ans: Mali
» He served as Prime Minister of Mali from 2017 until 2019.
» Capital- Bamako
» Currency- West African CFA franc
» Continent- Africa

6) Recently N Biren Singh took oath as Chief Minister of which
state recently?
हाल ही में एन बीरे न िसंह ने हाल ही में िकस राज्य के मख्ु यमंत्री के �प में शपथ ली
Ans: Manipur
» He took oath as Chief Minister for second consecutive term on
March 21, 2022.
» He started his career as a footballer, then turned journalism,
before joining politics.
» Capital- Imphal » Governor- La. Ganesan
Knowledge Booster

International Monetary Fund

» Founded- 27 December 1945

» Headquarters- Washington D.C
» Managing Director- Kristalina Georgieva
» First Deputy MD- Gita Gopinath

Thank You


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