Etlv Traduction

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Etlv Traduction

Hello, today I am going to introduce you to my AMAP, which is Windy Acres Farm. Our AMAP is a
partnership between local farmers and consumers. We commit to providing a share of the
farmer's production, usually fruits and vegetables, throughout the growing season. In exchange,
the farmer commits to providing quality production, grown sustainably and environmentally
I went to Lancaster County, at the heart of the Amish community, to see how people in this
community live. So, I created my association as a determined vegetarian and conscious of animal
and environmental rights, as well as convinced by locavorism which encourages people to
consume locally produced foods to reduce their carbon footprint, support local farmers, and
create stronger communities. I've always been involved in the nonprofit sector and the world of
associations, as well as community development in France. During my trip, I was able to get to
know the Amish community, lived with them, and I'm going to tell you their story.

They are a religious Anabaptist community with roots in Europe in the 16th century. They are
known for their simple and traditional lifestyle, limited use of modern technology, agriculture, and
craftsmanship. The Amish are also known for their refusal of violence and their belief in non-
resistance. They live mainly in the United States and Canada, although there are also Amish
communities in Latin America and Europe. The Amish are a very close-knit community and they
have their own language, culture, and way of life. Although the Amish are often associated with
their traditional lifestyle, it is important to note that the Amish community is diverse and there are
significant differences between different Amish communities.

Finally, a CSA has advantages such as better knowledge of production conditions and product
monitoring, respect for the seasonality of consumed products, offering fresh products, allowing
people to reconnect with the pleasure of cooking and passing it on to younger generations, and
thus making a gesture for the planet. However, a CSA unfortunately also has disadvantages such
as longer preparation time for products.

Thank you for giving me your time and for listening to me.

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