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INSTITUTIONAL GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES Program Graduate Outcomes Performance Indicator

Form No. FM-USeP-PRS-01

Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines Issue Status 04

Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City 8000 Revision No. 03

Telephone: (082) 227-8192
Website: Date Effective 09 July 2019
Email: Approved by President


Creates and inspires positive changes in the organization; exercises
Premier Research University in the ASEAN. responsibility with integrity and accountability in the practice of one’s
profession or vocation.
USeP shall produce world-class graduates and relevant research and Demonstrates creativity, innovativeness, and intellectual curiosity in
extension through quality education and sustainable resource optimizing available resources to develop new knowledge, methods,
management. processes, systems, and value-added technologies.

Demonstrates concern for others, practices professional ethics, honesty,
and exemplifies socio-cultural, environmental concern, and
At the end of the plan period, the University of Southeastern Philippines
(USeP) aims to achieve five comprehensive and primary goals: LIFELONG LEARNING
Demonstrates enthusiasm and passion for continuous personal and
1. Recognized ASEAN Research University professional development.
2. ASEAN Competitive Graduates and Professionals
3. Vibrant Research Community PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE
4. Proactive Research-based Economic Empowering Demonstrates proficiency and flexibility in the area of specialization and
Extension Services in conveying information in accordance with global standards.
5. Capacity for Innovative Resource Generation

PhD 320 Marketing Research and Analytics

College of Business Administration Page 1 of 8

PGO 1. Demonstrates 1.1 Review journals PGO 4. Demonstrates 4.1 Demonstrate PGO 6. Demonstrates ability 6.1 Prepare
creativity, innovativeness, and other published enthusiasm and passion for problem solving skills to do relevant research. publishable
and intellectual curiosity in materials. continuous personal and 4.2 Formulate researches.
optimizing available professional development. appropriate business
resources to develop new 1.2 Use of qualitative policies/strategies to
knowledge, methods, and/or quantitative address business and
processes, systems, and methods. organizational
value-added technologies. problems

PhD 320 Marketing Research and Analytics

College of Business Administration Page 2 of 8

I. COURSE INFORMATION Workload of Students:

Course Code: Phd 320 The modules for the course will be made available to the students through the University’s
Course Title: Marketing Research and Analytics Virtual Learning Environment, and through a printed copy which they can secure at the
Pre-requisite: beginning of the class. The course is self-paced, however, the student is expected to
Credit: Three (3) units perform the activities indicated in the modules and to be mindful of the checkpoints for
Course/Year: the monitoring of their learning. They will be given options to communicate with his/her
Semester/Year: instructor through e-mail, virtual learning environment, and group chat organized for the
Version number:
course. The student may join scheduled class meetings, or play the recordings if he/she is
unavailable to join the virtual class.

The students will also work on their requirements remotely and will have to schedule
consultations with their instructor for feedback.
Course Description:

This course examines the use of quantitative models in tackling problems of interest
to academic researchers in marketing. The objectives are: (1) to familiarize students Faculty Information:
with advanced theories and techniques utilized in current marketing research; and,
(2) to provide students with empirical skills drawn from statistics/econometrics, Name: Rey A. Castillo
microeconomics and industrial organization to come up with models and apply Email:
these to current marketing problems. Contact Number: 227-5111
Office: College of Business Administration
Consultation Hours: Friday 1pm to 5pm

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COURSE SYLLABUS in BA2002 Business Statistics

On the completion of the course, student is expected to be able to do the following:

Graduate Outcomes
Course Outcomes
Aligned to
CO 1 Critic journals relating to marketing and formulate strategies to address findings. PGO 1 and PGO 4

CO 2 Create a publishable marketing research. PGO 6


As evidence of attaining the above learning outcomes, the student has to do and submit the following:
Course Outcomes it
Learning Evidence Description and other Details
The students shall analyse a journal after each module to learn the application of the different
LE 1 Journal Critic CO 1
analytical tools.
LE 2 Market Research A final requirement for this subject to enable students to apply the tools learned. CO 2


Learning Evidence to Assess: LE1: Journal

100-93 pts. 92-84 pts. 83-75 pts. Below 75 pts.
Area for Assessment Substantially Developed Moderately Developed Minimally Developed Inadequate
Identifies and summarizes the problem/question Uses prior knowledge to identify a question to Uses prior knowledge to identify a question to Has identified an appropriate topic to be Question identified is too broad or vague to
to be investigated. (20%) be studied. Has a clearly stated hypothesis. be studied. Has a clearly stated hypothesis. studied but lacks clearly stated hypothesis. provide a coherent thesis.

Breaks question into a series of steps that will Breaks question into a series of steps that will Organized as a catalogue of information about
lead to the questions to be addressed in the lead to the questions to be addressed in the the topic rather than pointing toward a
study. Identifies complexities and nuances in study but has not identified complexities and hypothesis.
the question. nuances in the question.
Analysis & synthesis (40%) Excellent discussion of detail. Impressive depth of Adequate discussion detail. Adequate depth of Vague discussion of detail. Little insight/ analysis; Vague discussion of detail. Lack of insight/
insight/analysis. insight/analysis. that which is provided is conventional or analysis.
Uses the most appropriate statistical tool for An alternative statistical tool could have Statistical tool used is inappropriate.
the research problem stated. produced better results. An alternative statistical tool could have
produced better results.
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COURSE SYLLABUS in BA2002 Business Statistics
100-93 pts. 92-84 pts. 83-75 pts. Below 75 pts.
Area for Assessment Substantially Developed Moderately Developed Minimally Developed Inadequate
Draws sound inferences (20%) Draws sound conclusions and communicates a Draws reasonable conclusions and Draws reasonable conclusions but does not Draws inferences which are not justified.
logical path from the data to the hypothesis. communicates a logical path from data to the convincingly communicate a logical path from
hypothesis. data to the hypothesis.
Form (10%) Follows and correctly accomplishes the Follows and accomplishes the prescribed Follows and accomplishes the prescribed format Does not follow the prescribed format.
prescribed format for the analytical report format of the analytical report but entries/ of the analytical report but entries/ content/
complete with the annexes for the data used content/ discussion in some areas are discussion in many areas are incorrect; no
and the statistical output. incorrect; annexes for the data used and annexes for data used and statistical output.
statistical output are attached
Data (10%) Uses the correct variables and data is sufficient Variables are correct but data is insufficient for
Variables are not sufficient to answer the Variables cannot answer the research problem
for use of the chosen statistical tool. the use of the chosen statistical tool. research problem presented; data is also presented.
insufficient for use of the statistical tool.
Rubric Source (Guide): (accessed on August 19, 2016)

Learning Evidence to Assess: LE2: Market Research

100-93 pts. 92-84 pts 83-75 pts Below 75 pts
Area for Assessment: Substantially Developed Moderately Developed Minimally Developed Inadequate
Introduction Introduces the topic very clearly and Introduces the topic clearly and the reason Introduces the topic quite clearly and the Does not introduce the topic clearly and
- Background of the study (10 points the reason why the research should why the research should be undertaken. reasons why the research should be does not explain the reason why the
max) be undertaken. undertaken. research has to be undertaken.
- Statement of the Problem (5 points Problem statements are clearly stated.
max) Problem statements are very clearly Problem statements are somewhat clearly Problem statements are not defined.
stated. stated.
Conceptual Framework and Research Very clearly presented the Clearly presented the connections of the Quite clearly presented the connections of Does not clearly present the connections of
Hypothesis connections of the variables and in variables and in line with the statement of the variables and in line with the statement the variables and in line with the statement
- Theoretical Framework (20 points max) line with the statement of the the problem. of the problem. of the problem.
- Conceptual Framework (20 points max) problem.
- Hypothesis (5 points max)

Methodology The method used, sampling The method used, sampling technique and Either the method used or sampling The method used, sampling technique and
- Method Used (5 points max) technique, and statistical treatment statistical treatment are appropriate for the technique or statistical treatment is statistical treatment are inappropriate for
- Data gathering Instrument (5 points are very appropriate for the study. study. inappropriate for the study. the study.
max) .
- Sampling Technique (5 points max)
- Statistical Treatment (5 points max)
Analysis, Conclusion and Recommendation Very clearly presented the results of Clearly presented the results of the Quite clearly presented the results of the
(10 points max) the research research research
Package-ready/Publishable Package-ready/Publishable research with Package-ready/Publishable research with
research minor revisions minor revisions

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COURSE SYLLABUS in BA2002 Business Statistics
Aside from the final output, the student will be assessed at other times during the term by the following:
Assessment Activity Description and other Details Course Outcomes it represents
AA1 Exam The exam covers the topics in this course. CO 1


The final grade in this course will be composed of the following items and their weights in the final grade computation:
Assessment Item Grade Source (Score or Rubric Grade) Percentage of Final Grade
AA1 Exam 25
LE1 Journal Critic 25
LE2 Market Research 50

Passing Grade 75.0 (or 3.00)

Passing Grade conditions: Policy on attendance based on Student Handbook is followed.

< 75 = 5.00 75-76 = 3.00 77-79 = 2.75 80-82 = 2.50 83-85 = 2.25
86-88 = 2.00 89-91 = 1.75 92-94 = 1.50 95-97 = 1.25 98-100 = 1.00

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COURSE SYLLABUS in BA2002 Business Statistics

In order to achieve the outcomes of this course, learners will go through this learning plan
Course Teaching-Learning Assessment Required Learning
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Weeks Topics
Outcome Activities (TLA) Activities Reading Output
 To acquaint the students with the course Virtual Orientation
description, objectives, outline, requirements and (Recorded so that
University VMG; Course Outline; Requirements
grading system; those who were not
Class Policies; Grading System; Self-Introduction
 To get to know each other; and able to attend can
Sharing of Expectations on the course
 To know the individual expectation on the course. review)
Module 1. Overview of Marketing Analytics
 Review oneself on the basics of statistics and  Lesson 1. Statistical Review
marketing concepts  Lesson 2. Principles of Consumer Behaviour
and Marketing Strategy
 Estimate demand curves
 Determine profit maximizing price Module 2. Pricing Techniques
 Determine the total amount a customer pays for a  Lesson 1. Estimating Demand Curves
2-3  Lesson 2. Price Bundling
set of products
 Explain why prices drop over time and why stores  Lesson 3. Price Skimming and Sales
conduct sales or price promotion
Module 3. Forecasting Techniques  Independent
 Predict sales based on the given factors (linear) Grigsby, M.
 Lesson 1. Regression Analysis to Forecast Readings (Modules)
 Develop additive or multiplicative model to (2015).
4-6 Sales  Supplemental
estimate trends and seasonality CO 1  Formative Marketing
 Lesson 2. Modelling Trend and Seasonality Readings
 Use neural network to predict sales (nonlinear) Assessments Analytics: A
 Lesson 3. Neural Networks to Forecast Sales  Scheduled
 Determine the attributes of a product as a driving (Application Practical LE 1
force of a consumer/s product choice Module 4. Choice Models Section) Guide to
 Determine the relative importance the customer 7-8  Lesson 1. Conjoint Analysis  Journal Critic Real
assigns to product attributes and how a customer  Lesson 2. Discrete Choice Analysis
ranks the level of each product attribute
 Categorized objects into groups to come up with
decisions on who to target as customers.
Module 5. Market Segmentation Techniques
 Optimize the profitability of a campaign  Lesson 1. Cluster Analysis
(advertisement/promotion) 9-10
 Lesson 2. RFM Analysis
 Identify pairs or sets of products that customers  Lesson 3. Market Basket Analysis and Lift
purchase together and how this knowledge help
the retailer increase profits.
11 Exam AA 1
 Learnings from journals are synthesized in the CBA
Marketing Research via Dissertation Format Dissertation
conceptual framework. CO 2 12-16 LE 2
(simplified) Format
 Come up with a publishable research paper.

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COURSE SYLLABUS in BA2002 Business Statistics

1. Grigsby, M. (2015). Marketing Analytics: A Practical Guide to Real Marketing Science

2. Winston (2014). Marketing Analytics Data Drive Techniques with Microsoft Excel
3. Chapman, C., and Feit, E. (2019). R for Marketing Research and Analytics
4. Hair Jr., J.F., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., & Anderson, R.E. (2018), Multivariate Data Analysis International Edition 8e
5. Denis, D. (2019). SPSS Data Analysis for Univariate, Bivariate and Multivariate Statistics
6. Lind, D.; Marchal, W.; and Wathen, S. (2018). Basic Statistics for Business and Economics
7. Sharpe, N.; DeVeaux, R.; and Vellenman, P. (2015). Business Statistics Global Edition 3e
8. McEvoy, D. (2018). A Guide to Business Statistics
9. Barrow, M. (2017). Statistics for Economics Accounting and Business Studies

Non-Print (e-Library Journals and References):



 All policies written in the Student’s Handbook
 Students are expected to have done assigned practice sets prior to attending class.
 Individual research papers are expected to be done scholarly.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:


Faculty Program Head/Chair Dean

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COURSE SYLLABUS in BA2002 Business Statistics

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