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This paper is submitted to fulfill course assignments

English Skilled by Mrs. Noerhaetty Hafriana,S.PD.,M.PD






In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, we express our
gratitude for the presence of Allah who has bestowed His blessings on us so that
we can complete this paper which contains material on "English Materials in
Semester 2". This paper is structured so that readers can broaden their knowledge
of what we present based on observations from various sources of information and

As for this paper I have tried as much as possible and of course with the
help of various parties, so as to expedite the preparation of this paper. For this
reason, we do not forget to express our many thanks to all those who have been
involved in the preparation of this paper. However, apart from all that, we are
fully aware that there are deficiencies both in terms of the preparation of the
language and other aspects.

Therefore, with open arms and open arms we open as wide as possible for
readers who want to give us suggestions and criticisms so that we can improve this
paper. Hopefully this paper can provide benefits for readers.

Makassar,26 juni 2023


Ahmad Maulidang


TABLE OF KONTENTS..................................................................................................III
CHAPTER I........................................................................................................................1
C. PURPOSE OF THE PAPER......................................................................................1
CHAPTER II.......................................................................................................................3
A . Introducing Someone............................................................................................3
B .Greeting Someone..................................................................................................6
C .Telling The Time..................................................................................................10
D .Talking About Daily Activities............................................................................12
E .Expression Of Apology........................................................................................15
F .Expression Of Thanks...........................................................................................17
G .Asking And Giving Direction..............................................................................18
H .Offering Something..............................................................................................20
I .ExpressionOf Regret/Sadnes.................................................................................22
J .Askinf For Permission...........................................................................................26
K .Giving Openion....................................................................................................27
CHAPTER III...................................................................................................................29
A. Conclusion................................................................................................................29
.B. Suggestion...............................................................................................................30




English is international language. If we can speak English well, we can

communicate with all people in the world. And then we also can get insight
and science for our nation, we can read English literature, listen international
radio, and watch international movie. So, we can get sciences for all category.
Not only to add skill international language, learn English make easier to get a
Speak international language give as many advantage for every one. Make us
ready to stay anywhere. Therefore, it is necessary to learn grammar or tenses
in English so that we can speak English more easy. We also understand how
to make sentence correctly.

1. Introducing someone

2. Greeting someone

3. Telling the time

4. Talking about daily activities

5. Expression of apology

6. Exoression of thanks

7. Asking and giving direction

8. Offering something

9. Expressionof regret/sadness

10.Asking for permission

11.Giving openion


1. to find out what is meant by introducing someone.

2. to find out what is meant greeting someone.

3. to find out what telling the time means.

4. to know what is meant by talking about daily activities.

5. to find out what is meant by expression of apology.

6. to find out what is meant by expression of thanks.

7. to find out what is meant asking and giving direction.

8. to find out what is meant offering something.

9. to find out what is meant expression of regret/sadness. find out what is meant asking for permission.

11. to find out what is meant giving openion



A Introducing Someone

a. understanding Introducing Someone

Introducing other is introducing other people (friends, friends, co-workers,

colleagues, fathers, mothers, and others) in English by using the correct sentences and
expressions so that both those we introduce and those who hear them can get a picture of
what people are really like. that we introduce.

Usually introducing is done when we are in an environment that we are not familiar with
before. For example when we are in a new school or a new neighbor or new workplace.
In this situation, of course we have to socialize with other people around us. we have not
known before. surely in opening a relationship or relationship with other people we don't
know we have to introduce ourselves and the person we want to introduce first so that
the communication process can be intertwined with each other and of course we will be
able to get to know new people around us.

b. How To Use Introducing Someone

in practicing introducing other there are two ways that we can use the first in a
formal way, then the second in an informal way.

-formal is a more polite way and usually this method is addressed when we say it
to sofmeone who is older than us or when we are in a situation that stresses us to
be formal, for example, during office meetings, officials or other formal ways.

for example:

 This is my friend
 Let me introduce you to
 I would like to introduce you to
 I just wanted to introduce
 Ini adalah teman saya
 Izinkan saya memperkenalkan Anda
 Saya ingin memperkenalkan Anda kepada
 Saya hanya ingin memperkenalkan

Informal introducing is usually used in unofficial events or forums, such as

introductions when meeting relatives or new friends in a public place. Informal is the
opposite, if formal we may have to use polite words, then this informal way allows us to

use words that are a little more relaxed, not polite. Even if we use sentences that are not
very polite, then we are still called informal.

For example:

 Have you met..?

 I don’t believe you know
 You al ready know …right?
 I don’t believe you meet..
 There is some one i’d like you to meet
 Apakah kamu pernah bertemu..?
 Saya tidak yakin Anda tahu
 Kamu sudah tahu … kan?
 Saya tidak percaya Anda bertemu..
 Ada seseorang yang ingin saya temui

c.word selection

the choice of words that are usually used for introducing someone are words that are not
so foreign, not complicated and sound familiar to the ear so that the listener can easily
understand what we mean. and usually the sentences or words that are used are in the
form of general sentences that are always used repeatedly in introducing other

for example like:

-First of all would like to introduce you tour classmates

-Allow me to introduce my brother

-excusme her name is rona

-hallo she is anita my sister

Hello July let me introduce my friend to inytoduce my friend to you

-hey gloria she is my friend,do you ever meet her

-do you ever with my mom before

-jony come here I’d like to introduce you to my mom

-andri let my father know about you


Pertama-tama ingin memperkenalkan Anda teman sekelas tur

-Izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan saudara saya

-permisi namanya rona

-hallo dia adalah anita adikku

-Halo Juli izinkan saya memperkenalkan teman saya untuk

memperkenalkan teman saya kepada Anda

-hei gloria dia adalah temanku, apakah kamu pernah bertemu dengannya

-apakah kamu pernah dengan ibuku sebelumnya

-jony datang ke sini saya ingin memperkenalkan Anda kepada ibu saya

-andri beri tahu ayahku tentangmu

The difference between introducing someone and introducing yourself is not so

much, it's just that introducing someone is done by someone who wants to introduce
someone to someone else, while introducing oneself is introducing oneself to everyone
without having to be assisted by other people

d. dialogue example

The following is an example of a dialog about introducing someone

Dialog 1

Ahmad:good morning,fan

Arfan :good morning,mad

Ahmad;arfan , I would like to introduce you to my nice ,

kharisma.kharisma this arfan

Arfan :hy, kharsima nice to meet you to

Ahmad : selamat pagi, penggemar

Arfan: selamat pagi, gila

Ahmad ;arfan, saya ingin memperkenalkan Anda kepada saya yang baik,

kharisma.kharisma arfan ini

Arfan : hai, kharsima senang bertemu denganmu

B .Greeting Someone

In general, we can divide greetings in English into 2 parts, namely: formal greetings and
informal greetings. Oh yes, because it is formal in nature, it is not uncommon to use formal
greetings when we want to greet someone we just met or met. Following are some examples:

a.greeting formal

General Greeting (Formal situation) —> Greetings or greetings that are commonly
used in formal situations Hello!
 How are you?
 How do you do?
 How are you doing?
 How have you been keeping?
 How is everything?
 How’s everything going?
 I trust that everything is well.
Examples of general greeting conversations in English and their meanings (Formal)

Doni : Hello Mr. Chan. How are you today?

Mr. Chan : Fine, thanks. How about you?

Doni : Great, thank you.

Mr. Chan : Nice day, isn’t it?

Doni : Yes it is. Well, Mr. Chan I have something to say.

Mr. Chan : Sure.

Doni : Would you come to my silver wedding anniversary dinner


Mr. Chan : What time?

Doni : It’s about 7 o’clock.

Mr. Chan : Okay then. See you there.

Doni : Thanks for your time, Mr. Chan.

Mr. Chan : Sure.


Doni : Halo Pak Chan. Bagaimana kabar Anda hari ini?

Pak Chan : Baik, terimakasih. Bagaimana dengan Anda?

Doni : Luar biasa, terimakasih.

Pak Chan : Hari yang indah, iya kan?

Doni : Iya bener banget. Oh ya, Pak Chan ada sesuatu yang ingin saya

Pak Chan : Silahkan.

Doni : Maukah Anda datang ke acara makan malam peringatan hari ulang
tahun perkawinan saya yang ke 25 malam ini?

Pak Chan : Jam berapa?

Doni : Sekitar jam 7.

Pak Chan : Baiklah. Sampai bertemu disana.

Doni : Terimakasih atas waktu Anda, Pak Chan.

Pak Chan : Baiklah.

Greeting a person you haven’t seen for a long time (formal situation) —> Sapaan atau
salam yang digunakan pada saat kita bertemu dengan orang yang sudah lama tak
berjumpa dalam situasi formal
 How long has it been?
 I’m so happy to see you again
 It has been a long time.
 It’s always a pleasure to see you.
 It’s been too long.
 What have you been up to all these years?
 Sudah berapa lama?
 Saya sangat senang bertemu dengan Anda lagi
 Sudah lama sekali.
 Selalu menyenangkan melihat Anda.
 Sudah terlalu lama.
 Apa yang telah Anda lakukan selama ini?

Contoh percakapan Greeting a person you haven’t seen for a long time beserta artinya
dalam situasi formal.
Deni : Hello Chen.

Chen : Hello Den. I’m so happy to see you again. It’s been a long time.

Deni : Yes, me too. How long has it been?

Chen : It’s about 5 years. It’s always a pleasure to see you, Den.

Deni : What do you do for living, Chen?

Chen : I work at Educational Government office.

Deni : Nice.

Chen : How about you?

Deni : I’m a lecturer.

Chen : Wow!


Deni : Halo Chen.

Chen : Halo Den. Saya sangat senang bertemu denganmu lagi. Sudah lama tak

Deni : Ya, saya juga. Sudah berapa lama ya?

Chen : Sekitar 5 tahun. Selalu senang bertemu dengan mu, Den.

Deni : Kerja apa sekarang, Chen?

Chen : Saya bekerja di kantor dinas pendidikan.

Deni : Keren.

Chen : Bagaimana denganmu?

Deni : Saya seorang dosen.

Chen : Waw!

b.Greeting informal
Informal greeting adalah salam atau sapaan yang digunakan untuk situasi atau kondisi
yang TIDAK resmi/formal.

Oh ya, karena sifatnya informal, jadi salam ini terkesan santai dan tidak kaku, sehingga
membuat orang yang menggunakan salam ini menjadi lebih akrab. Berikut ini adalah
beberapa contohnya:

General Greeting (Informal situation)

 Hi…
 What’s up?
 Good to see you.
 How are things (with you)?
 How’s it going?
 How’s life been treating you?
Examples of general greeting conversations in English and their meanings (informal)

Erwin : Rud, this is my friend.

Dika : Hi, my name is Dika.

Rudi : I’m Rudi. Good to see you.

Erwin : What’s up bro?

Rudi : Fine.

Dika : Okay guys, let’s get a drink.

Rudi : That sounds good.

Erwin : I think moccalatte is the best choice.

Rudi : Haha… you are still the same.


Erwin : Rud, ini teman ku.

Dika : Hai, nama saya Dika.

Rudi : Saya Rudi. Senang berjumpa denganmu.

Erwin : Apa kabar, sob?

Rudi : Baik.

Dika : Oke sob, gimana kalo kita nyari minum?

Rudi : Kedengarannya bagus.

Erwin : Aku pikir moccalatte adalah pilihan terbaik.

Rudi : Haha… kamu masih seperti yang dulu sob

C .Telling The Time

Telling times is an important English language learning material or unit in elementary

schools. This material is material for children's knowledge about time and hours in
English. In telling time material or telling time students will learn about how to tell or
explain time.

In telling the time can use the following words:

 …o’clock,
 …past…,
 …to…

There are several ways to say 7:15: seven fifteen, a quarter past seven, fifteen past seven.
The word "o'clock" is only used to indicate the hour. Example: 9:00 – nine o'clock (but
9:10 – ten past nine). For round hours or 00, you can also say "sharp". Example: 7:00 –
seven sharp.


Ada beberapa jenis cara untuk mengatakan 7:15: seven fifteen, a quarter past seven,
fifteen past seven. Kata“o’clock” hanya digunakan untuk menyatakan jam . Contoh:
9:00 – nine o’clock (tetapi 9:10 – ten past nine). Untuk jam yang bulat atau 00, kamu
juga dapat mengatakan “sharp”. Contoh: 7:00 – seven sharp.

Besides clocks, you can also learn words that can be used to tell about time – parts of the
day. Examples of words you can use:

“in the morning”

“at noon”,

“in the afternoon”,

“in the evening”

"at night".


“di pagi hari”

“siang hari”,

"saat sore hari",

"di malam hari"

"pada malam hari".

When you want to say about the time based on the duration of the day, you can use the

 “yesterday”,
 “today”
 “tomorrow”
 “the day after tomorrow”
The words "in the morning", "at noon", "in the afternoon", "in the evening", "at night"
are used for daily activities, or a habit. When you want to say an activity that consists
specifically today, you can use the words: “this morning”, “(today) at noon”, “this
afternoon”, “this evening”, “tonight”. In a different one, just use "morning".

D .Talking About Daily Activities

Daily Activities use the simple present tense because the activities described are
activities that are repeated from day to day. Daily activity is very important because it is
one of the most common conversation topics in any language to talk about your daily

Menceritakan mengenai kegiatan sehari-hari (daily routine) bukanlah sesuatu yang sulit,
karena kita sudah memahami isi percakapan dengan baik dan tidak ada yang perlu
dibuat-buat. Bercerita mengenai kegiatan hanya dilakukan dengan menyatakan fakta
mengenai apa yang terjadi (kegiatan), urutan waktu, dan detail tambahan seperti perasaan
atau bersama siapa aktivitas dilakukan.

Untuk dapat berbicara mengenai kegiatan sehari-hari dalam bahasa Inggris, yang
diperlukan terlebih dahulu yaitu kosakata kerja mengenai aktivitas yang dilakukan, kata
hubung waktu untuk mengurutkan aktivitas, serta keterangan waktu aktivitas terjadi.

1. Kata kerja untuk menjelaskan aktivitas daily routine yang dilakukan

Kegiatan sehari-hari merupakan kegiatan yang rutin dilakukan (habit) sehingga kata
kerja yang digunakan menggunakan simple present tense.

I / You / We / They + Verb 1

I go to school from Monday until Friday. (Aku pergi ke sekolah dari Senin sampai

We always go home together after school. (Kami selalu pulang sekolah bersama.)

He / She / It + Verb 1 + (s/es)

She likes to read books every day. (Dia suka membaca buku setiap hari.)

My father drinks coffee every morning. (Ayahku meminum kopi setiap pagi.)

2. Kata hubung waktu (time connectors)

Kata hubung waktu digunakan untuk menghubungkan satu kejadian dengan kejadian
lain yang berurutan secara waktu. Kata penghubung waktu dapat menggunakan kata-
kata berikut:

After (setelah)

I go to sleep after I brush my teeth. (Saya tidur setelah menggosok gigi.)

Before (sebelum)

She always eats breakfast before school. (Dia selalu sarapan sebelum pergi ke sekolah.)

During (selama)

During holiday, I usually get up at 8 am. (Selama liburan, biasanya aku bangun pukul 8

Since (sejak)

Since I was I kid, I always sleep with the lamps off. (Sejak kecil, aku selalu tidur dengan
lampu kamar dimatikan.)

Until (sampai)

My younger brother always watches television in the morning until school time. (Adik
laki-lakiku selalu menonton televisi setiap pagi sampai waktunya bersekolah.)

Then (kemudian)

I brush my teeth then wash my face. (Aku menggosok gigi lalu mencuci mukaku.)

3. Keterangan waktu

Keterangan waktu yang digunakan saat berbicara mengenai kegiatan sehari-hari

biasanya menggunakan in, at, atau on. Berikut adalah aturan penggunaan ketiga kata

Penggunaan kata in

Di suatu bagian hari, misalnya in the morning, in the afternoon.

Di suatu bulan tertentu, misalnya in January, in February.

Di suatu tahun, misalnya in 2018, in 2019.

Di suatu musim, misalnya in the winter, in the spring.

Di suatu periode waktu yang lama, misalnya in the twentieth century.

Penggunaan kata at

Di suatu jam tertentu, misalnya at one o’clock, at two o’clock.

Di suatu titik dalam satu hari, misalnya at midday, at midnight.

Di suatu waktu perayaan, misalnya at the New Year.

Penggunaan kata on

Pada tanggal tertentu, misalnya on 2 October 2018.

Pada suatu hari, misalnya on Sunday, on Monday.

Berikut adalah contoh seorang siswa Sekolah Dasar yang menceritakan kegiatan sehari-

I go to school every week from Monday to Friday. I usually get up at 5

am, then tidy up my bed. My mother usually cooks breakfast while I take a bath. After
breakfast, I go to school on foot. I spent six hours at school. Before going home, me and
my friends usually eat our lunch box together. I took a nap for two hours before doing
my homework. My mother usually allows me to play with my sisters after I finished my
homework. We usually play hide and seek or read comic books together. At night, we
eat dinner together. After that, I brush my teeth.

Berikut adalah contoh seorang pria yang menceritakan kegiatannya di pagi hari:

I am not a morning person, so I usually wake up at 6 am. I enjoy drinking coffee

in the morning because it makes me refreshed. My wife usually cooks breakfast for me.
We eat breakfast together in the dining room. After that, I brushed my teeth in the
bathroom. Before going to work, I usually watch the news for several minutes.

Berikut adalah contoh seorang guru sekolah dasar yang menceritakan

kegiatannya di sekolah:

I work as a teacher at one of elementary school near my house. I go to work an

hour before the school starts. I always feel happy when I see my students come to the
school excitedly. I teach English for them. We usually have fun while learning. We sing
some songs and also play a part sometimes. After the school end, I pack my things then
go home by public bus.

E .Expression Of Apology

Expressing apology adalah suatu ungkapan yang dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan
permintaan maaf kepada seseorang.

Contoh ungkapan dan respon Berikut adalah beberapa ungkapan meminta maaf
(expressing apology) yang dapat digunakan sehari- hari, beserta dengan responnya:

 I’m sorry (maafkan saya)

 I’m really sorry/ I’m very sorry (saya benar- benar minta maaf)
 That’s my mistake, I’m so sorry (itu kesalahan saya, maafkan saya)
 Please forgive me (tolong maafkan saya)
 I apologize for my mistake (saya minta maaf atas kesalahan saya)
 It’s my fault, forgive me (itu kesalahan saya, maafkan saya)
 I’m so sorry for my mistake (saya benar- benar minta maaf atas kesalahan saya)
 I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it (maaf, saya tidak sengaja)
 I must apologize for my mistake (saya harus meminta maaf atas kesalahan saya)
 I’m ashamed to admit that I made a mistake. (saya malu mengakui bahwa saya
membuat kesalahan)

Sedangkan respon yang digunakan, yaitu:

 That’s okay (tidak apa-apa)

 It’s fine (tidak apa-apa)
 Don’t worry about it (jangan khawatir tentang itu)
 Don’t say that (jangan bilang begitu)
 Don’t mention it (jangan katakan itu)
 Forget about it (lupakan saja)
 I forgive you (saya memaafkanmu)
 It doesn’t matter (tidak masalah)
 I can understand that (saya memahami itu)
 Never mind (tidak masalah)
Contoh Dialog Berikut adalah contoh dialog yang memuat ungkapan meminta
maaf (expressing apology):
Joni : “Merry, I’m sorry I can’t come to your party yesterday”
Merry : “That’s okay, Jon. Don’t worry about that”
Joni : “I have to take my grandma to hospital yesterday”
Merry : “What happened to your grandma, Jon? Is she sick?”
Joni : “Yes, suddenly she got a terrible headache”
Merry : “Ohh… I hope she will be fine soon”
Joni : “Thank, she is better now”
Merry : “I’m sorry, I didn’t know that you have problem yesterday, Jon” Joni
: “That’s fine, Merry”

Joni : “Merry, maaf saya tidak bisa hadir di acara pestamu kemarin” Merry
: “Tidak apa- apa, Jon. Jangan khawatir tentang itu”
Joni : “Saya harus mengantar nenekku ke rumah sakit kemarin”
Merry: “Ada apa dengan nenekmu, Jon? Apakah dia sakit?”
Joni : “Ya, tiba- tiba saja nenek merasa sakit kepala yang luar biasa” Merry
: “Ohh… saya harap nenek baik- baik saja”
Joni : “Terima kasih, dia baik- baik saja sekarang”
Merry : “Maaf, saya tidak tahu kalau kamu ada masalah kemarin, Jon” Joni
: “Tidak apa-apa, Merry”

F .Expression Of Thanks

Ungkapan Terima Kasih / Expression of thanking merupakan salah satu jenis

ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan ungkapan terima kasih yang tertinggi akan
sebuah pemberian, penghargaan atau pun kesanggupan seseorang kepada kita.

Contoh Kalimat Expressions of Thanking dan Responnya;

Selanjutnya, bagaimana sih cara mengucapkan terimakasih dalam Bahasa Inggris?

Berikut adalah contoh ungkapan terima kasih (expressions of thanking) dan cara

Expressions of Thanking Responses

Thank you. (terima kasih). You’re welcome. (sama-sama).
Thanks! (Makasih ya!). I'm happy to help. (aku senang bisa
Thank you so much. (terima kasih banyak). It’s my pleasure. (dengan senang hati).
That’s very kind of you. (Kamu baik It was nothing. (itu bukan apa-apa).
You’re awesome! (kau luar biasa). Don’t mention it. (Sama-sama / kembali).
I’m grateful for your assistance. (Terima It’s my pleasure. (dengan senang hati).
kasih atas bantuannya).

I’m really grateful for your help. (Aku You’re welcome. (sama-sama).
sangat berterima kasih atas bantuanmu).

I owe you one (aku berutang budi Nevermind. (lupakan saja).


Oh, you shouldn’t have! (oh, kau tak harus No worries. (tak perlu kau khawatirkan).

I really appreciate everything you’ve It’s my pleasure. (dengan senang hati).

done. (aku sangat menghargai atas apa
yang sudah kamu lakukan).

G .Asking And Giving Direction

 Asking Direction
Dalam aSking Direction kita diberi cara bagaimana mengajukan sebuah pertanyaan
untuk menanyakan letak sebuah tempat. Perhatikan ungkapannya berikut ini:

 Where is…?
 Would you please tell me how to get to ….?
 Could you show me the way to ….?
 Can you tell me which direction to …?
 Giving Direction
Dalam Giving Direction atau yang dikenal sebagai memberi tanggapan dari sebuah
pertanyaan yang diajukan seseorang (yang notabene belum mengerti sebuah tempat)
kepada seseorang yang sudah mengetahui secara jelas letak tempat tersebut. Ada 2 (dua)
macam tanggapan, antara lain:

a. Positive Response

Perhatikan ungkapannya berikut ini:

 Yes, of course
 Certainly
 Yes, sure
 Go ahead
 turn left
 pass this street
 go down this street
b. Negative Response

Perhatikan ungkapannya berikut ini:

 No, I’m sorry

 I don’t either know
 I’m a new comer

Miftahul : Hii, good morning.

a girl : Hii, good morning, can I help you, Sir?
Miftahul : Yes, I am still finding my friend’s home.
A Girl : Do you have a map?
Miftahul : No, I don’t. She just gives this address
A gril : May I see?
Miftahul : Yes, of course. here you are
A girl : Pelita treet? Ok. From here you must go on this street, if you find the
intersection, you have to turn left. you will pass Al-Hilmah Bulukarto’s mosque. and you
will see the orange home, that is your friend’s home.
MIftahul : Thank you
A girl : By the way, you can follow me
Miftahul : Thank you so much

After some minutes later

A girl : follow me
MIftahul : Hmmmn but I want to meet Mira
A girl : Wait me.. Miraaa
MIraa : Yes, aunty.
Miftahul : MIraa, is this that your aunty?
Mira : Yes this is my aunty. please come in. thank you aunty, have accompanied
MIftahul : thank you so much
A gril : your welcome

Miftahul : selamat pagi.
a girl : selamat pagi, Dapatkah aku membantumu?
Miftahul : Aku mencari rumah kawanku
A Girl : Aoakah kamu punya petanya?
Miftahul : tidak, aku hanya diberi alamatnya.
A gril : bolehkah aku melihat?
Miftahul : tentu, ini.
A girl : jalan Pelita? Ok. Dari jalan ini kamu harus jalan lurus mengikuti jalan
ini, jika kamu menenmui perempatan, kamu harus belok kiri. kamu akan melewati
masjid Alhikmah Bulukarto. dan kamu akan menemui rumah berwarna orange. itu
rumah kawanmu
MIftahul : Terima kasih
A girl : Ngomong-ngomong, kamu bisa ikut aku
MIftahul : Terima kasih

——(beberapa menit kemudian)—-

A girl : ikut aku

MIftahul : Hmmmn tapi aku ingin menemui Mira
A girl : tunggu.. Miraaa
MIraa : ya, bibi
Miftahul : MIraa, ini bibimu?
Mira : Ya, ini bibiku. ayo masuk, terima kasih bibi sudah mengantarkannya
MIftahul : terima kasih
A gril : terima kasih kembali

H .Offering Something

Offering Something is a type of expression that we use when we want to offer something
to someone else. In the post material, you can find out how to offer something in English
and also how to accept or reject the offer. We can use the following expressions in
various situations, when the host offers something to a guest or when in the office he
wants to offer something to a colleague. For more details, let's look at some of the
following Expressing Offering Something To Someone.

Offering Something
Would you like something to drink?
Would you like to go disco?
Would you like to come along?
Could I offer you a glass of lemonade?
Would you mind joining us?
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Shall I get you a bottle of water?
Would you like to leave a message?

What can I get for you?
Won't you have a pancake?
Do you want something to eat?
Cheese sandwich?
Have some
Like one?

Accepting an Offer
Thank you
Yes, please
I'd like it very much
Thank you, I would ...
That would be very nice
I'm pleased to do that
With pleasure
Yes, I'd like some.
Oh yes, I’d love to
That sounds nice
That’s very kind of you

Refusing an Offer
No, thanks
Not for me, thanks
No, I really won't thank you
I'd like to, but I have ...
I'm afraid I can't thanks anyway
It would be a great pleasure to ... But I'm afraid I have


Andy: Here. Have a cookie.

Bryan: Thanks.
Andy: Would you like some cake?
Bryan: No thank you. It looks delicious though.
Andy: How about a glass of coffee?
Bryan: Thanks, but I don’t drink coffee.
Andy: What will you have to drink?
Bryan: Manggo juice will be fine.
Andy: Would you like some more pie?
Bryan: Sure. It’s really good. Did you bake it yourself?
Andy: Can I get you some milk or something?
Bryan: Well, a glass of water would be okay.


Andy: Ini, silakan dimakan kuenya.

Bryan: Terima kasih.

Andy: Anda mau makan kue.
Bryan: Tidak terima kasih. Kelihatannya enak juga.
Andy: Bagaimana dengan segelas kopi?
Bryan: Terima kasih, tapi saya tidak minum kopi.
Andy: Kamu mau minum apa?
Bryan: Jus mangga saja
Andy: Kamu mau makan kue lagi?
Bryan: Tentu, sangat enak. Apakah kamu yang membuatnya sendiri?
Andy: Bisa saya buatkan susu atau sesuatu
Bryan: Baiklah, segelas air putih juga tidak apa-apa.

I .ExpressionOf Regret/Sadnes

Expressions in English and common sayings are very important to learn for every
English speaker. As with Indonesian, English also has its own words to express

For one thing, these statements make it easy to explain a few points without
having to use a lot of other words. So that our words will not look long-winded, or in
other words, our words can be to the point.

Also, the use of expressions is something we will find in any language. So that
not only in English, other languages in this world require the use of expression

Some Things to Look For When Applying Expressions in English

In this material, the expression itself has many types according to the types of
dialogue that are usually used when learning English. Even congratulating relatives,
friends and family also goes into the type and how it is applied. Before studying it, you
should understand two things that must be considered as follows.

1. Tone and Pronunciation of Dialogue Appropriate Expression

Forget about English, the use of one's own language actually requires someone to
be able to express their expressions based on the conditions and types of dialogue
expressions. Likewise in English, where the first thing to pay attention to is the tone of
voice and the pronunciation of the dialogue.

Sometimes some people even though they already know what the dialogue is
about, it's still difficult to convey it according to expression. That's why the first thing to
pay attention to is the tone of voice and the pronunciation of each word. Match them
both to their true expression.

2. Focus on Each Discussion in Dialogue Expressions

The second is where you have to be able to focus on every discussion in every
dialogue that will be used. Determine first what type of expression you are involved in,
this also applies when you are not in the learning process but are practicing it right away.
If you don't have that focus it will break up the dialogue.

Just like a conversation with more than 2-3 people who have to pay attention to
every word, so does the focus on expressions. Where this will later help in carrying out a
conversation using dialogue with the other person, of course according to the expression
of each interlocutor.

Basically, to learn self-expression, you only need to understand the condition of

the other person or the situation being faced. This will greatly help in understanding
which expressions to use in the dialog.

Definition of Expressions

Expressions or expressions in English are things that are expressed, whether it's
feelings or opinions to our interlocutors. The wrong way of disclosure can certainly
make our interlocutors confused about what we are talking about.

In short, an expression is a word or phrase that expresses a thought, idea or

feeling. In English, expressions are used very commonly and there are some that may
seem to make little or no sense.

This is because expressions or expressions often use words that convey a certain
meaning beyond the meaning of the words themselves. For example, “kick the bucket”
doesn't literally mean hitting the bucket with our foot but means someone has passed.

When we listen to English, we are bound to hear a lot of expressions that may not
make sense at first hearing. But that's okay, because this is a great time to start learning
about it.

As we continue our journey of learning English, we are sure to get more

expressions along the way. Take a look at some of these common terms and take a
moment to try and figure out what you think they mean before looking at the definitions.

You may be surprised to learn that things are not always what they seem. Starting
with this, we can gradually begin to understand the expression itself.

Expressions function

One of the reasons why learning English phrases and sayings is important is
because it means we can understand what other people are saying. That way, we will not
misunderstand what they are talking about.

And vice versa, if we don't study English expressions and common expressions it
will cause us to always misunderstand what many experienced speakers are saying. Of
course, this usually creates a small or big problem, such as miscommunication.

In addition, learning phrases and sayings can help us improve critical thinking
skills. Because we're going to get some wisdom from what some of these sayings have to

For example, I never learn from people who agree with me. The sentence helps
us understand that taking criticism constructively is a good way to enhance our learning
by identifying and correcting our mistakes.

This shows us that when we hear an expression used in English conversation, it is

not always a literal phrase. Since this type of speech is used very often in everyday
speech as well as in written texts, it is important for us to acquire good knowledge.

Knowledge of some of the most common expressions that native English

speakers may use. With these functions, there is no reason for us not to learn the

Jenis-Jenis dan Contoh Penerapannya

Tak hanya berhenti pada pengertian dan fungsi saja, kita juga perlu
mengetahui jenis serta contoh penerapannya. Dengan begitu, kita akan tahu
lebih dalam lagi tentang ekspresi atau ungkapan ini.

Sebenarnya, ada banyak sekali jenis ekspresi atau ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris. Di
bawah ini ada beberapa jenis dan contoh penerapan yang bisa anda pelajari.

Expressions of Introduction

Ungkapan ini memiliki dua jenis, yakni introduction self dan introduction other.
Introduction self tentu untuk memperkenalkan diri kita dalam bahasa Inggris kepada
orang lain, khususnya kepada orang baru.

Dengan begitu, orang lain biasa mengenal diri kita dengan baik dan lebih tepat. Secara
tidak langsung, kita bisa lebih dekat dengan mereka.

Sedangkan, introduction other merupakan cara kita memperkenalkan orang lain

(anggota keluarga, teman, kerabat, rekan kerja, atau lain sebagainya) dalam bahasa
Inggris. Ungkapan ini biasanya akan kita gunakan ketika kita membawa orang baru ke
hadapan teman yang telah kita kenal.

 Contoh Expressions of Introduction

Yang pertama adalah contoh untuk ungkapn introduce self:

 Let me introduce myself, my name is Adinda Kirana (Izinkan aku

memperkenalkan diriku, namaku adalah Adinda Kirana)

 I’d like to introduce myself to you. My name is Adinda Kirana (Aku
akan memperkenalkan diriku kepadamu. Namaku adalah Adinda
 Excuse Me, my name is Adinda Kirana (Permisi, namaku adalah Adinda
Selanjutnya adalah contoh untuk ungkapan introduce other:

 Allow me to introduce my father to you (Izinkan aku mengenalkan

ayahku kepadamu)
 Hi, Karina. He is my brother, Joseph Franco (Hi, Karina. Dia adalah
saudara laki-lakiku, Joseph Franco)
 Give me time to introduce my new secretary. She is Miya Layla (Beri
saya waktu untuk memperkenalkan sekretaris baru saya. Dia adalah
Miya Layla)

J .Askinf For Permission

Expression of asking permission

Expression of asking permission is an expression of asking permission. This expression

is used to ask permission to do or get something. The response to this expression can
also be in the form of allowing or refusing. Expressions of asking for permission are
generally preceded by modals such as can, may, could, and would.

Apart from that, the expression asking permission can also be used when you want to ask
permission from the teacher when you cannot attend school, or when you want to leave
class to use the toilet. Here are some examples of sentences asking permission that are
commonly used in everyday life:

 Can I use your laptop? (Bolehkah aku menggunakan laptop mu?)

 May I come to your house? (bolehkah saya datang ke rumahmu?)
 Could I talk to you for a while? (Bolehkah saya bicara denganmu sebentar?)
 Would you mind if I take your luggage? (Akankah kamu keberatan jika saya membawakan
 Do you mind if your son comes and plays in my house? (apakah kamu keberatan jika anakmu
pergi dan bermain di rumahku?)
 Is it ok if we go together? (apakah tidak mengapa jika kita pergi bersama?)
 Would it be ok if I arrange the chairs like this? (apakah tidak masalah jika ku susun kursinya
seperti ini?)
 May I ask for your permission for not coming to school today, sir? (bolehkah saya meminta izin
untuk tidak hadir ke sekolah hari ini, pak?)

Giving permission (giving permission)

Giving permission is an expression of giving permission to someone to do or do something.

So, giving permission is a positive response when someone asks for our permission. Here are some
examples of expressions of giving permission that are commonly used in everyday life:

K .Giving Openion

Asking opinion is an expression of asking for someone's opinion about

something, or asking someone to convey their ideas, ideas or thoughts about something.
Here are some examples of asking opinion sentences that you can use:

 What do you think about this plan? (Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang rencana ini?)
 Do you think it’s ok to leave the office now? (Menurutmu tidak mengapa jika kita meninggalkan
kantor sekarang?)
 In your opinion, who will win this game? (Menurut pendapatmu, siapa yang memenangkan
permainan ini?)
 What is your opinion about this new library? (Apa pendapatmu tentang perpustakaan baru ini?)
 Do you have other points of view? (Apakah kamu punya pendapat yang berbeda?)
 Do you have other perspectives about this? (Apakah kamu punya sudut pandang yang berbeda
tentang ini?)
 Do you have any ideas? (Apakah kamu punya ide?)
 How do you feel about this situation? (Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang kondisi ini?)
 What do you think of my idea? (Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang ide ku?)
 Do you have any opinion about this book? (Apakah kamu punya pendapat tentang buku ini?)

Giving an opinion (giving or responding to an opinion)

Giving an opinion is an expression of giving an opinion about something, or responding

to someone who asks our opinion about something. Here are some examples of give
opinions that you can use:

 I think you should obey your parents. (Menurutku kamu harus menuruti orang tuamu)
 In my opinion, this book is good enough. (Menurut pendapatku, buku ini cukup bagus)
 From my point of view, we need to do small research. (Dari sudut pandang saya, kita harus
melakukan penelitian kecil)
 Based on my opinion, you should go there. (Berdasarkan pendapat saya, kamu harus pergi
 In my mind, you are right. (Menurut pendapatku, kamu benar)
 Honestly, this is so risky. (Sejujurnya, ini beresiko)
 I believe we will find a solution. (Saya yakin kita akan menemukan jalan keluar)
 For me, these red shoes look better. (Menurutku, sepatu merah ini lebih bagus)
 As far as I know, nobody ever visits this place. (Sejauh pengetahuan saya, tidak ada orang yang
pernah mengunjungi tempat ini)
 From my perspective, you should continue your study abroad. (Dari sudut pandang saya, kamu
sebaiknya melanjutkan studimu di luar negeri)




A. Conclusion

1. . understanding Introducing Someone

Introducing other is introducing other people (friends, friends, co-workers,
colleagues, fathers, mothers, and others) in English by using the correct
sentences and expressions so that both those we introduce and those who
hear them can get a picture of what people are really like. that we introduce.
2. In generalwe can divide greetings in English into 2 parts, namely: formal
greetings and informal greetings. Oh yes, because it is formal in nature, it is not
uncommon to use formal greetings when we want to greet someone we just met
or met. Following are some examples:
3. Telling times is an important English language learning material or unit in
elementary schools. This material is material for children's knowledge about
time and hours in English. In telling time material or telling time students
will learn about how to tell or explain time.
4. Daily Activities use the simple present tense because the activities described
are activities that are repeated from day to day. Daily activity is very
important because it is one of the most common conversation topics in any
language to talk about your daily routine.
5. Expressing apology is an expression that can be used to express an apology to
someone.Examples of expressions and responses Here are some expressions
of apology (expressing apology)a.greeting formal
6. Expression of thanks is a type of expression that is used to express the
highest expression of gratitude for a gift, appreciation or someone's ability to
give us.
7. Offering Something is a type of expression that we use when we want to
offer something to someone else. In the post material, you can find out how
to offer something in English and also how to accept or reject the offer. We
can use the following expressions in various situations, when the host offers
something to a guest or when in the office he wants to offer something to a
colleague. For more details, let's look at some of the following Expressing
Offering Something To Someone.
8. Expressions in English and common sayings are very important to learn for
every English speaker. As with Indonesian, English also has its own words to
express something.
9. Expression of asking permission
Expression of asking permission is an expression of asking permission. This
expression is used to ask permission to do or get something. The response to
this expression can also be in the form of allowing or refusing. Expressions
of asking for permission are generally preceded by modals such as can, may,
could, and would.

.B. Suggestion

The material above in English lessons is indeed quite difficult to understand,

it takes tenacity, accuracy, and sincerity in understanding this material. Students
should try to solve more problems related to English so that they can understand
it more easily.



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