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Please check the following items

Author/authors are kindly advised to check out the following items. Otherwise and
unnecessarily the time of publication would be postponed.

Paper should not contain short title. Only Main titles such as Abstract, Keywords,
Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results & Discussion, Conclusion,
LIFE SCIENCE REPORTING. Please do not number the headings.

1. Names of authors should be written in accordance with journal format. Example

Right:- Abdolreza Karbassi, Touraj Nasrabadi and Javad Amiri
Wrong:- Karbassi, A. R., Nasrabadi, T. and Amiri, J.
2. Write the addresses in proper form. If all the authors are from same address don’t
number them. If they have different affiliation numbers the authors. Example
Abdolreza Karbassi, Touraj Nasrabadi and Javad Amiri
Graduate Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, P.O.Box 14155-6135,
Tehran, Iran
Abdolreza Karbassi1, Touraj Nasrabadi1 and Javad Amiri2
Graduate Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, P.O.Box 14155-6135,
Tehran, Iran
Department of Environment, University of Tousi, Mashhad, P.O.Box 12341-2234,
Tehran, Iran
3. Please don’t write the position of authors (Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant
Professor, Student, Director, Manager, etc...) in the addresses.
4. Keywords should not be selected from the main title. Keywords should be single or
maximum of two words. The number of keywords should be 4 to 6.
5. Don’t number the headings.
6. Pollution accept the following main titles only and there should not be any sub-titles:-
-Main title
-Name of Authors
-Email of corresponding author
-Material & Methods
-Results and Discussion
Therefore the following example is indicative of a wrong submission
2. Materials & Methods
2.1. Study of area
2.2. Chemical analysis
7. The length of Introduction part should be 1 to 1.5 pages. The Introduction part should
be supported by at least 15 references from the years 2000 to 2020. At the end of
Introduction part clearly write the aims of study in one or two lines.
8. The length of Material & Methods should be 1 to 1.5 pages. This part should be
supported by classic references.
9. The length of manuscript including everything (text, tables, figures, references)
should not be less than 15 pages and should not be more than 25 pages. The line
spacing is considered as 1.5 and the font size is 12.
10. Review papers' length can be up to 30 pages. The number of references for a review
paper should not be less than 100.
11. Maps should have Latitude and Longitude along with scale.
12. Units should be in accordance with journal format. For instance mg/kg is right and mg
kg-1 is wrong.
13. Please look at the following reference. The references should be exactly in this
Karbassi, A. R. (2017). Geochemistry of marine sediment in northern part of Oman
sees. Int. J. Environ. Res., 2(3); 234-256.
Karbassi, A. R., & Nasrabadi, T. (2017). Geochemistry of marine sediment in
northern part of Oman sees. Int. J. Environ. Res., 2(3); 234-256.
Karbassi, A. R., Nasrabadi, T., & Amiri, J. (2017). Geochemistry of marine sediment
in northern part of Oman sees. Int. J. Environ. Res., 2(3); 234-256.
14. Avoid any http references.
15. Avoid any unknown reports.
16. Title of Tables should be given above them. Title of Tables should be self-explanatory
with preferably longer titles. Tables should have units – if applicable.
17. Title of Figures should be given under them. Title of Figures should be self-
explanatory with preferably longer titles. Figures should have units – if applicable.
18. References within text should follow as:
The main source of pollution in marine environment is from oil transport (Karbassi,
2017; Karbassi & Nasrabadi, 2017)). The lithogenic portion of metals in decreasing in
marine environment (Karbassi & Nasrabadi, 2017). It is well known that toxic metals
can be transported in various forms (Karbassi et al., 2017; Karbassi, 2017; Karbassi &
Nasrabadi, 2017).
19. All references given in text should be appeared in reference section too (and vice
20. We cannot publish papers with too many self-citations. The maximum number of
reference from authors should not be more than 3.
21. The number of references in manuscript should not be less than 30.
22. While submitting the revised manuscript, all figures and tables should be places
within text in their appropriate places.
23. Do not number the lines while submitting revised paper.
Authors MUST add the following three items before reference list:-


IF YES: The present research has been financially supported by ???????? (grant No.?????).
IF NO: (JUST KEEP THIS SENTENCE.) The present research did not receive any financial

IF YES: Please indicate…
IF NO: (JUST KEEP THIS SENTENCE.) The authors declare that there is not any conflict of
interests regarding the publication of this manuscript. In addition, the ethical issues, including
plagiarism, informed consent, misconduct, data fabrication and/ or falsification, double
publication and/or submission, and redundancy has been completely observed by the authors.


Authors should clearly report any involvement of hazards, human or animal subjects, patient
images, case details, and other materials and information. Their experiments should be
performed in compliance with laws and relevant institutional guidelines. When requested,
authors should provide the ethics committee with approval documents, consent to release
personal information such as images of individuals, and other necessary documents used in
the approval process. In addition, it should be stated within the manuscript that proper consent
has been obtained for experiments with human subjects.
IF YES: Please indicate…
IF NO: (JUST KEEP THIS SENTENCE.) No life science threat was practiced in this

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