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Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 4

Rose is plant with enchanting flowers from genus Rosa which has more than 100 species. This woody perennial
plant grows in groups, allowing them to form climbing shrubs with prickles. Rose has various flowers in shape and
sizes, making it one among popular flowering plants found in a house.
Most rose species are native to Asia, but some others are native to North America and Europe. It is typically grown
for beauty and fragrant. Some species are used for commercial perfumery while some others are cut for ornamental
flowers. In addition, rose also has minor medicinal uses.
1. What does the text tell about?
A. Rose species
B. Gardening
C. Flowers
D. How to grow rose plant
E. Where to plant rose

2. This statement is correct, except ….

A. Rose only has one variant of shape and size
B. Rose is native to Asia
C. Rose can be used for ornamental plant
D. Rose has more than 100 species
E. Rose can be used in perfume

3. It is typically grown … (paragraph 2). The word “it” refers to ….

A. Rose species
B. Beauty
D. Medicine
E. Commercial perfumery

4. Based on the text, which statement is true?

A. Rose has minor benefit for medicinal uses
B. People grow rose only for beauty
C. Rose is not a popular flowering plant
D. North America is not a native to rose species
E. Rose has less than 100 species


Read the following text for questions number 5 to 7

Indonesia or commonly known as Republic of Indonesia is one of South East Asia countries. Located between
Pacific and Indian Ocean, it makes Indonesia the world’s largest archipelago country. Also called as Nusantara, this
country has more than 17,000 islands. Having more than 261 million people, Indonesia becomes 4th most populous
country in the world. Indonesia has more ethnics, languages and culture than other countries. Data showed that
Indonesia has several ethnic groups including Javanese, Sundanese, and other with more than 700 recognized
regional language.

5. What makes Indonesia one of most populous countries in the world?

A. Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands
B. It is located in South East Asia
C. Indonesia has more than 261 million people
D. Indonesia is rich
E. It has more ethnics and languages

6. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. Indonesia is 4th most populous country
B. Indonesia is one of South East Asia countries
C. Ethnics and languages make Indonesia rich
D. Indonesia is an Asian country which has many cultures, ethnics, as well as people
E. Indonesia is located between Pacific and Indian Ocean

7. The world “located” can be best replaced by ….

A. Allocated
B. Situated
C. Happened
D. Borrowed
E. Surrounded

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 10.

I have a new cat, its name is Shorty. I call it Shorty because it is short than the other cats. My cat is a Persian cat
with flat nose and fluffy hair. It has sharp, yellow eyes that glow in the dark. Shorty likes to run around the house,
chasing any moving things. I like to see Shorty sleeping because it looks cute. Shorty does not like to eat canned
food, instead it prefers fresh tuna.

8. My cat is ….. (line 1). The word “my” refers to …

A. Writer
B. Reader
C. Cat
D. Mother
E. Cute

9. Which breed is Shorty?

A. Persian
B. Angora
C. Half-breed
D. Domestic cat

10. What does the writer tell about?

A. New cat named Shorty
B. New toy
C. New cats
D. Writer’s new hobby
E. Family

My Unique Pets
I’m used to having pets at home because my family is pet lovers. I have kept two turtles since February 2003. I put
them all in one tank in my room.
The name of the male turtle is Donatello and the female one is called Rafael It is quite easy to keep them. They can
survive without food for about two months. However, they need a comfortable place to live. They have to live with
imported soil and plants, good water circulation and a piece of dry trunk in the aquarium. Inadequate conditions can
cause not only stess but also affect their growth. The worst thing is they may even end in their death!
The weapon of an adult turtle lies in its edge of the shell. He will use this weapon when he is disturbed while he is
taking a nap.

11. Why is it dangerous to touch the edge of the turtle’s shell when he is having his nap?
A. because the turtle might infect you with a certain disease
B. because it can cause stress to the turtle
C. because it is the location of a turtle’s weapon
D. because it can cause stress to the turtle
E. because it will kill the turtle
F. because it will

12. “Inadequate conditions can cause not only stress but also affect their growth.” (paragraph 2)
The underlined word can be best replaced by …
A. insufficient
B. indiscipline
C. ineffective
D. inedible
E. Inactver

13. What is the purpose of the text above ?

A. To describe the writer’s turtles to the readers
B. To tell the readers that the writer’s family is pet lovers
C. To persuade the readers to keep turtles as a pet
D. To show the advantages of keeping turtles
E. To the advantages of keeping turtles

Giraffe is the tallest animal, I saw in Ragunan zoo. It is a male. It is about six meter tall. It has big brown eyes. It has
brown spots on its skin. It also has two short horns on its head. Its tail is long with thick hair on the top of the tail. It
likes eating leaves of tree.

14. The purpose of the text above is....

A. to describe about giraffe
B. to tell about tall animal
C. to describe Ragunan zoo
D. to tell about tall animals
E. to tell about animals

15. How the eyes of the giraffe look like?

A. They are big and black
B. They are big and brown
C. They are small and brown
D. They are small and black
E. They are small

16. Nino : “Mr. Handoyo, … my father.”

Mr. Handoko : “How do you do, Mr. Sonjaya?”
Mr. Sonjaya : “How do you do, Mr. Handoko?”
A. I’d like to introduce
B. I’m glad to help
C. I want to invite
D. It’s time to go
E. I like to visit

17. Anita is a new member of Sahabat English Club. She introduced herself.
Anita : “Ladies and gentlemen ….”
A. allow me to introduce myself
B. let me introduce you to the audiences
C. your welcome
D. tam happy to meet you
E. may I introduce you to the audiences

18. Dimas : “Hi …? My name is Dimas. Nice to meet you.

Yogi : “Hi, Nice to meet you too. I’m Yogi.
A. let me introduce myself
B. can I introduce Yudi
C. have you met Yudi before
D. can you introduce yourself
E. can I help you

19. Putri : “Let me … my friend to you this is Ayu.”

Bayu : “Hi Ayu, nice to see you.”
A. introduce
B. Hello
C. good night
D. hi
E. good bye

20. Sebastian Ryan. I was born in Bandung, West Java, but my whole family moved to Jakarta when I was five. So I
grew up there. I graduated from middle school about two years ago and I am currently attending a high school in
my city. I am a junior and I am interested in social science, especially economics. I also have a guitar course. My
life is really busy, but Ienjoy listening to the music, reading, hiking and hanging out with my friends in my free
time. I like playing skateboard as well. I always go skateboarding in the park next to the museum. When I
graduate, I want to work for a company in this city.
Where was Sebastian born? He was born
A. In Bandung, West Java
B. In Semarang, Central Java
C. In Surabaya, East Java
D. In Bogor, West Java
E. In Jakarta, Jakarta Province
21. Hi, my name is Sebastian Ryan. I was born in Bandung, West Java, but my whole family moved to Jakarta when
I was five. So I grew up there. I graduated from middle school about two years ago and I am currently attending
a high school in my city. I am a junior and I am interested in social science, especially economics. I also have a
guitar course. My life is really busy, but Ienjoy listening to the music, reading, hiking and hanging out with my
friends in my free time. I like playing skateboard as well. I always go skateboarding in the park next to the
museum. When I graduate, I want to work for a company in this city.
Where does Sebastian go skateboarding?
A. near the museum
B. near his father’s company
C. near his house
D. near his school
E. near his quitar school

22. Hi there! Let me introduce myself. My name is Rebbeca Evelyn and I am 15 years old from Queens Town
Singapore. By the way, I really like to read and write, J.K. Rowling is one of my favourites author. I like poetry
and I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with music. I like alternative, rock and pop. Linkin Park and
Coldplay are two of my favourites band. My favourite colour is purple. I have a big family and I love eating. I
am looking to write to anybody. I don’t care where you are from and as long as you are between the ages of
fifteen to twenty one. I tend to write a lot though. So, if you are interested, shoot me an email
here: or you can just send me a message in my box.
Where does Rebbeca come from?
A. Singapore
B. Indonesia
C. Malaysia
D. England
E. Philipine

23. Hi there! Let me introduce myself. My name is Rebbeca Evelyn and I am 15 years old from Queens Town
Singapore. By the way, I really like to read and write, J.K. Rowling is one of my favourites author. I like poetry
and I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with music. I like alternative, rock and pop. Linkin Park and
Coldplay are two of my favourites band. My favourite colour is purple. I have a big family and I love eating.I am
looking to write to anybody. I don’t care where you are from and as long as you are between the ages of fifteen
to twenty one. I tend to write a lot though. So, if you are interested, shoot me an email
here: or you can just send me a message in my box.
Who is her favourite author?
A. J.K. Rowling
B. Stephen King
C. Stephenie Meyer
D. Merry Riana
E. Jackie Collins

24. Surya : Lusi, this is my new friend, his name is Doni. He is a company director.
Lusi : Hi Doni.
Doni : Hello, Lusi ……………..? Nice to meet you.
Lusi : How do you do, Nice to meet you, too.
A. How do you do
B. How are things with you
C. What are you
D. May i help you
E. How are you
25. Hi there! Let me introduce myself. My name is Rebbeca Evelyn and I am 15 years old from Queens Town
Singapore. By the way, I really like to read and write, J.K. Rowling is one of my favourites author. I like poetry
and I have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with music. I like alternative, rock and pop. Linkin Park and
Coldplay are two of my favourites band. My favourite colour is purple. I have a big family and I love eating.I am
looking to write to anybody. I don’t care where you are from and as long as you are between the ages of fifteen
to twenty one. I tend to write a lot though. So, if you are interested, shoot me an email
here: or you can just send me a message in my box.So, if you are interested,
shoot me an email ….” (Paragraph 2) What does the underlined word means…
A. send
B. give
C. throw
D. create
E. reject

26. What is the most proper sentence to complete the conversation below?
Q: ……………………….
A. What are your favorite subjects?
B. I like Math and English.
C. Tell me about yourself!
D. What are your hobbies?
E. Why don’t you like Math and English?

27. That lamp belongs to my aunt and uncle. That lamp is ...
A. Theirs
B. Mine
C. Hers
D. Yours
E. Me

28. I have a city car. The car is …

A. Mine
B. His
C. Yours
D. Hers
E. Him
29. The boots belong to Roy. They are …
A. Yours
B. Mine
C. His
D. Hers
E. You

30. There is a pen under your desk. Is it …?

A. Yours
B. Mine
C. His
D. Hers
E. You

31. I told her my secret, and she told me …

A. Hers
B. Mine
C. His
D. Yours
E. Hers

32. Are those cables the mechanics’? No, they aren’t …

A. Theirs
B. Yours
C. Ours
D. His
E. You

Text 1 is for questions no. 18 — 19

Mr. Ahmad : Good afternoon, sir. May I introduce myself? My name is Ahmad.
The secretary : Please sit down, what can I do for you, sir?
Mr. Ahmad : I want to see Mr Rahmat, the mechanic in the workshop. Is he in today?
The secretary : I am sorry, sir. But Mr Rahmat isn't in today.
Mr Ahmad : I see. Never mind, sir. Goodbye. The secretary: Good bye:

33. The people in the dialogue are talking about ....

A. Mr. Rahmat's attendance
B. a technician of PT AUTOMOBILA
C. a way of greetings
D. Mr Ahmad and the secretary
E. Mr. Rahmat is in today

34. We use the italicized words to express an....

A. introduction oneself
B. greeting
C. advice
D. complaint
E. introductoion others

Text is for questions no 20- 21

Deni : Hello, Ahmad.
Ahmad : Hi, Deni. Nice to see you.
Deni : Nice to see you, too. How are you?
Ahmad : Fine, thank you. And you?
Deni : I am quite well, thanks.
Ahmad : may I introduce my friends? This is Nani. This is Tono and that is is Nana.
Ahmad : How do you do everybody? Glad to meet you.
Nana : How do you do Ahmad? Glad to meet you, too.
Ahmad : Are you all students?
Nani : Yes, we are.
Ahmad : I am sorry, friends. I am in a hurry…
Deni : Oh! Are you? See you again some-time. Goodbye, Ahmad.
Ahmad : Good bye, everybody. Glad to have met you.

35. The italicized expressions above to express....

A. an introduction others
B. an advice
C. an introduction myself
D. a formal greeting
E. a complaint

36. What do Nani, Tono, and Nana answer to Ahmad's expressions.

A. You're welcome
B. How are you?
C. How do you do?
D. What is your name?
E. May I introduce myself?

37. Jack : Rita, ...

Rita : I am delighted to meet you.
Doni : I am delighted to meet you, too.
A. I'd like you to meet my friend, Doni.
B. Doni is my friend
C. Doni wants to meet you
D. Don't you know Doni is my friend
E. Please introduce yourself

38. Surya : Lusi, this is my new friend, his name is Doni. He is a company director.
Lusi : Hi Doni.
Doni : Hello, Lusi_____? Nice to meet you.
Lusi : How do you do, Nice to meet you, too.
A. How do you do
B. How are things with you
C. What are you.
D. May I help you
E. How are you

39. Good morning. I am Handi Suhanda, Please call me Andi. I am an entrepreneur. I live with my family in
Bandung. My phone number is 2948320. I like reading books very much.
The statements above describe....
A. introducing oneself
B. reporting news
C. inviting people
D. introducing other people
E. asking the name

40. X : When you meet people for the first time,what do you usually tell them your- self?
Y : ……
A. How do you do?
B. How are you?
C. How are things with you?
D. Please call me
E. Nice to meet you


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