Letter To Owen County

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Dear Deputy Williamson,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to file a formal complaint against my
ex-husband's mother, Rebecca Lodder, who has falsely accused me of stealing a car
that his family provided to me as a gift. I kindly request your assistance in addressing
this matter and clearing my name of any wrongdoing.

To provide you with some background information, my ex-husband's family generously

gifted me a car and signed the title over to me. However, due to unforeseen
circumstances, I have not yet had the opportunity to complete the transfer of ownership.
I have been diligently working towards completing the necessary paperwork and
ensuring that the title is transferred to my name legally.

Despite this, my ex-husband has made baseless accusations against me, claiming that I
have stolen the car. I believe that these allegations are an attempt to harass and
intimidate me during our separation process. I assure you that I have not engaged in
any illegal activities, and I am committed to resolving this matter lawfully.

I kindly request that the police department conduct a thorough investigation into this
false accusation and provide me with the opportunity to present the necessary
documentation to support my claim of rightful ownership. I have attached copies of the
signed title, as well as any other relevant documents, to this letter for your reference.

I am more than willing to cooperate fully with the investigation and provide any
additional information or evidence that may be required to resolve this matter promptly. I
trust in the professionalism and expertise of the police department to handle this
complaint fairly and impartially.I kindly request that you keep me informed of any
progress made in this investigation and provide me with updates regarding the status of
my complaint. I understand that the police department handles numerous cases, but I
kindly ask for your attention and consideration in this matter, as it is causing significant
distress and inconvenience in my life.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I look forward to a swift resolution
and the opportunity to clear my name of these false accusations. Please do not hesitate
to contact me if you require any further information or if there is anything else I can do to
assist with the investigation.

Yours sincerely,

Kelcie Grigsby

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