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Oil and Enviroment


In our contemporary society, where the urgent need for sustainable energy solutions and the
environmental issues we confront collide, the subject of "oil and environment" is of utmost
relevance. This seminar will examine the complex relationship between oil production, use,
and environmental effects, emphasizing the need to comprehend this relationship for the
survival of our world.

What is Oil?

Oil, often called petroleum, is a fossil fuel made from ancient biological matter, including
plants and small marine animals. Deep under the Earth's crust, oil deposits were created as a
result of the high heat and pressure that these biological compounds experienced over millions
of years. Oil, which is mostly made of hydrocarbons, is now a crucial resource for modern
industrial civilization since it powers transportation, provides energy, and serves as a starting
point for many petrochemical products.

What is the enviroment?

The term "environment" refers to all of the natural resources and processes in our immediate
surroundings, such as the air, water, and land, as well as the wide variety of flora and wildlife.
It stands for the complex web of life that supports all life on Earth. For human well-being, the
preservation of biodiversity, and the long-term viability of ecosystems, a healthy environment
is essential.


The historical growth of oil use has shaped the modern world and had an enormous impact on
the environment. The development of the oil industry and the widespread use of technology
based on oil have had significant negative consequences for the environment. Energy has
been crucial for human living standards throughout history. The invention of the steam engine
in the 18th century marked the transition to an industrial economy, with coal as the preferred
fuel. Industrialization and the need for energy sources increased dramatically during the
Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries. A crucial period in the history of the oil
business was the Pennsylvania Oil Rush in the middle of the 19th century. Oil reserves were
discovered, in particular in the Oil Creek Valley, which resulted in a quick boom in
exploration and drilling. The modern oil business began in 1859 with the construction of the
Drake Well near Titusville. Although the rush resulted in economic expansion, it also had
negative effects on the environment, such as habitat destruction, water pollution, and
deforestation. This incident served as the starting point for the creation of technologies and
methods that shaped the world's oil industry. In the 20th century, environmental concerns and
new technologies led to a shift from coal to oil as the main energy source.


Impact of oil extraction

The various stages of oil extraction, both onshore and offshore, have major negative effects
on the ecosystem.

Onshore Oil Drilling:

Onshore oil drilling is the process of removing oil from deposits that are located on land. It
can have a number of negative effects on the environment, including:
Habitat destruction: the building of pipelines, roads, and drilling infrastructure may result in
deforestation, ecosystem fragmentation, and the loss of wildlife habitats.
Land clearance and the movement of large machinery can result in soil erosion, which can
degrade fertile soil and limit the development of vegetation.
Water pollution: leaks, spills, and inappropriate wastewater disposal can contaminate nearby
water sources, harming aquatic habitats and the quality of groundwater.

Offshore Oil Drilling:

Offshore oil drilling is the process of obtaining oil from deposits under the seabed. It also
affects the environment in the following ways:

Disruption of Marine Ecosystems: Fish, corals, and other marine life may be harmed by
seismic testing, drilling operations, and the release of drilling fluids and cuttings.
Accidental oil spills during drilling or transportation can seriously affect marine ecosystems,
endanger species, wreak havoc on coastal habitats, and have a negative economic impact on
the area.

It is significant to note that different oil extraction methods, spill prevention strategies, and
regulatory frameworks have different effects on the environment. To limit harm to ecosystems
and human health, addressing these impacts calls for strict environmental rules, efficient
monitoring, and the implementation of best practices.

Air pollution and climate change

Because of their high carbon content, fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are
substantial contributors to climate change.
Greenhouse gas emissions are a major contributor to climate change and its consequences.
These gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, causing global warming and climate change.

Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2):

Carbon dioxide is the major greenhouse gas causing man-made climate change. The use of
fossil fuels for energy generation, transportation, and industrial activities contributes
significantly to CO2 emissions.

Methane (CH4) Emissions: Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas with a larger heat-trapping
potential than CO2, although it remains in the atmosphere for a shorter period of time. Natural
gas and petroleum systems, livestock and agricultural practices, and landfills are major
sources of methane emissions.

Emissions of Nitrous Oxide (N2O): Nitrous oxide is another potent greenhouse gas released
mostly by agricultural and industrial operations, as well as the combustion of fossil fuels and
solid waste. It has a longer lifetime in the atmosphere and contributes to both climate change
and ozone depletion.

Additional greenhouse gases:

Industrial processes, refrigeration and air conditioning systems, and electrical equipment
create additional greenhouse gases such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons
(PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). These gases have a strong potential for global

Carbon intensity of fossil fuels

When fossil fuels are used, the quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted per unit of energy
produced is referred to as their carbon intensity. Understanding carbon intensity is critical for
evaluating the environmental impact of various fossil fuels.

Coal is one of the most carbon-intensive fossil fuels due to its high carbon intensity. When
coal is used for energy, substantial amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) are released into the
atmosphere, contributing to climate change.

High Carbon Content: Because coal is mostly made of carbon, it has a high energy content.
However, due to its high carbon content, coal releases more CO2 per unit of energy when
burned than other fossil fuels.

Inefficient Combustion: Coal combustion has less efficiency than that of other fossil fuels,
resulting in higher CO2 emissions. The inefficiency is caused by a variety of factors,
including coal quality, combustion technology, and the presence of contaminants in the coal.

The carbon intensity of coal considerably contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and climate
change. Coal-fired power stations contribute significantly to global CO2 emissions. CO2 and
other pollutants emitted by coal burning lead to air pollution, acid rain, and poor health

Coal's carbon intensity is being reduced through the development and deployment of greener
technologies. These include ultra-supercritical and integrated gasification combined cycle
(IGCC) technologies, as well as carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems for capturing and
storing CO2 emissions.


While oil has a lower carbon intensity than coal, it still contributes significantly to greenhouse
gas emissions and climate change. When oil is burned for energy, carbon dioxide (CO2) is
released into the environment.

Carbon Compounds: Oil includes carbon compounds, and its combustion produces CO2. Oil
has a lower carbon intensity than coal, yet it still contributes to global carbon emissions and
climate change.

Extraction and processing: Oil's carbon intensity goes beyond combustion. Oil production
activities such as extraction, refining, and transportation can all contribute to greenhouse gas
emissions. Energy consumption during extraction, methane leakage, and the energy-intensive
refining operations all contribute to these emissions.

Life Cycle Assessment: Examining the entire life cycle of oil, including extraction, refining,
transportation, and combustion, provides a complete picture of its carbon intensity. Life cycle
assessment studies measure the greenhouse gas emissions related to oil production and use,
revealing information about the overall environmental impact.

Improving extraction techniques, introducing cleaner refining processes, and encouraging

energy efficiency in transportation are all efforts to reduce the carbon intensity of oil.
Furthermore, shifting to alternate energy sources and developing renewable energy
technologies can help reduce dependency on oil and the emissions associated with it.

Natural gas:

Natural gas has a lower carbon intensity than coal and oil, making it a cleaner fossil fuel in
terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Natural gas emits carbon dioxide (CO2) into the
atmosphere when it is used for energy.

Lower Carbon Content: Compared to coal and oil, natural gas is mostly composed of methane
(CH4), which has a lower carbon-to-hydrogen ratio. When natural gas is used, the lower
carbon content results in fewer CO2 emissions per unit of energy.

Natural gas combustion is relatively efficient, allowing for more complete combustion and
reduced CO2 emissions as compared to other fossil fuels. This improved combustion
efficiency contributes to natural gas's lower carbon intensity.

Methane Leakage: Although natural gas combustion produces less CO2, methane leakage
might be a problem. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, and any uncontrolled leaks during
natural gas extraction, processing, and transportation can cancel out the benefits of lower
carbon intensity.

While natural gas has a lower carbon intensity than coal, efforts to limit methane leaks and
promote ethical production practices are critical to optimizing its environmental benefits.
Transitioning to greener, renewable energy sources remains critical for achieving significant
carbon reductions. Renewable energy methods like solar, wind, and hydropower emit very
little or no carbon dioxide during operation.

Significant environmental challenges linked with oil production, transportation, and use
include water pollution, oil spills, land deterioration, and oil contamination. These
catastrophes can have catastrophic consequences for ecosystems, wildlife, and human health.

Water Pollution: Oil extraction and transportation activities can pollute water in a variety of
ways. Accidental spills, pipeline leaks, and inappropriate waste disposal can all bring oil and
harmful chemicals into bodies of water, contaminating the aquatic environment and
endangering marine life and ecosystems.

Oil Spills: Oil spills happen when substantial amounts of oil are spilled into the environment,
usually as a result of an accident involving tankers, offshore platforms, or pipelines. These
spills have serious ecological and economic consequences, destroying habitats, killing marine
species, and negatively impacting coastal populations and industry.

Land Degradation: Oil extraction activities can degrade land and destroy habitat. Construction
of oil infrastructure, such as drilling sites and access roads, causes deforestation, soil erosion,
and ecosystem damage. This has the potential to reduce biodiversity and environmental

Oil spills and leaks can contaminate soil and groundwater, causing long-term environmental
damage. Oil molecules' persistence can have an impact on soil fertility, impede plant growth,
and taint water supplies, creating concerns to human health and agricultural output.

Biggest oil accidents:

Oil spills and accidents have caused substantial environmental harm, resulting in the
extinction of creatures and ecosystems.

The Deepwater Horizon oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 was one of the largest and
most damaging oil spills in history. It happened when an explosion on an offshore drilling
platform released millions of barrels of oil into the sea. The leak caused significant harm to
marine life, habitats, and coastal populations.

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (1989): The Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska's Prince William Sound
entailed the grounding of an oil tanker, resulting in the release of almost 11 million gallons of
crude oil. This leak had serious implications for the region's fauna, particularly sea otters,
seals, and birds, with estimates of hundreds of thousands of animal deaths.

Ixtoc I Oil Spill (1979): The Ixtoc I oil spill in the Bay of Campeche off the coast of Mexico
was one of the largest in history. A rupture at an exploration well resulted in the spill of
around 140 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The spill had a substantial impact
on marine life, birds, and coastal ecosystems in the region.

These oil spillages resulted in the loss of wildlife on a large scale, including birds, fish,
marine mammals, and other aquatic organisms. The exact number of wildlife casualties is
challenging to determine precisely due to various factors and the complexity of ecosystems


Environmental rules and policies are critical to reducing the environmental impact of oil
extraction, transportation, and consumption. Emission standards, clean-up measures, and
other laws aimed at decreasing pollution and supporting sustainable energy practices are
included in these measures.

Emission Standards: Environmental rules require the oil sector to meet emission standards in
order to control air pollutants such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and
particulate matter. These regulations aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while
simultaneously reducing air pollution and associated health hazards. The European
Commission submitted a legislative proposal on February 14, 2023, to modify Regulation
(EU) 2019/1242, which establishes CO2 emission criteria for new heavy-duty vehicles in the
EU. The proposed change would broaden the regulation's reach to cover urban buses, coaches,
trailers, and other types of trucks. The average CO2 emissions of heavy-duty vehicles would
have to be reduced by 45% by 2030, 65% by 2035, and 90% by 2040, compared to 2019
levels. The plan establishes CO2 requirements for new trailers and aims for all newly
registered urban buses to be zero-emission vehicles by 2030.

Emission restrictions have contributed to better air quality by reducing dangerous emissions.
However, there is continuous discussion about the sufficiency of these standards and the
necessity for stricter laws to address climate change and other environmental concerns.

Clean-up Procedures: Oil firms are required by law to have spill prevention and response
strategies in place, as well as procedures for clean-up and remediation in the event of an oil
spill or accident. These techniques are intended to reduce the environmental harm caused by
spills while also facilitating timely and successful cleanup operations.

Evaluation: As technology and emergency response skills have advanced, cleanup measures
have improved over time. Clean-up efforts, however, might vary in efficiency depending on
the size of the spill, environmental circumstances, and the availability of resources. To
improve response capabilities, continued research and development of innovative clean-up
solutions are required.

Environmental rules and policies have implications for sustainable energy practices by
encouraging the use of cleaner and renewable energy sources. Incentives, subsidies, and
regulatory frameworks help to advance renewable energy technology, energy efficiency
measures, and the transition away from fossil fuels.

Environmental regulations have played an important role in accelerating the spread of

renewable energy sources and encouraging sustainable energy practices. However, the rate of
transition to cleaner alternatives differs by country, and issues remain in balancing energy
demands, economic considerations, and legislative frameworks in order to accelerate the
transition to sustainable energy systems.

It is critical to examine and amend environmental legislation on a regular basis in order to

keep up with growing scientific knowledge, technological breakthroughs, and sustainability
goals. The efficiency of these policies is dependent on strong enforcement, monitoring, and
stakeholder engagement to assure compliance and build a more sustainable energy future.

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES – advantages and challenges

Transitioning to renewable and sustainable energy sources is critical for fighting climate
change, reducing dependency on fossil fuels, and creating a cleaner, more sustainable future.
Alternative energy sources provide a variety of choices for generating electricity while
minimizing environmental impact.
Solar energy:

Solar energy is captured from the sun using photovoltaic (PV) panels or concentrated solar
power (CSP) devices. Solar energy is abundant, renewable, and produces no greenhouse gases
while in use. It can be used at a variety of scales, ranging from individual residences to large-
scale solar farms.

Advantages: Solar energy is a clean and abundant resource, and lowering costs and
technological developments are making it more affordable. It has the potential to increase
energy independence, lower carbon emissions, and contribute to decentralized energy

Challenges: Because solar power is intermittent, energy storage solutions are required to
maintain a reliable and constant electricity supply. Solar panel manufacturing requires the use
of resources with possible environmental and social consequences, such as rare minerals and
manufacturing techniques.

Wind energy:

Wind energy is generated by wind turbines, which transform wind power into electricity.
Wind energy is clean, abundant, and produces no greenhouse gases while in use. Onshore and
offshore wind farms are increasingly being used to generate utility-scale electricity.

Advantages: Wind energy is an established technology with tremendous growth potential. It

provides a cost-effective and scalable solution, as well as a sustainable energy source and
work possibilities.

Challenges: The intermittent nature of wind resources, as well as the requirement for
favorable wind conditions, limit their ability to generate constant electricity. Proper location,
environmental impact analysis, and community involvement are critical for successful wind
energy projects.

Hydroelectric power:

Hydroelectric power generates electricity by harnessing the energy of moving or falling water.
It is a mature technique that is commonly used in large dams as well as small-scale run-of-
river systems.

Advantages: Hydroelectric power is a dependable and versatile energy source with a long
lifespan. It provides benefits such as renewable energy generation, flood control, and water

Challenges: Large-scale hydroelectric projects can have major environmental and social
consequences, including community dislocation and ecosystem disruption. Sustainable
hydropower development requires proper evaluation, environmental mitigation, and
stakeholder participation.

Biofuels are made from organic materials such as crops, agricultural waste, or algae. They can
be used to replace traditional petroleum-based fuels in transportation and other industries.

Advantages: When compared to fossil fuels, biofuels provide a renewable energy source that
helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They can make use of current infrastructure while
also allowing for agricultural diversification.

Challenges: Producing biofuels necessitates careful consideration of land use, potential

competition with food crops, and sustainable biomass feedstock sourcing. It is critical to
ensure sustainable practices while avoiding harmful environmental and social consequences.

Alternative energy sources must be adopted in order to achieve sustainable development and
battle climate change. Each option has its own set of pros and cons, necessitating careful
planning, technological developments, supportive regulations, and public acceptance.


Exploring possible future developments in the oil and energy industries provides a feasible
path toward a more sustainable energy landscape. Emerging technology, regulations, and
practices are influencing how we generate, distribute, and consume energy. Individual,
business, and government actions all contribute significantly to constructive transformation.

Expansion of Renewable Energy Sources: Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and
hydropower are likely to play an important role in the future energy mix. Falling costs,
technical breakthroughs, and supportive legislation are making them more widely available.

Advances in Energy Storage Technologies: Advances in energy storage technologies, such as

batteries and hydrogen storage, are critical for dealing with the intermittent nature of
renewable energy sources. These advancements allow for more efficient energy storage and
consumption, boosting infrastructure stability and reliability.

Electrification of Transportation: Electrification of transportation through the use of electric

vehicles (EVs) has the potential to considerably cut carbon emissions from the transportation
sector. Expansion of EV charging infrastructure and supportive legislation will be critical in
hastening this changeover.

Energy Efficiency Measures: Improving energy efficiency in a variety of sectors, such as

buildings, industry, and transportation, is crucial for reducing energy demand and lowering
greenhouse gas emissions. Energy conservation is aided by advancements in building design,
appliance efficiency, and industrial operations.

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS): CCUS technologies seek to capture carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions from power plants and industrial sites, after which they are stored or
used in other processes. These technologies have the potential to dramatically cut CO2
emissions while also assisting in the decarbonization of energy-intensive industries.

Sustainable Policies and Regulations: Governments around the world are putting policies and
regulations in place to help with the transition to sustainable energy systems. Carbon pricing
mechanisms, renewable energy targets, and tighter emission requirements are examples of
how to promote an enabling environment for sustainable energy development.
Businesses and individuals may play an important role by investing in clean technologies,
adopting sustainable practices, and setting aggressive emission reduction objectives.
Individuals can also help by conserving energy, using renewable energy, and supporting
sustainable products and services.

We can reach a more sustainable energy environment that mitigates climate change, decreases
reliance on fossil fuels, and secures a cleaner and healthier future for future generations by
embracing these future advancements and working together.


We examined the history of oil use, the environmental effects of oil production, and the
disastrous effects of oil spills on water and land ecosystems. We also investigated the carbon
intensity of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, as well as their role in climate
change. We also talked about the importance of alternative energy sources, including solar,
wind, hydroelectric power, and biofuels, in driving sustainable energy practices. Without a
doubt, understanding how oil interacts with the environment and the implications that result is
critical. It enables us to make informed decisions, establish policies, and execute effective
environmental protection and sustainability measures.

Understanding the effects of oil extraction allows us to prioritize the development and
adoption of cleaner and renewable energy sources, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and
progressing toward a greener future.

It is critical that we emphasize sustainable energy options in the future. The urgency of
addressing climate change and protecting our planet requires a rapid shift to renewable and
sustainable energy systems. Governments, businesses, and individuals all play a role in
bringing about constructive change. Policy frameworks that encourage the deployment of
renewable energy, investments in clean technology, energy efficiency measures, and
widespread acceptance of sustainable habits are critical.

Finally, environmental preservation and climate change mitigation necessitate a societal

commitment to embracing sustainable energy alternatives. We can create a greener, more
sustainable future for future generations by prioritizing renewable energy sources, lowering
our dependency on fossil fuels, and adopting responsible practices. Our activities now will
affect our planet's well-being and the quality of life for future generations.



Contemporary – suvremeno
Utmost – najviši

Emphasizing - naglašavajući

Hydrocarbons - ugljikovodici

Serves - služi

Flora – biljni svijet, flora

Viability – održivost

Deforestation – krčenje šuma

Fragmentation - fragmentacija

Degrade – degradirati, umanjiti vrijednost

aquatic habitats – vodena staništa

seabed – morsko dno

wreak havoc – opustošiti, poharati

livestock – živad

nitrous oxide – dušikov oksid

depletion – trošenje

acid rain – kisela kiša

beyond – iznad

leakage – curenje

land deterioration – propadanje zemlje

impede - ometati

taint – uprljati, zagaditi

legislative – zakonodavna

broaden – proširiti

incentive – poticaj

subsidies – potpora, subvencija

amend – poboljšati

stakeholder – udioničar, osoba koja posjeduje udio u nečemu

compliance – usklađenost

photovoltaic panels – fotonaponski paneli

abundant – obilan

residence – prebivalište
intermittent – isprekidan

utility-scale – skala korisnosti

dams - pregrade

crops - usjevi

feasible – izvediv, moguć

haste – žurba, žuriti

reliance – pouzdanje, oslonac

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